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||oṃ nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with My love and respect. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, practicing Hindus, de facto Kailashians from all over the world. I welcome all the Sarvajnapeetha Karthas, Yajamans, Manifestors, Kailasa’s Ministers, Diplomats, eDiplomats, citizens, Consulate Generals and supporters. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.
Paramashiva’s message directly from Kailasa: Implementing the first principle of consciousness-based life. Life positive attitude and aptitude in every level, every plane, every zone of life  is revival of Kailasa. When I say Hinduism, I mean the greater science of life, greater science of consciousness, greater science of Universe, greater science of Cosmos. In every level, making people wake up to this greater science and living, is the purpose of Kailasa. Understand, every time when a Hindu is diluted or converted, when a Hindu is diluted or converted - world is losing spiritual depth. Every person spiritually becoming deeper, start living this greater science - world is gaining spiritually. Our purpose is helping the world to gain more and more spiritually. Make the world gain more and more spiritually.     
I have seen in India; understand, India is two layered nation. One, enlightened Hindus civilizational nation. Next, the territory called India. Please understand, the civilizational nation is in extreme danger. The civilizational nation is getting choked literally from all corners because Hindus are fundamentally minority globally. Understand, the world is global. It is no more territory-based the moment internet  has become our lifestyle. Many time I told you, in the seven billion population, internet is a city which has four billion population, more than four billion population. So be very clear: after the introduction of the internet, world is no more small countries, territories, borders, islands. No! It’s a globe! In that global level, Hindus are minority; and the civilization of the Hindus, the ecosystem of the Hindus is getting literally choked. Hindus are in the middle of the war; either you wake up to this truth or you die while you are asleep. Either you wake up to this truth or you die in the sleep. There is no other choice.
The civilization which has not woken up naturally has no right to live! Hindu civilization need to wake up to the truth. As a civilizational nation, you are literally getting choked. Whenever every Hindu is diluted or converted, you are losing the land also, understand. The laws of civilization is the laws of territory also; because for any nation to exist as a nation, the “why” need to be answered. Hindu civilization is the “why.” Answer for the “why,” you need territorial nation. Anti-Hindu elements are destroying that civilizational nation. Please understand, why we need a Hindu nation? That question need to be addressed. Because the Hindu civilization is good it need to be kept alive; we need a Hindu nation. But the civilization is getting destroyed in extremely alarming speed. Hindus are neither ready to wake up and anyone who is even trying to wake up, the Hindus is targeted and destroyed brutally.
Fortunately with the grace of Paramashiva, I am still alive. I am not killed. I did not fall. But the number of attempts on My life; and the lawfare done on Me and the defamation destroying My identity - all these is  enormous! If you see the volume of atrocity material generated on Me in the internet, you will be shocked! Listen carefully, I want Hindus to know this truth: understand, the target of anti-Hindu elements is not Me! You! Because I am defending all of you, I am being targeted. Listen! Wake up to that! Oh Hindus, the target of anti-Hindu elements is not Me! You! Because I am defending you, protecting you, they are targeting Me! Wake up to this truth.
Let Me reveal some of these truths, step by step. First: India has two layer - civilizational nation, territorial nation. The threats territory is facing, all of you know. But the threats civilizational nation is facing,  unsaid. Even the Hindus are not waking up to this truth, the threat Hindu civilizational nation is facing. Even Hindus strongly believe caste system is wrong! Oh God! Ayy! This is the system which made you live, which is your life, which is still keeping you alive; the only existing ancient civilization. There are forty nine ancient civilization. All forty eight has disappeared. The only living continuous,  only continuously living, unbroken civilization is Hindu civilization. The reason: one and only reason is caste system.       
Kulathaazhchi Uyarchi sollal paavam.
That line, I agree. There is no higher or lower among the caste; that I agree. But don’t try to dismantle the very caste system. The caste system kept this civilization alive! Deity worship kept the civilization alive! Temples kept the civilization alive!
First truth: Hindu civilizational nation is under siege. It is getting destroyed; it is barely alive. It is in ICU. The one and only purpose of Kailasa is to revive Hindu civilizational nation. Eight hundred years of brutal wars and two hundred years of extreme brainwashing. Even Hindus have started believing something is wrong with the Hindu civilization. And Tamilians are brainwashed heavily that they are not part of Hindu civilization. Lingayats are brainwashed heavily that they are not part of the Hindu civilization. Nagaland’s tribes are washed, brainwashed heavily that they are not part of Hindu civilization. Buddhists are brainwashed heavily, and made to believe they are not part of the Hindu civilization. Sikhs are brainwashed heavily, and made to believe they are not part of the Hindu civilization. Fundamental principles of Sikhism is to protect Sanatana Hindu Dharma. To protect Hinduism, Sikhism was created. The founding fathers of Sikh, their vision is to protect Hinduism. Jains are made to believe, Jains are brainwashed they are not part of Hinduism.   
