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Patanjali Yoga Sutras 121
Change is the Eternal Law
Try to respond to many of your questions. There is a question from Vengala Hiranmayi “If fear and joy are the illusions and delusions we have about life, are not real, then what is reality Swamiji?
HDH: Understand when you understand the fear and joy, pain and pleasure are illusion and delusion, that very understanding will make a huge change in you. You will feel like the earth on which you are standing is removed. Almost everything will collapse, allow that collapsing, allow that understanding to happen. See that the whole thing tumbles down. Whatever you build as your identity, suddenly will change. All your strategy planning for your future will suddenly change. All the logic with which you build your life will completely be shaken. Allow that. Do not have the fear ‘then what is reality?’  Allow this tumbling to happen,  allow this shaking to happen by understanding that our courage, our fear, our greed, our pains, our pains and our pleasure are all illusion and delusion.
DATE: February 22nd 2011
Yesterday I was giving you a beautiful example. Many time, life actually tests you. Life actually wants to test your stability, your understanding, your strength, but in a very foolish way you respond and react and create whole thing as a mess. Please understand, many time life really tests you. Do you stand this fear, which is delusion? Do you stand this greed, which is illusion? Or are you going to react in a foolish way and create bigger problems, bigger mess?
LOCATION: Anandeshwar Temple, in front of the main sanctum, Bidadi ashram
Whenever fears take over you or greed takes over you, when courage takes over you, when the pain takes over you, look into it, what is the percentage of it is real and what is the percentage of it is illusory or delusory. As I told you yesterday I am coining a new word delusory. It may or may not be in Oxford dictionary, let’s add in our dictionary. See what is the percentage of it, is contributed by the illusions and delusions and what is the percentage can be attributed to the real incident, may, may not happen in your life.
Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam
Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.
I welcome you all with my love and respects. Let us enter into the today’s sutra. Patanajali’s Yoga Sutra, 121st sutra, in the 3rd chapter, 15th verse. krama anyatvam parinama anyatve hetuhu
Let me give you a story. I have a story for you. The FBI had an opening for an assassin, so they started interviewing people. After all the background checks, interviews and testing’s were done, there were three finalists; two men and a woman. For the final test the FBI agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. We must know that you will follow your instructions, no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair, kill her. The man said you cannot be serious, I can’t shoot my wife. The agent said then you are not right man for the job, take your wife and go home. He was sent. The second man was given the same job. He went inside and all was quiet for five minutes. The man came out with tears and to the agent he said I cannot, I cannot kill. Then agent said you are not the right man. Take your wife and go back home. Finally it was the women’s turn, she was given the same instruction to kill her husband, she took the gun went into the room, shots were heard and one after another, they heard screaming, crashing, banging on walls. Then all was quiet. The door opened slowly. There stood the women, wiping the sweat from her brow. Agent asked what happened. She said this gun is loaded with blanks, so I had to beat him to death with the chair.
Vivekananda translates this sutra as "the succession of changes is the cause of manifold evolution”.
Swami Prabhavananada translates as "the succession of these changes is the cause of manifold evolution
Swami Sachidananda translates as "the succession of these different phases is the cause of differences in stages of evolution”. Wow!
Osho translates as “the variation in transformation is caused by the variety in a underlying process”
Many times life gives you the gun with blanks to test. But unfortunately you make mess. Stand and see when the wave of fear takes over you, when the wave of greed takes over you, when the wave of courage takes over you, when the wave of pain takes over you. Wait…. Look…see. What is the percentage, the possibility of delusion and illusion? What is the possibility of the real incidence which may, may not happen and how this fear is going to impact your ability to handle the real incident if it happens.
I will try to give my own translation, my own understanding. krama anyatvam parinama anyatve hetuhu
As I said yesterday’s sutra is about the illusory delusion and illusion. This sutra need to be understood connecting with yesterday sutra. So I want you to clearly understand the gist of the yesterday sutra so that you can catch the truth of this sutra.
The ability to face, the ability to look, the ability to see; please understand, ability to look without being bothered what is reality. Please understand the moment you have the fear, the questioner, the fear which this questioner is having. What is reality Swamiji? Means you don’t want to let go this delusions and illusions. Don’t bother, let go, let go. What is reality will flower in you. Allow that flowering. Now don’t bother, now don’t worry too much about it. Allow the delusions and illusions to be removed from your inner space. You will see the real incidence, which is reality, will never hurt you.
The constant illusory fear and illusory courage, illusory greed and illusory pain, illusory pleasure, illusory sufferings created in you is responsible for various actions and changes happening in you. Please understand if I have to reveal the sacred secret to you honestly, a very important sacred secret. This illusory fears, delusory greed, illusory pains and pleasures even if this illusions and delusions, if you handle it with awareness as I said in the previous satsangs, just 2 sutras ahead of this sutra, 2 sutras before this sutra, like how I explained the time concept whether worrying about the past or worrying about the future is happening in me in present, this moment.
So same way whether illusory fear or delusory greed is happening in me which is reality? I am real in me in this delusion and illusions are happening. Have this understanding and face the illusion and delusion. That very illusion and delusion will lead to evolve evolution. Please understand all changes whether getting more and more caught in illusion and delusion or evolving out of illusion and delusion and reaching enlightenment both happens by the illusion and delusion; how you handle it.
I tell you, I really wanted all of you to know, anything happens is addition and auspiciousness. I tell you even if you think this is the worst dream happening in your life… I tell you, even the worst dream wakes you up. In the dream even if the tiger is chasing you or elephant is chasing you, or snake is chasing you or your spouse is talking to you, you wake up. So, anything happens is auspicious. It may look very impractical, very frightening .Understand you can’t be…..anybody who is watching this satsang around the world at this moment, can’t be in a worst danger, risky, insecure position than me. The accusations, abusal, harassment and religious persecution I am facing… can say one of the worst religious persecution in the modern days, in the modern history
See the cyclone of fear and greed, courage and fear, fame and defamation, pain and pleasure is constantly attacking you if you give up the restful awareness or balance. Understand whatever is said and done this kind of an experience and knowledge can never be received second hand. I tell you all before the scandal I was talking, I will make at least few lakh people enlightened now I tell you courageously at least few million people I will make them enlightened.
Before this abusal and religious persecution, I was telling 12/12/12, 10000 of us will sit all over the world and levitate and reduced the collective negativity of the world , spread global peace, positive energy but now suddenly after this persecution, we just preponed. At this moment 10000 people are sitting around the world with me and end of the satsang they are going to levitate; now I know many of them already. We preponed our goals and not only that, this religious persecution has taken away many of the unnecessary extra fat which was around our belly. No really! The extra fat around your belly is not only extra weight and heavy load, dangerous for your very heart, can be the source for the future Cancer. We are rid of these cancerous possibilities. We are rid of this unnecessary fat.
Whatever happens can only be adding to your life, means all happenings are auspiciousness. Just stop your interpretation. Not only that when you stop the interpretation, the energy which you waste in fighting with illusions and delusions can be used to handle the exact happening; the incident. In my life I have seen the extremes and I can see how the courage given by the extreme fame is illusion, same way the fear created by the extreme defamation is delusion. Neither the courage given by millions of people following you and praising you is reality nor the fear they try to create by the intense defamation, is reality. Both are illusion and delusion.
It’s like a cyclone, constantly happening on you. When it happens how you stand, how you stand. Are you standing with awareness and larger broader strategy planningOr are you shrinking and shivering and shaking?  Stand with the larger strategy. Stand with broad understanding. Actually this persecution has made us immortal. Now we know. Many of our own disciples and ashramites were always wondering and worrying how to be non-controversial, how to be non-controversial, how to be accepted by the whole society. Because of this fear they were diluting the truths I was delivering to the world. And the truths and the great teachings, the sacred secrets were not being told to the world. Now the whole problem of how to be non-controversial has taken away the fear from our disciples that we should be non-controversial and it gave the courage let us stand for the sacred truth and the sacred tradition for which we are giving our life.
I can tell you I set a trend, I have set a trend, I have given courage to my disciples for the truth we believe. Understand when the illusions and delusions constantly happen on you, remember it is happening on you which is reality. YOU are real. Only the happenings are unreal. So stand with that real YOU. The happenings will make evolve you and it will lead to evolution and enlightenment.
I wanted to give a small, can say that subtle difference between this illusion and delusion. Illusion is the false happening outside your system. Delusion is the impact of that false happening inside your system. Delusion is reflection of illusion in your system. Illusion is the source of delusion outside your system. Whether it is illusion or delusion created by….. whether the society or ignorance of you or collective delusion, there is something called collective delusion. There are thousands of problems created by collective delusions. People have their own ideas, their own imaginations, their own thinking.
