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Grow with sensitivity - Shiva sutras Nithyananda vedios
Link to Video:
Q: Master, after having a glimpse of oneness, how do I remain connected?
A: You don’t have to do anything else except remembering it. Remember that oneness again and again. And the connection will start happening. The intensity will start happening. After having glimpse an important thing is you are not supposed to do anything. Anything you try to do you will create more distance. Just remember.
Q: When you talked about the great, beautiful temples in India, you mentioned that they were built by great experienced artists, full of devotion. And pyramids were built by one or two architects and slaves. When you talked about pyramids perhaps lots of people can become confused because today’s time Pyramids are also associated with their ancient Mexican constructions called sacalis, spiritual temples and knowledge temples. They were not pyramids because do not end in a point end. The top part is plain and open to universe. It has been told to us, they were built by wise beings known as tilla matini. When the Spanish invaders by ignorance burnt a lot of sacred books called mark kodux a lot of information was lost. Can you please confirm this information what we have received is authentic? A: One thing, surely there would have been one or two enlightened Masters involved. But there is no need for mass enlightened Masters, huge number of enlightened Masters to build pyramid structures. Don’t feel offended. I am not offending you. Actually with the temples every person need to be enlightened. Every person need to be enlightened because I wanted to tell you one important thing. The guardian deity which starts from the outside and the main deity in the sanctum sanctorum, every body has a proportion. Based on the main deity’s size the guardian deity will have a proportion, means the whole group has to be in tune. The whole thing has to be in tune in one synchronicity. So with the temples surely more enlightened beings are needed to build. There was no like a mass production. Everything has to be artistic. That is what I meant.
Q: While flying to California today I heard that my father-in-law died. He died feeling fearful and angry. Please can you give advice how to leave our body and feel joy?
A: Understand how you live same way you leave. If the intense experiences of your life is ecstasy and bliss, you will see the same thing automatically comes up when you leave the body. Your body is like a mechanism or an instrument in which all your memories about life is stored. So the totality of your life’s experiences. Understand, it is stored based on the quality of experience not quantity. If you are ten time joyful and one time deeply sorrow that sorrow will get recorded. Based on the depth it gets recorded. If the deepest experiences of your life is joy and ecstasy, the same thing will come up automatically when you leave the body, because when you leave the body you practically get boiled. When you are boiling with so many things in the pot whatever is inside will come out. Same way whatever is inside recorded will come out. If you want to leave the body joyfully, live joyfully. Live with the body joyfully. You will leave the body joyfully. That’s all is the basic secret.
Q: Recently I heard an enlightened Master saying that we take another person’s karma when we give advice, touch a person’s shoulder or knee or close physical contact. How vulnerable are we to getting someone else karma and how do we get rid of it? Why so much emphasis on catching it from someone else? A: I don’t think you will catch karma from somebody else because you have enough. So don’t bother about catching from somebody else, just stop giving to people. That’s all. So I don’t think you have, you will get others karma by touching or giving advice or any close near physical proximity. You will not acquire karma by this nearness and all. One more thing, you may acquire the mental set up of that person with close proximity, if continuously around him, you may acquire his mental set up. But you won’t acquire the karma.
Q: One personal question. I had several out of body experiences. It became a problem. I had to reseal my container. I was falling into all sorts of people. A: You can never be falling or filling or falling on people by your experience. Be very clear. Look into the experience and make it more and more strong. One important thing you should understand, I have seen many people just trying to reel the head and fall this way that way with so many things. I tell them meditation or enlightenment or experience will only lead to psychological revolution. Never physiological revolution. Understand never physiological revolution. It will lead only to psychological revolution. If it is physiological revolution first you have to see your doctor. You have to see your doctor. It will never be anything related to meditation. First take care of your health. You need good food and little yoga.
There’s a small story:
One guy always will act too much about anything. Anything over acting. Anything he will do overacting. He and his friend, both of them went to the bar. They started drinking. Just after two glass, this fellow started over acting. And moaning ahh ooo something like that he started talking. The other friend said: Relax it is just water. They have not yet served. Understand, sometime that’s what I have to tell: Relax. You have not even started.