Ayy understand,  every Jain tradition worships Gaṇapati and Padmāvatī. Every Jain tradition worships Gaṇapati and Padmāvatī, Lakṣhmī. Every Vaishnavite tradition worships Gaṇapati. Every Shaivite tradition worships Lakṣhmī.
Unfortunately, too much of wrong ideas and brainwashing is happening to break the Hindu civilization. Listen carefully to these statements. These are warning for all the Hindus. First: Hindu civilization is under attack, under siege. In ICU, Hindu civilization is in the Intensive Care Unit; first statement. Second: whenever, whenever a Hindu is diluted or converted, you are not only losing Hindu civilizational nation, you are losing Hindu territory nation also.
World map is not eternal as you Hindus are made to believe. Hindus are brainwashed to believe world map is eternal. Every three year world map is changing. Hindus are not even realizing that the next world map change is going to shrink them more! Last two hundred years, see the history. Last thousand years and now, you lost eighty percent of your land; not only eighty percent of your civilizational nation, eighty percent of your territorial nation is also lost. Last two hundred years to now, you lost more than ninety percent of your civilizational nation and more than ninety percent of your territorial nation. Understand now, you have only one territory - Kailasa. That also I got it as bhikṣā. From different countries I begged and got small bits and pieces of land, here and there. Sympathy, from their sympathy and compassion and love, they gave that as a bhikṣā. That small few pieces of land... in some place we got with autonomous status, in some place we got with nominal sovereignty.
I am stitching all those few bits and pieces which I got from various corners of the world, in remote corners of the world, in remote islands in various corners of the world; I got these few bits and pieces of land - bhikṣā, bhudāna. With that, now I am stitching this Kailasa Nation, trying to make it as United States of Kailasa. Legally stitching all of them and bringing them all under one legal entity, and United States of Kailasa Nation with a lots of hard work. Literally, literally lots of hard work and among the persecution, amidst the persecution I am facing. The persecution attempts, death threats, assassination attempts, lawfare, defamations, cyberbullying; among all these  I got  few bits and pieces of lands in My begging bowl which I am stretching and stitching properly and making, forming this United States of Kailasa.                         
Listen carefully and intensely. Hindus need to wake up  to retain the civilizational nation and territorial nation. I am not against India, please understand. But, many people, anti-Hindu elements have created a strong ecosystem. And Hindus are literally getting choked, boxed in through the anti-Hindu media, media and the media forces the government administration always to go against Hindus, and make all the decisions against Hindus, and legislature is forced to go anti-Hindus, and judiciary is forced to play for the gallery. Understand this whole ecosystem. Anti-Hindu ecosystem is boxing in the Hindus and choking the Hindu ecosystem, choking the Hindu civilizational nation. And neither I can reveal all these truths to Hindus. The moment I even started thinking and talking about it, brutal assassination attempts on Me. Multiple assassination attempts, multiple lawfare, multiple defamation, multi-layer of cyberbullying, media bullying, grabbing My properties, burning My properties, and branding Me  as property grabber of Hindu properties; that is the funny thing. Anti-Hindu elements grab all My properties and then brand Me that I am grabbing the Hindu properties. Ayy! They, it is allotted for Hindus! It is allotted for the purpose of the Hindus. Understand       
All the people who are involved in the governance of Kailasa, listen to every statement I am making. Do Vākyārtha Sadas and Jīvartha Sadas on each of these statements. Because I started making Hindus aware of all these truths, multiple brutal assassination attempts I faced. All My ashram, My monasteries, My properties were grabbed. My ashrams and temples were burned. And, I had to go through the intense defamation, cyberbullying, lawfare, multiple arrests, government sponsored terrorism, terrorist attack. I have to go through all of this, because I started making Hindus aware. I started making Hindus aware that Hindu civilizational nation is under attack. The volume of atrocity material getting created on Hindus. Understand,  Hindus need to understand I have been attacked  because I started working for all of you.         
Oh Hindus, please wake up! The anti-Hindu elements, the anti-Hindu ecosystem, their target is you, not Me! Because I am working for all of you, they have started targeting Me! Many Hindu leaders in India are realizing that now. Now I have moved out, so now all of them are getting targeted! If you are a Hindu leader, Hindu thinker, Hindu Guru, if you are unapologetic Hindu, you don’t even need to be active, if you are just unapologetic Hindu - be very clear, anti-Hindu elements are too powerful, and Hindus are in midst of a war. Hindus are under siege in India. I should say not only in India; I think in Pakistan, Hindus are already wiped. There is no Hindus left in Pakistan; even few days before, one temple was burnt. Hundreds of years old temple was burnt, demolished, destroyed! There is nobody even to give voice! There is nobody to give voice! It is not going to be spoken in the United Nations.     
