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Yoga chitta vritti nirodha. Yaga is Divine entering into man


In this video (25 February 2018), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals His own experience (Atma Pramana) of what Yoga truly is, and also gives insights into what Patanjali has described as Yoga - Yogas chitta vritti nirodha

What is Yoga? Yoga is the divine entering into man and producing a bliss chemistry in our brain. It is also a set of physical Asanas and movements to help retain that bliss chemistry in our brains.

Human beings are hard wired to perform superhuman abilities and express extraordinary spiritual powers. Within this webinar, lie the secrets to unlock the Yogi within all of us!

In this breakthrough webinar (25 February, 2018), Paramahamsa Nithyananda defines true Yoga - the science which makes the divine connect to you - from the Shaastra Pramana as the Adi-Guru Sadashiva intended it to be. He also describes His own Atma Pramana - his own experience of what Yoga is - a methodology to experience the alchemy in your brain and flexing your body to retain this experience of ecstasy in the brain.

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Super Human Unlock The Yogi Within You


Yoga, How many ever times I define this word, this word will remain as a mystery. I will try to define once more. Yoga is “The science which makes the divine to connect with you”. Listen, not you to divine. No! not drop into ocean but ocean into drop. Understand! nowhere yoga is described as union between man and divine.

Even Patanjali says योगः चित्त वृत्ति निरोधः (yogash chitta vritti nirodhaH) means he is not saying… Yoga is mind getting dissolved. No, No. Cessation of the mind, not heart attack but cardiac arrest. There is a difference! If a man merges into divine dissolving the mind. Patanjali is not using that word, he says चित्त वृत्ति निरोधः cessation of the mind means divine entered the man.

Only if divine enters the man cessation happens. If a man enters into the divine dissolving may happen. Understand! It is not drop entering into ocean, ocean entering into drop.

Yoga is union of divine with man. Understand! Look at whole yoga and yoga sutras, yoga shastras from this one understanding, you will understand what I want to reveal by the name of yoga.

Everything of yoga, Niyama don’t see as moral or value, it is freedom of your ferociousness. Aparigraha it is not moral or value, it is just ferocious response to this whole cheating economy. I tell you if you think man to divine you will be man for ever. Even after ninety years of spiritual practice.. you will look back and remind. “The day I started ah! what kind of anger, jealousy, lust all the problems I had the same things still am having, I don’t know when am going to progress spiritually”. You will die with SDHD. Never man to divine, it is always divine to man. The beginning Shaktipada should be very clear, your divinity merging into your humanity is your yoga, not your human side merging into your divine side.

Understand! Precisely in my atma pramana I will tell you yoga, what is yoga. I have given you what Patanjali describes and I will tell you what is precisely from my atma pramana. “Strong cognitions exploding into your systems and changing your whole brain’s alchemy putting you in the space beyond any description” is Yoga from my experience.

The cognition, right cognition can just shake your brain, churn your brain and release such intense ecstasy into your system. That ecstasy builds the whole new body.

Understand! Asanas are to align your physical geography to cosmic geography develop roots so you can continue to enjoy the higher ecstasy. Ultimately, yoga is only two anga, two component through the intense powerful cognitions making this ecstasy rain happen in your brain and flexing your body aligning it. So it grows the roots to retain and continue to enjoy that ecstasy that alchemy happening in your brain.

Understand! Listen carefully, Yoga is just these two component, it's only these two component. Understand, the whole field of yoga, should be studied from this lens. Divine entering into man. Powerful cognition is the way Divine enters into you first.

Whenever there is a powerful cognitions inserted into your system, you are initiated by your guru. Even if you are initiated by one powerful cognition by the guru, after that you can never fall into delusion, slumber. The part of the brain which puts you in apasmara total delusion thrubava is permanently damaged by the initiation of the guru so you can never ever fall into apasmara into the delusion again forever.

If at all you go towards the space of sushupta sushupti he comes in between in the form of his initiation and you are back. I tell you Yoga is “From divine to man”. The energy of the divine gushes through the master into your system through as a powerful cognition. Understand! Yoga starts. When you get up powerful cognition which hits your brain so strongly alcohol, drugs, opium, marvana all will look as silly this powerful cognition hits you with such strength. Simply cessation of the mind happens as initiation. Whether you know it or not you are going to realise you are amritasya putra – sons of immortality. The putra word if I look little deep I will not even translate as son, I will translate as extension. I will not even translate as son, I will translate as extension.

