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Satsang - Universe is Eternal Expansion, Gods Exist Independently in the Oneness Dimension


HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashiva revealed profound truths today during satsang. He explained that Paramashiva, when He decided to celebrate His own Existence, He became many. Universe is eternal expansion, explosion into itself - and multiple Gods independently exist and are organically connected in the Oneness dimension. If we can understand these two, our whole brain will open up to the higher space and higher experiences.


Universe Is Eternal Expansion, Gods Exist Independently In The Oneness Dimension


om nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, devotees, disciples, sitting with us all over the world in all the Sarvajnapeethas, ashrams, temples, aadheenams, gurukuls. I welcome all of you with my love and respects. Everyone sitting with us live on Nithyananda TV, YouTube live, Facebook live, Nlighten App, Kailaasa TV, Hinduism Now, Twitter and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I'll reveal most important powerful truths and cognitions today. Please listen. Paramashiva when He decided to celebrate His own existence, He became many. He just expanded and Universe is continuous expansion, eternal cyclic Universe. Cyclic does not mean, going up and down. That is a wrong mistake you have. Cyclic means you think it goes up and then comes back. No. Eternal cyclic Universe means eternally expanding, expanding, expanding. The circle in multidimension expanding. Maybe you can use the word “exploding.” Exploding into itself! See, explosion you visualized as exploding into some space where that object was not there, like a bomb exploding into the space where the bomb does not exist, but here it’s not like that. Consciousness explodes in itself where consciousness again resides. Understand. So the place where there is space and no space idea does not exist in that the operation of this en … eternal cyclic Universe is happening, understand. Meditate on it, you will understand. Contemplating on this one truth: eternal cyclic Universe. Paramashiva exploding in a space where He is always there.

If you meditate on this one truth, your whole brain will become active. Because ability to visualize space and no space is half brain. Ability to visualize beyond space and no space, your whole brain has to be active. This visualization will make your whole brain active. Especially, if you have the eating style, a pure Shaivite vegetarian diet. Understand. Here when I say Shaivite, not only vegetarian, using the pure cow ghee. The cow which is worshipped and revered cow, not abused, tortured, caged. No. Worshipped, revered cow’s ghee. Where happy cow, where animals are happy. They don't see their elders being killed because they don't give milk anymore. In our goshala, the first rule is no question of killing whether an animal is productive or unproductive, and not only no question of killing, no question of … any disrespect, any abuse.

Not only they are ... kept lovingly, happily, they are worshipped, revered. Every day Go Puja happens. They know they are respected, they are revered, they are worshipped. Worshipped cow’s ghee. Listen carefully. When a cow is respected and worshipped, ... its blood is churned with emotion called bliss and joy. So that milk carries that bio memory of joy and bliss, understand. Cow is a animal which can … feel the emotions intensely as intensely as human beings, and transmit that emotion into its blood, and the whole being. Listen carefully, how your emotions directly affect the quality of your blood, cow’s emotions directly affect the quality of cow’s blood and in turn cow’s milk. Happy cow’s ghee awakens your whole brain.

Understand one more thing. People who abused Hinduism, … who called Hinduism with various names, … I want Hindus to wake up, understand. One of the biggest abusal done to Hindus is idol worshippers and cow worshippers. Understand. People asked me many time, “Why so many Gods?” Fools! Fools need to understand, there are so many Gods! It's not that we believed in so many Gods! There are so many Gods, and we know there are so many Gods! Ganesha exists! Paramashiva exists! His incarnation, Virabhadra exists! Kalabhairava exists! Parashakti exists! All of them are in the space of Oneness, but they all exist as independent existence, understand. Oneness is a dimension of Universe, not controlling law of the Universe.

Immatured, childish, stupid brains can never capture the truth. The independent existence and Oneness is not contradicting. They always think Oneness means everyone should be controlled. That is why their God is also their controlling, abusive nature’s projection. These control freaks calls Hindus as cult. See, it’s an absolute cunning strategy calling Hindus as cult. Once you brand them as cult and make lot of people believe, you can go on be shooting them, destroying them. They can never understand this concept of multiple Gods with the independent existence, organically intune with the dimension of Oneness. They always think, God also is a political structure. Because their God was projected basically for politically controlling people. But we realized God as He is. That is why our whole life is knowledge based.

God is all about knowledge and spiritual powers for us. God is neither used nor created or manipulated for political power. Hinduism is not only one of the oldest, one of the purest enlightenment based civilization. People always tell me, … “Why there are so many enlightened people?” Eh, not only there are, there will be so many enlightened people, there will be so many Gods! There are so many Gods! They are all independent and organically united in Oneness dimension. Meditate on this. Infinite multiple independent existence of the Gods and Goddesses - alive, functioning, radiating in a beautifully organically interconnected order of Oneness dimension. Meditate on this. Extremely beautiful Oneness dimension. Extremely organic Oneness dimension. Extremely beautiful order of Oneness dimension.

If you understand these two statements I am trying to make today: Universe is eternal expansion, explosion into itself. Multiple Gods independently exist and organically … connected in the Oneness dimension. If you understand these two, your whole brain will open up … to the higher space and higher experiences. I tell you, listen carefully. I am really telling you. If you meditate on these two truths, cognize these two - your Ananda Gandha will be ready to receive the darshan of Gods and Goddesses. In Hinduism, God is not political invention or used or manipulated for political power. So forget about all the childish ideas of Gods, Goddesses. Be very clear, there is a space - Kailaasa, higher dimension but does not mean it is up. Higher is not up. You always think higher means up. I cannot show the hand this way or that way. For because you are always logically taught higher means up, I have to show the hand this way (Swamiji pointing his hand upwards). If I to show the real way, I should say higher (Swamiji pointing towards himself). The higher zones are inward, not upward.

The Kailaasa zone, space exists and all the Gods the Hindu Agama describing, Vedas describing - Indra, Vayu, Varuna, Mahaganapati, Paramashiva; … all of them exist. You call them, they are there ... responding to you. Take this as today’s powerful cognition. Go and sit with any one of our deity in our temple, or with the Atma Murti. Tell them, “My Guru, Swamiji ... has told me you exists.” You can sit with Ganapati or Paramashiva or Parashakti or Subramanya or Venkateshwara, with anyone. Spend little time, sit with them, tell them, “My Guru has told me you really exists. And my Guru does not lie. And He has no reason to lie. And I know, you have revealed yourself to my Guru, that is why He is so clear that you exists. Please reveal your presence to me. Either materialize some vibhuti or kumkum or … sacred jnananjana, turmeric rice, akshata or a pearl or a rudraksha, something. Show me your presence, give me the strength to connect with you.”

Ask for some boon or some blessing or something to materialize or even say that “I have, I don't need anything. I just want my gratitude, and I just want that strong unshakable feeling connection you exists.” You can ask even that. It’s not that all the time you, they need to materialize vibhuti, kumkum to show their presence. Even if they make you feel intensely their existence, that's a miracle, that's a greatest miracle! Ask for something, I tell you really, really, really, they all exist. And they are very happy about their Nithyatva, existence being introduced to all of you. They are very happy about it. They don't have, they don’t crave for name and fame. No. But they are happy if human beings get to know about their authentic existence and human beings connect with them either for devotion, love or for help or any reason. They are very happy! Understand, I tell you. One more thing, understand, whenever I am sitting in padmasana continuously for a long time and giving satsang, be very clear I am in samadhi. I am full now.

That is why I am talking something extraordinary. I am in a different space. It is not easy to sit in padmasana and forget the body, you try then you'll understand. If I am sitting in padmasana and forgot the body, not moving, not adjusting, just I am sitting and talking continuously without even remembering I am in padmasana means be very clear I am in samadhi. Only for talking, I am using the word, I am revealing all the truths. Please understand, Gods and Goddesses exist and they are not aliens. Your idea of aliens is different, whatever you know about aliens from the alien movies are not Gods and Goddesses. The Gods and Goddesses I am talking about from the Vedas, Agamas, Puranas, they are different dimension and powerful existence.

Today try. You can try with my Atma Murti or any deity in the temple. In all our temples, all deities are alive. They are all given live connection. They are all alive, living. Every deity before reaching you, prana pratishta is done beautifully. Sit with them. Just spend twenty one minutes. You will really see them responding. Today they all gave me blessings, and not only allowed me, they have blessed me to reveal this truth to all of you, that is why I am revealing. It works. It works. Ability to open up to Gods and Goddesses of Kailaasa, is an extraordinary power manifestation. I tell you, it’s an extraordinary power manifestation. If you open and connect and get the benefits then you will understand why with so much of hard work I am building temples all over the world.

Every mandala … anywhere I have done mandala process last week, all those places have now been connected directly with Kailaasa. Whether the Somanatha in Oklahoma Temple or Paramashiva in Malaysia Aadheenam or Paramashiva, Parvati, my deity in Oman Aadheenam - all these deities are alive, living, living deities, Achavataras. All these Gods exist. Sit with them, tell them … you may, may not know how they exist, where they exist, but my Guru, Swamiji has told me, “You all exist in the space of Kailaasa and you are all alive in these deities. Please manifest and show me you are alive, you are existing. You exists, you are alive.” Talk to them, relate with them. I am telling you, they are too alive. They do respond.

This weekend we have Shakti Mandala Process. You can all sign up for Shakti Mandala Process, it’s a free program: tinyurl.com/shaktimandala2019.

Listen carefully. The whole life should be towards Kailaasa, to achieve the space of Kailaasa. Money, health, relationships, all of it … simply follows you when you manifest Kailaasa. Understand. Understand, this is a very sincere truth I am revealing from my heart, deep heart, out of my deep love, Paramashiva’s compassion. Listen. We all have multiple births and deaths. If you open yourself to the space of Kailaasa, it is just equivalent to one next birth. Means, the higher level birth, higher level existence without wasting time dying, dropping this body and picking up another body and growing, grooming yourself again; without going through all that stupidity, you can have rebirth, the next higher level birth. Not just ordinary rebirth, higher level birth just by this one ability to connect with Kailaasa. Ability to connect with Kailaasa space, even if you connect with any one deity and the deity responds to you, that God responds to you. All of them reside in Kailaasa only especially the deities we have in our temple, all of them reside in Kailaasa.

