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Line 18: Line 18:
"करणी विपरीताख्या सर्वाधिव्याधिनाशिनी ॥ १२२ ॥
"करणी विपरीताख्या सर्वाधिव्याधिनाशिनी ॥ १२२ ॥
नित्यमभ्यासयुक्तस्य जाठराग्निविवर्धनी ।
नित्यमभ्यासयुक्तस्य जाठराग्निविवर्धनी ।
आहारा बहवस्तस्य संपाद्याः साधकस्य च ॥ १२३ ॥"
आहारा बहवस्तस्य संपाद्याः साधकस्य च ॥ १२३ ॥"
"karaṇī viparītākhyā sarvādhivyādhināśinī ॥ 122 ॥
"karaṇī viparītākhyā sarvādhivyādhināśinī ॥ 122 ॥
nityamabhyāsayuktasya jāṭharāgnivivardhanī |
nityamabhyāsayuktasya jāṭharāgnivivardhanī |
āhārā bahavastasya saṃpādyāḥ sādhakasya ca ॥ 123 ॥
āhārā bahavastasya saṃpādyāḥ sādhakasya ca ॥ 123 ॥
*for extended verse see end of chapter"
*for extended verse see end of chapter"
Line 36: Line 41:
"prathama sayana südho hoya öhäneà paga miläé ammara disi tänai |
"prathama sayana südho hoya öhäneà paga miläé ammara disi tänai |
bahuri urdhvako deha ucävai bhüpari maurä päëi rahävai ॥164॥
bahuri urdhvako deha ucävai bhüpari maurä päëi rahävai ॥164॥
dou paga puni avara saréra südhä uradha samya räkhai théra |
dou paga puni avara saréra südhä uradha samya räkhai théra |
dou pagathalé samatä däkhai gaganadisä sanamukha kari räkhai ॥165॥
dou pagathalé samatä däkhai gaganadisä sanamukha kari räkhai ॥165॥
*for extended verse see end of chapter"
for extended verse see end of chapter"
Lie supine on floor. Keep feet together. Raise both legs and trunk vertically. Body weight rests on shoulders and neck. Keep hands spread out on ground. Direct the gaze at the tip of the nose.
Lie supine on floor. Keep feet together. Raise both legs and trunk vertically. Body weight rests on shoulders and neck. Keep hands spread out on ground. Direct the gaze at the tip of the nose.
==Apta Additional References==
==Apta Additional References==
YMS 17         
YMS 17         
Line 72: Line 84:
==Regular Photo==
==Regular Photo==
Viparita-Karana-asana or Viparita-karani i (JP-164-166) .jpg
Viparita-Karana-asana or Viparita-karani i (JP-164-166) .jpg
[[Category: Asanas]]
[[Category: Asanas]]
Line 82: Line 95:
Original Verse:  
Original Verse:  
"अथ विपरीतकरणी मुद्रा
"अथ विपरीतकरणी मुद्रा
भूतले स्वशिरोदत्त्वा खे नयेच्चरणद्वयम् ।
भूतले स्वशिरोदत्त्वा खे नयेच्चरणद्वयम् ।
Line 89: Line 104:
"atha viparītakaraṇī mudrā
"atha viparītakaraṇī mudrā
Line 97: Line 113:
Putting the head on the ground, let him stretch out his legs upwards, moving them round and round.  
Putting the head on the ground, let him stretch out his legs upwards, moving them round and round.  
Line 109: Line 126:
Original Verse :
Original Verse :
"एतद्यः कुरुते नित्यमभ्यासं याममात्रतः ।
"एतद्यः कुरुते नित्यमभ्यासं याममात्रतः ।
Line 119: Line 137:
"etadyaḥ kurute nityamabhyāsaṃ yāmamātrataḥ ।
"etadyaḥ kurute nityamabhyāsaṃ yāmamātrataḥ ।
Line 138: Line 157:
करṇī विपर्īत्āख्य्ā सर्वव्य्āधि-विन्āśइन्ī"
करṇī विपर्īत्āख्य्ā सर्वव्य्āधि-विन्āśइन्ī"
Line 218: Line 238:
"One the first day, one should remain in the topsy-turvy position for a short time.  
"One the first day, one should remain in the topsy-turvy position for a short time.  
Every day, one should retain the posture longer increasing the time little by little. 113 "
Every day, one should retain the posture longer increasing the time little by little. 113 "

Latest revision as of 08:19, 20 June 2019


Viparita Karani: Asana

Asana Type



Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source

Yoga-Tattvopanishad .122-126

Original Verse

"करणी विपरीताख्या सर्वाधिव्याधिनाशिनी ॥ १२२ ॥

नित्यमभ्यासयुक्तस्य जाठराग्निविवर्धनी ।

आहारा बहवस्तस्य संपाद्याः साधकस्य च ॥ १२३ ॥"


"karaṇī viparītākhyā sarvādhivyādhināśinī ॥ 122 ॥

nityamabhyāsayuktasya jāṭharāgnivivardhanī |

āhārā bahavastasya saṃpādyāḥ sādhakasya ca ॥ 123 ॥

  • for extended verse see end of chapter"


"The Karari known as Viparita, which destroys all mental and bodily ailments, develops the Jatharagni of the daily practitioner. Various kinds of food will have to be procured by the practitioner (of that Karani). Should the kinds of food fall short, fire will eat up the body in a minute. With his head down and his feet up, he should remain for a minute on the first day. "

Apta Pramana Source

Joga Pradipika (164-166)


"prathama sayana südho hoya öhäneà paga miläé ammara disi tänai |

bahuri urdhvako deha ucävai bhüpari maurä päëi rahävai ॥164॥

dou paga puni avara saréra südhä uradha samya räkhai théra |

dou pagathalé samatä däkhai gaganadisä sanamukha kari räkhai ॥165॥

for extended verse see end of chapter"


Lie supine on floor. Keep feet together. Raise both legs and trunk vertically. Body weight rests on shoulders and neck. Keep hands spread out on ground. Direct the gaze at the tip of the nose.

Apta Additional References

YMS 17


"1. Lie supine on floor.

2. Raise both legs and trunk vertically.

3. Body weight rests on shoulders and neck.

4. Keep arms extended on the ground.

5. Direct the gaze at the tip of the nose."

Atma Pramana Benefits

"Alleviates all diseases. Enhances gastric fire."

Sakshi Pramana Benefits

Relaxing and blissful

Regular Photo

Viparita-Karana-asana or Viparita-karani i (JP-164-166) .jpg

Technique of Viparita Karani

PRAMANA:Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.45

Original Verse:

"अथ विपरीतकरणी मुद्रा

भूतले स्वशिरोदत्त्वा खे नयेच्चरणद्वयम् ।

विपरीतकृतिश्चैषा सर्वतन्त्रेषु गोपिता ॥ ४५ ॥"


"atha viparītakaraṇī mudrā

bhūtale svaśirodattvā khe nayeccaraṇadvayam ।

viparītakṛtiścaiṣā sarvatantreṣu gopitā ॥ 45 ॥"


Putting the head on the ground, let him stretch out his legs upwards, moving them round and round.

This is viparit-karana, kept secret in all the Tantras.

Benefits of Viparita Karani: Conquer Death, Drink Nectar, Becomes an Adept

PRAMANA:Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source:Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.46-47

Original Verse :

"एतद्यः कुरुते नित्यमभ्यासं याममात्रतः ।

मृत्युं जयति स योगी प्रलये नापि सीदति ॥ ४६ ॥

कुर्य्तेऽमृतपानं यः सिद्धानां समतामियात्।

स सेव्यः सर्वलोकानां बन्धमेनं करोति यः ॥ ४७ ॥"


"etadyaḥ kurute nityamabhyāsaṃ yāmamātrataḥ ।

mṛtyuṃ jayati sa yogī pralaye nāpi sīdati ॥ 46 ॥

kuryte'mṛtapānaṃ yaḥ siddhānāṃ samatāmiyāt।

sa sevyaḥ sarvalokānāṃ bandhamenaṃ karoti yaḥ ॥ 47 ॥"

Viparita Karani Removes Diseases

PRAMANA:Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source: Haṭhapradīpikā of Svātmārāma V.110

Original Verse:

"ūर्ध्वन्āभिर्-अधस्त्āलुर्-ūर्ध्वṃ भ्āनुर्-अधḥ śअśī ॥

करṇī विपर्īत्āख्य्ā सर्वव्य्āधि-विन्āśइन्ī"


"ūrdhvanābhir-adhastālur-ūrdhvaṃ bhānur-adhaḥ śaśī ॥

karaṇī viparītākhyā sarvavyādhi-vināśinī ॥110॥"

Daily practice of Viparita Karani

PRAMANA:Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source:"Haṭhapradīpikā of Svātmārāma V.111"

Original Verse:

"करणी विपरीताक्या गुरुवाक्येन लभ्यते ॥

निथ्यम् अभ्यासयुक्तस्य जठराग्नि- विवर्धिनी ॥ १११ ॥ "


"karaṇī viparītākyā guruvākyena labhyate ll

nithyam abhyāsayuktasya jaṭharāgni- vivardhinī ll 111 ll "


Viparita-Karani is best learnt from the Guru. Its daily practice stimulates the gastric fire. 111

Adequate Diet for Practitioner of Viparita Karani

PRAMANA:Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source:

"Haṭhapradīpikā of Svātmārāma V.113"

Original Verse:

"आहारो बहुलस्तस्य संपाद्यः साधकस्य तु ॥

अनाहारो यदि भवेद् अग्निर्-देहं दहेत् क्षणात् ॥ ११२ ॥"


"āhāro bahulastasya saṃpādyaḥ sādhakasya tu ll

anāhāro yadi bhaved agnir-dehaṃ dahet kṣaṇāt ll 112 ll"


"An aspirant requires increased quantity of food. If one does not take sufficient food,

fire quickly consumes the body. 111"

Gradual Practice of Viparita Karani

PRAMANA:Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source:"Haṭhapradīpikā of Svātmārāma V.114"

Original Verse:

"अधःशिराश्चोर्ध्वपादः क्षणं स्यात् प्रथमे दिने ॥

क्षणाच्च किञ्चिदधिकम् अभ्यसेच्च दिने दिने ॥ ११३ ॥"


"adhaḥśirāścordhvapādaḥ kṣaṇaṃ syāt prathame dine ll

kṣaṇācca kiñcidadhikam abhyasecca dine dine ll 113 ll"


"One the first day, one should remain in the topsy-turvy position for a short time.

Every day, one should retain the posture longer increasing the time little by little. 113 "