Understand! This is the major difference between yoga of vedas and agamas and the yoga of modern day bogamas. And I wanted to insist on one more important point please understand yoga is ritual. This is one of the important revolution statement am making. Yoga is not spiritual, yoga is ritual. You have to achamana you have to invoke Sadashiva only then you start doing yoga. Biggest problem in the modern day is the amputated yoga. The angas of yoga is cut and packaged. Amputated yoga is the most danger to the modern day. We need to give the original yoga as it is complete to the world.

As Sadashiva wanted, as Matsyendranātha, Gorakhnath, Patanjali all of them taught, yoga need to be taken to the world as original. Mahadeva declares at least in four places. In four places Mahadeva declares, Maha Sadashiva declares very clearly anybody who does the yoga systematically as per his guidance, literally having cosmic union with him. It is called Mahamudra understand, when this original verses are chanted and yoga is practiced, when shaktipada happens kundalini is awakened you imbibe his very DNA. You manifest his very DNA.

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00:08 nithyānandeśvara mahāsadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari ādishakti madhyamām | asmatāchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome everyone of you, all the Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Nithya satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, everyone. I welcome everyone of you with my love and blessings.

Superhuman - unlock the yogi within you. Yoga! How many ever times I define this word, this word will remain as a mystery. I’ll try to define once more. Yoga is the science which makes the divine to connect with you. Listen. Not you to divine. No. Not drop into ocean but ocean into drop.

02:19 If you study... Sanskrit dictionary and understand the word “yoga” as per the great Shastra Pramana and Apta Pramanas... understand, no where yoga is describe as union between man and divine. No! If somebody defines yoga as union between man and divine, he has read Max Muller's translation. He has not studied the Shastras. Even Patanjali says, “yogaḥ citta vṛtti nirodhaḥ (योगः चित्त वृत्ति निरोधः).” Means, he is not saying yoga is mind getting dissolved. No. No. Cessation of the mind! Not heart attack, but cardiac arrest. There is a difference. If a man merges into divine - dissolving the mind. Patanjali is not using that word. He says, “citta vṛtti nirodhaḥ (चित्त वृत्ति निरोधः).” - cessation of the mind means divine entered the man! Only if divine enters the man, cessation happens! A man enters into divine, dissolving may happen. Understand, it is not drop entering into ocean. Ocean entering into drop. Yoga is union of divine with man, understand. Look at the whole yoga and yoga sutras, yoga shastras from this one understanding, you will understand what I want to reveal by the name of yoga. Everything of yoga, yama - don’t see as moral or values. No. It is freedom of ferociousness. Brahmacharya is not moral or value. It is freedom of your ferociousness. Aparigraha is not moral or value. It is just ferocious response to this whole cheating economy.

05:56 Somebody is denied food and he steals morsel food - even the word “stealing” is wrong. You can’t use the word “stealing.” When somebody picks up his food, he is killed! And the fellows, who made thousands of crores, and were rolling in the luxury, are still rolling in the luxury - disappears. When you see the hypocrisy of this whole system, your ferocious response to the whole system is aparigraha. Understand! You need to know one important truth. It will be very shocking, but I need to tell you. I met an elderly sadhu who was considered to be the great spiritual being. When I went near and served him, I realised he is really great spiritual being! Not just considered, he is. One day, I had the great opportunity of pressing his feet after he had his night dinner, he was resting and he allowed me to do pada seva. I was doing pada seva to him, and, I asked him how to start the spiritual practice? What is the right way to start? He said, he made one statement.

08:12 Still I tell you, if I have to make one statement, if I have to carve one statement in golden letters, I’ll carve this statement, keep in the entrance of our Sadashiva Temple. He made this statement, “Understand, in spirituality where you start you will remain there forever. So start in the right place.” Understand, in spirituality where you start, you will remain there forever! So start in right place. I tell you, if you think man to divine, you will be man forever! Even after ninety years of spiritual practice, you will look back and remind, “The day I started aah what kind of anger, jealousy, lust, all the problems, I had the same thing still I am having. I don’t know when I am going to progress spiritually?” You will die with SDHD! Never man to divine, it is always divine to man.

