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Cities sitting with us in 2 way Nayana Deeksha – Singapore Sing, LA Aruna, Malaysia Palani, Madhurai Adheenam, Toronto Kail, Ohio, phoenix  Seattle Chid, San Jose Madhurai, Austin, Dacota Dunes, Abu Halifa Kuwait, Vict Aus, Oman Siva Gangai, Wash DC, Atlanta Ujjayini, Vanc, Paris Tiru, ok som, Guad Ramesh, Charlotte Srisailam, Dubai.
Cities sitting with us in 2 way Nayana Deeksha – Singapore Sing, LA Aruna, Malaysia Palani, Madhurai Adheenam, Toronto Kail, Ohio, phoenix  Seattle Chid, San Jose Madhurai, Austin, Dacota Dunes, Abu Halifa Kuwait, Vict Aus, Oman Siva Gangai, Wash DC, Atlanta Ujjayini, Vanc, Paris Tiru, ok som, Guad Ramesh, Charlotte Srisailam, Dubai.
Sikander – Atlanta, Sruthi Dubai, blessings to both of you I accedped your paada puja. I will talk to you during Dial the Avatar.
Sikander – Atlanta, Sruthi Dubai, blessings to both of you I accedped your paada puja. I will talk to you during Dial the [[Avatar]].
The Podcast which we started 12 days before. 2 days befreo when I announced we were 8th in spirituality, we are 903 overall. Today are 535 overall. Around 435 we jumped in one day. Ins pirituality we jumped to rank 6. God! Now I am getting updates – today it is 253 and number 4 in spirituality. What is this he announcing 6th and in 2 minutes he is announcing 4th. But anything can happen in Dhyanappetam. See more than all this one important breakthrough happened -  yesterday after the Devi Bhaava Darshan in my breathing space, Ma Maneesha started materializing vibhooti and kukum in her hands and all over her body! Kumkum started pouring from the head all over her face. Can you show the photograph. Yes, you can see the photo now.
The Podcast which we started 12 days before. 2 days befreo when I announced we were 8th in spirituality, we are 903 overall. Today are 535 overall. Around 435 we jumped in one day. Ins pirituality we jumped to rank 6. God! Now I am getting updates – today it is 253 and number 4 in spirituality. What is this he announcing 6th and in 2 minutes he is announcing 4th. But anything can happen in Dhyanappetam. See more than all this one important breakthrough happened -  yesterday after the Devi Bhaava Darshan in my breathing space, Ma Maneesha started materializing vibhooti and kukum in her hands and all over her body! Kumkum started pouring from the head all over her face. Can you show the photograph. Yes, you can see the photo now.

Revision as of 13:16, 20 February 2019

Link to Video:


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) takes questions from devotees. The first question asks him to define nirvikalpa samadhi and to give practices that can lead us to that state. Paramahamsa replies that nirvikalpa means undisturbed, unchanging inner space, and the current program in which the questioner is participating, Inner Awakening, provides exactly the training to achieve it. Second question is from a devotee who was able to travel to Mount Kailash last summer despite severe arthritis. She asks how Paramahamsa made it possible. He answers that since she had experienced kundalini awakening in his presence, her bio-memory now obeys his energy more strongly than hers, so he was able to correct her illness. The third question inquires whether conscious awareness exists in comatose accident victims, and whether they can work on their karma in such condition. Paramahamsa responds that if they had raised their consciousness prior to the injury they can effect spiritual work in a vegetative state; but if not, they will have to wait for the next birth to continue their evolution. The final questioner asks why people have thoughts of harming others. Paramahamsa remarks that usually there is no desire to harm, it is only the desire to expand one’s boundary and this can intrude on others. He reminds us that we are each responsible for maintaining our boundaries and for negotiating intelligently when boundaries collide.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, question, practice, lead, state, undisturbed, provide, training, achieve, travel, arthritis, answer, experience, kundalini, energy, illness, conscious, awareness, work, karma, respond, consciousness, injury, spiritual, birth, evolution, desire, harm, expand, boundary, responsible, negotiate, intelligent.


The first question is from Sadhana, IA id no. 65. She is asking:

Q: Dearest Swamiji, Please explain what is Nirvikalpa Samadhi? How can I attain it? Can one hold Prana outside the body at will, when one achieves ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’? Please guide me, what steps, what tapas, what kriya I perform to attain it. ---Sadhana- IA ID No.65

Sadhana, please understand - ‘Nirvikalpa’ means being without any changes. ‘Vikalpa’ means changes, oscillation, diversion, dilution, differentiation. All these can be different meanings of the wordVikalpa. ‘Nirvikalpa’ means without any of this. When one achieves Nirvikalpa Samadhi, he literally becomes God. He becomes one with the ultimate. ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’ means your whole being, your whole identity dissolving into the cosmic existence. The individual inner space has no more disturbances, differences. Next question - How can I attain it? There are millions of methods, process, procedures. Pick up any one sincerely, authentically. You are already doing Inner Awakening, you are already initiated into unclutching. Best direct experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi can be had by unclutching. Please understand, unclutching is not even a path leading to Nirvikalpa Samadhi, it is a process directly giving you the experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. The moment you start unclutching you are falling into Nirvikalpa Samadhi. It is not a peak to attain it, it is a valley in which you need to fall. It is not an object to attain it, peak to achieve it, it is a valley to be fallen in it. When one achieves Nirvikalpa Samadhi it is not even an achievement. Sadhana, to tell you honestly you are asking so many questions about Nirvikalpa Samadhi. But any answer about Nirvikalpa Samadhi will not be truthful when you achieve that sate. Now whatever I say when you start experiencing, you will only find my words are inadequate. If a common man, person who is on the road, who is a new seeker, if he asks this question, I can give elaborate answer because I know for sure this guy is not going to achieve it. It is like collecting maps. There are some fellows who are crazy about collecting maps but never travel, there are somefellows who are crazy about collecting menu cards, but never eat, crazy of collecting all the postal stamps, but never send anything, crazy of collecting coins, but will never spend anything, crazy of collecting swords, but doesn’t know how to fight. I know there are some people, crazy of collecting things, will never use it. Same way, if an onlooker or a person who is not that authentic or sincere, if he asks about this question, what is Nirvikalpa Samadhi, I can give poetries after poetries after poetries. I can sing any number of songs. He is not going to experiment it or experience it. But Sadhana you are already in the Inner Awakening. You are getting into Nirvikalpa Samadhi. So when I answer you – I wanted to be very responsible. Any word I give about Nirvikalpa Samadhi will be inadequate when you experience it! You are asking can one hold Praana outside the body at will when one achieves Nirvikalpa Samadhi. When you achieve Nirvikalpa Samadhi you can hold praana out, in, in and out, out and in, anywhere you want. What steps, what tapas, what kriya I perform to attain it? Sadhana, you are already doing it. Inner Awakening is the steps, Inner Awakening is the tapas, Inner Awakening is the kriya you need to perform to attain it and you are doing it.

Next question..

Q: Dear Swamiji, I suffer from severe arthritis and had no hope of ever traveling to a place like Kailash! But while traveling with You last year, I had an unbelievably pain-free and pleasant journey. You had said that just being in an Avatar’s physical presence transforms even your physiology. Can you explain this miracle? –

(we don’t have the questionaer’s name) .

Alright. May be because the person is talking about the personal disease,doesn’t want to reveal the name. That’s ok. But, I know. The question is - I suffer from severe arthritis and I had no hope of ever traveling to a place like Kailash!

I still remember when she came to me & asked I want to come to Kailash, the person, when she put this question, I said no. Because I know she has arthritis and she is quiet old. Of course women will feel offended if I say ‘old’. That’s why I have to use the word quite old. It means old! But she came in Kalpataru and asked this as a boon. God! What all technical loop holes people find. In Kalpataru, what can I do?I I said, ‘alright, it will happen’. That’s it. She went to the doctor, got the medical certificate and joined the trip.I Nepal, she is telling me. When we all have landed in Kathmandu, she is telling, . ‘Swamiji due to this cold, my arthritis is aggrevating’. I said ‘O God!’ But, one fortunate thing is her Kundalini was already awakened because she has done some program. She has done IA also, kundalini was awakened.See if your Kundalini is awakened, if you have had a levitation experience even once, no need to have while you are sitting there. If you have had in my presence when I am initiating you directly, even once, then you can be very clear, your body will obey to me more than your bio memory. Any disease you create for yourself, any trouble you create for yourself, I can get you out of it just like that, because, beyond the troubles you create for yourself, your inner bio memory listens to me. I can easily get you out of any problem. So, she already had her kundalini awakening and I blessed her and healed her. Immediately she started levitating and then, pain disappeared! I said ‘you will not have any pain, don’t bother. I’ll take care.’ That’s all. Immediately her bio memory listened. You see, your bio memory listens to me more than you only in apositive way. And I cannot do anything wrong to you. Of course, I won’t do. That is different. I cannot do anything wrong to you. In the highest consciousness, simply your bio memory listens to you, the highest consciousness. Anyhow, because she was in the fortunate space of able to experience Kundalini Awakening, immediately she got healed and throughout the Kailash trip till the end, she did not have any pain and her whole physiology cooperated with that cold! See, usually cold aggrevates arthritis. With that cold she managed. Your physiology is nothing but the physical extension of your psychology. If your psychology is healed, naturally automatically your physiology also gets healed. Please understand, if your psychology is healed, naturally, automatically your physiology also gets healed. When physiology gets healed, when physiology responds to the master’s energy, presence, you can easily be given any spiritual experience. Spiritual experience will be very easy and highly possible, because your whole being responds to the ultimate. Your whole being responds to that Kundalini energy.

