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===Sarvamangala Darshan===
===Sarvamangala Darshan===
Glimpses of Sarvamangala Darshan gifted to the world today by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Humanity today was blessed with Bhagavan Ganapati Darshan and Bhagavan Paramashiva Darshan by the 1008th living incarnation of Paramashiva.
Glimpses of Sarvamangala Darshan gifted to the world today by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Humanity today was blessed with Bhagavan Ganapati Darshan and Bhagavan Paramashiva Darshan by the 1008th living incarnation of Paramashiva.
|| nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with My love and respect. I welcome all the living and practicing Hindus, de facto Kailashians all over the world. I welcome all the Sarvajnapeetha Karthas, Yajamans, Manifestors, Sarvaparityagis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kothari, Thanedar, visitors, viewers, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Kailasa’s eGurukul students, Kailasa’s NHU students, Kailasa’s Ministers, Ambassadors, Diplomats, eDiplomats, citizens, Consulate Generals and supporters, Mantreshvaras, Vidyeshvaras, Ganeshvaras, Lokeshvaras, Astreshvaras, all those sitting with us live and Kailasa’s NTV. I welcome all of you with My love and respect.
Paramashiva’s message directly from Kailasa. Listen. Manifest peace in your being level, powerfulness in your doing level, intensity in your action. This is the most important powerful royal secret to manifest the success in life. Listen carefully. Manifest peace in your being, powerfulness in your doing - will in your doing, intensity in your action. Listen intensely. Society always teaches you pseudo dignity instead of integrity. Cosmos teaches you integrity, society teaches pseudo dignity. Pseudo dignity cannot replace the strength of integrity. Same way, peace and powerfulness cannot be replaced by your idea of happiness. All the idea of happiness taught to you by society is pseudo happiness.
Understand the good news I have for all of you is joy-pain, happiness-sadness - both are delusion. Both are pseudo ideas taught to you by society. How society teaches you pseudo dignity, it teaches you the pseudo happiness, pseudo sadness. Idea of happiness which you carry, for which you are asked to run your life and idea of pain you carry, for which you are asked to run your life... to avoid the pain; to avoid the pain, you are asked to run your life - both are absolutely pseudo and stupid. Listen carefully. If you fundamentally remove the pus from your core cognitions of life, if you detox yourself from the ideas of pseudo dignity, pseudo pain, pseudo happiness - your life is successful. Your life will be successful.
What is happiness? The whole idea of happiness and pain is just delusion. Some accidental, irreproducible; because irreproducible most unscientific. Anything which can be definite and reproducible only is science. If something should be called as science, it should be very definitive and reproducible. But all your happiness and your pain, both are not reproducible. They are not definite. It is just some chemistry happening in your biology like accident, some coincidence. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t happen, and you struggle with the idea what all you did earlier to get the happiness, you try to do the same thing and wait, wait, wait, even beg for happiness to come and it doesn’t come. Same way, you plan what all you did to avoid some pain or sadness and you avoid all of that perfectly; but suddenly you, the sadness is vibrant, literally taking over you, paralyzing you. You don’t know!
I tell you, peace is the real experience. Powerfulness is the real experience. They are, they both are definite and reproducible. Integrity is definite. Pseudo dignity is delusory. Peace is definite. Happiness is delusory. Powerfulness is definite. Fear of pain or fear of sadness is delusory. Understand, this year 2021, this is My message; listen. Today is not only new year, beginning of the new decade. Beginning of the new decade of this century. And from spiritual angle, literally beginning of the new era after the Pralaya, after the great deluge. So listen to this message very carefully. This is direct message from Paramashiva for this whole year, for this whole decade, for this whole new life post-Pralaya. So understand
Listen carefully, intensely. Work more and more to have peace in your being. Manifest powerfulness in your will and doing level. Manifest intensity in your action. These are the definitive methods, royal secrets for manifesting success in your life in any field. Don’t go for pseudo dignity. Don’t go for pseudo happiness. Don’t be afraid of pseudo pain. Listen. Listen intensely. Always look for peace in your being level. Don’t search, seek, try to look for joy or happiness in your being. Your constant deep yearning, craving, attachment to the joy is the source of pain because joy is neither definite nor reproducible. When Buddha said, “Life is pain, He means this.” Life is not actually pain; your unscientific craving, your deluded attachment, your extremely stupid lust for joy, happiness is the source of all pain.