09:45 The beginning Shaktipata should be very clear! Your divinity merging into your humanity is your yoga, not your human side merging into your divine side. Understand. If you start as human, you will be ever human. If you know it is going to be from here to there, you will ever be this side. The beginning belief, the first cognition, initial inspiration and initiation - understand that plays a major role. Unfortunate are those who are taught the whole yoga from the context of man to divine. No. You will never reach! All... you see there are only two sampradayas in the whole world: man to divine. Divine to man. Materialistic society is very comfortable with man to divine because they only know how to talk, nothing is delivered. It is a very comfortable coat. You can wear today one coat, tomorrow another coat.

11:43 Real yoga understand, Mahadeva describes in Agama, real yoga and initiation into yoga. Please understand, Mahadeva says very clearly, he explains the context of Vedas and Agamas, not essence of Vedas and Agamas. Context of Vedas and Agamas. Rishis asked, “What you want to convey through the Vedas? What is it you want to do it, make it through Vedas?” For that question Mahadeva answers Agamas. Not what is the essence of Vedas? What is the sara of Vedas. No. Context of Vedas is Agamas, understand. He says very clearly, it is divine landing on the man. If normally you read yoga is cessation of mind - what you will understand? “Let me do something and stop the mind, yoga will happened!” (Swamiji laughing) Try to inhale and exhale through all holes. And I’ll show you people who has done this for ninety years. And I have lot of funny jokes about it.

13:49 Understand, precisely in my Atma Pramana, I’ll tell you yoga. What is yoga? I have given you what Patanjali describes and I’ll tell you what is precisely from my Atma Pramana. Strong cognitions exploding into your system and changing your whole brain’s alchemy, putting you in the space beyond any description is yoga from my experience. Few strong cognitions can ferociously penetrate your being. All alcohol, drugs - legal, illegal, everything will look silly. It’ll look silly! That cognition, right cognition can just shake your brain, it can just churn your brain and release such intense ecstasy into your system. That ecstasy builds the whole new body, understand.

15:44 The postures stretching your body, everything is to align your system to retain that alchemy experience. When the water comes through rain, the trees cannot retain it forever. But when it goes into the ground, trees can enjoy through the roots. Trees develop roots to continue to have the water supply from the ground, even though water comes from rain. Listen! Listen. Even though water comes from rain, it is stored in the ground. Trees grow roots to have continuous water supply. The rain of ecstasy, alchemy comes from the sahasrara - brain, through the higher cognitions, but your body need to build roots to constantly enjoy that alchemy rain, that bliss rain. Asanas are to align your physical geography to Cosmic geography, develop roots so you can continue to enjoy that higher ecstasy. Ultimately, yoga is only these two anga, two component. Through the intense powerful cognitions making this ecstacy rain happen in your brain and flexing your body, aligning it, so it grows the roots to retain and continue to enjoy that ecstasy, that alchemy happening in your brain.

18:16 Understand, listen carefully. Yoga is just these two component. It’s only these two component. Power cognitions, through that making that ecstasy, showering you. Whenever you feel, understand, whenever you feel some great understanding inside about you, society, humanity, life, nature, Cosmos and feel relieved, ecstatic - the rain starts, the alchemy starts. If that raining happens, you will have brain, otherwise everything is drain. Understand, if you can constantly make that rain happen in you. Some of the major internal or external crisis - you are able just to crack it by these cognitions, powerful cognitions, and it just becomes such powerful eye opener. Your whole chemistry becomes different! The chemistry in your brain becomes different. How many of you have experience this in your life? So you all know.

