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<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-07jul-01_awaken-the-various-components-of-enlightenment-in-you-inner-awakening-program" />
<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2012-07jul-01_awaken-the-various-components-of-enlightenment-in-you-inner-awakening-program" />
== Transcript ==
Enlightenment has various components, beautiful healed relationships. This whole program is designed to reproduce the various components of Enlightenment in you. First two days, we are going to work on your seven energy centers; four we will work, sorry, five we will work today and tomorrow, after that, and two chakras we will working for four days. So first we are going to work on your seven energy centers. I call these energy centers as thought current centers.
Please understand, each one of these energy center is certain thought current in you, you have a seven thought currents in you. One: First and foremost lust based, greed. Second: fear based. Third: Confusion based, delusion. Fourth: Attention need based, asking for others reward and attention. Fifth: Kind of a not enough, how much ever I am, I am not enough, that low energy, that based, you have a thought trend and sixth: Ego based: “ Do you know who am I ? If I know, I will not tell you.“ Everybody carries that: ”Do you know who am I?”
And thought, the Ego based thought trend, thought current. Seventh is discontentment based. So there are seven major thought currents. I can say seven major samskara patterns. The word “samskara” means: engraved memory. Please understand, I’ll be using some of the technical terms in these 21 days, but I’ll never miss giving translation to you. I’ll translate every technical term I use. Samskara means: engraved memory. For example: every morning seven o’ clock if you’re habituated for coffee, morning seven o’clock you don't need to see at the clock, inside it rings: “Coffee``, that is samskara.
If the samskara becomes more deeper, it becomes mental disorder, I call that as muscle memory. If it becomes deeper, it becomes physical disorder, I call that bio memory. Please understand, I will give you example: once in a while with your colleagues, engram, muscle memory, biomemory. See once in a while with your colleagues, friends, if you smoke, we can call that as engram. Once in a while, when you smoke, it’s not a big problem. You enjoy, it’s okay, it is a engram.
Slowly, slowly that becomes strong pattern in you, if you don't smoke you can’t handle your stress. It becomes a, your mind becomes dependent, your mind is addicted, you can't be mentally relaxed, settled if you don't smoke. When you reach that level, it is called muscle memory. If you reach a level, physically smoking has become a disease, like a cancer or some other disease, physically, it has become a suffering, it is called biomemory.
How engram becomes muscle memory and biomemory, it’s like a water becoming ice, ice remaining as ice for years and years and years and becoming Spatika, ice stone. If the water is not flowing, if it is frozen, it becomes ice. If the ice is not, ah, not melted, for hundreds of years, it becomes ice stone. We call in sanskrit Spatika, ice stone. The stone minerals mixes with the ice and it never melts for hundreds of years and it becomes ice stone.
So please understand, water becoming ice, ice becoming ice stone, same way engrams become muscle memory, muscle memory becomes biomemory. Samskaras, engrams originate basically conditioning and your personal experience. Engrams generate thoughts and belief systems you carry, with which you run your life.
I can give you one example, when you were a child your mother will tell you: ”Don’t go in the rain, you will catch cold.” That time your lungs’ system may not be able to handle that cold, but now after fifty years, you still carry that pattern, that engram. You don't even need to go in the rain if you just see raining (Swamiji sneezing). Now your lungs’ capacity is different, now your ability is different, but pattern is same.
Most of your conditionings, most of your beliefs about yourself, generate, come out of your conditioning, the samskaras, engrams. One of the important thing, that is why I put this part, as a first part of this whole program. First thing I am going to do is to deprogramme, decondition your whole system and liberate you from millions of patterns and conditionings, so that you can start experiencing connection with the higher power exists in you, the higher power which is there in all of you, you may call it God, Self, Soul, whatever name you want to, but connecting with that higher power and expanding your Consciousness.
When your life is lived with a lot of conditionings and restrictions, the suffering, the torture, you go through, the suffering and torture you experience takes away the whole joy of existing. I tell you, knowing the joy of existing, knowing the joy of existence, your very existence, is the essence of life, that is the essence of life.
So in these 21 days, I liberate you from the various conditionings, whether it is the engram level, muscle memory level or biomemory level, to free you from those conditionings, help you feel the joy of existence, the joy of life.

Revision as of 02:14, 15 September 2020


Awaken The Various Components Of Enlightenment In You

Link to Video

'Introduction to Inner Awakening || 01 July 2012'
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam gives a detailed note on what is Inner #Awakening and why people need to attend Inner Awakening . This is a video excerpt from the Inner Awakening program conducted on 01 July 2012 , in Kodaikkanal, Tamilnadu .Here , HDH also insist on the depth of the program , it deals with the level of DNA itself.

audio: Introduction to Inner Awakening || 01 July 2012


'Awaken The Various Components Of Enlightenment In You || Inner Awakening Program || 01 July 2012'

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam gives a detailed note on the various components of #Enlightenment . This is a video excerpt from the Inner #Awakening program conducted on 01 July 2012 , in Kodaikkanal, Tamilnadu .Here , HDH also insist the Engram and Biomemory and how they are related to our daily Life. 