Now of course I am trying to take every Hindu issues to United Nations,  Human Rights Commission, everything. But I am a  weak voice sitting in one corner. Anyhow, I will not give up. I will not give up. I will go on work and put it on record and take it to international community. Understand, a man who enters into the war knowing that he is going to win, is a warrior, leader. A man who does not bother whether I am going to win or not, I am going to put My whole life and stand for the truth because the truth is the truth is the truth, is Tyāgi! I am a Tyāgi! I don’t care whether I am going to win or lose. I only know Paramashiva is with Me. I stand for Paramashiva, Paramashiva satyas and the great truths revealed by Paramashiva - this greater science called Hinduism. If you want to come with Me - along with you,  if you don’t want to come with Me  - without you, you dare to fight with Me  - in spite of you, I will make the Kailasa happen!
Kailasa: the ancient enlightened Hindu civilizational nation with territory will happen. I’ll make seed bank for Hinduism. Still Hindus have not woken up to the truth they are under siege. Eh! Sixty years before, if you told the Hindus in Lahore that your next generation will not be able to celebrate Shivaratri in Lahore, they would not have believed! They were in deep slumber. Sixty years before, if you tell the Hindus in Dhaka your grandsons cannot celebrate Durgā Pūjā in this city, they would not have believed! They were in deep slumber. When every Hindu is diluted and converted, it is not we are losing only civilizational nation, we are also losing the territory, territorial nation. When every single Hindu is diluted or converted, we are not only losing the civilizational nation, we are also losing the territory. Hindus wake up!     
When Tamils are brainwashed to believe they are not part of the Hindu civilization,  it is ethnocide  which is preparing a ground for genocide. it is ethnocide which is preparing the ground for genocide. I don’t know how many of you know the fundamental scripture for Adi Shaivism, Vedas and Agamas, the Kamika Agama, the same is the fundamental scripture for Kashmiri Shaivites. Civilizationally, Adi Shaivites in Kanchipuram, Adi Shaivites in Kashmir are one and the same! Civilizationally when Kashmir Shaivites started losing their civilization, Kanchi Shaivites kept quiet. Now, the Kashmiri Shaivites lost the civilizational nation and the territorial nation - both. Now the next the Kanchi Shaivites are only going to be losing; that’s what is happening! Because the anti-Hindu elements which  destroyed the civilizational nation of Kashmir and grabbed the territory of the Kashmir is not going to keep quiet; they are going to next attack the kash Kanchi! 
Understand, Hindus wake up! Wake up! Wake up! We have the great responsibility. We have the great responsibility to practice, protect, preserve and spread the Hinduism, Sanatana Hindu Dharma, the greater science of life. How Jews made Israel for keeping the Jewish tradition alive, Judaism alive, as a seed bank for Judaism, Hindus need to make Kailasa as a seed bank for Hinduism. I have lot more to tell; will tell in further satsangs.       
We have received more proclamation messages from all over the world. We have crossed hundred and eight proclamations and letters and counting more. Thank you all. I am humbled by the love, support, proclamations pouring from all corners of the world. Ten from Karnataka, India, three from Tamil Nadu, India, nine from Taiwan, five from China, two from Hong Kong, one from Singapore, eight from Malaysia, one from Russia, two from Australia, two from lang Luxemburg, one from United Kingdom, two from New Zealand, two from Austin, Texas, USA, and still pouring, pouring, pouring from all over the world. I was actually thinking we will get hundred and eight proclamations; we may get. But the way it is going, it may go up to thousand or even ten thousand. I don’t know. So just today,  the forty seven new proclamations we got. 
This is from Sri Ilango Krishnamoorthy founding member of Thiru Subramaniyar Aalayam Mangere, Subramaniyar Aalayam, Auckland, New Zealand - thank you for your commendation letter. My blessings.
And, this is from SivaSri Chandru Gurukkal, Chief Priest at Auckland Sri Ganesh Temple - thank you Shivacharya Ji. Thank you for your beautiful proclamation message and video offering. 
And next we have a very important message. This is from ThiruKailaya Parambarai Meikandar Santhanam, Perur Adheenam - Sri Santhalinga Marudhachala Adigalar. This is one of the main eighteen aadheenams of Tamil Nadu. That Guru Mahasannidhanam has sent his proclamation in Tamil. I am so happy, and thank you Sri Shantalinga Marudhachala Adigalar Swamiji.
இன்று திருக்கைலாய பரம்பரை பேரூர் ஆதீனம் சாந்தலிங்க மருதாசல அடிகளார் அவர்கள், அவர்களுடைய வாழ்த்து செய்தியை அனுப்பியிருக்கின்றார்கள். அதற்காக நான் மிகுந்த மகிழ்ச்சியடைகின்றேன். தவத்திரு பேரூர் ஆதீனம் மரியாதைக்குரிய, வழிபாட்டுக்குரிய திரு. ஸ்ரீலஸ்ரீ சாந்தலிங்க மருதாசல அடிகளார் அவர்களை வணங்கி மகிழ்கின்றேன். நன்றியோடு உங்களை வணங்குவதில் பெருமையடைகிறேன். உங்களுடைய வாழ்த்து செய்திக்கு நன்றி.
Next, the Managing Director of Sivam TV from Chennai - thank you for your proclamation message. 
Kannathasan Paramasivan, Chairman of Subramaniar Swamy Temple, Selangor, Malaysia -  thank you for your proclamation message. 
Ma Meena Das Narayan, Senior Journalist, Filmmaker, Poet, Artist, Cartoonist; more than all opinion maker of India. Thank you for your proclamation message; sincerely thank you for all the support. 
Helen Li, Australia, Director of Bantus Corporation - thank you for your proclamation message.
Anandini, Chairman at Globaltex, International Trading & Co. - thank you for your proclamation message.
Shuang Hua Yeh, Artist & Art Director, Phoebe Kah Kah Design Studio - thank you for your proclamation message.
