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Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam
Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.
I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today’s subject is 'Awaken your extra sensory powers through super DNA'. I'll share few insights about super DNA from my experience and some of the great revelations from the modern day rishis, scientists and some of the scriptural quotations from ancient rishis; shastra pramana; means truths revealed by the ancient and modern rishis; rishis and scientists; and atma pramana my own experience about this revelations. So that it can become aptha pramana; experience of the master’s for you.
|| Sadāshiva samārambhām  Shankarācāryā madhyamām |
Here is a discovery from dailygalaxy.com the website. So many scientists contribute to that website. DNA has been found to have a bizarre activity to put itself together even at a distance, when according to known science it should not be able to. I will explain how the teleporting, telepathy, all these things are possible. It is just because of this truth - DNA has been found to have bizarre ability to put itself together even at a distance when according to known science it should not be able to. Science is said to catch up with teleporting and telepathy and all that.
Asmat ācārya paryantām Vande Guru Paramparām ||
Scientists Grayzna and Franz found out the DNA can cause patterns in vacuum, producing magnetic wormholes. Please understand it’s a new word ‘wormholes’. Wormholes are tunnels like connections between areas in universe through which DNA attracts bits of information outside time and space and passes them on to our consciousness. It was noted that this information can be passed on between individuals whose DNA is turned on or activated.  
I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today’s subject is 'Awaken your extra sensory powers through super DNA'. I'll share few insights about super DNA from My experience and some of the great revelations from the modern day rishis - scientists and some of the scriptural quotations from ancient rishis. Shastra pramana - means truths revealed by the ancient and modern rishis, rishis and scientists. And atma pramana - My own experience about this revelations. So that it can become apta pramana - experience of the master’s for you.
Here is a discovery from dailygalaxy.com the website. So many scientists contribute to that website.
‘DNA has been found to have a bizarre activity to put itself together even at a distance, when according to known science it should not be able to.’
I will explain how the teleporting, telepathy, all these things are possible. It is just because of this truth - DNA has been found to have bizarre ability to put itself together even at a distance when according to known science it should not be able to. Science is said to catch up with teleporting and telepathy and all that.  
Let me add my own experience for this. They say, the scientists are saying that DNA can cause patterns in vacuum producing magnetic wormholes. That wormholes can attract bits of informations outside time and space. Patanjali again and again says you don’t need to learn just from the five senses means seeing and hearing. I have an example of Vivekananda. Whatever he expressed in 9 years of his public life, even for you to study it will take 39 years; his lifetime. This proves solidly, Vivekananda did not receive all information through eyes and ears. You can take my example. Whatever I expressed in last eight years, even for you to study and understand it will take at least 33 years. Forget about experiencing and expressing; just to study. Very clearly you can see, logically you can see, very clearly, objectively you can see, this much of information cannot get into the system through ears, through ears and seeing or any other education method; within last 33 years even if I was studying whole 33 years 24 hours. Then how did this informations get into the system and comes out?
Scientists Grayzna and Franz found out - ‘The DNA can cause patterns in vacuum, producing magnetic wormholes.’ Please understand it’s a new word ‘wormholes’. Wormholes are tunnels like connections between areas in universe through which DNA attracts bits of information outside time and space and passes them on to our consciousness. It was noted that this information can be passed on between individuals whose DNA is turned on or activated.  
Let Me add My own experience for this. They say, the scientists are saying that DNA can cause patterns in vacuum producing magnetic wormholes. That wormholes can attract bits of informations outside time and space.
Patanjali again and again says ‘you don’t need to learn just from the five senses’ means - seeing and hearing. I have an example of Vivekananda. Whatever he expressed in 9 years of his public life, even for you to study it will take 39 years; his lifetime. This proves solidly, Vivekananda did not receive all information through eyes and ears. You can take My example. Whatever I expressed in last eight years, even for you to study and understand it will take at least 33 years. Forget about experiencing and expressing; just to study. Very clearly you can see, logically you can see very clearly, objectively you can see, this much of information cannot get into the system through ears, through ears and seeing or any other education method within last 33 years, even if I was studying whole 33 years 24 hours. Then how did this informations get into the system and comes out?
This is the secret. DNA can create magnetic wormholes which receives bits of information outside time and space. That’s what we call consciousness. So till the wormholes are created in your DNA you need an outside master. Once the wormholes are created in your DNA you don’t need outside master. The outside guru sits inside you as antar guru and teaches you. He sits inside you and goes on supplying the knowledge.  
This is the secret. DNA can create magnetic wormholes which receives bits of information outside time and space. That’s what we call consciousness. So till the wormholes are created in your DNA you need an outside master. Once the wormholes are created in your DNA you don’t need outside master. The outside guru sits inside you as antar guru and teaches you. He sits inside you and goes on supplying the knowledge.  
And another one important information the last punch line. It was noted that this information can be passed on between individuals whose DNA is turned on or activated. Whatever I downloaded through My wormholes and DNA can be transmitted to you without using My words, without you seeing or listening; just if your DNA is activated or turned on. That is what I call initiation - Upanishad. Only in the beginning you need to listen to My words. If the DNA gets activated or turned on, no need for words, no need for ordinary way of teaching; just the transmission, the initiation, energy darshan is enough.
And another one important information the last punch line. It was noted that this information can be passed on between individuals whose DNA is turned on or activated. Whatever I downloaded through my wormholes and DNA can be transmitted to you without using my words, without you seeing or listening; just if your DNA is activated or turned on, that is what I call initiation; Upanishad. Only in the beginning you need to listen to my words. If the DNA gets activated or turned on, no need for words, no need for ordinary way of teaching; just the transmission, the initiation, energy darshan is enough.  
That is what I was telling yesterday. It is, initiation is like a intense downloading into you. The knowledge and consciousness and information in this bio memory in this DNA is just transmitted. That is why this acharyas once they are initiated, our trained teachers, to go around and take classes, once they are initiated there are thousands of information they never learnt from My books or heard from Me starts expressing through them. The answers which they would have never heard from Me or read from My books suddenly start expressing. How? This is the science. If your DNA is turned on or activated, these bits of information which gets downloaded through the wormholes created in DNA can just be transmitted without any conventional methods. This is what is happening during every initiation, every process, in inner awakening. This is what I am doing in our Vidyalayas, in our Gurukuls.
The transmission without using conventional methods is possible, was available, is available in our vedic tradition, was available in our vedic tradition, is available in Nithyananda Mission. It’s possible. Otherwise you can’t imagine hundreds of shakas of Upanishads, Vedas, I mean by-hearted memorized by the time the kids complete seven years. In our tradition there are rishis, there were rishis by the age of seven they mastered the whole thing; millions of shlokas. Shankara, I can give you thousands of examples. How is it possible? They are not myth. They are not just stories, they are histories. Understand it’s possible through super DNA. In NSP every session I am trying to make your DNA into super DNA. Same way in Inner Awakening every session is to turn on, activate the DNA so that the experience can be transmitted as it is.
There is one more very interesting information bit of information I have. It’s from psychedelicadventure.com, website psychedelicadventure.com. Scientists irradiated DNA with laser light, on a screen wave pattern was formed. The wave pattern still remained even after removal of DNA. It infers
Point one: The energy from outside of space still flows through activated wormholes after DNA removal. Means once the initiation is given even if you are not physically around Me the connection and energy transmission constantly goes on.
The second thing: hyper communication - telepathy, remote sensing, is definitely a part of human protocol; means it is possible for human beings. Telepathy or remote sensing is possible for human beings. That is why I tell you telepathy and remote sensing is a living mechanism even if you don’t believe it.  
That is what I was telling yesterday. It is, initiation is like a intense downloading into you. The knowledge and consciousness and information in this bio memory in this DNA is just transmitted. That is why this acharyas once they are initiated, our trained teachers to go around and take classes, once they are initiated there are thousands of information they never learnt from my books or heard from me starts expressing through them. The answers which they would have never heard from me or read from my books suddenly start expressing. How? This is the science. If your DNA is turned on or activated, these bits of information which gets downloaded through the wormholes created in DNA can just be transmitted without any conventional methods. This is what is happening during every initiation, every process, in inner awakening. This is what I am doing in our Vidyalayas, in our Gurukuls.  
Whenever you have fear about somebody, anger towards somebody, enmity towards somebody, fear that they may attack you, just do one simple process. I give you this as a technique. Sit and say ‘Abhayam Sarvabhootebhyo’. I give refuge to the whole world and nobody, no being is need to be afraid of me. I am not here to attack anybody. Please understand, visualize every DNA in your body, sense this message, every hair hole, pore in your body is used as a transmitter for this message. Sit very nicely, calmly, still. Every night when I switch off and relax into myself say ‘Abhayam sarvabhootebhyo’. Let the whole humanity be blessed with a deep abhaya. Nobody need to be afraid. Understand still cosmos is alive. Still cosmos is alive.  
