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Let the listening be your God. Today learn this one basic truth. Then I will explain different sacred sutras. When the words come and fall on you, see how the cognition is taken and how the decision is taken. Be aware of your Buddhi’s and dhi’s functioning. Come back to your sensitivity. You can then master your senses. I will explain further next few days. Now let this be your basic essence – let the listening be your God! Blessings!  
Let the listening be your God. Today learn this one basic truth. Then I will explain different sacred sutras. When the words come and fall on you, see how the cognition is taken and how the decision is taken. Be aware of your Buddhi’s and dhi’s functioning. Come back to your sensitivity. You can then master your senses. I will explain further next few days. Now let this be your basic essence – let the listening be your God! Blessings!  
==Photos Of The Day:==
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Latest revision as of 19:34, 2 March 2021


Master your senses Part1 Patanjali Yoga Sutra 154

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Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is master your senses! 154th Patanjali Yoga Sutra, 3rd chapter 48th verse Grahana swaroopa asmita anvaya artha vatva samyamaat indriya jayaha Vivekananda: through samyama on the perception by the organs the knowledge that follows the ‘I’ consciousness that accompanies this knowledge the inherence of the gunas of all of these and their contributing the experience of the soul comes the conquest of organs. Prabhavananda: by making samyama on the transformation that the sense organs undergo when they contact objects on the power of the illumination of the sense organs on the gunas ….one gains mastery of the organs Satchitananda: by samyama on the power of perception and on the essential nature, correlation with the ego sense and purpose of sense organs mastery over them is gained Osho: by performing samyama on their power of cognition, real nature, egoism all pervasiveness, and functions brings mastery over the sense organs. First I will explain if you master the sense organs what happens to you. then naturally you will be inspired to do this. when you master the sense organs first that happens in you is you will see the whole universe as Ishwara, whole Jagath as God. Yesterday I went to pay my tribute to Bhagawan Satya Sai Baba after he took Samadhi. His body is there. I I went and bowed down and paid my respect. For a second I saw he is a pure consciousness. Then I just felt some people feel he is God, some people feel he is a demon. So many people have demonized him, abusing him, disrespected him. When somebody is no more you should have at least basic courtesy not to criticize that person. the media has lost the basic decency. Even now I can see some people abusing him. I realized in one moment he is the pure consciousness. If you want God you can project God on him and see. If you want demon, you can project demon and see. The world also is a pure reflection of consciousness. It is a pure energy of God. You can project demon on it and see. I know few people who feel the whole world is against them to destroy them – their parents are conspiring against them, their relatives are conspiring against them, their friends are conspiring against them, the person walking on the street is conspiring against them, onlookers are conspiring against you, and even their Guru is conspiring against them. Not only that they feel even the very ground they are standing on is conspiring against them! They want only demon. They see demon everywhere. Like Children who see darkness wherever whenever and feel oh bhoota is there! You can project demon or God on everything and see. You don’t even need to project. If you stop projecting you will see god. What is, is isness! Isness – thataata is God! I went to Arunachala to offer my gratitude and respects to Arunachala after the relaxation of the bail conditions by the Honorable High Court of Karnataka. On the way I went to inaugurate one of our Ananda Sabhas in our Hosoor Ashram where they built a new temple for me and meditation hall. We have a beautiful library there. That property was donated by a close disciple of J.Krishnamurthy who was head of Rishi Valley School – Mr. Bala Sundaram a highly principled and evolved person. there is a beautiful library donated by him. There was only one word on a board there. It is a word from J.Krishnamurthy – “Let the Listening be your God!” I can say this one line not only can lead you to enlightenment, what Patanjali says mastery over your senses can happen just with this one line. Systematically Patanjali explains how all power of cognition, real nature, egoism all pervasiveness functions. But the essence of this whole samyama J.Krishnamurthy has put in one word – let the listening be your God. When you listen to the master just see how the words fall on you and how you cognize them. your cognition is not perfect as on now. You all have senses but you lost sensitivity. When the word comes & falls on us how the cognition is taken. For example, now so many of you guys the moment I look at you guys all I need is I need to look and you need to look – immediately the Kundalini awakens and you start experiencing a different plane. Before you were not having this experience. That time also I was incarnation and you are disciple, how come now when I blow (he blows) so much is happening in your body visibly, physically? How come this was not happening one year before and happening now? Because your cognition has developed. Your cognition has become pure. Your sensitivity is heightened. Just see. If you see in the movies, almost all movies will have this scene – the sarees will fly in the air and settle down. This is a great symbol of romance! Same way, the word which I am uttering comes in the air and comes and settles on you. Don’t take cognition quickly in a hurried way. No. when that saree lands on you just layer by layer remove. Oh! Now he is uttering a word cognition. What does it mean? What does he want to convey? Means keeping the Buddhi and the decision making dhi. Buddhi means the energy of you which makes meanings out of all the words. Dhi means the energy of you which decides how to respond to these words. When I utter these words, one part of you makes meanings, the other part of you decides what to do with them. you may say I heard this before, let me store in your archive, or this fool repeats this everyday. ..some decision making happens in you. that decision making energy is called Dhi. Do not allow buddhi and dhi function unconsciously. You just be aware. Your dhi and buddhi will take decision. If they take decision you will not have conflict in what I am saying. Then these words are no more my words they are your words. Then you will not have problem with the morning Akhada. You will not curse your mentor or the machine. I saw that so many fellows are throwing their anger and irritation of disturbed sleep on the machines. And the poor dumbles! Every day I go there, remove all your curses and clean the machines. When your dhi and buddhi takes the cognition and does the operation in unconsciousness, you go on doing things unconsciously. Not only that after 10 days you find neither your mentor nor his mentor is showing compassion or the machines are breaking down. Then you take the dangerous decision of breaking down your own body and will complain of body pain! ☺ These are all unconscious cognition. When the unconscious cognition is encouraged by you and spoken as conversation that strengthens the cognition and when the cognition is used it strengthens your conversation and when the conversation is used again and again it becomes a samskara in you! understand how the conversation and cognition becomes samskara in you. Come back to be sensitive. Fall down from foolishness. then you will always fall into the intelligence. You are standing on foolishness and trying to take cognition through all 5 senses just from foolishness. it is such a basic lesson that is why Patanjali is repeating this lesson again & again. Patanjali is one of the greatest inner scientist. Man who demonstrated the science of enlightenment. Even after he left the body he did not deteriorate, die or show any symbol of death. He was just living, alive radiating his presence. So disciples just built a room around his body. usually masters body is buried filling the ash, bilva leaves and sand. But his body is the only place where a room is built around it. it is a huge stone sealed room where he is sitting inside. still you can listen to the breathing sound! Again the big problem is you will think I am promoting some fantasy. But still you can experience the breathing sound. You can make out clearly when you put your ear on that wall. You will hear a very systematic clear breathing sound. Just like how you feel your own breathing, the same rhythm is there. He became one with Nataraja. He loved to wear Rudraksha. So they decorated the whole mandapa with rudraaksha. He became one with Chidakaasa Chidambara Nataraja. The form with which he operated his body that form is also there. If you are helped by yoga in any form, you are indebted to him. Anybody who wants to experience his presence you should go there to Rameshwaram and see his physical presence. We have some of the great masters body mummified. Not the Egypt way. They are able to maintain only the body. our guys are able to maintain the body as the center of the cosmic consciousness. It not only stays, the body continues to be centre of their cognition. Their cognition, dhi and buddhi work and they continue to be the centre of the consciousness. That is why your prayers are responded to when you pray there. That will not happen when you go to the Egypt mummies. Same way Srirangam Ramanuja’s body you can still see the nails and hair growing evennow. Not only that you can feel his presence. You can offer any prayers and you can feel his response. You can talk to him. Many times I told in the Arunachala temple, the Arunagiri Yogeshwara’s Jeeva Samadhi is there. He is living there. When we went this time, I just wanted to let the world now that his Jeeva Samadhi is there. All I said is if he is really sitting here, then his hair should get materialized in my devotees hand. We got 6 hair. We are sending it for test to prove it is at least 2000 years old. Of course we cannot compare as there is no record of Arunagiri Yogeshwara’s DNA. But at least we can prove the age of the hair. Same way, we will prove Patanjali’s presence also. Ramanuja’s family is also there. So through that we can prove. We will do some of these scientific studies and prove all these great truths of this Yogic tradition, vedic tradition. Don’t think our Puranas are myth. No. they are truths told in a poetic way. It does not mean they don’t have a base. I am planning now to go to Harappa and Mohenjodaro and clearly find out the places where Dharmaraja he ruled the Hastinapura and all this big cities where all this masters and old ancient vedic heroes lived and teleport some of the materials and do the DNA test to go on proving. I will evolve a scientific system to prove these things. Not only that after the 1st world war – the Mahabharatha happened, where the atomic weapons were used, still there are parts lying underground where the radiation happened, I will teleport some of them and prove how our masters had knowledge of great scientific research. Actually Delhi is the place where Dharmaraja ruled. The new city he ruled which is Indraprastha. Like this different parts. Anyhow when you live in the body if you arrive to the sensitivity where the Buddhi and dhi functions in awareness in sensitivity, even after you live the body that will continue to be with you. radiate through your body and through you. that is why when you go to the great master’s Jeeva Samadhi whatever prayers you ask for immediately they will respond to it. some of these master’s presence all seekers should experience. The Samadhi of Ellamallar Siddhar, Meenakshi in Madhurai, Patanjali’s presence in Rameshwaram, Ramanuja’s presence in Srirangam, Kamakshi devi herself came and did tapas to Shiva and became enlightened her presence in Kanchipuram. All these major masters energy fields all seekers must visit. They all radiate the highest sensitivity. Understand I saw so many of you guys in the Tiruvannamalai temple levitating, rolling and receiving Vibhooti in your hands. Understand you need to know this is a solid confirmation that your experience is a super conscious experience. If you are receiving Vibhooti because of some black magic, it will not happen in the great energy field of great masters like Arunagiri Yogeshwara and Shiva. If it has happened there, it means the energy that is in you and them is one and the same. Achala Murthy and Sachala muthry is one and the same. Because in the super conscious energy field, the unconscious black magic cannot interfere. Let the listening be your God. Today learn this one basic truth. Then I will explain different sacred sutras. When the words come and fall on you, see how the cognition is taken and how the decision is taken. Be aware of your Buddhi’s and dhi’s functioning. Come back to your sensitivity. You can then master your senses. I will explain further next few days. Now let this be your basic essence – let the listening be your God! Blessings!

Photos Of The Day:
