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Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the ultimate science, the whole Spiritual Alchemy Science of Sanatana Hindu Dharma

Day's Event:

Summary of Today's Nithyananda Satsang

Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the ultimate science, the whole Spiritual Alchemy Science of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, in today’s Nithyananda Satsang (04 October 2016), This whole Alchemy Science was attempted to be lost, and even the idea how a spiritual alchemist looks, behaves was lost. Now, It is time by the grace of Sadashiva, who loves Planet Earth and Santana Hindu Dharma (Hinduism), Paramahamsa Nithyananda is taking the responsibility of reviving Spiritual Alchemy Sciences for the world. These great sciences of Vedic Tradition cannot be lost! Giving the ultimate definition of 'Alchemy', He says - "Alchemy means preparing your chemistry to hold when the higher frequencies of Consciousness, occurs to you through initiation. Preparing your chemistry for ALL to happen is Alchemy." It takes him, an Avatar, just one look, one second, to transmit the higher experiences to us. Through this alchemy science, our body, mind and inner space is prepared to hold and radiate the higher frequencies of Consciousness. Only then the Ultimate can be made to occur in us.

Sharing His intimate sacred experiences with Arunagiri Yogishwara, who is Sadashiva Himself, who had appeared in human form during Paramahamsa Nithyananda's childhood, He shares how the pure virgin space of SADASHIVA is present in each of us, which cannot be touched by any incompletion. "So, if I just look at that Sadashiva's space which is in every one of you. Immediately you’ll be awakened, nothing else." This gives us the ultimate need for a Living Guru, Living Avatar to trasmit the Alchemy. The Alchemy Science is being practiced during the Inner Awakening program, in Nithyananda Gurukul and other programs, where ultimate initiations (deekshas) are gifted by Him.

To know the sacred experiences of Paramahamsa Nithyananda with Arunagiri Yogishwara, Sadashiva, watch this video: https://youtu.be/bUPhymO5xWQ

Link to Video:

Video Audio


|| nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, SriMahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kotari, everyone sitting with us all over the world, through Nithyananda TV, Facebook Live and YouTube Live. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


Navaratri… Today, one-side- Devi, Navaratri Day 3, She is gracing as Adi Lakshmi, served by Airavata, who is actually a brother of Adi Laksmi. Both of them came out of the ocean, during the churning of the Milky Ocean. So Airavata, Kalpavruksha, Kamadhenu, all of them are considered to be brothers and sisters of Adi Lakshmi. Today, She is gracing… Adi Shakti is gracing in the form of Adi Lakshmi served by the Airavatha, brother of Adi Lakshmi, with Lakshmi and Saraswathi serving Her and the other side, Venkateshwara Brahmotsava has started from yesterday and Venkateshwara is gracing with the flute in Swarnashesha Vahana, in the form of Krishna Avatara… Krishna Avatara Leela with the flute on the Golden Snake - Swarnashesha Vahana. She is gracing, let’s receive their blessings and enter into the Satsang.


(Aarti performed to Adi Lakshmi)


Today, it is going to be ultimate Initiation- Arunagiriyogiśhwara’s Unclutching Initiation. Not only I am going to tell the story, I am going to initiate today using everything, with Atma Linga, Jnananjana and Sri Yantra Mandala, using all the Alchemy Sciences. Understand, this word ‘alchemy’. Alchemy means - preparing your chemistry to hold, when the higher frequencies of Consciousness occurs to you through Initiation. Understand. When the… see, making the higher frequency of Consciousness occurring to you, is just one second job for Me. How beautifully, romantically, with the deep love, I looked at Arunagiri Yogiśhwara, I looked at My own very core being. With that, if I just look at you, that’s all! Nothing else is required. Making the higher frequency occur to you, is nothing more than a one second job, because Arunagiri Yogiśhwara or Sadashiva, whatever I describe, He is in You. There is a pure virgin space in You, where He resides, cannot be touched by any incompletion.


Even the worst human being, whom you consider as a worst human being, his virgin space cannot be touched, where Sadashiva is living, alive. So, if I just look at that, Sadashiva’s space, which is in every one of you, immediately you will be awakened, nothing else. It is like Me, remembering Me and waking up. See, when you remember you, you will wake up from the dream. So, making the higher frequency occur to you, is not at all a big job for Me. Preparing your chemistry to hold that higher frequency, is the real job I need to do, that is what is called ‘alchemy’. Preparing your chemistry, for all to happen, is ‘alchemy’. Jnananjaana, Sri Yantra Mandala, Completion, Completion Process, Shivoham Process, the mantras, sacred sounds I am using - Shodashi, all of this is nothing but an alchemy process. When Sadashiva wakes up in you, your system should be able to hold and manifest that Power, ability to hold and manifest that power. Atma Linga, Jnananjana, Sri Yantra Mandala, everything, everything, everything, is a alchemy process of various frequencies…...alchemy process of various frequencies.


Understand. Ultimately…..ultimately, when the system, means your body and mind, your inner space is able to hold and radiate, only when it is able to hold and radiate, if that ultimate is made to occur in you, it is useful. That is why sometime, the alchemy becomes such an important science. The spiritual alchemy becomes such an important science. Understand. When anti-hindu forces attacked us, first thing they attacked are the most important thing you should practice. This is the scale, to find out which is the first priority, when we start practicing Hinduism. Look at the history, when the anti-hindu forces attack, which is the first thing they attacked… this ‘Alchemy Science’. But, first thing they attacked is, our spiritual alchemy process. Fortunately, Sadashiva loves Santana Dharma and Planet Earth, so He goes on reviving it. Nothing will be lost. To give you one example, few days before, I was talking to all My Nityananda Yogam… first batch, Guru Poornima Batch. I was teaching them Astrology and about all the Grahas. Actually, I learnt it directly from Arunagiri Yogiśhwara. So whatever I learnt, I directly taught them. But I was wondering, I need the original verses, for whatever I am talking as a supporting, only then I can make this as a syllabus for Balasants and the next generations, University syllabus.


But, to tell you honestly, I only shared what I directly received from Arunagiri Yogiśhwara, I didn’t spend time on referring the original verses. I know original verses exist, and Arunagiri Yogiśhwara also said, “this is the original source available”. Of course, when He speaks He is the original source, what else. That is one, but I have to make it as syllabus for everyone, I need the original source. I cannot just say, “Oh, it is conversation between Me and Arunagiri Yogiśhwara.” So, I was wondering what shall we do… where to search those original verses. Hardly in a week, suddenly one bunch of books arrived from a person, who collects old books and gifts it to us. Sometimes takes little money for transportation, he does this on his own. We don’t even go and buy, he collects all the old books, whatever Hindu scriptures he gets it. He has so much of love, that I preserve all that properly and keep it for next generation and we also scanned and upload in the internet for free, people to do research. Maybe you would have seen, already 1TB material, we have scanned and uploaded in the ‘Hinduism Now’ website and still we have almost 5, 6 TB sitting, which needs to be scanned and uploaded. The whole archives is ready, which needs to be scanned and uploaded. So, work is going on. He collects and sends. Usually when he collects and sends, it goes to library only. That day, suddenly I don’t know why, it landed on My Courtyard. And I told them, “Aye, open what it is.” When I opened, I saw exactly six volumes on all the original verses which I was searching for.


It’s originally the discussion between Sadashiva, Devi and Sapta Rishis happened here, in this very land. It’s called Sapta Rishi Naadi, the whole volume is…. I was shocked, but not surprised. I know it’ll come, but I did not think it is so soon. I was shocked, but not surprised. All the verses were there in front of Me. Now, I’ve finished aligning, scanning and connecting with My experience, Apta Pramana given to Me by Arunagiri Yogiśhwara and His words and the Shashtra Pramana. All the three, Properly. Now it is ready to become a Shakshi Pramana for all of you. Maybe I’ll be sharing for My Balasants, after the Navaratri. This Nithyananda Yogam Batch Participants are blessed. You can sit and hear what I am teaching, and the kids will be able to share it with all of you, the Balasants will be able to share it with all of you, with the original verses, with the Shashtra Pramana, they will be able to share this Knowledge.


This whole Alchemy Science, was terribly attacked by the anti-hindu forces. But fortunately, like this incident, where I am speaking about the Science of whole Grahas, Planets and Hindu Cosmology and the book, seven volume arise. Next few days, this all shows still Sadashiva loves Planet Earth and Santana Hindu Dharma. And, He wants all these to be alive and He is very active about it. He is very active about it. I know, He will revive the whole spiritual alchemy science. I can see, this place full fledged, flourishing Kailasa, a ‘Spiritual Alchemy University’ - living museum of Vedic tradition. Understand, you always think museum means dead objects, showing the history. No! Here this place will become a living museum of Vedic tradition. I am really serious, really serious and very sincerely working about it, working on it. Sadashiva is manifesting amazingly, I am seeing now so many people come just to listen to the Akashic Records. This is nothing, my original plan is, in the stone slab they will show you, whatever answer you need to see, not just the Balasants will read out, they will show you, your eyes can see! (17:21)

Already they are able to entangle and show in the mirror, now I have to take it to the next level of Initiation which I am already working on. How Sanjaya saw the Kurukshetra and described to Dhritarashtra. I will demonstrate and show you guys. It’s a science based on sound and light, without any modern equipments. You know only communication based on 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G. Now you will see the communication based on Guruji, the communication based on Swamiji. It is possible, I am not bragging or I am not giving false promises. I am already successful in the establishing the network and I just have to scale it up, which is already happening. Let’s revive the whole Alchemy Science of Santana Hindu Dharma. World needs it, really World needs it. World needs this whole Alchemy of Sanatana Hindu Dharma and it’s time we demonstrate it to the world. Sanatana Hindu Dharma needs the spiritual legitimacy, the morale, the spiritual strength, spiritual legitimacy. I think by Sadashiva grace, it’s My responsibility to bring spiritual legitimacy to Santana Hindu Dharma.


We have been attacked so much, made ignorant so much, when I am revealing all these science, even not only they lost the science, they lost even how the scientist will look like….even those definitions were lost. Not only they lost the alchemy science, they even lost the idea - how a spiritual alchemist will look like, will behave, will live. That’s the most unfortunate thing happened. But anyhow, it is time, we revive the spiritual alchemy science. So, get ready for the grand Unclutching Arunagiri Yogiśhwara’s Initiation.


So with this, I bless you all, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaitasaivam, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you

Be Blissful

Link to Video:

Photos Of The Day:

nithya satsang

IA unclutching

navaratri darbar

Power Manifestion

IA darshan

Photos Of The Day:



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