Ma Paramesha, Chairman of the Three-in-One Educational Institution - thank you for your proclamation message, My blessings.
Chen Chien Sheng, Head of Miro Kindergarten - thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings.
Ji Chun Jin, thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings.
Mei Hui Zhang, thank you for your, Head, Head of Zhongshan Language Cram School - thank you for your proclamation message; My blessings.
Chun Long Chen, Head of Chinese Language Remedial Class - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
An Li Ya, Chairman of Kangqiao Kindergarten - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Yu Chai, Taiwan, Manager of L’Leone International Co. Limited - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Ang Shi Xian, Manager of Pusat Tuisyen Bahagia Gembira - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Law Zen How, Activist, Artist, Farmer - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Xinxin Wei, China, President of Valen Media, Incorporation - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Xin Zhao, General Manager of Jiangxi Zhongshui Trading & Co. Limited - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Han Cheuk Nan, Vice President of Kailasa Hong Kong - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Qiao Hua Pan, Professional Fashion Designer at Zhi Shang Clothing Limited in Guangzhou, China - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Ma Kamalaroop Kamakalaroopananda, General Manager of Quanzhou Heart Power Media & Co., Limited - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Yi Yuan Yang, Co-Founder of Sega Co., Limited - thank you for your proclamation message.
Chu Rudrayoga, Vice-President of Kailasa Hong Kong - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Wei Hu, permanent resident doctor in Russia - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Penang, Malaysia - Sivabalan, Founder & Director at B3 Cleaning Resources - thank you Sivabalan for your proclamation message and My blessings.
Lee Ban Pin, Accountant, former business owner, Kedah, Malaysia - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Shakti Mohan Das, former national secretary, Malaysian Indian Congress, Seremban, Malaysia - thank you Shakti Mohan Das for your proclamation message. Blessings.
Chandriga Shivalingam, professional Indian classical dancer, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings. Soon she will become Asthana Vidwan, the dancer of Kailasa. Waiting for you to reach Kailasa. Thank you for your proclamation message and blessings.
Dato Seri Dr. Edward, expert trainer, speaker and author at MLM Network Marketing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - thank you for your proclamation message and My blessings.
Harish Hadly, Strategy & Project Development Lead of Airline Tariff Publishing & Co. -  thank you for your proclamation message and blessings.
Latha Hadly, Delivery Manager of United Health Care - thank you for your proclamation message and blessings.
Ms Ragini Annan, Founder & Director of Bliss Health - thank you for your proclamation message and blessings.
Lohini Rajagopal, Managing Director at Consultant at nWisdom dot nWisdom Limited - thank you for your proclamation letter and blessings.
Nikunj Sanghavi, Senior HR Professional from Luxembourg - thank you for your proclamation letter and My blessings.
Snehaul Raut, Director at Nithya Ramya Pte. Limited, Singapore - thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings.
Wendy Scott, Founder & Director of Stepping Into Life - Wellness, from Queensland, Australia - thank you for your proclamation message and  commendation letter. Thank you and blessings.
Balaji M S, CEO at Whatznxt Infoexcell Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka - thank you Balaji for your proclamation letter and blessings for you and your wife Uma Balaji - both, blessings.
Uma Balaji, Founder & Chairperson at Vision & Values Mission Trust - thank you for your proclamation letter, love and blessings Uma Balaji.
Sreenath,  Sri MVS Modi Centre - thank you for your proclamation message; My blessings.
Kariyappa, business owner from Bangalore, Karnataka - thank you for your proclamation message. 
Ramu.E, business owner from Bengaluru, Karnataka - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings. 
Hari Babu, Balaji Medicals, Bangalore, Karnataka - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings. 
Mani and Sundari, Gajanana Fruit Store, Bangalore, Karnataka - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings. 
M.V Jayarama Reddy, Founder, CEO of Pragatheek Empowering Limited - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings. 
Mohammed Jameel, business owner, Jameel Flowers - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings. 
And, Swami Sri Subramanyananda Gopal Maharaj, Gopalaramakrishnan, Ramakrishna Ramana Advaita Ashram from Madurai, Tamil Nadu - thank you for your proclamation message. Thank you Maharaj. 
So, today  so many wonderful proclamation messages and more is pouring in. And today is one more thing: Ramesh Ramani’s birthday. Ramesh Ramani, blessings! With all the auspiciousness, health, wealth, bliss, Enlightenment, you will be with Me, I’ll be with you. You will be showered not just with millions, billions! Paramashiva’s blessings. Today especially Swarna Akarshana Bhairava Homa. You are now showered with the blessings of Swarna Akarshana Bhairava - wealth, career, success, bliss, Enlightenment. With all this auspiciousness, you will be with Me; I’ll be with you. Ramesh Ramani, blessings. And, Ma Nithya Lalatakshananda, birthday blessings for you.   
Yes. With this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.
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Latest revision as of 20:30, 18 February 2021