So essence of today’s satsang, all the illusory fears and delusory greed, pain, pleasure everything, comes in your life like a cyclone. Stand with restful awareness, that will make you enlightened, that will liberate you. If you are shaken and succumb to it, you will be caught in more and more and more negativity. This is the essence.  
The homework for you all; write five incident in your life when you succumb to the illusory delusory fears and greed and got caught in deeper and deeper problems and remember five incident when you stood strongly with the restful awareness and got liberated from the problems, when the illusory delusory fears and greeds attacked you; five this side, five this side think. Let you all Achieve, Experience, Live, Radiate, Express and Share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda.  
Thank you
Human mind when it is caught in collective delusion can be exploited and manipulated to any level, to any extreme, to any extent. So do not bother to drop this fear and greed created by illusion and delusions. When you drop, you will settle down in a space which I don’t want to describe. Because, the moment I describe about that space, you already start imagining about the space and you have created one more illusion about that space. If I use one word “restful awareness” then you catch hold of that word ‘restful awareness, restful awareness, restful awareness’. Arey, you don’t understand that restful awareness which I am talking happens in you when you give up this illusion and delusion. But you are not interested in giving up this illusion and delusion; you are interested in some shortcut for ‘restful awareness, restful awareness, restful awareness’.
It’s like, I tell you go to that sabha ,it is filled with dirt and junk, clean it and make it beautiful, if I look from here it should look very pretty. You ask how it should look. What do you mean by word pretty and clean? I say, it should look like shining, clean, neat. Then immediately you create that kind of painting and make a big flex and keep it in front of the sabha. You don’t get into the sabha and clean that junk, clean that dirt, so that when I come there it really looks clean. No. You find a shortcut. Come on let us make a big painting how the cleanliness and being beautiful is portrayed, how Swamiji described, come on let’s make a big flex and keep in front of the sabha and hide the sabha. So from here when I look, oh! Things are clean and you come here from my seat, you look, ah! Things are clean. If Swamiji looks through this window it will all be clean.
That is what you are trying to do when you ask the question ‘what is reality?’ So I don’t want to answer, when you ask, ‘what is cleanliness? How it should look Swamiji? No. Go and first remove that junk and the garbage. Do only the instruction. Then how it look clean, it will look by itself. Do not try to create theology before practicing. I tell you a small missings and misunderstandings happens when you create a theology before experiencing or before even trying to experience; can create too much nuisance on the planet earth.
That is the reason I always tell our teachers, our Acharyas, ‘Let you digest the whole truth. Just digesting, not talking to others will make you dumb idiot and not digesting just talking to others will make you a cunning criminal theologian. I don’t want my Acharyas to be a dumb idiot or cunning criminal theologians. So in LA the Acharya training is happening. The teacher’s training is happening. All the teachers who are getting trained, please understand, this is my instruction to you. Understand and digest the truth and share this with the world with intense aggressiveness. Understand aggressively and share aggressively. Neither lack in understanding nor lack in sharing.
So don’t bother about what is reality. I don’t want to give you any painting. There is one more question. “What about real painful incidents like accidents, getting caught in fire etc? These are also illusory pains?”
Vengala Hiranmaya,  understand, first come out of the illusory delusory pains. Then you will have a clear answer for this question. If I say now that is also illusory and delusory, you will feel. No. I am talking too much and you will not even try to do the first step. Do the first step; you will understand answer for this question by yourself. I am not interested in intellectually satisfying you. I am interested in experientially satisfying you. So I wanted you to have manual workbook; not theological, philosophical volumes and volumes on which you can put your head and sleep.
This encyclopedia Britannica’s are used only as a pillow at least in theology and philosophy field. I am not interested in creating encyclopedia Britannica’s or philosophical volumes to fill the useless parts of your brain. No. I am interested in creating workbook. Practical, manual, owners guide.
There is one clarification about the eN-kriya. Anand Sarvottaman is asking, “In the main en-kriya part, the 4th step, should we stop the breathing after exhaling or after inhaling?”
Neither wait for exhaling nor wait for inhaling. The moment you put your hands on the sambhavi mudra stop, freeze as it is. Don’t prepare yourself for that freezing. It should be like a sudden attack by you on you.

Latest revision as of 21:33, 18 April 2022


Change is the Eternal Law: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 121 (22 Feb 2011)


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda began by answering a devotee's question about yesterday's sutra on illusory delusion and illusion. "The constant illusory fear, courage, pain, pleasure, sufferings created in you is responsible for various actions and changes happening in you. This is a very important sacred secret. These illusory fears, delusory greed, illusory pain and pleasure, even if you handle it with the awareness that it is happening in me, it will lead to evolution.

"The cyclone of pain and pleasure is constantly happening, life is testing you, if you behave with delusion, you will create more complications and illusions in your life. If you sit with more Restful Awareness, the same cyclone will make you evolve. The worst dream wakes you up. It is all auspicious."

The ability to face, to look, to see, without being bothered what is a reality, will allow the flowering. Allow the delusions and illusions to be removed from your inner space, the real incident which is reality will never hurt you.

"In my life, I have seen the extremes, I can see how the courage given by the extreme fame is an illusion, and the fear created by the defamation is a delusion."

Illusion is the false happening outside your system; delusion is the impact of the false happening inside your system. Delusion is the reflection of the illusion inside your system.

The mission of a spiritual incarnation can never be destroyed. Neither the spiritual incarnation nor the mission can be destroyed.

"So the essence of today's Satsang-All the illusory fears, delusory pain etc can come to your life like a cyclone. Stand with restful awareness, which will make you enlightened. If you are shaken, it will only get you into deeper and deeper problems." Watch, share and like the video's and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe.

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Let us enter into the today’s sutra. Patanajali’s Yoga Sutra, 121st sutra, in the 3rd chapter, 15th verse. krama-anyatvaṃ pariṇāma-anyatve hetuḥ Vivekananda translates this sutra as "the succession of changes is the cause of manifold evolution”. Swami Prabhavananada translates as "the succession of these changes is the cause of manifold evolution Swami Sachidananda translates as "the succession of these different phases is the cause of differences in stages of evolution”. Wow! Osho translates as “the variation in transformation is caused by the variety in a underlying process”


I will try to give My own translation, My own understanding. krama-anyatvaṃ pariṇāma-anyatve hetuḥ As I said yesterday’s sutra is about the illusory delusion and illusion. This sutra need to be understood connecting with yesterday's sutra. So I want you to clearly understand the gist of the yesterdays sutra so that you can catch the truth of this sutra.


The constant illusory fear and illusory courage, illusory greed and illusory pain, illusory pleasure, illusory sufferings created in you is responsible for various actions and changes happening in you. Please understand, if I have to reveal the sacred secret to you honestly, a very important sacred secret. This illusory fears, delusory greed, illusory pains and pleasures even if this illusions and delusions, if you handle it with awareness, as I said in the previous satsangs, just 2 sutras ahead of this sutra, 2 sutras before this sutra, like how I explained the time concept whether worrying about the past or worrying about the future is happening in me in present, this moment.


So same way whether illusory fear or delusory greed is happening in me which is reality? I am real, in me in this delusion and illusions are happening. Have this understanding and face the illusion and delusion. That very illusion and delusion will lead to evolve… evolution. Please understand all changes whether getting more and more caught in illusion and delusion or evolving out of illusion and delusion and reaching enlightenment - both happens by the illusion and delusion - how you handle it.


See the cyclone of fear and greed, courage and fear, fame and defamation, pain and pleasure is constantly attacking you if you give up the restful awareness or balance. Understand, whatever is said and done this kind of an experience and knowledge can never be received second hand. I tell you all, before the scandal I was talking, I will make at least few lakh people enlightened. Now I tell you courageously, at least few million people I will make them enlightened.


Before this abusal and religious persecution, I was telling 12/12/12, 10000 of us will sit all over the world and levitate and reduce the collective negativity of the world, spread global peace, positive energy. But now suddenly after this persecution, we just preponed. At this moment 10000 people are sitting around the world with Me. And end of the satsang they are going to levitate; now I know many of them are already. We preponed our goals and not only that, this religious persecution has taken away many of the unnecessary extra fat which was around our belly. No really! The extra fat around your belly is not only extra weight and heavy load, dangerous for your very heart, can be the source for the future Cancer. We are rid of this cancerous possibilities. We are rid of this unnecessary fat.


It’s like a cyclone, constantly happening on you. When it happens how you stand, how you stand. Are you standing with awareness and larger broader strategy planning? Or are you shrinking and shivering and shaking? Stand with larger strategy. Stand with broad understanding. Actually this persecution has made us immortal. Now we know. Many of our own disciples and ashramites were always wondering and worrying how to be non-controversial, how to be non-controversial, how to be accepted by the whole society. Because of this fear they were diluting the truths I was delivering to the world. And the truths and the great teachings, the sacred secrets were not being told to the world. Now the whole problem of how to be non-controversial is taken away; the fear from our disciples that we should be non-controversial. And it gave the courage ‘let us stand for the sacred truth and the sacred tradition for which we are giving our life.’


I can tell you I set a trend, I have set a trend and I have given courage to My disciples for the truth we believe. Understand when the illusions and delusions constantly happen on you, remember it is happening on you which is reality. YOU are real. Only the happenings are unreal. So stand with that real YOU. The happenings will make evolve you and it will lead to evolution and enlightenment.


So essence of today’s satsang: all the illusory fears and delusory greed, pain, pleasure everything, comes in your life like a cyclone. Stand with restful awareness, that will make you enlightened, that will liberate you. If you are shaken and succumb to it, you will be caught in more and more and more negativity. This is the essence.


The homework for you all: write five incident in your life when you succumbed to the illusory delusory fears and greeds and got caught in deeper and deeper problems and remember five incident when you stood strongly with the restful awareness and got liberated from the problems, when the illusory delusory fears and greeds attacked you; five this side, five this side think. Let you all Achieve, Experience, Live, Radiate, Express and Share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you


Title: What is Reality?

What is Reality? Nithyananda


In this video clip taken from morning discourses and Patanjali Yoga Sutras, living incarnation and avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers questions on reality, illusions, fear, greed, and delusions.

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Try to respond to many of your questions. There is a question from Vengala Hiranmayi “If fear and joy are the illusions and delusions we have about life, are not real, then what is reality Swamiji? HDH: Understand when you understand the fear and joy, pain and pleasure are illusion and delusion, that very understanding will make a huge change in you. You will feel like the earth on which you are standing is removed. Almost everything will collapse, allow that collapsing, allow that understanding to happen. See that the whole thing tumbles down. Whatever you build as your identity, suddenly will change. All your strategy planning for your future will suddenly change. All the logic with which you build your life will completely be shaken. Allow that. Do not have the fear ‘then what is reality?’ Allow this tumbling to happen, allow this shaking to happen by understanding that our courage, our fear, our greed, our pains, our pains and our pleasure are all illusion and delusion.


Yesterday I was giving you a beautiful example. Many time, life actually tests you. Life actually wants to test your stability, your understanding, your strength, but in a very foolish way you respond and react and create whole thing as a mess. Please understand, many time life really tests you. Do you stand this fear, which is delusion? Do you stand this greed, which is illusion? Or are you going to react in a foolish way and create bigger problems, bigger mess?


Whenever fears take over you or greed takes over you, when courage takes over you, when the pain takes over you, look into it, what is the percentage of it is real and what is the percentage of it is illusory or delusory. As I told you yesterday I am coining a new word delusory. It may or may not be in Oxford dictionary, let’s add in our dictionary. See what is the percentage of it, is contributed by the illusions and delusions and what is the percentage can be attributed to the real incident, may, may not happen in your life.


Let me give you a story. I have a story for you. The FBI had an opening for an assassin, so they started interviewing people. After all the background checks, interviews and testing’s were done, there were three finalists; two men and a woman. For the final test the FBI agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. We must know that you will follow your instructions, no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair, kill her. The man said you cannot be serious, I can’t shoot my wife. The agent said then you are not right man for the job, take your wife and go home. He was sent. The second man was given the same job. He went inside and all was quiet for five minutes. The man came out with tears and to the agent he said I cannot, I cannot kill. Then agent said you are not the right man. Take your wife and go back home. Finally it was the women’s turn, she was given the same instruction to kill her husband, she took the gun went into the room, shots were heard and one after another, they heard screaming, crashing, banging on walls. Then all was quiet. The door opened slowly. There stood the women, wiping the sweat from her brow. Agent asked what happened. She said this gun is loaded with blanks, so I had to beat him to death with the chair.


Many times life gives you the gun with blanks to test. But unfortunately you make mess. Stand and see when the wave of fear takes over you, when the wave of greed takes over you, when the wave of courage takes over you, when the wave of pain takes over you. Wait…. Look…see. What is the percentage, the possibility of delusion and illusion? What is the possibility of the real incidence which may, may not happen and how this fear is going to impact your ability to handle the real incident if it happens.


The ability to face, the ability to look, the ability to see; please understand, ability to look without being bothered what is reality. Please understand the moment you have the fear, the questioner, the fear which this questioner is having. What is reality Swamiji? Means you don’t want to let go this delusions and illusions. Don’t bother, let go, let go. What is reality will flower in you. Allow that flowering. Now don’t bother, now don’t worry too much about it. Allow the delusions and illusions to be removed from your inner space. You will see the real incidence, which is reality, will never hurt you.


I tell you, I really wanted all of you to know, anything happens is addition and auspiciousness. I tell you even if you think this is the worst dream happening in your life… I tell you, even the worst dream wakes you up. In the dream even if the tiger is chasing you or elephant is chasing you, or snake is chasing you or your spouse is talking to you, you wake up. So, anything happens is auspicious. It may look very impractical, very frightening .Understand you can’t be…..anybody who is watching this satsang around the world at this moment, can’t be in a worst danger, risky, insecure position than me. The accusations, abusal, harassment and religious persecution I am facing… can say one of the worst religious persecution in the modern days, in the modern history


Whatever happens can only be adding to your life, means all happenings are auspiciousness. Just stop your interpretation. Not only that when you stop the interpretation, the energy which you waste in fighting with illusions and delusions can be used to handle the exact happening; the incident. In my life I have seen the extremes and I can see how the courage given by the extreme fame is illusion, same way the fear created by the extreme defamation is delusion. Neither the courage given by millions of people following you and praising you is reality nor the fear they try to create by the intense defamation, is reality. Both are illusion and delusion.


I wanted to give a small, can say that subtle difference between this illusion and delusion. Illusion is the false happening outside your system. Delusion is the impact of that false happening inside your system. Delusion is reflection of illusion in your system. Illusion is the source of delusion outside your system. Whether it is illusion or delusion created by….. whether the society or ignorance of you or collective delusion, there is something called collective delusion. There are thousands of problems created by collective delusions. People have their own ideas, their own imaginations, their own thinking.


Human mind when it is caught in collective delusion can be exploited and manipulated to any level, to any extreme, to any extent. So do not bother to drop this fear and greed created by illusion and delusions. When you drop, you will settle down in a space which I don’t want to describe. Because, the moment I describe about that space, you already start imagining about the space and you have created one more illusion about that space. If I use one word “restful awareness” then you catch hold of that word ‘restful awareness, restful awareness, restful awareness’. Arey, you don’t understand that restful awareness which I am talking happens in you when you give up this illusion and delusion. But you are not interested in giving up this illusion and delusion; you are interested in some shortcut for ‘restful awareness, restful awareness, restful awareness’.


It’s like, I tell you go to that sabha ,it is filled with dirt and junk, clean it and make it beautiful, if I look from here it should look very pretty. You ask how it should look. What do you mean by word pretty and clean? I say, it should look like shining, clean, neat. Then immediately you create that kind of painting and make a big flex and keep it in front of the sabha. You don’t get into the sabha and clean that junk, clean that dirt, so that when I come there it really looks clean. No. You find a shortcut. Come on let us make a big painting how the cleanliness and being beautiful is portrayed, how Swamiji described, come on let’s make a big flex and keep in front of the sabha and hide the sabha. So from here when I look, oh! Things are clean and you come here from my seat, you look, ah! Things are clean. If Swamiji looks through this window it will all be clean.


That is what you are trying to do when you ask the question ‘what is reality?’ So I don’t want to answer, when you ask, ‘what is cleanliness? How it should look Swamiji?’ No. Go and first remove that junk and the garbage. Do only the instruction. Then how it look clean, it will look by itself. Do not try to create theology before practicing. I tell you a small missings and misunderstandings happens when you create a theology before experiencing or before even trying to experience; can create too much nuisance on the planet earth.


That is the reason I always tell our teachers, our Acharyas, ‘Let you digest the whole truth. Just digesting, not talking to others will make you dumb idiot and not digesting just talking to others will make you a cunning criminal theologian. I don’t want my Acharyas to be a dumb idiot or cunning criminal theologians. So in LA the Acharya training is happening. The teacher’s training is happening. All the teachers who are getting trained, please understand, this is my instruction to you. Understand and digest the truth and share this with the world with intense aggressiveness. Understand aggressively and share aggressively. Neither lack in understanding nor lack in sharing.


So don’t bother about what is reality. I don’t want to give you any painting. There is one more question. “What about real painful incidents like accidents, getting caught in fire etc? These are also illusory pains?” Vengala Hiranmaya, understand, first come out of the illusory delusory pains. Then you will have a clear answer for this question. If I say now that is also illusory and delusory, you will feel. No. I am talking too much and you will not even try to do the first step. Do the first step; you will understand answer for this question by yourself. I am not interested in intellectually satisfying you. I am interested in experientially satisfying you. So I wanted you to have manual workbook; not theological, philosophical volumes and volumes on which you can put your head and sleep.


This encyclopedia Britannica’s are used only as a pillow at least in theology and philosophy field. I am not interested in creating encyclopedia Britannica’s or philosophical volumes to fill the useless parts of your brain. No. I am interested in creating workbook. Practical, manual, owners guide.


There is one clarification about the eN-kriya. Anand Sarvottaman is asking, “In the main en-kriya part, the 4th step, should we stop the breathing after exhaling or after inhaling?” Neither wait for exhaling nor wait for inhaling. The moment you put your hands on the sambhavi mudra stop, freeze as it is. Don’t prepare yourself for that freezing. It should be like a sudden attack by you on you.



Photos for the Day


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Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9026.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9027.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9028.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9029.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9030.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9031.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9032.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9033.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9034.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9036.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9037.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9038.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9039.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9041.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9042.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9047.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9048.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9056.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9058.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9062.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9074.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9075.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9076.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9077.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9079.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9080.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9081.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9082.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9083.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9085.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9089.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9094.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9096.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9099.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9100.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9105.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9106.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9107.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9108.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9114.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9120.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9121.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9125.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9126.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9129.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9132.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9133.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9134.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9135.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9136.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9138.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9139.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9141.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9142.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9143.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9144.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9145.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9146.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9149.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9151.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9152.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9159.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9161.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9164.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9165.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9166.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9167.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9168.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9169.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9171.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9172.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9173.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9174.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9175.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9177.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9185.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9186.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9187.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9188.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9190.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9191.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9193.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9197.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9199.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9208.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9209.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9213.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9218.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9219.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9220.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9221.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9222.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9227.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9228.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9229.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9232.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9233.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9236.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9237.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9239.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9253.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9254.JPG Paadapooja - batch_IMG_9255.JPG


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Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9828.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9831.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9834.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9848.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9849.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9850.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9852.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9868.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9871.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9872.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9873.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9874.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9875.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_IMG_9876.JPG

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