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Let’s enter into the technique.
This experience may dawn. He starts with the word, beautiful word ‘radiant one.’ ‘Radiant one’ means ‘O Enlightened one,’ ‘O Bhairavi...’ Radiating means who has got and who is able to share, who is having or who is able to share. There is a big difference between a mystic and a Master. Mystic is a person who achieved experience. Master is a person not only you achieved, who can share the technology with others. Here Shiva is addressing Devi as a radiant one, who is radiating Enlightenment. Not only She has experienced it, She can share with others. Enlightened Master is speaking to another one enlightened Master. That is why this book is the essence of enlightenment. Not even a single word is unnecessary word.
To tell you honestly, you can edit Brahma Sutra, you can edit Yoga Sutra, you can edit Gita. When I spoke on Yoga Sutra, I spoke only on ten verses because essence is only ten. When I spoke on Brahma Sutra, I spoke only on three verses because essence is only three. Brahma Sutra has got 555 Sutras. I chose only three and spoke on that. Gita has got 700 slokas. I chose only 120 and spoke on that. And again, Yoga Sutra has got 555 Sutras. I spoke only on 10 to 12, essence but when I decided to speak on Shiva Sutra, I am not able to remove a single word. I am going to speak on all 112 Sutras, because I am not able to edit. I am not able to take out that this is the juice, this is the essence. No! Every single word is essence. You can’t edit a single word.
Now I am going to speak on all 112 Sutras because you can’t edit. He has spoken, he has expressed with minimum words the ultimate truth. You can’t edit further. Now let’s start.’ O radiant one, this experience may dawn between two breaths, after breath comes in and just before turning up, the beneficiance.’ He says the Enlightenment, the Shiva Consciousness can happen to you if you can go deep into the space where the breath is taking turn from out to in or in to out. Up to down or down to up. It looks very simple. He is talking about your breath. He says you can experience the Shiva Consciousness between the space of two breaths.
First let us understand something about breath. From the moment of your birth to death, the one and only thing which you do without any discontinuity is breathing. Anything else can be stopped. You may be a child or you may be young man or you become old or you may fall sick. You may eat; you may not eat. You may sleep; you may not sleep but you cannot stop breathing. That is the basic thing of life. Breathing is the one and only activity which you are doing continuously.
Your being is made out of five elements: Earth-prithvi, earth element. Your bone and the base structure is made out of earth element. Next, water: Your blood and so many other things in your system, water element represents the water element energy. Next, fire: which is constantly burning in your Manipuraka which is digesting all the food. We call it Vaishvanaragni. Vaishvanara, the agni which is inside your Manipuraka. Krishna says,
aham vaishvanaro bhutva
praninam deham ashritah
pranapana samayuktah
pachamyannam chaturvidham.
‘I am residing in every jiva, every being as the fire.’ He is the fire. Fire element. If this fire goes away, your body has to be put in the fire. As long as this fire is alive, you will be alive. If this fire goes away, you have to put your body in the fire. Fire element. Next, is air: breath, prana. Breath element. The air element. The fifth is ether. Ether is your mind where your visualisations are happening, where your thinking is happening. That space is ether. Five space, five elements are there. And Tantra says if you can directly work with the subtlest element, you will achieve Enlightenment immediately.
Working with earth means then you have to move to the water. Then you have to move to the fire. Then you have to move to the air. From there you have to move to the ether. You’ll have to move from one step to next. You can see, one will be subtler than the other. If you go deep, it will be subtler, subtler and subtlest. The earth and the water will have form and the fire is formless form. Air and the ether will not have form. Fire can lead from form to formlessness. These are the five elements. If you can work with the subtlest, straightaway you can become enlightened. You can reach the cosmic energy. You can reach the atman.
Taitttiriya Upanishad says beautifully ‘akasha atmanah.’ From atman comes the akasha, from akasha comes the vayu, from vayu, ‘vayur apa,’ from vayu comes the agni, from agni comes the water, from water element comes the prithvi- earth. If you can work with the subtlest element, straightaway you can reach the enlightenment, the inner space. Here the subtlest element is akasha- ether but the big difficulty is you cannot directly work with ether. You cannot directly work with ether. You cannot directly work with your mind. The more you try to work with your mind, you may create suppressions and more and more difficulties.
That is the reason Shiva is straightaway working with air. Little less subtle but which is practical. Shiva is creating these techniques for human beings on the planet earth who lived, who are living and who is yet to come. He is creating techniques for all kinds of human beings. As I was telling yesterday, sometimes I Myself create questions and the answer because people are not even that much intelligent to put intelligent questions. People are putting the questions only out of violence, they don’t put out of innocence. Questions asked out of innocence are worth answering. Questions asked out of violence can neither be answered nor it is useful to answer. Let you be very clear. Sometimes people are not even that much intelligent to put the right question. So I Myself design the question and give the answer so that it is recorded for future.
