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How many of you honestly had this binary experience? Raise your hand. Alright, okay. It means something worthy.  
Close your eyes and sit. Witness the thought that you are feeling bored, the same thing. It will look little monotonous, don’t bother. Anyhow, four days you have decided to do what you want I want so do it.
Participant: But not continuously for a long time.
Participant: Swamiji, witness the thoughts or breath?
HDH: Ah, then okay, alright. Other people don't bother. If 60% of the group achieves, the group conscious will take you, you don’t have to bother. Anything - that is why actually we do any meditation techniques in group, the group conscious will push you. Alright, yes.
HDH: Breath, four cycle. Oh, you forgot the technique?
Participant: Could I say when you talk about binary, when the image work that the prana separates from the breath?
HDH: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not that prana separates from the breath, the prana movement itself stops.
Actually, the movement of the prana stops yet there is no need for the prana to move because there is a - inside your body and outside your body is the same prana. When your ego is there, you need to take the prana and leave the prana. When you don’t have ego, the same prana just exists. There is no need for pranas movement. More the prana moves more egoistic you become. Because we interfere, we enter into the body, we need to move, take the prana and leave the prana. If we are not present, simply prana will be there.
Where is the ego? Only where - when you enter into the body, whole trouble starts. 
Participant: But will not the breathing stop?
HDH: That is what I am telling, that is what binary. Utter relaxed breathing.
Participant: Yeah, we couldn’t see the movement, Swamiji.
HDH: Hmm, that’s what. No movement.
Participant: Without walking with those seamless integration.
HDH: No, no movement, no movement is what is seamless integration.
Participant: Between inhaling and exhaling.
HDH: Yes, there will be no more movement, just a point.
Tak 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 - that’s all.
Participant: I think, naturally...
Participant: But when we observed that, it started once again. When I observed that  it started once again.
HDH: Again, it means TPS has become too much - you have come to annamaya., you have come to annamaya. No, you can’t let that happen.
Participant: Breaths become shorter and shorter and shorter.
HDH: It should not be there at all.
Participant: What is that pull that…? Something is pulling inside.
HDH: Pulling inside? Then again you are - then only the process is happening, you have not entered the process.
Participant: Couple of occasions, where you feel you are breathing and then you don’t feel anything at all, then suddenly there is sometimes like uh...
HDH: Maybe the TPS dropping, when the TPS drops you are just settling. That’s what, TPS drops.
Participant: I found that inhaling and exhaling almost effortless.
HDH: Hmm, ah. No, no, no, no, again even then the TPS is high. It should not happen at all. Only then you have touched the pranamaya. You have come to the manomaya end. If it is happening effortless then you are in the pranamaya. You have gone to the manomaya end. If it is happening effortless then you are in the pranamaya, you have not matured to go to manomaya.
Okay, at least work on manomaya deeply. Let the TPS come down. Yes.
Participant: What about the body rotating, what...?
HDH: Ah, this, this I saw. It’s okay.  It’s okay.
Participant: Should we cooperate with it or ?
HDH: No, no, no, no, neither cooperate nor suppress, just witness, just witness. Don’t cooperate, don’t suppress, witness; let it happen. 
Alright, any other questions? No other questions?

Revision as of 02:43, 7 March 2021


Enlightenment At Your Dropstep! || ATSP || 08 Jan 2005


Enlightenment at your Doorstep
Name Of The Program - Atma Spurana Convention
Venue - Adi Kailasa, Bidadi, Bangalore, India
Date - 08 January 2005

This video is an excerpt from the Atma Spurana Convention conducted on 08 Jan 2005 in Bidadi, Bangalore, India. Here HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam gives simple yet powerful solutions on various topics and questions on how to experience #enlightened​ living this lifetime.

Video and Audio - Enlightenment At Your Dropstep! || ATSP:

Video Audio


Pranamaya Kosha Q & A || Part 1.1 || ATSC || 08 Jan 2005


Name Of The Convention : Atma Spurana Part 1
Title: Q & A On Pranamaya Kosha (Breathing Body) Part 1
Date : 08 January 2005
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers some questions on the the 5 Koshas, more specifically, on the Pranamaya Kosha, during the Atma Spurana program which was conducted in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India. The Pranamaya Kosha is the energy sheath and is said to be composed of prana. As such, Pranamaya Kosha is the vital shell of the body that contains life. Swamiji says that when penetrating this kosha, you reach the Binary state of 0 and 1 where 0 is peace and 1 is bliss.