20:13 Understand, yoga is only these two. One, that making this intense alchemy to happen in you. Second, building a body through which you can continue to enjoy that alchemy experience, that spiritual strength, that ecstasy. You need to know yoga is not limited to just stretching the body. It is unfortunate yoga is getting re... like a branded as replacement for a gym. No. In yoga what you eat matters. How you eat matters. Who touch it matters. It’s not just stretching the body. It is stretching the body also. Understand, the whole field of yoga should be studied from these lens - divine entering into man. Powerful cognition is the way - divine enters into you first. Whenever there is a powerful cognitions inserted into your system, you are initiated by your Guru. Listen. There’s one more beautiful definition of initiation. It’s a Tamil translation from Agama I read.

22:32 I’ll just repeat the whole line and then translate in English.

Rasathaali theal kadithavan emmarunthaalum uyirpikkapattaalum vaazhnaal irunkaalamvarai poorana sushupthikkul adanga iyalaathu vaazhnthu madivathu polaey, Guruprananaal naer deekshai petravan vaazhnaal muzhuvathum maayaikul orukaalum padaamaleye vaazhnthu mudikindraan. (ராசதாளி தேள் கடித்தவன் எம்மருந்தாலும் உயிர்ப்பிக்கப்பட்டாலும் வாழ்நாள் இருங்காலம்வரை பூரண சுசுப்திக்குள் அடங்க இயலாது வாழ்ந்து மடிவது போலே குருபிராணனால் நேர் தீக்ஷை பெற்றவன் வாழ்நாள் முழுவதும் மாயைக்குள் ஒருகாலும் படாமலேயே வாழ்ந்து முடிகின்றான்.)

That’s such a beautiful line, I memorised it. I’ll, I’ll give you the English translation now. There is a scorpion called Rajathaali variety. If that scorpion bites you, if it bites somebody... of course, it is not that he will be killed, he will be dead. There are medicines, you can heal him. He can be alive. He can survive. But, any medicine you use, forever his whole life he cannot have a deep sleep. That component of the brain in you which puts you in deep sleep is damage forever by the Rajathaali poison, Rajathaali scorpion’s poison. All of you understand. The Rajathaali scorpion’s poison damages the brain part which puts you in deep sleep forever. So once the poison peaks, once the Rajathaali scorpion bites you, you can never ever sleep deeply after that. Actually you can use this for good purpose and bad purpose, both.

24:46 In those days the night guard men of army will be purposely made, they will be... the scorpions will be put on them and they will be made to have that poison. Then they were given medicine and healed. They will survive but they can never sleep deeply. Anyhow, understand this concept, like how the Rajathaali’s scorpion poison, after that you will never sleep in your whole life. Even if you are initiated by one powerful cognition by the Guru, after that you can never fall into delusion, slumber. The part of your brain which puts you in apasmara, total delusion, tirobhava is permanently damaged by the initiation of the Guru, so you can never ever fall into the apasmara, into that delusion again forever. If, if at all you go towards that space of Sushupta-Sushupti, he comes in between in the form of initiation and you are back.

26:37 I tell you, yoga is from divine to man. The energy of the divine gushes through the Master into your system through as a powerful cognition, understand. Cessation of the mind - “citta vṛtti nirodha (चित्त वृत्ति निरोध)” can never happen from there to here. It can happen only from here to there. Patanjali is not saying “yogaḥ citta vṛtti visarjanaḥ (योगः चित्त वृत्ति विसर्जनः).” No. He is not using the word, Sanskrit word “visarjana.” No! He is not using the Sanskrit word “dissolving.” No. If that is the case, the so-called yogis are right. Yoga starts, when you get a powerful cognition which hits your brain, so strongly! Alcohol, drugs, opium, marijuana - all will look as silly. All these will look irrelevant. All these will look redundant. This powerful cognition hits you with such strength, simply cessation of the mind happens as initiation.

28:54 Understand, the whole yoga whether yama or niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi - whole thing should be seen from this context of divine entering into man, not man entering into divine. Man entering into divine is the materialistic idea. It is from the root pattern of you have to yearn. Understand. The whole root pattern you have to yearn start from the level of you are a sinner or you are a man. In Vedic traditions start from the space of amritasya putraḥ.

शृण्वन्तु विश्वे अमृतस्य पुत्रा आ वेदाहमेतं पुरुषं महान्तम् śṛṇvantu viśve amṛtasya putrā ā vedāhametaṃ puruṣaṃ mahāntam

30:22 Hey... eeh...! I know the truth. This is the translation. I know the truth. Whether you know it or not, you are going to realise you are amritasya putra - sons of immortality. The “putra” word, if I look a little deep, I will not even translate as son, I will translate as extension. I will not even translate as son, I’ll translate as extension. Understand, this is the major difference between yoga of Vedas and Agamas, and the yoga of modern day - Bogamas. Do not learn, do not learn. Actually to tell you honestly, when I speak about yoga, I should tell you what all is not yoga. Khandana-mandana is first priority, then teaching what is yoga. Because so much of stuff is stuffed in your throat in the name of yoga. Whether it is Mallakambha, what we called Shivastambha or the Kundalini Rajju Yoga, it all boils down to one sacred truth - developing roots, growing roots in your system through which you can continue to enjoy the brain rain, new word.

32:57 You all would have heard the word “brain drain.” See, what is call brain drain you know? When these guys gets educated in India, and then go away to other countries and serve, work in other country is called brain drain. When I get all the best people from all over the world and make their brain rain, it’s called brain rain. Come on! You made my Brahmin kids into IT engineers. I’ll make all you guys into Brahmin pujaris. You take my Brahmin kids and made them IT engineers. Come on! I’ll tell, I’ll show you! I’ll make all your best kids and take them and made them pujaris! And yoga teachers! You do brain drain. I’ll do brain rain. Soon, very soon... every temple will have aadheenam, which will be maintaining the sacredness and spiritual traditions of the temple. Naturally I mean, I need millions... millions and millions of Sannidhanams to man all the aadheenams. From where do you think I am going to get? So, it will be called with this new term “brain rain.” Where people experience this brain rain of extraordinary intelligence, extraordinary experience of yoga.

35:27 Understand, I’ll make some conclusion statements. Some of the conclusions - first, what I am teaching as Nithyananda Yoga is not one more brand yoga, it is “The Yoga.” Anybody, who claims what they are teaching only is “The Yoga,” with all my humble respects, I am challenging you. Show Shastra Pramana for whatever you are teaching, and I am ready for this challenge. Everything I teach, I’ll give you Shastra Pramana, original Shastra Pramana. So nothing is manipulated in the name of invention. When somebody receives you as a guest, and gives his home. Can you steal from his house? If you are treated very badly, not even given food, and you steal can be justify, justified. So if you are from a tradition where even a single letter or a word altering is sacrileges, banned, and you start vomiting whatever you want to do and then you claim as an invention, tsk, it is okay, tolerable because, “Eh! His tradition does not allow any updating, even one word he cannot, he cannot change. So he created something on his own to show his creativity,” it can be tolerated! But not in that tradition where any kind of research, updating, everything is accepted as long as the original context is not changed.

38:17 Understand! Hinduism is such beautiful tradition. You can upgrade, invent, create within that framework without changing the context. When a tradition is so beautifully encouraging, supporting your creativity and invention and upgrading. In Hinduism you have a right to be a Smriti Kara. Means, updating, upgrading the lifestyle procedures. Then be rooted in shruti (श्रुति, śruti) and be a Smriti Kara. Permutation, combinations are allowed. Not that change of the original unit and context. Understand, if you are from a tradition where even permutation, combination is not allowed and you rebel and you create something on your own, it can be justified. But, if you are from this tradition, which gives you so much of freedom and understanding and creativity to upgrade, invent, reinvent, create, and after that, you use that freedom and disturb the root - I don’t think it’s right. We need to educate ourselves and everyone. We need to educate ourselves and everyone. Hinduism accepts, it accepts, even if you are eccentric. But, even to be eccentric you need a center. Eccentricity is allowed! But be centered on that eccentricity. To be eccentric, you need a center.

41:04 So I am openly declaring to the world, what I am teaching is not one more brand of yoga. It is “The Yoga.” And anybody who wants to claim, what you are teaching is “The Yoga,” give me Shastra Pramana! Give us Shastra Pramana. So I welcome everyone to become Nithyananda Yogacharyas. I tell you, only when you become acharya and start teaching, you start regularly practicing. No, I am telling you the innermost secrets. It’s not that teacher makes the students practice. It is the pressure of the students, teacher practices. What to do? Students are here, I have to do. It’s a secret, but I’ll reveal it. What to do? Of course, jokes apart, there are thousands of reasons why you should be a teacher. Being a teacher makes you perfect and master this whole science.