Same way here, Shiva is creating techniques which will be useful, which can be helped, which can be of help not only for the present human beings, even for the people who are going to come and he says, “Radiant one, this experience may dawn between two breaths after the breath comes in and just before turning up. One more thing, directly or indirectly he wanted to create that space which you will experience. Here the technique itself directly sometime may not give you the experience, but when your mind is engaged in the technique, the experience will start happening as a byproduct. The experience will start happening as a byproduct. That is why he has created a foolproof system. That’s why I say Shiva has created a foolproof system. The technique itself may not directly give you the experience.
A small story. One lady went to the grocery store and asked, asked the person to give cat food for husband. He said, “No, no. You can’t give cat food for husband. He will die.” She said, “No, no, for last one week, I am giving cat food only for his lunch and he is enjoying it. You give me.” Everyday she comes and picks up cat food. This guy is shocked and surprised. Anyhow, after a week this grocer happened to browse all obituary column in the local newspaper and he saw the guy is dead, that woman’s husband is dead. Next day when she came to the store, he said, “I told you. Don’t give cat food. See, he is dead.” She said, “No, no, no. He is not dead because of the cat food. He is dead because he broke his neck trying to lick his body all over.” When he tried to lick his body all over, he broke his neck and died. Directly or indirectly, what has to happen has happened!
Let you be very clear, these techniques also directly or indirectly, it will give you the experience. It will give you...logically you can’t understand how the cat food can kill husband, how can cat food kill the husband. You may not understand logically but that is what happens. Whether you understand logically or not, it happens! Sometimes things happen directly, sometimes indirectly. Here you may have the question, ‘How can I become enlightened just by watching my breath? How can I become enlightened just by going into the space where my breath is taking turn? How enlightenment is possible?’ Logically you may not understand but when you go deep, it happens, it happens.
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audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2006-02feb-23_breathe-into-enlightenment-part-4-shiva-sutras"/>
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2006-02feb-23_breathe-into-enlightenment-part-4-shiva-sutras"/>
Let you be very clear. Here Shiva is creating subtlest possible technique for human beings. Human beings cannot as such work directly on the ether, on mind. The thing which they can directly touch is only the breath and breath is the bridge between you and the universe. It is the bridge between your body and the mind. You can see very clearly, till breadth, you are only body. After the breath, you are mind. If you see all the five elements, till the air, you are only body: whether it is earth, water or fire or the air-all these four are only body. But after the breath, after the air, after the prana, it is mind. The ether is mind. The breadth is the bridge between your body and mind, your matter and spirit. Body is the matter; spirit is the energy. Breadth is the bridge between your body and mind.
Please be very clear. Constantly you are connecting with the universe. You are relating with cosmos through the breadth. The moment you stop relating, you are dead. The moment you stop relating, you are dead. He says, “This experience may dawn between two breaths after breath comes in and just before turning out.” Once the breathing goes in and before it turns out, it touches your inner space. Let you be very clear, every single breadth is directly managed by your atman, not by your mind. Let you be very clear. That is why, even if you forget, you go on breathing. If it is under the control of your mind, long before you would stop the breathing. Because you forget so many things. You would have forgotten this also. It is not under the control of your mind. It is under the control of Consciousness.
Every single breath you go and touch your inner Consciousness. You straight away go and reach your inner Consciousness, then come out. Every single breath is directly related to your inner Consciousness. That is the easiest method to reach Enlightenment. Let Me be very clear. With any other technique you have to do something. Here you don’t have to do anything. Just be and automatically you will be taken into the space where the Enlightenment is happening. Automatically you will reach the space where Consciousness is your nature. Automatically you will enter into the space where you are in Shiva Consciousness. Every moment, you are reaching the space of Shiva Consciousness, you are entering into the space of Shiva Consciousness without even your knowledge. Only thing, all you need to do is just be with the vehicle which goes into the inner space of Shiva Consciousness.
If you just keep quiet and sit in the train that is enough. Your breadth is the train, vehicle which is going into the Shiva Consciousness every moment but the moment it goes near the Shiva Consciousness, you feel a little suffocated and you say, ‘No, no, no, no, no. This is not for me. Let me get down.’ You get down and when the train comes back to your station, you get into the train and come back again. You think of going from here to Seattle, get into the train but the moment you reach Mt. Shasta, you feel, ‘No, no, no, no, no. It is too cold. It is not for me and you get down, wait there. When the train comes back, you sit in the train and come back to LA, that’s all!
Every moment, God has already created an automatic mechanism to reach Enlightenment. And one thing, he doesn’t trust us. He knows, He knows any job left to human beings, they will mess it, they will mess it. Let you be very clear, He has already created automatic mechanism, automatic mechanism where you don’t need to do anything. All you need to do is just sit in the train and relax. As they say in the flight, ‘Sit back and relax, enjoy your flight.’ Nothing else needs to be done. You are in Shiva Consciousness. All you need to do is sit back and relax. You are in Shiva Consciousness.
Here the first technique-such a beautiful technique. He says, “The state of fullness is formed by fixing them in two places of the origin. Just before the turning up, there will be always a gap where you don’t breathe, where the breath is not happening, where it is taking turn. If you can relax in that gap, if you can be aware of that gap,  sudden explosion of Consciousness is possible in you.” You may think, ‘How can I achieve Enlightenment just by watching the gap between the breaths?’ Please be very clear, your breathing and your thinking are directly connected. They are directly connected.
If you observe, the length, breadth and depth of your breath... length, breadth, breadth and depth of your breath, it changes according to your thoughts. Let Me be very clear. Every single thought changes the length, breadth and depth of your breathing. Length, breadth and depth of your breathing can never be the same with two different thoughts. Every single thought brings a change, slight change may be in length or in breadth or in depth of your breathing. Every single thought is associated with a particular length, breadth, depth of your breathing. So your breathing is not same as you think.
You can see this obviously when you are caught in some emotions. Emotions like anger, you can see your breathing totally changes. Emotions like lust, you can see your breathing is totally different. The emotions, when you are caught in the emotions you can see how your breathing changes. You think only in the high emotions your breathing changes. Not only in the high emotions, even in ordinary thinking, even in a ordinary way of thinking, every thought has got its own length, breadth, depth of breath. Be very clear. Every single thought brings its own change in your breathing.
If you work on your breath, straight away you work on your mind. If you work on your mind, you are straight away working on your breath. But the difficulty is you can’t work on your mind, you cannot work on your mind. It is too subtle, it is too subtle. You cannot do anything. Try your best to work on your mind. End of the day you will feel only bored or tired, because nothing would have happened. It is like arguing with your spouse. Never you have end, never you will reach to end. Nothing will happen. You can continue, continue, continue, continue and continue. Either you should become tired or she should become tired. Otherwise nothing else can be done.
Actually one of our devotee, her husband came to Me. He is involved in some other meditation group and she is involved with our meditation group. He came to Me and started complaining, “What is this, Swamiji? After she came to Your meditation classes, the peace in my house is completely lost.” I said, “What happened? What happened? Please tell Me.” “No, earlier both of us were going to the same meditation group. We used to practice meditation. We will get energy to fight fifteen minutes. I will shout fifteen minutes, she will shout fifteen minutes. Things will be over, done. Now she has come to Your programs. She gets energy for one hour. I am going to the same meditation. I have power only to shout for fifteen minutes and she gets energy to shout one hour. Now what to do? I am not able to do anything. The peace in the house is lost.” And be very clear, and he really asked and he says, “She does all Your meditation techniques and is so active and alive. I am not able to do anything with her.” I said, “Then come and join our group. That is the only way, nothing else can be done.” Anyhow, arguing with your spouse leads nowhere. Same way, working with your mind, nothing can be done but working with your breath, something can be done.
Here, Shiva gives a beautiful technique to work on your breath and reach the state of Shiva Consciousness or thoughtlessness. One more thing if you observe, you stop breathing you can’t think. Your thinking will stop. Even for a moment, stop breathing, thinking will stop and if you stop thinking, breathing will stop. You can’t stop thinking completely but you can enter into the space where breathing is not happening in you. You can beautifully enter into that space without any side effect or after effect. The only byproduct or side effect will be Enlightenment and Shiva Consciousness.
Thank you