Next question..

The next question is from Terri Sun IA ID No. 92 She is asking:

Q: When a person is a vegetative state due to traumas of the brain, is it possible for that person to still work on their consciousness or do they have consciousness at all? When a person got into a tragic accident does it have to do with their karma or just an unfortunate incident? If it is related to karma, then how does one completely burn off their karma in this life time. Thank you Swamiji, ----Terri Sun - IA ID No. #92

Terri, first thing - he has consciousness; but he will not be able to work on it. If he has already worked before the traumas of the brain, on consciousness, then he will be able to work even during the coma state, even during the vegetative state. See before getting into the vegetative state due to traumas of brain, if he has evolved consciously, like worked, meditated, lived that enlightened life, then even in the vegetative state, he will be working on his consciousness. But if he has not worked before, he will not be able to work during the vegetative state. And, second question - When a person got into a tragic accident does it have to do with their karma or just unfortunate incident? Terri Sun, unfortunate incident itself is a karma. If it is related to karma, then how does one completely burn off their karma in this life time. After getting into that vegetative state, if you are trying to burn off your karma, it is not possible. You should have done it, you should have started the process before. If he has not started the process before, if he has fallen into the vegitative state already, nothing can be done. He has to die. Only in the next janma I can burn of the karmas. No other way.


The next question is from Hiranmaie, IA id no. 12. She is asking:

Q: Poojya Swamiji, Saadhar pranams, why do people get thoughts to harm other beings? When suffering happens due to actions from such thoughts, where is God to protect the victim? Love, regards and gratitude .-- Hiranmaie – IA ID No. 12

Hiranmaie, don’t you see in that very question itself, you are showing that you are too small to ask this question? It is like all the ants gather and try to ask the question why is elephant also painted in same color like us? Black should be reserved only for us. Not for elephants. We will sue all the elephants and kill all of them, throw them into the ocean and warn the Gods not to create any more black elephants!

Let me tell you. Why do people get thoughts to harm other beings? It is not harming others basically; trying to expand your boundary that’s all. When you try to expand your boundary, whoever you feel will not fit idealogically with your boundary, you try to harm them. That’s it. So, expansion is basic nature of life. So, some natural rules, when it becomes power, especially in many hands, this harming others, these kind of thoughts start happening. When suffering happens due to actions from such thoughts, where is God to protect the victim. – Hiranmai, understand each one of you has an intelligence to protect yourself. That intelligence to protect yourself which is there inside you is God. I should actually ask when the suffering happens due to such actions, where are you? God is there. It is you who is not letting the God to function and work, protect yourself. So, Hiranmaie, even a small worm - if you try to kill, it will stand up to protect itself. So, the identity or the energy which is protecting itself constantly is God. It is there in every one of you, in all of us.

Spot Notes: Thursday, April 26, 2012

“Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaracharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 786 places through Nithyananda TV, 23 places 2 way VC Nayana Deeksha, in 215 cities, 22 countries!

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Nayana Deeksha – Singapore Sing, LA Aruna, Malaysia Palani, Madhurai Adheenam, Toronto Kail, Ohio, phoenix Seattle Chid, San Jose Madhurai, Austin, Dacota Dunes, Abu Halifa Kuwait, Vict Aus, Oman Siva Gangai, Wash DC, Atlanta Ujjayini, Vanc, Paris Tiru, ok som, Guad Ramesh, Charlotte Srisailam, Dubai.

Sikander – Atlanta, Sruthi Dubai, blessings to both of you I accedped your paada puja. I will talk to you during Dial the Avatar.

The Podcast which we started 12 days before. 2 days befreo when I announced we were 8th in spirituality, we are 903 overall. Today are 535 overall. Around 435 we jumped in one day. Ins pirituality we jumped to rank 6. God! Now I am getting updates – today it is 253 and number 4 in spirituality. What is this he announcing 6th and in 2 minutes he is announcing 4th. But anything can happen in Dhyanappetam. See more than all this one important breakthrough happened - yesterday after the Devi Bhaava Darshan in my breathing space, Ma Maneesha started materializing vibhooti and kukum in her hands and all over her body! Kumkum started pouring from the head all over her face. Can you show the photograph. Yes, you can see the photo now.

<Photo is projected on screen>

All over her face she got Kumkum it was pouring from her head! So many people are starting to materializing. Alright let us enter the questions now.

Dearest Swamiji, Please explain what is Nirvikalp Samadhi? How can I attain it? Can one hold Prana outside the body at will, when one achieves ‘Nirvikalp Samadhi’? Please guide me, what steps, what tapas, what kriya I perform to attain it. ---Sadhana- IA ID No.65 Please understand Nirvikalpa means without any changes. Vikalpa means changes, oscillations, diversions, dilutions, differentiations. All these can be the words for Vikalpa. Nirvikalpa means without any of this. When one achieves Nirvikalpa Samadhi, he literally becomes God. He becomes one with the ultimate. Nirvikalpa Samadhi means your whole being, your whole identity dissolving into the cosmic existence. The individual inner space has no more disturbances, differences. How can I attain it? There are millions of methods, processes, procedures. Pick up any one sincerely, authentically. You are already doing Inner Awakening, you are already initiated into unclutching. Best direct experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi can be had by unclutching. Nirvikalpa Samadhi is not a path, it is a process directly leading you to Nirvikalpa Samadhi. The moment you start unclutching you are falling into Nirvikalpa Samadhi. It is not a peak to attain, it is a valley in which you need to fall. It is not an object to attain, peak to achieve, it is a valley to be fallen in it. When one achieves Nirvikalpa Samadhi it is not even an achievement. Sadhana, to tell you honestly you are asking so many questions about Nirvikalpa Samadhi. But any answer about Nirvikalpa Samadhi will not be truthful of that sate. Now whatever I say when you achieve Nirvikalpa Samadhi you will know that my words are inadequate for that state. It is like common man when he asks for him I can give any number of words. Because I know he will never achieve it. It Is like few people are crazy about collecting maps but never travel, some people are crazy o collecting menu cards, but never eat. I know some people are crazy of collecting swords but they never uses it. If an onlooker asks what is Nirvikalpa Samadhi. I can give poetry after poetry. I can sing any number of songs. He is not going to experience it or experiment it. But Sadhana you are already in Inner Awakening. You are getting into Nirvikalpa Samadhi. So when I answer you – I have to be very responsible. Any word I give about Nirvikalpa Samadhi will be inadequate when you experience it! You are asking can one hold Praana outside the body at will when one achieve the Nirvikalpa Samadhi. When you achieve Nirvikalpa Samadhi you can hold praana in, out, out and in, anywhere you want J you are asking what steps, what tapas, what kriya I need to perform to attain it? Sadhana you are already doing it. Inner Awakening is the step, the technique, the kriya that you need and you are already doing it.

Dear Swamiji, I suffer from severe arthritis and had no hope of ever traveling to a place like Kailash! But while traveling with You last year I had an unbelievably pain-free and pleasant journey. You had said that just being in an Avatar’s physical presence transforms even your physiology. Can you explain this miracle? – No name. Oh. It is a personal problem that is why she has not mentioned her name. I still remember when she came to me & asked I want to come to Kailash, when she put this question, I said no. I said a clear no. Because I know she has arthritis and she is quiet old. I know women feel when I say old. So I said quiet old which means old J But she came in Kalpataru and asked. See how technically people can get away with what they want! So she came in Kalpataru and asked. Now what to do? I said alright. She went to the doctor and asked for medical certificate. Don’t know from where she got the certificate! She may have gone to an Indian doctor who has done MB not BS. May be he did MBMBBS! When we all landed in Kathmandu she is telling me. Swamiji due to this cold, my arthritis is aggrevated. One fortunate thing her Kundalini was awakened because she did IA. See if your Kundalini was awakened even once if you have had when you are getting initiated by me, then you can be very clear, your body obeys me more than you. Any disease, troubles you can create I can easily get you out of it. Because your inner bio memory listens to me. I can easily get you out of any problem. I blessed her and healed her. Immediately she started levitating and the pain disappeared! I said you do not have any pain, I will take care. Immediately the pain disappeared. See your bio memory listens to me more than you in the positive way. I cannot do anything wrong. Simply your bio memory listens to the highest consciousness. The fellows who abused and disconnected I am not doing anything wrong to them. They create trouble for themselves and suffer. Otherwise I never do anything wrong to people. I just leave it. Mahakala will take care and leave it. Anyhow because she is in the fortunate space able to experience Kundalini Awakening, immediately she got healed and throughout the Kailash trip till the end, she did not have any pain and her whole physiology cooperated. With that cold! Usually cold aggrevates arthritis. With that cold she managed. Your physiology is nothing but the physical extension of your psychology. If your psychology is healed naturally automatically your physiology gets healed. Please understand your psychology is healed then automatically your physiology gets healed. When your physiology gets healed, physiology responds to the master’s energy, presence. When a physiology gets healed and responds to the master’s presence, you can easily be given any spiritual experience. Spiritual experience will be very easy and highly possible because your whole being responds to the ultimate. Your whole being responds to that Kundalini energy.

When a person is a vegetative state due to traumas of the brain, is it possible for that person to still work on their consciousness or do they have consciousness at all? When a person got into a tragic accident does it have to do with their karma or just an unfortunate incident? If it is related to karma then how does one completely burn off their karma in this life time. Thank you Swamiji, ----Terri Sun - IA ID No. #92 Terri Sun, first thing he has consciousness but he will not be able to work on it. If he has already worked before the traumas of the brain on consciousness. Then he will be work even during the vegetative state. See before getting into the trauma state if he has evolved consciousness. Then even in the vegetative state he can work on the consciousness. But if he has worked before, he will not be able to work during the vegetative state. 2nd question - When a person got into a tragic accident does it have to do with their karma or just an unfortunate incident? Terri Sun it is just an unfortunate incident itself is karma. If it is related to karma, then how does one completely burn off karma in this life time. After getting into that vegetative state when you try to burn karma it is not possible. If you have not done and fallen into veg state, then nothing can be done. You will have to do it in the next janma only.

Poojya Swamiji, Saadhar pranams, why do people get thoughts to harm other beings? When suffering happens due to actions from such thoughts, where is God to protect the victim? Love Regards and gratitude .-- Hiranmaie – IA ID No. 12 Hiramnai, don’t you see in the question itself you are too small to ask the question? It is like all the ants gather and try to ask the question why is elephant also painted in same color like us? Black should be reserved only for us. Not for elephants. We will sew all the elephants, kill them and throw them in the ocean and warn the Gods not to create elephants!

It is not harming basically trying to expand your boundary that’s all. When you try to expand your boundary, whoever you feel will not fit, you will harm them. That’s it. Expansion is basic law of life. Then sometimes it becomes power especially in many hands. Hiranmai understand each one of you has an intelligence to protect yourself. That intelligence to protect yourself inside you is God. I should actually ask when suffering happens where are you? God is there. It is you who is not letting God to function, work and protect yourself. Hiranmai even a small worm if you try to kill it will stand up to protect itself. So the identity or energy which is protecting itself constantly is God. It is there in all of us.

I am very happy for this IA batch. Not only all you guys are sincere, not a single one missed Yoga. That is a good thing. 2nd you guys are having something unique, different Bhaava darshan. After 5 years first time I am giving Energy Darshan after Devi Darshan. Usually after that samadhi, I never touch people. But yesterday first time of course I settled and came out. But first time I was giving Energy Darshan. Usually after Devi Darshan, I never touch and bless people at least for next 24 hours or at least that whole night I never allow anyone to touch me. But yesterday after the Devi Darshan I immediately came out and gave Energy Darshan also. I don’t know how the participants felt but yesterday was one of the best Darshans. You guys are having every day one one bhaava darshan and this Aakashik Readings. And today Krishna Bhaava Darshan.

Apart from Krishna bhaava, 4 more bhaava darshans are there! Wow!

During the Kaala Bhairava Darshan, my biceps go up to 16 ½ inches. But yesterday after Devi Darshan it was at 12 inches! 4 inches it goes up or comes down. I was shocked! See when the bhaava happens physically my body changes! I have decided let all the 2 way centres and 20S12 project volunteers have all the bhaava darshans.

Let us go to the next segment Dial the Avatar.

E-pada puja – Sikandar Peruka – Atlanta Satsang number. December 2012 IA is going to be something extraordinary. I am working that by Dec 2012 the technology will be so polished and refined. At least one extraordinary experience like hunger free or materialization to each participant. Each participant will have at least one extraordinary experience. I am working on many special features for Inner Awakening Deceber 2012. E-pada puja one more call Videha means without body. Understand it is not a physical plane. You are supposed to move to that plane by becoming videha. So continue the seeking. You will have the experience and achieve the maha videha kshetra.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in places through 1056 places in Nithyananda TV, in 23 places through 2 way Video conferencing, in 263 cities, 24 countries! Today minute for meditation is 80 minutes. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share and explode the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!