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|| nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām
|| nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari parāshakti madhyamām |
nithyānandeśvari parāshakti madhyamām |
asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
(01:01) </br>
(01:01) <br>
I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the living and practising Hindus from all over the world and all the Sarvajnapeetha Kartas, Yajamans, manifestors, Sarvaparityagis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotari, Thanedar, visitors, viewers, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Kailasa’s e-Gurukul students, Kailasa’s NHU students, everyone I welcome all of you with My love and respects.
I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the living and practising Hindus from all over the world and all the Sarvajnapeetha Kartas, Yajamans, manifestors, Sarvaparityagis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotari, Thanedar, visitors, viewers, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Kailasa’s e-Gurukul students, Kailasa’s NHU students, everyone I welcome all of you with My love and respects.
(01:52) </br>
(01:52) </br>

Revision as of 09:29, 7 September 2020


How Cosmic Logic Relates To Binary Logic (WARNING: This Understanding Could Liberate You!)

Link to Video:


|| nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāshakti madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām || (01:01)
I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the living and practising Hindus from all over the world and all the Sarvajnapeetha Kartas, Yajamans, manifestors, Sarvaparityagis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotari, Thanedar, visitors, viewers, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Kailasa’s e-Gurukul students, Kailasa’s NHU students, everyone I welcome all of you with My love and respects. (01:52)
[Nithyananda Purnima Utsavam - Welcoming Swamiji] (Nithyanandam. In the year 1978, the Pingalanama Samvatsara of the Hindu calendar, when Paramashiva descended from Kailasa and graced the humanity in the form of His Divine Holiness Swamiji. He performed the Leela of meditating on the Pavazha Kundru in Tiruvannamalai and effortlessly manifesting the Nirvikalpa Samadhi and the 360 degree vision through the body He had assumed for this Avatara. Swamiji did this Leela when He was 12 years old during the evening time just after the sunset of Vrushabha Masa Purnima, the Vaikasi Pournami. This divine Leela of Paramashiva is celebrated as the Nithyananda Purnima Brahmotsavam every year which culminates on the Nithyananda Purnima day on Vaikasi Pournami. This year Sharvari Samvatsara, the Nithyananda Purnima Brahmotsavam starts tomorrow on 27th May Indian Standard Time with the Dwajarohanam between 09:05 AM and 09:25 AM, the Mithuna Lagnam. On this auspicious occasion, today all the Sarvajnapeethas and the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devasthanas across the globe are offering the sacred Mandaka Padi offering at the feet of His Divine Holiness Swamiji and inviting His Divine Holiness Swamiji for His grace, blessings to be showered on the whole cosmos during this Nithyananda Purnima Brahmotsavam. We, all the Sarvajnapeethas across the globe offer our Dandavat Pranamas with love and deep respect at the feet of His Divine Holiness Swamiji and offer this Mandaka Padi today.) (13:22)
Listen, Paramashiva’s message directly from Kailasa today revealing the secret treasures through Sarvajnanottara Agama, Paramashiva’s response to Subramanya. Subramanya asks some questions to Paramashiva about the nature of Pashu and Pasha. He never questions about the Pati. He only asks, “How can I experience more Pati?” You need to know this beautiful verse. I will recite from Sarvajnanottara Agama.

