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==Title: Dharana - Power Of Your Mind (Patanjali Yoga Sutras 104)==
Dharana - Power Of Your Mind (Patanjali Yoga Sutras 104)
Dharana: Power Of Your Mind (Patanjali Yoga Sutras 104) Nithyananda Morning Satsang 27-Jan-2011
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===Description: Dharana power of your mind by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 jan 2011'===
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Revision as of 11:59, 2 January 2021


Dharana - Power Of Your Mind (Patanjali Yoga Sutras 104)


Living Incarnation (Avatar) Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals more of the secrets expressed by the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, following yesterday's discourse on revealing the light within. "After the mind covering is removed, after the veil which covers the light is removed, your mind becomes ready to express all it carries inside. Your mind is everything; you don't know the powers of your mind. It can create anything you want, just like how it can create a dream - fall into the unconscious state and start dreaming.

From this sutra on Ashtanga Yoga, Patanjali describes the extraordinary mystical dimensions and capabilities expressed through the body and mind-a mystical non-return zone, a zone where mysticism is a living science.

Patanjali sets out the steps: first, understand the laws of life. Next raise yourself to the highest possible consciousness, balance your body, then prepare your muscle memory. Finally awaken the ability to absorb Prana without breathing. Then the mind is ready to express what it carries.

The science and ability to project anything you want and enjoy is Dharana. If you are able to absorb the energy without breathing, breathe without thinking, the veil covering of the mind is lifted and the mind is capable of expressing itself in a seed form.

When you raise your awareness, the causal body comes under your control and anything you take from your causal body becomes reality. Paramahamsa Nithyananda is very aware of the impact these teachings are having on a global scale. "Now I can see that many are ready to be pushed into the space of Dharana, at least a few hundred will be experiencing soon. Great Siddhas including Patanjali are all here."

To summarize: when you fall unconscious, what your mind expresses is a dream. It has no impact. When you are aware, what your mind expresses is creativity. It creates your life. When you are in a higher state of consciousness, it not only creates the life of whatever you want, but also on whom ever you want.

The message he carried today was immense. He will reinvent mankind. "Whatever your mind expresses is Dharana. You become a Kalpataru, a wish fulfilling tree. The super conscious state has a highly raised mitochondria level. (Mitochondria are like cellular power plants). I will push all of you to the next level in the next few days. You will learn the science of Dharana and express whatever you want."

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam. 00:49 I welcome you all with my Love and Respects. Again before entering into today's satsang, I wanted to remind all the devotees around the world who are sitting with us now live, please sit in padmasana and samana mudra. Sit in a deep restful awareness, in unclutched mood. Today's subject; ‘THE POWER OF YOUR MIND’, today we will be entering into the 104th sutra of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras; in the 2nd chapter, 53rd verse. ‘dharnasu cha yogyata manasah’ ‘dharnasu cha yogyata manasah’. 3:04 Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: The mind becomes fit for dharana. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: The mind gains the power of concentration. Swami Satchidananda translates as: And the mind becomes fit for concentration. And Osho translates this as: And then the mind becomes fit for concentration. But when Osho explains, he goes one step deeper and he says, “The word dharana means the capacity to contain, capacity to become womb, capacity to become a womb.” 04:11 Let me try to give my experience, my version of this great sutra, this great truth. dharnasu cha yogyata manasah. Now, after the inner covering is removed, after the veil which covers the inner light is removed your mind becomes capable, it becomes ready, it becomes fit to express all it carries inside. Please understand. From this sutra Patanjali is going to explain the extraordinary mystical dimensions of life. He is not just talking about physical health, mental health. NO. He is talking about now, extraordinary capabilities expressing through your body and mind. So he is taking us to a non return mystical zone. A zone where the mysticism is a living science, a lifestyle, way of living! 06:17 So, first you understand the laws of the life and you raise your coherence to the highest possible conscious coherence. Then balancing your body, preparing your muscle memory to radiate consciousness, then awakening the ability to absorb prana without breathing. Now your mind is ready to express whatever it carries in its womb. Please understand dharana means the capacity to express what it carries. It is not just concentration NO. For example, if you see the Indian farmers how they take the water to their crops. They’ll make a canal and they will cover it. When they need to send water to particular portion, only that portion that covering they will remove. Removing the covering does not mean just removing little bit of mud. It means flooding the water inside. Same way dharana does not mean just concentration of mind. NO. Opening up to release all it carries in itself in the seed form. So the word dharana need to be understood in a very deeper way. If you are able to absorb energy without breathing: breathing without thinking, the inner cover which covers your inner light, that veil is lifted, removed. Now your mind is capable of expressing all it carries in seed form in itself. 09:01 Your mind is everything! Please understand, your mind is everything. You do not know the powers of your mind. Your mind can just like that create any world you want. Just like how it creates any dreams it wants within few seconds, it can just put in different state of consciousness altogether within few seconds and show a different world in front of you. See how you are dreaming. All it takes is just two second and you fall into the dream. You fall into the unconscious state and you start dreaming. 10:00 Yesterday one of our brahmacharini was asking "Swamiji how do you raise us to such a high states just like that and awaken the kundalini?" For you to fall asleep and fall into the dream state how much time it takes? Just few seconds. See when you create an ambience; that low dim light, darkness and the body resting, cooperating for that sleeping mood, when you when your body cooperates and the ambience is right you fall asleep just in few seconds. Few second the mood changes and you express the dream world of which you wanted. Same way I create an ambience for you where your body is cooperating, steady, comfortable and ready to raise to the different level. Just push you into that level and your state of consciousness differs and the things you express differs. Through awakening the kundalini I push you into the different state of consciousness. Now if you understand the science little deeper, you can express whatever you want from your mind through dharana.

11:47 Please understand, understand the science of sleep; you will understand the science of dharana. What is sleeping? First you, your state of consciousness should become different; other than which you are now. It becomes almost dull, dull, dull, dull, dull; you become unaware of this body and slip into some state. After you slip in that state your mind enters into a kind of a negative dharana where it starts expressing whatever it wants. That is what is dream. Now, the same thing I am doing in the opposite direction. I am raising you to the highest states of awareness, altered states of consciousness. In that state if you consciously decide you can take out anything you want from your mind. Just like how when you fall into unconsciousness, you can project anything you want as dream and live. When you are raised to consciousness you can project anything you want and live. The science and ability to project anything you want and enjoy is dharana. 13:28 Please understand. The causal body where all engrams are stored, all possibilities of mind is stored is available to you when you fall asleep or when you raise to a higher state of consciousness. When you fall asleep because of your unconscious, some useless engrams comes out and you project something and see. That doesn't leave a big impact on your physical life; this plane. But when you raise your awareness, same causal body comes under your control. But anything you take out of causal body consciously becomes reality even in this plane. That is the difference between falling asleep and dreaming; and raising the awareness and projecting what you want to project; difference between sleeping and dharana. You may think if sleeping is useless then why should we enter into dharana? In sleeping and dreaming, when you come back, it doesn't leave you, leave a much big impact on your real life or what do you think as real life. But when you raise the consciousness through kundalini and awaken those dharana powers and come down, that creates a tremendous impact on your, whatever you call as real life. 15:15 Please understand. I am so happy just today morning I was contemplating on this sutra, I realised the greatness of this siddhas..... Patanjali... I am feeling they are taking us all through.... Whatever I am talking is becoming reality in this whole batch. When I spoke about this breathing without thinking, I saw hundreds around the world experiencing it. When I spoke about absorbing prana without breathing, I saw hundreds experiencing it. Now when I am talking about expressing capacities of your mind, I am seeing very clearly many of you are ready now to be pushed into the space of dharana and start expressing the powers of the mind, capacities of the mind. I am seeing very clearly, by the time I complete this techniques on dharana, at least few hundred will be experiencing these great powers like: materializing, teleporting or seeing the future, giving intense healing to peoples engrams itself. I am able to see the siddhas, great siddhas including Patanjali are all here.

18:30 When you fall unconscious and whatever your mind expresses is called dream. When you are in conscious whatever your mind expressing is called creativity. When you raise to super conscious and whatever your mind expresses is called higher worlds. That capacity to express is what is called dharana. Patanjali talks about hundred's of techniques to express special unique things. Please understand when you fall unconscious whatever you express does not leave big impact on your conscious life. When you are in conscious, whatever you express creates your life. When you are in super conscious whatever you express not only creates your life, creates the life of whatever you want to whomever you want. When you know the science of dharana, you become kalpataru. Whoever ask whatever, just like that, 'have it',' you will have it', 'it will happen'. Now in next few days I'll continue to push all of you to the super conscious state; means the highly raised mitochondria level. That is what is super conscious state; highly raised mitochondria level. Almost like explosion in every system. Then you will learn the science of dharana; expressing whatever you want! 21:47 When you enter into the altered states of consciousness, means higher states of consciousness, any idea you create can become reality. The capacity to create the right idea and making it into reality, that science is what is called dharana. Dharana is not just concentration. Concentration is like a removing the mud, if you say that, the example I gave, the farmer who floods the water into his land, he removes a small mud; if you say farmer removed the small mud, will it do true to the whole action happened? NO. Same way if you say dharana is concentration, it will not do true to the whole action happening. It’s only a poor translation of one dimension. You will have to say farmer is flooding his land with water by removing that small obstruction or removing the little mud. Only then what has happened will be told, translated, properly conveyed. Same way dharana should be translated as the capacity to create, express and make into reality of the extraordinary capabilities of your mind which is there in it in seed form is dharana. 23:55 I am seeing, we become Experiential Mystery School!! I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, radiate, express and Share the Eternal Bliss Nithyananda!! Thank you. 26:19