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I tell you, failing few times is perfectly alright, than being under somebody and be a failure for whole life. When I say,”Be your own Boss”, I mean - your whole day should be decided by you. To whom you should serve, to whom you are going to share yourself, with whom you share your energy, with whom you share your products, with whom you share your love, with whom ultimately you share your life, all this should be your freedom. Understand. When I say,”Be your own Boss”, multiple levels I am talking. You try to understand only work level. Work level is only 1 level. With whom you share your time, your boss, that should be your freedom, With whom you share your products, your clients, customers, should be your freedom.
I tell you, failing few times is perfectly alright, than being under somebody and be a failure for whole life. When I say,”Be your own Boss”, I mean - your whole day should be decided by you. To whom you should serve, to whom you are going to share yourself, with whom you share your energy, with whom you share your products, with whom you share your love, with whom ultimately you share your life, all this should be your freedom. Understand. When I say,”Be your own Boss”, multiple levels I am talking. You try to understand only work level. Work level is only 1 level. With whom you share your time, your boss, that should be your freedom, With whom you share your products, your clients, customers, should be your freedom.
I tell you, you are successful as long as your customers do not make you
I tell you, you are successful as long as your customers do not make you
compromise on your Integrity. Once you compromise on your Integrity, they will be the first failures. Understand. Not you, they will be the first failures. Like Pharmaceutical Industries. The customers, have made the Company to compromise on Integrity. Who suffers? Customers! Whenever your Integrity is compromised for customers, clients, who receives your service or products, they will be the first persons to be affected. Listen to these few things.
compromise on your [[Integrity]]. Once you compromise on your Integrity, they will be the first failures. Understand. Not you, they will be the first failures. Like Pharmaceutical Industries. The customers, have made the Company to compromise on Integrity. Who suffers? Customers! Whenever your Integrity is compromised for customers, clients, who receives your service or products, they will be the first persons to be affected. Listen to these few things.

Revision as of 06:02, 8 February 2019

Link to Video:


"When I say 'Be Your Own Boss,' I mean your whole day should be decided by YOU."

In this question and answer session from 2nd April, 2017, Nithyananda answers questions about creating our reality through Responsibilism, taking end to end responsibility for your life, your actions and your surroundings, and how not to let modern day celebrity obsession cloud your own intelligence and decision making capacity. He answers everything and much more, including a revelation on the origin of our human species: our bodies developed through evolution from monkeys, but of Consciousness is added by Sadashiva. Knowing this, we have the choice to create ourselves more and more as Sadashiva, or to continue to live like glorified monkeys.

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Be Your Own Boss, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Swami, Wealth Manifestation



Om nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I’ll respond to some of your questions. So anybody in this hall, in Bengaluru Aadheenam, wanted to ask questions can queue up in front of microphone and we will….I’ll start answering the questions from the on-line participants.


From Bratislava Slovakia, Veronica (??Sevalikova??) asks: I still live one same situation. I create product and different people have profit but not me. Where is the problem?


Swamiji - It’s a question from Bratislava, Veronica (???Sevalikova??). The question is - I still live one same situation. I create product and different people have profit but not me. Where is the problem? Listen. Basic problem is, you do not have confidence on you to be your own boss. It tell you, only fools work for others. Either you spend your time, life, energy, to fulfill your dreams or somebody else will hire you to fulfill theirs. Understand the basic truth about life. You may be giving little energy to your Time. See you have time in front of you as days, you may be giving little energy to it, but you are not giving life to it. When you give little energy, you come up with some Products. How to use you time? Then it’s money for somebody.