Superconscious Breakthrough



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||oṃ nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respect. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, practicing Hindus, de facto Kailashians from all over the world. I welcome all the Sarvajnapeetha Karthas, Yajamans, Manifestors, Kailasa’s Ministers, Diplomats, eDiplomats, citizens, Consulate Generals and supporters. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.


Paramashiva’s message directly from Kailasa: Implementing the first principle of consciousness-based life. Life positive attitude and aptitude in every level, every plane, every zone of life is revival of Kailasa. When I say Hinduism, I mean the greater science of life, greater science of consciousness, greater science of Universe, greater science of Cosmos. In every level, making people wake up to this greater science and living, is the purpose of Kailasa. Understand, every time when a Hindu is diluted or converted, when a Hindu is diluted or converted - world is losing spiritual depth. Every person spiritually becoming deeper, start living this greater science - world is gaining spiritually. Our purpose is helping the world to gain more and more spiritually. Make the world gain more and more spiritually.


I have seen in India; understand, India is two layered nation. One, enlightened Hindus civilizational nation. Next, the territory called India. Please understand, the civilizational nation is in extreme danger. The civilizational nation is getting choked literally from all corners because Hindus are fundamentally minority globally. Understand, the world is global. It is no more territory-based the moment internet has become our lifestyle. Many time I told you, in the seven billion population, internet is a city which has four billion population, more than four billion population. So be very clear: after the introduction of the internet, world is no more small countries, territories, borders, islands. No! It’s a globe! In that global level, Hindus are minority; and the civilization of the Hindus, the ecosystem of the Hindus is getting literally choked. Hindus are in the middle of the war; either you wake up to this truth or you die while you are asleep. Either you wake up to this truth or you die in the sleep. There is no other choice.


The civilization which has not woken up naturally has no right to live! Hindu civilization need to wake up to the truth. As a civilizational nation, you are literally getting choked. Whenever every Hindu is diluted or converted, you are losing the land also, understand. The laws of civilization is the laws of territory also; because for any nation to exist as a nation, the “why” need to be answered. Hindu civilization is the “why.” Answer for the “why,” you need territorial nation. Anti-Hindu elements are destroying that civilizational nation. Please understand, why we need a Hindu nation? That question need to be addressed. Because the Hindu civilization is good it need to be kept alive; we need a Hindu nation. But the civilization is getting destroyed in extremely alarming speed. Hindus are neither ready to wake up and anyone who is even trying to wake up, the Hindus is targeted and destroyed brutally.


Fortunately with the grace of Paramashiva, I am still alive. I am not killed. I did not fall. But the number of attempts on My life; and the lawfare done on Me and the defamation destroying My identity - all these is enormous! If you see the volume of atrocity material generated on Me in the internet, you will be shocked! Listen carefully, I want Hindus to know this truth: understand, the target of anti-Hindu elements is not Me! You! Because I am defending all of you, I am being targeted. Listen! Wake up to that! Oh Hindus, the target of anti-Hindu elements is not Me! You! Because I am defending you, protecting you, they are targeting Me! Wake up to this truth.


Let Me reveal some of these truths, step by step. First: India has two layer - civilizational nation, territorial nation. The threats territory is facing, all of you know. But the threats civilizational nation is facing, unsaid. Even the Hindus are not waking up to this truth, the threat Hindu civilizational nation is facing. Even Hindus strongly believe caste system is wrong! Oh God! Ayy! This is the system which made you live, which is your life, which is still keeping you alive; the only existing ancient civilization. There are forty nine ancient civilization. All forty eight has disappeared. The only living continuous, only continuously living, unbroken civilization is Hindu civilization. The reason: one and only reason is caste system.

Kulathaazhchi Uyarchi sollal paavam.

That line, I agree. There is no higher or lower among the caste; that I agree. But don’t try to dismantle the very caste system. The caste system kept this civilization alive! Deity worship kept the civilization alive! Temples kept the civilization alive!


First truth: Hindu civilizational nation is under siege. It is getting destroyed; it is barely alive. It is in ICU. The one and only purpose of Kailasa is to revive Hindu civilizational nation. Eight hundred years of brutal wars and two hundred years of extreme brainwashing. Even Hindus have started believing something is wrong with the Hindu civilization. And Tamilians are brainwashed heavily that they are not part of Hindu civilization. Lingayats are brainwashed heavily that they are not part of the Hindu civilization. Nagaland’s tribes are washed, brainwashed heavily that they are not part of Hindu civilization. Buddhists are brainwashed heavily, and made to believe they are not part of the Hindu civilization. Sikhs are brainwashed heavily, and made to believe they are not part of the Hindu civilization. Fundamental principles of Sikhism is to protect Sanatana Hindu Dharma. To protect Hinduism, Sikhism was created. The founding fathers of Sikh, their vision is to protect Hinduism. Jains are made to believe, Jains are brainwashed they are not part of Hinduism.


Ayy understand, every Jain tradition worships Gaṇapati and Padmāvatī. Every Jain tradition worships Gaṇapati and Padmāvatī, Lakṣhmī. Every Vaishnavite tradition worships Gaṇapati. Every Shaivite tradition worships Lakṣhmī.