Look for peace, not for joy. Peace is a definite experience. Shanti is the definite experience, reproducible, scientific and strengthening your existence, making you feel more and more grounded, alive, empowering you. Understand, your search for joy and happiness does not empower you. Your search for peace empowers you, gives you the experience of success. It makes you taste success in the life. Bring powerfulness in your doing, in your will! Do not go after pseudo dignity. Go after integrity. Society teaches you pseudo dignity in the place of integrity. Cosmos expects integrity from you, not pseudo dignity. I tell you, anyone who bothers about pseudo dignity will be paralyzed forever! He can never be a royal! Somebody expects pseudo dignity is forever middle class man. He may have anything but he is middle class and lower middle class.
Listen carefully. Understand, pseudo dignity is stupidity. Pseudo dignity is unscientific. Pseudo dignity is irreproducible. Integrity is scientific. Integrity is reproducible. Integrity empowers you. Integrity empowers you! Listen. Running away from pain, running towards joy is the pseudo journey into which you have been brainwashed. Pseudo dignity is the way society controls you. Oh humanity, liberate yourself from all these three, you will manifest best life on planet earth and best life for planet earth.
Your consciousness will have a breakthrough, superconscious breakthrough. You will have a breakthrough and you will experience superconsciousness the day you stop seeking for joy and start seeking for peace. The day you stop all your efforts to move away from pain and start making yourself powerful, the day you start looking for integrity instead of pseudo dignity, this is the royal secret for manifesting success in everything; whether health, wealth, career, relationships, success in the life, personal fulfillment, fulfillment for the others, fulfillment for the humanity, Enlightenment, power manifestation, superconscious breakthrough, every level - do not ask for pseudo dignity, ask for integrity. Do not ask for joy, ask for peace! Do not try to escape from pain, ask for powerfulness!
I tell you, the good news I have for you is, your idea of pain, idea of joy - both are delusion and unscientific, irreproducible. Anything which can’t be reproduced, if you are running behind it, then you are just destroying your life! You are deluded! You are after delusion. Search for peace, you will get it and the more you get it, more you will feel empowered, you will experience powerfulness. More peace, you will have a deeper impact on the society, humanity, life and on yourself. Experience more peace, go for more peace. Very simple truth but this is the royal secret, royal truth to have superconscious breakthrough, success in everything you want to achieve in the life. This will bring success for you in every level.
You are all My dear ones. I literally see you all as Paramashiva, My own extension. With all the sincerity, honesty, I am telling you the truth - Search for peace. Every small effort you put for peace, not only you will get peace; you will feel empowered, strengthened, powerful. Understand. You will feel empowered, strengthened, powerful. Do not, do not ever look for joy or ways to escape from pain because both are delusion. Like how you have been brainwashed by society with the idea of pseudo dignity, you are brainwashed with the idea of joy and pain - pseudo joy and pseudo pain. Look for peace. Look for powerfulness. Manifest intensity in your action, you will simply see you are blissful, you are empowered, you are intelligent, you are shining.
As I said today is not only new year, it is beginning of new decade and new era post-Pralaya. So take this message intensely. Every Shanti Mantra, every mantra in Vedas, starts with the word “Shanti, Shanti, Shanti” and ends with the word “Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,” not “Sukha, Sukha, Sukha.” No! It starts with Shanti and ends with Shanti. Understand, it starts with Shanti, ends with Shanti because Vedic civilization, Hindu civilization teaches you to look for peace - Shanti, to look for powerfulness and manifest intensity. Understand.
Looking for joy is just going after something which is not there. Look for something which is scientific, really exists and reproducible, which is reproducible. Just simple, simple few word. Simple few word. Meditate on this. In the further satsangs I’ll expand, but this is Paramashiva’s message for this year, this decade, this era. Work to find peace, work to find powerfulness, manifest intensity in your actions - you will manifest the State of Paramashiva, you will manifest the Space of Paramashiva, you will manifest the Being of Paramashiva, you will manifest the Powers of Paramashiva, you will manifest the Superconsciousness of Paramashiva, you will manifest Kailasa of Paramashiva.
January 1st is too closely associated with My life and Sangha - Kailasa. One from My mother’s memory - January 1st seems to be My birthday even though the new discoveries are showing the document we got from family astrologer, his archive - that paper, that document shows it may be 2nd January. And unfortunately the birth record does not exist in the hospital; in those days the hospitals are not that organized in India. So it is more like a, hmm local elderly women; they take care of that delivery of the babies and I was normal delivery. There is no medical attention needed for My mother when I was delivered, so it was done, attended by the local midwife, the elderly women, they attended the birth. So there was no documentation. Only the astrologer’s hand written paper, the small slip. Only that seems to be the written document available. And the son of the astrologer who wrote My horoscope is still alive. The original person astrologer who wrote My horoscope has passed away but the son is still alive. He has retrieved these papers, the father’s records and from his documents, the actual date seems to be Gregorian calendar - 2nd January, 12:34 midnight. The 2nd January midnight. 12:34 means 2nd January entering into 3rd January - that night seems to be the time. But from My mother's memory, it seems to be like 1st January to 2nd January.
Anyhow, only one thing is sure, I am born. That’s all. And 😊 and January 1st is the day Adi Kailasa was inaugurated. Many of our Ashrams were inaugurated. Too many wonderful things have happened January 1st. This is the day we celebrate as a Mission Day - Nithyananda Sangha Day. Even though the Sankalpa I took for the Nithyananda Sangha is December 31st, we celebrate January 1st because the Adi Kailasa, Bidadi Ashram started. It was inaugurated on January 1st. The foundation was, foundation stone was laid Deepavali Day in November. Inauguration was done on January 1st by the great Swamiji - Sri Shivakumara Mahaswamiji of Siddaganga Mutt. He was called as “Nadedaduva Devaru” means “Walking God” who lived for 111 years, and, Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji of Adichunchanagiri Mutt, and Sri Shivapuri Swamiji. Shivapuri Mahaswamiji attended as the representative of My Guru - Sri Tiruchi Swamigal. Shivaratna Puri Mahaswamiji; because Shivaratna Puri Swamiji himself, he was too old and he was not able to move around to attend many functions, so he sent his chief disciple, Sri Shivapuri Mahaswamiji to grace on behalf of him. All of them came and attended and inaugurated the Adi Kailasa, Nithyananda Peetham. We have wonderful memories on this January 1st.
So let’s all celebrate this Mission Day. And I have 32 proclamations today from all over the world. I have 32 proclamations from all over the world celebrating My birthday - Jayanti, and still pouring. We may have more than 100 by January 7th, Jayanti Mahasotva. Till today, we received 32 in our hands. First I wanted to thank all those who sent their proclamations and letters in honour of the 44th Jayanti of Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and His innumerable contributions for the upliftment of all humanity and for the revival of Kailasa nation. 7 from Karnataka, 6 from Tamil Nadu, 3 from Maharashtra, 1 from Delhi, 1 from Kerala, 1 from Gujarat, 1 from California - USA, 2 from New York - USA, 1 from New Jersey - USA, 1 from Florida - USA. Total 5 from USA and 3 from Nepal, 1 from Afghanistan, 2 from Malaysia, 1 from Australia, 1 from United Kingdom.
So, these proclamations are from Acclaimed Academy Award Winning Actress, Ms. Susan Sarandon. I sincerely thank you for your proclamation. And second is, I sincerely thank Ms. Susan Sarandon, Academy Award Winning Actress and Renowned Activist; thank you for your proclamation. All these we will be uploading in the Facebook and social media. You can see one by one. Thank you for Ma Kaladevi; New Zealand, Ma Kaladevi for coordinating. And Honorable Mayor Rich Tan, City of Milpitas, California has sent his proclamation. Thank you Mayor Rich Tan, City of Milpitas, California. Thank you for your proclamation message. And, commendation letter from New York, NY USA, Mrs. Hazel Dukes, Civil Rights Activist and Co Chair of Coalition for Hate Free Internet. Thank you, Mrs. Hazel Dukes. Thank you. Next, I have commendation letter from New Jersey, USA, Dr. Stephanie R. Coney, Founder and CEO of National Stop the Violence Alliance. Thank you for your commendation letter. Next, Mr. Pedro Diaz Ballester, President of Dominican International Business Federation from Florida. Thank you for your commendation letter. Mr. Najeeb Noori, lawyer from Afghanistan - thank you for your commendation letter. Most Venerable Datuk K Sri Dhammaratana, Chief High Priest of Malaysia, Buddhist Maha Vihara - thank you for your commendation letter.
Malaysia Vegetarian Society Mr. Raj Kumar Sheth, President, Malaysia - thank you for your commendation letter. Mr. Mark Pursey, CEO of BTP Advisers, London UK - thank you for your commendation letter. Dr. Mahesh Bandari, Tarneit Branch President, Australian Labor Party - thank you for your proclamation message. Mr. Uttam Das Shrestha, President of Orchid Organization for Children Development, Nepal - thank you for your proclamation message. Mr. Saroj Manandhar, President of Heritage Conservation Society Nepal - thank you for your proclamation letter. Mr. Neshir Maskey, Chairman of Saichhik Pratisthan J.S. Senior Higher Secondary School, Senior Secondary School Kathmandu, Nepal - thank you for your commendation letter. Mr. Ramakrishnan through Dr. Chellapa, President of Kerala Kaikola Mudali Sangham - thank you for your proclamation. Blessings. Dr. D Vimala Nathan, Vice President of All India Velalar Mudaliar Pillaimar Sengundhar Association - thank you for your proclamation. P K Sarvanan Kandaswamy Thevar, Secretary of Marathi-Tamil Sangam Education Trust - thank you for your proclamation, thank you. Ma.Ganapathy, General Secretary, Sekkizhar Kalvi Panpattu Kazhagam - thank you for your proclamation letter. My blessings. P K Sarvanan Kandaswamy Thevar, Founder of Vallal Pandithurai Thevar Memorial Library - thank you for your proclamation letter and blessings. Mr. Chevaliar Arunachalam, Chairman, International Mudaliar & Pillaimar Association - thank you for your commendation letter. My blessings.
Mrs. Kirti and Mr. Yogesh Goyal, Director and Chief Trustee, Satvik Life Sciences Trust - thank you for your proclamation letter. Blessings. P.V. Samson, Paduga Mandir (Shiva Temple) - thank you for your proclamation letter, blessings. Dr. Sri Nithya Sarvananda, Managing Director, Sarvam Multi System of Medicine & Research Institute - thank you Sri Nithya Sarvananada for your proclamation message and My blessings. And Mrs. Priyanka and Mr. Rohit Vishwanath, Directors of Cloudilio Cloudlio Technologies - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings. Mr. Shyam Kumar PK, Founder of INNER TRUTH - thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings. Suresh Palamel, Mr. Suresh Palamel, President Palamel Foundation, Gujarat, India - thank you for your commendation letter. Blessings. Murugan, Secretary Cheeta Camp Shivalayam - thank you for your proclamation letter and blessings. Thavdan Rasamani, President, Thiru VelMurugan Temple Trust, Tamil Nadu - thank you for your proclamation letter and blessings. Dr. Krishna Shama Rao, Medical Director of Inga Health Foundation - thank you Dr. for your proclamation letter and My blessings.
Dr. Chetana, Co-Trustee of Inga Health Foundation - thank you for your proclamation message and My blessings. G. Manikandan, Managing Director, Manolaya - thank you for your proclamation message and My blessings. Dr. Shanti, Consultant, Obstetri Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, Former Associate Professor at Ambedkar Medical College - thank you for your proclamation letter and My blessings. Mr. Surendhar Krishnan, Secretary, Shree Ayyappa Seva Sangham - thank you for your proclamation letter and My blessings. Thank you for all of you for sending proclamation letters and messages and I am receiving tons more. Maybe from tomorrow, I’ll share more and more. Till today, this is what we received. We may be getting more than 100 by January 7th, Jayanti Mahavotsavam. Thank you all sincerely for supporting Kailasa, standing by us through your proclamation letters. My blessings, love, respect for all of you. 
இந்த இனிய ஆங்கில புத்தாண்டு நன்னாளில் மற்றும் நித்யானந்த இயக்கத்தின் துவக்க தினமான ஜனவரி 1ம் தேதி, உங்கள் அனைவரையும் வரவேற்று, வாழ்த்தி மகிழ்வதில் பேரானந்தம் அடைகின்றேன். இந்த நாள் ஜனவரி 1, 2021 ஆங்கில புத்தாண்டு துவக்கம் மட்டுமல்ல.. ஒரு தசாப்தம்.. பத்தாண்டு துவக்கம். இது வெறும் புத்தாண்டு துவக்கம் மட்டுமல்ல.. பத்தாண்டு துவக்கம் அதற்கும் அப்பாற்பட்டு இந்த மிகப்பெரும் பிரளயம் முடிந்திருப்பதனால் ஒரு யுகத்தின் துவக்கம் என்றே இன்றைய நாளை நாம் சொல்லலாம்.
இன்றைய ஜனவரி 1, 2021  வெறும் புத்தாண்டு தினம் மட்டுமல்ல அல்ல.. பத்தாண்டு துவக்கம் தினம் மற்றும் புது யுகமே துவங்கும் நன்னாள். நமது கைலாயத்தை பொருத்தவரை இந்த நாளில் தான், ஆதி கைலாயமான பிடதி நித்யானந்த பீடம் துவங்கப்பட்டது. இந்த நன்னாளில் நீங்கள் எல்லோரும் சிவபதத்தில் இருந்து, சிவ பாதம் அடைந்து, சிவ சக்திகள் மலர்ந்து, பரமசிவமயமாய் வாழ்ந்திட ஆசிர்வதிக்கின்றேன்.
பரமசிவ பதத்தில் இருந்து, பரமசிவ பாதத்தை அடைந்து, பரமசிவ சக்திகள் மலர்ந்து, பரமசிவத்துவத்தில் நிலைபெற்று, பரமசிவ உணர்வில் லயித்து, பரமசிவானுபூதியில் நின்று பரமசிவ கைலாயத்தில் மலர்ந்து எல்லா நன்மைகளோடும் இருந்து நித்யானந்தத்தில் நிறைந்து, நித்யானந்தத்தில் மலர்ந்து நித்யானந்தமாகிட ஆசிர்வதிகின்றேன். ஆனந்தமாக இருங்கள்.
So I have one more release. Tomorrow, as per the astrologer’s document, we will be celebrating My birthday. So now we will have 3 birthday celebrations. One from My mother’s memory - January 1st. Two, from the astrologer’s document - January 2nd and actual Janma Nakshatra, that will come every year on different days. That is Jayanti. We will be celebrating all the 3 because we Hindus don’t get tired for celebrating. For any reason we celebrate, we celebrate, we celebrate. If somebody comes up with some other new discovery, a new document, “No, no. Swamiji’s birthday is March 13th.” Then we will celebrate that also. That’s all. We don’t feel tired or get bored to celebrate and every day is Jayanti for us. Every day is Janmadina for us. So we have one more reason to celebrate, that’s all. And every new discovery is one more reason for us to celebrate. So tomorrow as per the astrologer’s discovery from his archives.
In India, that one good tradition is there. Astrologers are like hereditary. For generations they do this thing. So My family astrologer, his father wrote My father’s horoscope. His grandfather wrote My grandfather’s horoscope. It’s like a generation! From the time of palm leaves, then the bamboo paper, then modern paper - all documents are there in their house. So from his archives, he pulled out and got a slip from his father’s handwriting. So based on that document, we will be celebrating tomorrow January 2nd, midnight - auspicious Sarvamangala Darshan, Ganapati Bhava Samadhi Darshan, MahaGanapati Bhava Samadhi Darshan and Paramashiva Darshan. Sarvamangala Darshan, you can register. It’s free for all. You can just register and get free ePassport and attend. I am inaugurating the landing page for this Sarvamangala Darshan. The preparation will start at 9 pm Indian Standard Time, January 2nd.
The landing page Yes. You’re all welcome. So register and attend the Sarvamangala Darshan of MahaGanapati Bhava Samadhi Darshan and Paramashiva Darshan. My blessings to all of you.
So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.
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Latest revision as of 03:24, 17 February 2021


Sarvamangala Darshan


Sarvamangala Darshan

2 JANUARY 2021, SATURDAY (IST) Glimpses of Sarvamangala Darshan gifted to the world today by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Humanity today was blessed with Bhagavan Ganapati Darshan and Bhagavan Paramashiva Darshan by the 1008th living incarnation of Paramashiva.



|| nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respect. I welcome all the living and practicing Hindus, de facto Kailashians all over the world. I welcome all the Sarvajnapeetha Karthas, Yajamans, Manifestors, Sarvaparityagis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kothari, Thanedar, visitors, viewers, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Kailasa’s eGurukul students, Kailasa’s NHU students, Kailasa’s Ministers, Ambassadors, Diplomats, eDiplomats, citizens, Consulate Generals and supporters, Mantreshvaras, Vidyeshvaras, Ganeshvaras, Lokeshvaras, Astreshvaras, all those sitting with us live and Kailasa’s NTV. I welcome all of you with My love and respect.


Paramashiva’s message directly from Kailasa. Listen. Manifest peace in your being level, powerfulness in your doing level, intensity in your action. This is the most important powerful royal secret to manifest the success in life. Listen carefully. Manifest peace in your being, powerfulness in your doing - will in your doing, intensity in your action. Listen intensely. Society always teaches you pseudo dignity instead of integrity. Cosmos teaches you integrity, society teaches pseudo dignity. Pseudo dignity cannot replace the strength of integrity. Same way, peace and powerfulness cannot be replaced by your idea of happiness. All the idea of happiness taught to you by society is pseudo happiness.


Understand the good news I have for all of you is joy-pain, happiness-sadness - both are delusion. Both are pseudo ideas taught to you by society. How society teaches you pseudo dignity, it teaches you the pseudo happiness, pseudo sadness. Idea of happiness which you carry, for which you are asked to run your life and idea of pain you carry, for which you are asked to run your life... to avoid the pain; to avoid the pain, you are asked to run your life - both are absolutely pseudo and stupid. Listen carefully. If you fundamentally remove the pus from your core cognitions of life, if you detox yourself from the ideas of pseudo dignity, pseudo pain, pseudo happiness - your life is successful. Your life will be successful.


What is happiness? The whole idea of happiness and pain is just delusion. Some accidental, irreproducible; because irreproducible most unscientific. Anything which can be definite and reproducible only is science. If something should be called as science, it should be very definitive and reproducible. But all your happiness and your pain, both are not reproducible. They are not definite. It is just some chemistry happening in your biology like accident, some coincidence. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t happen, and you struggle with the idea what all you did earlier to get the happiness, you try to do the same thing and wait, wait, wait, even beg for happiness to come and it doesn’t come. Same way, you plan what all you did to avoid some pain or sadness and you avoid all of that perfectly; but suddenly you, the sadness is vibrant, literally taking over you, paralyzing you. You don’t know!


I tell you, peace is the real experience. Powerfulness is the real experience. They are, they both are definite and reproducible. Integrity is definite. Pseudo dignity is delusory. Peace is definite. Happiness is delusory. Powerfulness is definite. Fear of pain or fear of sadness is delusory. Understand, this year 2021, this is My message; listen. Today is not only new year, beginning of the new decade. Beginning of the new decade of this century. And from spiritual angle, literally beginning of the new era after the Pralaya, after the great deluge. So listen to this message very carefully. This is direct message from Paramashiva for this whole year, for this whole decade, for this whole new life post-Pralaya. So understand


Listen carefully, intensely. Work more and more to have peace in your being. Manifest powerfulness in your will and doing level. Manifest intensity in your action. These are the definitive methods, royal secrets for manifesting success in your life in any field. Don’t go for pseudo dignity. Don’t go for pseudo happiness. Don’t be afraid of pseudo pain. Listen. Listen intensely. Always look for peace in your being level. Don’t search, seek, try to look for joy or happiness in your being. Your constant deep yearning, craving, attachment to the joy is the source of pain because joy is neither definite nor reproducible. When Buddha said, “Life is pain, He means this.” Life is not actually pain; your unscientific craving, your deluded attachment, your extremely stupid lust for joy, happiness is the source of all pain.


Look for peace, not for joy. Peace is a definite experience. Shanti is the definite experience, reproducible, scientific and strengthening your existence, making you feel more and more grounded, alive, empowering you. Understand, your search for joy and happiness does not empower you. Your search for peace empowers you, gives you the experience of success. It makes you taste success in the life. Bring powerfulness in your doing, in your will! Do not go after pseudo dignity. Go after integrity. Society teaches you pseudo dignity in the place of integrity. Cosmos expects integrity from you, not pseudo dignity. I tell you, anyone who bothers about pseudo dignity will be paralyzed forever! He can never be a royal! Somebody expects pseudo dignity is forever middle class man. He may have anything but he is middle class and lower middle class.


Listen carefully. Understand, pseudo dignity is stupidity. Pseudo dignity is unscientific. Pseudo dignity is irreproducible. Integrity is scientific. Integrity is reproducible. Integrity empowers you. Integrity empowers you! Listen. Running away from pain, running towards joy is the pseudo journey into which you have been brainwashed. Pseudo dignity is the way society controls you. Oh humanity, liberate yourself from all these three, you will manifest best life on planet earth and best life for planet earth.


Your consciousness will have a breakthrough, superconscious breakthrough. You will have a breakthrough and you will experience superconsciousness the day you stop seeking for joy and start seeking for peace. The day you stop all your efforts to move away from pain and start making yourself powerful, the day you start looking for integrity instead of pseudo dignity, this is the royal secret for manifesting success in everything; whether health, wealth, career, relationships, success in the life, personal fulfillment, fulfillment for the others, fulfillment for the humanity, Enlightenment, power manifestation, superconscious breakthrough, every level - do not ask for pseudo dignity, ask for integrity. Do not ask for joy, ask for peace! Do not try to escape from pain, ask for powerfulness!


I tell you, the good news I have for you is, your idea of pain, idea of joy - both are delusion and unscientific, irreproducible. Anything which can’t be reproduced, if you are running behind it, then you are just destroying your life! You are deluded! You are after delusion. Search for peace, you will get it and the more you get it, more you will feel empowered, you will experience powerfulness. More peace, you will have a deeper impact on the society, humanity, life and on yourself. Experience more peace, go for more peace. Very simple truth but this is the royal secret, royal truth to have superconscious breakthrough, success in everything you want to achieve in the life. This will bring success for you in every level.


You are all My dear ones. I literally see you all as Paramashiva, My own extension. With all the sincerity, honesty, I am telling you the truth - Search for peace. Every small effort you put for peace, not only you will get peace; you will feel empowered, strengthened, powerful. Understand. You will feel empowered, strengthened, powerful. Do not, do not ever look for joy or ways to escape from pain because both are delusion. Like how you have been brainwashed by society with the idea of pseudo dignity, you are brainwashed with the idea of joy and pain - pseudo joy and pseudo pain. Look for peace. Look for powerfulness. Manifest intensity in your action, you will simply see you are blissful, you are empowered, you are intelligent, you are shining.


As I said today is not only new year, it is beginning of new decade and new era post-Pralaya. So take this message intensely. Every Shanti Mantra, every mantra in Vedas, starts with the word “Shanti, Shanti, Shanti” and ends with the word “Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,” not “Sukha, Sukha, Sukha.” No! It starts with Shanti and ends with Shanti. Understand, it starts with Shanti, ends with Shanti because Vedic civilization, Hindu civilization teaches you to look for peace - Shanti, to look for powerfulness and manifest intensity. Understand.


Looking for joy is just going after something which is not there. Look for something which is scientific, really exists and reproducible, which is reproducible. Just simple, simple few word. Simple few word. Meditate on this. In the further satsangs I’ll expand, but this is Paramashiva’s message for this year, this decade, this era. Work to find peace, work to find powerfulness, manifest intensity in your actions - you will manifest the State of Paramashiva, you will manifest the Space of Paramashiva, you will manifest the Being of Paramashiva, you will manifest the Powers of Paramashiva, you will manifest the Superconsciousness of Paramashiva, you will manifest Kailasa of Paramashiva.


January 1st is too closely associated with My life and Sangha - Kailasa. One from My mother’s memory - January 1st seems to be My birthday even though the new discoveries are showing the document we got from family astrologer, his archive - that paper, that document shows it may be 2nd January. And unfortunately the birth record does not exist in the hospital; in those days the hospitals are not that organized in India. So it is more like a, hmm local elderly women; they take care of that delivery of the babies and I was normal delivery. There is no medical attention needed for My mother when I was delivered, so it was done, attended by the local midwife, the elderly women, they attended the birth. So there was no documentation. Only the astrologer’s hand written paper, the small slip. Only that seems to be the written document available. And the son of the astrologer who wrote My horoscope is still alive. The original person astrologer who wrote My horoscope has passed away but the son is still alive. He has retrieved these papers, the father’s records and from his documents, the actual date seems to be Gregorian calendar - 2nd January, 12:34 midnight. The 2nd January midnight. 12:34 means 2nd January entering into 3rd January - that night seems to be the time. But from My mother's memory, it seems to be like 1st January to 2nd January.


Anyhow, only one thing is sure, I am born. That’s all. And 😊 and January 1st is the day Adi Kailasa was inaugurated. Many of our Ashrams were inaugurated. Too many wonderful things have happened January 1st. This is the day we celebrate as a Mission Day - Nithyananda Sangha Day. Even though the Sankalpa I took for the Nithyananda Sangha is December 31st, we celebrate January 1st because the Adi Kailasa, Bidadi Ashram started. It was inaugurated on January 1st. The foundation was, foundation stone was laid Deepavali Day in November. Inauguration was done on January 1st by the great Swamiji - Sri Shivakumara Mahaswamiji of Siddaganga Mutt. He was called as “Nadedaduva Devaru” means “Walking God” who lived for 111 years, and, Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Mahaswamiji of Adichunchanagiri Mutt, and Sri Shivapuri Swamiji. Shivapuri Mahaswamiji attended as the representative of My Guru - Sri Tiruchi Swamigal. Shivaratna Puri Mahaswamiji; because Shivaratna Puri Swamiji himself, he was too old and he was not able to move around to attend many functions, so he sent his chief disciple, Sri Shivapuri Mahaswamiji to grace on behalf of him. All of them came and attended and inaugurated the Adi Kailasa, Nithyananda Peetham. We have wonderful memories on this January 1st.


So let’s all celebrate this Mission Day. And I have 32 proclamations today from all over the world. I have 32 proclamations from all over the world celebrating My birthday - Jayanti, and still pouring. We may have more than 100 by January 7th, Jayanti Mahasotva. Till today, we received 32 in our hands. First I wanted to thank all those who sent their proclamations and letters in honour of the 44th Jayanti of Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and His innumerable contributions for the upliftment of all humanity and for the revival of Kailasa nation. 7 from Karnataka, 6 from Tamil Nadu, 3 from Maharashtra, 1 from Delhi, 1 from Kerala, 1 from Gujarat, 1 from California - USA, 2 from New York - USA, 1 from New Jersey - USA, 1 from Florida - USA. Total 5 from USA and 3 from Nepal, 1 from Afghanistan, 2 from Malaysia, 1 from Australia, 1 from United Kingdom.


So, these proclamations are from Acclaimed Academy Award Winning Actress, Ms. Susan Sarandon. I sincerely thank you for your proclamation. And second is, I sincerely thank Ms. Susan Sarandon, Academy Award Winning Actress and Renowned Activist; thank you for your proclamation. All these we will be uploading in the Facebook and social media. You can see one by one. Thank you for Ma Kaladevi; New Zealand, Ma Kaladevi for coordinating. And Honorable Mayor Rich Tan, City of Milpitas, California has sent his proclamation. Thank you Mayor Rich Tan, City of Milpitas, California. Thank you for your proclamation message. And, commendation letter from New York, NY USA, Mrs. Hazel Dukes, Civil Rights Activist and Co Chair of Coalition for Hate Free Internet. Thank you, Mrs. Hazel Dukes. Thank you. Next, I have commendation letter from New Jersey, USA, Dr. Stephanie R. Coney, Founder and CEO of National Stop the Violence Alliance. Thank you for your commendation letter. Next, Mr. Pedro Diaz Ballester, President of Dominican International Business Federation from Florida. Thank you for your commendation letter. Mr. Najeeb Noori, lawyer from Afghanistan - thank you for your commendation letter. Most Venerable Datuk K Sri Dhammaratana, Chief High Priest of Malaysia, Buddhist Maha Vihara - thank you for your commendation letter.


Malaysia Vegetarian Society Mr. Raj Kumar Sheth, President, Malaysia - thank you for your commendation letter. Mr. Mark Pursey, CEO of BTP Advisers, London UK - thank you for your commendation letter. Dr. Mahesh Bandari, Tarneit Branch President, Australian Labor Party - thank you for your proclamation message. Mr. Uttam Das Shrestha, President of Orchid Organization for Children Development, Nepal - thank you for your proclamation message. Mr. Saroj Manandhar, President of Heritage Conservation Society Nepal - thank you for your proclamation letter. Mr. Neshir Maskey, Chairman of Saichhik Pratisthan J.S. Senior Higher Secondary School, Senior Secondary School Kathmandu, Nepal - thank you for your commendation letter. Mr. Ramakrishnan through Dr. Chellapa, President of Kerala Kaikola Mudali Sangham - thank you for your proclamation. Blessings. Dr. D Vimala Nathan, Vice President of All India Velalar Mudaliar Pillaimar Sengundhar Association - thank you for your proclamation. P K Sarvanan Kandaswamy Thevar, Secretary of Marathi-Tamil Sangam Education Trust - thank you for your proclamation, thank you. Ma.Ganapathy, General Secretary, Sekkizhar Kalvi Panpattu Kazhagam - thank you for your proclamation letter. My blessings. P K Sarvanan Kandaswamy Thevar, Founder of Vallal Pandithurai Thevar Memorial Library - thank you for your proclamation letter and blessings. Mr. Chevaliar Arunachalam, Chairman, International Mudaliar & Pillaimar Association - thank you for your commendation letter. My blessings.


Mrs. Kirti and Mr. Yogesh Goyal, Director and Chief Trustee, Satvik Life Sciences Trust - thank you for your proclamation letter. Blessings. P.V. Samson, Paduga Mandir (Shiva Temple) - thank you for your proclamation letter, blessings. Dr. Sri Nithya Sarvananda, Managing Director, Sarvam Multi System of Medicine & Research Institute - thank you Sri Nithya Sarvananada for your proclamation message and My blessings. And Mrs. Priyanka and Mr. Rohit Vishwanath, Directors of Cloudilio Cloudlio Technologies - thank you for your proclamation message. Blessings. Mr. Shyam Kumar PK, Founder of INNER TRUTH - thank you for your proclamation message. My blessings. Suresh Palamel, Mr. Suresh Palamel, President Palamel Foundation, Gujarat, India - thank you for your commendation letter. Blessings. Murugan, Secretary Cheeta Camp Shivalayam - thank you for your proclamation letter and blessings. Thavdan Rasamani, President, Thiru VelMurugan Temple Trust, Tamil Nadu - thank you for your proclamation letter and blessings. Dr. Krishna Shama Rao, Medical Director of Inga Health Foundation - thank you Dr. for your proclamation letter and My blessings.


Dr. Chetana, Co-Trustee of Inga Health Foundation - thank you for your proclamation message and My blessings. G. Manikandan, Managing Director, Manolaya - thank you for your proclamation message and My blessings. Dr. Shanti, Consultant, Obstetri Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, Former Associate Professor at Ambedkar Medical College - thank you for your proclamation letter and My blessings. Mr. Surendhar Krishnan, Secretary, Shree Ayyappa Seva Sangham - thank you for your proclamation letter and My blessings. Thank you for all of you for sending proclamation letters and messages and I am receiving tons more. Maybe from tomorrow, I’ll share more and more. Till today, this is what we received. We may be getting more than 100 by January 7th, Jayanti Mahavotsavam. Thank you all sincerely for supporting Kailasa, standing by us through your proclamation letters. My blessings, love, respect for all of you.


இந்த இனிய ஆங்கில புத்தாண்டு நன்னாளில் மற்றும் நித்யானந்த இயக்கத்தின் துவக்க தினமான ஜனவரி 1ம் தேதி, உங்கள் அனைவரையும் வரவேற்று, வாழ்த்தி மகிழ்வதில் பேரானந்தம் அடைகின்றேன். இந்த நாள் ஜனவரி 1, 2021 ஆங்கில புத்தாண்டு துவக்கம் மட்டுமல்ல.. ஒரு தசாப்தம்.. பத்தாண்டு துவக்கம். இது வெறும் புத்தாண்டு துவக்கம் மட்டுமல்ல.. பத்தாண்டு துவக்கம் அதற்கும் அப்பாற்பட்டு இந்த மிகப்பெரும் பிரளயம் முடிந்திருப்பதனால் ஒரு யுகத்தின் துவக்கம் என்றே இன்றைய நாளை நாம் சொல்லலாம்.

இன்றைய ஜனவரி 1, 2021 வெறும் புத்தாண்டு தினம் மட்டுமல்ல அல்ல.. பத்தாண்டு துவக்கம் தினம் மற்றும் புது யுகமே துவங்கும் நன்னாள். நமது கைலாயத்தை பொருத்தவரை இந்த நாளில் தான், ஆதி கைலாயமான பிடதி நித்யானந்த பீடம் துவங்கப்பட்டது. இந்த நன்னாளில் நீங்கள் எல்லோரும் சிவபதத்தில் இருந்து, சிவ பாதம் அடைந்து, சிவ சக்திகள் மலர்ந்து, பரமசிவமயமாய் வாழ்ந்திட ஆசிர்வதிக்கின்றேன்.

பரமசிவ பதத்தில் இருந்து, பரமசிவ பாதத்தை அடைந்து, பரமசிவ சக்திகள் மலர்ந்து, பரமசிவத்துவத்தில் நிலைபெற்று, பரமசிவ உணர்வில் லயித்து, பரமசிவானுபூதியில் நின்று பரமசிவ கைலாயத்தில் மலர்ந்து எல்லா நன்மைகளோடும் இருந்து நித்யானந்தத்தில் நிறைந்து, நித்யானந்தத்தில் மலர்ந்து நித்யானந்தமாகிட ஆசிர்வதிகின்றேன். ஆனந்தமாக இருங்கள்.


So I have one more release. Tomorrow, as per the astrologer’s document, we will be celebrating My birthday. So now we will have 3 birthday celebrations. One from My mother’s memory - January 1st. Two, from the astrologer’s document - January 2nd and actual Janma Nakshatra, that will come every year on different days. That is Jayanti. We will be celebrating all the 3 because we Hindus don’t get tired for celebrating. For any reason we celebrate, we celebrate, we celebrate. If somebody comes up with some other new discovery, a new document, “No, no. Swamiji’s birthday is March 13th.” Then we will celebrate that also. That’s all. We don’t feel tired or get bored to celebrate and every day is Jayanti for us. Every day is Janmadina for us. So we have one more reason to celebrate, that’s all. And every new discovery is one more reason for us to celebrate. So tomorrow as per the astrologer’s discovery from his archives.


In India, that one good tradition is there. Astrologers are like hereditary. For generations they do this thing. So My family astrologer, his father wrote My father’s horoscope. His grandfather wrote My grandfather’s horoscope. It’s like a generation! From the time of palm leaves, then the bamboo paper, then modern paper - all documents are there in their house. So from his archives, he pulled out and got a slip from his father’s handwriting. So based on that document, we will be celebrating tomorrow January 2nd, midnight - auspicious Sarvamangala Darshan, Ganapati Bhava Samadhi Darshan, MahaGanapati Bhava Samadhi Darshan and Paramashiva Darshan. Sarvamangala Darshan, you can register. It’s free for all. You can just register and get free ePassport and attend. I am inaugurating the landing page for this Sarvamangala Darshan. The preparation will start at 9 pm Indian Standard Time, January 2nd.


The landing page Yes. You’re all welcome. So register and attend the Sarvamangala Darshan of MahaGanapati Bhava Samadhi Darshan and Paramashiva Darshan. My blessings to all of you.

So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.


Link to Facebook Post

https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda/videos/424212992098349 https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda/videos/1401220040215904 https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda/posts/4741128519308294 https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda/posts/4741591029262043 https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda/posts/4743591229062023

Photos Of The Day:
