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Ashtanga Yoga: Be in Yama Niyama: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 84
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Ashtanga Yoga: Be in Yama Niyama: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 84 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 16 Dec 2010


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Patanjali Yoga Sutras during the live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Ashtanga Yoga: Be In Yama Niyama (Patanjali Yoga Sutras 84), The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared how Patanjali is giving us a very simple but powerful technique to make Yama(law) and Niyama (highest coherence) possible in one's life. He explained that Yama and Niyama are not laws and rules, but rather it is the source from which laws are executed. He shared that when you understand this, whenever your body and mind are not interested in following the yama and Niyama, you will create the right thoughts. His Divine Holiness explained that when you keep the internal and external purity, you will raise your family to the highest coherence sharing further that If you have the ability to accept and bear the suffering, without causing pain, you will raise the community to the highest coherence, which is Tapas.

Today during Day 16 of the Inner Awakening Program, delegates experienced a powerful Session entitled: Q And A Session: God, The Big Bang, and Unclutching covering a variety of questions and answers from His Divine Holiness.

Link to Video:

Ashtanga Yoga: Be in Yama Niyama: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 84

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Ashtanga Yoga: Be in Yama Niyama: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 84 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 16 Dec 2010


December 16, 2010 Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is Vitarka The Ultimate Reasoning! 84th sutra in Patanjali Sutras – in Chapter 2nd chapter 33rd verse - Vitarka vaadane pratipaksha bhavanam Vivkekananda – when thoughts obstructive to yoga arise contrary thoughts should be employed Prabhavaananda – to be free from thoughts that distract one from yoga, thoughts of opposite kind must be used Satchitananda - When disturbing thoughts are there, opposite thoughts should be thought of Here the word Vitarka must be understood in a different way. I use that word more for logic which leads you to beyond logic, the right logic, the feeling connection the ultimate experience. Patanjali is giving us a very simple but powerful technique to make Iyama and niyama possible in your life. Please understand, whenever iyama or niyama is taken as rules and regulations, your mind always deviates and does not want to do. It is easy to drive from Bangalore to the ashram. But it becomes very difficult to come from within the Ashram to this hall for the puja! Because the moment it becomes a rule, law of life you want to resist. The whole mind starts doing project planning, strategy planning it develops all kind of reasons. Mind always plays. Iyama means not just the law but also the power of executing the law. So don’t be just below the lays. Be the power that executes the law. In the whole world there are only 2 way – people again & again ask me – Swamiji why this universe, why all these problems? I tell them you have 2 options - 1. Go on questioning, fight and die or 2. See the grandeur of the universe by becoming an insider. This atheists go on promoting that the universe does not have an independent intelligence. I you are only preaching atheism and do not believe it – there are few intelligent people who preach and don’t believe. They are saved. Universe is independently intelligent. Your logic and questioning is not going to disturb it. You either go on questioning, or become an insider and see the whole thing. the logic which cannot grasp the independent intelligence of the cosmos is the source of atheism. Become Yama dharma so that you no need to go by the yamas – the laws. Same way niyama Is not rules. It is raising your life to highest coherence. As I was telling yesterday’s sutra – shoucha, tapaha, swaadyaaya, ishwara pranidani! ? (repeats the meaning of yesterday’s verse) Niyama is not just rules, but raising your life to highest coherence – soucha santhosha tapa swadhyaya ishwara pranidhanani – when you keep internal & external purity – you will rise to Higher Consciousness Santhosha – with this the whole family will raise to Higher Consciousness Have tapas – ability to accept and bear the pain and not causing it. Only through tapas you will have the ability to raise the whole community to the higher coherence. Strength – swaadyaaya means reading, understanding and raising your intellectual c apability to grasp the truth, to be in the highest possible civilization. Again and again giving these great understandings is swaadyaaya. I am creating shastradhaaris, shaastra shastrdharis – who are having knowledge weapons. Who emobody themslef in the great spiritual understanding constantly raising the spiritual understanding, I am helping the whole civilization to its highest possible coherence. Finally, Ishwara pranidaanaani – bringing the whole cosmos to the highest coherence. Iyama and niyama are the source from where you consciousness goes to higher consciousness Whenever you body and mind is not interested in following the iyama and niyama you will create the right thoughts in you. Here he is saying pratipaksha bhaavana whichis strong will. If your mind is slipping from brahmacharya, tell yourself No, this is my life. Creating opposite thoughts and aligning yourself to Yama and Niyama. Needs to be practiced in initial level again and again and again. Whenever Kutarka comes, Pratipaksha bhavanam – basic imp truth – raising yourself to right understanding by right logic must be done by you. Again & again raising yourself whenever kudarka comes, bring vitarka Just meditate on this one truth - put all your energy to align yourself to iyama and niyama.. create vitarka to iyama and Niyama.. don’t waste your life in unawareness and not practicing. Especially, when you take master for granted.. No, Iyama and Niyama is life – life breath.. that is why patanjali says, create vitarka by pratipaksha bhavana.. establish yourself in ultimate vitarka. Just take this one message and digest it.


Q and A session on God, Unclutching®, BigBang


In this video His Holiness Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam answers Inner Awakening delegates Questions about how matter gets created from big bang, What is brahma?, Bhakthi, clarification on practicing Unclutching®. An eclectic mix of questions being answered in Swamiji's inimitable style - with amazing truths being revealed!

Link to Video:

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Q and A session on God, Unclutching®, BigBang