Video and Audio - Pranamaya Kosha Q & A || Part 1 || ATSC:

Video Audio



How many of you feel that the breathing has totally became one point? Then only this many people have touched pranamaya. Means what? Hardly 10 percentage. Now [Swamiji laughs]😃 what to do? Either feel or tell a lie that you’re feeling 😃. There is no other chance to go to the next course 😃. Unless you come to the binary state. You see, in pranamaya you’re supposed to come to binary, then in manomaya you’ll go to either 0 or 1. All feminine energy will become 0 in manomaya, all masculine will become 1. Then vignanmaya, only then you can roll, you can do the whirling.


Unless you come to binary and, uh binary in pranayama, in vinyan.. in manomaya you’re supposed to become, even that binary will drop, you’ll become 0 or 1. You’ll be more, if you're feminine energy. You see, just because you are having women body, don’t think you are feminine energy or just because you are having male body, don’t think you are a masculine energy. The energy is totally different from body. If you are feminine energy, you’ll be uh more centred on 0. The 1 will not be coming, just 0. If you’re masculine..


Participant: What is the masculine energy Swamiji?

Swamiji: Masculine energy means, you’ll be more centred on 1, not the 0. Means, you’ll feel more bliss and feminine will feel more, more peace.

Participant: Masculine energy is the one...is the forcing to go down?

Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, uh..

Participant: Masculine means somebody has to force it to go to...

Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no, nothing like that but basic nature only. If you’re by naturally, if you’re masculine, then you will have more bliss. By nature you are, if you are feminine, you will have more peace. In the manomaya kosha, you will settle down, then only I can make you whirl. Only then I can make you whirl. So that, actually vijnanamaya kosha as you know is a causal, causal layer. In that nothing else can be done, just you have to be taken in.

When you whirl actually you will be taken in...then Anandamaya kosha will break. Now I don’t know how long it will take but you have to feel one point in pranamaya.


Participant: What is that one point Swamiji?

Swamiji: That I can’t, if I tell then you’ll start visualizing. No question of visualizing, it should happen.

Participant: Actually my mind is blank and I don’t feel that I’m breathing.

Swamiji: And then uh, that is what I’m telling, that is what I’m telling. Where you don’t have that four cycle. How many don’t feel the four cycle? That’s what I’m telling you. He knows me...[Swamiji laughs] 😃. I think lie… Lying.


Participant: Swamiji, It’s going and coming, (in between) (inaudible 3:24) it’s going and coming

Swamiji: Uhh, then binary, then okay, I’ll just… 0 and 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1.

Participant: (inaudible 3:34)

Swamiji: Ah that then, still 0 only.

Participants: Sometimes we are unable to differentiate if it is going in or coming out.

Swamiji: That is what binary, tak-tak, tak-tak, tak-tak. The four cycle will not be there, like a tak-tak, tak-tak, tak-tak.

Participant: I am getting one point.

Swamiji: But I am still not able to believe.

Participant: We are able to feel even breathing very clearly. We’re able to feel breathing very clearly.

Swamiji: Then you’re not in manomaya kosha, no. You’ve not yet penetrated?


Alright sit. I’ll also sit with you. Let us see what happens. Close your eyes and sit straight. How many are closing your eyes even before I came? All these guys, oh okay, then okay. It means you’re okay. Otherwise just looking here and there, this side and that side. How many of you felt this music is too much? It is disturbing your TPS? Then, you see, then only these guys have touched pranamaya. If you touched pranamaya, you will feel that music is too heavy. If that music is too…

Participant: Mind Swamiji, even that was disturbing. Participant: Two things happened yesterday Swamiji, one was a, like a, during Mahamantra, another one was start laughing. Those two things were disturbing very much. Participant: snoring, snoring, snoring also

Swamiji: Snoring! Today I’ll have stick and stone

Participant: Swamiji, Mantra சாமி, மந்திரத்துக்கு தகுந்த மாதிரி பிராணயாமம், சுவாசம்...

Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no, that shouldn’t happen. No mantra. Alright.



Pranamaya Kosha Q & A || Part 2 || ATSC || 08 Jan 2005


Name Of The Convention : Atma Spurana Part 1
Title: Q & A On Pranamaya Kosha (Breathing Body) Part 2
Date : 08 January 2005
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers some questions on the the 5 Koshas, more specifically, on the Pranamaya Kosha, during the Atma Spurana program which was conducted in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India. The Pranamaya Kosha is the energy sheath and is said to be composed of prana. As such, Pranamaya Kosha is the vital shell of the body that contains life. Swamiji says that when penetrating this kosha, you reach the Binary state of 0 and 1 where 0 is peace and 1 is bliss.