Unfortunately, too much of wrong ideas and brainwashing is happening to break the Hindu civilization. Listen carefully to these statements. These are warning for all the Hindus. First: Hindu civilization is under attack, under siege. In ICU, Hindu civilization is in the Intensive Care Unit; first statement. Second: whenever, whenever a Hindu is diluted or converted, you are not only losing Hindu civilizational nation, you are losing Hindu territory nation also.


World map is not eternal as you Hindus are made to believe. Hindus are brainwashed to believe world map is eternal. Every three year world map is changing. Hindus are not even realizing that the next world map change is going to shrink them more! Last two hundred years, see the history. Last thousand years and now, you lost eighty percent of your land; not only eighty percent of your civilizational nation, eighty percent of your territorial nation is also lost. Last two hundred years to now, you lost more than ninety percent of your civilizational nation and more than ninety percent of your territorial nation. Understand now, you have only one territory - Kailasa. That also I got it as bhikṣā. From different countries I begged and got small bits and pieces of land, here and there. Sympathy, from their sympathy and compassion and love, they gave that as a bhikṣā. That small few pieces of land... in some place we got with autonomous status, in some place we got with nominal sovereignty.


I am stitching all those few bits and pieces which I got from various corners of the world, in remote corners of the world, in remote islands in various corners of the world; I got these few bits and pieces of land - bhikṣā, bhudāna. With that, now I am stitching this Kailasa Nation, trying to make it as United States of Kailasa. Legally stitching all of them and bringing them all under one legal entity, and United States of Kailasa Nation with a lots of hard work. Literally, literally lots of hard work and among the persecution, amidst the persecution I am facing. The persecution attempts, death threats, assassination attempts, lawfare, defamations, cyberbullying; among all these I got few bits and pieces of lands in My begging bowl which I am stretching and stitching properly and making, forming this United States of Kailasa.


Listen carefully and intensely. Hindus need to wake up to retain the civilizational nation and territorial nation. I am not against India, please understand. But, many people, anti-Hindu elements have created a strong ecosystem. And Hindus are literally getting choked, boxed in through the anti-Hindu media, media and the media forces the government administration always to go against Hindus, and make all the decisions against Hindus, and legislature is forced to go anti-Hindus, and judiciary is forced to play for the gallery. Understand this whole ecosystem. Anti-Hindu ecosystem is boxing in the Hindus and choking the Hindu ecosystem, choking the Hindu civilizational nation. And neither I can reveal all these truths to Hindus. The moment I even started thinking and talking about it, brutal assassination attempts on Me. Multiple assassination attempts, multiple lawfare, multiple defamation, multi-layer of cyberbullying, media bullying, grabbing My properties, burning My properties, and branding Me as property grabber of Hindu properties; that is the funny thing. Anti-Hindu elements grab all My properties and then brand Me that I am grabbing the Hindu properties. Ayy! They, it is allotted for Hindus! It is allotted for the purpose of the Hindus. Understand


All the people who are involved in the governance of Kailasa, listen to every statement I am making. Do Vākyārtha Sadas and Jīvartha Sadas on each of these statements. Because I started making Hindus aware of all these truths, multiple brutal assassination attempts I faced. All My ashram, My monasteries, My properties were grabbed. My ashrams and temples were burned. And, I had to go through the intense defamation, cyberbullying, lawfare, multiple arrests, government sponsored terrorism, terrorist attack. I have to go through all of this, because I started making Hindus aware. I started making Hindus aware that Hindu civilizational nation is under attack. The volume of atrocity material getting created on Hindus. Understand, Hindus need to understand I have been attacked because I started working for all of you.


Oh Hindus, please wake up! The anti-Hindu elements, the anti-Hindu ecosystem, their target is you, not Me! Because I am working for all of you, they have started targeting Me! Many Hindu leaders in India are realizing that now. Now I have moved out, so now all of them are getting targeted! If you are a Hindu leader, Hindu thinker, Hindu Guru, if you are unapologetic Hindu, you don’t even need to be active, if you are just unapologetic Hindu - be very clear, anti-Hindu elements are too powerful, and Hindus are in midst of a war. Hindus are under siege in India. I should say not only in India; I think in Pakistan, Hindus are already wiped. There is no Hindus left in Pakistan; even few days before, one temple was burnt. Hundreds of years old temple was burnt, demolished, destroyed! There is nobody even to give voice! There is nobody to give voice! It is not going to be spoken in the United Nations.


Now of course I am trying to take every Hindu issues to United Nations, Human Rights Commission, everything. But I am a weak voice sitting in one corner. Anyhow, I will not give up. I will not give up. I will go on work and put it on record and take it to international community. Understand, a man who enters into the war knowing that he is going to win, is a warrior, leader. A man who does not bother whether I am going to win or not, I am going to put My whole life and stand for the truth because the truth is the truth is the truth, is Tyāgi! I am a Tyāgi! I don’t care whether I am going to win or lose. I only know Paramashiva is with Me. I stand for Paramashiva, Paramashiva satyas and the great truths revealed by Paramashiva - this greater science called Hinduism. If you want to come with Me - along with you, if you don’t want to come with Me - without you, you dare to fight with Me - in spite of you, I will make the Kailasa happen!