Whether sixty four Nayanmars, eighteen Siddhas in Toronto Aadheenam, or the Nataraja, dancing Ganesha in Seattle Aadheenam, or Sundareshwara Paramashiva in San Jose Aadheenam, or Dakshinamurthy in Los Angeles Aadheenam, or Rajarajeshwari in Hyderabad, Sripura Sarvajnapeetham - all of them reside in Kailaasa space. Just connect with them. Of course, all the Gods in Australia, Melbourne Aadheenam - all of them reside in Kailaasa. Sit with them. Even if one responds to you and you connect with them, I tell you, the new birth has started in you. You can talk to them. They will give boons. They will manifest what do you want. It is not I am giving you some false theory or false ideas. Understand, I am absolutely honest, extremely integrated when I am uttering these words. I am in samadhi, high. That is why I am telling all the truth as it is, not bothered about trolls, not bothered about any of the abusers. I don't care. I have to tell the truths as it is to the world. I am here for that only. I am not going to be cowed down or frightened. No.

I tell you, all these Gods exist. They are all in Kailaasa space. Sit with them and connect with them. Even if any one responds to you, you connect with them, start the relationship - you just have a immediately higher birth. Higher birth. The new birth starts. The whole life will become different in your inner space even if one responds to you. Quickest, easiest responds you will get usually is from Paramashiva. It’s immediate. You may think, “No, no! I have spoken.” No, you have not. Now tell, tell Him, “Swamiji told personally you are the quickest.” He is a Bholenatha, Bholenath. Nothing else is required. Just simply say, “Mahadeva, Paramashiva, … Swamiji told me you are Bholenatha, and you simply respond. Please, please, please respond. Let me have that beautiful sweet strong feeling connection you exists. I can relate with you. You are part of my life, I am part of your life. We have a living relationship.” I tell you, it is too easy to open up. Once He connects - done! Done! Done!

You can take higher birth now today. Today you can take higher birth. Even if you connect with one God and they relate with you, they respond to you - you will realize the whole Paramashiva Jnana I am revealing is true. It’s all absolutely true! Whatever I am doing, everything will make sense to you - why I sit whole day to heal people in the day time and whole night and sit and carve deities. That's the way I built the sangha. We have eyewitness. In 2002 and 3, whole day I’ll be in Bangalore city, going from hospital to hospital and healing patients, counselling, spiritually taking class, helping devotees, making human beings into … evolving them into seekers and enlightened beings. Whole day and on that whole night I'll sit and carve the deities. Day time giving birth to devotees, night time giving birth to deities, birthing Gods. You will understand why ... I was doing what I was doing.

You maybe thinking, understand, in those days, all the US temples are established at least ten years before. In those days … with meagre income, I’ll put every penny I get to make deities and all the things needed for deities. People will ask, “Why?” They never understood. I know why because all these Gods exist in Kailaasa space. Once I established their deities, I can connect them, make a space for them to manifest. And they will take care of the whole mission. And I know … they sent me to do this work. They will all be there now with me, supporting me doing this work. Now also, we are birthing as of now five thousand seven hundred deities in various places in India - Mahabalipuram, Kumbakonam, Jaipur, everywhere, to be installed in thousands of Kailaasas in future. Understand.

Today, I want all of you to sit and connect with one God, any one God. And, after you connect with them and received the connection, some ways strongly experiencing their connection - start sharing Nlighten App with the whole world. Nlighten App is literally Divya Sarira of me. The more and more people connect with Nlighten App, more and more people will be connected to Kailaasa space. You connect people to Nlighten App, I’ll make sure they are connected to Kailaasa space. Download Nlighten TV. To download nlighten.tv. And, share Nlighten App. So today's powerful cognition: connect with any one deity. Especially deities in our temple are all energized, living. All my Atma Murtis are living. Sit with them, now connect. Twenty one minutes connecting with the deity and experiencing Kailaasa space. Chant the Mahavakya, connect, experience Kailaasa space now for twenty one minutes.

Sitting and connecting to deity starts with continuous Mahavakya chanting in the background

Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. I bless you all. Today, really you will all experience the connection with any one deity, through any one God, any one deity. My blessings. Let's continue to be focused on sharing Nlighten App to more and more people, to spread the message from Kailaasa, from Paramashiva.

So I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.


Sakshi Pramana: Devotee sharing Testimonial about Connecting with Deities

Number of people participated

49,886 People participated

No. of temples participated around the world

16 temples from around the world participated.

Photos From The Day

Nithya Satsang English

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Universe Is Eternal Expansion, Gods Exist Independently In The Oneness Dimension

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