Q: I am newly back on my spiritual journey in a more intense way. However my friends and family are not so like minded. I would like very much if they are also as enthusiastic as I am. How is it best to do this? A: First thing is do not expect them also to be as enthusiastic. If they also become enthusiastic every possibility you will lose enthusiasm. The enthusiasm is alive, because you have to fight. That is one thing. Look at the other angle. Important thing. Second thing you discovered so you are having enthusiasm. Why are you expecting they should also have it. They have to discover. Understand, they have to have again and again so many experiences and discover. Only then they will have enthusiasm. Now you go and try to force on their head what will happen? You will either delay their coming to me or stop once for all they coming to me. I have seen these over enthusiastic wives and husbands. They just jump on the other person. You have to go. What that poor guy will do? And he gets frightened and completely forgets about or escape from the spirituality. Imm….
Q: or is it more important to surround myself with those that are more open to the spiritual path. A: First thing, if you feel connected and enthusiastic and enter into it intensely you will automatically have that kind of friends, circle and group and all that. Live with that. Do not force or try to catch others who are not yet into it by giving pressure trying to bringing it. Don’t do that.
Q: I see you everywhere and every moment. Is this natural? A: Yes, you are in natural state. If you don’t see you are unnatural.
Q: Yesterday I came up on the stage during darshan but….. some personal darshan question. You can ask this question, he did not put the name, you can ask this today’s darshan. I will answer.
Especially these ladies they come and do this program and go back. That poor guy. He has to listen practically the whole 2 day workshop within three hours. And next ten days he can’t do anything else. And if I tell this these women start asking always you make comment about only us. What to do?
Alright one story dedicated to women. One liner. Somebody asked: Why God made man before making woman? Because he needed rough copy to make a fair copy.
Let’s enter into the next sutra:
In summer when you see the entire sky endlessly clear, enter such clarity.
It is a very powerful technique. Again the same experience. First, Mahadeva gives you the technique to feel that living presence with the whole world, living being, everything. Second he gives the technique to feel the whole thing with the cosmos which is beyond your perception. With the whole…
First you see he tells you see the living presence when you look down. Second he tells you see the living presence when you look up. If you can see the living presence in the world then feeling the living presence in the sky is easy. Otherwise directly if you see the sky you can’t see the presence. You see only the dead dull nothing. There is nothing moving. Here there are so many things moving. At least, you can easily connect. That life is there. But there nothing is moving. Understand but the life is intense there than here.
This is a very powerful technique, Dhyana sutra. He says in the clear summer sky feel the sky. Do not try to see the cloud. Feel the vast empty sky and enter into it. What does he mean by the word ‘enter into it?’ Enter such clarity.
Understand you have three space known to you-Chitaakaasha, Kataakaasha and Mahaakaasha. Chitaakaasha means the inner space you have inside the body. Kataakaasha means the space which is covered by the building, in which you are staying, your house. The space covered inside your building. Mahaakaasha means the whole cosmos. Inside this roof, inside this roof and roofless.Three sky. But all three are one and the same. Because you have boundary you think it is three. Otherwise it is not three. It is only one. Now Mahadeva is trying to bring Mahaakaasha into Chitaakaasha. Understand cosmic sky into the inner space. When you look that empty sky, intensely look not one point as whole. If you are looking at cloud you will be concentrated, one point. As a whole, look. You will see that intense emptiness. Then close the eyes. Just bring that emptiness inside. Just visualize the same emptiness inside. Bring it back. Just turn it in. You will see that same clarity. The emptiness comes inside you. There won’t be any thoughts.
Meditating on the sky is a very powerful technique, Ramana Maharishi says that will start giving you even boons. I was really surprised, Ramana Maharishi talking about boons. Because he will never give any method, to get your wishes fulfilled and all. Somebody goes to Bhagavan and asks: Give me some boon, some money or something they are asking. He tries his usual Brahmastra: No no no..Ask the person who is asking. But this guy was very intelligent. He did not budge for any of Bhagavan’s Brahmastra. He said: no no I want. Either tell me you will give or say no, don’t avoid. Then Bhagavan says: Lie down in the room and meditate on the sky. You will have it.
I have read his books and teachings and memoirs enough. Only once ever I have seen him giving a technique and saying that what you want you will get it. Do this technique. This is the only technique. This is the only technique he says you will have you will get what you want. Have it and do it. This is the only technique. Understand then the power of this technique.
Look into that emptiness, of the vast emptiness of the sky and just turn it in. Visualize you have become that same vastness. Actually whenever you see the vast emptiness the sky you automatically feel the number of thoughts coming down. The cloud coming down. The clouds disappearing even in the inner space. That is why when you go to beach you feel that joy. You feel that joy. You feel that openness. You feel that fulfillment. You feel that ecstasy. And you feel that peace.
Here Mahadeva is giving this as a technique. Lie down in the roof, oh! In this country you can’t lie down in the roof. So you have to find out a separate place. In India it is always flat roof – RCC. You can nicely lie down and not only that it will not be too cold. So look at the sky, not concentrating just overall intensely and let you feel, imbibe, imbibe after sometime just bring that same clarity into you, into your inner space.
It is a technique of cleaning the Chitaakaasha. Means the if it is a small pond naturally it will become dirty because the water does not move and it will become dirty water. If a river enters that lake over night the whole lake will become pure, because so much of water coming and cleaning will happen. Same way your Chitaakaasha has become impure by the dirty thoughts unmoving, stagnant. When the cosmos, the Mahaakaasha enters into you, suddenly you see the Chitaakaasha is purified, because the huge river, the flood is entering into your inner space. It is a very powerful way of cleaning your inner space.
Let me summarize both the techniques. Feel the cosmos as a translucent, ever living presence. This is the technique… Actually both are leading to the same experience. Both are intended to lead you to the same experience. One is Nithya sutra. Continuously which you are supposed to practice. The other one is Dhyana sutra at a particular time you are supposed to practice. If you can do both everyday the experience will be strengthened and quickened. Both of them are complementing techniques.
Actually Mahadev` speaks few sutras to direct you, to guide you to the same experience. To guide you to the same experience. Here, he is giving you two sutra. One, Nithya sutra and another one Dhyana sutra. Understand the Nithya sutra continuously remember while you are driving, or seeing TV, watching movie, talking, continuously remember you are alive in everything just as you are alive inside your body. When you are holding the wheel and driving, remember you are alive inside the car feeling the whole car just as you are feeling your whole body. And you are alive in the road as you are feeling your body. You are alive in everything you are seeing, as you are feeling in the body. And if you can try to just see the aura of the things continuously. Try to be in that same mood. Try to be in that same feeling. This is Nithya sutra to lead you to the same experience.
Dhyana sutra is in the night time penetrate the sky. Look at the sky intensely not concentrating, just looking for ten minutes then close the eyes and just internalize just bring that same empty space inside, and see the same empty space inside, and the same intense silence inside. You will see that happens here. Mahaakaasha will be experienced by chithaakaasha.
Now we will do the Nithya sutra. Dhyana sutra means empty sky which you can’t do here. But you can do the Nithya sutra. Closed eyes for few moments, feel everything is alive around you. Please close your eyes. Take few moments, be very patient. With patience feel everything, the chair in which you are sitting. First start with the chair because that is the nearest object. Visualize you are alive inside the furniture you are sitting same way you are alive in your skin. The same life is radiating. Feel you are alive as you are alive inside your skin. The person sitting around you, you are allowing inside all the people, all the persons who are sitting in this hall. Take few moments, visualize with the clear intention the new doors will open. You are alive. Everything is alive like you, the walls, furnitures, persons, flowers, room, ground everything is living. Feel you are alive inside everything, just as you are alive inside your skin.
Om shanthi shanthi shanthih
Try to experiment with both the techniques you will see the experience happening in you. Let you achieve