Understand. Time is money for somebody. Time for your boss, your time is money. For your spouse your time is attention. For your boyfriend or girlfriend, your time is love. But actually your time is Life for you. Understand. Your time is Life for you.You may be giving little energy to your time, but not Life to your time. That is where this whole problem is. I tell you, even if you think you will be a worst failure, be your own boss. See when... when you decide, what should be done, how to make yourself a product, how to share with the world, when you have the complete freedom, you can’t be in depression for a long period. You can’t be in depression for a long period. You have to wake up. There are multiple reasons why you should wake up, but you will wake up. Sometime greed will push you, sometime jealousy will push you, sometimes inspirations will push you, sometimes right things, sometimes wrong things but you will be pushed.


When you add Life to your time, when I say adding Life to your time, I mean, listen carefully - ends of your actions, result, completely for you, you become responsible end to end, that is what I call adding Life to your Time. Listen. I’ll repeat, ends of your actions, effect - side effects, everything, affects you directly, completely, naturally this situation will make you responsible. The responsibility knowing that you are only going to be affected by the ends, naturally makes you add Life to your Time. Understand. Your time, if you only add little intelligence, it becomes product. If you add little energy, it becomes activism. But, if you add this great powerful component - Responsibility - responsibility which comes by the clarity, the End is going to affect only you. See, the biggest problem with working for somebody is, you do not care about the end product. It means you do not care about your life. It is all about what you can grab from that person to make yourself comfortable, you do not care about your Life. Your actions, your thought currents, are they aligned? Are they useful for you and the society? You do not care about that. You do a Project for 10 years and the whole Project collapses, you don’t care, the salary you received and the life you made for yourself, all matters. If you are working for somebody, I tell you, that is where all the worst corruption, wrong mental setup starts. Corruption does not mean only, which is practiced in India. How we practice here. You take some money and do a favor. That alone is not corruption. You not being bothered about what you are putting your Life into. You are bothered only about the paycheck you receive and how much that paycheck makes your life comfortable or luxurious. You don’t care about all other things, anything else, is corruption. Understand. That is corruption.

(9:07) I should say, not only the person who asked this questions, many of you are in this situation. ‘I create product and different people have profit but not me’ - How many of you feel, you have this problem. All of you do not take Responsibility for your actions, end to end. You are afraid of the statement,” You will be….the End will affect only you”. Right or wrong, good or bad, only you are going to stand to face it. You are afraid of that. You want somebody to face for you. When somebody has to be face for you, naturally the benefits will go to them. It will go to them! So understand, it boils down to taking Responsibility.

I tell you, failing few times is perfectly alright, than being under somebody and be a failure for whole life. When I say,”Be your own Boss”, I mean - your whole day should be decided by you. To whom you should serve, to whom you are going to share yourself, with whom you share your energy, with whom you share your products, with whom you share your love, with whom ultimately you share your life, all this should be your freedom. Understand. When I say,”Be your own Boss”, multiple levels I am talking. You try to understand only work level. Work level is only 1 level. With whom you share your time, your boss, that should be your freedom, With whom you share your products, your clients, customers, should be your freedom. I tell you, you are successful as long as your customers do not make you compromise on your Integrity. Once you compromise on your Integrity, they will be the first failures. Understand. Not you, they will be the first failures. Like Pharmaceutical Industries. The customers, have made the Company to compromise on Integrity. Who suffers? Customers! Whenever your Integrity is compromised for customers, clients, who receives your service or products, they will be the first persons to be affected. Listen to these few things.


Same way, with whom you share your love, your life partner, when you are in the mood of demanding love, it’s only going to constant bondage and torture. When you are your own Boss, you know how to share it. How to share the love. Like Sadāshiva, he may swallow the whole poison, but He will share the Nectar. Understand. All the stress of the things going around you, all the stress of the things happening around you, is the Poison. The churning of the Milky Ocean, if you know the story you can understand. The churning of the Milky Ocean is nothing but happenings around you. Sometimes the stress, poison comes out of it. Incompletions comes out of it. Difficulties comes out of it. Problems comes out of it. Inevitably, there are some things you can never avoid in your life. The mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, problem of India. Indian mother-in-law, daughter-in-law problem. No, please understand, I am very serious. Even if the mother-in-law is dead, you can’t avoid the problem. My grandmother is dead, my mother is still afraid of her. No really! From My own experience, I am telling you and I have to remind her once – “she is dead years ago, why don’t you forget her”. She will shiver. My mother will shiver, even if the mention of My grandmother’s name. I said,” Don’t you understand, she is dead”. No, there are many problems you can’t avoid, just by the very nature of the happenings around you. A man who is capable of swallowing all the poisons and continue to share the Nectar, becomes Leader. That is what I call, ability to share love. Understand. Decide, with whom you will share love, will be in your control, not in the situations’ control. Ultimately, with whom you share your life, means - Who matters for your life? That is the most important, I should say, factor makes your life what it is going to be. Who matters in your life?


I tell you, when I look back, why I am what I am now, I should say, in the young age, whom I really felt matter for Me and My life. I was very clear, it’s Arunagiri Yogeshwara, who matters for me. Whoever, you feel matter for your life, means material out of which your very life overflows, the functioning activation, Jagrat waking up of your life happens by that person, who kindles life fire in you, who makes your eyes wide open, whose memory makes you jump out of your bed, whose thought current is the first thought current before you wake up and the last thought current before you fall asleep.

Who matters, moulds your life. Understand. They become the life material for you. You really need to dig out, who matters for you because they are going to manifest through you, in next few years. Whoever matters for you, you are in Shaktipata with that person. If that person is a Politician, you are going to become a Politician. If that person is a Cinema Celebrity, you may not become Cinema Celebrity, at least you’ll be in fantasy of the Cinema Celebrity. You’ll be fantasizing, you are a Celebrity at least for few people around you. Your Facebook. No ?????that????, everyone tries to be Celebrity in their Facebook page, na. The biggest Maya on Planet Earth is Facebook. No, it gives a kind of a feeling, that they are ‘Heros’ for everyone. In a very deep delusion. Everyone is enjoying their hero hood. It’s actually the side effect of many people having Shaktipata with Cinema Celebrities. Because when you have Shaktipata with Cinema Celebrities, you are constantly meditating on being a hero, attended by everyone, which is not happening in real life. The only ways, get into the Facebook. Still I can not understand, what is there in that stupid ‘like’, for which people give their life. No still I can’t understand.


When people talk about, ”Awh! 1000 like, 2000 like, and that like… Anyhow, person with whom Shaktipata matters. Look in, who matters for your life, who is the material of your life. Understand. That person should be either you or somebody empowers you to be your own boss, only then being your own boss is done possible. Then actually being your own boss is done already. The person who matters for your life should be you or the person who is empowering you, to be your own boss. Other than your Guru, nobody will want to be….want you to be your own boss. Everyone, everyone has a vested interest. Understand. Fortunately, my vested interested is you being your boss. When you are your own boss, I am successful. Everybody else will be successful as long as they are your boss, as long as they remain as your boss. In my case fortunately, it is the other way. I am successful when you are own boss. I have done my job, when I see you as your own boss. Essence, I should say, this is the third principle, I wanted to teach today. The third principle is – Responsibilism. Understanding, the end result is going to be affecting only you, even though you try your best to push it on somebody else. See, end of your life, do you want to be standing and giving justifications or do you want to be standing and declaring your victories. What is it that you are visualizing? End of every situation, do you want to be standing and giving justifications,” Oh, I tried my best, this fellow failed and that fellow disappeared, he ran away, she disappeared”. Do you want to be talking in that language? Or do you want to be standing and declaring,”Whatever I been endowed, given, I used it to my best. I did it my best”. Do you want to be standing and declaring this or do you want to be standing and,”Oh, I tried my best, this person ran away, that person ran away, anybody else in my situation would have committed suicide, I at least survived”. What is the language you want to talk end of the day that matters.


Whatever language you talk, you are responsible. This understanding, will make you your own boss. Understand. Just because you stand….you stand up and say,” Oh, this fellow ran away, that fellow ran away, nothing was in right, all Grahas were against me, all this was against me, that was against me, that was against me and anybody else would have committed suicide in my situation, at least I sailed through”. Even if you talk all this, who is going to be affected by the end result? You!!

Understanding, end of the day, effect, side effect, after side effect, side after effect, all effects are going to be affecting only You - is what I call Responsibilism. Understanding this, is Responsibilism. Responsibilism is the third important principle, to make yourself as your own boss. With this responsibilism start building. I tell you, like salt adds taste to the food, Responsibilism adds Life to your Time. Till the Responsibilism starts...I don’t want to use the word ‘responsibility’, I want to use the word ‘responsibilism’ because I want to give responsibilism, a religion status. Status of a religion. That is why I am using the word – Responsibilism. We have given status of religion to many foolish things. 3 C – Cricket, Cinema, Corruption. Understand. Only when the Responsibilism is added into your life, your life starts. Only when the Responsibilities…… Responsibilism is added to your Time, Life starts. So, the first principle is - knowing why you want to be boss, What is the reason you decided to be your own boss? Second – Completion with the blueprint you carry. Third – Responsibilism. You need to know, Responsibilism is not just technique or a strategy for a social success, or just being your own boss, it is actually a Spiritual Awakening. Because when you start feeling responsible, it’s not that only you are awakened to the external world, you are awakened even to the internal happenings. Awakening to the internal happenings is what I am calling Enlightenment.


You see, I have seen sometime. A small story. A guy opens his lunch box in his office and cries,” Oh God, same Brinjal”. All his friends were feeling very bad. Next day again, he opens his lunch box,”Oh, same Brinjal”. Third day again, he opens his lunch box and cries,” Oh, same Brinjal, ????????? I can’t take it anymore”. This goes on for 7 days.The friends were not able to tolerate. They asked him,” Why? Why don’t you tell your wife, to cook something else, why are you suffering?” This fellow says,” Eh, I am not married, I cook for myself”. No, this goes on in your life many times. Look! Only when the problem comes, you even remember you created it. See when I tell this story, you laugh, but why don’t you see, only when problem comes in front of you, hits you, slaps you in your face, you see but otherwise you know you are creating it. Sometimes you even create knowingly it is going to hit on your face,” Let me handle it at that time”. And you know, you were not able to handle it, last time when it hit. Last time when it hit you, you collapsed. You know, you were not able to handle, but you have a false confidence,” Let it come, I will face at that time. Let it come, I will face at that time.” And you go on create the problems. Never come out of that rut. That whole cycle. Understand. When you are….when you become responsible, you just wake up and ferociously break this blind spots. Ferociously, dealing with your blind spots and breaking your blind spots, is what I call Responsibility. Responsibility or Responsibilism is what I call third principle. Understand. Not just external. Whenever you become responsible. It’s not that you attend only external, even to the many of the internal blind spots, you wake up. Knowing, that when you are going to be opening your lunch box, you’ll be sick but still you go on cooking same Brinjal, because you don’t want to go to some other shop, and get something new, is what I call blind spot. I should say, knowing the problem is going to come and continue to create the problem, is what I called Third Eye blind spot. Not just 2 eyes blind spot, it is the Third Eye blind spot.


Responsibilism, opens not only the external, even internal. You know, you will create the situations, only which you can handle, is Responsibilism. You will create situations, enter into contracts, enter into the interactions, everything, where you can handle your life on your own, is what I call ‘being on your boss’. Understand. These words may look,”Oh, going above my head”. With the next few process, internalise. I tell you, if I am uttering 50 statements, even if only 5 becomes your cognition, I’ll feel I have done my job. I am talking for everyone. Even if 5 cognitions enter into your system, I’ll feel I have done my job. So, each one of truths I am sharing, is Cognitions not instructions, Cognitions. See, If I speak and you say,”Okay, he is telling something, must be good for me”. It is instruction. If I say something,”Huh! He is right, yes, yes, yes, exactly, this is what I want to verbalise, I am not able to, he has verbalized it”, then it is Cognition. Then it has become your Cognition. Even for 5 statement, your eyes lit up, if your Being lits up, it has become your Cognition. I’ll feel I have done my job. So, answer for this question, in one line – Responsibilism, because you have not taken it, somebody else is taking it. Responsibility is not work, it is Power. It is not work, it is power. Whoever feels responsibility is work, will be a Shudra, the fourth class. Whoever feels responsibility is a power, naturally will make their life successful and they will be their own boss. Next.


Next, we will take a question from someone here in Bengaluru Aadheenam.

Nithyanandam Swamiji, I...doing the process this morning, I had something coming up again, which I have been working on quite some years. It is always related to money and well, I don’t have any money. And I have been trying so many times to improve my situation. Also by being my own boss, but for some reason it feels there is another thing coming up again and again and again and again. Even this morning I was surprised. Another layer I have removed and worked with so many layers but it feels like it is endless.


Swamiji – Understand. When you say,” removed, worked with many layer”, just sitting and fantasizing you removed is not removed. Your actions turning in a different direction, your actions becoming responsible is the only scale, with which you can say,” I removed many layers”. Your awakening hours, I am not talking about waking up hours, awakening hours means the time you feel, you are responsible and active, is what I call Awakening hours, not waking up….the number of hours you are awake or waking. I think the gap between this 2 word. Waking state and Awakened state. Waking state means you are not asleep. Even a coffee can do that. But Awakened state means you feel who you are, you cognize who you are and you feel responsible for who you are, and you are active with your clear cognition and responsibilities. Did that hour increase due to your old layer cleaning, ask that question. That question answers whether you worked and cleaned your old layers or not. I tell you, most of the time, without becoming responsible, people saying that they have completed, maybe the fantasy completion. You are feeling good about it yourself. Okay, you will have peace. P E A C E but I am not peace Guru. My brand is not peace, my brand is power. Understand. The other day somebody asked me the question,” Like Christianity’s brand is love, the brand of Buddhism is non-violence, some Gurus brand themselves as peace Gurus, what is the brand of Hinduism? I said,” My brand or Hinduism brand is only - Power!


The whole religion, the whole religion. The first line of the first Upanishad or the first Line of the first Vedic Scripture or the last line of the last Vedic Scripture or the last statement of the last Vedic Scripture, the whole thing is all about breaking your limitations and Power. “Ishaa vaasyam idam sarvam – the whole thing is about breaking the limitations of Delusion and nature of Delusion, breaking the limitations whether it comes by Delusion or you feel it comes by nature, breaking the Delusions and limitations. The whole brand of Hindu tradition and Me, is POWER. Understand. When you miss the third principle - Responsibilism, you may have peace but not Power. Power happens with RESPONSIBILISM. Power happens with responsibility. Like salt adds taste to the food, add the responsibility of your cognition - Who you are, what you feel as you inside, how you project yourself as outside, how you want the world to hold you and how you want to whole, feel the whole life. Be responsible for it. Responsibility for it, keeps you awakened. Keeps you awakened. Understand. When you feel responsible for it, even your dreams lead you to waking state. Even your Delusions lead you to the waking state. Even in your dreams, even your dreams will not just be vague. It is better to dream and nightmarish for 1 minute then to be in a vague dreams for 10 hours. Time will not be wasted. So even in the life, better to have suffering which wake you up, than to have a so, so, life for years. Middle class life is mediocre life. Make or break it’s okay because even if you break, you will make. You will find a way to make. You have to make! Till you make, you are going to come back. Make or break. Even if you break, you are going to come back to make. But don’t be just - back. Understand. Good or bad, right or wrong, be active, involved. With this involvement, responsibilism, active. I tell you, you will always, make it, you will never break. Even if you are afraid you’ll break, I give you the Plan B, even if you break, you can’t do anything, you have to come back, till you make.


Even that is okay. I am telling you, nightmare is okay if it wakes you up, than having a very comfortable, cozy, dream, which is wasting your life, time, energy. Comfortable cozy dream is what I call – putting the responsibility on somebody and thinking somebody else is a boss. Actually, whether you are your own boss or not, you are responsible for your life. If you are in a delusion, somebody else is going to shoulder for you, you are a slave. If you wake up to the reality, you only have to shoulder for you - ‘You are your own Boss’, that’s all. It is all about waking up and acting. Understand. Unclutching, Completion, all that are poor man’s version of manifesting powers. It is for this. It is for this. Those foundations are required but they are not final products. Completion or Unclutching and all this are not final goals. Those are the foundations or the basic, initial, preparations required for this result of power manifestation or manifesting responsibility. I should say, Responsibilism, the third principle is what really makes you your own boss. Next question.


From Delhi, Arti has asked : What is the way to awaken extraordinary abilities in us, so we can be the Master of every situation at work or otherwise?


Swamiji - First thing, “What is the way to awaken extraordinary abilities in us, so we can be the Master of every situation at work or otherwise”. See, talking in the morning today, I was talking….I was uttering a word, very important word, if you have missed, I’ll repeat - with whom you have Shaktipata, means who matters for your life. Who matters for your life, with that person, you have Shaktipata. Listen carefully. Shaktipata means connected through the spiritual energy umbilical cord. If a Cinema Celebrity matters for your life, knowingly or unknowingly, you are connected to his energy. Understand the danger. You are going to share his depression, his attention need. You are going to suffer with his addictions. You are going to manifest every situations, he is attracting, due to his mental set up in you. If a Politician matter for you, understand who matters for your life when you are sitting all by yourself. Appa!! I feel so blessed, I am born and brought up in a village, in a situation, atmosphere, where the Celebrities have not eaten our lives, where we don’t know much about them. I am so happy, I have grown up playing with the mud, not this Ipad, Silicon. Direct mud, direct land, direct sand, nature. In those days, parents used to push the kids inside the home,” Eh! All the time playing outside”. Now the parents are pushing the kids outside,” All the time on your Ipad”. Appa!! Understand. With whom you have Shaktipata matters, whom you respect matters because their ideas, their ideologies, their energies, their understandings, their possibilities and their powers are going to manifest in you. So only way to awaken extraordinary abilities in us, so we can be master of every situation. Listen. The question, I am repeating – ‘what is the way awakened extraordinary abilities in us, so we can be the master of every situation’. Answer is, only way to awaken extraordinary abilities in us, so we can be master of every situation is - SHAKTIPATA WITH MASTER. Understand.


You need to do a small open heart surgery to yourself, not in physical level, Being level. Open your Being and see who matters for you and why? The Being who matters for you, is going to be your hero, knowingly, or unknowingly, you are in Shaktipata with that Being, 24/7. 24/7. This important seat we give it to fools very casually just because they are wearing latest torn jeans. No really! The stupid latest torn jeans can take away an important seat. A kid completely confused, goes to father and says,” Father, I asked you from where human beings have come. You said from God, but Mom says from Monkeys. Which one is true?” He said,” Eh! She talks about her family and I talk about my family”. Understand. To whom are you going to give the seat of our origin, God or Monkey? To whom are you going to give? This is one of the biggest problem, still nobody is able to solve. Even people ask me. Understand. Now I am breaking the whole pot. Your physiology has developed from Monkeys. Your bio-energy has descended from God. Evolution theory, Incarnation theory - both are there. Man is a rare mystery where both truths have merged. Evolution, the Matysa becoming Kurma, means fish becoming tortoise and tortoise becoming half man...sorry tortoise becoming the Varaha. Varaha becoming Narsimha. Evolution theory if true and Incarnation theory is also true. Bio-energy is from God. Physiology is from Monkeys. Understand. But in your Being, if you are going to give the seat of origin to monkey, you continue, you will remain forever as monkey, may be better monkey. Monkey with the jeans and make up monkey. But in the Being, if the place is going to be God, whom matters for your life, if that space is given to God, the Shaktipata with that will happen and you will manifesting that. Understand. (52:29)

The place cannot be empty, you have to rent it to somebody. Are you going to rent it to – the Being who manifests Divinity, ultimate Sadāshivatva in your, powers in you, or people who do all powers in screen. Understand. You have only 2 choice - the reel heroes and real heroes. The person who does all the powers in reel or in real. With whom you are going to have Shaktipata, is going to decide what you are going to manifest. With the reel heros, you are going to have Shaktipata. If they matter, that is what you will continue to manifest. If the real hero, who manifest powers in reality matters, that is what you will manifest through Shaktipata. Understand. With whom you have Shaktipata is important and it matters. And it matters. So the answer for your question - the way... the only way to awaken extraordinary abilities in us, so we can be the master is Shaktipata with Master, with right cognition. Actually, in the whole Inner Awakening, I do only this 1. I just make you do the Being surgery, the open Being surgery and remove all the stupid reel hero Shaktipatas, and put the real hero Shaktipata, that’s all. After that, wherever you are, it is going on and on and on. It is only process between you and Me. After the initiation, it is only process between you and Me. the moment you understand – life becomes Leela. When you don’t understand, you live in Delusion, life is la la…. When you understand, life becomes Leela, that’s all. Whether you live your life as Leela or la la, up to you. You are in a la la world, fantasy world, delusion world or realizing the whole life is Leela. Next question.


We will take one more question from here in Bengaluru Aadheenam. Please if you can introduce yourself, your name and where you are from.

Swamiji - Please go ahead.

Yah, Namaskaram Swamiji, I am Shubash from Tamil Nadu. It’s really happy that I am being with you for the last 4-5 months, because one of our Uncle had attended consecutive 3 Inner Awakening. Still, it’s being in the program, so thanks for that for that ???????????. The question is that many time, I had decided that I want to travel direction but the direction I don’t know that….results always in failure or same time that I have to be with exploited people and treacherous people always surrounded me. They had exploited me in different ways. So I cannot be able to move further, so where was I started, I have to come back and see the results……..

Swamiji - See, again and again the whole problem boils down to 1 - When you say, they have exploited, you planned to exploit them, so they exploited. Understand. Nobody can exploit you, whom you have not planned to exploit. When you do not want to take the responsibility, you want somebody to take the responsibility. You plan to exploit them to take your responsibility and they took the responsibility and they took the power also and the result. You feel you are exploited. Understand. The essence is - Whoever you feel are exploiting you, go back. You will find, you planned to exploit them. You keep that as a blind spot. Originally you planned,” Wow, if a failure happens, then this guy will be blamed, I will not be blamed, come on, let me have him part of my life, let him be in my team”. You plan and develop everything. Yes, they do stand and take responsibility. When things come up, they take the credit. Everything goes to them and finally, you feel you are exploited. Understand. There is no exploitation can happen, unless you have planned to exploit them and your planned to exploit them, you keep it as blind spot, with the right words,” This is the way business works. This is the way politics works. This is the way, things work in the life. Look back! How many of you are able to click with what I am saying. Look back. It is only your planned to exploit. They have exploited. That’s all. It boils down to 1 understanding - the third principle - ‘Responsibility’. Knowingly or unknowingly, if you leave that blind spot to somebody, they are going to fit themself in. They are going to bolt themself in. When they are going to bolt themself in, use this word ‘bolting’, American English word, then that’s what happens to you. If you don’t understand, ask somebody what it is. So let’s gather for next session.