43:05 And I want to insist on one more important point. Please understand, yoga is ritual. This is one of the important revolution statement I am making! Anybody who says yoga is spiritual, they are thieves, trying to steal yoga from Hinduism and sell it, market it, package it to the modern mind. And jing yoga, jung yoga, punk yoga, tongue yoga, ang yoga, monk yoga. We need to make a strong statement! Yoga is not spiritual. Yoga is ritual. You have to do achamana. You have to invoke Sadashiva. Only then you start doing yoga. Anything else you do, have some other name - Pilates! We don’t have a problem! Yoga means this. People asked me, “Can’t yoga be done without chanting Om?” And there are some people trying to tell, “Oh no! You don’t need to chant Om. You can chant whatever you want.” Pshhh...! It is like asking, “Can food be eaten?” See, it is like a trying to evolve new equations. Food is good for body. Enema is good for body. So you will cover with the third statement, both can be done through the same hole. It is not just faulty generalisation, it is dirty generalisation!

46:01 I am very clear, yoga is part of morning Hindu ritual as per Shaivagama, the original instructor - Adi Guru. Please understand, in our tradition we should be teaching yoga as ritual. And soon all the Yogacharyas will receive Acharyabhishekam formally as per the Agama. We have a, we have clear rituals - Acharyabhishekam rituals. It will be done as per the Agama, even for acharyas, the Yogacharyas. Biggest problem in the modern day is amputated yoga. Understand, this is the word I’ll use - amputated yoga. That angas of yoga is cut and packaged. Amputated yoga is the most danger to the modern day. We need to give the original yoga as it is complete to the world. As Sadashiva wanted. As Matsyendranatha, Gorakhnatha, Patanjali - all of them taught. Yoga need to be taken to the world as original, as original, understand.

48:18 With the original verses, actually I feel a little bit of Sanskrit should be taught to the students where the moment you read the original instructions by Mahadeva, they directly understand the instruction and do it. We should not even give our translation. Soon we will evolve that structure. What is there? Hundred and eight sloka. Each sloka may have maximum eight to ten words. Hundred in written - thousand words. In that thousand words, surely two hundred words will be repetitive. Maximum eight hundred words, unique words. I don’t think even eight hundred, because most of them are related to body parts. So I will not even feel eight hundred words will be new words. I will say only two hundred words will be new words, because most of them are about body parts. Maximum you may have to learn two hundred new words in Sanskrit, that's all! I think we should encourage that. At least in next one year, we should achieve this as a goal.

49:47 All Nithyananda Yoga Acharyas should be taught basic Sanskrit, where when the original verse is chanted they understand the meaning and start doing it. Only in the initial level, students can be given English translation for supporting. Only the Rajasekara Vinyasa Krama level, students can be given English translation for support. In the next level, teachers and students both should be able to understand. It’s simple Sanskrit. Bholenath Sanskrit. Too easy, too simple and especially when you know it is exactly the way Mahadeva would have given instruction - walking and standing, teaching to all the Saptarishis and Devi and the whole his first gurukul! Arey! When you visualise Ganapati doing asana and Subramanya doing asana and Saptarishis doing, Kapila, Nandi, Devi, all of them are doing the asana, Mahadeva giving instruction - that very words is still preserved! It has its own vibration! Understand, after two hundred years, thousands will re-study English and Tamil just to listen to my satsang in its original language. If you understand that, I think we need to make people understand. I think it’s my responsibility.

52:02 Hey! The original words uttered by him directly. Fortunately it is recorded and it is available. Understanding the original sutras in its original language is yoga for your verbalisation. Bending the body as per his instruction is yoga for your body. Understanding those words in original sutras is yoga for your verbalisation. Nithyananda Yoga is the solution and Nithyananda Yogacharya is the asset to the community. I tell you, if you contribute to the community, it’ll always celebrate you. End of the day, it boils down to what is your contribution? Listen! People will hate you, judge you, rate you, pull you down, abuse you, attack you, beyond all these - what makes you stand is what makes you. Society will hate you, rate you, judge you, attack you, abuse you - beyond that what makes you stand, makes you what you are. That makes you who you are, what you are! Nithyananda Yogacharya will be a asset to the community. You will be an asset to the community.