The transmission without using conventional methods is possible, was available, is available in our vedic tradition, was available in our vedic tradition, is available in Nithyananda Mission. It’s possible. Otherwise you can’t imagine hundreds of shakas of Upanishads, Vedas, I mean by hearted memorized by the time the kids complete seven years. In our tradition there are rishis, there were rishis by the age of seven they mastered the whole thing; millions of shlokas; Shankara, I can give you thousands of examples. How is it possible? They are not myth. They are not just stories, they are histories. Understand it’s possible through super DNA. In NSP every session I am trying to make your DNA into super DNA. Same way in Inner Awakening every session is to turn on, activate the DNA so that the experience can be transmitted as it is.  
The big problem is the ordinary mind gets caught between these normal actions we need to do and the experience we need to carry. You just need little more expansion to comprehend the paradox of the life; that’s all nothing else. Whenever you have fear for somebody, about somebody, if you feel they may attack or do something harm, just sit and send a strong wave of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo - I am not enemy to anybody. I am not going to cherish enmity towards anybody. At the most I may defend, protect myself; that’s all. But I am not interested in attacking anybody. I am only interested in giving abhaya. Just send these waves. Not only that when you send this waves of abhaya you will see so much of healing happens in you even for defending, you will do minimum but right actions.  
When you are agitated you are also in fear. You do not know which point to touch. When you are completely sending that abhayam sarvabhootebhyo you will be in such a coolness you will be a lubricated cool tool; means which will cut the things into pieces in proper place, in proper way, in proper shot. Understand a diamond studded tool without lubrication can do the job of cutting only half, in a haphazard way, in a disturbed way; not perfectly. The same diamond studded tool with lubrication of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo will cut the enemy into pieces in right place, right way, without it getting agitated, heated. Even if, even as a war strategy abhayam sarvabhootebhyo is an ultimate strategy; because it goes on lubricating the diamond tool. Whenever a tool is lubricated and maintained as cool it knows where to hit and the stability to go on be hitting gets extended by the, for the lubricated tool.  
There is one more very interesting information bit of information I have. It’s from psychedelicadventure.com, website psychedelicadventure.com. Scientists irradiated DNA with laser light, on a screen wave pattern was formed. The wave pattern still remained even after removal of DNA. It infers point one; the energy from outside of space still flows through activated wormholes after DNA removal. Means once the initiation is given even if you are not physically around me the connection and energy transmission constantly goes on. The second thing; hyper communication; telepathy, remote sensing, is definitely a part of human protocol; means it is possible for human beings. Telepathy or remote sensing is possible for human beings. That is why I tell you telepathy and remote sensing is a living mechanism even if you don’t believe it.
Whenever you have fear about somebody, anger towards somebody, enmity towards somebody, fear that they may attack you, just do one simple process. I give you this as a technique. Sit and say ‘Abhayam Sarvabhootebhyo’. I give refuge to the whole world and nobody, no being is need to be afraid of me. I am not here to attack anybody. Please understand visualize every DNA in your body sense this message, every hair hole, pore in your body is used as a transmitter for this message. Sit very nicely, calmly, still. Every night when I switch off and relax into myself say ‘Abhayam sarvabhootebhyo’. Let the whole humanity be blessed with a deep abhaya. Nobody need to be afraid. Understand still cosmos is alive. Still cosmos is alive.
The big problem is the ordinary mind gets caught between these normal actions we need to do and the experience we need to carry. You just need little more expansion to comprehend the paradox of the life; that’s all nothing else. Whenever you have fear for somebody, about somebody, if you feel they may attack or do something harm, just sit and send a strong wave of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. I am not enemy to anybody. I am not going to cherish enmity towards anybody. At the most I may defend, protect myself; that’s all. But I am not interested in attacking anybody. I am only interested in giving abhaya. Just send these waves. Not only that when you send this waves of abhaya you will see so much of healing happens in you even for defending, you will do minimum but right actions.
When you are agitated you are also in fear. You do not know which point to touch. When you are completely sending that abhayam sarvabhootebhyo you will be in such a coolness you will be a lubricated cool tool; means which will cut the things into pieces in proper place, in proper way, in proper shot. Understand a diamond studded tool without lubrication can do the job of cutting only half, in a haphazard way, in a disturbed way; not perfectly. The same diamond studded tool with lubrication of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo will cut the enemy into pieces in right place, right way, without it getting agitated, heated. Even if; even as a war strategy abhayam sarvabhootebhyo is an ultimate strategy; because it goes on lubricating the diamond tool. Whenever a tool is lubricated and maintained as cool it knows where to hit and the stability to go on be hitting gets extended by the, for the lubricated tool.
So I tell you, everyday see life is a war, life is a war. Wherever you are it’s a war. It’s a war between continuously people and you, nature and you, life and you, death and you; it’s a war. So you have a option of lubricating all the tools you carry. Simple thing, every night before falling asleep, sit in the bed and feel abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. I give refuge to the whole world. I am not enemy to anybody. Nobody is enemy to me. There is no enmity, there is no anger and I am a drop out. Actually every night you are a drop out. Every night when you fall asleep what do you mean? You say enough, I fought; let me rest, let me relax. Every night when you fall asleep, you are a drop out. So drop out with this great feeling of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. I tell you next day not only the people who cherish enmity towards you would have lost their enmity and anger towards you, even if there is one or two things retained by them your weapon knows where to hit and how long to sustain and how clearly cut.  
So I tell you, everyday see life is a war, life is a war. Wherever you are it’s a war. It’s a war between continuously people and you, nature and you, life and you, death and you; it’s a war. So you have a option of lubricating all the tools you carry. Simple thing, every night before falling asleep, sit in the bed and feel abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. I give refuge to the whole world. I am not enemy to anybody. Nobody is enemy to me. There is no enmity, there is no anger and I am a drop out. Actually every night you are a drop out. Every night when you fall asleep what do you mean? You say enough, I fought; let me rest, let me relax. Every night when you fall asleep, you are a drop out. So drop out with this great feeling of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. I tell you next day not only the people who cherish enmity towards you would have lost their enmity and anger towards you, even if there is one or two things retained by them your weapon knows where to hit and how long to sustain and how clearly cut.  
This lubrication of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo does two job. One; reduces the anger and enmity the enemy carries towards you; so half of your job is done. Second; if there is little bit remaining it knows exactly where to hit and it will have the stability to hit for ever and ever and ever. So I tell you in all possible fights in all possible wars the greatest strategy, I tell you this is the exact strategy adopted by Sri Krishna in Kurukshetra. This is the exact strategy adopted by Sri Ramachandra in Lanka. This is the exact strategy all incarnations have adopted, are adopting, will be adopting, in all their fights, in all the wars they wage.  
This lubrication of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo does two job. One: reduces the anger and enmity the enemy carries towards you; so half of your job is done. Second: if there is little bit remaining it knows exactly where to hit and it will have the stability to hit for ever and ever and ever. So I tell you, in all possible fights in all possible wars the greatest strategy, I tell you this is the exact strategy adopted by Sri Krishna in Kurukshetra. This is the exact strategy adopted by Sri Ramachandra in Lanka. This is the exact strategy all incarnations have adopted, are adopting, will be adopting, in all their fights, in all the wars they wage.  
Understand abhayam sarva bhootebhyo. The moment you feel it and radiate it through your every pore, two thing; one the anger and vengeance enemy carries towards you will disappear. Second; if that guy is really, really adamant, not interested in letting go, little bit he is trying to retain, don’t worry. Your tool is now lubricated and it knows where to hit and it can sustain without getting heated. See the tool without lubrication it gets heated and gets broken. So the purpose is lost. It doesn’t cut. But the tool which is lubricated it knows how to cut and sustains and finishes the job, finishes the enemy who is not ready to let go the enmity.  
Understand abhayam sarva bhootebhyo. The moment you feel it and radiate it through your every pore, two thing: one - the anger and vengeance enemy carries towards you will disappear. Second - if that guy is really, really adamant, not interested in letting go, little bit he is trying to retain, don’t worry. Your tool is now lubricated and it knows where to hit and it can sustain without getting heated. See the tool without lubrication it gets heated and gets broken. So the purpose is lost. It doesn’t cut. But the tool which is lubricated, it knows how to cut and sustains and finishes the job, finishes the enemy who is not ready to let go the enmity.  
Abhayam Sarvabhootebhyo. I can tell you let your DNA structure be established in that one concept of I am not enemy to anybody. I have no enemies. I have no anger. I have no enmity. I am established in ahimsa. I give refuge to the whole world; Abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. So I tell you when you play the whole drama, when you wage the whole war, being established in abhayam sarvabhootebhyo you don’t need any weapon, any army. I tell you the greatest secret, greatest secret of winning in the war and in the life.  
Abhayam Sarvabhootebhyo. I can tell you let your DNA structure be established in that one concept of I am not enemy to anybody. I have no enemies. I have no anger. I have no enmity. I am established in ahimsa. I give refuge to the whole world; Abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. So I tell you when you play the whole drama, when you wage the whole war, being established in abhayam sarvabhootebhyo you don’t need any weapon, any army. I tell you the greatest secret, greatest secret of winning in the war and in the life.  
And I have one more information for you: ‘Indigos are born with activated DNA and are natural telepaths.’
As I said we are working intensely towards creating an infra structure to specially take care of indigo kids to bloom as incarnations, to bloom as incarnations. So if you have indigo kids go to India. We are here to take care of indigo kids and make them flower into an incarnations. Actually I am dedicating our whole Nithyananda Gurukul specially to take care of indigo kids.
And I have one more information for you; indigos are born with activated DNA and are natural telepaths. As I said we are working intensely towards creating an infra structure to specially take care of indigo kids to bloom as incarnations; to bloom as incarnations. So if you have indigo kids go to India. We are here to take care of indigo kids and make them flower into an incarnations. Actually I am dedicating our whole Nithyananda Gurukul specially to take care of indigo kids.
There’s another one research SpiritofMat.com. The research website which says ‘Researchers say that just as internet our DNA is a biological internet. DNA can feed proper data to network, can call up data from network and establish contact with other participant in network. Means, all awakened DNA means the enlightened beings, the evolved beings can send information and receive information and pass information to other evolved beings.  
There’s another one research SpiritofMat.com. The research website which says the researchers say that just as internet our DNA is a biological internet. DNA can feed proper data to network, can call up data from network and establish contact with other participant in network. Means, all awakened DNA means the enlightened beings, the evolved beings can send information and receive information and pass information to other evolved beings.  
Now I declare, let it be on record so that I will have commitment to fulfill. Within one year I will establish at least 20 people with this activated DNA. They will be made to stay in different parts of the country and regular communication will be done to them just through DNA without any conventional method like a cell phone or Skype or internet or any normal media. So let the date be noted. In one year I will establish. In one year I will prove this science. I will prove this science and offer the technology to the world.  
Now I declare, let it be on record so that I will have commitment to fulfill. Within one year I will establish at least 20 people with this activated DNA. They will be made to stay in different parts of the country and regular communication will be done to them just through DNA without any conventional method like a cell phone or Skype or internet or any normal media. So let the date be noted. In one year I will establish. In one year I will prove this science. I will prove this science and offer the technology to the world.  
See only when these things are proved as science and technology is offered the reproduction possibility is offered to the world; it can be accepted as truth objectively. I will take up this job. Once I make the commitment I know it will automatically start happening inside my system. So it’s a boon; Kalpataru I give for the whole world. Within a year we will establish at least 20 people who can communicate with each other without any conventional method just through the telepathy and DNA system; awakened super DNA. We will prove it to the world the power of awakened DNA and initiation mainly; the power of initiation.  
See only when these things are proved as science and technology is offered, the reproduction possibility is offered to the world, it can be accepted as truth objectively. I will take up this job. Once I make the commitment I know it will automatically start happening inside My system. So it’s a boon, Kalpataru, I give for the whole world. Within a year we will establish at least 20 people who can communicate with each other without any conventional method just through the telepathy and DNA system; awakened super DNA. We will prove it to the world the power of awakened DNA and initiation mainly; the power of initiation.  
As I was telling every session, every process, every initiation, cleanses you so much and awakens so many extra sensory powers. That is why so many of our devotees and disciples are again and again and again reporting millions of miracles and extraordinary success in their life just because this super DNA gets awakened; the activated DNA. I bless you all; let all your DNA be activated. Let it become super DNA. Let you all experience and radiate enlightenment. Let you all achieve, experience, live and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda.  
As I was telling every session, every process, every initiation, cleanses you so much and awakens so many extra sensory powers. That is why so many of our devotees and disciples are again and again and again reporting millions of miracles and extraordinary success in their life just because this super DNA gets awakened; the activated DNA.  
I bless you all. Let all your DNA be activated. Let it become super DNA. Let you all experience and radiate enlightenment. Let you all achieve, experience, live and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda.  
Thank you.
Thank you.

