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Bliss is Choice (PYS-66, 67): Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras (14 Sep 2010)
In this discourse taken from Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks on "Bliss is Choice". He talks about how choicelessness is bliss, a paradox to the title - bliss is choice and how this choicelessness is a solution for depression.
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==Video and Audio==
Bliss is Choice (PYS-66, 67): Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras
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=== "Bliss is Choice (PYS-66, 67): Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras (14 Sep 2010)"  ===
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Prayer. Welcome.
Today’s subject is bliss is choice. I can say when you choose choicelessness you choose bliss. When you make any choice you choose suffering. I am giving completely contradictory statement!
Yesterday I said there can be no bliss, just hopeless. Just be hopeless that’s all. Nothing can be done. I said just be hopeless. But so many people got bliss. When a right person says hopeless, you have bliss. When a wrong person says something good also, he inflicts pain on you.
Bliss is the most talked about subject in the world. Today I was reading a one liner. How many vedantics, philosophers does it take to fix a bulb. Three. One to fix. Two to argue whether it exists or not! Bliss is a subject discussed much more than how many people it takes to fixa bulb in the world. Each person has different techniques methods for this. It is a choice when you choose choicelessness. When you choose choicelessness you are left with bless. Any choice you choose suffering. When you relax in choicelessness, those few moments, you experience bliss. Any choice you make, it leads you to suffering. Yesterday we say very clearly patanjali explains whatever you experience whether joy or suffering, pain or pleasure anything leads to pain. If there is joy there will be fear of losing it or greed that it should remain. If there is pain, fear that it exists or greed that it should go away is again pain. That is why you are hopeless. You may think this is negativity. When you understand the ultimate negativitiy, even your breathing becomes positive.
Let us enter into the sutra.
Repeats y’day’s sutra.
To the wise man it means if you are not feeling the hopelessness or everything ends in pain, he says you are not wise. To the wise man all is as it is pain …and also because the gunas counteract with one another. I did not elaborate on the last part. Today I will touch the last part.
Guna vruddhi virodhaat – you can neither be in fear nor in greed forever. Understand, worst, biggest enemy for bliss is your effort to be in bliss always. Drop it. Stop it. Don’t try to be blissful all the time. There is nothing wrong in being depressed. No really. Why should so much be promoted. No need that you should always be blissful. You can have sometime the depressed moments. Nothing wrong. Little salt is okay in life. You don’t need to be continuously so sweety, sweety, sweety. You may get diabetes. Too much greed to be in bliss 24 hours. These guys come and ask me how can I be 24 hours in bliss swamiji. I think as long as you have this thought you are caught.
By nature gunas contradict each other. These 4 things happening – fear of losing pleasure, fear of having continuous pain, greed to have more pleasure, greed to get rid of pain
These 4 are the gunas. Understand usually you thought gunas as 3. But fear of losing pleasure, fear of having continuous pain,
Both come under tamo guna. And, greed to have more pleasure, greed to get rid of pain is rajo guna. These 4 + other guna which is satva guna continuously happen in you again & again. If you have suffered with fear then greed comes. If you have suffered greed, then fear of pain comes, then comes greed for pleasure come over. All these fellows, is almost like 5 wifes or 5 husbands. But 5 husband theory is so heroically portrayed in Bharatha I cant use that theory. It is almost like living with 5 husbands. But with Draupadi she lived with one husband in a whole year.
Karna is Surya’s son. Dharmaraja is Yamadharma’s son. Karna and Dharmaraja are brothers. But Surya and Yamadharma are father and son! Too scandalous. It did not happen in normal plane. Totally different plane. These gunas come up and down, they counteract each other. Because of this, just by their presence they create pain.
Then how can bliss be choice? If you choose choicelessness bliss can be choice. As I said bliss is the most talked about subject and it is more than light bulbs.
Dukha meva sarvam vivekinaha – everything is painful for wise man.
The next sutra 16th sutra
Heyam Dukham Anagatam
Very beautiful sutra.
Vivekananda: the misery which is not yet come is to be avoided
Prabhavananda: the pain which is yet to come may be avoided
Satchitananda: pain that is not yet come is avoidable
Again, almost like a light bulb theory. Each of them says it so differently. To be avoided, may be avoidable
Let me tell you exactly what patanjali wants to convey.
Heyam dukham anagatam
I will translate as the pain not yet occurred ended. Should be, may be, will be, can be, you can add anything you want. Ended
How to avoid the pain which is yet to come. Just be clear the pain may come. It will be ended. You may think how can that be swamiji.
Pain is a pain when you don’t know it is going to happen. The surprise brings pain. The pain itself is not pain when you know and be prepared.
In Hindu tradition, sutra is there, if your Guru writes bashya, you can write vartika and your disciple can write teeka on it. Guru is bhashayakara, you are vartikakara and your disciple is teekakara. So you can interpret but the word cannot be altered. That is what is the sacredness of Vedas. You have right to comment but not to edit. When there is no right to update, 2 things will happen either it will be stinking. It has happened to some religions or interpolation happens. The stinking religions create militant missionaries. The interpolated religions create missionary militants. In vedic tradition we clearly say you have right for updation. But don’t edit it.
So with all my respect, I will try to give my own translation. Even though they all say should be , may be, to be avoided, is avoidable. I feel right word is End. Patanjali is not giving any advice. The largest thing which is given but never taken is advice. Everybody gives, but nobody takes. Patanjali is a technical guy. How many patanjali’s does it take to fix a bulb? None. Because he is enlightened. He is always shining.
He is telling straight. Maybe Buddha will talk in that language. Because he had 40 years to talk. Maybe Krishna could talk like that. Buddha had people who will listen to him. Krishna is that kind who had people who will see him and listen. But patanjali is neither of this category. He is a sharp guy. I want to bring to your notice an important thing. All acharyas from south india had high intellectual disciples. Means they will only listen. In any satsang, you will have only 2 kind of people, one who will listen, two who will see the person.
If the person who is uttering words, is more charismatic than words, people just see their discourses. But all south Indian acharyas like Shankara, ramanuja, madhva, patanjali none of them will see them. See Osho, after 5 books you know it is the same thing. Because he was so charismatic people just keep on seeing him. But patanjali neither has people listening or seeing him. He had too much intellectual disciples. Maybe we will create record. First south Indian acharya whose discourse people will see and listen.
Knowing the future suffering ends the future suffering. Heyam dukham anagatam.
Understand, being hopeless. This sutra is almost like a practicing hopelessness. Just be hopeless, there is no suffering. I am not saying suffering can be avoided, avoidable. So he is also not giving any technique for that. So this sutra is technique. Know that there is going to be suffering, ends pain. Simply accept what more can be more painful than death. Make a list. Maybe losing your name.  just by knowing this, you will not have the pain. That’s all. Knowing all possible happenings and being prepared for the impossible interventions ends suffering. Understand, heyam dukham anagatam. Just know as long as you are breathing, the possibility of breathing is there. As long as you r walking – falling, standing – falling, head – head ache is there. When the possibility is known, suffering ends.
It is like a being prepared for any possibility, any situation. Anything. I tell you when you take up a situation and look at it from different angle and dimension, the non mechanical parts of your brain get awakened. When the non mechanical parts of your brain gets awakened, there will be no suffering.  I can share with you how one can be looked in many angles.  I have something to tell you. How one thing can be looked from many angle.
How many sardarjis does it take to change the light bulb. 300. One to hold the bulb and 299 to turn the room around.
Bollywood – only one becos they don’t want to share the spot light
Divocee women – 4 – one to change, the other 3 to support
Indian men – none. She can do it when she finish house work
Pessimists – what is the point asking, it will never happen anyway.
Poet – none. Because they light candles
Lawyers – it depends how many can you afford
CID officials – I am not talking about Karnataka, TN or Andhra CID, I am just saying CID
None – they just leave you there in the darkness.
Nithyanandites – they don’t need lights. They are already enlightened!
So the light bulb can be understood in so many ways. Pick up any one thing – just pick up breathing and just look around all possibility which can happen around breathing. I tell you all suffering around breathing will disappear,
On anything if you put awareness, the suffering through that will disappear. Put your awareness on breathing and see what all can come. Enough. All your sufferings can disappear. Put your awareness on life, all suffering related to life will disappear.
Money – u will just be out of it. It is possible. Awareness melts pain. Awareness destroys pain. If pain is not destroyed, awareness is not been put. If awareness is directed, Heyam has to happen. Heyam has not happened awareness is not put on it.
I can give exact practice. When you pick up a subject money. Relate it with mooladhara. How my mooladhara is getting fulfilled by money – greed. How may swadishtana is getting fulfilled – fear. How my manipuraka relates with money, how my anahata gets fulfilled or unfulfilled by money, how my vishuddhi gets filled or un filled by money, how my ajna gets touched or untouched by money, how my sahasrara gets disturbed by money. Look very clearly from all angles. Clarity destroys suffering. Analyze from all angles. Look from all angles. Most of your suffering are based on not understanding the geo, politico, socio conditions which exist in you. Understand, geographical, social, political conditionings that are …
4 letter word. How you are expected to be is put as conditioning in you. And the subtle way to control you is put as a religion in you. Understand anything which has not become experience is socio political part of religion. That’s why I was telign other day, iron out all your activities.
If you do not have logical complete conviction of what you are doing, run away from it. Only if you are convinced then you are doing on your own understanding. Then perfect. It is no more religion it is spirituality.
Even the geography you will ive, conditions you. Not only socio political ideas in the air, it is in the land also. I have seen in US even if you breathe deeply you will put on weight. I am not disrespecting US air. I am telling you my observation. It is kind of an energy field.
I tell you a story how in different geography different thigns happen.
Why chicken crosses the road –
Darwin – it was the logical next step after comi9ng down from the trees
To cross the road less traeled by
It had a dream
Chicken at rest tend to stay at rest, in motion, cross the road
Whethere the chicken cross the road or raod cross chicken depends on your frame of reference
Oprah – well I understand why he watns to drive the road…I will give him a car
Bush – we don’t really care why chicken cross the road. We just want to know if chicken is on our side or not chicken is either against us or for there is no middle ground here
Grandpa – in my day we did not ask this question
Clinton – what chick? Show me …err…did you say chick or chicken.
Nithyananda – chicken or chick whether you cross it or that crosses you, be enlightened, it can lead to enlightenment. If you cross the chicken consciously, anyhow chicken is going to be inside you. If chicken crosses you, anyhow it is not going to have effect on you. If you cross the chick, you will have enough suffering you will become enlightened. If chick crosses you, you will have little pleasure later leads to suffering and you will be enlightened. So chicken crossing the road, is road to enlightenment.
Just like each philosopher has its own energy field, each geography has its own energy field. I tell you, any friendship that starts in kurukshetra, ends in enemity. That is the science of energy field. Whether it is geographical, social or political. The conditionings put inside creates suffering. Creates dukha. When you look from all these 3 angles, about each suffering, knowing the future suffering, the suffering ends.
Now we will sit with this one sutra. Know all possible sufferings as life. Life means what is happening in you as you. You will see suffering completely ends. Whether chick or chicken, if you cross the road with it, you are in bondage, If that crosses the road with you, you are liberated. All ideas about life if life is in the front, suffering will not be there. If suffering is in the front, life will not be there.
If life is in the front, suffering will not be there. If suffering is in the front, life will not be there. Know all possible sufferings of life, suddenly suffering wont be there. It is not like a process. It is more like a manana contemplation. Try this contemplation today, you will be liberated.
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'''Photos For The Day
==== Panchatapas ====
==== Panchatapas ====
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1LnbArMw1HNuhSDjHcmzupWGwF-pXYKlT" alt="Panchatapas - DSC_5516.JPG" height="400">

Revision as of 20:25, 12 December 2020



Video and Audio

Bliss is Choice (PYS-66, 67): Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras

Video Audio



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Morning-Satsang - DSC_6034_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6035_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6040_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6041_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6044_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6045_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6047_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6048_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6052_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6056_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6062_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6065_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6070_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6075_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6085_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6089_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6093_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6094_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6095_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6096_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6098_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6107_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6108_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6110_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6121_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6127_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6129_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6130_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6131_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6132_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6133_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6138_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6171_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6172_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6175_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6176_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6189_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6191_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6192_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6197_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6209_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6210_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6216_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6219_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6220_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6221_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6222_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6223_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6225_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6226_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6227_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6230_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6231_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6233_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6234_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6235_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6236_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6238_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6255_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6258_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6262_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6263_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6264_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6265_watermarked.jpg Morning-Satsang - DSC_6266_watermarked.jpg


Sarvadarshan - DSC_5990_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_5997_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6006_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6007_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6008_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6009_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6010_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6024_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6029_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6030_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6269_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6271_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6272_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6273_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6274_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6276_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6279_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6291_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6292_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6296_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6297_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6298_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6299_watermarked.jpg Sarvadarshan - DSC_6300_watermarked.jpg


Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6343_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6344_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6351_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6353_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6354_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6355_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6356_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6358_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6361_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6363_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6369_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6370_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6372_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6374_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6377_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6379_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6380_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6382_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6392_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6400_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6403_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6408_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandam-Morning-Session-With-Swamiji - DSC_6417_watermarked.jpg


Evening-Session - DSC_6420_watermarked.jpg Evening-Session - DSC_6421_watermarked.jpg Evening-Session - DSC_6425_watermarked.jpg Evening-Session - DSC_6426_watermarked.jpg Evening-Session - DSC_6427_watermarked.jpg Evening-Session - DSC_6428_watermarked.jpg Evening-Session - DSC_6429_watermarked.jpg


Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6307_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6308_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6309_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6310_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6311_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6314_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6315_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6316_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6320_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6323_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6324_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6325_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6326_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6327_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6328_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6334_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6335_watermarked.jpg Nithyanandeshwara-Paramashiva-Golden-Temple - DSC_6338_watermarked.jpg


Yogasutras - DSC_6432.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6433.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6434.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6436.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6439.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6440.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6441.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6445.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6446.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6448.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6449.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6450.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6451.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6452.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6453.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6454.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6455.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6461.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6464.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6465.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6466.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6467.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6468.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6470.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6471.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6473.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6474.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6476.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6489.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6495.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6496.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6498.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6503.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6504.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6507.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6509.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6511.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6513.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6514.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6515.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6516.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6518.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6520.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6523.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6528.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6530.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6533.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6537.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6538.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6543.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6544.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6549.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6550.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6551.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6553.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6561.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6562.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6563.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6564.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6565.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6567.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6568.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6569.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6570.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6571.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6572.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6573.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6575.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6576.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6578.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6579.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6580.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6582.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6583.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6584.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6585.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6586.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6587.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6588.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6589.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6590.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6591.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6594.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6595.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6596.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6597.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6602.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6604.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6605.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6606.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6608.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6609.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6610.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6612.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6614.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6615.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6622.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6624.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6625.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6626.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6627.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6629.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6633.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6634.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6635.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6636.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6640.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6641.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6643.JPG Yogasutras - DSC_6645.JPG