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Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Practice, Psychological & Physiological Mutation, Surrender and More
Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Practice, Psychological & Physiological Mutation, Surrender and More
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
If you want an immediate solution and ultimate solution, Patanjali is a solution. The Sadhana, the method of understanding your immediate problem and going for the immediate solution is described so thoroughly, so beautifully in this whole chapter. I can say again and again I have to use this same word. It can completely fulfill all possible problems of all human beings. Let Me enter into the Sutra:
atha sadhana pataha.
Now the chapter of spiritual practice.
tapa svadhyaya ishvara pranidhanani kriya yogaha
tapa svadhyaya ishvara pranidhanani kriya yogaha
Beautiful verse, I will give you few translations. Vivekananda translates, Swami Vivekananda translates this Sutra as: mortification, study and surrendering fruits of work to God are called Kriya Yoga. Thaimini translates: austerity, self-study and resignation to Ishwara constitute preliminary Yoga. Swami Prabhavananda translates: austerity, study and the dedication of the fruits of one's work to God. These are the preliminary steps towards Yoga.
Dwivedi translates: preliminary Yoga consists of mortification, study and resignation to Ishwara. I do not want to translate this Sutra with few words. I will give you My translation because each word I need to use lot of words to translate. I have My own unique way of translating because when you use that word, Tapaha, in this context, in this Sutra; that word can mean in 10 different ways. I wanted to use all the 10 meanings. So that you have a comprehensive understanding.
Just like yesterday, I was trying to explain the word Nirodhah. That one word if you misunderstand, whole life you will be struggling and wasting the life; not knowing your problem or solution. Here, I do not want to make that mistake. Tapaha,Tapaha means the suffering, even the word suffering is too small. The happening in you, the churning in you which you may, may not enjoy but has to be gone through, has to be experienced during your attunement towards Enlightenment.
Please understand, Tapa means the churning which you need to go through, which you need to experience. When you make yourself in tune with what you want is Tapa. If I have to put it in this way, what you want will be inside you as a seed and start expressing itself as reality in your physical bio-memory. And in the world, which you project from this physical bio-memory. When that seed from the Consciousness penetrates, opens-up, occupies your bio-memory, projects itself into the reality and sees as the world; from the seed moment to this experience, whatever process happens which you need to go through is Tapas.
If you love it, you call it as joyful tapas. If you hate it, call it as painful suffering. It is up to you but Tapas is this. When psychological mutation and physiological mutation crisscrosses each other happens chaos. When psychological mutation and physiological mutation is falling in tune happens Tapas. When psychological mutation and physiological mutation are going hand-in-hand parallely, beautifully happens is Incarnation.
Please understand, physiological mutation, what I mean by that word physiological mutation? When you grab an idea from the outer world and digest that idea constantly; make your body fall in tune with that idea without any hypocrisy. If you have completed your whole physiological system is in tune with that idea; that is what I call physiological mutation. No resistance from physiological system for that idea, it is physiological mutation. For example, Yoga, Yoga postures. You take up an idea, standing upside down, Sirsasana for 15-minutes will help me to be healthy or brilliant.
First there will be lot of physiological resistance. But you practice, practice, practice in few days you are able to do it. So physiological mutation of Sirsasana has happened in you. It's a one idea I am expressing. Then psychological mutation, for example, Ahimsa, non-violence. The idea is conceived in your heart and slowly, slowly, slowly constantly your heart cherishes that idea. And that compassion is filled in your whole psychological system. Finally your whole psychological system is able to respond to any situation, at any crisis, at any moment, at any question for anything; established in that compassion is psychological mutation.
Now the psychological mutation has happened in you with the one idea of compassion, non-violence. When this physiological mutation and psychological mutation crisscrosses each other, means the social conditioning and the cosmic understanding crisscrosses each other happens chaos. Please understand, many of your physiological mutation are related to social conditioning, They are not the ultimate truth. Many of you physio... physiologically muted based on social conditioning. You can see in your life. Even if you like to pick up something from a shop, your physiological mutation is such your hand will not stretch.
I am not saying you should steal, no. I am saying, giving you the simple example of physiological mutation. Many time you can see, the physiological mutation is such that the social conditionings are observed and lived. You see, the physiological mutation happening because of social conditioning always creates you...creates bondage and suppression in you, suffering in you. This physiological mutation, when it crisscrosses the psychological mutation. Psychological mutation is idea you cherished and ready to express spontaneously. The ideas which have grown in you and expressing itself spontaneously without any struggle.
When those ideas, when that mutation crisscrosses dips...this mutation means, when there is a fight, conflict, chaos happens in your life. When these two are trying to fall in tune with each other, Tapas happens in your life. When these two are completely in tune with each other Incarnation happens in your life; you become Incarnation. The physiological mutation, psychological mutation understand these two truths. When they are not in tune, when they are constantly fighting, chaos. When they are trying to fall in tune, coming to agreement, MOU is signed, memorandum-of-understanding is signed; then what happens in you is Tapas.
When the complete tuning has happened both of them are living happily. Only in the stories it happens. The word, "Ever after, they lived happily." But all movies end with that word, understand. Because after uttering that word, "They lived happily ever after," you can't show anymore scenes. If you show the scenes then you will be disturbing your own statement. You will be disapproving your own statement. Anyhow, but really, rarely these two mutations happen in one body and live very comfortably, beautifully.
The body in which both live very comfortably, beautifully expressing; that body only I call as Incarnation. So from chaos, you need to move to Tapas. From Tapas to the state of Enlightenment, Samadhi. So, that definition of Tapas is the physiological mutation and psychological mutation trying to fall in tune with each other; signing a memorandum-of-understanding. Then comes Svadhyaya. Svadhyaya means receiving the technical information for solutions, not just ultimate even your immediate, problems.
Understand? Svadhyaya is translated by many teachers as spiritual study. Relax, no. From My experience I tell you, Svadhyaya means receiving the technical information which you need to solve your immediate and ultimate problems. That is Svadhyaya. Ishvara Pranidhanani, Ishvara Pranidhana means relaxing with a deep restful awareness and unshakable arrogance. Please understand, I am using a strong word. Any arrogance based on your own intellectual understand is shakeable. The arrogance word may not be the right word, when I say unshakeable arrogance. Because lack of words I am using that word.
When your understand is established by the restful awareness or the relaxation into the Divine, surrendering of the Divine; you will have something called unshakeable arrogance. Ramakrishna says, "Vidya Ahamkara." He says, Avidya Ahamkara, means thinking, "I have this, I am in this post. I have this money. I have this power. I have this relationships. I am big guy." This is Avidya Ahamkara. Vidya Ahamkara means, "I belong to Krishna. I can't be cheated. I am going to rest in His space. I am at feet of Shiva and I have a direct connection with my Master. Nothing can shake me." Unshakeable arrogance.
I can say confidence can be a superficial word. Neither unshakeable arrogance nor the word confidence can be a complete word for the Vidya Ahamkara. I am trying to express the idea of Vidya Ahamkara but neither the unshakeable arrogance nor the confidence is the complete word. So understand this concept. The concept is, when you have the Ishvara Pranidhanani, surrendering to Ishvara; suddenly you have unshakeable, untouchable, undisturbable awareness, which even King cannot shake.
I was studying all the religious persecutions happened in last few thousand years in India and around the world. I am looking into the psychology of the religious persecution. Who persecutes, who is persecuted, how the persecution happens, what is the situation before the persecution and what happens usually after the persecution. And I really tell you the people who went after our organization, who did the religious persecution on us; unfortunately did not know the history of religious persecutions. Because whenever you persecute a social or political groups or organizations; their strength is reduced or they die down. But invariably throughout the history, 100%, all religious persecutions make that organization, religious organization strong and explode in all directions.
I am looking into the psyche of the religious persecution. I realized there is no single spiritual or religious group or organization; which reduced, lost its strength, or its intensity, or its value or its efficiency in contributing to the society, or its size, or its future in any way after any religious persecution. It's a rule because the religious personalities are not established in political or social, economical powers. Their very mental setup is Ishvara Pranidhananii, Vidhya Ahamkara. It is not Avidya Ahamkara.
See if the Avidya Ahamkara, "Oh, I am in this post. I am in this power. I have this much wealth. I am this." The Avidya Ahamkara always get shakened when those things are taken away from you. The Vidya Ahamkara, knowingly or unknowingly, is such cool ego. That is the right word I will use. Such cool understanding about you and the Existence and the human society and the human mind. Just, you simply know, you simply know the aftereffects of what you are going through.
I saw, invariably, all over the world, even if it is a brutal attack, assassination, massacre, mass murders; fortunately we did not face that level of persecution. Of course, in the modern day what we went through is equivalent to mass murder and assassination, psychological assassination. Psychological assassination, character assassination and in the modern day, in a modern way. Fortunately, the guys who wanted to persecute us, do not have that much of freedom. At least as-and-now, to hang or to create a holocaust. If they can, they would have loved to create. I know, they would have loved to do it. Because they had...have that kind of intention and intense anger.
They are nothing less than Hitler in their violence and vengeance. The only fortunate thing is they do not have an infrastructure for holocaust. Whatever infrastructure they had, with that they created a psychological holocaust, that's all, nothing else. But unfortunately they do not understand the psychology of religious persecution. First they need to understand the psychology of a religious personality. Only then they can understand the effect of religious persecution on religious personality. Avidya Ahamkara can be shaken, abused, brutally beaten. And any blow given will shake them, their power will be lost. Because the pillars on which they are standing will be removed. They will be just fallen. They will just fall.
But, the cool awareness, the restful awareness, the way these guys playing the game; amidst this whole calamity. means what! Ishvara Pranidhanani. Understand, a guy who has established in the surrender towards Ishvara can never be shaken. Because the problem is, whether it is reality or not, he is established; even if you prove to him that Ishvara is not a reality, he will not be shaken. Because the reality of the surrender and the restful awareness which experiences because of his belief in the Ishvara Pranidhana; on the...surrender to the Divine is so strong, he is not bother whether Ishvara, himself, is real or not.
Ishvara is just outdated from his life, he will just loses the value in his life. Just because of the restful awareness of...of the surrender- restful awareness which he experiences; by surrendering to the concept Ishvara. Please understand, I am just outdating the utility value of concept of God. When you completely relax into the restful awareness, when you experience the depth and power of surrender to Divine; you just don't need even the experience of the Divine. You just don't bother whether He really exists or not. Because this surrender experience itself is so strong, so truthful, so straight, so fulfilling, so overflowing.
Ramakrishna gives a very beautiful example, "When I can be satisfied just with the two-three bottles of arak. What am I going to do knowing this whole stock of the arak, which he- that fellow have...he is having in a shop? What am I going to do, taking the whole stock? How many barrels you have?" That owner is going to be, the shop owner is going to be, "Hey, what you want? Maximum 5-6 bottle, have it and go. Why are you bothered about the whole stock I have." Same way the restful awareness which you experience when you relax into the awareness of the Ishvara Pranidhana, surrendering to the God, is so strong, so palpable, so clear, untouching, undisturbable. You don't even bother whether He really exists or not.
There is a beautiful story, Thirunavukkarasar, a great saint from Tamil Nadu. He has another one name, Appar. He was put in prison, religious persecution. Just because of the ideas He believes, he was put in the prison. And the guys who have put Him in the prison, also believe a different ideas, different values. But unfortunately, those guys are not established in that concept of Ishvara Pranidhana, the truth of Ishvara Pranidhana, understand!
When one religious group attacks the other religious group; the group which is established in the Ishvara Pranidhana is always going to be successful. That group, that person is going to be successful. Here that Appar is established in the Ishvara Pranidhana. He is just relaxed in that Ishvara Pranidhana. So when he was put behind the bars and the King who punished him, expected that this guy will suffer and go through a psychological torture. And he may drop, 'His ideas are not right' and he may change his ideas into the King's ideas and opinions. He may get converted to King's religion.
But as I told, a person who is established in Ishvara Pranidhana, surrendering to the Divine. Even if the Divine does not interfere and perform miracles, the surrender, the juice and strength which he receives by the surrender is so strong; he will not expect Divine to do anything. He will not be shaken even if the Divine does not interfere. He is put behind bar, Shiva did not come and open the prison. He did not break the prison. He did not tell the devotee, "Come on, come out." No, but the strength of Ishvara Pranidhana is so strong, the strength of surrender is so strong. He does not bother. He does not even ask for Shiva to come and open, break. He just sits there and sings beautiful song, very beautiful song.
Maasil Veenaiyum Maalai Madhiyamum
Veesu thendralum veengila veynilum
Moosu vandarai poygayum ponradhee
Eesan endhai inayadi neezhalee
I will translate, just a beautiful, undisturbed, pure music from veena; an Indian instrument, musical instrument. A pleasant evening moon shine, a beautiful, sweet evening breeze.
Maasil Veenaiyum Maalai Madhiyamum
Veesu thendralum veengila veynilum
Veynil is a season. In that 6 seasons, that is a very sweet and romantic season.
Veengila veynilum
Moosu vandarai poygayum ponradhee
Where the bees drink the honey from lotus flowers and just after drinking; in that kick, creating sound and running around, flying around. That kind of a lotus pond. All these put together, how pleasant you feel even by remembering. Even by remembering, He says, "That is the pleasant feeling I am having now, being at the feet of Shiva," sitting in prison.
He is singing this sitting in prison. Understand, this is what I call Vidya Ahamkara. The power of Ishvara Pranidhanani. When you are completely in rest with surrender, in tune with surrender to God; the Vidya Ahamkara expresses itself so powerfully, beautifully. Nothing can be shaken. People ask Me, even My own ashramites, they asked Me, "Swamiji, we really expected when you are put in prison you will do some miracle. Come out and walk and all this." I said, "Going through the whole thing, being established in Ishvara Pranidhana and showing to the world the power of Vidya Ahamkara is purpose of My Incarnation. Not just breaking few grills or walking through few grills."
Just getting out of the prison you don't need an Incarnation; just a lawyer is enough. Everyday lawyers are bringing thousands of people out of prison. Just to get out of prison you don't need an Incarnation. To show the power of the Ishvara Pranidhana, Vidya Ahamkara you need an Incarnation. This time I took the powerful job, most important job of showing the importance of Vidya Ahamkara. That is much bigger lesson which need to be told to the world than how to come out of the prison.
For those lessons you don't need Incarnation, few rowdies and thugs are enough to teach you those lessons; "How to come out of prison." All you need is simple few instruments. How to cut the bar and come out. You don't need an Incarnation to teach that lesson. People were asking Me, "No, no Swamiji, when this scandal broke out we should have shown our resistance. We should have dut...done some protest." I said, "Array, to do some protest and to throw some stones, you don't need an Incarnation. Just few rowdies and thugs are enough. To create chaos you don't need an Incarnation. How to handle the whole thing, silently, established in Ahimsa. For that you need Incarnation, let Me do My job, let Me do My job. Let us not do somebody else's job. Let us be very clear.
They were asking Me, "No, no Swamiji, at least legally we should take revenge." I told them, "Array, I just assumed human body for this itself, these guys have tortured Me so much; or tried to torture Me so much. That tendency of the human mind is taking revenge. If I assume human mind also what will happen?" I don't want to assume human mind, assuming the human body what I went through, enough. I don't want human mind, relax. Just to show the power of Ishvara Pranidhanani, spiritual leaders, Enlightened Beings, Saints and Sages and Rishis, Masters, Incarnations; go through religious persecution. They go through religious persecution just to show the world the strength and power of Ishvara Pranidhanani.
So, now all of you know what is Tapas, what is Svadhyaya and what is Ishvara Pranidhana. Just add these three in your life, you will be doing Kriya Yoga. Patanjali says, "This is what is Kriya Yogaha." So, imbibe these ideas. Let these become your physiological mutation and psychological mutation. Let you live, achieve and radiate Enlightenment. Let you all live, achieve and radiate the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.
Today we are entering into the sutras of Patanjali which describes Saadhana Paata. The word Saadhana needs to be understood deeply and very strongly. I can say the whole world is in Saadhana. Only difference is without knowing what for they are in. Whole world is doing saadhana even inhaling and exhaling breathing. Everthing we do is saadhana. Only problem is, we do not know what for we are doing saadhana. Morning we are doing saadhana for one thing, evening for totally diff thing. And it gets nullified by night and the place of destruction is the body. Every breath is saadhana. The very flow of life and consciousness is saadhana. All you need to do is understanding the purpose and making all efforts and saadhana in tune with that understanding. Nothing else. It si not that some ppl do more and others do less. NO. every human being does enuf saadhana. The problem is sometimes morning you are doing saadhana for one purpose by evening for diff sadhana and naturally the pull and push you end up in big mess. It is very diff to achieve anything and go forward in any direction. Here patanjali tells an imp. Sutra clarifying this to every being and giving exactly what we need. Pl understand patanjali is the most compassionate Guru with highest possible intellect. Usually Gurus have one of these. If a disciple come and cries for something, Guru may say we will do seomthing else. Buddha, ocean of compassion – when a lady goes to him with dead body of her son, Buddha also cries with her – full of compassion. But he has to give her consolation , so diverts her attention and says get sesame seeds. I am not under estimating Buddha. But patanjali wud not have said this. He has not only compassion but also the intelleigence to customize solutions to every need. For the last time, I can say, he is a master who has given techniques for whatever you want to achieve. Any problem, he has solution. Anything you ask, he has solution. He knows saadhana , solution for every problem. He is not sitting with same Pizza base and offering it for diff. tastes. NO. he is sitting with diff products. If you go to Ramana, Buddha, Shankara, they will have same product . go to Ramana with any problem, he will ask “who is asking” he will divert to main question “who am I” Pl understand I am not degrading them, I am only telling how patanjali is totally diff. If you go and ask him I want this, this, this, he will not tell you, drop all that….do this. If you don’t have enuf products, you will sell only that. It is like if you go to a shop and ask for a particular doll, he does not have, the shop fellow will promote doll that he has. I am very clear, guy like patanjali who can give a workable solution, result for anything you ask, when he says, beautifully he gives 100s of diff samyamas….samyama means technique to experience anything you ask. After all this he says all is not worth. Please go for the ultimate. Therefore I am ready to believe. If Buddha gives solution to that mother and then tells all this is not it and gives ultimate technique then I can accept. I can accept becos I know Buddha has achieved the ultimate. But an ordinary common man may say – maybe Buddha does not have the intelligence – maybe he is only diverting. Ppl tell me – swamiji why do ppl do these dirty things like teleporting and miracles…I says – STOP, if you have the capacity to all that they do and you do not express them but only enlightenment then you have the right to criticize. If not no. anybody who goes to Shankara, will be given the ultimate solution. The poor guy has asked only a few 100 rupees to run his life and you will tell him aham bramhasmi, tatvamasi, etc, the what will he do.
Music playing