Revision as of 22:36, 7 January 2021


Awaken Your Extra Sensory Powers Through Super DNA: Nithyananda Morning Message (22 Oct 2010)


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Telepathy and Teleporting during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Awaken Your Extra Sensory Powers Through Super DNA, His Divine Holiness (HDH) stated He was going to triangulate modern research with the Shastra Pramanas of ancient and modern day Rishis, and compare that with Atma Pramana (His own experience). His Divine Holiness then cited evidence that DNA has recently been found to have the ability to put itself together, even at a distance. Scientists found that DNA can cause patterns in a vacuum producing magnetic "wormholes." These patterns can attract bits of information outside time and space and can pass the patterns on to our consciousness. Modern scientists found that information can be passed between individuals whose DNA is turned on, or activated. His Divine Holiness then compared this recent research with the ancient works of Patanjali, who said you don’t have to learn through your five senses alone. He gave as an example Swami Vivekananda. "What Vivekananda expressed in nine years of public life would take us 39 years to study, which was Vivekananda’s lifetime" He shared. This proves that Vivekandana did not receive all his information through his eyes and ears, alone. His Divine Holiness stated that scientists recently found that DNA can feed data to a network, can call up data from a network, and can establish contact with others in a network. Ancient and modern Rishis, in turn, report that Enlightened Beings can send information, can receive information, and can pass information to other evolved beings telepathically.

Video and Audio

Awaken Your Extra Sensory Powers Through Super DNA

Video Audio



|| Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarācāryā madhyamām | Asmat ācārya paryantām Vande Guru Paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today’s subject is 'Awaken your extra sensory powers through super DNA'. I'll share few insights about super DNA from My experience and some of the great revelations from the modern day rishis - scientists and some of the scriptural quotations from ancient rishis. Shastra pramana - means truths revealed by the ancient and modern rishis, rishis and scientists. And atma pramana - My own experience about this revelations. So that it can become apta pramana - experience of the master’s for you.


Here is a discovery from dailygalaxy.com the website. So many scientists contribute to that website.

‘DNA has been found to have a bizarre activity to put itself together even at a distance, when according to known science it should not be able to.’

I will explain how the teleporting, telepathy, all these things are possible. It is just because of this truth - DNA has been found to have bizarre ability to put itself together even at a distance when according to known science it should not be able to. Science is said to catch up with teleporting and telepathy and all that.


Scientists Grayzna and Franz found out - ‘The DNA can cause patterns in vacuum, producing magnetic wormholes.’ Please understand it’s a new word ‘wormholes’. Wormholes are tunnels like connections between areas in universe through which DNA attracts bits of information outside time and space and passes them on to our consciousness. It was noted that this information can be passed on between individuals whose DNA is turned on or activated.


Let Me add My own experience for this. They say, the scientists are saying that DNA can cause patterns in vacuum producing magnetic wormholes. That wormholes can attract bits of informations outside time and space.

Patanjali again and again says ‘you don’t need to learn just from the five senses’ means - seeing and hearing. I have an example of Vivekananda. Whatever he expressed in 9 years of his public life, even for you to study it will take 39 years; his lifetime. This proves solidly, Vivekananda did not receive all information through eyes and ears. You can take My example. Whatever I expressed in last eight years, even for you to study and understand it will take at least 33 years. Forget about experiencing and expressing; just to study. Very clearly you can see, logically you can see very clearly, objectively you can see, this much of information cannot get into the system through ears, through ears and seeing or any other education method within last 33 years, even if I was studying whole 33 years 24 hours. Then how did this informations get into the system and comes out?


This is the secret. DNA can create magnetic wormholes which receives bits of information outside time and space. That’s what we call consciousness. So till the wormholes are created in your DNA you need an outside master. Once the wormholes are created in your DNA you don’t need outside master. The outside guru sits inside you as antar guru and teaches you. He sits inside you and goes on supplying the knowledge.


And another one important information the last punch line. It was noted that this information can be passed on between individuals whose DNA is turned on or activated. Whatever I downloaded through My wormholes and DNA can be transmitted to you without using My words, without you seeing or listening; just if your DNA is activated or turned on. That is what I call initiation - Upanishad. Only in the beginning you need to listen to My words. If the DNA gets activated or turned on, no need for words, no need for ordinary way of teaching; just the transmission, the initiation, energy darshan is enough.


That is what I was telling yesterday. It is, initiation is like a intense downloading into you. The knowledge and consciousness and information in this bio memory in this DNA is just transmitted. That is why this acharyas once they are initiated, our trained teachers, to go around and take classes, once they are initiated there are thousands of information they never learnt from My books or heard from Me starts expressing through them. The answers which they would have never heard from Me or read from My books suddenly start expressing. How? This is the science. If your DNA is turned on or activated, these bits of information which gets downloaded through the wormholes created in DNA can just be transmitted without any conventional methods. This is what is happening during every initiation, every process, in inner awakening. This is what I am doing in our Vidyalayas, in our Gurukuls.


The transmission without using conventional methods is possible, was available, is available in our vedic tradition, was available in our vedic tradition, is available in Nithyananda Mission. It’s possible. Otherwise you can’t imagine hundreds of shakas of Upanishads, Vedas, I mean by-hearted memorized by the time the kids complete seven years. In our tradition there are rishis, there were rishis by the age of seven they mastered the whole thing; millions of shlokas. Shankara, I can give you thousands of examples. How is it possible? They are not myth. They are not just stories, they are histories. Understand it’s possible through super DNA. In NSP every session I am trying to make your DNA into super DNA. Same way in Inner Awakening every session is to turn on, activate the DNA so that the experience can be transmitted as it is.


There is one more very interesting information bit of information I have. It’s from psychedelicadventure.com, website psychedelicadventure.com. Scientists irradiated DNA with laser light, on a screen wave pattern was formed. The wave pattern still remained even after removal of DNA. It infers

Point one: The energy from outside of space still flows through activated wormholes after DNA removal. Means once the initiation is given even if you are not physically around Me the connection and energy transmission constantly goes on.

The second thing: hyper communication - telepathy, remote sensing, is definitely a part of human protocol; means it is possible for human beings. Telepathy or remote sensing is possible for human beings. That is why I tell you telepathy and remote sensing is a living mechanism even if you don’t believe it.


Whenever you have fear about somebody, anger towards somebody, enmity towards somebody, fear that they may attack you, just do one simple process. I give you this as a technique. Sit and say ‘Abhayam Sarvabhootebhyo’. I give refuge to the whole world and nobody, no being is need to be afraid of me. I am not here to attack anybody. Please understand, visualize every DNA in your body, sense this message, every hair hole, pore in your body is used as a transmitter for this message. Sit very nicely, calmly, still. Every night when I switch off and relax into myself say ‘Abhayam sarvabhootebhyo’. Let the whole humanity be blessed with a deep abhaya. Nobody need to be afraid. Understand still cosmos is alive. Still cosmos is alive.


The big problem is the ordinary mind gets caught between these normal actions we need to do and the experience we need to carry. You just need little more expansion to comprehend the paradox of the life; that’s all nothing else. Whenever you have fear for somebody, about somebody, if you feel they may attack or do something harm, just sit and send a strong wave of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo - I am not enemy to anybody. I am not going to cherish enmity towards anybody. At the most I may defend, protect myself; that’s all. But I am not interested in attacking anybody. I am only interested in giving abhaya. Just send these waves. Not only that when you send this waves of abhaya you will see so much of healing happens in you even for defending, you will do minimum but right actions.


When you are agitated you are also in fear. You do not know which point to touch. When you are completely sending that abhayam sarvabhootebhyo you will be in such a coolness you will be a lubricated cool tool; means which will cut the things into pieces in proper place, in proper way, in proper shot. Understand a diamond studded tool without lubrication can do the job of cutting only half, in a haphazard way, in a disturbed way; not perfectly. The same diamond studded tool with lubrication of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo will cut the enemy into pieces in right place, right way, without it getting agitated, heated. Even if, even as a war strategy abhayam sarvabhootebhyo is an ultimate strategy; because it goes on lubricating the diamond tool. Whenever a tool is lubricated and maintained as cool it knows where to hit and the stability to go on be hitting gets extended by the, for the lubricated tool.


So I tell you, everyday see life is a war, life is a war. Wherever you are it’s a war. It’s a war between continuously people and you, nature and you, life and you, death and you; it’s a war. So you have a option of lubricating all the tools you carry. Simple thing, every night before falling asleep, sit in the bed and feel abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. I give refuge to the whole world. I am not enemy to anybody. Nobody is enemy to me. There is no enmity, there is no anger and I am a drop out. Actually every night you are a drop out. Every night when you fall asleep what do you mean? You say enough, I fought; let me rest, let me relax. Every night when you fall asleep, you are a drop out. So drop out with this great feeling of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. I tell you next day not only the people who cherish enmity towards you would have lost their enmity and anger towards you, even if there is one or two things retained by them your weapon knows where to hit and how long to sustain and how clearly cut.


This lubrication of abhayam sarvabhootebhyo does two job. One: reduces the anger and enmity the enemy carries towards you; so half of your job is done. Second: if there is little bit remaining it knows exactly where to hit and it will have the stability to hit for ever and ever and ever. So I tell you, in all possible fights in all possible wars the greatest strategy, I tell you this is the exact strategy adopted by Sri Krishna in Kurukshetra. This is the exact strategy adopted by Sri Ramachandra in Lanka. This is the exact strategy all incarnations have adopted, are adopting, will be adopting, in all their fights, in all the wars they wage.


Understand abhayam sarva bhootebhyo. The moment you feel it and radiate it through your every pore, two thing: one - the anger and vengeance enemy carries towards you will disappear. Second - if that guy is really, really adamant, not interested in letting go, little bit he is trying to retain, don’t worry. Your tool is now lubricated and it knows where to hit and it can sustain without getting heated. See the tool without lubrication it gets heated and gets broken. So the purpose is lost. It doesn’t cut. But the tool which is lubricated, it knows how to cut and sustains and finishes the job, finishes the enemy who is not ready to let go the enmity.


Abhayam Sarvabhootebhyo. I can tell you let your DNA structure be established in that one concept of I am not enemy to anybody. I have no enemies. I have no anger. I have no enmity. I am established in ahimsa. I give refuge to the whole world; Abhayam sarvabhootebhyo. So I tell you when you play the whole drama, when you wage the whole war, being established in abhayam sarvabhootebhyo you don’t need any weapon, any army. I tell you the greatest secret, greatest secret of winning in the war and in the life.


And I have one more information for you: ‘Indigos are born with activated DNA and are natural telepaths.’

As I said we are working intensely towards creating an infra structure to specially take care of indigo kids to bloom as incarnations, to bloom as incarnations. So if you have indigo kids go to India. We are here to take care of indigo kids and make them flower into an incarnations. Actually I am dedicating our whole Nithyananda Gurukul specially to take care of indigo kids.


There’s another one research SpiritofMat.com. The research website which says ‘Researchers say that just as internet our DNA is a biological internet. DNA can feed proper data to network, can call up data from network and establish contact with other participant in network. Means, all awakened DNA means the enlightened beings, the evolved beings can send information and receive information and pass information to other evolved beings.


Now I declare, let it be on record so that I will have commitment to fulfill. Within one year I will establish at least 20 people with this activated DNA. They will be made to stay in different parts of the country and regular communication will be done to them just through DNA without any conventional method like a cell phone or Skype or internet or any normal media. So let the date be noted. In one year I will establish. In one year I will prove this science. I will prove this science and offer the technology to the world.


See only when these things are proved as science and technology is offered, the reproduction possibility is offered to the world, it can be accepted as truth objectively. I will take up this job. Once I make the commitment I know it will automatically start happening inside My system. So it’s a boon, Kalpataru, I give for the whole world. Within a year we will establish at least 20 people who can communicate with each other without any conventional method just through the telepathy and DNA system; awakened super DNA. We will prove it to the world the power of awakened DNA and initiation mainly; the power of initiation.


As I was telling every session, every process, every initiation, cleanses you so much and awakens so many extra sensory powers. That is why so many of our devotees and disciples are again and again and again reporting millions of miracles and extraordinary success in their life just because this super DNA gets awakened; the activated DNA.

I bless you all. Let all your DNA be activated. Let it become super DNA. Let you all experience and radiate enlightenment. Let you all achieve, experience, live and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you.




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