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Mind Over Matter Patanjali Yoga Sutra 151

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Initiation my main Contribution

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Upanishad Under the Banyan Tree

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Prayer. Welcome. San Jose is going to receive one of the powerful and undoubtable experiences. Yesterday Devi told me she will send me her original nose ring 2000 years old! San Jose please collect it and keep it safely. We will scientifically we will prove it. Actually to send Vibhooti, Kumkum and to heal people is a very easy job than using the right words to inspire your brain and mind to get awakened and achieve enlightenment. Now thejob I am doing becos it is so physical. But it is not. It is very easy for me. Just now message is coming – Lancaster centre has received Kumkum just now. These things all come under Srishti sthithi samhara and tirobhava – creating, maintainenence, destruction and putting into illusion. So this materialization comes under creation. That is not difficult. But to inspire individuals who are in delusion is the most difficult job. Because you are not ready to listen. Just now one devotee who did Paada Puja asked for enlightenment. I actually opened my eyes and said come one let him have it. immediately his inner being said no – not that much! Somehow your being by its very inbuilt tendency neither can renounce the idea of enlightenment not can get into it happily! So each soul needs to be individually inspired. You may thinking why people are rolling just when he blows or opens his eyes and looks. Actually your identity your individual ego possesses your body at one point – either manipuraka, anahata or one chakra. When your kundalini is awakened your energy starts happening in many points – finger tips, hair, knees, etc. so the whole body becomes alive – independently intelligent. That is why the healing happens. if you have problem in liver for example, then when its independent intelligenc is awakened, it does not wait for brain or other parts to help. It independently declares that is getting healed. That is why so much of healing happens along with this kundalini awakening. Not only that just for no reason there will be so much joy almost like a bliss intoxication. I am not doing anything. You are not given any substance. That is why the whole body just lifts off the ground and rolls and you know just one thing – it is blissful. Your skin will become independently intelligent. It will start shining, radiating. Each time you levitate, it is equivalent to one energy darshan! Understand it is one energy darshan! That is why so much of response is happening in the body. it is like Patanjali is aadi sesha – 1000 hooded snake. He is snake filled with nectar not poison. That is why Vishnu sleeps in his lap. Aadi sesha is the snake filled with nectar. That is why Patanjali who is a snake filled with nectar is teaching you about health. For the physical health he gives yoga, verbal health – paanini maha bhashya, mental health and health of consciousness – yoga sutras, to get rid of diseases – aayurveda. He is snake filled with nectar. That is why when he blows all the kundalini snakes in your body get awakened and you have the sweet taste in the throat! If you drink the milk poured on the Ananda Lingam little bit, you will have the same sweetness that you will have when your kundalini is awakened. Today in the Abhishekam when they started pouring different things like turmeric, milk, curd. It you caught the water mixed with all these things it may not stay for long. If you caught only milk in your bottle, the milk will stay fresh for 15 days. We have checked it and it stays for at least 15 days. Today’s subject is mind over matter! 151ST Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 45th verse - Sthoola swaroopa sookshma anvaya arthavathva samyamaat bhoota jayaha Vivekenanda: thru sam on the gross and fine forms of elements the essential straights the inherence of gunas in them and their contributing of the exp of the soul comes mastery of elements Prabhavananda: by making samyama on the gross and sublte forms of elements and their essent charac and the inherence of gunas in them and the exp they prove for an ind one gain master over elements Satchitananda: by sam on gross and sub elements and their essential nature, correlation and purpose mastery over them is gained Osho : by perf samyama on the gross sublte and all pervading state brings mastery over the pancha bhootas the 5 elements I really feel happy when the extraordinary powers like materialization and teleportation expressed thru me. not out of arrogance. My teachers showed me all these things and it was so exciting for me. Some of my disciples have this feeling that they are not levitating. I had the same feeling for 2-3 years when I was with my masters. But they kept my inspiration alive The power of word is till you create your own words stronger than words, that’s all. If I inspire you for enlightenment talking for 5 hours, you can create a better and stronger logic not to have it and the whole thing is gone in 5 minutes. So I always felt that I should keep the inspiration for my disciples. I need to keep them inspired and make them continue the practice till the break happens. my mentors were so compassionate, loving and caring they did not bother to express some of these powers they are like a candy for inspiration for your brain, for your logic. All siddhas are brain candy for your brain and logic. You may think if all this is happening then whatever Swamiji is speaking is true. I really used to feel – there will not be a single day when something extraordinary had not happened in my life when I lived with Raghupati Yogi and Kuppammal. Otherwise I am a normal school boy and he will say do Surya Namaskar. I will ask how many times. He will say from sun rise to sunset do it. They kept me alive with some inspiration and they made me do it. I always felt that dimension of support I am not able to give to my disciples. If that support can be given, then they will do whatever I tell them to do. The problem is the inspiration. Now when all this started expressing, I am really feeling that dimension, support. It is a support for you. nothing else! Instead of teleporting kumkum or vibhooti I can give you directly in yoru hand that’s all. But this will give you inspiration. So that more and more people live responsible spiritual life, responsible enlightened life. Today I was about to do a certain materialization. Yesterday I had a vision. When Ellamalla sidhar – Shiva once came down just causally walking on the streets. We were sitting and discussing in the room and discussing. Suddenly I felt he landed on the earth. I said they have raised the flag in Madhurai just now, check. Exactly it happened! so once when he came down, he started playing games – he will look at old people and blow and they will become young suddenly! When he blows on a beggar, suddenly that beggar becomes a king! The information reached the king. The king sent his ministers to get that siddhar to the court. When they came, the siddhar said I don’t want to come. The king himself came to see then. In one corner of the temple near Garbha mandir the siddhar was sitting. The king arrogantly spoke to him and said if you can feed a sugarcane to this stone elephant and it can eat I will believe you are sundareshwara – shiva himself. The siddhar just looked at the elephant and that elephant just ate the sugar cane and he also pulled the pearl necklace of the king and swallowed it! the king got frightened. He fell at the feet of the siddhar and said please pacify this elephant. Siddhar forgave the king, the elephant cooled down and siddhar gave back the swallowed pearl necklace back to the king. That necklace was a traditional necklace given to the king’s family by Meenakshi herself. So because it is a hereditary necklace and royal symbol of Madhurai kingdom the king got it back and was relieved. Yesterday I had a vision that we will have powerful teleportation. Whoever left because they did not have the mystery support, will again feel supported, come back and progress! If somebody has left by me not doing my full job, I am giving full chance to all of them. I will give them the mystery support also now. Let us enter into this sutra. This sutra talks about making yourself in tune with Pancha bhootas and controlling pancha bhootas and going beyond pancha bhootas. 3 steps. 1st feeling connected means falling in tune with pancha bhootas. Then controlling the pancha bhootas. Then going beyond the pancha bhootas – getting enlightened. It is too vast and big subject like a step by step you may need to do 11 samyamas. Let me describe. Perfomraing samyama on gross level, subtle level, all pervading level, functional level, in the gross level – constantly and changing, in the subtle level – ccosntantly and changing, in all pervading level – constantly and changing, in the functional level – constantly and changing. On each of these you need to get mastery. I will give you some of the basic understandings just to put it on record. None of you will be abel to even practice this. but I want it to be on record. pancha bhootas is 5 elements – earth, water, fire, air and space. The air constant level means just the air. Changing level means 80% of it will be air and remaining 20% will be some other element. The cyclone is just not air. When heat, water or fire or space – some other elements becomes part of that air only then it becomes a cyclone. At some part maybe the temperature goes down and the vacuum happens and air rushes to that spot that is what is cyclone. Same way earthquake. When earth is constant it is just earth. But when the water, or fire or space is included and the earth moves it is earthquake. So the samyama on constant dimension of pancha bhoota and changing dimension of pancha bhootas and all pervading dimension of pancha bhootas – that samyama making you feel connected or fall in tune with 5 elements will make you control the elements, and go beyond the elements and get enlightened. Maybe I will give you some more detailed steps in the next satsang. As on now this much understanding is enough. Blessings!

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