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Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam
Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.
I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees and disciples who are sitting with us around the world in 731 places, in 197 cities, in 25 countries. Oh GOD!! The number is not just growing, it’s exploding! I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
And many of the ashrams and temples have started joining with two video conferencing. First, Phoenix; yesterday Phoenix joined. I am welcoming Phoenix. Jayesh Bhai welcome! So Los Angeles, Seattle, Ohio, San Jose, Hyderabad are the other cities I am able to see I am seeing on two way.
And Los Angeles has an LBP acharya training teachers training starting tomorrow; my blessings to Los Angeles and for LBP Acharya training.
And I have many messages from many satsang centres; very emotional. One from Atlanta satsang centre which says, "Swamiji's words are really touching our hearts and it’s really it’s really sad to hear the harassment, abusal, false charges are still continuing. Swamiji rightly said that we will fast on March 2nd; if needed, we will fast till death. On behalf of Atlanta centre, I'd like to announce that all devotees here will observe fasting on March 2nd and we will send support letter signed with blood very soon. Let’s all join our hands to destroy negativity for global peace.
This way, we are getting letters continuously from all corners around the world and this is another one letter from Ma Nithya Sarvabhaktini. I do not know from which centre. They had paduka, they had vibhooti in their padukas in their centre; may be Bangalore. So, hmm hmm.... So they sent a photograph of vibhooti appearing in the padukas. My blessings to the centre!
Some more letters are there from many centres who are really sad to see the abusals.
Today I am continuing on the same sutras; yesterday’s sutras; the 119th sutra, chapter 3rd and 13th verse, one third verse "Altered States of Awareness”.
"aetena bhootaindriyeshu dharmalakshana avasthaa parimnama vyakhytaha"
I think I read out the translation yesterday. Today I’ll start exploring one dimension of this sutra.
Yesterday I was revealing one truth related to this sutra. One, when you expand your understanding about the different states of awareness; your fear, greed, joy, everything changes. Naturally, many of the problems which you think as problem, disappears. When the awareness is too clouded, too narrow, it sees even a mustard seed as mountain.
Please understand. I'll define enlightenment. Enlightenment means, having expanded complete understanding about the cosmos, continuously and ability to maintain that understanding in your muscle memory and bio memory continuously. That’s all.
I'll give you one example. If you sit and watch some movie which is related to space where they explain in a very detailed and a way very interesting way; Sun, moon, other stars, other galaxies, the whole cosmos. You see that kind of a movie, especially if you see in IMAX theatre for 3 hours, you are completely transported to a different space.
Suddenly when you come back and understand; Oh! You are coming back to the planet earth and your continent, your country and your state, your city, your village finally the compound where you are staying. You will feel Oh God! Such a huge universe, what are we? Small dust and ants: Human beings, we are fighting for such silly things?
I always used to feel whenever I land in a flight. When you are there the whole universe, the whole cosmos is there. By the time the flight lands into the compound wall of the airport, you know this useless idiotic system of the state, country, politics, ownership, land. When the aircraft is landing inside the compound, when the compound wall of the airport is growing and growing around you, you just know, GOD! Where was I and where am I? That is exactly I feel whenever I open my eyes. Where was I and where am I? All happens in you is just desha. 
See Patanjali here uses the word, very beautiful word. He uses the word ‘bhoota’. Just you had a understanding about 'bhoota' elements. For that two hours when you saw that IMAX movie or the two hours when you are in the flight you had a broad understanding about elements, that’s all. Just that one understanding has suddenly shifted you to a different space. If you can catch what I am saying you will understand. Two hours if you see some movie related to space and slowly get back to this so called ugly, dirty, third rate, abused reality. That is the truth. The moment you enter, land, the moment air craft lands on the airport, you know your very consciousness is getting into a kind of an ideological prison. Wow!! Now it is this state, this country, these are the law, these are the rule, these are the regulation, this is the way you are supposed to act.
Poor human beings! If you just have the understanding of an element for only two three hours, how you feel when you come back to this foolishness. Oh God! How nice it will be if I stay there itself. I am giving you one example. I have seen. Whenever, see when the flight is high in the sky, whole thing look like a small dust and you don’t bother who is prime minister, who is president, who is chief minister, who is governor, who is police, who is lawyer, who is judge.
The moment you land especially slowly when the walls of the airport is seen bigger and bigger, from there if you see actually it looks like a matchsticks arranged. When the matchstick grow to a 10 ft wall and when you come down suddenly you realise Oh God! You are in a large prison.
Understanding about one element for few hours itself can give such a liberated experience. Then understand all the five important factors: time, element, state, awareness and senses organs; if you understand all these five in a very broad way, then understand the depth of the freedom you will experience.
A man who never accepts any meditation technique or any ideology related to surrendering or practice, J Krishnamurthy, even he accepts sitting with everyday sunrise and sunset. That is only ritual he promoted his whole life. During sunrise and sunset he asks you to sit and surrender yourself to the whole. It’s a very powerful technique I tell you. Just during sunrise and sunset, sit. You will suddenly feel God! Universe is too big! Your problems are too small. 
The foolish few thousand, few hundred acres you can fence it and have it as yours, yours, yours and the dirty foolish things for which you are wasting your whole life is nothing but small pebbles lying around here and there; the diamond and gold for which you sacrifice your whole life. When you understand life is bigger, broader in these five dimensions; elements, senses organs, nature attributes, time factor, awareness states: In these five even one if you understand, so much of freedom is experienced.
I am not saying if you understand and experience that freedom, you will dump all this. No. You will give importance to all this how much needed to be given. Not more than that. I am really telling you, it is good to have a kingdom but it is very bad for kingdom to have you. Your inner space is too valuable.
Yesterday, lady; I don’t know whether lady or male or female sent an email to me. It's kind of an anonymous email where she was criticising why this jewellery, coloured dress, throne? Truth does not need fancy wrapper.
I wanted her to understand. Truth does not need fancy wrapper but the moment you think this is a fancy wrapper, the truth which I say will not be helpful for you. Just get lost. I am a simple man who likes simple things. Please understand I am a simple man who likes simple things. When I say ‘simple’; the best things is what I like! That’s it.
And I wanted this FREE???? to know, neither this throne is gold throne nor this cloth is very costly. Actually this cloth is cheaper than the cloth which I used to wear. Am just making fun of her but the truth is this cloth is cheaper than the ordinary cloth. This meter is,This cloth is meter one dollar. The whole dress which I am wearing may be 6 to 7 dollar. That’s all! And surely that lady is wearing much more costly dress than me. I can be sure. If somebody gives 6 dollar, I can give this dress; so only that much worthy. And that lady who wrote the email must be sitting much more costlier sofa than this throne. This whole thing may be costing some 200, 300 dollar. It’s is copper made. It's not golden. But she must be sitting in much more costlier chair than this throne. She must be wearing much more costlier dress than this dress.
This looks pretty. Why are you jealous?
Just because this looks good she thinks it is costly. And even the energy beads which are which I am wearing are simple, ordinary rudraksha with ordinary beads. It looks very pretty because of two things; one because my disciples made with a lot of love, second; I am wearing it!!! And I am very clear about it. It is not that I am hiding. Arey I am showing...
Today I did not wear because our energy bead in-charge was having some other work, little busy. She did not make anything new so I did not wear today. Anyhow tomorrow I am going to wear. Don’t think I did not wear because lady wrote email. No, no!! And more over our Indian traditional dress, furnitures, jewellery, all these has been abused, defamed, made as out of fashion. So here I am trying not only to tell the truth to the world, I wanted the Indian fancy wrapper to be promoted to the world.
So I am warning that person, these guys may be the.... you will be really happy if you go to some sad gurus. And I sincerely recommend you find out very soon some sad guru in your life and carry on with your journey. I am going to be sitting in thrones, I am going to wearing Indian energy bead jewelleries; I am going to be wearing Indian clothes, in Indian way.
Actually the original truth is, all these things are completely cheaper than the any middle class western furniture or many middle class western dress or any middle class western jewellery. That’s the truth. But because it looks pretty, you think it is costly. So you should find out the reason why it looks pretty. Don’t come to the wrong conclusion. So it cannot be just because it is pretty, don’t think it is costly.
I wanted everyone to know I wanted to solve this problem once for all. I am not only interested in keeping the spiritual sacred truths and sacred secrets alive, I am interested in keeping the Vedic culture, tradition, Vedic way of eating, Vedic way of dressing, Vedic way of sitting, Vedic way of furnitures, Vedic way of living, Vedic way of medicines; I am interested in reviving, keeping everything alive.
I sincerely recommend and promote all our disciples to use and live as many ways as possible in Vedic way; whether it is our food or dress or jewellery or furniture's, anything. So I am answering this question and attending this problem once for all.
Understand. Just if in one element if you are liberated how you feel?  When you land how you feel bound, in me all through five, in all charac, through all five characteristics I am liberated and I land. How I feel? But still I land just to tell you how it feels up there.
And these perverted minds which are caught only in the throne, why did you look at the throne? If you are looking at the throne, you are not watching the satsang. No really, many of our disciples at least who are feeling connected to me they don’t look beyond this frame. They don’t even remember, they may be looking at the most the dress, the colour or the jewel because it is inside the frame. Other than that I don’t think anybody is bothered about the throne. If you are bothered about the throne either you are jealous or you are agitated, irritated.
That old little lady staying in the neighbour house, neighbourhood and screaming and shouting and irritated about anything and everything happening, whether it is raining or shining or snowing she will be irritated and cursing everybody and everything. If you are that kind of person, let God save you. But the problem is when He gives his hand to save you, you will only see the energy bead jewellery and criticise that also.
So let you save yourself if you can. Because why should I give the hand, if they are not going to hold that and come up, if they are going to use that also to criticize once more? Not only I am wearing, I am telling that person who wrote the email very clearly, I am making enough large quantity of jewels. I am myself sitting and designing also. All my ashramites, bramhacharis, bramhacharinis, everybody is going to wear.
Unfortunately all these rich Vedic way of life is not promoted with the glamour or charisma. All the people who are charismatic started using all the western things and dumped the eastern things and all the fellows who were using the Indian things, those fellows are almost living in dustbin. They did not have any charisma. So they were not able to add glory to the Indian tradition and culture. So I have decided to build a structure with charisma and promote the Vedic symbols, the Vedic way of life. I have decided not to depend on any other models to promote the Vedic tradition.
It’s time we promote all Vedic way of life directly. So today I am announcing one important announcement and I am dedicating this announcement and this activity to this person who wrote this email. All our ashrams and temples and satsang centres should have a energy bead jewellery shop. And I declare using energy bead jewellery helps in your levitation, physical healing, mental healing and spiritual enlightenment.
So I recommend all our devotees, disciples to use as much as possible energy bead jewelleries and the way I am dressing, it is called yoga vastra; this kind of dress and if you can even make this kind of thrones and use in your office. No really. I can do the mass production and start supplying. Arey really I am telling you. In US I have seen all these massage chairs and this that easily cost 2000 dollar 3000 dollar. But this whole chair cost only 200 dollars, not more than 200 dollar and I don’t think in US you will any good chair for 200 dollar. In the US ordinary seat which I am using in many discourses you will see, not the throne, the ordinary seat that has costed 700 dollar. I know just ordinary sofa. And for the 700 dollar I’ll make you bigger golden throne than this.
Anyhow I am adding golden throne also one more product in energy bead jewellery. We will start producing golden thrones also in mass and supplying. It’s time all you guys in your office have one, one throne. You are all kings!
Now this lady if she is watching this satsang, just disappear somewhere. What do you guys mean by criticising our way of life? I don’t come and criticise your way of life. Why are you criticising my way of life? So I am telling all our devotees, disciples use energy bead jewellery, wear this kind of Indian way of dressing and sit in golden throne. Let us revive this way of life.
And I tell you energy bead jewellery, any part you wear that part nadi will be awakened; whether it is on the throat or on the kurma nadi or on the matsya nadi, any nadi. This is kurma nadi. This is matsya nadi. Any nadi you wear that nadi will be awakened. And these thrones you can't.... If you have back pain, sit in this throne for two weeks it will be completely healed because you have to always sit straight, balanced. Sit in this kind of seat. It's 90 degree. Naturally you will not have any back pain, neck pain or any pain.
I am a person who is sitting for hours and hours and hours. I am telling you, I am promoting and advertising; for so many almost ten to twelve hours I sit a day. Sitting 10 to 12 hours a day I am not having back pain because of this type of thrones.
So I am promoting this and I will make in mass and start it selling it, sending it to all the countries all over the world. All our acharyas, our disciples, our devotees in your house use this kind of seats and I will make it available just less than 200 dollars. We can do it because it not gold. It is actually a plastic sheet gold painted and stuck in such a way and it looks like gold. And the art work is done and I was also thinking these artists have lost their job because of this modern day furniture’s and this whole art is dead now. Now I wanted to revive it. I wanted to revive this art because it’s handmade. It’s a handicrafts and I will revive this art.
So I am dedicating this whole department and revival of this art to the person who wrote this email. If she would have kept quiet at least she would have seen only me in the throne. Now she has to see everybody in the throne. It is not fancy wrapper; it is a fashion statement I am giving.
And I wanted really our way of life, our way of eating; I want all our disciples to learn eating in the hands; eating with the hands. Not using any object between your food and your mouth. Use the hand, feel the food, ‘Annam Bramhmeti’; ‘Food is God’. Sense it, experience it with your hand and then imbibe it. When you touch with your hand and imbibe you are hugging the food.
First of all they don’t eat fresh food. Somebody packed somewhere and you need to dump it inside to run and do your job. Poor New Yorkers! How they eat? I have seen. While they drive or run, in the between the ears and the shoulder cell phone, in one hand the car, car, in the other hand a sandwich and between thighs hot coffee. And go and hit somebody, get ticket. Not only get ticket when you hit somebody, that hot coffee will spill all over and have some injury also‼
We eat in rich way. We sit comfortably, put banana leaf, dump all the fresh food, hot, hot and mix it nicely with hand and do it like a ritual for two and a half hours. And I am proud about it. I am not feeling sad about it and I am not feeling guilty about it. So I sincerely recommend all our disciples, even if you eat only twice a day, eat like this. Sit nicely, comfortably and switch off the cell phone.
In India still we lock the door when we eat. In Indian villages, see before, till we start eating we keep the door open and wait for any beggars or sadhus to come. That moment we decide yes nobody is there and we decide to eat, see till we start eating we wait if any guests or sadhus are waiting, we call them all inside. Once we decide to eat we lock the door, we sit comfortably and put banana leaf.
Why the leaf you know?  In plate if you put the food you may not be aware and you may be little inactive looking this side that side. If it is on leaf, the food will be constantly flowing out. So in full speed you have to finish it. You have to be completely attending. If you are talking here and there the food would have gone out. To have your attention completely on the food only we have a system of banana leaf. And it is a big art. Unless you are completely aware of the food you can’t eat in banana leaf.
It’s a technique. And this side you have to play and this side you have to play, that side and you must almost maintain the border boundary. And then kap, kap, kap, kap..It's almost playing with food, living with food. So I wanted from today all our Anna Mandirs to serve in banana leaf, Serve come on. Let’s start. Sit nicely and play with food and eat. That’s the way we eat.
Our furnitures, our way of life, our jewelleries, everything is so sacred. Everything is connected to spirituality. Understand I am... When you are not enjoying all these things you will start enjoying these foolish ideas like a countries, state, my country, my flat.
How they are not able to understand this golden throne and these energy bead jewelleries, I am not able to understand. But I don’t criticise you guys. I just keep quiet. “Okay, it is their way of life”. I respect. Why are you guys constantly poking at me; because I keep quiet? Get lost! Give me a break!!
Even you understand in one element the freedom, you will understand how binding this ordinary world. So, if you understand the freedom in all dimensions and able to retain that in your bio memory; that is what I call enlightenment. Understand this one example, this example. Today try to do this. Watch some movie or some YouTube clip related to space for some one or two hours. When you come back to normal sense or abnormal sense that’s the right word I will use, how you feel? See the difference. If this one element can give so much free feeling, if you are freed in all five, how you will feel? Contemplate on this today. And share this one truth today with at least five people.
If you have any question or answer or person who understood the idea you shared, bring all three tomorrow for the satsang. Today I am not seeing you guys have done yesterday’s home work. Please understand, the homework is important even for the ashramites.
Whoever is sitting in the moment, at this moment in satsang is 780 places, in 232 cities in 27 countries, all of you understand this one truth. If you feel the expanded, broad understanding about elements, how you feel liberated when you come down how you feel bound?
Just one understanding can give so much of liberated feeing then if you understand the broadness in all five dimensions, what will happen? So this one truth, go round and share, convince at least five people; enrol at least five people for this truth. At least give this, share this truth with five people and enrol them for it.
And that person who wrote email another one point also she wrote, "I know for sure many people whose mother tongue is English are there around Swamiji. Why is he making again and again the same mistakes in English?”
I wanted her to let her know my English is neither UK English, US English, Indian English; it is my own English!!It is my own language.
In Indian languages we have a special word called, ‘asha prayoga'. 'Asha prayoga’, means whatever master utters you cannot find any grammar mistakes in it. Whatever he utters is ultimate. Because I am trying to express which can’t be expressed, so I cannot be using or putting myself to the constraints of the language and the grammar written by the fools who have not seen anything beyond words.
That is why in Sanskrit, the Sanskrit grammar is created by the people who have seen things beyond words, like Patanjali. He knows, so many are going to see the space beyond words. They should not have the same difficulty which he had. That is why he made a clear rule: Whatever Masters talk is ‘asha prayoga’ means usage of a rishi . So he does come under any grammar rules, regulations; no fault can be found. So I declare not only to that lady to the whole world, whatever I am talking whether it is English, Tamil, Sanskrit or any other language which I speak during kalpatarus, in any other program,  all I utter comes under the category of ‘asha prayoga’. The meaning I give is the meaning for it.
After all you understand what I am saying. That is the purpose of the language. Then what is the other problem? Why should always be the problems of grammar come in?
"I say, you listen, you understand. You say, I listen; why grammar"? Arey what for the language? To express what I am trying to express and for you to understand what I am trying to express. That’s all. When the purpose is solved why are you bothered so much about the language?
It’s like I am pointing towards the moon. This is just a finger pointing to the moon. Look at the moon. Instead they catch my finger and hang on it and some time try to bite. My words are nothing but finger pointing to the moon. Just look at the moon. Why are you wasting your brain, already you have very less and wasting that also into some useless things?
This is Indian way of speaking. Aaarey I am a small boy from an Indian village. And I am not interested in correcting my accent and I am not interested in correcting my grammar mistakes. I am not interested in teaching English language or reaching out to the high fluent English speaking crowd. Neither they are going to listen to my ideology nor I am interested in convincing them. I am interested in ordinary simple people who are interested in simple truths in the language I am saying like, " I tellu, you undertandu, you tellu, I understandu". The like that mental people are enough for me.
If you write once more this kind of email, I'll change my language into, "I tellu, you understandu" I'll start speaking and I’ll set this as a trend.
Here I am trying to sit and explain some extraordinary things. And I learnt the whole thing in original Sanskrit which is such a complicated language and concept. I am trying my best to put it in a common mans language. And after all you understand.
She writes very clearly. In the email I saw very clearly she understands what I am talking. And she put some questions also. That itself shows she is understanding.
"I tellu, you understandu. You tellu, I understandu, What problemu?"
And this is the way we speak English in Indian villages. And I wanted all Indian villagers who studied some engineering and went and settled in US as IT professional, I want all of them to be comfortable with me. And I am not interested in teaching to people...And the whole US only 3 and half percent people speak fluent high quality English. I am catering to a simple ordinary people who mix Spanish and English, English and Telugu, Tamil and English; who live in a simple way like me. I am interested only sharing my truth with them. 
And if somebody knows better English than me, please go and find out your truth from some other sad gurus. They may be speaking 'bettterr Engliss'.  And I'll continue to make the same mistakes and more and more mistakes. I think enough for today.
Let me come back to the subject.
Understand this one truth today. Never ever disrespect Indian tradition, Indian way of dressing, Indian way of eating, Indian way of talking, Indian way of furniture’s. I think this truth you understand.
Let me come to the spiritual truth.
Even if you feel liberated in one element, how you feel? Your whole life fear, problems, anxiety everything has disappeared for those few hours. See when you are watching some movie or experiencing the space, for those few hours your fear, greed, anger, ideas about life everything has disappeared, different.  When you come down, problem starts.  Ability to retain that freedom where your anger, fear, greed, everything disappears is enlightenment.
Even if one element if you are liberated, how it becomes different? If you are liberated in all five elements: time, senses, conditions, awareness and elements. Tomorrow I'll give you a detailed step by step technique to be liberated from all these five.
Today take this one truth. If you are liberated even in one element how your life is different. Understand that and share this truth at least with five people.
If you get more questions, get back. If you get more answers bring it. If you have more people who are inspired, you must be having. If you are not able to enrol five people for this truth, this truth has not worked on you. Work on it. If you have at least few people who understand this truth, bring them tomorrow. Bring all three to the satsang. I’ll attend all three.
So I bless you all to achieve, live, experience, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!
Thank you.

Revision as of 07:58, 30 August 2020

Title: Altered States of Consciousness, Part 2, Patanjali Yoga Sutra 119

Altered States of Consciousness Part 2 - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 119 Nithyananda Satsang 17 Feb 2011


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda continued with his explanation of the Altered States of Awareness in this morning's discourse.

"When you expand your understanding about the different states of awareness, your fear, greed, joy, everything changes. Naturally many of the problems you think are problems disappear. Enlightenment means having expanded, complete understanding about the cosmos continuously and the ability to maintain that understanding in your bio memory and muscle memory."

"If you sit and watch some movie about space, where they explain in a detailed way about the sun, moon, stars etc, you will be completely transported to a different space. Suddenly, when you come back, you will come back to your continent, country, city, finally to the compound where you're staying. You will feel, in such a huge universe, we are dust."

"Similarly, when traveling by plane, and the aircraft lands in the compound of the airport, you just think, where was I and where am I? That's exactly the way I feel whenever I open my eyes, where was I and where am I? The moment the aircraft lands in the airport, your very consciousness is getting into an ideological prison, this country, state, law, regulations, poor human beings."

"If you understand the 5 elements in a very broad way, then, understand the depth of the freedom you will experience. When you understand that life is bigger, broader, in these 5 dimensions - elements, sense organs, natural attributes, the time factor, awareness states, even if you understand one element, so much of freedom is experienced. If in just one element you are liberated, how you feel, in me, I am liberated in all five, imagine how would it feel - still I land here to tell you how it feels up there. Even most of my disciples don't look beyond this form."

"Even if you experience freedom in understanding one element, you will understand how binding this ordinary world is. If you understand the freedom in all dimensions and are able to retain that in your bio memory, that is what I call enlightenment."

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'Description: Altered States of Consciousness, Part 2 by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 17 feb 2011


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam. 00:47 I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees and disciples who are sitting with us around the world in 731 places, in 197 cities, in 25 countries. Oh GOD!! The number is not just growing, it’s exploding! I welcome all of you with my love and respects. 01:20 And many of the ashrams and temples have started joining with two video conferencing. First, Phoenix; yesterday Phoenix joined. I am welcoming Phoenix. Jayesh Bhai welcome! So Los Angeles, Seattle, Ohio, San Jose, Hyderabad are the other cities I am able to see I am seeing on two way. And Los Angeles has an LBP acharya training teachers training starting tomorrow; my blessings to Los Angeles and for LBP Acharya training. 02:14 And I have many messages from many satsang centres; very emotional. One from Atlanta satsang centre which says, "Swamiji's words are really touching our hearts and it’s really it’s really sad to hear the harassment, abusal, false charges are still continuing. Swamiji rightly said that we will fast on March 2nd; if needed, we will fast till death. On behalf of Atlanta centre, I'd like to announce that all devotees here will observe fasting on March 2nd and we will send support letter signed with blood very soon. Let’s all join our hands to destroy negativity for global peace.

03:03 This way, we are getting letters continuously from all corners around the world and this is another one letter from Ma Nithya Sarvabhaktini. I do not know from which centre. They had paduka, they had vibhooti in their padukas in their centre; may be Bangalore. So, hmm hmm.... So they sent a photograph of vibhooti appearing in the padukas. My blessings to the centre! Some more letters are there from many centres who are really sad to see the abusals. 04:03 Today I am continuing on the same sutras; yesterday’s sutras; the 119th sutra, chapter 3rd and 13th verse, one third verse "Altered States of Awareness”. "aetena bhootaindriyeshu dharmalakshana avasthaa parimnama vyakhytaha" I think I read out the translation yesterday. Today I’ll start exploring one dimension of this sutra. 04:49 Yesterday I was revealing one truth related to this sutra. One, when you expand your understanding about the different states of awareness; your fear, greed, joy, everything changes. Naturally, many of the problems which you think as problem, disappears. When the awareness is too clouded, too narrow, it sees even a mustard seed as mountain. 05:40 Please understand. I'll define enlightenment. Enlightenment means, having expanded complete understanding about the cosmos, continuously and ability to maintain that understanding in your muscle memory and bio memory continuously. That’s all. 06:09 I'll give you one example. If you sit and watch some movie which is related to space where they explain in a very detailed and a way very interesting way; Sun, moon, other stars, other galaxies, the whole cosmos. You see that kind of a movie, especially if you see in IMAX theatre for 3 hours, you are completely transported to a different space. 06:46 Suddenly when you come back and understand; Oh! You are coming back to the planet earth and your continent, your country and your state, your city, your village finally the compound where you are staying. You will feel Oh God! Such a huge universe, what are we? Small dust and ants: Human beings, we are fighting for such silly things? 07:29 I always used to feel whenever I land in a flight. When you are there the whole universe, the whole cosmos is there. By the time the flight lands into the compound wall of the airport, you know this useless idiotic system of the state, country, politics, ownership, land. When the aircraft is landing inside the compound, when the compound wall of the airport is growing and growing around you, you just know, GOD! Where was I and where am I? That is exactly I feel whenever I open my eyes. Where was I and where am I? All happens in you is just desha. 08:41 See Patanjali here uses the word, very beautiful word. He uses the word ‘bhoota’. Just you had a understanding about 'bhoota' elements. For that two hours when you saw that IMAX movie or the two hours when you are in the flight you had a broad understanding about elements, that’s all. Just that one understanding has suddenly shifted you to a different space. If you can catch what I am saying you will understand. Two hours if you see some movie related to space and slowly get back to this so called ugly, dirty, third rate, abused reality. That is the truth. The moment you enter, land, the moment air craft lands on the airport, you know your very consciousness is getting into a kind of an ideological prison. Wow!! Now it is this state, this country, these are the law, these are the rule, these are the regulation, this is the way you are supposed to act. 10:45 Poor human beings! If you just have the understanding of an element for only two three hours, how you feel when you come back to this foolishness. Oh God! How nice it will be if I stay there itself. I am giving you one example. I have seen. Whenever, see when the flight is high in the sky, whole thing look like a small dust and you don’t bother who is prime minister, who is president, who is chief minister, who is governor, who is police, who is lawyer, who is judge. 11:40 The moment you land especially slowly when the walls of the airport is seen bigger and bigger, from there if you see actually it looks like a matchsticks arranged. When the matchstick grow to a 10 ft wall and when you come down suddenly you realise Oh God! You are in a large prison. 12:11 Understanding about one element for few hours itself can give such a liberated experience. Then understand all the five important factors: time, element, state, awareness and senses organs; if you understand all these five in a very broad way, then understand the depth of the freedom you will experience. 12:59 A man who never accepts any meditation technique or any ideology related to surrendering or practice, J Krishnamurthy, even he accepts sitting with everyday sunrise and sunset. That is only ritual he promoted his whole life. During sunrise and sunset he asks you to sit and surrender yourself to the whole. It’s a very powerful technique I tell you. Just during sunrise and sunset, sit. You will suddenly feel God! Universe is too big! Your problems are too small. 13:57 The foolish few thousand, few hundred acres you can fence it and have it as yours, yours, yours and the dirty foolish things for which you are wasting your whole life is nothing but small pebbles lying around here and there; the diamond and gold for which you sacrifice your whole life. When you understand life is bigger, broader in these five dimensions; elements, senses organs, nature attributes, time factor, awareness states: In these five even one if you understand, so much of freedom is experienced. 15:24 I am not saying if you understand and experience that freedom, you will dump all this. No. You will give importance to all this how much needed to be given. Not more than that. I am really telling you, it is good to have a kingdom but it is very bad for kingdom to have you. Your inner space is too valuable. 15:52 Yesterday, lady; I don’t know whether lady or male or female sent an email to me. It's kind of an anonymous email where she was criticising why this jewellery, coloured dress, throne? Truth does not need fancy wrapper. 16:18 I wanted her to understand. Truth does not need fancy wrapper but the moment you think this is a fancy wrapper, the truth which I say will not be helpful for you. Just get lost. I am a simple man who likes simple things. Please understand I am a simple man who likes simple things. When I say ‘simple’; the best things is what I like! That’s it. 17:05 And I wanted this FREE???? to know, neither this throne is gold throne nor this cloth is very costly. Actually this cloth is cheaper than the cloth which I used to wear. Am just making fun of her but the truth is this cloth is cheaper than the ordinary cloth. This meter is,This cloth is meter one dollar. The whole dress which I am wearing may be 6 to 7 dollar. That’s all! And surely that lady is wearing much more costly dress than me. I can be sure. If somebody gives 6 dollar, I can give this dress; so only that much worthy. And that lady who wrote the email must be sitting much more costlier sofa than this throne. This whole thing may be costing some 200, 300 dollar. It’s is copper made. It's not golden. But she must be sitting in much more costlier chair than this throne. She must be wearing much more costlier dress than this dress. This looks pretty. Why are you jealous? 18:20 Just because this looks good she thinks it is costly. And even the energy beads which are which I am wearing are simple, ordinary rudraksha with ordinary beads. It looks very pretty because of two things; one because my disciples made with a lot of love, second; I am wearing it!!! And I am very clear about it. It is not that I am hiding. Arey I am showing... 19:16 Today I did not wear because our energy bead in-charge was having some other work, little busy. She did not make anything new so I did not wear today. Anyhow tomorrow I am going to wear. Don’t think I did not wear because lady wrote email. No, no!! And more over our Indian traditional dress, furnitures, jewellery, all these has been abused, defamed, made as out of fashion. So here I am trying not only to tell the truth to the world, I wanted the Indian fancy wrapper to be promoted to the world. 20:11 So I am warning that person, these guys may be the.... you will be really happy if you go to some sad gurus. And I sincerely recommend you find out very soon some sad guru in your life and carry on with your journey. I am going to be sitting in thrones, I am going to wearing Indian energy bead jewelleries; I am going to be wearing Indian clothes, in Indian way. 20:52 Actually the original truth is, all these things are completely cheaper than the any middle class western furniture or many middle class western dress or any middle class western jewellery. That’s the truth. But because it looks pretty, you think it is costly. So you should find out the reason why it looks pretty. Don’t come to the wrong conclusion. So it cannot be just because it is pretty, don’t think it is costly. 21:36 I wanted everyone to know I wanted to solve this problem once for all. I am not only interested in keeping the spiritual sacred truths and sacred secrets alive, I am interested in keeping the Vedic culture, tradition, Vedic way of eating, Vedic way of dressing, Vedic way of sitting, Vedic way of furnitures, Vedic way of living, Vedic way of medicines; I am interested in reviving, keeping everything alive. 22:28 I sincerely recommend and promote all our disciples to use and live as many ways as possible in Vedic way; whether it is our food or dress or jewellery or furniture's, anything. So I am answering this question and attending this problem once for all. 23:04 Understand. Just if in one element if you are liberated how you feel? When you land how you feel bound, in me all through five, in all charac, through all five characteristics I am liberated and I land. How I feel? But still I land just to tell you how it feels up there. 23:40 And these perverted minds which are caught only in the throne, why did you look at the throne? If you are looking at the throne, you are not watching the satsang. No really, many of our disciples at least who are feeling connected to me they don’t look beyond this frame. They don’t even remember, they may be looking at the most the dress, the colour or the jewel because it is inside the frame. Other than that I don’t think anybody is bothered about the throne. If you are bothered about the throne either you are jealous or you are agitated, irritated. 24:26 That old little lady staying in the neighbour house, neighbourhood and screaming and shouting and irritated about anything and everything happening, whether it is raining or shining or snowing she will be irritated and cursing everybody and everything. If you are that kind of person, let God save you. But the problem is when He gives his hand to save you, you will only see the energy bead jewellery and criticise that also. 25:03 So let you save yourself if you can. Because why should I give the hand, if they are not going to hold that and come up, if they are going to use that also to criticize once more? Not only I am wearing, I am telling that person who wrote the email very clearly, I am making enough large quantity of jewels. I am myself sitting and designing also. All my ashramites, bramhacharis, bramhacharinis, everybody is going to wear.

25:54 Unfortunately all these rich Vedic way of life is not promoted with the glamour or charisma. All the people who are charismatic started using all the western things and dumped the eastern things and all the fellows who were using the Indian things, those fellows are almost living in dustbin. They did not have any charisma. So they were not able to add glory to the Indian tradition and culture. So I have decided to build a structure with charisma and promote the Vedic symbols, the Vedic way of life. I have decided not to depend on any other models to promote the Vedic tradition. 27:08 It’s time we promote all Vedic way of life directly. So today I am announcing one important announcement and I am dedicating this announcement and this activity to this person who wrote this email. All our ashrams and temples and satsang centres should have a energy bead jewellery shop. And I declare using energy bead jewellery helps in your levitation, physical healing, mental healing and spiritual enlightenment. 27:56 So I recommend all our devotees, disciples to use as much as possible energy bead jewelleries and the way I am dressing, it is called yoga vastra; this kind of dress and if you can even make this kind of thrones and use in your office. No really. I can do the mass production and start supplying. Arey really I am telling you. In US I have seen all these massage chairs and this that easily cost 2000 dollar 3000 dollar. But this whole chair cost only 200 dollars, not more than 200 dollar and I don’t think in US you will any good chair for 200 dollar. In the US ordinary seat which I am using in many discourses you will see, not the throne, the ordinary seat that has costed 700 dollar. I know just ordinary sofa. And for the 700 dollar I’ll make you bigger golden throne than this. 29:10 Anyhow I am adding golden throne also one more product in energy bead jewellery. We will start producing golden thrones also in mass and supplying. It’s time all you guys in your office have one, one throne. You are all kings! 29:36 Now this lady if she is watching this satsang, just disappear somewhere. What do you guys mean by criticising our way of life? I don’t come and criticise your way of life. Why are you criticising my way of life? So I am telling all our devotees, disciples use energy bead jewellery, wear this kind of Indian way of dressing and sit in golden throne. Let us revive this way of life.

30:23 And I tell you energy bead jewellery, any part you wear that part nadi will be awakened; whether it is on the throat or on the kurma nadi or on the matsya nadi, any nadi. This is kurma nadi. This is matsya nadi. Any nadi you wear that nadi will be awakened. And these thrones you can't.... If you have back pain, sit in this throne for two weeks it will be completely healed because you have to always sit straight, balanced. Sit in this kind of seat. It's 90 degree. Naturally you will not have any back pain, neck pain or any pain. 31:10 I am a person who is sitting for hours and hours and hours. I am telling you, I am promoting and advertising; for so many almost ten to twelve hours I sit a day. Sitting 10 to 12 hours a day I am not having back pain because of this type of thrones. 31:35 So I am promoting this and I will make in mass and start it selling it, sending it to all the countries all over the world. All our acharyas, our disciples, our devotees in your house use this kind of seats and I will make it available just less than 200 dollars. We can do it because it not gold. It is actually a plastic sheet gold painted and stuck in such a way and it looks like gold. And the art work is done and I was also thinking these artists have lost their job because of this modern day furniture’s and this whole art is dead now. Now I wanted to revive it. I wanted to revive this art because it’s handmade. It’s a handicrafts and I will revive this art. 32:28 So I am dedicating this whole department and revival of this art to the person who wrote this email. If she would have kept quiet at least she would have seen only me in the throne. Now she has to see everybody in the throne. It is not fancy wrapper; it is a fashion statement I am giving. 33:10 And I wanted really our way of life, our way of eating; I want all our disciples to learn eating in the hands; eating with the hands. Not using any object between your food and your mouth. Use the hand, feel the food, ‘Annam Bramhmeti’; ‘Food is God’. Sense it, experience it with your hand and then imbibe it. When you touch with your hand and imbibe you are hugging the food. 33:59 First of all they don’t eat fresh food. Somebody packed somewhere and you need to dump it inside to run and do your job. Poor New Yorkers! How they eat? I have seen. While they drive or run, in the between the ears and the shoulder cell phone, in one hand the car, car, in the other hand a sandwich and between thighs hot coffee. And go and hit somebody, get ticket. Not only get ticket when you hit somebody, that hot coffee will spill all over and have some injury also‼ 34:55 We eat in rich way. We sit comfortably, put banana leaf, dump all the fresh food, hot, hot and mix it nicely with hand and do it like a ritual for two and a half hours. And I am proud about it. I am not feeling sad about it and I am not feeling guilty about it. So I sincerely recommend all our disciples, even if you eat only twice a day, eat like this. Sit nicely, comfortably and switch off the cell phone. 35:38 In India still we lock the door when we eat. In Indian villages, see before, till we start eating we keep the door open and wait for any beggars or sadhus to come. That moment we decide yes nobody is there and we decide to eat, see till we start eating we wait if any guests or sadhus are waiting, we call them all inside. Once we decide to eat we lock the door, we sit comfortably and put banana leaf. 36:12 Why the leaf you know? In plate if you put the food you may not be aware and you may be little inactive looking this side that side. If it is on leaf, the food will be constantly flowing out. So in full speed you have to finish it. You have to be completely attending. If you are talking here and there the food would have gone out. To have your attention completely on the food only we have a system of banana leaf. And it is a big art. Unless you are completely aware of the food you can’t eat in banana leaf. 36:54 It’s a technique. And this side you have to play and this side you have to play, that side and you must almost maintain the border boundary. And then kap, kap, kap, kap..It's almost playing with food, living with food. So I wanted from today all our Anna Mandirs to serve in banana leaf, Serve come on. Let’s start. Sit nicely and play with food and eat. That’s the way we eat. 37:41 Our furnitures, our way of life, our jewelleries, everything is so sacred. Everything is connected to spirituality. Understand I am... When you are not enjoying all these things you will start enjoying these foolish ideas like a countries, state, my country, my flat.

38:17 How they are not able to understand this golden throne and these energy bead jewelleries, I am not able to understand. But I don’t criticise you guys. I just keep quiet. “Okay, it is their way of life”. I respect. Why are you guys constantly poking at me; because I keep quiet? Get lost! Give me a break!! 38:58 Even you understand in one element the freedom, you will understand how binding this ordinary world. So, if you understand the freedom in all dimensions and able to retain that in your bio memory; that is what I call enlightenment. Understand this one example, this example. Today try to do this. Watch some movie or some YouTube clip related to space for some one or two hours. When you come back to normal sense or abnormal sense that’s the right word I will use, how you feel? See the difference. If this one element can give so much free feeling, if you are freed in all five, how you will feel? Contemplate on this today. And share this one truth today with at least five people. 40:28 If you have any question or answer or person who understood the idea you shared, bring all three tomorrow for the satsang. Today I am not seeing you guys have done yesterday’s home work. Please understand, the homework is important even for the ashramites. 40:55 Whoever is sitting in the moment, at this moment in satsang is 780 places, in 232 cities in 27 countries, all of you understand this one truth. If you feel the expanded, broad understanding about elements, how you feel liberated when you come down how you feel bound? Just one understanding can give so much of liberated feeing then if you understand the broadness in all five dimensions, what will happen? So this one truth, go round and share, convince at least five people; enrol at least five people for this truth. At least give this, share this truth with five people and enrol them for it. 42:16 And that person who wrote email another one point also she wrote, "I know for sure many people whose mother tongue is English are there around Swamiji. Why is he making again and again the same mistakes in English?”

I wanted her to let her know my English is neither UK English, US English, Indian English; it is my own English!!It is my own language. 

42:50 In Indian languages we have a special word called, ‘asha prayoga'. 'Asha prayoga’, means whatever master utters you cannot find any grammar mistakes in it. Whatever he utters is ultimate. Because I am trying to express which can’t be expressed, so I cannot be using or putting myself to the constraints of the language and the grammar written by the fools who have not seen anything beyond words. 43:45 That is why in Sanskrit, the Sanskrit grammar is created by the people who have seen things beyond words, like Patanjali. He knows, so many are going to see the space beyond words. They should not have the same difficulty which he had. That is why he made a clear rule: Whatever Masters talk is ‘asha prayoga’ means usage of a rishi . So he does come under any grammar rules, regulations; no fault can be found. So I declare not only to that lady to the whole world, whatever I am talking whether it is English, Tamil, Sanskrit or any other language which I speak during kalpatarus, in any other program, all I utter comes under the category of ‘asha prayoga’. The meaning I give is the meaning for it. 44:45 After all you understand what I am saying. That is the purpose of the language. Then what is the other problem? Why should always be the problems of grammar come in? "I say, you listen, you understand. You say, I listen; why grammar"? Arey what for the language? To express what I am trying to express and for you to understand what I am trying to express. That’s all. When the purpose is solved why are you bothered so much about the language? 46:24 It’s like I am pointing towards the moon. This is just a finger pointing to the moon. Look at the moon. Instead they catch my finger and hang on it and some time try to bite. My words are nothing but finger pointing to the moon. Just look at the moon. Why are you wasting your brain, already you have very less and wasting that also into some useless things? 47:07 This is Indian way of speaking. Aaarey I am a small boy from an Indian village. And I am not interested in correcting my accent and I am not interested in correcting my grammar mistakes. I am not interested in teaching English language or reaching out to the high fluent English speaking crowd. Neither they are going to listen to my ideology nor I am interested in convincing them. I am interested in ordinary simple people who are interested in simple truths in the language I am saying like, " I tellu, you undertandu, you tellu, I understandu". The like that mental people are enough for me. If you write once more this kind of email, I'll change my language into, "I tellu, you understandu" I'll start speaking and I’ll set this as a trend. 48:53 Here I am trying to sit and explain some extraordinary things. And I learnt the whole thing in original Sanskrit which is such a complicated language and concept. I am trying my best to put it in a common mans language. And after all you understand. She writes very clearly. In the email I saw very clearly she understands what I am talking. And she put some questions also. That itself shows she is understanding. 49:32 "I tellu, you understandu. You tellu, I understandu, What problemu?" And this is the way we speak English in Indian villages. And I wanted all Indian villagers who studied some engineering and went and settled in US as IT professional, I want all of them to be comfortable with me. And I am not interested in teaching to people...And the whole US only 3 and half percent people speak fluent high quality English. I am catering to a simple ordinary people who mix Spanish and English, English and Telugu, Tamil and English; who live in a simple way like me. I am interested only sharing my truth with them. 50:42 And if somebody knows better English than me, please go and find out your truth from some other sad gurus. They may be speaking 'bettterr Engliss'. And I'll continue to make the same mistakes and more and more mistakes. I think enough for today. Let me come back to the subject. Understand this one truth today. Never ever disrespect Indian tradition, Indian way of dressing, Indian way of eating, Indian way of talking, Indian way of furniture’s. I think this truth you understand. 51:56 Let me come to the spiritual truth. Even if you feel liberated in one element, how you feel? Your whole life fear, problems, anxiety everything has disappeared for those few hours. See when you are watching some movie or experiencing the space, for those few hours your fear, greed, anger, ideas about life everything has disappeared, different. When you come down, problem starts. Ability to retain that freedom where your anger, fear, greed, everything disappears is enlightenment. 52:49 Even if one element if you are liberated, how it becomes different? If you are liberated in all five elements: time, senses, conditions, awareness and elements. Tomorrow I'll give you a detailed step by step technique to be liberated from all these five. Today take this one truth. If you are liberated even in one element how your life is different. Understand that and share this truth at least with five people. If you get more questions, get back. If you get more answers bring it. If you have more people who are inspired, you must be having. If you are not able to enrol five people for this truth, this truth has not worked on you. Work on it. If you have at least few people who understand this truth, bring them tomorrow. Bring all three to the satsang. I’ll attend all three. 54:16 So I bless you all to achieve, live, experience, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you.



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