Kailasa: the ancient enlightened Hindu civilizational nation with territory will happen. I’ll make seed bank for Hinduism. Still Hindus have not woken up to the truth they are under siege. Eh! Sixty years before, if you told the Hindus in Lahore that your next generation will not be able to celebrate Shivaratri in Lahore, they would not have believed! They were in deep slumber. Sixty years before, if you tell the Hindus in Dhaka your grandsons cannot celebrate Durgā Pūjā in this city, they would not have believed! They were in deep slumber. When every Hindu is diluted and converted, it is not we are losing only civilizational nation, we are also losing the territory, territorial nation. When every single Hindu is diluted or converted, we are not only losing the civilizational nation, we are also losing the territory. Hindus wake up!


When Tamils are brainwashed to believe they are not part of the Hindu civilization, it is ethnocide which is preparing a ground for genocide. it is ethnocide which is preparing the ground for genocide. I don’t know how many of you know the fundamental scripture for Adi Shaivism, Vedas and Agamas, the Kamika Agama, the same is the fundamental scripture for Kashmiri Shaivites. Civilizationally, Adi Shaivites in Kanchipuram, Adi Shaivites in Kashmir are one and the same! Civilizationally when Kashmir Shaivites started losing their civilization, Kanchi Shaivites kept quiet. Now, the Kashmiri Shaivites lost the civilizational nation and the territorial nation - both. Now the next the Kanchi Shaivites are only going to be losing; that’s what is happening! Because the anti-Hindu elements which destroyed the civilizational nation of Kashmir and grabbed the territory of the Kashmir is not going to keep quiet; they are going to next attack the kash Kanchi!


Understand, Hindus wake up! Wake up! Wake up! We have the great responsibility. We have the great responsibility to practice, protect, preserve and spread the Hinduism, Sanatana Hindu Dharma, the greater science of life. How Jews made Israel for keeping the Jewish tradition alive, Judaism alive, as a seed bank for Judaism, Hindus need to make Kailasa as a seed bank for Hinduism. I have lot more to tell; will tell in further satsangs.


We have received more proclamation messages from all over the world. We have crossed hundred and eight proclamations and letters and counting more. Thank you all. I am humbled by the love, support, proclamations pouring from all corners of the world. Ten from Karnataka, India, three from Tamil Nadu, India, nine from Taiwan, five from China, two from Hong Kong, one from Singapore, eight from Malaysia, one from Russia, two from Australia, two from lang Luxemburg, one from United Kingdom, two from New Zealand, two from Austin, Texas, USA, and still pouring, pouring, pouring from all over the world. I was actually thinking we will get hundred and eight proclamations; we may get. But the way it is going, it may go up to thousand or even ten thousand. I don’t know. So just today, the forty seven new proclamations we got.


This is from Sri Ilango Krishnamoorthy founding member of Thiru Subramaniyar Aalayam Mangere, Subramaniyar Aalayam, Auckland, New Zealand - thank you for your commendation letter. My blessings.

And, this is from SivaSri Chandru Gurukkal, Chief Priest at Auckland Sri Ganesh Temple - thank you Shivacharya Ji. Thank you for your beautiful proclamation message and video offering.

And next we have a very important message. This is from ThiruKailaya Parambarai Meikandar Santhanam, Perur Adheenam - Sri Santhalinga Marudhachala Adigalar. This is one of the main eighteen aadheenams of Tamil Nadu. That Guru Mahasannidhanam has sent his proclamation in Tamil. I am so happy, and thank you Sri Shantalinga Marudhachala Adigalar Swamiji.

இன்று திருக்கைலாய பரம்பரை பேரூர் ஆதீனம் சாந்தலிங்க மருதாசல அடிகளார் அவர்கள், அவர்களுடைய வாழ்த்து செய்தியை அனுப்பியிருக்கின்றார்கள். அதற்காக நான் மிகுந்த மகிழ்ச்சியடைகின்றேன். தவத்திரு பேரூர் ஆதீனம் மரியாதைக்குரிய, வழிபாட்டுக்குரிய திரு. ஸ்ரீலஸ்ரீ சாந்தலிங்க மருதாசல அடிகளார் அவர்களை வணங்கி மகிழ்கின்றேன். நன்றியோடு உங்களை வணங்குவதில் பெருமையடைகிறேன். உங்களுடைய வாழ்த்து செய்திக்கு நன்றி.


Next, the Managing Director of Sivam TV from Chennai - thank you for your proclamation message.

Kannathasan Paramasivan, Chairman of Subramaniar Swamy Temple, Selangor, Malaysia - thank you for your proclamation message.

Ma Meena Das Narayan, Senior Journalist, Filmmaker, Poet, Artist, Cartoonist; more than all opinion maker of India. Thank you for your proclamation message; sincerely thank you for all the support.

Helen Li, Australia, Director of Bantus Corporation - thank you for your proclamation message.

Anandini, Chairman at Globaltex, International Trading & Co. - thank you for your proclamation message.

Shuang Hua Yeh, Artist & Art Director, Phoebe Kah Kah Design Studio - thank you for your proclamation message.

Ma Paramesha, Chairman of the Three-in-One Educational Institution - thank you for your proclamation message, My blessings.

Chen Chien Sheng, Head of Miro Kindergarten - thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings.


Ji Chun Jin, thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings.

Mei Hui Zhang, thank you for your, Head, Head of Zhongshan Language Cram School - thank you for your proclamation message; My blessings.

Chun Long Chen, Head of Chinese Language Remedial Class - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

An Li Ya, Chairman of Kangqiao Kindergarten - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Yu Chai, Taiwan, Manager of L’Leone International Co. Limited - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Ang Shi Xian, Manager of Pusat Tuisyen Bahagia Gembira - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Law Zen How, Activist, Artist, Farmer - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Xinxin Wei, China, President of Valen Media, Incorporation - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Xin Zhao, General Manager of Jiangxi Zhongshui Trading & Co. Limited - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Han Cheuk Nan, Vice President of Kailasa Hong Kong - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.


Qiao Hua Pan, Professional Fashion Designer at Zhi Shang Clothing Limited in Guangzhou, China - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Ma Kamalaroop Kamakalaroopananda, General Manager of Quanzhou Heart Power Media & Co., Limited - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Yi Yuan Yang, Co-Founder of Sega Co., Limited - thank you for your proclamation message.

Chu Rudrayoga, Vice-President of Kailasa Hong Kong - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Wei Hu, permanent resident doctor in Russia - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Penang, Malaysia - Sivabalan, Founder & Director at B3 Cleaning Resources - thank you Sivabalan for your proclamation message and My blessings.

Lee Ban Pin, Accountant, former business owner, Kedah, Malaysia - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Shakti Mohan Das, former national secretary, Malaysian Indian Congress, Seremban, Malaysia - thank you Shakti Mohan Das for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Chandriga Shivalingam, professional Indian classical dancer, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings. Soon she will become Asthana Vidwan, the dancer of Kailasa. Waiting for you to reach Kailasa. Thank you for your proclamation message and blessings.

Dato Seri Dr. Edward, expert trainer, speaker and author at MLM Network Marketing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - thank you for your proclamation message and My blessings.

Harish Hadly, Strategy & Project Development Lead of Airline Tariff Publishing & Co. - thank you for your proclamation message and blessings.


Latha Hadly, Delivery Manager of United Health Care - thank you for your proclamation message and blessings.

Ms Ragini Annan, Founder & Director of Bliss Health - thank you for your proclamation message and blessings.

Lohini Rajagopal, Managing Director at Consultant at nWisdom dot nWisdom Limited - thank you for your proclamation letter and blessings.

Nikunj Sanghavi, Senior HR Professional from Luxembourg - thank you for your proclamation letter and My blessings.

Snehaul Raut, Director at Nithya Ramya Pte. Limited, Singapore - thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings.

Wendy Scott, Founder & Director of Stepping Into Life - Wellness, from Queensland, Australia - thank you for your proclamation message and commendation letter. Thank you and blessings.

Balaji M S, CEO at Whatznxt Infoexcell Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka - thank you Balaji for your proclamation letter and blessings for you and your wife Uma Balaji - both, blessings.

Uma Balaji, Founder & Chairperson at Vision & Values Mission Trust - thank you for your proclamation letter, love and blessings Uma Balaji.

Sreenath, Sri MVS Modi Centre - thank you for your proclamation message; My blessings.


Kariyappa, business owner from Bangalore, Karnataka - thank you for your proclamation message.

Ramu.E, business owner from Bengaluru, Karnataka - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Hari Babu, Balaji Medicals, Bangalore, Karnataka - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Mani and Sundari, Gajanana Fruit Store, Bangalore, Karnataka - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

M.V Jayarama Reddy, Founder, CEO of Pragatheek Empowering Limited - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

Mohammed Jameel, business owner, Jameel Flowers - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings.

And, Swami Sri Subramanyananda Gopal Maharaj, Gopalaramakrishnan, Ramakrishna Ramana Advaita Ashram from Madurai, Tamil Nadu - thank you for your proclamation message. Thank you Maharaj.


So, today so many wonderful proclamation messages and more is pouring in. And today is one more thing: Ramesh Ramani’s birthday. Ramesh Ramani, blessings! With all the auspiciousness, health, wealth, bliss, Enlightenment, you will be with Me, I’ll be with you. You will be showered not just with millions, billions! Paramashiva’s blessings. Today especially Swarna Akarshana Bhairava Homa. You are now showered with the blessings of Swarna Akarshana Bhairava - wealth, career, success, bliss, Enlightenment. With all this auspiciousness, you will be with Me; I’ll be with you. Ramesh Ramani, blessings. And, Ma Nithya Lalatakshananda, birthday blessings for you.

Yes. With this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.


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Global Recognitions/ Proclamations/ Commendations

  • Thushy Thirun - Head, Enterprise Database Services (Environment and Climate Change Canada) - Toronto, Canada.

2021-01-04 Thushy Letter 44th Jayathi.pdf

  • Nitesh Singh - Co-Founder & CTO of Nark Digital - Toronto, Canada.

Proclamation Letter NARK Digital.pdf

Photos Of The Day:
