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Thursday, February 14, 2013               
“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnanasambandha madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 540 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 46 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in many 283 cities, in 231 countries around the world!
Cities  sitting with us – Toronto Kailasam, Los Angeles Arunachala, Phoenix Kanchipuram,  Alwarpet Chennai, Seatt, Malaysia Palani, Ohio Prayag, Tiruvannamalai Arunachala,  Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Singapore Singapuram, Oklahoma Somanatham, San Jose Madurai, Adayar Chennai, new york varanasi, Chicago, Nithyananda Nagara Bidadi, Charlotte Srisailam, Devon UK, Bangalore Malleshwaram, Vancouver Puri, Bangalore Marthahalli, Monterrey Mexico, Austin, Madrid Spain, Redendo Beach, Slovakia Siva Loka, Kulim Malaysia, Black Diamond Canada, Dubai, Chennai Nungambakam, Coimbatore Satsang society, Hyderabad Shree, Lawspet Pondicherry, Bhaktika Chennai, Scottsdale Ariozna, Priyanka….i welcome all of you with my love and respects! Mai aap sabka prem wa asheerwaad sahith swagat karta hoon! Tallahassi Florida and Hollwood.
Today Niraahaara Samyama 8th batch 3rd level 1st  day. Kalpa Vaas 8th day. Tomorrow we have one more important Shaahi snaan -  Vasantha Panchami Shahi snaan. After becoming mm first snaan. Tomorrow morn as usual be ready by 2:30 early morning. You can wear your chappals and footwear.  No problem.
And today I am going for Bhandaara with Dhaati Maharaj – Maha mandaleshwar of Maha Nirvaani Akhaada is  giving Bhandaara and then VHP International President Ashok Singhal ji is coming to our tent. Maha madaleshwar Atmanandaji is coming. Swami Adagadanandaji who wrote Yathaartha Gita will be here. Any moment he will be here. Tomorrow after the morning shaahi snaan eve we are giving bhandaara to 10k sadhus from various akhaadaas. Many of the maha mandaleshwars and akhaadas all of them are participating in the Nirvaani akhaada. And day after tomorrow back to Bangalore. 17th first ever Tamil Inner Awakening is starting! All other devotees who cannot understand English, rare opportunity for you. ..whatever is said and done listening to these great truths from the mother tongue don’t miss the  opportunity.
Today I wanted to expand on this integrity. Living on your word means living without your mind. If you want to switch off your mind, you have  to live in integrity. When will you achieve that sate? You can achieve only when you live your words. Coming on time is not integrity. That I s the side effect of integrity. Integrity is living in space of conscious thinking.. being in conscious thinking and living it. I tell you a person who is living in Integrity cannot miss time. Creating a space of Integrity.  All of you need to know especially when you take sanyaas just you have to live integrity. You have to live these four tatvaas. No excuse will work, no reasons will work, nothing will work.  I tell you first thing please understand you don’t need lack of Integrity or inauthenticity even as your strategy plan for your fulfillment your life fulfillment. Many time you think no, I will decide based on situations….don’t keep things under your control. Listen. You think after one year if any situation comes, after tomorrow if any situation comes at that time I will decide. This is what is reserving  ego when you need. It is like keeping little poison and keep it in a corner of the house. I may need it after ten years after five years. No. declare clearly. Sanyaas means death of ego. Yesterday there was a big discussion in Maha Nirvani Akhada – sanyaas is given to  body or mind? Few sadhus were opposing giving sanyaas to women. Their idea is sanyaas is given only to men. Others were saying no, it can be given to women too. It was healthy discussion. Maha Nirvaani Akhaada officially gives sanyaas to women as well. Maha Nirvaani Akhaada has 3 women maha mandaleshwars. All 3 of them unanimously supported us…can sanyas be given to body or soul? how can soul receive anything? – soul cannot receive anything.. How can body achieve anything?  Body itself will go one day…..Sanyass is neither given to soul or body it is given to chitjadagranthi – the unconscious knot – the clutching you carry about body and soul. For that knot sanyaas is given. The moment sanyaas is given, that knot dies. Sanyaas is death of ego. What is death of ego? You deciding in future all  my decisions will be based on these four tatvaas. Living with I am not going to bring any other vested interests in any of my decisions you are in sanyaas. When you declare this ////only these 4 tatvaas – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, then your ego is dead now. What is ego? Ego is  keeping some vested interest – either laziness, or keeping some pleasure, or your own idea of fulfillment or name or fame. You may think I will do now but will speak to Swamiji later I don’t want to practice these truths….i don’t want commission agents. I want only sadhus. If you are not living these four tatvaas and using sangha infrastructure you are a demon. And not only that, I tis a disrespect to allt he sadhus living these tatvaas. It is a greatest spiritual tradition existing on planet earth. It is a Vaidika sampradaaya – Vedic tradition. Listen you need a spiritual strength to live not political strategizing. No. that is not going to work. I tell you. keeping KB as a witness I declare I renounced all my strategizing. All my decisions are going to be based on just these 4 tatvaas and I know I will simply win. Understan this 4 satyas – IARE. START living them. That’s all. That’s all. Constantly live them. Continuously living them. I can give you some more tips to help you integrity. Every day practice completion before sleeping. If you have been out of Integrity, lack of Integrity and restore Integrity. Raise the samaana in you. samaana is the pure praana in you. if samaana level is high in your brain you will be able to practice Integrity because more awareness and less words in you. to practice samaana there are many techniques. Keep your body clean shaved, if your pores on your body are clean, if you apply ash all over your body and practice 1200 long breaths, the samaana in you increases.
I tell you only these 4 tatvaas will give you strength….
Again some of these donkeys are saying I brought Madurai  Aadeenam. It is 1200 crore worth – how can I buy for 1 crore, 2 crore? And this Maha Nirvaani Akhaada has 1 lakh temples, 100,000 temples and ashrams means what 5 lakh crore property at least. Even in the Varanasi we saw yesterday the Maha Nirvani Ghat. That Ghtat itself…
What can I give them? And we are only 43 Maha Mandaleshwars. You understand. So we 43 people only are heading 5 lakh crore property organization. And it is a democratic set up. You need to know. Please all of you understand, this maha mandaleshwar title is given to me after the election. Fortunately, unanimously all of them agreed. There was a debate and discussion before the voting. There was a long debate and discussion but when it came to voting everybody voted for Nithyananda. Atma Maneeshananda and Turiyananda went and answered all their questions. During the ceremony everyone came and gave the shawl. There were few people who had questions but all of them were convinced. Whoever was present, everyone voted supporting Nithyananda. So understand it is a democratic vote. You cannot say some media mafia were writing we blackmailed 292 or we gave some money to 292 and became 293. How can it be? That also extreme imagination you can think one person there we blackmailed him and gave him money. But here how can you think 43 maha mandaleshwars we blackmailed or gave money to them who are sitting on thousands of crores of property. Who are all twice my age, who have seen the world enough, seen money enough, who have seen religions, sadhus enough. One of them was telling I have seen sadhus who blow the air an burn the grass and who never have any 1 or 2. That kind of sadhus and yogis. Maha nirvaani is well known for yogis and mystics and highly educated. Maha nirvaani has huge wealth. Other akhaadas are not a match for mn. Other akhadas have hundreds of maha mandaleshwars. But Maha Nirvaani is highly choosy. We have only 43. You should have 100 sanyaasis of your own, written hundreds of books. And it is not decision of mahacharya alone. Panchayathi has to decide. All the monks have to decide. Thanks to mna I never knew that all of them stood by me so strongly. I can say many of them have seen me only once or twice because I am staying in the South. But they have heard enough about us.
The whole, especially the people on the field they all stood up for us. They stood up saying we all stand by Nithyananda and we will give the title of mm. then all the women mms stood yes we stand by him. Then the panchayati stood then acharyas mm declared. So it is a complete election process. Last 3-4 days all the election process happened. In 2007 though they declared me as maha mandaleshwar …I also declare that we will no more use the word scandal. It is a religious attack…all the maha mandaleshwars stood so strongly and with Integrity, Authenticity Responsibility and Enriching I commit with Maha Nirvaani Akhaada – I wills t and by them forever in any way. this is one of my commitment to Maha Nirvaani Akhaada I will keep Maha Nirvaani Akhaada as the living tradition. Maha Nirvaani Akhaada will be the sampradaaya where living enlightened masters will be there continuously. I will again and again send my disciples back to planet earth to be with Maha Nirvaan Akhaada and Maha Nirvaani Akhaada will be a living tradition. This is my commitment keeping kaala bhairva as a process. The future history will know what gift it is. There are some things which I can do. Which are in my field. I will make sure the Maha Nirvaani the top post is always occupied by a living enlightened being  a Jeevan Mukta. And I will make sure even after I leave my body and live in Akshardhaam, I will be constantly sending my disciples to fill the seat. I have not made this commitment even with Madurai Aadeenam. I will make sure the throne is always occupied by enlightened beings and the ambience is also there for choosing enlightened beings and making them as acharyas maha mandaleshwars. At least 10 living enlightened masters should be part of the maha nirvaani. Only then it will be a living stream. It is my commitment to maha nirvaani akhaada. So this media mafia should know only news is paid. The spiritual posts are not paid. So you can get only news paid, you cannot get maha nirvaani akhaada post paid and Madurai Aadeenam post paid. Paid news media mafia should know only news gets paid with vested interest. But there were many socially resp media who reported properly. Because Maha Nirvaani Akhaada is well known for their authenticity. They don’t  accept money. Even if you give they t ell  you  directly give it to sadhus. You directly offer to whomever you wants. Maha nirvaani akhaada is the only akhaada who operates with accounted  money – no other cash. When they came here, I gave them pranaami and the next day they sent the receipt…just like Dhyana Peetam. ..highly organized, highly authentic and no question of this black money. Run by well educated, highly disciplined, highly cultured sadhus. Thanks to maha nirvaani akhada. I will commit to maha nirvaani akhaada. I will contribute in all possible ways. Apart from that this is one of the best things I can do. Constantly keeping maha nirvaani peeta as peeta of living stream of enlightened beings!
Listen. Not only honouring the words where you give to you and others, constantly live in space where less words are created. Consciously make commitments so naturally you have enough time and energy and space to fulfil those commitments. Not coming on time means it is not only being in non-integrity, it is stinking in non-integrity. See day one your bathroom will not stink, first water is not going, plumbing issues and it is stuck and it will stink. Yesterday Kaala Bhairava was so happy. That is why for aarthi he got us there. I was inside the Garbha Mandir for Kaala Bhairava aarathi. Main reason for his joy is the authenticity we have started practicing. Ramakrishna  says again and again man much ek karo.in Bengali he says  unite the heart and the mouth. It is not just living as your word, creating  a space where you have less words. So the words you commit with you and the words you commit  with others is life for you. the words you commit with you and to others is life for you. listen. The words you give to you and others is the structure on which your life building is built. If your life is equivalent to a building the words you give to yourself and others is like..that has to be without dust and rust means it has to be without unconsciousness. Unconsciousness in words you give to you and others is the dusty rusty structure. The building built on rusty dusty structure cannot be long lasting. The steel structure has to be without any dust or rust and has to be pure authentic strong steel. Your life is built on the words you give to you and to others. That has to be without any unconsciousness, unawareness. Your manana – internalizing has to be continuously with awareness.  Listen, shravanahas to be with awareness. Manana – internalizing means the words you give to you and to others, the words you talk to you and others. The internalizing has to be with awareness with full consciousness. When you use the words with consciousness, you will naturally have less words you will be aware that is forming the basic infrastructure of your life. The structure of your life is nothing but the words you give to you and to others. I tell you the strength of your life is based on the words you give to you and to others. If it is conscious, your life will be conscious. If it is unconscious your life will be unconscious. Integrity forms the basis for your life. It is not even your life. But that is the basis of your life. Integrity is inevitable part of your very life energy. Let Integrity be your very air which you breathe. I think we should dedicate specially few days to practice Integrity. Integrity is Harischandra, authenticity is kaala Bhairava, responsibility is Vishwanatha and enriching is Annapurani – all 4 are in Varanasi. Integrity is actually a king which is protecting like Smasana – smasana is constantly place where you have to bury your inauthenticities and non-integrity. Just because harischandra is on the smasaana he has not lost his status or grace. He is a dom raja. Integrity has to be like a smasaana – burning lack of integrity. Continuously working to burn all the lack of integrity. See the Integrity cannot be limited to one thing that you come in time and all that. Constantly you have to think being in Integrity. If you are thinking in Integrity you are in space of unclutching. If constantly there is Integrity happening in you …if still there are thoughts in you, go to root pattern and complete with it. Integrity will give you being in the space of a king even though you are in a burial ground. Harischandra is Integrity, Kaala Bhairava is authenticity. Vishwanaatha is responsibility. That is why lord of universe responsibility he has. Vishwa naatha – Is not just power of universe but responsibility of universe. I will translate the word vishwa natha as responsibility of universe more than power of universe. Annapurani enriching constantly enriching.
Integrity has  to be practiced continuously. Your constant internalizing – manana has to be with integrity. The biggest problem is how much ever I say, you have to start living only then it will happen. Today we will have this as home work – please listen. Today whole day just continuously try to think with Integrity. Be very clear of the word you give to you and others you have to live it. So only think in that way. create the space in that way. constantly be creating that ambience inside you. clear? Let this be today’s home work for all you guys. We will move to the next segment of the morning satsang – niraahaara samyama. All niraahaara samyama participants pleas sit straight. Cognize you re the bidadi kalpa vriskha. Let the Bidadi kalpa vriksha be awakened in all of you and let you all experience the highest bio energy of producing directly energy from the space. Namaha Shivaya! Let you all experience a complete intense kundalini awakening! Namaha Shivaya!
Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all  who are sitting with us in many places through Nithyananda TV and Youtube live, in many places through 2 way video conferencing, in many cities and many countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!
==Photos From The Day: ==
==Photos From The Day: ==

Revision as of 08:27, 26 July 2020


February 14, 2013

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Thursday, February 14, 2013 “Sadashiva samarambam, Jnanasambandha madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!” I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 540 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 46 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in many 283 cities, in 231 countries around the world! Cities sitting with us – Toronto Kailasam, Los Angeles Arunachala, Phoenix Kanchipuram, Alwarpet Chennai, Seatt, Malaysia Palani, Ohio Prayag, Tiruvannamalai Arunachala, Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Singapore Singapuram, Oklahoma Somanatham, San Jose Madurai, Adayar Chennai, new york varanasi, Chicago, Nithyananda Nagara Bidadi, Charlotte Srisailam, Devon UK, Bangalore Malleshwaram, Vancouver Puri, Bangalore Marthahalli, Monterrey Mexico, Austin, Madrid Spain, Redendo Beach, Slovakia Siva Loka, Kulim Malaysia, Black Diamond Canada, Dubai, Chennai Nungambakam, Coimbatore Satsang society, Hyderabad Shree, Lawspet Pondicherry, Bhaktika Chennai, Scottsdale Ariozna, Priyanka….i welcome all of you with my love and respects! Mai aap sabka prem wa asheerwaad sahith swagat karta hoon! Tallahassi Florida and Hollwood. Today Niraahaara Samyama 8th batch 3rd level 1st day. Kalpa Vaas 8th day. Tomorrow we have one more important Shaahi snaan - Vasantha Panchami Shahi snaan. After becoming mm first snaan. Tomorrow morn as usual be ready by 2:30 early morning. You can wear your chappals and footwear. No problem. And today I am going for Bhandaara with Dhaati Maharaj – Maha mandaleshwar of Maha Nirvaani Akhaada is giving Bhandaara and then VHP International President Ashok Singhal ji is coming to our tent. Maha madaleshwar Atmanandaji is coming. Swami Adagadanandaji who wrote Yathaartha Gita will be here. Any moment he will be here. Tomorrow after the morning shaahi snaan eve we are giving bhandaara to 10k sadhus from various akhaadaas. Many of the maha mandaleshwars and akhaadas all of them are participating in the Nirvaani akhaada. And day after tomorrow back to Bangalore. 17th first ever Tamil Inner Awakening is starting! All other devotees who cannot understand English, rare opportunity for you. ..whatever is said and done listening to these great truths from the mother tongue don’t miss the opportunity. Today I wanted to expand on this integrity. Living on your word means living without your mind. If you want to switch off your mind, you have to live in integrity. When will you achieve that sate? You can achieve only when you live your words. Coming on time is not integrity. That I s the side effect of integrity. Integrity is living in space of conscious thinking.. being in conscious thinking and living it. I tell you a person who is living in Integrity cannot miss time. Creating a space of Integrity. All of you need to know especially when you take sanyaas just you have to live integrity. You have to live these four tatvaas. No excuse will work, no reasons will work, nothing will work. I tell you first thing please understand you don’t need lack of Integrity or inauthenticity even as your strategy plan for your fulfillment your life fulfillment. Many time you think no, I will decide based on situations….don’t keep things under your control. Listen. You think after one year if any situation comes, after tomorrow if any situation comes at that time I will decide. This is what is reserving ego when you need. It is like keeping little poison and keep it in a corner of the house. I may need it after ten years after five years. No. declare clearly. Sanyaas means death of ego. Yesterday there was a big discussion in Maha Nirvani Akhada – sanyaas is given to body or mind? Few sadhus were opposing giving sanyaas to women. Their idea is sanyaas is given only to men. Others were saying no, it can be given to women too. It was healthy discussion. Maha Nirvaani Akhaada officially gives sanyaas to women as well. Maha Nirvaani Akhaada has 3 women maha mandaleshwars. All 3 of them unanimously supported us…can sanyas be given to body or soul? how can soul receive anything? – soul cannot receive anything.. How can body achieve anything? Body itself will go one day…..Sanyass is neither given to soul or body it is given to chitjadagranthi – the unconscious knot – the clutching you carry about body and soul. For that knot sanyaas is given. The moment sanyaas is given, that knot dies. Sanyaas is death of ego. What is death of ego? You deciding in future all my decisions will be based on these four tatvaas. Living with I am not going to bring any other vested interests in any of my decisions you are in sanyaas. When you declare this ////only these 4 tatvaas – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, then your ego is dead now. What is ego? Ego is keeping some vested interest – either laziness, or keeping some pleasure, or your own idea of fulfillment or name or fame. You may think I will do now but will speak to Swamiji later I don’t want to practice these truths….i don’t want commission agents. I want only sadhus. If you are not living these four tatvaas and using sangha infrastructure you are a demon. And not only that, I tis a disrespect to allt he sadhus living these tatvaas. It is a greatest spiritual tradition existing on planet earth. It is a Vaidika sampradaaya – Vedic tradition. Listen you need a spiritual strength to live not political strategizing. No. that is not going to work. I tell you. keeping KB as a witness I declare I renounced all my strategizing. All my decisions are going to be based on just these 4 tatvaas and I know I will simply win. Understan this 4 satyas – IARE. START living them. That’s all. That’s all. Constantly live them. Continuously living them. I can give you some more tips to help you integrity. Every day practice completion before sleeping. If you have been out of Integrity, lack of Integrity and restore Integrity. Raise the samaana in you. samaana is the pure praana in you. if samaana level is high in your brain you will be able to practice Integrity because more awareness and less words in you. to practice samaana there are many techniques. Keep your body clean shaved, if your pores on your body are clean, if you apply ash all over your body and practice 1200 long breaths, the samaana in you increases. … I tell you only these 4 tatvaas will give you strength…. Again some of these donkeys are saying I brought Madurai Aadeenam. It is 1200 crore worth – how can I buy for 1 crore, 2 crore? And this Maha Nirvaani Akhaada has 1 lakh temples, 100,000 temples and ashrams means what 5 lakh crore property at least. Even in the Varanasi we saw yesterday the Maha Nirvani Ghat. That Ghtat itself… What can I give them? And we are only 43 Maha Mandaleshwars. You understand. So we 43 people only are heading 5 lakh crore property organization. And it is a democratic set up. You need to know. Please all of you understand, this maha mandaleshwar title is given to me after the election. Fortunately, unanimously all of them agreed. There was a debate and discussion before the voting. There was a long debate and discussion but when it came to voting everybody voted for Nithyananda. Atma Maneeshananda and Turiyananda went and answered all their questions. During the ceremony everyone came and gave the shawl. There were few people who had questions but all of them were convinced. Whoever was present, everyone voted supporting Nithyananda. So understand it is a democratic vote. You cannot say some media mafia were writing we blackmailed 292 or we gave some money to 292 and became 293. How can it be? That also extreme imagination you can think one person there we blackmailed him and gave him money. But here how can you think 43 maha mandaleshwars we blackmailed or gave money to them who are sitting on thousands of crores of property. Who are all twice my age, who have seen the world enough, seen money enough, who have seen religions, sadhus enough. One of them was telling I have seen sadhus who blow the air an burn the grass and who never have any 1 or 2. That kind of sadhus and yogis. Maha nirvaani is well known for yogis and mystics and highly educated. Maha nirvaani has huge wealth. Other akhaadas are not a match for mn. Other akhadas have hundreds of maha mandaleshwars. But Maha Nirvaani is highly choosy. We have only 43. You should have 100 sanyaasis of your own, written hundreds of books. And it is not decision of mahacharya alone. Panchayathi has to decide. All the monks have to decide. Thanks to mna I never knew that all of them stood by me so strongly. I can say many of them have seen me only once or twice because I am staying in the South. But they have heard enough about us. The whole, especially the people on the field they all stood up for us. They stood up saying we all stand by Nithyananda and we will give the title of mm. then all the women mms stood yes we stand by him. Then the panchayati stood then acharyas mm declared. So it is a complete election process. Last 3-4 days all the election process happened. In 2007 though they declared me as maha mandaleshwar …I also declare that we will no more use the word scandal. It is a religious attack…all the maha mandaleshwars stood so strongly and with Integrity, Authenticity Responsibility and Enriching I commit with Maha Nirvaani Akhaada – I wills t and by them forever in any way. this is one of my commitment to Maha Nirvaani Akhaada I will keep Maha Nirvaani Akhaada as the living tradition. Maha Nirvaani Akhaada will be the sampradaaya where living enlightened masters will be there continuously. I will again and again send my disciples back to planet earth to be with Maha Nirvaan Akhaada and Maha Nirvaani Akhaada will be a living tradition. This is my commitment keeping kaala bhairva as a process. The future history will know what gift it is. There are some things which I can do. Which are in my field. I will make sure the Maha Nirvaani the top post is always occupied by a living enlightened being a Jeevan Mukta. And I will make sure even after I leave my body and live in Akshardhaam, I will be constantly sending my disciples to fill the seat. I have not made this commitment even with Madurai Aadeenam. I will make sure the throne is always occupied by enlightened beings and the ambience is also there for choosing enlightened beings and making them as acharyas maha mandaleshwars. At least 10 living enlightened masters should be part of the maha nirvaani. Only then it will be a living stream. It is my commitment to maha nirvaani akhaada. So this media mafia should know only news is paid. The spiritual posts are not paid. So you can get only news paid, you cannot get maha nirvaani akhaada post paid and Madurai Aadeenam post paid. Paid news media mafia should know only news gets paid with vested interest. But there were many socially resp media who reported properly. Because Maha Nirvaani Akhaada is well known for their authenticity. They don’t accept money. Even if you give they t ell you directly give it to sadhus. You directly offer to whomever you wants. Maha nirvaani akhaada is the only akhaada who operates with accounted money – no other cash. When they came here, I gave them pranaami and the next day they sent the receipt…just like Dhyana Peetam. ..highly organized, highly authentic and no question of this black money. Run by well educated, highly disciplined, highly cultured sadhus. Thanks to maha nirvaani akhada. I will commit to maha nirvaani akhaada. I will contribute in all possible ways. Apart from that this is one of the best things I can do. Constantly keeping maha nirvaani peeta as peeta of living stream of enlightened beings! Listen. Not only honouring the words where you give to you and others, constantly live in space where less words are created. Consciously make commitments so naturally you have enough time and energy and space to fulfil those commitments. Not coming on time means it is not only being in non-integrity, it is stinking in non-integrity. See day one your bathroom will not stink, first water is not going, plumbing issues and it is stuck and it will stink. Yesterday Kaala Bhairava was so happy. That is why for aarthi he got us there. I was inside the Garbha Mandir for Kaala Bhairava aarathi. Main reason for his joy is the authenticity we have started practicing. Ramakrishna says again and again man much ek karo.in Bengali he says unite the heart and the mouth. It is not just living as your word, creating a space where you have less words. So the words you commit with you and the words you commit with others is life for you. the words you commit with you and to others is life for you. listen. The words you give to you and others is the structure on which your life building is built. If your life is equivalent to a building the words you give to yourself and others is like..that has to be without dust and rust means it has to be without unconsciousness. Unconsciousness in words you give to you and others is the dusty rusty structure. The building built on rusty dusty structure cannot be long lasting. The steel structure has to be without any dust or rust and has to be pure authentic strong steel. Your life is built on the words you give to you and to others. That has to be without any unconsciousness, unawareness. Your manana – internalizing has to be continuously with awareness. Listen, shravanahas to be with awareness. Manana – internalizing means the words you give to you and to others, the words you talk to you and others. The internalizing has to be with awareness with full consciousness. When you use the words with consciousness, you will naturally have less words you will be aware that is forming the basic infrastructure of your life. The structure of your life is nothing but the words you give to you and to others. I tell you the strength of your life is based on the words you give to you and to others. If it is conscious, your life will be conscious. If it is unconscious your life will be unconscious. Integrity forms the basis for your life. It is not even your life. But that is the basis of your life. Integrity is inevitable part of your very life energy. Let Integrity be your very air which you breathe. I think we should dedicate specially few days to practice Integrity. Integrity is Harischandra, authenticity is kaala Bhairava, responsibility is Vishwanatha and enriching is Annapurani – all 4 are in Varanasi. Integrity is actually a king which is protecting like Smasana – smasana is constantly place where you have to bury your inauthenticities and non-integrity. Just because harischandra is on the smasaana he has not lost his status or grace. He is a dom raja. Integrity has to be like a smasaana – burning lack of integrity. Continuously working to burn all the lack of integrity. See the Integrity cannot be limited to one thing that you come in time and all that. Constantly you have to think being in Integrity. If you are thinking in Integrity you are in space of unclutching. If constantly there is Integrity happening in you …if still there are thoughts in you, go to root pattern and complete with it. Integrity will give you being in the space of a king even though you are in a burial ground. Harischandra is Integrity, Kaala Bhairava is authenticity. Vishwanaatha is responsibility. That is why lord of universe responsibility he has. Vishwa naatha – Is not just power of universe but responsibility of universe. I will translate the word vishwa natha as responsibility of universe more than power of universe. Annapurani enriching constantly enriching. Integrity has to be practiced continuously. Your constant internalizing – manana has to be with integrity. The biggest problem is how much ever I say, you have to start living only then it will happen. Today we will have this as home work – please listen. Today whole day just continuously try to think with Integrity. Be very clear of the word you give to you and others you have to live it. So only think in that way. create the space in that way. constantly be creating that ambience inside you. clear? Let this be today’s home work for all you guys. We will move to the next segment of the morning satsang – niraahaara samyama. All niraahaara samyama participants pleas sit straight. Cognize you re the bidadi kalpa vriskha. Let the Bidadi kalpa vriksha be awakened in all of you and let you all experience the highest bio energy of producing directly energy from the space. Namaha Shivaya! Let you all experience a complete intense kundalini awakening! Namaha Shivaya! Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all who are sitting with us in many places through Nithyananda TV and Youtube live, in many places through 2 way video conferencing, in many cities and many countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!

Photos From The Day:

Lord Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari at Kumbh Puri Ashram


Morning Satsang

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Swamiji blessing wandering Sadhu's

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0391.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0394.JPG

Swamiji blessing the Local organizer of the Kumbh Mela events

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0418_2.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0411.JPG

Swamiji with Ramakrishna Math Swami's


Swamiji with one of the Mahamandaleshwar of Nivani Akhada, Dhathi Mhj


Swamiji Visited, VHP President Ashok Singhal's house

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0515.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0538.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0467_2.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0470_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0484_0.JPG

Swamiji visited Sathva baba Ashram with VHP president Ashok singhal at Kumbha puri

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0551.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0559.JPG

VHP President Ashok singhal visit Nithyananda dhyanapeetam at kumbh puri

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0568.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0573.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/DSC_0025.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/DSC_0026.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0579_3.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0586.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0597_3.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/DSC_0042.JPG

Pilot baba met Swamiji at Kumbh puri ashram

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0611.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0626.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0636.JPG

Management science institution Assistant professor Krishna Kant Bajpai Interviewed swamiji


kengapuri mhj met swamiji at Kumbh puri ashram


Devaraga baba desciple met Swamiji


Shivananda Baba visit kumbha puri ashram and met Swamiji. Baba was born on 1886. His age is now 116 years old. He is living more then 100 years and radiating the spiritual strength and simplicity

Shivananda Baba visit kumbha puri ashram and met Swamiji. Baba was born on 1886. His age is now 116 years old. He is living more then 100 years and radiating the spiritual strength and simplicity.

Sri Swami Vishwananda Visit our Kumbh Puri Ashram, Disciples are receiving him with traditional respects

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0733.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0736_0.JPG

Swami Sri Atmananda, Mahamandaleshwar of Nirvani Akhada, along with Swamiji

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0741.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0762.JPG

Sri Mohanji visit our ashram to met Swamiji


One of the Mahamandaleshwar of Nirvani Akhada met Swamiji in our Kumbh Puri Tent
