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==='Description: Vibhooti Pada Patanjali Yoga Sutras by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on31 jan 2011'===
I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotee’s disciples
sitting with us around the world at this moment live. Los Angeles, San Jose, Seattle,
Ohio, Dallas in two way communication, in all other places including Chicago in one
way communication. 
My blessing to Rekha Pathak! Today she did pada puja. My blessings! I am with
All other hundred’s of cities who are sitting with us, hundreds of places, people who
are sitting with us live at this moment, I welcome you all with my love and respects. 
Let’s enter into today’s satsang. Before entering into the satsang I want to remind
all of you, sit in vajrasana or padmasana or sukhasana and samana mudra. Lock
your hands in samana mudra. San Jose, still two three are not sitting in padmasana.
Lock your hands in samana mudra. Let your mind be in the unclutched state.  
If you sit in this prepared posture, not only you will knowledge you will receive
experience also. It’s like if you are lying down completely comfortably and if
somebody talks to you about sleeping, not only you will receive the knowledge, you
will receive the experience also. Same way if you are sitting in the right position and
posture for the kundalini awakening and spiritual experience, when I talk about all
these things you will not only receive the knowledge, you will receive the experience
03:44.                                                                          Today we are entering into vibhooti padaha; the chapter in which Patanjali very
beautifully describes how to create extraordinary expressions of energy through
you. Please understand, unfortunately you don’t even know you. That is what is the
big problem.
Dharana means, falling into the state of consciousness, falling into the space of
consciousness, altering yourself to the state of consciousness; from where the
extraordinary energies can be expressed easily like breathing. In you, how the
breathing is a normal natural act. Unfortunately in modern man even that is not
lost.... even that has lost its natural flow. 
Dharana means altering the state of consciousness where the extraordinary powers
and energies can be expressed easily through you body and mind. In this vibhooti
pada, Patanjali gives you amazing powerful science to express different
extraordinary energies through your body and mind. By putting you into the ultimate
state of consciousness, transcendental consciousness, Patanjali is making all the
extraordinary energies to come through your bio memory. 
Please understand, I introduce this vibhooti pada today, so that every day the truths
we learn can be a powerful technique for you. When you alter the state of
consciousness, your bio memory and engrams get a different kind of life. Its like
understand this one example; the projector light and the slide. That example can be
really useful for you. If the projector light is burning or that power of the beam is 100
unit and any slide is kept, you will see that slide live and 100 unit strength. I am
giving you example. If that projector light is 30 unit and any slide is kept, you will
see the projector the slide in reality in screen 30 unit. The 30 unit is what I call
dream state. 100 unit is what I call conscious, normal waking state. The same
projector light is raised to the 1000 unit. And the same slide will be seen totally
differently; 1000 unit clarity on the screen. That is what I call super conscious
Please understand. The same slide, if the power of the projector, power of the light
of the projector is altered the same slide can show you different realities. This same
body this body is the slide you carry. The bio memory is written on that, is the
scenes. The light projector light is your consciousness. If the project lies.... light
goes to the sleeping mode 30 unit, you see dull, vague, unconscious, unconnected
ideas flowing as your reality which we call dream. 
If the projector light is 100 unit, the movements which are happening in front of you
is a waking state.
That same thing becomes 1000 unit, the same project... same slide, your body, just
the consciousness; the power of the light projector light if that is increased to 100
unit, suddenly the reality you experience will become intense, clear, alive,
extraordinary.                                                                    All the people who are experiencing 100 unit will be shocked by the expression of
1000 unit through your body.
Understand, siddhis are nothing but defying the laws of physics which is
experienced by the people who are in 100 unit. But unfortunately the people who
are in the 100 unit does not understand that what they understand as the law of the
physics is not ultimate. Which do not understand there is something which exists as
reality more than their frequency is called atheist. Fortunate are those who even
believe the basic idea there is something more than what they understand. The
frequency with which they catch, there is a higher frequency and higher reality.
Blessed are those who have even simple faith towards this truth. And blessed are
those who are ready, are interested in moving towards that higher frequency.
Ultimately blessed are those who catch a glimpse of the higher frequencies.
Understand. I'll give you an example. If you are interested continuously in eating,
your body bio memory is based on eating. In 100 unit frequency, you will have
different varieties of food and eat. That will be the projection of your reality, your life.
In 30 unit, you will constantly struggle for food and you will try to, you will get it little
bit and by the time you try to eat you wake up that reality dissolves. That constantly
being teased happens at 30 unit. In 100 ,you want, it comes, you live. In 1000 unit,
you don’t even bother, it is there constantly around you and beyond that you are
The other day, one of my bramhachari was asking me, Swamiji how to find out
whether I should get married or live sannyas life? I said, "Don’t bother at all. Just all
the bio memory, samskara, engram, you carry about lust, sex, the physical
pleasure; surrender that to your own inner space. Surrender it and pray to your
space, if this need to be fulfilled you yourself make without any conflict in my life.