audio: Awaken The Various Components Of Enlightenment In You || Inner Awakening Program || 01 July 2012


(00:14) Enlightenment has various components, beautiful healed relationships. This whole program is designed to reproduce the various components of Enlightenment in you. First two days, we are going to work on your seven energy centers; four we will work, sorry, five we will work today and tomorrow, after that, and two chakras we will working for four days. So first we are going to work on your seven energy centers. I call these energy centers as thought current centers. (01:37) Please understand, each one of these energy center is certain thought current in you, you have a seven thought currents in you. One: First and foremost lust based, greed. Second: fear based. Third: Confusion based, delusion. Fourth: Attention need based, asking for others reward and attention. Fifth: Kind of a not enough, how much ever I am, I am not enough, that low energy, that based, you have a thought trend and sixth: Ego based: “ Do you know who am I ? If I know, I will not tell you.“ Everybody carries that: ”Do you know who am I?” (03:02) And thought, the Ego based thought trend, thought current. Seventh is discontentment based. So there are seven major thought currents. I can say seven major samskara patterns. The word “samskara” means: engraved memory. Please understand, I’ll be using some of the technical terms in these 21 days, but I’ll never miss giving translation to you. I’ll translate every technical term I use. Samskara means: engraved memory. For example: every morning seven o’ clock if you’re habituated for coffee, morning seven o’clock you don't need to see at the clock, inside it rings: “Coffee``, that is samskara. (04:32) If the samskara becomes more deeper, it becomes mental disorder, I call that as muscle memory. If it becomes deeper, it becomes physical disorder, I call that bio memory. Please understand, I will give you example: once in a while with your colleagues, engram, muscle memory, biomemory. See once in a while with your colleagues, friends, if you smoke, we can call that as engram. Once in a while, when you smoke, it’s not a big problem. You enjoy, it’s okay, it is a engram. (5:28) Slowly, slowly that becomes strong pattern in you, if you don't smoke you can’t handle your stress. It becomes a, your mind becomes dependent, your mind is addicted, you can't be mentally relaxed, settled if you don't smoke. When you reach that level, it is called muscle memory. If you reach a level, physically smoking has become a disease, like a cancer or some other disease, physically, it has become a suffering, it is called biomemory. (06:26) How engram becomes muscle memory and biomemory, it’s like a water becoming ice, ice remaining as ice for years and years and years and becoming Spatika, ice stone. If the water is not flowing, if it is frozen, it becomes ice. If the ice is not, ah, not melted, for hundreds of years, it becomes ice stone. We call in sanskrit Spatika, ice stone. The stone minerals mixes with the ice and it never melts for hundreds of years and it becomes ice stone. (07:18) So please understand, water becoming ice, ice becoming ice stone, same way engrams become muscle memory, muscle memory becomes biomemory. Samskaras, engrams originate basically conditioning and your personal experience. Engrams generate thoughts and belief systems you carry, with which you run your life. (08:04) I can give you one example, when you were a child your mother will tell you: ”Don’t go in the rain, you will catch cold.” That time your lungs’ system may not be able to handle that cold, but now after fifty years, you still carry that pattern, that engram. You don't even need to go in the rain if you just see raining (Swamiji sneezing). Now your lungs’ capacity is different, now your ability is different, but pattern is same. (08:53) Most of your conditionings, most of your beliefs about yourself, generate, come out of your conditioning, the samskaras, engrams. One of the important thing, that is why I put this part, as a first part of this whole program. First thing I am going to do is to deprogramme, decondition your whole system and liberate you from millions of patterns and conditionings, so that you can start experiencing connection with the higher power exists in you, the higher power which is there in all of you, you may call it God, Self, Soul, whatever name you want to, but connecting with that higher power and expanding your Consciousness.

(10:38) When your life is lived with a lot of conditionings and restrictions, the suffering, the torture, you go through, the suffering and torture you experience takes away the whole joy of existing. I tell you, knowing the joy of existing, knowing the joy of existence, your very existence, is the essence of life, that is the essence of life. (11:42) So in these 21 days, I liberate you from the various conditionings, whether it is the engram level, muscle memory level or biomemory level, to free you from those conditionings, help you feel the joy of existence, the joy of life.


Continuing to grow

Video - Continuing to grow


Continuing to grow


Expanding In All Dimensions

Video - Expanding In All Dimensions


Expanding In All Dimensions


Retaining joy in your life

Video - Retaining joy in your life


Retaining joy in your life


Stopping indulging in your weaknesses

Video - Stopping indulging in your weaknesses


Stopping indulging in your weaknesses


Teaching swadharma to your children

Video - Teaching swadharma to your children


Teaching swadharma to your children


Understanding Your Desires

Video - Understanding Your Desires


Understanding Your Desires


Using imagination

Video - Using imagination


Using imagination

Photos From The Day:

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Sakshi Pramana:

Sharing from Inner Awakening