Video and Audio - Pranamaya Kosha Q & A || Part 2 || ATSC:

Video Audio

Video & Audio - Working On Your Life-Force Energy || Part 2 || ATSC:

Video Audio



Close your eyes and sit. Witness the thought that you are feeling bored, the same thing. It will look little monotonous, don’t bother. Anyhow, four days you have decided to do what you want I want so do it.

Participant: Swamiji, witness the thoughts or breath?

HDH: Breath, four cycle. Oh, you forgot the technique?





Working on Manomaya Kosha || Part 3 || ATSC || 08 Jan 2005


Name Of The Convention : Atma Spurana Part 3
Title: Working On Manomaya Kosha (The Mental Layer)
Date : 08 January 2005
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam leads us into the technique of how to penetrate the Manomaya Kosha, during the Atma Spurana program which was conducted in Adikailaasa, Bangaluru, India. The Manomaya Kosha is the third of the 5 sheath of the body. It is the mental layer from which our senses operate and generate thoughts. Through this technique, you will work on your inner chatter.

Video and Audio - Working on Manomaya Kosha || Part 3 || ATSC:

Video Audio


Guru Gives You Ultimate Bliss || Part 1 || ATSC


Title: Guru Gives You Ultimate Bliss Part 1 Name Of The Convention - Atma Spurana Session on - Q & A General Questions Venue - Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India Date - 08 Jan 2005

This video is an excerpt from the Atma Spurana Convention conducted on 08 Jan 2005 in Bidadi, Bangalore, India. Here HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam touches on various topics of discussion with delegates from decision making power to meditation and much more.

Video & Audio - Guru Gives You Ultimate Bliss || Part 1 || ATSC:

Video Audio



Participant: I have been observing ... and in the morning Ganapati mantra ... 20 minutes This I’ve been doing for the past one year…. Now after this, is this still advisable? Swamiji: No, actually, uhhh, if the TPS is too much, it can help you to bring down, but uh, just if you sit with Pranamaya kosha, that’s enough. Just sitting with Pranamaya kosha. Those things all can be a good entertainment, instead of sitting with Me, you can sit with that. Good entertainment, bringing down TPS and entertainment, that’s nice; but nothing more. These things can straight away put you into the low TPS.


Participant: [Tamil] [translation scroll] During this process, I feel the body is in motion... Swamiji: Actually, your body will start moving along with everything. Mmh. In the Vijnanamaya we’ll be doing wonderful technique; we’ll be doing the whirling. The Vijnanamaya, the 4th layer. You can see, your body will be moving so wildly and you will be just centered. You will not be moving. What I do in the energy darshan, that’s what we are going to do today (Swamiji laughing) 😃. Today all of you are going to do, but technically... don’t bother. I’ll, I’ll take you step by step only. It’ll be very step by step and before that I will make you concentrate on the manipuraka and the pitta will be cleansed, all these things will be done. Don’t have fear. Slowly we’ll do. (Swamiji laughs) 😃.ஏன் பாண்டி (பாட்டி) சிரிக்கிறீங்க? Where is the place in the >>Tamil>>


Participant: [in TAMIL] [translation scroll] I think we may have to clean the floor after the process. Swamiji: 😃 [TAMIL] [translation scroll] Why do you feel so? Do you think you will vomit during the process? Don’t worry! You will not throw up. See actually if you do it technically, you will not vomit. It’s a balancing of pitta. It’s a balancing of pitta, don’t bother. Even if you vomit, volunteers are there only, I’ll take care.


Participant: Speaking in Tamil Swamiji: (Wildly laughing) 😃. That is why he is afraid Participant: >>inaudible>> Swamiji: 😃 Don’t bother. But unless, unless you penetrate, even if you vomit once, nothing wrong. Penetrate and cleanse yourself. You see better to throw the pitta out than to keep in. Keeping in will continuously contaminate your thinking system. Do you know one thing, the more pitta, the TPS will increase; pitta is directly related to TPS. Pitta is directly related to TPS. So better to throw it out, than to keep in. With pitta, if you take any decision, it will not be clear. I’ve always seen, the guys who drink tea, their decision making capacity is very low, very, very low. After tea if you decide, any decision, it’ll be, it’ll be too much of TPS. No, the decision making power is always low. If you are addicted to tea, pitta, your decision making power is low.


Participant: Tea or coffee? Swamiji: Both, tea, coffee; Oh slowly trying to get exemption for coffee 😃. Milk okay. Slowly trying to get exemption for coffee. Tea or coffee, anything, which creates pitta. Straight away you’ll take wrong decision. And if you drink little bit of alcohol, straight (Swamiji laughing) thats all!!


Participant: While doing Pranayama which goes on regularly, in between there is a deep breath. What is the reason for that? Swamiji: Ah, it means some suppressions is getting, erupting out. You must have kept something suppressed, that like a bubble, it will just come out and break. Then again, >>inaudible>> (4:34), again you are balanced. Mmh, this will happen.


Participant: I feel a vibration passing from the face... to the body up to the thigh, but I couldn’t feel it on the back... What does that mean? Swamiji: Means, you are, you are not living with that portions. You are just hating your lower body and the back portion. Mmh. That’s the problem. Participant: And witnessing >>inaudible>> Swamiji: Ah, witnessing, it will be… it will be healed. Mmh. Participant: Sukumali coffee or ginger tea? Swamiji: Ah, that is ok. You see anything which is herbal, natural, will never disturb you. Mmh. You see, even in the natural products, there are a few products in which pitta is there. But that pitta will not stay in your body, it will just be washed away. See, any natural products, which has got pitta, if it goes inside you also, the pitta will simply be washed away, it will not stay in your system. But this type of artificial drinks, the tea and all these things. See, the tea and all is created in the early time to keep you awake, first, especially for meditation, Zen people only can even take tea. Not for everyday use. Tamil Nadu only you can see that nonsense. Even the hot sun, surya சூடா ஒரு டீ குடுப்பா... Even in the hot sun, sun is burning on the head and the feet, and they’ll have hot tea. Even the guy who sells tender coconut will have hot tea, he will drink tea only; he will sell tender coconut to others but he will drink hot tea!


Participant: But tea is herbal only Swamiji: No, no, no, no. This herb has been processed already. It can’t be anymore herbal, and moreover, it is created for different purpose, not for a regular tea. It is created to keep you awake in the night for meditation; not for regular use. Mmh. [06:22] Participant: Swamiji, when meditating, you talked about the heaviness …. falling Swamiji: No, no, no, no. It was because of sleeping, not because of heaviness. Then keep awake, keep awake, witness. [06:37] Participant: Swamiji, from the childhood, I am not taking tea and coffee. The same in my office, I banned tea and coffee, both.25 people are not taking tae or coffee. Swamiji: Mmh. That’s good. Mmh. That’s good. Less toxin, more healthy. Less toxin, less TPS. The more the toxins inside your system, and even the other things, try to avoid using the toothpaste. And, I don’t say don’t brush your teeth. Brush them with herbal products. Try to avoid more and more things which is, which has got acid, and the artificial things. Try to use more natural products. Now we launched Nithya herbs, I am advertising for that only 😃. We have launched Nithya herbals. Use only Nithya herbals 😃 For less TPS, only 😃Nithya herbals.


Try to avoid more, ah, chemical things. Try to avoid maximum chemical things from your life. Whether it is a soap or, >>participant question inaudible>> I am implementing in the ashram, slowly, slowly. First thing I am implementing on myself. The tooth powder and the, ahh, snan powder, everything. Let us, you see the more you live with nature, less toxins inside the system. The less toxins, life will be always happy. You will be more blissful, and especially the sensitivity, you’ll have a tremendous sensitivity. Use the natural products, whole day you will feel that fresh. You will feel that you are very, uh, sensitive and graceful. Whole day you can feel the grace. Mmh.


Participant: Could Chinese green tea be an exemption? Swamiji: I don’t know, I have not used it. Participant: Is it… it has healing properties and antioxidants in it. Swamiji: Ahh, maybe, maybe then ok, I have not used it. Yes. Participant: >>inaudible>> But off late when I start, within a few minutes, I keep losing the line I go back to the beginning. >>inaudible>> I struggle to complete... Swamiji: See, as long as you feel happy, you see, the memory of mother, till how many mantras you were able to cherish the emotional memory of mother, do that much. Participant: By then I would’ve fallen into Ananda Gandha within a few minutes Swamiji: Then enjoy, that’s all, that’s all, enough. Participant: No need to go back? Swamiji: No need to go back. No need to go back, it means you achieved the mantra siddhi. Ramakrishna says, “I am not able to finish Gayatri, the moment I say Bhur, Bhuva, Svaha, I am already into the deeper mood. No question of Tat Savitur Varenyam, because I am in that ecstasy, that’s all. See, when you are with Swami, you don’t have to chant, ‘Swamiji Swamiji, Swamiji.’ When you are away from Me, you need to chant, ‘Swamiji, Swamiji, Swamiji.’ When you are away from Ananda Gandha, you need to chant, “Oh Matha, Sri Matha, Sri Maharajni Srimad Simhasaneshwari” When you are in the Anandha Ganda, you are with Mother. Then why should you chant Sri Matha, Sri Maharajni.


Participant: ... the Dakshina Murti mangalam... sounded more powerful than the Gayatri Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No mantra is more powerful than any mantra. All mantras are equal, one and the same. If you are in tune, in tune with that Deity, it...it...it works too much, that’s all.


Participant: Because I know Dakshinamurti, I don’t know Gayatri. Swamiji: Ahh, that is the thing, that’s all. Nothing else. You see, if you’re, if your’re devotee of Ganapati, Ganapati mantra will look very powerful. If you are a devotee of Vishnu, Vishnu mantra will look very powerful, that’s all. With whom you can relate, that mantra will look very powerful. So many of our people come and tell Me, “Swamiji your Gayatri is so powerful.” Because they know Me, that’s all, nothing else. They know Me, that...that is the only reason, our Gayatri will exactly resonate in Ananda Gandha. The moment you hear that mantra, you’ll see that Ananda Gandha starts resonating and it’s done in the Western standard. Western music.


Participant: But effects of all the mantras are the same? Swamiji: It’s one and the same. Effects of all the mantra is one and the same. If you are devoted to one Devata, you will see that Devata more. Straight, that’s all.


Participant: Swamiji, when I am doing the meditation, whirling, sometimes when I start, I’ll tune my breathing to my ability to be aware... Swamiji: No, no that shouldn’t be done, eh, you’re doing the other way, 😃 Your ability to awareness should increase. You can’t do the other way. 😃 He’s very intelligent, nah. Participant: inaudible ... what happens Swamiji: Uh, no, no, no that shouldn’t happen. Then your unconscious is playing the role, no.


Participant: Is there a limit to how much time we should do? Swamiji: No, till you become Enlightened, you should do. 😃. You are supposed to do till you become Enlightened. Participant: [TAMIL] [Translation scroll] When I inhale, I feel my heart chakra is tightening. When I exhale, I feel my manipuraka chakra (navel center) is getting tightened. Similarly, even when I was in the sleeping state, I could feel myself being ‘aware’ and witnessing, what is happening. Swamiji: Ah, that’s the beauty. He says that even in his sleep, I could see very clearly that the witnessing is happening. That’s the beauty, that means you have achieved…you’ve achieved, you’re really going deep.


Participant: The Atma Spurana depresses you... Swamiji: 😃 No, no, no, no. No question of, ah, wait, wait. Don’t decide now, witness that thought. See when you dig, dig you see, it’s like uh, intense work, intense work. You see the, uh, in NSP, you learn how to die peacefully. Here I’m teaching you how to live peacefully. Ok, it’s not depressing. Don’t, uh, just witness that thought. You see, you’re always habituated living 100 TPS, living, bubbling, just continuously in rajas.


So that is what you understand as life. You missed one of your major dimensions, sitting with yourself. Can you sit with yourself? No! You can sit with anybody, but you can’t sit with your Self. Even if you have free time, you switch on the TV. Or you take the old newspaper, read the same line, from first line to last line. I have seen the old people who are retired, who got married, their son would have been married, their daughter would have been married, their grandson would have been married, their even granddaughter would have been married, everyone would have been married in their family, but they’ll be sitting and reading the matrimonial column in newspaper. With the big glass, they’ll be reading the matrimonial column in the newspaper, because they can’t sit with themself. They can’t sit alone, they can’t sit with themself.


So not sitting with yourself is a disease, please be very clear. When you are dis-ease with yourself, only then you are not able to sit with yourself. If you are ease with yourself, you’ll be able to just sit with yourself. If you don’t know how to sit with yourself, you are missing one of the major dimensions of your Being. For example, you have 4, 5 dimensions: artist, a writer, or poet and great administrator. In this 4 dimension, if you have not explored one dimension at all, let Me put it this way, you have 5 senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, taste and the touch, somehow by birth you start believing, that you have only 3, the other will not be used. How much you are missing. Will you understand how much you are missing? You will never understand how much you are missing. Not only you are missing, you will not even understand you are missing. That’s the same way, you are missing one of your major dimension, sitting relaxed easy with yourself. I am trying to create that space for you.


So naturally when I put the drill drrrrr (Swamiji making sound) little bit sound will come. Little bit of sound will be there in initial level, bare with it. You will see, once you cross that 60 TPS, then problem will not be there. Once you cross the Manomaya, then problem will be there. Till then I will only do little bit of drilling. So don’t bother, if you’ve suppressed the depression, you will have the thought. That thought, it’s called ‘depression’ and not only that, always you have a idea, society has taught you, if you are silent, you are depressed. Your silence is never respected by society. If you are silent, so many will come around you, “oh why are you silent”, “what happened to you”, Arey leave me alone let me have little bit of time. But when you marry, “Let you have that space, why are you, what happened, why do you bother so much? Even without <inaudible>they will make you bother, about something they’ll make you bother.


Silence means, you are trained to understand, it’s a depression. That is why you say it is a depression. Just witness it, this silence will be rejuvenating silence. If it’s a depression, it will be a very disturbing silence. This is a rejuvenating silence. You always misunderstand, the depression and the rejuvenating silence. I’ve seen many guys in Tiruvannamalai sitting, thinking that they are, ah, in silence, depressed. I’ve seen, many, many people; in Tiruvannamalai I’ve seen many people. Because Ramana Maharshi was so silent, these guys also started imitating the silence. The imitating silence will lead only to depression. But here what I’m doing is not depression, here real silence is happening. But you think, it’s a depression, because of the social conditioning.


The misunderstanding between tamas and sattva, is the whole trouble. Now sattva is happening, you think it is a tamas. There tamas is happening, they think it is a sattva. Participant: Ah, what was [..] Swamiji: And you have your idea about me now. After the ASP and NSP, now you have created imagination about Me, fantasy. Your Mooladhara is blocked now. Mooladhara is blocked now, because you have your own fantasy about Me. So many things like this only. ‘Swami’ means, jumping around and shouting, enjoying, that is the thing you understood. But now I’m working in a different dimension, that’s what I’m telling you. Everyone wants only My Krishna dimension, nobody wants the Shiva dimension. Nobody wants the Shiva dimension, everybody wants only the Krishna dimension. If you just run around, “ah then ok, Nithyananda Swami. Swami is great.”



Guru Gives You Ultimate Bliss || Part 2 || ATSC


Title: Guru Gives You Ultimate Bliss Part 2
Name Of The Convention - Atma Spurana
Session on - Q & A General Questions
Venue - Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India
Date - 08 Jan 2005

This video is an excerpt from the Atma Spurana Convention conducted on 08 Jan 2005 in Bidadi, Bangalore, India. Here HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam answers questions by delegates to better understand the various dimensions of the enlightened Master, who is Guru in human form, and experience more oneness with Him and the world.

Video & Audio - Guru Gives You Ultimate Bliss || Part 2 || ATSC

Video Audio



Participant [Tamil] [Translation scroll] “Earlier, when I closed my eyes, I would usually see Swamiji’s form in my third eye. Now, I am able to see many incarnations and beings one by one, through my third eye.”


Swamiji: That’s what, you see. Understand Me as a Shiva, only then you can enjoy Me really as a Krishna. Only then your enjoying can be solid, otherwise you are enjoying me just vague. Two days …inaudible... you will find much better show you’ll go there. Two program you attend, you find somewhere better show, better cinema, you will go to that show. Your enjoying will not be deep if your personality is not deep. You see, if you are in annamaya kosha, how much you can enjoy? Your enjoying capacity itself will be very low. Annamaya kosha is between 100 to 80... 79, by 80 it becomes pranamaya, 79. No, no, no, 81, 81, 81; 100 to 81. All your suffering level and the enjoying level, it becomes between the 81.


You see, within 81 TPS how much you can enjoy Me, tell Me? Your enjoyment capacity will be very low. In annamaya kosha, if you taste a sweet, if it seems inaudible 10% same sweet will taste if you are in anandamaya kosha 100%. The same sweet will become 100% because the capacity to enjoy will become more. The sensitivity, the life, the aliveness will become more. When I say sajiva and sajitva, this is what I mean. Sajitva means what? I mean totally alive, eternally alive. Eternally alive. The enjoying capacity will become too much. You will be just overflowing. That is what I say, when the TPS comes down, the same water will become amrita, same water will become amrita. The same food will become amrita. The same …inaudible… will become Devavrikshas, that kalpavriksha or Parijatha; Parijatha and kalpavriksha. Same ordinary chair will become ratna simhasana. Same wife will become Rambha (Swamiji laughing) 😃 [Participant asks something [husband becomes?] to which Swamiji says Indra 😃]


The intensity, intensity will become more. The intensity will become deep. You see in the 100 TPS what will you enjoy? As long as you are in annamaya kosha, what will you enjoy? You can’t. Even when Krishna aspect, you can’t enjoy totally. Unless you see the shiva aspect, unless you go little deep, you can’t enjoy. That is what I am telling, don’t create your own imagination about Me by ASP or NSP. And that is what, I think so many of you came thinking that only “Ohhh, 4 days we can jump around Swami. 😃 Many came, at least many - many came, “we can jump around”. How many, how many with that same imagination with ASP NSP. Ohh only few. No, now so many are not raising their hand 😃


Participant: Morning I was talking to ...inaudible... I kept hearing lectures of Swamiji. He kept telling to get enlightenment you will have to drop enlightenment. You don’t need to go anywhere to Atma Spurana you drop little ...inaudible... Swamiji: 😃 That’s what… 😃 then next


Participant: Being at peace with yourself, that dimension, only after I met You, I understood that. I see children of today, they play computer, they play these video games, and everywhere. They all want some action. They can’t sit for five minutes and do anything.. and that seems to be the way the entertainment society teaches them.


Participant: ...inaudible... Swamiji: Maybe he is also attending the discourse. But let him attend sitting there.., Participant: For that Swamiji is there any meditation? Swamiji: At least once a day, half an hour let them be trained to sit silently. Participant: Swamiji, while breathing after sometime I could see cat face, tiger face, and after few seconds, I have seen you in four faces in four directions for nearly some ten seconds. Swamiji: Brahma, it means you have touched your Swadhisthana. Participant: And I try to regain again, but I could not. Swamiji: Hmm, You have touched your swadhisthana. That's what, why do you try to relive/rebuild, then again you miss the technique. You are supposed only witness and destroy it. You see the moment you, you touched the swadhisthana and had a vision of Brahma, if you just witness and try to move away from it, you will see the Vishnu, the manipura chakra. You will come up. If you try to hold or relive , what will you do? You will fall down. So never try to hold the visions. Please be clear. Only try to be with more and more deeper witnessing consciousness. Witness.


Participant: inaudible this direction from Gayatri mantra. errr, Swamiji has given the ultimate technique, does it apply to all other mantras? Swamiji: You see, gayathri has spread more. So more people for more people to fall in tune with that mantra is chance and listen only that cassette, it is, it is same only in that context. That’s all. When I come to maha mantra you will see, there is no other technique. You see My aim is inspiring; if you believe in that then use the Gayatri mantra, that’s the ultimate technique. If you believe in this use the Maha Mantra, this is the ultimate technique. So My purpose is to put you into the technique, to blank you totally from anything else. For that reason only that word is used.


Participant: ….used with total belief that becomes ultimate. Swamiji : Yes. that's it. whichever. Participant: Swamiji yesterday in question and answer You talked about fear and greed. During NSP, one of the things we do is we write to…. explore both dimensions. One of the things I understood in NSP was that to focus on what you want to do, in terms of what you feel energy towards.. energy to that need or desire. and then that becomes….energy Swamiji: Reality


Swamiji: When, when, when you give energy to the desire, it can’t be called any more as desire, it's a living path. As long as you are not able to supply enough energy to the desire, its a desire, it is a weight on you. If you are able to supply energy, the desire will simply disappear. Only if it is necessary it will be alive and show you the path. It will become a torch. The very desire without energy, when you are with the desire, it will become a just desire and hangover. Because, if you are not fulfilling, it will be a weight on you. If you are fulfilling, again it will create guilt in you - unfulfilled feeling - Guilt in you. When you are not there with the desire, only energy is there with the desire, the same desire will become a torch to show, guide your life. Without fulfilling also it will not disturb you. After fulfilling also you will feel tremendous fulfillment.


Participant: Swami, On one hand you’re saying flow, and whatever comes to you is what is necessary for you. On the other hand you’re talking about empowering desire. Isn't there a kind of er? Swamiji: mh, you see, one thing, mh, you are asking the question in the other way. “One side you say don’t put effort, the other side you say put effort.” You stop- actually whatever is happening to you, you are stopping it. I am asking you to stop the action stopping. Whatever is coming to you, you are not letting it happen actually. You are stopping it. So by empowering your desires I am asking to stop the action of stopping. Ok? I am asking you to cooperate with what is happening by asking you to empower the desires. Now, as on now if something is coming to you, it is not that you are directly accepting it. You are trying to create so many blockages. I am just telling you, don’t create blockages, by asking you to empower the desires. Ananda Spurana is happening. You are stopping. When I say stop, I am saying you to stop the action of stopping the Ananda spurana. Then naturally Ananda Spurana will happen. Now clear? After attending 50 Ananda Spurana, this answer comes up.


Participant: What is the basic difference between mediation and ritual? Swamiji: Ah, anything, anything done with the sincerity and emotion/devotion, it becomes a meditation. Anything done with a dead feeling, just “ahhh it has to be done” fear and greed, then becomes ritual, that’s all. Even Maha Mantra if you do it just with “uh it has to be done” then it becomes a ritual. Even the great, even this puja ritual if it is done with so much love and emotion/devotion it becomes meditation.


Participant: Only confusion was before I came here I thought I was progressing. Today I know how much I have progressed. Swamiji: Ah you see, understand, Only in purnima moon you can see the flaws in the moon, you can see the black patches. Can you see the black patches in the amavasya day? Only by the light of the moon the black patches of the moon is seen. Only by your own intelligence you can understand you are not progressing. The moment you understand you are not progressing, you have started progressing. Only when the intelligence becomes more, you can understand your problems and difficulties. So when you understand you have so many problems please be very clear you already started solving the problems.


Participant: Swamiji one friend is doing Gayatri mantra every day morning. sometimes till 8 o'clock facing the sun. One day he has done nearly more than two hours sometimes. So, two bullocks, two cows, two buffalos, two/three dogs, all are just standing around him and people are just seeing, so many people are gathered. He was just doing outside the house. Everybody is silent. After that, even he is not knowing for how long he’s doing it. Only after coming out of the mantra then he has seen er so many things. Swamiji: mh, that’s good,mh It means he has done very well. He has gone deep to,deep into the pranamaya kosha, ahimsa pratisthayam vaira-tyagah. Pantajali yoga sutra says, if you are established in that ahimsa energy in front of you even animals keeps silent. Participant: And he is seeing uh something a bright light coming out of his body.. Swamiji: That’s good


Participant: swami ji, er One of Swamiji’s devotees I heard, whenever he comes for blessing, when he catches your feet, when he sees your leg directly, next day onwards, he is able to read the papers without spectacles. And that power is there for about a week or so and it decreases. Swamiji: Means the TPS became silent; actually when you put your head on My feet, especially with so much love and devotion, the TPS just sucked, pulled down. Just you are brought down. Oh hahaha, what I am telling, when you put, with love and.. you see, when you are away from Me, you are just continuously thinking of Me. “When will I see Him again, when will I think of Him, when will I touch him? When will I have his darshan? When will I be able to do Namaskar?” You are continuously thinking. So that creates a deep devotion in you. When you come near Me and touch My feet, simply the TPS is brought down. The TPS is brought down. Means what. If you are having usually a 100 TPS, it is just brought down to 20 -30. When the TPS falls down tremendously the energy becomes high, too much of energy; the ajna gets the power. You don’t need glass, you became alive. But after one week again the TPS goes up. Take some technique, every day practise at least 20-30 minutes. You will see that TPS, already able to maintain the same TPS. mh.


Meditation is the only way to maintain the low TPS. It is all just low TPS, nothing else. See, you are coming in front of zero TPS, actually when you come with a total devotion and utter surrender, just by seeing Me you can become enlightened. Just by seeing Me, you can become enlightened.


Actually ayya was asking, when he was giving meanings, I was sitting. Somebody said “Swamiji, why don’t You”, something like Eshwari or something I said. “Why don’t you give the name Nithyeshwari Swamiji?” I said, “No no no, I am keeping that name for reserve for somebody who will just see Me and become enlightened.” For that person only that name is waiting. That Nithyeshwari name is waiting for that person. Actually when you are totally utterly devoted, when you have a deep surrender, the moment you see and drop, simply the TPS becomes zero TPS. Simply you can touch the zero TPS.



Guru Gives You Ultimate Bliss || Part 3 || ATSC || 08 Jan 2005


Title: Guru Gives You Ultimate Bliss Part 3
Name Of The Convention - Atma Spurana
Session on - Q & A General Questions
Venue - Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India
Date - 08 Jan 2005

This video is an excerpt from the Atma Spurana Convention conducted on 08 Jan 2005 in Bidadi, Bangalore, India. Here HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam takes us through the understanding that you are one with the whole and the whole is one with you. He further explains the knack of achieving less TPS and zero TPS(thoughts per second) which establishes you in the ultimate state of Paramashivatva achieving pure joy, oneness, and bliss.

Video - Guru Gives You Ultimate Bliss || Part 3 || ATSC

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