I will read the translation: “How the essential nature of Pati, who being established in the specific state of authority, performs the five fold cosmic function, could be known? How the essential nature of Lord Shiva is above and free from the specific state of authority has been explained?” (15:34)
Understand, he is not questioning the authority of the Paramashiva. He is only asking how the binary logic and cosmic logic is made to coexist together. Understand; listen, if you understand how the binary logic of the universe you are experiencing and multidimensional logic of the cosmos happening, how this two are fitting, like how the gears and gearboxes get clutched, and the power is transmitted, and how and when they get unclutched when it is not needed to be transmitted. He is only asking about the functionality of Cosmic logic empowering binary logic. Understand, he is not questioning the authority of Pati. He is not doubting the powerful existence of the Cosmic logic. He is only asking, “How it is happening? Explain to me”. (17:30)
Now I will tell you. Understand, if you know how binary logic, under which you are all caught, is empowered by Cosmic logic, and where Cosmic logic empowers binary logic, where Cosmic logic keeps itself away from binary logic, and where cosmic logic is above the perception of binary logic. It is like how Cosmic logic creates binary logic, where it sustains binary logic, where it destroys binary logic, where it puts the binary logic into delusion and where it lifts the binary logic and liberates you, liberates it, that's it. You are all small small small gears of binary logic. Parameshwara, Paramashiva is the large cosmic logic wheel. When that cosmic logic wheel touches your gear, and empowers you, awakens you, triggers you; and when it withdraws, when you triggered by Paramashiva, empowered by Paramashiva starts deluding you have your own individual Supernal Effulgence and get deluded; and when you realise the power is from Cosmic logic not from individual binary logic, and rest back in Samadhi. This whole flow is Shiva Jnana, this whole flow is the Paramashiva Jnana. (20:27)
Listen, anyone understands this whole flow is liberated immediately. Liberation happens by understanding of this simple knowledge. It is too simple, that is the most beautiful thing. It is too simple. See, understand how the car functions. Any automobile, there will be a shaft through which power is transmitted into the gearbox and different gears are there, which is connected to the wheel, which actually moves the vehicle. Those gears come and get connected to the power gear. So understand the power gear is the cosmic logic, “Paramashiva”, “Parameshwara”. (21:38)
When that gear is rotating, this each gears which empowers the wheel, sometimes only the front two wheels are powered, sometimes all four wheels are powered. This gears which connected to the wheels, come and get connected to the power gear and move the vehicle. When the vehicle need not be moved or the speed need to be increased means the gear need to be changed, this gear which is connected to power gear, moves out; either the other gear comes and gets clutched or if the vehicle need to stop, no gear comes and the whole vehicle just stops. (22:37)
Understand this principle, the power gear, the source power gear is, “Parameshwara”, “Paramashiva”. The individual gears which comes and gets connected is, “Individual soul”, “Binary logic”, “You”, “Pashu”. Pashu gets empowered by Pati. Sometimes, Pati empowers Pashu. Sometimes, Pati maintains the speed of the Pashu. Sometimes, Pati withdraws from Pashu. Sometimes, Pashu starts getting deluded. It has its own independent Supernal Effulgence without getting connected to Pati, then sometimes Pati liberates Pashu from that delusion. Understand, Pashu, bound-self is the binary logic of this world, this universe, empowered by cosmic logic, Paramashiva, the source power gear. (24:15)
If you know when… When is the principle, when is the source gear empowering, and when it is withdrawing, when Paramashiva is empowering you, individual soul; when he is neutral, when he is withdrawing, when he is letting you fall into dilution and delusion, when he liberates. Understand; this simple secret is the most wonderful Paramashiva Jnana, Paramashiva is revealing in this Sarvajnanottara Agama. I will read the further verses and give you the deeper revelations:

“It is to be known that just as goldness exists concealed in copper even so Shivatva remains latent in an embodied self”.