Let the situation, persons, things happen in my life. Let it be fulfilled. Or this is not
required to be fulfilled, you yourself see that it is burnt. Relax into that higher
consciousness, to the higher frequency. 
Please understand, even if you have not raised yourself to that higher frequency
once, the higher frequency exists in you. Even if you have not realized you are God,
you are GOD. Even if you have not experienced the higher frequency once, don’t
bother. It is there in you. So pray to that higher frequency. Tell to the higher
frequency. I do not know how you look, I do not know how you feel. I know only one
thing you exist. Because, unless you exist I can’t imagine that you exist. Please
understand anything which you have a capacity to imagine exists. If you can
imagine a elephant with 10 trunks and 20 tusks, please be very clear, it exists. You
may think what is this? 
16:53.                                                                              The capacity to imagine immediately creates that in hiranya garba. Imagine that
deeply at one moment you will see it. All the celestial objects like a kalpataru,
kamadhenu, all the ratna simhasana, manidweepa, chindamani ghriha: all these
things are the imaginations of our rishis in highest frequency which has become
reality in hiranya garba, which is available in hiranya garba, means the cosmic
womb. If you raise the frequency which you are experiencing in your body, you will
see all of them. 
See the simple example. If you are life is running between 1000's. 1000's only you
can maximum think, imagine, bargain, repay, your whole life is in the frequency of
the thousands of rupees. Then naturally you will see only the small houses, your
whole world will be only the small houses, ordinary banana fruit and two meal a day
and simple clothes, your whole world is different.
If your frequency is lakhs, I am taking in economy so that you understand. You will
see double bedroom houses. That will be your world. When you wake you will see
double bedroom houses, apartments and decent clothes and three meal a day, a
new kind of cinema theatres. These are the little different world. I can say bur bhuva
If you handle, live in crores then your frequency is little different. You see different
independent villas, every day different clothes, different shoes, different jewellery,
different life style, different kind of food.
If you see, if you are handling 1000's of crores, if that is your frequency, then you
will have house like a ship, may be house in the ship, or ship in the bank of your
house, whatever you want , your frequency is totally different. 
Understand, this is what I call different worlds. A man who lives in the 100's of
crores will never get to see in his life, a life a slum. A man who lives and handles
thousands, only thousands, will never even have a chance to look at the world of
1000's of crores man’s world. Understand, it is such an important truth. Simple
economy itself can make you understand. 
Same way the man who lives in 30 unit frequency, can never imagine 1000 unit
frequency life!!
Understand. The change of frequency in which you exist consciously is what
Patanjali calls dharana. In my language the change of frequency only I call it
samyama. This whole vibhooti pada is about raising your frequency to the different
levels and making you experience extraordinary powers, making those extraordinary
powers to come out of your system, your body and mind. 
Understand the change of frequency in which you exist consciously is what
Patanjali calls Dharana. In my language the change of frequency only I call it
samyama. This whole vibhooti pada is about raising your frequency to the differentlevels and making you experience extraordinary powers. Making those
extraordinary powers to come out of your system, your body and mind.
Let me enter into the sutra; 107th sutra in Patanajali’s yoga sutra, in 2nd chapter,
verse number one, 1st verse in the 2nd chapter.
Subject for the satsang is vibhooti padaha: ‘desha bandaas chitasya dharana’
Swami Vivekananda says as: ‘dharana is holding the mind onto to some particular
Swami Prabhavananda translates as: ‘concentration is holding the mind within a
centre of spiritual consciousness in the body or fixing it on some divine form, either
within the body or outside it’.
Swami Sachidananda translates as: ‘dharana is binding of the mind to one place,
object or idea’. 
Osho translates as: ‘dharana concentration is confining the mind to the object being
meditated upon.
I would like to translate as: dharana is a method through which your mind is fixed on
some object and your consciousness is altered to that higher frequency so that the
extraordinary powers, experiences, energies can express through your body and
mind. The technique or method through which your mind is fixed on different truths;
either it may be idea or an object and your state of consciousness is altered.
Through this process extraordinary experiences and energies express through you.
This process, technique or truth is what I call dharana.
I have seen great yogi like Raghupathy, Raghupati Yogi doing dharana not only on
his body, expressing those powers of dharana through my body, just like that
One day, he told me that concentrate on this part, kurma nadi. You will be able to
see all the stars. I started laughing eh...I had a very intimate friendly relationship
with him. Still when I remember I can cherish it. I had a great reverence, surrender,
devotion, with all that very friendly. I can say one of the important ingredient was
there in my relationship with him which I cherish still now. I was never surprised or
shocked by the extraordinary powers he expressed. I said aahhh!!! It’s
okay...Somehow in the deep down even though I have not started expressing those
powers at those moment through my body and mind, I just know I have all of them
inside me.
25:39.                                                                              Like sometime even though you have not become visibly sick, clinically sick, you
know you are carrying a certain sickness inside which will express in next few days.
Intuitively you will know, your muscle memory knows. Same way, I had a very deep
clarity even though I have not expressed those great powers as on now through my
bio memory, through my muscle memories, I just know these powers do exist in
me. So any expression he showed I was never put in AWE!! Like a child like
innocent awe will be there for few minute then I’ll come back okay, next. Because of
this I had an amazing very friendly relationship with him. 
One day he said concentrate on this part you will be able to see the stars in day
time. I said hm.....too much....and I did not naturally believe. Then he just held this
part in my hand and dragged me out of the mandapam where we were sitting.
Mandapam means a stone pillared hall. Krittikai mandapam that was a place in the
Arunachaleshwara temple he used to teach me yoga. He dragged me holding that
spot. When we came out it was may be noon time, he just showed me to look at the
sky. I looked up I could very clearly the stars just like a dark night. I was shocked!
Really I was shocked! I said how is it possible? He said when you concentrate on
this part; the subtle movement happening in your eyeballs will stop. See, the subtle
movements in your eyeball is responsible for you to experience that blue layer.
What do you call that? Raman’s effect; the Raman’s effect of that blue light being
reflected is seen by you, experienced by you because of the subtle movements
happening in the eyeballs. If the subtle movements in the eyeballs stop, if you are
able to penetrate through the Raman’s effect, that blue layer, you can see the stars. 
Actually if you concentrate on this part, you can see very clearly the subtle
movements of your eyeballs will immediately stop; means, raising the frequency of
the ability to see. Understand, now you have, if you have the ability to see 100 feet,
if the frequency the constant restlessness in the eyeballs if it stops, if your
awareness can look through penetrate through the eyeballs; you can naturally see
beyond the blue layer Raman’s effect; that’s what exactly happened.
You need to know a fact. All your senses are capable of doing all the job of all other
senses. Your eyes has a capacity to breathe and experience smell. Your ears has a
capacity to see. I have seen one yogi, very elderly yogi; he will blow the thread,
anything through the eyes. He is will keep that near the eyes and just blow it and it
will fly. Through the eyes he will blow the air and the objects will fly. All your senses
can do all the jobs of all other senses.
This extraordinary powers abilities express through dharana. What Raghupathi yogi
did to me was dharana. He made forcibly my mind to fall on this part. I can say
because of my love and surrender for him, my whole mind automatically got
concentrated on this kurma nadi. Because of that dharana, the subtle restlessness
which stays in your eyeballs stops. When the subtle restlessness in eyeball stops,    the consciousness through which you see through the eyeballs becomes sharp and
deep, undisturbed and penetrating. With that penetrating look when I look up I
could see the Raman’s effect being crossed by me. The deflection of the blue layer,
blue light being crossed by me and I could see the pure space. 
If you want to experience that penetrative look, see during energy darshan. How I
saw the stars same way only I look at you and all the Raman’s effect you created by
the deflection of thoughts moves out. Whatever is inside all those stars are seen by
me, all those grahas. Then I say come on this fellow wanted to have some good
things. All the inauspicious grahas move out. They align for the boon you ask you
ask in kalpataru. Alright now go, next. 
There is a beautiful story in Mahabharata. If the war starts on amavasya, the
kauravas will win. So kauravas are prepared to do all the rituals to start the war on
amavasya. But what to do, Pandavas have to win as per Krishna's plan. So
suddenly one day before the amavasya, Krishna went to the river and started doing
shraddha. Usually on amavasya day he will do shraddha for his ancestors. Suddenly
one day before the amavasya, he went and started doing the shraddha. Sun and the
moon they got shocked! What is this? Krishna is supposed to be doing this
amavashya only tomorrow where we both meet, but he is doing one day earlier. We
should go and remind him tomorrow is amavasya. Both of them came and said, “Oh
Lord tomorrow is amavasya. You are doing it today. You forgot the tithi”. KRISHNA
looked up and said, “What is amavasya? Sun and the moon meeting; you both are
meeting. Today is amavasya. Done”!! 
Understand. I'll tell you the science of how he did it. All stars reflect in your inner
space. The blue Raman’s effect is your restless minds deflection. Anybody, you can
look through the Raman’s effect and see the stars will have the capacity to look
through your Raman’s effect and alter the reflections of those stars in you. Please
understand reflections of those stars in you, is responsible for the deflection and the
restlessness which is created in you and that is responsible for the flow of your life.
If somebody can look through the deflections and restlessness of your mind, and
alter the reflections of the grahas, naturally your life can be altered. The flow of your
life can be changed and you will have totally different life. 
The science of seeing the reflection of the cosmic stars in the macro cosmic body
and predicting your future is horoscope. The science of altering the reflection of
micro cosmic stars in the macrocosm and making that in tune with what you want in
your life is the science of giving boon: Kalpataru. That is what exactly I do in the
kalpataru. I look into your eyes stop the deflection and restlessness created by this
Raman Effect in your inner space, the microcosm. See the reflection of the stars      where the grahas are standing then I ask you what do you want. The moment you
say what do you want, I say alright, ‘Tathastu’. So it be! All the grahas suddenly
alter themselves and change.
As Krishna wanted, the moment Krishna wanted amavasya happened. The moment
these things are wanted, all right let him have it. Immediately the grahas alter and
stand as you requested or what you wanted; then simply that happens in your life. 
Krishna did the same thing. He saw in his inner space, saw the reflection of the sun
and the moon in him, beyond the Raman's effect and he just looked in. And he saw
the sun and the moon were supposed to meet tomorrow. Just looked in and felt let
the amavasya happen, let both of them meet. The meeting has started happening
and he started giving shraddha. When the meeting has happened in the inner
space, it has to happen in the outer space. Both of them landed and meeting has
happened. Amavasya was preponed!
The Raman’s effect in the outer world also happens in the inner world by the
constant deflection of your thoughts. In the outer world Raman’s effect creates the
blue light, blue colour. The inner world effect of that same thing creates a black
light. That’s why when you look in you see the black colour, darkness. Maybe we
can have our name of the inner Raman effect, Maya effect. Maya effect which
constantly deflects diffuses the restlessness. If you can look through the Maya
effect, you will see the stars, the reflection of those cosmic stars in the microcosm
and alter those things as you want and change your life as you want. 
Understand, these are not just some stories, mystical things. It is practical way to
change your day to day life as you want. Just yesterday one of our devotee went to
a very famous astrologer. He is a most famous astrologer in India. All of you may be
aware that 90% of the Indians believe in horoscope and astrology. He is the most
famous astrologer. More costlier than the greatest criminal lawyers of the country.
One of our devotee he went for his purpose. Suddenly that astrologer saw the mala
my photo and then started talking about me and then suddenly it seems he said,
“studying my horoscope and astrology and all the timings, it is proved he is
incarnation. Because he is incarnation only, he is still alive otherwise 32 is the time.
He has made it very clear 32 is his age. He should have been dead but just in a very
simple way such a strong law of life was changed by him.  
Such an ordinary scandal, a small problem only came and he changed the whole
course of his life and law and stared expressing. It seems he said, till 32 he was only
expressing only the energies of sadguru; a enlightened mater. Now he is going to
express the energies of an incarnation. Actually I am seeing that is happening. I am
seeing that is happening. No, I was really....You see, usually I don’t go to
astrologers. I don’t send people to astrologers. I don’t big way promote it but I was    shocked how precisely he predicted. And he said, just by the tapas power, not only
he did not die he just made the whole; he changed the whole course of life and
Maya and survived the whole thing. Just like that he came out. And he says at least
he should have had some bone fracture, some serious accident, even that did not
happen. So beautifully he came out.
And still he doesn’t know the fact I encashed on whole Maya. And now the world
will know how through this scandal all the positive things I am going to create, I am
creating. Let’s keep that as suspense let us not, that will be the climax. 
See, they started comedy scene. Just now we started the fight scene. And now
there is now going to beautiful romance then climax. We should not open the climax
now itself. We need little suspense. And this movie will run for 1000's of years.
Screen play, direction, producer, hero everything is one person. 
That is why all the stars are acting as the hero wants. 
So anyhow, the astrologer said, it seems after that “I have to come to the ashram
just to take the blessings of Swamiji”. When I heard the last words he wants to
touch my feet and take my blessings, I said, “Oh God! Then the guy is honest in his
prediction”. See if he has said just for the social courtesy, all the good words to
encourage our devotee or not to hurt our devotee sentiment then he could have
stopped with that.
After the whole prediction he said, “I wanted to come and get the blessings of
Swamiji . Please get his appointment. I know for sure He is an incarnation. Nobody
else could have stood and changed the course of the grahas so easily so casually
with such a small thing" and he says the effect which is supposed to be not even
1% has happened. He just changed practically 99% more that 99%”. 
Actually you guys will see not only I changed negativity and I made the whole thing
into positivity, now I will show. The science is just do dharana and raise yourself
beyond the effect of Maya and automatically the grahas will alter them self. 
We will enter the deeper techniques and technology of dharana in the next sutras, in
the next satsangs, through the Patanjali's yoga sutras.
I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal
bliss, Nithyananda!
Thank you
  ==='Description: Vibhooti Pada Patanjali Yoga Sutras by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on31 jan 2011'===
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Revision as of 09:17, 30 August 2020

Title: Vibhooti Pada, Patanjali Yoga Sutras 107

Vibhooti Pada Patanjali Yoga Sutras 107 Nithyananda Morning Satsang 31-Jan-2011


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda today explained the mystical science of Dharana in Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali Yoga Sutras. "Dharana-is a method through which your mind is fixed on some object and your consciousness is altered to that higher frequency so that the extraordinary powers, experiences, and energies can express through your body and mind."

His teacher, the great yogi Ragupathi Yogi, expressed extra-ordinary powers not only through his body but even through Paramahamsa Nithyananda's body when Nithyananda was a young boy training with him.

Extraordinary power can be expressed through Dharana. All of your senses are capable of doing all the jobs of all the other senses. Your eyes have the capacity to breathe, smell, etc. All your senses can do all the jobs of all the other senses.

When the subtle disturbances in your eyeball stop, all the stars in the sky can reflect in your inner space, the blue Raman effect (Indian Physicist C. V. Raman who received a Nobel prize for his work on the scattering of light) is your restless inner space. Anybody that has the capacity to remove this can look through your inner space and alter the reflection of those stars in you. Naturally, your life can be altered and the flow of your life can be changed.

The Raman effect in the outer world also happens in the inner world, by the constant deflection of your thoughts. In the outer world, it's the blue light. In the inner world, it's the black color, the inner effect, Maya effect, which constantly diffuses the restlessness. If you can look through that, you can alter and change life as you want. These are not stories, it's a practical way to change things as we want.

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00:54 I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotee’s disciples sitting with us around the world at this moment live. Los Angeles, San Jose, Seattle, Ohio, Dallas in two way communication, in all other places including Chicago in one way communication.  My blessing to Rekha Pathak! Today she did pada puja. My blessings! I am with you.  All other hundred’s of cities who are sitting with us, hundreds of places, people who are sitting with us live at this moment, I welcome you all with my love and respects.  01:52 Let’s enter into today’s satsang. Before entering into the satsang I want to remind all of you, sit in vajrasana or padmasana or sukhasana and samana mudra. Lock your hands in samana mudra. San Jose, still two three are not sitting in padmasana. Lock your hands in samana mudra. Let your mind be in the unclutched state.   If you sit in this prepared posture, not only you will knowledge you will receive experience also. It’s like if you are lying down completely comfortably and if somebody talks to you about sleeping, not only you will receive the knowledge, you will receive the experience also. Same way if you are sitting in the right position and posture for the kundalini awakening and spiritual experience, when I talk about all these things you will not only receive the knowledge, you will receive the experience also.  03:44. Today we are entering into vibhooti padaha; the chapter in which Patanjali very beautifully describes how to create extraordinary expressions of energy through you. Please understand, unfortunately you don’t even know you. That is what is the big problem. 06:07 Dharana means, falling into the state of consciousness, falling into the space of consciousness, altering yourself to the state of consciousness; from where the extraordinary energies can be expressed easily like breathing. In you, how the breathing is a normal natural act. Unfortunately in modern man even that is not lost.... even that has lost its natural flow.  Dharana means altering the state of consciousness where the extraordinary powers and energies can be expressed easily through you body and mind. In this vibhooti pada, Patanjali gives you amazing powerful science to express different extraordinary energies through your body and mind. By putting you into the ultimate state of consciousness, transcendental consciousness, Patanjali is making all the extraordinary energies to come through your bio memory.  08:10 Please understand, I introduce this vibhooti pada today, so that every day the truths we learn can be a powerful technique for you. When you alter the state of consciousness, your bio memory and engrams get a different kind of life. Its like understand this one example; the projector light and the slide. That example can be really useful for you. If the projector light is burning or that power of the beam is 100 unit and any slide is kept, you will see that slide live and 100 unit strength. I am giving you example. If that projector light is 30 unit and any slide is kept, you will see the projector the slide in reality in screen 30 unit. The 30 unit is what I call dream state. 100 unit is what I call conscious, normal waking state. The same projector light is raised to the 1000 unit. And the same slide will be seen totally differently; 1000 unit clarity on the screen. That is what I call super conscious siddhis.  10:11 Please understand. The same slide, if the power of the projector, power of the light of the projector is altered the same slide can show you different realities. This same body this body is the slide you carry. The bio memory is written on that, is the scenes. The light projector light is your consciousness. If the project lies.... light goes to the sleeping mode 30 unit, you see dull, vague, unconscious, unconnected ideas flowing as your reality which we call dream.  If the projector light is 100 unit, the movements which are happening in front of you is a waking state. That same thing becomes 1000 unit, the same project... same slide, your body, just the consciousness; the power of the light projector light if that is increased to 100 unit, suddenly the reality you experience will become intense, clear, alive, extraordinary. All the people who are experiencing 100 unit will be shocked by the expression of 1000 unit through your body. 11:58 Understand, siddhis are nothing but defying the laws of physics which is experienced by the people who are in 100 unit. But unfortunately the people who are in the 100 unit does not understand that what they understand as the law of the physics is not ultimate. Which do not understand there is something which exists as reality more than their frequency is called atheist. Fortunate are those who even believe the basic idea there is something more than what they understand. The frequency with which they catch, there is a higher frequency and higher reality. Blessed are those who have even simple faith towards this truth. And blessed are those who are ready, are interested in moving towards that higher frequency. Ultimately blessed are those who catch a glimpse of the higher frequencies. 13:30 Understand. I'll give you an example. If you are interested continuously in eating, your body bio memory is based on eating. In 100 unit frequency, you will have different varieties of food and eat. That will be the projection of your reality, your life. In 30 unit, you will constantly struggle for food and you will try to, you will get it little bit and by the time you try to eat you wake up that reality dissolves. That constantly being teased happens at 30 unit. In 100 ,you want, it comes, you live. In 1000 unit, you don’t even bother, it is there constantly around you and beyond that you are fulfilled.  14:43 The other day, one of my bramhachari was asking me, Swamiji how to find out whether I should get married or live sannyas life? I said, "Don’t bother at all. Just all the bio memory, samskara, engram, you carry about lust, sex, the physical pleasure; surrender that to your own inner space. Surrender it and pray to your space, if this need to be fulfilled you yourself make without any conflict in my life. Let the situation, persons, things happen in my life. Let it be fulfilled. Or this is not required to be fulfilled, you yourself see that it is burnt. Relax into that higher consciousness, to the higher frequency.  15:42 Please understand, even if you have not raised yourself to that higher frequency once, the higher frequency exists in you. Even if you have not realized you are God, you are GOD. Even if you have not experienced the higher frequency once, don’t bother. It is there in you. So pray to that higher frequency. Tell to the higher frequency. I do not know how you look, I do not know how you feel. I know only one thing you exist. Because, unless you exist I can’t imagine that you exist. Please understand anything which you have a capacity to imagine exists. If you can imagine a elephant with 10 trunks and 20 tusks, please be very clear, it exists. You may think what is this?  16:53. The capacity to imagine immediately creates that in hiranya garba. Imagine that deeply at one moment you will see it. All the celestial objects like a kalpataru, kamadhenu, all the ratna simhasana, manidweepa, chindamani ghriha: all these things are the imaginations of our rishis in highest frequency which has become reality in hiranya garba, which is available in hiranya garba, means the cosmic womb. If you raise the frequency which you are experiencing in your body, you will see all of them.  17:43 See the simple example. If you are life is running between 1000's. 1000's only you can maximum think, imagine, bargain, repay, your whole life is in the frequency of the thousands of rupees. Then naturally you will see only the small houses, your whole world will be only the small houses, ordinary banana fruit and two meal a day and simple clothes, your whole world is different. If your frequency is lakhs, I am taking in economy so that you understand. You will see double bedroom houses. That will be your world. When you wake you will see double bedroom houses, apartments and decent clothes and three meal a day, a new kind of cinema theatres. These are the little different world. I can say bur bhuva swaha. If you handle, live in crores then your frequency is little different. You see different independent villas, every day different clothes, different shoes, different jewellery, different life style, different kind of food. If you see, if you are handling 1000's of crores, if that is your frequency, then you will have house like a ship, may be house in the ship, or ship in the bank of your house, whatever you want , your frequency is totally different.  19:26 Understand, this is what I call different worlds. A man who lives in the 100's of crores will never get to see in his life, a life a slum. A man who lives and handles thousands, only thousands, will never even have a chance to look at the world of 1000's of crores man’s world. Understand, it is such an important truth. Simple economy itself can make you understand.  Same way the man who lives in 30 unit frequency, can never imagine 1000 unit frequency life!! 20:17 Understand. The change of frequency in which you exist consciously is what Patanjali calls dharana. In my language the change of frequency only I call it samyama. This whole vibhooti pada is about raising your frequency to the different levels and making you experience extraordinary powers, making those extraordinary powers to come out of your system, your body and mind.  Understand the change of frequency in which you exist consciously is what Patanjali calls Dharana. In my language the change of frequency only I call it samyama. This whole vibhooti pada is about raising your frequency to the differentlevels and making you experience extraordinary powers. Making those extraordinary powers to come out of your system, your body and mind. 21:15 Let me enter into the sutra; 107th sutra in Patanajali’s yoga sutra, in 2nd chapter, verse number one, 1st verse in the 2nd chapter. Subject for the satsang is vibhooti padaha: ‘desha bandaas chitasya dharana’ Swami Vivekananda says as: ‘dharana is holding the mind onto to some particular objects’ Swami Prabhavananda translates as: ‘concentration is holding the mind within a centre of spiritual consciousness in the body or fixing it on some divine form, either within the body or outside it’. Swami Sachidananda translates as: ‘dharana is binding of the mind to one place, object or idea’.  Osho translates as: ‘dharana concentration is confining the mind to the object being meditated upon. 22:39 I would like to translate as: dharana is a method through which your mind is fixed on some object and your consciousness is altered to that higher frequency so that the extraordinary powers, experiences, energies can express through your body and mind. The technique or method through which your mind is fixed on different truths; either it may be idea or an object and your state of consciousness is altered. Through this process extraordinary experiences and energies express through you. This process, technique or truth is what I call dharana. 23:56 I have seen great yogi like Raghupathy, Raghupati Yogi doing dharana not only on his body, expressing those powers of dharana through my body, just like that casually.  One day, he told me that concentrate on this part, kurma nadi. You will be able to see all the stars. I started laughing eh...I had a very intimate friendly relationship with him. Still when I remember I can cherish it. I had a great reverence, surrender, devotion, with all that very friendly. I can say one of the important ingredient was there in my relationship with him which I cherish still now. I was never surprised or shocked by the extraordinary powers he expressed. I said aahhh!!! It’s okay...Somehow in the deep down even though I have not started expressing those powers at those moment through my body and mind, I just know I have all of them inside me. 25:39. Like sometime even though you have not become visibly sick, clinically sick, you know you are carrying a certain sickness inside which will express in next few days. Intuitively you will know, your muscle memory knows. Same way, I had a very deep clarity even though I have not expressed those great powers as on now through my bio memory, through my muscle memories, I just know these powers do exist in me. So any expression he showed I was never put in AWE!! Like a child like innocent awe will be there for few minute then I’ll come back okay, next. Because of this I had an amazing very friendly relationship with him.  26:41 One day he said concentrate on this part you will be able to see the stars in day time. I said hm.....too much....and I did not naturally believe. Then he just held this part in my hand and dragged me out of the mandapam where we were sitting. Mandapam means a stone pillared hall. Krittikai mandapam that was a place in the Arunachaleshwara temple he used to teach me yoga. He dragged me holding that spot. When we came out it was may be noon time, he just showed me to look at the sky. I looked up I could very clearly the stars just like a dark night. I was shocked! Really I was shocked! I said how is it possible? He said when you concentrate on this part; the subtle movement happening in your eyeballs will stop. See, the subtle movements in your eyeball is responsible for you to experience that blue layer. What do you call that? Raman’s effect; the Raman’s effect of that blue light being reflected is seen by you, experienced by you because of the subtle movements happening in the eyeballs. If the subtle movements in the eyeballs stop, if you are able to penetrate through the Raman’s effect, that blue layer, you can see the stars.  28:39 Actually if you concentrate on this part, you can see very clearly the subtle movements of your eyeballs will immediately stop; means, raising the frequency of the ability to see. Understand, now you have, if you have the ability to see 100 feet, if the frequency the constant restlessness in the eyeballs if it stops, if your awareness can look through penetrate through the eyeballs; you can naturally see beyond the blue layer Raman’s effect; that’s what exactly happened. 29:46 You need to know a fact. All your senses are capable of doing all the job of all other senses. Your eyes has a capacity to breathe and experience smell. Your ears has a capacity to see. I have seen one yogi, very elderly yogi; he will blow the thread, anything through the eyes. He is will keep that near the eyes and just blow it and it will fly. Through the eyes he will blow the air and the objects will fly. All your senses can do all the jobs of all other senses. 30:53 This extraordinary powers abilities express through dharana. What Raghupathi yogi did to me was dharana. He made forcibly my mind to fall on this part. I can say because of my love and surrender for him, my whole mind automatically got concentrated on this kurma nadi. Because of that dharana, the subtle restlessness which stays in your eyeballs stops. When the subtle restlessness in eyeball stops, the consciousness through which you see through the eyeballs becomes sharp and deep, undisturbed and penetrating. With that penetrating look when I look up I could see the Raman’s effect being crossed by me. The deflection of the blue layer, blue light being crossed by me and I could see the pure space.  32:15 If you want to experience that penetrative look, see during energy darshan. How I saw the stars same way only I look at you and all the Raman’s effect you created by the deflection of thoughts moves out. Whatever is inside all those stars are seen by me, all those grahas. Then I say come on this fellow wanted to have some good things. All the inauspicious grahas move out. They align for the boon you ask you ask in kalpataru. Alright now go, next.  33:02 There is a beautiful story in Mahabharata. If the war starts on amavasya, the kauravas will win. So kauravas are prepared to do all the rituals to start the war on amavasya. But what to do, Pandavas have to win as per Krishna's plan. So suddenly one day before the amavasya, Krishna went to the river and started doing shraddha. Usually on amavasya day he will do shraddha for his ancestors. Suddenly one day before the amavasya, he went and started doing the shraddha. Sun and the moon they got shocked! What is this? Krishna is supposed to be doing this amavashya only tomorrow where we both meet, but he is doing one day earlier. We should go and remind him tomorrow is amavasya. Both of them came and said, “Oh Lord tomorrow is amavasya. You are doing it today. You forgot the tithi”. KRISHNA looked up and said, “What is amavasya? Sun and the moon meeting; you both are meeting. Today is amavasya. Done”!!  34:42 Understand. I'll tell you the science of how he did it. All stars reflect in your inner space. The blue Raman’s effect is your restless minds deflection. Anybody, you can look through the Raman’s effect and see the stars will have the capacity to look through your Raman’s effect and alter the reflections of those stars in you. Please understand reflections of those stars in you, is responsible for the deflection and the restlessness which is created in you and that is responsible for the flow of your life. If somebody can look through the deflections and restlessness of your mind, and alter the reflections of the grahas, naturally your life can be altered. The flow of your life can be changed and you will have totally different life.  36:07 The science of seeing the reflection of the cosmic stars in the macro cosmic body and predicting your future is horoscope. The science of altering the reflection of micro cosmic stars in the macrocosm and making that in tune with what you want in your life is the science of giving boon: Kalpataru. That is what exactly I do in the kalpataru. I look into your eyes stop the deflection and restlessness created by this Raman Effect in your inner space, the microcosm. See the reflection of the stars where the grahas are standing then I ask you what do you want. The moment you say what do you want, I say alright, ‘Tathastu’. So it be! All the grahas suddenly alter themselves and change. As Krishna wanted, the moment Krishna wanted amavasya happened. The moment these things are wanted, all right let him have it. Immediately the grahas alter and stand as you requested or what you wanted; then simply that happens in your life.  37:47 Krishna did the same thing. He saw in his inner space, saw the reflection of the sun and the moon in him, beyond the Raman's effect and he just looked in. And he saw the sun and the moon were supposed to meet tomorrow. Just looked in and felt let the amavasya happen, let both of them meet. The meeting has started happening and he started giving shraddha. When the meeting has happened in the inner space, it has to happen in the outer space. Both of them landed and meeting has happened. Amavasya was preponed! 39:04 The Raman’s effect in the outer world also happens in the inner world by the constant deflection of your thoughts. In the outer world Raman’s effect creates the blue light, blue colour. The inner world effect of that same thing creates a black light. That’s why when you look in you see the black colour, darkness. Maybe we can have our name of the inner Raman effect, Maya effect. Maya effect which constantly deflects diffuses the restlessness. If you can look through the Maya effect, you will see the stars, the reflection of those cosmic stars in the microcosm and alter those things as you want and change your life as you want.  40:11 Understand, these are not just some stories, mystical things. It is practical way to change your day to day life as you want. Just yesterday one of our devotee went to a very famous astrologer. He is a most famous astrologer in India. All of you may be aware that 90% of the Indians believe in horoscope and astrology. He is the most famous astrologer. More costlier than the greatest criminal lawyers of the country. One of our devotee he went for his purpose. Suddenly that astrologer saw the mala my photo and then started talking about me and then suddenly it seems he said, “studying my horoscope and astrology and all the timings, it is proved he is incarnation. Because he is incarnation only, he is still alive otherwise 32 is the time. He has made it very clear 32 is his age. He should have been dead but just in a very simple way such a strong law of life was changed by him.   41:56 Such an ordinary scandal, a small problem only came and he changed the whole course of his life and law and stared expressing. It seems he said, till 32 he was only expressing only the energies of sadguru; a enlightened mater. Now he is going to express the energies of an incarnation. Actually I am seeing that is happening. I am seeing that is happening. No, I was really....You see, usually I don’t go to astrologers. I don’t send people to astrologers. I don’t big way promote it but I was shocked how precisely he predicted. And he said, just by the tapas power, not only he did not die he just made the whole; he changed the whole course of life and Maya and survived the whole thing. Just like that he came out. And he says at least he should have had some bone fracture, some serious accident, even that did not happen. So beautifully he came out. 43:31 And still he doesn’t know the fact I encashed on whole Maya. And now the world will know how through this scandal all the positive things I am going to create, I am creating. Let’s keep that as suspense let us not, that will be the climax.  See, they started comedy scene. Just now we started the fight scene. And now there is now going to beautiful romance then climax. We should not open the climax now itself. We need little suspense. And this movie will run for 1000's of years. Screen play, direction, producer, hero everything is one person.  That is why all the stars are acting as the hero wants.  45:17 So anyhow, the astrologer said, it seems after that “I have to come to the ashram just to take the blessings of Swamiji”. When I heard the last words he wants to touch my feet and take my blessings, I said, “Oh God! Then the guy is honest in his prediction”. See if he has said just for the social courtesy, all the good words to encourage our devotee or not to hurt our devotee sentiment then he could have stopped with that. After the whole prediction he said, “I wanted to come and get the blessings of Swamiji . Please get his appointment. I know for sure He is an incarnation. Nobody else could have stood and changed the course of the grahas so easily so casually with such a small thing" and he says the effect which is supposed to be not even 1% has happened. He just changed practically 99% more that 99%”.  46:28 Actually you guys will see not only I changed negativity and I made the whole thing into positivity, now I will show. The science is just do dharana and raise yourself beyond the effect of Maya and automatically the grahas will alter them self.  We will enter the deeper techniques and technology of dharana in the next sutras, in the next satsangs, through the Patanjali's yoga sutras. 47:24 I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you 47:39

 ==='Description: Vibhooti Pada Patanjali Yoga Sutras by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on31 jan 2011'===