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Keep Your Inner Space (Hiranya Garbha) Joyful And Celebrating




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00:16 nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, two-way video conferencing, Facebook live, Nlighten App, Kailaasa TV, Nithyananda Twitter, Hinduism Now TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. All the Nithyananda Yogam participants, Nithyananda Hindu University students, Nithyananda eGurukul students and Kalpataru Yoga participants, everyone watching; I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

01:36 Today, is the second day of Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam. Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam are gracing in Sarvalankara adorned with the Amlana Mala, seated on Swarna Vrishabha Vahana. Ganapati, Valli Devasena Sametha Subramanya Swamy, Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti Sametha, Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva, Para, Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti, Chandikeshwara murti, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, all the deities, all of them are gracing in Sarvalankara. Let’s offer our devotion to them first and receive their blessings and grace on this second day of Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam and enter into satsang.

Devotional offering and Arti being performed

05:23 Listen. Today's … powerful cognition, the jnana and vijnana from Kailaasa. Listen. The higher frequency truths ... listen, the higher frequency truths, even by simple listening gets into your deeper consciousness and ... starts growing in your inner space even without your conscious support. If you support consciously, it grows like multifold in extreme high speed. Understand intensely. Listen deeply. Higher truths expressed not only has linguistic importance that you need to internalize, understand, it has even phonetic importance means even by listening, lot is digested inside you. And if you consciously cherish and support, just like that you become enlightened. Please understand, ... I am working with everyone of you individually, not only to make you all enlightened, make you all be a space for Paramashiva to land and manifest.

08:21 When the great truths are revealed and uttered, even sitting and listening can do so much inside you. I have seen thousands of time, ... kids, pet animals, simple innocent devotees who are not calculative, who are not or just a simple devotee. “I have come to center today. I just start. Let me see what he is talking?” They may not even be regular. “Just I came and but I feel just very attached to him. I feel like he is talking to me. Let me listen.” That kind of people. Of course, consciously the devotees who declared their integrity and feeling connection, that is one. Even on this simple innocent people, I have seen this frequency intensely working. I can tell you for now example. Even at this moment, all my yuvarajas and yuvaranis … and pets sitting in all the centers and ashrams, I can see very clearly. Even some of the new devotees sitting whom I have not seen regularly, sitting in Madurai or sitting in Kerala with Ma Priyananda - Kozhikode Aadheenam. All of them also I can see, they receiving this frequency. Of course, the sincere devotees who are consciously connecting and spiritually practicing, their growth is altogether different.

11:33 Listen carefully. Inner space: ... the individual’s inner space is the Hiranyagarbha (हिरण्यगर्भः, Hiraṇyagarbha) … for individual’s life to manifest. The individual’s inner space is the Hiranyagarbha for the individual’s life to manifest. Hiranyagarbha means the golden womb from which the Universe manifest. Same way our inner space is the golden womb, Hiranyagarbha for us to manifest our lives. The Hiranyagarbha should always be joyful, celebrating. Listen carefully. Poor are those who get affected by the words of others. Stupid fellows! You will ever be poor as long as you are affected by others words. Money is not, money is only one aspect of richness. Money is economical aspect of richness, not the life aspect of richness. Life aspect of richness is what you experience and enjoy in your Hiranyagarbha, listen. What you enjoy as you in your Hiranyagarbha life, in your Hiranyagarbha - that is richness.

14:17 Many time people think, “Oh, Swamiji is wearing so much of gold jewellery, he is rich.” Eh! It is my responsibility I am wearing. It is my responsibility. All the devotees who have seen me personally, privately they know, the moment all these satsangs are over, within few seconds I’ll remove all these. The speed with which I remove all these, people will know how much I … enjoy all these (Swamiji laughing away). It's my responsibility I am wearing. See somebody has to keep all these traditions alive! All these need to be told to the world, this is the way our … Guru Mahasannidhanams gave Sivajnana Golu Katchi. Every day our Guru Mahasannidhanams used to ascend the throne. And after their Anmartha Puja, they will ascend the simhasana and give the Sivajnana Golu Thiru Katchi, bless the devotees with the great spiritual truths. All the Sarvajnapeethas, this used to be the tradition. So somewhere someone has to keep all these alive and tell this to the world.