“Just as copper attains permanently the nature of being gold by the proper treatment with relevant alchemic substance, even so the embodied self attains Shivatva by the supreme knowledge gained by it, through Shivas’ grace”. (27:05)
I tell you, you will become what you hope as, “You”. You will become what you hope as, “You”. You will become what you consciously desire as, “You”. You will become what you consciously visualize as, “You”. Listen to this secrets, the good news is you are… your conscious visualization, your conscious declaration, your conscious decision is highly revered in cosmos. Your conscious visualization is highly revered in cosmos. I tell you, joy, sweetness, Enlightenment, Paramashivatva, all this, all this; if you just consciously decide, they start manifesting as reality. (29:08)
If you see Paramashiva's revelations, what he reveals in these verses, he is very clear, “Even when you think you are a bound-self, Shivatva exists in you”. Understand, this is the secret he is telling to his own son. I tell you, ultimately, intellectuals who don’t have experience can go on fighting whether Dvaita is real, Vishishtadvaita is real, Advaita is real, they can go on fighting for their mental satisfaction, without getting into the truth. Only when you get into the truth, you will understand all of them are real truth at various levels of the Cosmic logic and Shuddhadvaitam is the complete vision of the Cosmic logic. Shuddhadvaitam is not a logic or a philosophy, it is primary principle. (30:56)
Listen, listen to this clearly; Sound of Dakshinamurthy and silence of Dakshinamurthy need to be understood in reality. See, the silence of Dakshinamurthy is not the soundlessness. Any sound you can only hear in certain decibel, if it goes below that decibel you can’t hear, if it goes above that decibel, you can’t hear. Dakshinamurthy’s silence is above decibel, that decibel which you can’t hear beyond your capability of hearing, that decibel sound is Dakshinamurthy's silence. So Dakshinamurthy's silence is not soundlessness, it is beyond the sound you can hear. Same way, listen carefully; Dakshinamurthy’s silence is not soundlessness. It is beyond the sound which you can grasp, perceive, hear. The human ear has a dynamic range of, the threshold of 120-130 decibel. You can neither hear below 120 decibel nor you can hear above 120 decibel. Sorry, 0 to 120 to 130 decibel. I can say, 0 to 130 decibel. Listen carefully; human ear has a dynamic range of 0 decibel to 130 decibel. If something is below the 0 decibel, you can’t hear; something is above the 130 decibel you can’t hear. Dakshinamurthy’s silence is above the 130 decibel. It is not soundlessness. It is the sound which is beyond your capability to perceive, beyond your range. Same way Dakshinamurthy’s visual silence. See, Dakshinamurthy’s verbal silence is the sound which is beyond your perception. Same way, Dakshinamurthy’s visual silence is not darkness where nothing exists. No, it is Supernal Effulgence, where all your ability to visualize disappears into his Supernal Effulgence like seven colors of the rainbow disappear into the Sun’s bright shining. Your ability to visualize dissolves, disappears into the Supernal Effulgence of Dakshinamurthy. (34:55)
Understand; the Supernal Effulgence of Dakshinamurthy and Supernal Silence of Dakshinamurthy; then, you will understand the right knowledge, right clue about the existence of Paramashivatva. If you understand this one truth, today you can manifest powers. The common frequency the human ear can hear is like a 20 to 2,000 hertz, 0 decibel to 130 decibel maximum; 20 to 2,000… 20,000… sorry 20 to 20,000 Hertz or 0 to 130 decibel, that’s it. If it is below 20 Hertz, you can’t hear. If it is above 20,000 Hertz, you can’t hear. Dakshinamurthy’s silence is above 20,000 Hertz. (36:16)
I can give you one small example, very simple... actually I have done this in those days when I used to live in Bidadi with a small group of disciples, even now our Kailasavasis in Bidadi can try this. I will first explain. If you sit in front of our Banyan tree, under Banyan tree, and few people sitting in that Sapta Rishi rocks in Ramanagara hill. In the Ramanagara hill, there is a seven rock under which there are caves where all the seven Rishis lived; Sapta Rishis, even now they are living. That seven rocks represents seven... Sapta Rishis. It is their energy field. Few people should sit under the Banyan tree and few people should go there and sit, and you can have a telephone connection, conversation. Just have that fork, “What you call that tune fork, vibrating fork?”. Keep one fork under Banyan tree, tuning fork. Keep one fork in that rock, the Sapta Rishi rocks. Just vibrate the tuning fork in Banyan tree. You will see that the fork on the Sapta Rishi rock will vibrate intensely. You can try it today. You can video record it. Because this Banyan tree and that Sapta Rishi rock is deeply connected through a different frequency than what you understand, through Supernal Effulgence they are connected. All the Sapta Rishis sit there and listen to Paramashiva’s Vedas and Upanishads and Agama teachings. (39:35)
The tuning fork, the resonance, matching of frequency will simply happen between our Banyan tree and that Sapta Rishi rock. You can check it. I think the distance physically may be 2-3 kilometer, at least 2-3 kilometer, and I am talking about the air distance, not through road. By air it must be at least 2-3 kilometers. But, this tuning fork will vibrate the frequency for that 2-3 kilometer without any time gap. May be our Gurukul Balasants and Rishi Advait, Ma Advait can take them and try to demonstrate it after lockdown. I think lockdown is… whenever lockdown is over, you can demonstrate. Once you demonstrate this to the Gurukul Balasants, I will make them manifest the next level powers. (40:56)
Listen, all of you who are initiated disciples, get a tuning fork and the pendulum for today and tomorrow’s power manifestation. During the courtyard session, you just keep the tuning fork in front of your third eye, from here I will vibrate them. I will just reveal My Supernal Effulgence. We may be thousands of kilometers-miles apart, from here I will vibrate them. You will see intensely how the tuning fork vibrates. Understand, because you don't hear, don’t think sound does not exist; because you cannot see, don’t think visualizations does not exist; because you don’t feel, don’t think higher frequency does not exist; because you have not realized Paramashivatva, don’t think it does not exist; that is the conclusion. (42:28)
Understand these four statements. Keep the fork, the tuning fork and pendulum. Today or tomorrow during the courtyard sessions, I will demonstrate it to all of you and through this, I will confirm wherever you are, I am entangling with you. The quantum entanglement is happening, the state of Paramashiva, space of Paramashiva is manifested in you, infused into you, through this Supernal Effulgence. It is the physical confirmation I am vibrating your inner space in the space of Paramashiva. So today get a tuning fork and pendulum. I will vibrate the tuning fork and rotate the pendulum intensely from here for all of you to understand, your being is entangled with Paramashiva.