54:24 I tell you last two days, large number of comments in the Facebook about this one message, “The joy gives you wings and pain gives you roots. You don’t need to invite pain but don’t hate pain, because pain gives you roots.” I gave that message casually to attend a particular situation. I never expected that it'll become such a super hit sharing and the amount of comments. See then I understood, one thing, even one powerful cognition can heal so many people’s heart and help them to stand in the life again. So many people thanking for that one message, means so many were waiting for it. I tell you, many time the powerful cognitions you get - pain takes that cognition into the depths of your system and makes you live it. Pain develops roots for you. I am not saying go and invite pain. No, don’t invite, but don’t hate. When they come, they have a purpose. They do make your being colourful. They do make your being charismatic and colourful. You don’t need to invite but don’t hate, because many time pain makes you deep and develops the roots.

56:51 That is why I insist again and again, do always what is right, not what is just pleasant. Many time the pleasant and right will be together, that’s great! Sometime if you have to choose between pleasant and right - choose right, not pleasant. Always choose right, not pleasant. If there is a conflict - choose right, not pleasant. The greatest contribution I am giving it to the world will be, listen carefully. After hundred years, people will try to do PHD on what is my contribution? What is my greatest contribution? For their PHD now itself, I am giving the thesis. I am giving the solution. My biggest contribution will be, understand, this whole Kailaasa, Adi Kailaasa, this power manifestation science, the great Golden Temple of Sadashiva - all that will be in the list. But the first will be thousands of kids made to do yoga. Molded bodies through yoga will be my biggest contribution to the world.

58:42 Understand, if some kid lived in my gurukul for even five years, even if he goes out and gets married, his whole generation will be an enlightened DNA. You don’t know what is intense yoga is doing. Just for this morning yoga, thousands of kids will come and stay in my gurukul. Soon, I will prove how this yoga literally changes their very DNA. Understand, you need to get this important truth. Now what I am talking should be understood very clearly. I think in, some ten or twelve years before I declared, when I was speaking about brahmacharya - your DNA is not defined or concluded base on your parents. Every person with whom you have a sexual relationship, physical relationship - you absorbed that person’s DNA, whether male or female. I declare at that time sooner or later medical science will prove, modern day science will prove what I am declaring, what I am claiming. Very recently, I saw the articles, researches proving what I declared years ago!

01:00:55 Now, I am coming to the next statement. Mahadeva declares at least in four places, in four places, Maha, Mahadeva declares, Mahasadashiva declares very clearly - anybody who does the yoga systematically as per his guidance, literally having Cosmic union with him. It is called Mahamudra, understand. I don’t want to get into the deeper details. Understand these statements - it means proper practice of yoga as per Sadashiva’s instruction, Mahasadashiva’s instruction, means imbibing His DNA into you. And, I will prove scientifically. When these original verses are chanted and yoga is practiced and Shaktipata happens, Kundalini is awakened - you imbibed his very DNA. You manifest his very DNA. Especially when young kids practice this yoga properly with this original verse as per Sadashiva’s instruction, their very DNA structure gets transform to Sadashiva, Mahasadashiva’s DNA. I tell you, Mahasadashiva’s DNA kids are going to be my highest, greatest contribution. Sooner or later, the science will do thorough study on it and prove to the world.

01:03:40 Understand, I am telling you... I am very clear. Just I need to do little more scientific researches and analysis and tell the world, present it to the world. I am just waiting for little time to study and show how even one year or two year the kids who practice this yoga systematically, properly - their very DNA structure changes to Mahasadashiva’s DNA. Every Kundalini Rajju and every Shivastambha is literally Sadashiva’s murti, Mahasadashiva’s murti. And, every yoga you do on them is deity worship. Even now I telling you very clearly, if you have a kid below twenty one - the best thing you can give that kid is the kid growing up in our gurukul. The last worst non-integrated kid in my gurukul if I rank, the last rank gurukul kid is thousand times better than your best first rank outer world child. And sometimes I laugh, people try to tell, “Eeh, my son is the best swimmer.” Eh! My gurukul kid is a fish! What are you talking? Where is the competition?

01:06:37 Soon you will see. The biggest problem you know, if I force you to do tapas - hard tapas, you’ will have so much of ego satisfaction and feel, “Yes I have to do this!” Just to do that tapas, you will be stable. Because here I am doing everything, you feel bored! And you don’t even have the patience for me to manifest the whole thing! And that is where the whole problem is. I tell you, it is not that at that time people did not believe what I claimed and declared I will make it into reality - they believed. But, impatience is a tirobhava, delusion with which they are covered. Do not allow, understand. In ordinary yoga, your struggle, your collapsing - all these are the ups and downs. When you are with the Master, because you don’t need to do anything, your mind creates imaginary problems. Actually, because you don’t have a real problem, you are creating imaginary problems. Imaginary problems are only called delusion.

01:08:41 Wait for things to manifest. I tell you even now, I’ll be giving thousands of contributions to the world. This whole power manifestation science, and then the next... demonstrating all the physical and chemical and biological circuits. Means, physical means like a, Indian our Vedic tradition’s battery, Vedic tradition’s aircrafts, all the physicality, physical, physics field related. All the circuits, that’s the next job. I’ll establish and demonstrate all those circuits - Agastya's battery, Bharadvaja’s flying aircrafts, all these is already in the pipeline. And, the great Siddhas - all their alchemistry like Navapashanam, all these Aushadha science, and, biology. Understand. Our Masters had unimaginable science of melting any body and making any body out of it with various permutation, combinations.

01:10:17 The Yali (याळि, Yāli) you see is created! Genetically altered elephant, lion is Yali! Our Masters did it to build the temples. Horse, eagle, elephant, lion, all these put together, genetically altered, permutation, combination - the biological wonder is Yali! Wait for all that. I am not selling fantasies, imaginations. No! If I sell, that’s only reality. These all were there. If anything was there, it is there. If it is there, it will be there. Understand, all these was there and it is there and it will be there. It was not there at all - atheist. It will not be here now! This modern day Hindus - it was there but not now. Modern day Hindus. I should say neutral Hindus. It was there, it is there, it will be there - theist. Hey! It was. It is. It is! Nithyananda is. Understand. I am not a guy who gives this pep talk. Umm, hmm. I don’t believe in that first of all. I only believe in this cup chip talk. Chip talk and cup talk. I don’t believe in this pep talk. If I am claiming something, I know for sure these all is going to become reality.

01:13:18 Understand, I am seeing very clearly the physics circuits, the biological circuits, chemistry circuits of Veda Agamic traditions beautifully manifesting and getting open up in my system. So that is why I am saying I’ll do it. We will do it. Last few days silently sitting in samadhi. Actually I am seeing... I am seeing it is just manifesting. Understand, if I am just silently sitting for a few days, when I come out, you can expect some thing which you never heard from me coming out. Now these three things which I said now - physics circuit, chemistry circuit, biology circuit. You would have neither heard nor imagined. It is possible. I am already seeing the tip of the iceberg opening up.

01:14:50 Understand, Mahasadashiva himself is available here in the form of our Kalpavriksha, the Banyan Tree. Each leaf is his face. He’s literally breathing. Each leaf is his face. He’s literally breathing. The whole science is in this form of that Kalpavriksha, Vata Vriksha (वट वृक्ष, Vaṭa Vṛkṣa), Kalpataru. Go and sit with the Kalpataru and breathe along with Kalpataru, breathe along with Mahasadashiva. Whatever I am revealing will start getting downloaded inside you. It’ll start getting downloaded inside you. That’s all. Through yoga, literally your DNA can be altered to Mahasadashiva’s DNA. I’ll show you the original Shastra Pramanas, Apta Pramanas, my own Atma Pramana and through the scientific studies show in your life how it has happened, in your body how it has happened and proof as Sakshi Pramana.

So with this, with this I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Mahasadashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 01:17:07

Number of Temple Participated

16 Temples globally participated


SuperhumanYoga Webinar Demo

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