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January 26, 2013
Stop Worrying Start Living
Paramashivoham: 22-day Ultimate Spiritual Journey with the Avatar HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam

Revision as of 11:16, 17 August 2020


Stop Worrying Start Living


Paramashivoham: 22-day Ultimate Spiritual Journey with the Avatar HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam

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“Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaraacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!” I welcome you all with my love and blessings! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 400 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 36 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 211 cities, in 25 countries around the world! I welcome you all with my love and blessings! Today Niraahaara samyama 3rd level 10th day. Day after tomorrow we will breaking the samyama and very successfully 2nd batch of Brahmanyam bahu putrataam starting today. Understand Brahmanyam bahu putrataam only starts it never ends. It is life. You are initiated into life. The first batch is very successful. So beautiful! We are beginning the 2nd batch today. Today Nithya Dhyana Yoga LBP Level I is starting. I want to make it very clear. Nithya Dhyana Yoga will be called as LBP Level I. don’t say formerly known as LBP Level I. no. Now also it is called as Life bliss level I. it is formerly called Ananda spurana program. In all languages this word Nithya Dhyana yoga is there. Ananda spurana is not there in Tamil …Life bliss will be called Nithya Dhyana yoga … 34 centres are participating other than Bidadi. All people who are becoming volunteers for Annalaya and Vidyalaya volunteers must participate in today’s program because we are not just serving food …we are serving Nithyananda… Whether Annalaya or Vidyalaya each volunteer should get initiated into the tatva and who are working on making the tatvaas into satyas. ..any program is fine. You should be initiated. You should have Annalaya and Vidyalaya at least 10 volunteers each. Same volunteer cannot be in both projects. For Annalaya - including the paint colour, incense sticks and the music – everything should be standard. Next Nithya Dhyana Yoga will be on May 3rd and 4th. Today an important day Indian Republic day! Let Mahadeva bless this country to become Bhaarath living its cultural strength, ideological strength and knowledge. Let us get back to the original source and root of Vedic tradition. Ma Tejomaya San Jose birthday blessings I am with you. blessings with all auspiciousness I will be with you, I will be with you! Senthil Sattur birthday blessings. See there are so many cities they are starting Annalaya for one day….let them all send their proposal….standardize the whole thing all over the world same style. I declare Annalaya will be serving vegetarian Chettinaad style food. That is the Annalaya trend. Let us standardize, regularize then we will start the Annalaya. Let us enter into today’s satsang authenticity from the Katha Upanishad. Yesterday I left in the 2nd chapter 2nd verse. Today we will start 2nd chapter 3rd verse – “O Nachiketas after wise reflection thou hast renounced the pleasant and all pleasing forms. Thou hast not accepted this garland of great value for which many mortals perish.” Beautiful verse: “O Nachiketas after wise reflection thou hast renounced the pleasant and all pleasing forms. Thou hast not accepted this garland of great value for which many mortals perish.” Now Yama is aligned to the authenticity of Nachiketa. He says you have done a very nice job of rejecting the inauthenticities even if it is in the form of pleasant and pleasing. You have not accepted the garland of great value means Nava ratna maala for which so many fellows die. Look even now, every diamond you are wearing somebody is giving their life. Do you know that? Not only they are giving their life, they are losing health, longevity…people in the diamond quarries and people who are …it is nothing less than hell. ..if you go and see the life of weavers weaving oh God! You will not touch the cloth again…at least weavers don’t die, they are just poor. But in diamonds It is just blood. Blood of thousands and thousands of people. What Yama says is true. For this kind of nava ratna maala people just die. They are ready to die. But you are dheera – you have done right thing by choosing the authenticity. With authenticity you have chosen the right thing. You have chose the right thing. Please understand – स त्वं प्रियान् प्रियरूपान् च कामान् | अभिध्यायन् नचिकेतः अत्यस्राक्षीः । न एतां सृङ्कां वित्तमयीं अवाप्तः | यस्यां मज्जन्ति बहवो मनुष्याः ॥ 2.3 O Nachiketas after wise reflection thou hast renounced the pleasant and all pleasing forms. Thou hast not accepted this garland of great value for which many mortals perish. He says - O Nachiketas after wise reflection thou hast renounced the pleasant and all pleasing forms. Thou hast not accepted this garland of great value. Yama was about to give the nava ratna maala to Nachiketa and Nachiketa said no thank you keep it with you. Only a personality like Nachiketa can say no to Yama. It needs guts. You have not accepted this maala of great value for which many mortals perish. People die, people die, people die. What Yama says is right. See clearly how many of you are giving literally your whole life for money? Look inside authentically. If you have some other components in your life. Great. But money as the only goal. Through money what are you going to do ? you don’t know like your only goal is to have 1000 million dollar what for you don’t know then Maha kaala means you only – many mortals perish. What an unfortunate thing! Many mortals perish! Understand always have enriching others as a goal of life. What for money? So that I will enrich myself and others. I am so happy. My disciples caught really what they need to catch! I am so happy! Sometime I used to feel people have given us money but we have not become intelligent enough to give them back as seva enriching. If we are not enriching them back, even if people have given money that is not real wealth. Real wealth is not having anything in your bank account and continuously running to enriching others. It is continuously enriching thousands of people through Annalaya, Vidyalaya …money come, goes, comes, goes end of the month there is no bank balance. This is wealth and million sanyaasis working enriching themselves and enriching people like this is my vision of Dhyanapeetam. Nothing else. Million sanyaasis enriching 10 million Vidyalayas, 10 million people food given through Annalayaas, 10 million people given care everyday through Vaidyalaya, millions are enriched through this spiritual knowledge of 4 tatvaas – should be just functioning, functioning. No question of bank balance. If you just see money you should just immediately start another project to enrich people. This is what it means to have the courage towards the tatva we are living, towards the satya we are living. I know, I have trust in this satya – it will run…. I am receiving so many requests if you are running Annalaya and Vidyalaya we will give our temple to you. I am seeing revolution happening. All we need is live these four tatvaas – Authentic, integrated, responsible and enriching. Just today Houston temple is going to be starting. Kaala Bhairava will choose which one will be the temple….Houston Umesh is here… You just need people who are constantly living these tatvaas. I can see all our ashrams all over the world being filled by people! Living these tatvaas. Living these tatvaas more and more and more people are getting enrolled. More and more and more people are living these tatvaas. See when you stand courageously on these tatvaas without giving up on yourself, naturally you just awaken others chaitanya. When you awaken others chaitanya. You just do it! Now I can see my vision coming true – each one of you sanyaasis going to different places and sitting and creating 100 families living these tatvaas and making an ashram. It is human beings who live these tatvaas as salt of the earth. I am defining Jeevan Mukti – if you are living these 4 tatvaas you are a Jeevan Mukta. Jeevan Mukta is life – Living Enlightenment Now I don’t have a doubt. Nirvikalpananda can go and sit in Salem and create 25 families immediately. Nirantara can go sit in Malyasia and immediately raise 1000 people and …when you have people to live these tatvaas places happen just like that, services happen just like that, temples happen just like that. I tell you live authenticity. End of Katha Upanishad, Yama gives chariots, all that also. ..what was used as temptation mechanism to provoke Nachiketa, Nachiketa not only received authenticity he even received all those . I have no doubt Tejomaya can go and sit in Toronto and make more families to live these tatvaas …each tatva makes like how Buddha ……I want this place to be like Naimisharanya the university where people evolve go around and enrich people. And sangha happens. Understand when you stay in authenticity, whatever you carry in your Ananda Gandha becomes reality! It is we, it is we, it is we who are responsible for everything. When we decide we don’t give up on ourselves and people the energy and intelligence in which the Living Enlightenment expresses through you – God! Do it! That is where life is happening – doing it! Listening and doing! When Tumkur people committed I have so much trust they will do it! They will just do the Annalaya I know. Because the level of making things to reality has become totally different. When you don’t accept something very looking pleasant due to your inauthenticity, you have achieved a big step in the life. The incompletion in your bio memory and muscle memory. please understand things like taste, things like smell and things like listening these all – the incompletions of these three stays in your muscle memory. but the incompletion of the eyes and the lust – touch stays in your bio memory. it is deeper level. Do completion with all your patterns. I tell you I can just see. I am not talking out of over enthusiasm. I can just see thousands of youngsters coming and becoming sanyaasis. Because this authenticity and integrity. God! You just need to help people to find their root thought pattern with which they are suffering and heal them that’s all. Help them. Heal them. Bring authenticity into all of them. See when a critical mass a group evolves to auth. Authenitcailly, naturally whoever comes to that group. They catch the group energy. This is what is really meant by energy field. No only we are being energy field. Where anybody comes in they live these tatvaas..i can see ashramites have started living with authenticity and not that which is pleasant…the moment you … All human beings view and life life from their root thought pattern. So if we can distinguish that for them, they begin to live a transformed life. I want you to go and talk to thousands of people relieving them of the root pattern from which they are suffering from ages…… स त्वं प्रियान् प्रियरूपान् च कामान् | अभिध्यायन् नचिकेतः अत्यस्राक्षीः । न एतां सृङ्कां वित्तमयीं अवाप्तः | यस्यां मज्जन्ति बहवो मनुष्याः ॥ 2.3 I can see now attendance is literally 100% in the morning. Rare exemption ..that also Gurukul will go and bring them. And people are living whole day this authenticity. When you live authenticity and take responsibility for others inauthenticity, you don’t feel tired at all. You just don’t feel tired. Today I did not sip my morning tea. But I don’t even remember…because I have purpose why I am doing it – I am choosing authenticity over pleasant. Wow! Tea works. If I give up, I will be awake, if I give up, then I can awaken you all of you. And I will also be awake.. then give up. When you take responsibility for other’s inauthenticity it feels so nice. The best way to show your love to them or really love others, take responsibility for others inauthenticity. Whenever you take responsibility for others inauthenticity you prove you love them. Love expresses by you taking responsibility for others inauthenticity. If you love someone, don’t even tell them that…just take responsibility for their inauthenticity. How many of you love me? So now, you just have to take responsibility for my inauthenticity and live it. How many of you are ready to take responsibility? ..See love true love is nothing but taking responsibility for others inauthenticity. When you see inauthenticity in others, you will not punish them. You will decide to enrich them by bringing the right praayaschittha. Prayaschitta means sweet support to restore their completion. How many of you have at least one person other than me in the sangha. Raise your hand. Now you are responsible for that person also. Now you are responsible for his or her inauthenticity. Real love means you taking responsibility for the inauthenticity of the person you love for their inauthenticity. 2nd chapter 4th verse - “दूरं एते विपरीते विषूची | अविद्या या च विद्या इति ज्ञाता । विद्याभीप्सिनं नचिकेतसं मन्ये | न त्वा कामा बहवोऽलोलुपन्त ॥“

“Wide apart are these two,--ignorance and what is known as wisdom, leading in opposite directions. I believe Nachiketas to be one who longs for wisdom, since many tempting objects have not turned thee aside.”

Yama says there is a big gap between inauthenticity and authenticity. Both of them lead in opposite directions. I believe Nachiketa you belong to authenticity. Because many inauthentic things looking very pleasant tempting did not turn you away from the authenticity and lead you to inauthenticity. I tell you when you stand by authenticity without being tempted by inauthentic things, the real pleasure comes to you….i tell you when you guys all stand up with authenticity now you will see a beautiful library will evolve because it will not be destroyed, a beautiful swimming pool will evolve because it will not be destroyed, a nice gym will evolve because it will not be destroyed, a beautiful vision department will evolve because Parnanada will not destroy the cameras and other electronic good. No really you just need people who don’t destroy in order to live with luxury. All that will come to you and only now you will be really enjoying because you are now living with authenticity and responsibility. Till then you will be living with ghosts. You know one of my ashramites who is living ghost pattern. Even while living in ashram he is living with ghost. He says even you I see you as ghost…now I know there are many devotees who see me as Shiva, muruga, narasimha and there are some ashramites who see me as ghost. Because through out his life he was living with ghost, he sees that only! I can authentically say I am embodiment of Shiva because literally I live with pretas and bhootas – ghosts and I take the responsibility for all that. ☺ see when all devatas with indra to some place, indra takes responsibility for the devatas but indra makes sure the devatas behaviour is predictable .. but shiva takes responsibility for the pretas and bhootas and he knows he cannot predict their behaviour and even though it is like that he takes responsibility for their inauthenticity. That is how Kailasa works. We are in Kailasa not Vaikunta. In Vaikunta nobody will say the hanging hand is 16 inch muscle., the hand which is very loose and which is hanging independently you call that as 16 inch muscle. This can happen only in Kailasa not in Vaikunta. All you guys understand none of you can even apply for Visa for Vaikunta. Forget about getting visa. When you apply by seeing the photograph the application will be rejected! Not even the details, just seeing the photo it will be rejected. But the embassy for Vaikunta, outside the gate is that of Kailasa. These guys catch all the rejected applications, catch them and get them! They say what Visa, we will give citizenship, green card everything. Some 5, 6 fellows are allotted outside the window to catch the applications which are rejected. And even when they empty the shredder. The bhootas put them together…now we need more immigrants come on. Our place is simply kailasa. And still it is running,, smoothly running! ☺ Because there is Shiva taking responsibility! Taking responsibility! Authenticity and inauthenticity are wide apart leading you in different directions, opposite directions. Take responsibility for authenticity and don’t be moved aside by inauthenticity even though it appears very pleasant and very good. Even if it appears to be pleasant, don’t go after inauthenticity. Let us go after authenticity. Let us live authenticity. Make authenticity into reality. We will continue the next verses in the next satsangs. Bhanu Ok soon you will receive 5,000 copies of BG. Thank you for taking up this request. In US in 5,000 hotel rooms Bhagavat Gita will be placed by Bhanu. <Dayamayi when are you committing to reach the books to them? How many copies you have already? 4,000. Tell me when they will leave India? – 3 weeks. 3 weeks it will take for you to move it outside India. Work and commit with me properly. It should reach them as early as possible. > Along with the books send one big Meenakshi at least one five feet Meenakshi to Oklahoma. That small Meenakshi they can keep in Anna Mandir some Annalaya. For temple it should be big. I wanted to complete with you all guys my body is becoming too hot because of this Niraahaara Samyama. Vidyatmika from erode – 04242431554 – I am so excited to talk to you… I have been wanting to see you for 2 years now. My son has diabetes. Now you come ….my daughter wants to talk. Tell me ma – I want to attend IA. All ns participants. Please sit straight. Close your eyes and cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpa Vriksha with its deep roots, branches, leaves, fruits and energy. Namaha Shivaya! Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all to become niraahaaris. I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 626 places through Nithyananda TV, 36 in places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 291 cities, 33 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!