Clearly, Paramashiva explains here — “Inside the copper exists the original state of gold. Inside the bound-soul exists the original state of Shivatvam. Inside you Paramashivatva exists”. Just the proper process, Rasavada need to be done. That is why he uses beautiful word.

The alchemy process need to be done for you to manifest your Paramashivatva, entangling with Paramashiva, quantum entanglement with Paramashiva is, “The Rasasiddham” for you to manifest Paramashivatva. Get today, tuning fork and pendulum for courtyard session. If you have even now, get it. Today and tomorrow I will make all of you experience this quantum entanglement, “Rasasiddham” as Paramashiva explains, as Paramashiva reveals it to Subramanya. (45:47)
Understand, I am not at all interested in fighting whether Dvaita is true or Vishishtadvaita is true or Advaita is true or <Sanskrit 46:04> is true or <Sanskrit 46:06>... I am interested in making you Paramashiva, ultimate. Paramashiva is manifesting through this Being only to make you all manifest Paramashiva. So, get tuning fork and pendulum. I will make you all experience this quantum entanglement wherever you are all over the world and I will give you exactly what Paramashiva has given to Subramanya. Now, Paramashiva will give the same thing, through this Being to all of you. (47:00)
So… I know many people don’t have, tuning fork and pendulum ready. So I will give you time. Get it, if possible both or atleast one, for courtyard session. I will entangle all of you in quantum entanglement with Paramashiva and make... see, what Paramashiva is giving to Subramanya through this verse, verses; I will give you. If you don’t have pendulum you can even have your Rudraksha Mala. You can just hold it and hang straight, that also can act as a pendulum. So, get it for courtyard session and I will put you all in quantum entanglement with Paramashiva. (48:35)
So now... With this, I bless you all. Let's all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam. The State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva. The Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Paramashivoham; Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. The Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.

Be Blissful.


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Description: How Cosmic Logic Relates To Binary Logic -WARNING This Understanding Could Liberate You, by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 26/May/2020

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