Once a poor lady with stomach pain came and asked for healing. I TOLD HER to come and attend Kalpataru next day as I can see her during darshan. She was crying..becos of the heavy subject discussed in Kalpataru! She had headache also along with stomach ache! I had to heal both. Sometimes ppl may not need ultimate solution..they may want simple solutions.
Men by nature started living with cerebral layer. I have seen many ppl. Pl understand very sincerely. I ask them you want to tell me anything. They  say everything is ok, everything is fine. Pl bless me with whatever you want. But woman will ask exactly what she wants. After going out, the husband asks wife what did you ask…and then next time he asks.  I ask why did you not ask first time…he will then go thru his analysis loop and tell me how he did not ask for it first time. Pl understand all ultimate solutions will make you forget the immd. Solution. That is why Advaita sampradaya cater to men than woman. All Advaita sampradayas cater to men more than woman whether it is Buddhism, Jainism, etc.  Men are confused and stuck with their cerebral layer and go all around for ultimate solution. But woman enjoy living with Krishna and enjoy life in the now. Unfortunately men finish their saadhana in the cerebral layer and think they are almost in the goal without even walking the path. I have seen 100s of men, just by reading solutions for probls, they think they have won over those problems. If you describe problems and make men read, they think they have won over them and only when they really face it they know it is just bookish knowledge. Patanjali is the only master who can handle feminine consciousness. He is the first master who can give solution to the problem. For all men, Buddha, shankara are the right masters. For direct solutions, patanjali is the master. See, I am not disrespecting buddha’;s solutions for that mother. But I will not completely go with it. If the mother comes to me, I will tell her clearly I do not have a solution to that problem. I will sympathize but not more than that. Maybe if you can ask, I will give ultimate solution. But patanjali, would have revived the child and then say, I have revived, and would also give a complete solution.  The only diff and major diff I see between other masters and patanjali is that he is straight, humble and simple. He does not hypnotize ppl with a huge diamond. If a person wants a Kg brinjal, he will not show this dangling diamond….is this is not cheating. I really feel, if you cannot give a simple direct solution, it is cheating. Many times, I tell ppl, that I am good at this. I am not good at some things. And in those things, I will stand by you as a well wisher. That much only I can do. Many times, just my compassion, my love, I feel that ppl should be told very clearly the diff. between ultimate solutions and immd solutions. I had 2 great teachers in my life. I could trust them completely for the ultimate solutions b ecause in the immd solutions they were very clear about their abilities and in abilities. Many time when I tell in kalpataru, I will meditate for you, I will look into it, they will make me say strong words like it will happen. I tell them, in these immd solutions if I am clear, I can have your trust in me for ultimate solnj. Saadhana paada is powerful methods and techniques for every solutions. If you ask him for 10 kg brinjal, he will give you 10 kg brinjal. Not that he will say why 10 kg brinjal, I will give you this diamond. If you ask for that, he will say do this and that for 24 yrs, then I wil give. No. Patanjali understands you as you are. Ppl ask me I am bored and tired of saadhana swamiji. I ask are you bored and tired of making money. They say no. I say, then that is your right desire. There are clippings of U.Krishnamurthy. My fav. Enemy…maybe this is a wrong word…person whom I like to dislike. They sing bhajans..money is god, money is god…then I thot they are straight. They are working for what they want. If you are getting tired while doing sadhana, be very clear this is not your ultimate desire. Then you need your wife! I will write prescription – redirect to your wife! When you don’t have ultimate problem, and cerebrally you start working on the ultimate solutions, then you will be tired. Ultimate solutions do not work for ppl who do not have ultimate problems.  Fortunately, I had a master who back – expressing miracles – sometimes thot this as safety.  Good side of this is ppl who have sincerity and depth come for immd problems and will want ultimate solutions..and other way round too is true. Fortunately I had a master whose everyday lifestyle was expressing miracles. One day he was explaining about samyama on korma naadi. If you have samyama on korma naadi you will see whole cosmos. I asked him if you meditate on just one naadi in your body, how can you see the whole cosmos? We were in a mandapa, he dragged me out of it and he pressed my korma naadi by the time we came out to the open. It was so sweet, so tasty and ecstatic that spot. Automatically, my attention fell on the korma naadi. He said look up. I could see very clearly at around 11 in the morning the sun, the moon and the whole stars. The moment he took his hands off, I saw simply the normal sky. I asked how it happened. He said nothing…when we put samyama on the korma naadi, the eye ball movement stops. All of us have subtle eye ball movements when we think. This subtle movement stops us from looking beyond the normal skyline. When this is arrested, you can look beyond. It is described in scriptures, for devataas, eye ball movement is not there. So he says, I made your samyama on korma naadi, your eye ball movement stopped. Then your vision penetrates the sky line and you could see beyond. See with this one incident, the deep unshakable vitarkaa happened with that master  in me. Becos he immd showed me the solution. But he did not do this with all his disciples..he had 100 going to him and only with 2-3 he did this. All the techniques described by patanjali in his sadhana paada have immd results.
This is unlike how you are told by the so called teachers.  The immd solutions, straight things make you understand your immd problems and help you solve them. If I go on talking about ultimate solutions, you think your problems are ultimate problems and you land up in depression! I turst women seekers and their questions more than men especially men who are well read. Becos any advaita philosophy you need, it leads you to believe that ultimate problem is your problem and men believe that to land up in depression. Advaita makes men as liability for woman – one more problem. All I am trying to tell you is find your problem, solve your problem directly – directly. Meera’s experience is much more solid, truthful , honest for me than the silence of the so called advaita vedantees! To disturb their silence can be poked by just a glance. But meera’s ecstasy cannot be disturbed by even giving poison or by being put in prison.  I was pondering upon who has the guts to go thru the religious persectution.
Thoughout history, only dvaitees have the courage to go thru a religious persecution not the advaitees. The guts to go thru religious persectution proves the depth of the person. I have seen. All the dvaitees have the guts. Advaitees don’t have the guts to even go into this…they come to an agreement in such situations very fast. But dvaitees, becos they have seen solutions to ttheir immd problems, the strength of their experience
Thru out this whole scandal, woman who had the dvaitic experience, the strong bhakti strongly stood and went thru the whole acid test. Even men.
But all the advaittees…advaitaananda..who were living in the cerebral layer…hanging out with the ultimate area, escaped..they dumped little more mud and escaped. I tell you, first know your immd problem. Let you have the immd solution. Then you will see when you have the ultimate problem, go for the ultimate solution. Patanjali is the ultimate master. He is for feminine consciousness. Sometimes ppl ask me, swamiji – many disciples have left you, don’t you miss them. I tell them I do miss ppl who really had the possibility and missed me. ..not those ppl who  were around me for wrong reasons. They naturally were not fulfilled and use all the wrong reasons and words….i miss those ppl who missed me becos of these ppl. Not ppl who were around me for wrong reasons.
If you want immd solution and ultimate solutions, patanjali is the only solution. The sadhana, the method of understanding your immd problem for going to an immd solution is described so thouroughly so beautifully in this whole chapter. I can say again and again I have to use the saem word…it can completely fulfill all possible problems of all human beings.
Let me enter into the sutra. :Atah sadhana padaha: Now the chapter of spiritual practice.
Tapah swaadyaaya eeshwara pranidanaani Kriya yogaaha. I will give you few translations.
Swamy Vivekananda: Mortification, study and surrendering fruits of yoga to god is called kriya yoga
Austerity, self st
Swamy pranavananda: Austerity, study and the dedication of the fruits of ones work to god
Dviveeti: prelimnary yoga….
I do not want to translate this sutra with few words. I have my own unique way of translating. I want to use all the diff meanings of the word in this context.
Tapaha: means the suffering..even the word suffering is too small. The happening in you, the churning in you, which you may or may not enjoy, but has to happen and you have to experience during your attunement to enlightenment.  Pl understand, it is the churning which you need to go thru and experience
What you want will be inside you as a seed and start expressing itself as reality in your physical bio memeory and in the world which you project from your physical bio memory. When the seed from the consciousness
When psychological and physiological mutation cris crosses or clash with each other (means social conditioning and cosmic understanding clash with each other) – it results in chaos in your life
When psychological mutation and physiological mutation try to fall in tune with each other – tapas happens in your life. (definition of tapas is both these mutations trying to fall in tune with each other)
When they go hand in hand and completely fall in tune with each other – u become incarnation. Body in which both live very comfortably and beautifully and I call this body only as incarnation.
Physiological mutation – when you grab an idea, digest it and make it fall in tune with your body without any hypocrisy and your physiological system does not resist…it just falls in tune with that idea it is called physiological mutation.
Psychological mutation – for example ahimsa, non violence…the idea is conceived in your heart and slowly your heart cherishes it and that compassion fills your whole psychological system and then finally your whole psyche responds to any situation with compassion it is psych mutation.
Physiological mutation
Swaadhyaaya: it is translated by many teachers as spiritual study. NO.  I say it is receiving technical info to solve your immd and ultimate problems.
Eeswara pranitaana : relaxing with deep and unshakable arrogance. Becos of lack of words I am using the word arrogance. When your understanding is established in restful awarenessof the divine, you have unshakable arrogance. Ramakrishna says ‘vidya ahankara’ unshakable arrogance. I can say confidence but neither can completely meaning to vidya ahankara. When you have surrendering to eeshwara, suddenly you have unshakable, untouchable, undisturbable awareness which even a king cannot shake. I was studying all the religious persecutions that happened in the last few 1000 years in India and around the world. I am looking into the psychology of the persectution , who does it, who undergoes it, what happens, before, during and after it. I really tell you, ppl who did it on us, did not know the history of the religious persecutions. Becos invariable in history all religious persectutions make the organizations more stong. I realized none of them lost their intensity or size or future or efficiency in contributing to society in any way after eligious persectutions. Becos religious personalities are not established in any solical or political set ups. Becos they are established in eeshwara pranitaanaani. In vidya ahankara..not avidya ahankaara. The vidya ahankaara knowingly or unknowingly is such a ‘cool ego’ it is such a cool understanding of the existence and you just simply know the after effects ofwhat you are going thru. I saw invariably all over the world, worst of persecutions ….they are nothing less than hitler in their vengeance and violence. The only thing is they did not have infra structure to create a holocaust. Unfortunately they did not understand the psychology of a religious personality. Avidya ahankara can shaken and abused brutally. Any blow given can shake them and their power will be lost. Becos the pillars on which they stand can be removed and they fall. But a religious personality, vidya ahankara hae such a cool ego, cool awareness, restful awareness and unshakable arrogance cannot be touched.  Understand, a guy who is established in surrender to eeshwara can never be shaken.  Whether eshwara is real or not does not matter only becos of the restful awareness he places on the concept of eshwara. When you completely relax into the restful awareness. When you experience the depth and power of surrender to divine, you just don’t need even the experience of the divine. You just don’t bother whether he exists or not. Becos this surrender experience itself is so strong, so straight, so overflowing, so deep then you will not be bothered about eshwara existing or not. The experience itself is so strong, so palapable, that you don’t even bother if he truly exists or not. There is a beautiful story of Tirunnavar karasar..another name Appar of TN. He was put in prison just becos of ideas he believes. The guys who put him in, also believe in diff. ideas. Unfortunately, those guys were not established in eshwara pranitaana. Here appar is established in eshwara pranidaana. He was just relaxed in it. The king who punished him expected that he will suffer, go thru psychological torture, drop his ideas and may get converted to the kings religion. But appar was established in surrendering to the divine. Even if the divine does not appear and perform miracles, the juice of the surrender is so strong that he does not even bother that the divine does not appear. So appar does not even bother or pray to shiva to come open and break the prison. He sits and sings a beautiful song….jsut a beautiful song from the veena, a pleasant breeze, a lovely sweet romantic season, where the bees drink the honey from lotus flowers and after drinking in that kick, creating a sound and flying around the pond….all those put together that is the pleasant feeling I am having now just contemplating on shiva. He is singing this sitting in prison. When you are in true surrender to the divine the vidya ahankara expresses itself . my ppl asked me we expected  you to break jail. I said to express and show the power of eeshwara pranidaana, vidya ahankara I took this life. To come out of prison, you don’t need an incarnation for that..you need some thugs and rowdies…you don’t need an incarnation for that. To do some protests and throw some stones, you need few thugs. How to handle the whole thing silently with ahimsa you need an incarnation. Let me do that job.
The tendency of human mind is to take revenge. I don’t want to assume human mind. Assuming human body is enuf.  Just to show the power of eeshwara pranidannani spiritual leaders, masters, incarnations, go thru religious persectution. They go thru it just to show the strength and power of eeshwara pranidaanaani.
Just add these 3 in your life – tapas, swaadyaaya and eeshwara pranidanaani in your life you will be doing kriya yoga.  Just let the physiological and psychological mutation happen beautifully in you.

Revision as of 23:37, 20 December 2020


Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Patanjali Gives Immediate Solutions first, then Ultimate Enlightenment


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles from Patanjali Yoga Sutras during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Practice, Psychological & Physiological Mutation, Surrender and More, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared from the chapter on spiritual practice explaining Tapas, Svadhyaya and Ishvara Pranidhana. He explained tapas as the happening of churning in you which you may or may not enjoy but needs to be experienced during your attunement towards Enlightenment. Svadhyaya, He shared, is receiving the technical information which you need to solve your immediate and ultimate problems, and Ishvara Pranidhana as surrendering to the Divine. His Divine Holiness expanded further by saying that even if the Divine does not interfere and perform miracles, the surrender, the juice and strength which He receives by the surrender is so strong He will not be shaken.

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Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Patanjali Gives Immediate Solutions first, then Ultimate Enlightenment

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Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Practice, Psychological & Physiological Mutation, Surrender and More


In this powerful exposition on Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Paramhamsa Nithyananda describes the first sutra (aphorism ) of Sadhana Pada (Chapter on Practice). He describes Tapas (penance) is great detail in terms of psychological and physiological mutations. He further talks about surrender in greater detail and narrates a beautiful story of Tirunavakkarasu (one of the 63 Shaivite enlightened saints) and his depth of surrender.


Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Practice, Psychological & Physiological Mutation, Surrender and More



If you want an immediate solution and ultimate solution, Patanjali is a solution. The Sadhana, the method of understanding your immediate problem and going for the immediate solution is described so thoroughly, so beautifully in this whole chapter. I can say again and again I have to use this same word. It can completely fulfill all possible problems of all human beings. Let Me enter into the Sutra:

atha sadhana pataha. Now the chapter of spiritual practice.

tapa svadhyaya ishvara pranidhanani kriya yogaha tapa svadhyaya ishvara pranidhanani kriya yogaha


Beautiful verse, I will give you few translations. Vivekananda translates, Swami Vivekananda translates this Sutra as: mortification, study and surrendering fruits of work to God are called Kriya Yoga. Thaimini translates: austerity, self-study and resignation to Ishwara constitute preliminary Yoga. Swami Prabhavananda translates: austerity, study and the dedication of the fruits of one's work to God. These are the preliminary steps towards Yoga.


Dwivedi translates: preliminary Yoga consists of mortification, study and resignation to Ishwara. I do not want to translate this Sutra with few words. I will give you My translation because each word I need to use lot of words to translate. I have My own unique way of translating because when you use that word, Tapaha, in this context, in this Sutra; that word can mean in 10 different ways. I wanted to use all the 10 meanings. So that you have a comprehensive understanding.


Just like yesterday, I was trying to explain the word Nirodhah. That one word if you misunderstand, whole life you will be struggling and wasting the life; not knowing your problem or solution. Here, I do not want to make that mistake. Tapaha,Tapaha means the suffering, even the word suffering is too small. The happening in you, the churning in you which you may, may not enjoy but has to be gone through, has to be experienced during your attunement towards Enlightenment.


Please understand, Tapa means the churning which you need to go through, which you need to experience. When you make yourself in tune with what you want is Tapa. If I have to put it in this way, what you want will be inside you as a seed and start expressing itself as reality in your physical bio-memory. And in the world, which you project from this physical bio-memory. When that seed from the Consciousness penetrates, opens-up, occupies your bio-memory, projects itself into the reality and sees as the world; from the seed moment to this experience, whatever process happens which you need to go through is Tapas.


If you love it, you call it as joyful tapas. If you hate it, call it as painful suffering. It is up to you but Tapas is this. When psychological mutation and physiological mutation crisscrosses each other happens chaos. When psychological mutation and physiological mutation is falling in tune happens Tapas. When psychological mutation and physiological mutation are going hand-in-hand parallely, beautifully happens is Incarnation.


Please understand, physiological mutation, what I mean by that word physiological mutation? When you grab an idea from the outer world and digest that idea constantly; make your body fall in tune with that idea without any hypocrisy. If you have completed your whole physiological system is in tune with that idea; that is what I call physiological mutation. No resistance from physiological system for that idea, it is physiological mutation. For example, Yoga, Yoga postures. You take up an idea, standing upside down, Sirsasana for 15-minutes will help me to be healthy or brilliant.


First there will be lot of physiological resistance. But you practice, practice, practice in few days you are able to do it. So physiological mutation of Sirsasana has happened in you. It's a one idea I am expressing. Then psychological mutation, for example, Ahimsa, non-violence. The idea is conceived in your heart and slowly, slowly, slowly constantly your heart cherishes that idea. And that compassion is filled in your whole psychological system. Finally your whole psychological system is able to respond to any situation, at any crisis, at any moment, at any question for anything; established in that compassion is psychological mutation.


Now the psychological mutation has happened in you with the one idea of compassion, non-violence. When this physiological mutation and psychological mutation crisscrosses each other, means the social conditioning and the cosmic understanding crisscrosses each other happens chaos. Please understand, many of your physiological mutation are related to social conditioning, They are not the ultimate truth. Many of you physio... physiologically muted based on social conditioning. You can see in your life. Even if you like to pick up something from a shop, your physiological mutation is such your hand will not stretch.


I am not saying you should steal, no. I am saying, giving you the simple example of physiological mutation. Many time you can see, the physiological mutation is such that the social conditionings are observed and lived. You see, the physiological mutation happening because of social conditioning always creates you...creates bondage and suppression in you, suffering in you. This physiological mutation, when it crisscrosses the psychological mutation. Psychological mutation is idea you cherished and ready to express spontaneously. The ideas which have grown in you and expressing itself spontaneously without any struggle.


When those ideas, when that mutation crisscrosses dips...this mutation means, when there is a fight, conflict, chaos happens in your life. When these two are trying to fall in tune with each other, Tapas happens in your life. When these two are completely in tune with each other Incarnation happens in your life; you become Incarnation. The physiological mutation, psychological mutation understand these two truths. When they are not in tune, when they are constantly fighting, chaos. When they are trying to fall in tune, coming to agreement, MOU is signed, memorandum-of-understanding is signed; then what happens in you is Tapas.


When the complete tuning has happened both of them are living happily. Only in the stories it happens. The word, "Ever after, they lived happily." But all movies end with that word, understand. Because after uttering that word, "They lived happily ever after," you can't show anymore scenes. If you show the scenes then you will be disturbing your own statement. You will be disapproving your own statement. Anyhow, but really, rarely these two mutations happen in one body and live very comfortably, beautifully.


The body in which both live very comfortably, beautifully expressing; that body only I call as Incarnation. So from chaos, you need to move to Tapas. From Tapas to the state of Enlightenment, Samadhi. So, that definition of Tapas is the physiological mutation and psychological mutation trying to fall in tune with each other; signing a memorandum-of-understanding. Then comes Svadhyaya. Svadhyaya means receiving the technical information for solutions, not just ultimate even your immediate, problems.


Understand? Svadhyaya is translated by many teachers as spiritual study. Relax, no. From My experience I tell you, Svadhyaya means receiving the technical information which you need to solve your immediate and ultimate problems. That is Svadhyaya. Ishvara Pranidhanani, Ishvara Pranidhana means relaxing with a deep restful awareness and unshakable arrogance. Please understand, I am using a strong word. Any arrogance based on your own intellectual understand is shakeable. The arrogance word may not be the right word, when I say unshakeable arrogance. Because lack of words I am using that word.


When your understand is established by the restful awareness or the relaxation into the Divine, surrendering of the Divine; you will have something called unshakeable arrogance. Ramakrishna says, "Vidya Ahamkara." He says, Avidya Ahamkara, means thinking, "I have this, I am in this post. I have this money. I have this power. I have this relationships. I am big guy." This is Avidya Ahamkara. Vidya Ahamkara means, "I belong to Krishna. I can't be cheated. I am going to rest in His space. I am at feet of Shiva and I have a direct connection with my Master. Nothing can shake me." Unshakeable arrogance.


I can say confidence can be a superficial word. Neither unshakeable arrogance nor the word confidence can be a complete word for the Vidya Ahamkara. I am trying to express the idea of Vidya Ahamkara but neither the unshakeable arrogance nor the confidence is the complete word. So understand this concept. The concept is, when you have the Ishvara Pranidhanani, surrendering to Ishvara; suddenly you have unshakeable, untouchable, undisturbable awareness, which even King cannot shake.


I was studying all the religious persecutions happened in last few thousand years in India and around the world. I am looking into the psychology of the religious persecution. Who persecutes, who is persecuted, how the persecution happens, what is the situation before the persecution and what happens usually after the persecution. And I really tell you the people who went after our organization, who did the religious persecution on us; unfortunately did not know the history of religious persecutions. Because whenever you persecute a social or political groups or organizations; their strength is reduced or they die down. But invariably throughout the history, 100%, all religious persecutions make that organization, religious organization strong and explode in all directions.


I am looking into the psyche of the religious persecution. I realized there is no single spiritual or religious group or organization; which reduced, lost its strength, or its intensity, or its value or its efficiency in contributing to the society, or its size, or its future in any way after any religious persecution. It's a rule because the religious personalities are not established in political or social, economical powers. Their very mental setup is Ishvara Pranidhananii, Vidhya Ahamkara. It is not Avidya Ahamkara.


See if the Avidya Ahamkara, "Oh, I am in this post. I am in this power. I have this much wealth. I am this." The Avidya Ahamkara always get shakened when those things are taken away from you. The Vidya Ahamkara, knowingly or unknowingly, is such cool ego. That is the right word I will use. Such cool understanding about you and the Existence and the human society and the human mind. Just, you simply know, you simply know the aftereffects of what you are going through.


I saw, invariably, all over the world, even if it is a brutal attack, assassination, massacre, mass murders; fortunately we did not face that level of persecution. Of course, in the modern day what we went through is equivalent to mass murder and assassination, psychological assassination. Psychological assassination, character assassination and in the modern day, in a modern way. Fortunately, the guys who wanted to persecute us, do not have that much of freedom. At least as-and-now, to hang or to create a holocaust. If they can, they would have loved to create. I know, they would have loved to do it. Because they had...have that kind of intention and intense anger.


They are nothing less than Hitler in their violence and vengeance. The only fortunate thing is they do not have an infrastructure for holocaust. Whatever infrastructure they had, with that they created a psychological holocaust, that's all, nothing else. But unfortunately they do not understand the psychology of religious persecution. First they need to understand the psychology of a religious personality. Only then they can understand the effect of religious persecution on religious personality. Avidya Ahamkara can be shaken, abused, brutally beaten. And any blow given will shake them, their power will be lost. Because the pillars on which they are standing will be removed. They will be just fallen. They will just fall.


But, the cool awareness, the restful awareness, the way these guys playing the game; amidst this whole calamity. means what! Ishvara Pranidhanani. Understand, a guy who has established in the surrender towards Ishvara can never be shaken. Because the problem is, whether it is reality or not, he is established; even if you prove to him that Ishvara is not a reality, he will not be shaken. Because the reality of the surrender and the restful awareness which experiences because of his belief in the Ishvara Pranidhana; on the...surrender to the Divine is so strong, he is not bother whether Ishvara, himself, is real or not.


Ishvara is just outdated from his life, he will just loses the value in his life. Just because of the restful awareness of...of the surrender- restful awareness which he experiences; by surrendering to the concept Ishvara. Please understand, I am just outdating the utility value of concept of God. When you completely relax into the restful awareness, when you experience the depth and power of surrender to Divine; you just don't need even the experience of the Divine. You just don't bother whether He really exists or not. Because this surrender experience itself is so strong, so truthful, so straight, so fulfilling, so overflowing.


Ramakrishna gives a very beautiful example, "When I can be satisfied just with the two-three bottles of arak. What am I going to do knowing this whole stock of the arak, which he- that fellow have...he is having in a shop? What am I going to do, taking the whole stock? How many barrels you have?" That owner is going to be, the shop owner is going to be, "Hey, what you want? Maximum 5-6 bottle, have it and go. Why are you bothered about the whole stock I have." Same way the restful awareness which you experience when you relax into the awareness of the Ishvara Pranidhana, surrendering to the God, is so strong, so palpable, so clear, untouching, undisturbable. You don't even bother whether He really exists or not.


There is a beautiful story, Thirunavukkarasar, a great saint from Tamil Nadu. He has another one name, Appar. He was put in prison, religious persecution. Just because of the ideas He believes, he was put in the prison. And the guys who have put Him in the prison, also believe a different ideas, different values. But unfortunately, those guys are not established in that concept of Ishvara Pranidhana, the truth of Ishvara Pranidhana, understand!


When one religious group attacks the other religious group; the group which is established in the Ishvara Pranidhana is always going to be successful. That group, that person is going to be successful. Here that Appar is established in the Ishvara Pranidhana. He is just relaxed in that Ishvara Pranidhana. So when he was put behind the bars and the King who punished him, expected that this guy will suffer and go through a psychological torture. And he may drop, 'His ideas are not right' and he may change his ideas into the King's ideas and opinions. He may get converted to King's religion.


But as I told, a person who is established in Ishvara Pranidhana, surrendering to the Divine. Even if the Divine does not interfere and perform miracles, the surrender, the juice and strength which he receives by the surrender is so strong; he will not expect Divine to do anything. He will not be shaken even if the Divine does not interfere. He is put behind bar, Shiva did not come and open the prison. He did not break the prison. He did not tell the devotee, "Come on, come out." No, but the strength of Ishvara Pranidhana is so strong, the strength of surrender is so strong. He does not bother. He does not even ask for Shiva to come and open, break. He just sits there and sings beautiful song, very beautiful song.


Maasil Veenaiyum Maalai Madhiyamum Veesu thendralum veengila veynilum Moosu vandarai poygayum ponradhee Eesan endhai inayadi neezhalee

I will translate, just a beautiful, undisturbed, pure music from veena; an Indian instrument, musical instrument. A pleasant evening moon shine, a beautiful, sweet evening breeze.

Maasil Veenaiyum Maalai Madhiyamum Veesu thendralum veengila veynilum

Veynil is a season. In that 6 seasons, that is a very sweet and romantic season.

Veengila veynilum Moosu vandarai poygayum ponradhee

Where the bees drink the honey from lotus flowers and just after drinking; in that kick, creating sound and running around, flying around. That kind of a lotus pond. All these put together, how pleasant you feel even by remembering. Even by remembering, He says, "That is the pleasant feeling I am having now, being at the feet of Shiva," sitting in prison.


He is singing this sitting in prison. Understand, this is what I call Vidya Ahamkara. The power of Ishvara Pranidhanani. When you are completely in rest with surrender, in tune with surrender to God; the Vidya Ahamkara expresses itself so powerfully, beautifully. Nothing can be shaken. People ask Me, even My own ashramites, they asked Me, "Swamiji, we really expected when you are put in prison you will do some miracle. Come out and walk and all this." I said, "Going through the whole thing, being established in Ishvara Pranidhana and showing to the world the power of Vidya Ahamkara is purpose of My Incarnation. Not just breaking few grills or walking through few grills."


Just getting out of the prison you don't need an Incarnation; just a lawyer is enough. Everyday lawyers are bringing thousands of people out of prison. Just to get out of prison you don't need an Incarnation. To show the power of the Ishvara Pranidhana, Vidya Ahamkara you need an Incarnation. This time I took the powerful job, most important job of showing the importance of Vidya Ahamkara. That is much bigger lesson which need to be told to the world than how to come out of the prison.


For those lessons you don't need Incarnation, few rowdies and thugs are enough to teach you those lessons; "How to come out of prison." All you need is simple few instruments. How to cut the bar and come out. You don't need an Incarnation to teach that lesson. People were asking Me, "No, no Swamiji, when this scandal broke out we should have shown our resistance. We should have dut...done some protest." I said, "Array, to do some protest and to throw some stones, you don't need an Incarnation. Just few rowdies and thugs are enough. To create chaos you don't need an Incarnation. How to handle the whole thing, silently, established in Ahimsa. For that you need Incarnation, let Me do My job, let Me do My job. Let us not do somebody else's job. Let us be very clear.


They were asking Me, "No, no Swamiji, at least legally we should take revenge." I told them, "Array, I just assumed human body for this itself, these guys have tortured Me so much; or tried to torture Me so much. That tendency of the human mind is taking revenge. If I assume human mind also what will happen?" I don't want to assume human mind, assuming the human body what I went through, enough. I don't want human mind, relax. Just to show the power of Ishvara Pranidhanani, spiritual leaders, Enlightened Beings, Saints and Sages and Rishis, Masters, Incarnations; go through religious persecution. They go through religious persecution just to show the world the strength and power of Ishvara Pranidhanani.


So, now all of you know what is Tapas, what is Svadhyaya and what is Ishvara Pranidhana. Just add these three in your life, you will be doing Kriya Yoga. Patanjali says, "This is what is Kriya Yogaha." So, imbibe these ideas. Let these become your physiological mutation and psychological mutation. Let you live, achieve and radiate Enlightenment. Let you all live, achieve and radiate the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.


Music playing



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