Revision as of 19:04, 25 June 2021


Breathe Into Enlightenment || Part 1 || Shiva Sutras || 23 Feb 2006


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Breathe Into Enlightenment Part 1
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 23 February 2006

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces to his devotees to the book of the Shiva Sutras - the first spiritual book without any intellectual introduction. Before going into the technique of the sutra, an explanation on why Lord Shiva did not bother to give an intellectual introduction as he believes that no teaching is required. Just go straight to the point to enlightenment. Teaching is a reflection of ego. Find out why teaching can damage your inner peace & your consciousness , When intellect reaches its peak, it becomes intelligence; when emotion reaches its peak, it becomes trust; when your being reaches its peak, it becomes enlightenment!

HDH mentioned that Lord Shiva has expressed the essence of enlightenment with minimum words, and started to explain the 1st sutra of Shiva Sutras. There are 5 elements in our body and breathing is the basic thing we do without any discontinuity in our lifetime. Find out how the technique of the 1st sutra can be experience within the space between two breathes - the Shiva consciousness!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Breathe Into Enlightenment || Part 2 || Shiva Sutras || 23 Feb 2006


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Breathe Into Enlightenment Part 2
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 23 February 2006

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces to his devotees to the book of the Shiva Sutras - the first spiritual book without any intellectual introduction. Before going into the technique of the sutra, an explanation on why Lord Shiva did not bother to give an intellectual introduction as he believes that no teaching is required. Just go straight to the point to enlightenment. Teaching is a reflection of ego. Find out why teaching can damage your inner peace & your consciousness , When intellect reaches its peak, it becomes intelligence; when emotion reaches its peak, it becomes trust; when your being reaches its peak, it becomes enlightenment!

HDH mentioned that Lord Shiva has expressed the essence of enlightenment with minimum words, and started to explain the 1st sutra of Shiva Sutras. There are 5 elements in our body and breathing is the basic thing we do without any discontinuity in our lifetime. Find out how the technique of the 1st sutra can be experience within the space between two breathes - the Shiva consciousness!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Breathe Into Enlightenment || Part 3 || Shiva Sutras || 23 Feb 2006


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Breathe Into Enlightenment Part 3
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 23 February 2006

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces to his devotees to the book of the Shiva Sutras - the first spiritual book without any intellectual introduction. Before going into the technique of the sutra, an explanation on why Lord Shiva did not bother to give an intellectual introduction as he believes that no teaching is required. Just go straight to the point to enlightenment. Teaching is a reflection of ego. Find out why teaching can damage your inner peace & your consciousness , When intellect reaches its peak, it becomes intelligence; when emotion reaches its peak, it becomes trust; when your being reaches its peak, it becomes enlightenment!

HDH mentioned that Lord Shiva has expressed the essence of enlightenment with minimum words, and started to explain the 1st sutra of Shiva Sutras. There are 5 elements in our body and breathing is the basic thing we do without any discontinuity in our lifetime. Find out how the technique of the 1st sutra can be experience within the space between two breathes - the Shiva consciousness!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



Let’s enter into the technique. This experience may dawn. He starts with the word, beautiful word ‘radiant one.’ ‘Radiant one’ means ‘O Enlightened one,’ ‘O Bhairavi...’ Radiating means who has got and who is able to share, who is having or who is able to share. There is a big difference between a mystic and a Master. Mystic is a person who achieved experience. Master is a person not only you achieved, who can share the technology with others. Here Shiva is addressing Devi as a radiant one, who is radiating Enlightenment. Not only She has experienced it, She can share with others. Enlightened Master is speaking to another one enlightened Master. That is why this book is the essence of enlightenment. Not even a single word is unnecessary word.


To tell you honestly, you can edit Brahma Sutra, you can edit Yoga Sutra, you can edit Gita. When I spoke on Yoga Sutra, I spoke only on ten verses because essence is only ten. When I spoke on Brahma Sutra, I spoke only on three verses because essence is only three. Brahma Sutra has got 555 Sutras. I chose only three and spoke on that. Gita has got 700 slokas. I chose only 120 and spoke on that. And again, Yoga Sutra has got 555 Sutras. I spoke only on 10 to 12, essence but when I decided to speak on Shiva Sutra, I am not able to remove a single word. I am going to speak on all 112 Sutras, because I am not able to edit. I am not able to take out that this is the juice, this is the essence. No! Every single word is essence. You can’t edit a single word.


Now I am going to speak on all 112 Sutras because you can’t edit. He has spoken, he has expressed with minimum words the ultimate truth. You can’t edit further. Now let’s start.’ O radiant one, this experience may dawn between two breaths, after breath comes in and just before turning up, the beneficiance.’ He says the Enlightenment, the Shiva Consciousness can happen to you if you can go deep into the space where the breath is taking turn from out to in or in to out. Up to down or down to up. It looks very simple. He is talking about your breath. He says you can experience the Shiva Consciousness between the space of two breaths.


First let us understand something about breath. From the moment of your birth to death, the one and only thing which you do without any discontinuity is breathing. Anything else can be stopped. You may be a child or you may be young man or you become old or you may fall sick. You may eat; you may not eat. You may sleep; you may not sleep but you cannot stop breathing. That is the basic thing of life. Breathing is the one and only activity which you are doing continuously.


Your being is made out of five elements: Earth-prithvi, earth element. Your bone and the base structure is made out of earth element. Next, water: Your blood and so many other things in your system, water element represents the water element energy. Next, fire: which is constantly burning in your Manipuraka which is digesting all the food. We call it Vaishvanaragni. Vaishvanara, the agni which is inside your Manipuraka. Krishna says, aham vaishvanaro bhutva praninam deham ashritah pranapana samayuktah pachamyannam chaturvidham.


‘I am residing in every jiva, every being as the fire.’ He is the fire. Fire element. If this fire goes away, your body has to be put in the fire. As long as this fire is alive, you will be alive. If this fire goes away, you have to put your body in the fire. Fire element. Next, is air: breath, prana. Breath element. The air element. The fifth is ether. Ether is your mind where your visualisations are happening, where your thinking is happening. That space is ether. Five space, five elements are there. And Tantra says if you can directly work with the subtlest element, you will achieve Enlightenment immediately.


Working with earth means then you have to move to the water. Then you have to move to the fire. Then you have to move to the air. From there you have to move to the ether. You’ll have to move from one step to next. You can see, one will be subtler than the other. If you go deep, it will be subtler, subtler and subtlest. The earth and the water will have form and the fire is formless form. Air and the ether will not have form. Fire can lead from form to formlessness. These are the five elements. If you can work with the subtlest, straightaway you can become enlightened. You can reach the cosmic energy. You can reach the atman.


Taitttiriya Upanishad says beautifully ‘akasha atmanah.’ From atman comes the akasha, from akasha comes the vayu, from vayu, ‘vayur apa,’ from vayu comes the agni, from agni comes the water, from water element comes the prithvi- earth. If you can work with the subtlest element, straightaway you can reach the enlightenment, the inner space. Here the subtlest element is akasha- ether but the big difficulty is you cannot directly work with ether. You cannot directly work with ether. You cannot directly work with your mind. The more you try to work with your mind, you may create suppressions and more and more difficulties.


That is the reason Shiva is straightaway working with air. Little less subtle but which is practical. Shiva is creating these techniques for human beings on the planet earth who lived, who are living and who is yet to come. He is creating techniques for all kinds of human beings. As I was telling yesterday, sometimes I Myself create questions and the answer because people are not even that much intelligent to put intelligent questions. People are putting the questions only out of violence, they don’t put out of innocence. Questions asked out of innocence are worth answering. Questions asked out of violence can neither be answered nor it is useful to answer. Let you be very clear. Sometimes people are not even that much intelligent to put the right question. So I Myself design the question and give the answer so that it is recorded for future.


Same way here, Shiva is creating techniques which will be useful, which can be helped, which can be of help not only for the present human beings, even for the people who are going to come and he says, “Radiant one, this experience may dawn between two breaths after the breath comes in and just before turning up. One more thing, directly or indirectly he wanted to create that space which you will experience. Here the technique itself directly sometime may not give you the experience, but when your mind is engaged in the technique, the experience will start happening as a byproduct. The experience will start happening as a byproduct. That is why he has created a foolproof system. That’s why I say Shiva has created a foolproof system. The technique itself may not directly give you the experience.


A small story. One lady went to the grocery store and asked, asked the person to give cat food for husband. He said, “No, no. You can’t give cat food for husband. He will die.” She said, “No, no, for last one week, I am giving cat food only for his lunch and he is enjoying it. You give me.” Everyday she comes and picks up cat food. This guy is shocked and surprised. Anyhow, after a week this grocer happened to browse all obituary column in the local newspaper and he saw the guy is dead, that woman’s husband is dead. Next day when she came to the store, he said, “I told you. Don’t give cat food. See, he is dead.” She said, “No, no, no. He is not dead because of the cat food. He is dead because he broke his neck trying to lick his body all over.” When he tried to lick his body all over, he broke his neck and died. Directly or indirectly, what has to happen has happened!


Let you be very clear, these techniques also directly or indirectly, it will give you the experience. It will give you...logically you can’t understand how the cat food can kill husband, how can cat food kill the husband. You may not understand logically but that is what happens. Whether you understand logically or not, it happens! Sometimes things happen directly, sometimes indirectly. Here you may have the question, ‘How can I become enlightened just by watching my breath? How can I become enlightened just by going into the space where my breath is taking turn? How enlightenment is possible?’ Logically you may not understand but when you go deep, it happens, it happens.



Breathe Into Enlightenment || Part 4 || Shiva Sutras || 23 Feb 2006


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Breathe Into Enlightenment Part 4
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 23 February 2006

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces to his devotees to the book of the Shiva Sutras - the first spiritual book without any intellectual introduction. Before going into the technique of the sutra, an explanation on why Lord Shiva did not bother to give an intellectual introduction as he believes that no teaching is required. Just go straight to the point to enlightenment. Teaching is a reflection of ego. Find out why teaching can damage your inner peace & your consciousness , When intellect reaches its peak, it becomes intelligence; when emotion reaches its peak, it becomes trust; when your being reaches its peak, it becomes enlightenment!

HDH mentioned that Lord Shiva has expressed the essence of enlightenment with minimum words, and started to explain the 1st sutra of Shiva Sutras. There are 5 elements in our body and breathing is the basic thing we do without any discontinuity in our lifetime. Find out how the technique of the 1st sutra can be experience within the space between two breathes - the Shiva consciousness!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Let you be very clear. Here Shiva is creating subtlest possible technique for human beings. Human beings cannot as such work directly on the ether, on mind. The thing which they can directly touch is only the breath and breath is the bridge between you and the universe. It is the bridge between your body and the mind. You can see very clearly, till breadth, you are only body. After the breath, you are mind. If you see all the five elements, till the air, you are only body: whether it is earth, water or fire or the air-all these four are only body. But after the breath, after the air, after the prana, it is mind. The ether is mind. The breadth is the bridge between your body and mind, your matter and spirit. Body is the matter; spirit is the energy. Breadth is the bridge between your body and mind.


Please be very clear. Constantly you are connecting with the universe. You are relating with cosmos through the breadth. The moment you stop relating, you are dead. The moment you stop relating, you are dead. He says, “This experience may dawn between two breaths after breath comes in and just before turning out.” Once the breathing goes in and before it turns out, it touches your inner space. Let you be very clear, every single breadth is directly managed by your atman, not by your mind. Let you be very clear. That is why, even if you forget, you go on breathing. If it is under the control of your mind, long before you would stop the breathing. Because you forget so many things. You would have forgotten this also. It is not under the control of your mind. It is under the control of Consciousness.


Every single breath you go and touch your inner Consciousness. You straight away go and reach your inner Consciousness, then come out. Every single breath is directly related to your inner Consciousness. That is the easiest method to reach Enlightenment. Let Me be very clear. With any other technique you have to do something. Here you don’t have to do anything. Just be and automatically you will be taken into the space where the Enlightenment is happening. Automatically you will reach the space where Consciousness is your nature. Automatically you will enter into the space where you are in Shiva Consciousness. Every moment, you are reaching the space of Shiva Consciousness, you are entering into the space of Shiva Consciousness without even your knowledge. Only thing, all you need to do is just be with the vehicle which goes into the inner space of Shiva Consciousness.


If you just keep quiet and sit in the train that is enough. Your breadth is the train, vehicle which is going into the Shiva Consciousness every moment but the moment it goes near the Shiva Consciousness, you feel a little suffocated and you say, ‘No, no, no, no, no. This is not for me. Let me get down.’ You get down and when the train comes back to your station, you get into the train and come back again. You think of going from here to Seattle, get into the train but the moment you reach Mt. Shasta, you feel, ‘No, no, no, no, no. It is too cold. It is not for me and you get down, wait there. When the train comes back, you sit in the train and come back to LA, that’s all!


Every moment, God has already created an automatic mechanism to reach Enlightenment. And one thing, he doesn’t trust us. He knows, He knows any job left to human beings, they will mess it, they will mess it. Let you be very clear, He has already created automatic mechanism, automatic mechanism where you don’t need to do anything. All you need to do is just sit in the train and relax. As they say in the flight, ‘Sit back and relax, enjoy your flight.’ Nothing else needs to be done. You are in Shiva Consciousness. All you need to do is sit back and relax. You are in Shiva Consciousness.


Here the first technique-such a beautiful technique. He says, “The state of fullness is formed by fixing them in two places of the origin. Just before the turning up, there will be always a gap where you don’t breathe, where the breath is not happening, where it is taking turn. If you can relax in that gap, if you can be aware of that gap, sudden explosion of Consciousness is possible in you.” You may think, ‘How can I achieve Enlightenment just by watching the gap between the breaths?’ Please be very clear, your breathing and your thinking are directly connected. They are directly connected.


If you observe, the length, breadth and depth of your breath... length, breadth, breadth and depth of your breath, it changes according to your thoughts. Let Me be very clear. Every single thought changes the length, breadth and depth of your breathing. Length, breadth and depth of your breathing can never be the same with two different thoughts. Every single thought brings a change, slight change may be in length or in breadth or in depth of your breathing. Every single thought is associated with a particular length, breadth, depth of your breathing. So your breathing is not same as you think.


You can see this obviously when you are caught in some emotions. Emotions like anger, you can see your breathing totally changes. Emotions like lust, you can see your breathing is totally different. The emotions, when you are caught in the emotions you can see how your breathing changes. You think only in the high emotions your breathing changes. Not only in the high emotions, even in ordinary thinking, even in a ordinary way of thinking, every thought has got its own length, breadth, depth of breath. Be very clear. Every single thought brings its own change in your breathing.


If you work on your breath, straight away you work on your mind. If you work on your mind, you are straight away working on your breath. But the difficulty is you can’t work on your mind, you cannot work on your mind. It is too subtle, it is too subtle. You cannot do anything. Try your best to work on your mind. End of the day you will feel only bored or tired, because nothing would have happened. It is like arguing with your spouse. Never you have end, never you will reach to end. Nothing will happen. You can continue, continue, continue, continue and continue. Either you should become tired or she should become tired. Otherwise nothing else can be done.


Actually one of our devotee, her husband came to Me. He is involved in some other meditation group and she is involved with our meditation group. He came to Me and started complaining, “What is this, Swamiji? After she came to Your meditation classes, the peace in my house is completely lost.” I said, “What happened? What happened? Please tell Me.” “No, earlier both of us were going to the same meditation group. We used to practice meditation. We will get energy to fight fifteen minutes. I will shout fifteen minutes, she will shout fifteen minutes. Things will be over, done. Now she has come to Your programs. She gets energy for one hour. I am going to the same meditation. I have power only to shout for fifteen minutes and she gets energy to shout one hour. Now what to do? I am not able to do anything. The peace in the house is lost.” And be very clear, and he really asked and he says, “She does all Your meditation techniques and is so active and alive. I am not able to do anything with her.” I said, “Then come and join our group. That is the only way, nothing else can be done.” Anyhow, arguing with your spouse leads nowhere. Same way, working with your mind, nothing can be done but working with your breath, something can be done.


Here, Shiva gives a beautiful technique to work on your breath and reach the state of Shiva Consciousness or thoughtlessness. One more thing if you observe, you stop breathing you can’t think. Your thinking will stop. Even for a moment, stop breathing, thinking will stop and if you stop thinking, breathing will stop. You can’t stop thinking completely but you can enter into the space where breathing is not happening in you. You can beautifully enter into that space without any side effect or after effect. The only byproduct or side effect will be Enlightenment and Shiva Consciousness. Thank you



SPH Delivering the Shiva Sutras Series at Los Angeles, USA