16:00 I have read many papers related to different, different aadheenams. In one aadheenam, a king got healed and got blessed. He gave the whole, whole kingdom to aadheenam. Gave a throne with a sixteen steps, fully golden diamond studded. And another one aadheenam, king gave three hundred and sixty six rudraksha kandis for the Sannidhanam. Each month and the nakshatra carved in the err … kandi. For example, Chitra Masa, Mula Nakshatra. On the Chitra Masa Mula Nakshatra, he will wear the kandi. Chitra Masa, Chitra Nakshatra - one kandi will be named. Chitra Masa, Chitra Nakshatra, he will wear that kandi. Like that for each month with that nakshatra - one, one kandi; three hundred and sixty six kandis, rudraksha kandis he gave. So that Sannidhanam will wear any kandi only once a year. So all this is my responsibility. That's all. My richness is my inner space which goes on surrendering itself in Oneness with Paramashiva and downloads the Paramashiva Jnana and Pramashiva Vijnana and manifest it. That is my richness.

17:42 Listen. Listen. The inner space ... will be rich, if you stop getting disturbed by the words. Understand, there is one level of inner space, even if they know the words are false, they get affected by it. That is like a, reading a stories and … horror stories and getting frightened. What are cheap inner space. Seeing in the some movies and getting into the mood. What a cheap inner space. There are some people, they don't get agitated if they watch some movie and which they know it’s absolute fiction and imagination. But they get agitated if they hear some rumour, scandal which can create little a little doubt, little mixture of little truth and like a one percent truth and ninety nine percent false. Some rumour, “Oh, which one percent is true?” Again, if you get disturbed by the words, rumours, scandals - you are middle class mind.

19:34 Rich being is a person who gets inspired only by the truth. Highest truth does not get shaken by any rumours, scandals, words, actions and reactions of that words. Tiruchi Swami used to tell me, “>>>Tamil 20:07<<<.” Understand. I tell you, you can keep your inner space richest, as long as you don't allow the words affect you. Actually I tell you, all my disciples, don't allow anyone’s words en … to enter into your inner space other than my words. Just listen to my words. That is enough for you ... and your life’s purpose, and do your business, generate wealth, carry on with your career, business, life. Other than your business, listen only to my words, that's enough for you. Nothing else is required. What else is required for your life? Nothing else is required. Do your business and come back to satsang. Enjoy satsang, have spiritual strength, go and do more business, more energy, more alive, more success. Come back for satsang, again go, more energy. I am here simply sitting and pumping you with energy, enjoy!

22:08 Isakki Swami used to tell, “>>>Tamil 22:10<<<.” It’s one of the great Siddha song. “>>>Tamil 22:19<<<.” It is not that >>>Tamil 22:30<<< I'll translate. The great enlightened beings who lived like a ... non-existence for the world, they don't need … fisting, agitated, anger, suffocation. I tell you, … listening to Masters words every day - live especially, fills your inner space so much! All frustrations, suffocations, torture, guilt, pain, everything melts down. Arrey, I am alive. I am kept alive by Paramashiva only to download whatever He is downloading and to speak to speak to all of you. I am like a loudspeaker of Kailaasa. As long as I am alive, don't miss listening to the satsang. It is not just words, it is powerful frequency.

>>>Tamil 25:01<<<

25:36 All of you understand, ... with the grace of Paramashiva, Parashakti, Mahakalabhairava is directly protecting me and the sangha, all of you; that is why we are still alive, surviving. If I am still alive and if you are still a devotee, it is because of Mahakalabhairava protecting me and protecting you, protecting all of us. So do not miss … listening to the great truths every day. It is not just words. More than words, this intense frequency. Just I uttered four words only in Tamil, “>>>Tamil 26:33<<<.” Frequency of the satsang … does the great alchemy in your inner space. You are protected from the words of ordinary people affecting you. Understand.

27:20 If you allow abusers and their words affect you - you will fall into their frequency. If you allow my truths and my words inspire and initiate you - you will be in my frequency. That’s all. With whose frequency you want to be, be connected to them and their words. Actually you all don’t even need to listen about what the abusers are talking and what the lies they are spreading. Don't even listen I am telling you. See, what is the use of you listening? Whoever need to make decisions about it, they are all listening. International community is very clearly listening. Everything is getting documented - all the persecution, attacks on me, assassination attempts … and lawfare. How the lawfare is used? Like spreading hate speech, wild lies and hate speech, creating a hostile, negative atmosphere using media. And then filing false cases in the name of investigation, spreading more hatred, lies and … witch hunting. Lawfare is one of the well known methodology used to eliminate unwanted people in multiple fields.

30:02 Kalabhairava is directly protecting me and the sangha. Because of that spiritual protection, we survive. Still I am alive and you are all there with me is one. That is spiritual strength. That does not mean the people who are attacking are small or simple people. Attack is not that naive. Attackers are huge conspirators, international conspiracy, international mafia is attacking. Huge conspiracy, multi level, multi layered, organized crime. That attack on me and the sangha is a very organized crime. So much of money is pumped into it. So much of strategies are done. But only one good thing. Everything is getting documented and international community is watching. Somewhere I will get the justice. Surely, Kalabhairava is protecting me and protecting the sangha. Somewhere I will get the justice. Let's see. International community is thoroughly watching. I want all the people who are attacking me and the sangha directly, indirectly, all of you to know - international community is watching ... all the attacks done on me - assassination attempts and … lawfare, cyber bullying, media hate speech, filing false cases in the name of investigation, harassing, child abuse, everything … being done is well documented. And international community is watching. That's all I can say.

32:35 And I want to tell our devotees, whoever needs to do that work, they are doing. You guys be free from it. You guys just attend satsang, be joyful. You came to me for joy, bliss. Ah, let me give that to you. Don't bother about anything else. One thing, by the grace of Paramashiva, still I am blissful, radiating Paramashiva and I am ready to give it to all of you. I can give you all. That’s all. I have it, I can give it. Enjoy. Over. I can give the bliss, knowledge, power, enlightenment science directly from Paramashiva, the Paramashiva Jnana and Paramashiva Vijnana. Even our enemies, people who are abusing, attacking, criticizing, spreading lies, even they are shocked seeing my stability.

34:02 >>>Tamil<<<

37:14 Understand one thing. The extraordinary powerfulness I am carrying inside me, by being one with Paramashiva, I'll give you that and this is my commitment to all my devotees, understand. I am asking you to declare your integrity just to give you this, nothing else. I have nothing else to gain. Asking you to declare your integrity is more like a science. See you need to get … admitted in the hospital for the treatment. Like it, it’s a simple science, requirement. Like that declaring, you declaring your integrity to Guru is just a requirement for me to go on be giving you this Paramashiva Jnana. That’s all. Enrich your life and enlighten your life. Nothing else.

38:48 >>>Tamil<<<

42:55 Alright, whatever I wanted to say, I'll tell in just few lines. Listen. Your senses need to be soaked in Kundalini Shakti. So that they become intelligent, self effulgent, Svayamprakasha (स्वयम्प्रकाश, Svayamprakāśa). And, cognize the world rightly and present it to your consciousness. So consciousness can always been in jill, jill, Hiranyagarbha mood - sweet, pleasant space. All you need is just every morning do only one set of yoga - hundred and eight Prathama Vinyasa Krama. That's all. Just one set Prathama Vinyasa Krama. Nothing else. No gym can equate yoga. Listen! Yoga is like ... intensely exploding the inner Kundalini into your system. Gym is good to build body, to build the muscles. But, yoga is the best to build life. Yoga is best to build the life. You my feel, “I am never able to start yoga Swamiji.” Somehow make this as a six months project. Every day ask your friends, family to call you. Tell them six months whether I do it or not, every day make a call. After twenty days, thirty days you will become tired of cheating. Understand.

45:35 I'll tell you one statement from my Guru - Raghupati Yogi. “Arrey, >>>Tamil 45:40<<<.” I'll tell you, I’ll all translate. Your mind should become tired of cheating and you should become integrated because of that tiredness. Keep yourself in that ambiance where … your mind becomes tired of cheating. Everyone is integrated. All the time people are integrated. How long you can cheat? One month? Two month? Tired of becoming cheating and getting integrated is the best way to become integrated. Not painfully becoming integrated. That’ll never become integrity. You should have people to inspire you constantly, … call you constantly. So you get, you get bored of cheating. Make this as a six months project. In one or two months, you will become a regular Yogi. I sincerely recommend all of you becoming … Yogi. At least do morning one set of hundred and eight, it’ll not take more than thirty to forty minutes. If you regularly start doing, it may take only thirty-forty minutes, I think this big team is doing in San Jose - Vinesh and Manas Gowda, Manas Gow, a big team is doing properly.

47:25 Each of you can start your own ecosystem in your own country, your own places. Support each other and start, nothing like ... because … yoga makes Kundalini ooze out in your system and soaks your system in Kundalini Shakti.

>>>Tamil 47:58<<<

50:44 >>>Tamil<<< Hindu scripture styled Godman. >>>Tamil<<< Come on, let me do my spiritual work. Let me translate my Guru’s words. >>>Tamil 52:14<<< See, when you become tired of this non-integrity and become integrated, that will become permanent integrity. If you are feeling painful about becoming integrity, that integrity will not be permanent integrity. So you should develop an ambience around you which constantly supports you, inspires you, reminds you to become integrated, in few days you will become tired of non-integrity. That’s all. Every day if Vinesh calls you, “Aye come on, let's do yoga, let's do yoga, let’s do yoga.” Two-three days you can cheat. Third day what you will do?” “Alright, this poor fellow is calling every day. Let me do it today.” And once or twice if you start getting that taste of the Kundalini in the body doing yoga. That's it. That'll become a extremely beautiful experience and naturally you will start doing it.

53:45 I had amazing Gurus, my Guru - Raghupati Yogi, will make me go round the hill. In that round itself you will finish doing all the asanas. >>>Tamil 54:02<<< the, when the, when you go around the hill at one, till one err … from temple to Agni Tirtham, hill will be a one hill. So he will make me do certain asanas there. From there to the next … Chengam Road, it’ll be two … that where the Girivalam path is getting diverted. And from there … till the Sonanadi it will be three. And only in our ashram, it’ll be formless - Adhomukham. See Paramashiva’s five face - Sadyojatam, Vamadevam, Aghoram, Tatpurusham, Ishanam. And the sixth face is Adhomukham, Paramashiva’s svarupam, form, beyond form and formlessness. Only in our ashram you can see, He’s beyond form and formlessness. That is why our ashram area is called Adi Andal. The village name is Adi Andal. Means the Adi and Andam is not seen. It’s called Adi Andal the village name is. And then the ... from Gautam Ashram, >>>?<<< Swamigal samadhi, it’ll start be seen as a four - four face. In Pancha Mukham it will be seen as five face. Each place he will make me do certain yoga, certain asanas and bring me back.

56:17 Tired of non-integrity ... and getting integrated is the ultimate integrity.

Sitting with Swamiji

57:58 See there is … so much of intense frequency getting downloaded in me, I can see right now like a strong nuclear force. All of you sit, don't close your eyes. Stare through both your eyes widely open and through the Third Eye. I can intensely send this strong nuclear force in you. Please listen. Keep your eyes wide open and stare at me. Because right now ... the Ishvara Shakti is manifesting like a intense strong nuclear force. More than gravitational force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, it’s manifesting to the level of strong nuclear force. See through all your Third Eye, three eyes. Don't close your eye. Right now I can see such intense ... frequency, like a strong nuclear force it's manifesting. Just sit. Keep all your three eyes wide open and stare. You can vibrate yourself with the Mahavakya inside internally.

Sitting with Swamiji with all three eyes wide open

01:27:44 Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. This strongly, strong nuclear force is enough. It'll intensely make you all manifest powers. I bless you all. Let's all radiate … with the state, space, powers, being and superconsciousness of Paramashiva. I bless you all. Blessings to everyone.

I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 01:28:51