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[[Category: 2010 | 20100717]]
I welcome all devotees viewing this discourse from around the world thru internet.
I will continue my discourses on Patanjali Yoga Sutras. As you all maybe aware, we have completed the first set of sutras. Now we will be entering into the next level. Patanjali is one of the rare happening. The first master who quantified the unquantifiable, who made enlightenment as a science. Till him enlightenment was more like a miracle of accident. It was he who defined it. Along with the Patanjali yoga sutras, I also spend some time everyday with Swami swatmarama’s  Hata Yoga Sutras. Before entering the sutras, I want share with you some important truths I had in the prison. I was continuously reading these 53 days swamarama’s hata yoga sutras. Constantly I was reading and experimenting on my body. Before sharing with you all, I want to see if those sutras work today, in 2010. I have the same kind of human body which you have. Physiologically I have the same body as you. Only when I experience it, unless it is experienced in this body, in this memory, I cannot transmit it to your bio memory. So I was continuously scanning. I had an imp. Revelation when I was contemplating on Patanjali’s yoga sutras. The 1st sutra is  - Yogah chitta vritti nirodhaha – Yoga is cessation of the mind. Unfortunately, this was translated by many ppl in diff ways. Someone translated as – Yoga stops the mind. Depending upon the person’s conscioiusness, meaning was translated. As long as you understand, yoga is stopping the mind, continuously you will be suffering. When you understand it this way, you will be thinking, thoughts are linear and we need to stop. Unfortunately western psychological system teaches us that thoughts and mind are linear as we think. It is not one thought after one thought after one thought. NO. Only when you go out of the body, you will understand what is the body, only when you move out of the mind, you will understand what is the mind. Unfortunately, western researchers never went out of body or mind. Experiments also are conducted on a dead body. Any experiment done on a body already dead will not be applicable to a live body. That’s why, according to western medical system, body is a mechanical machine. So only part by part it is related to and repaired. According to Ayurveda, body is sheath by sheath consciousness. In ayurveda, the word side effect does not exist. They do not use the word side effect becos, there is no side effect as they have not even conceived the idea of side effect. Please understand, that in the language Sanskrit, you will be surprised that there is no word for divorce. In Kama sutra, the word ‘rape’ does not exist becos that idea was not even conceived at that time. In kamasutra all types of perversions are mentioned that do not even exist are there but the very idea of rape was not there so that word itself is not there. In our social system, divorce is not there. Similarly in ayurveda, side effect is not there as a word at all. In western science, experiments are conducted and developed done on a dead body. That’s why they think body as a machine and they try repairing it part by part. Maybe in a dead body it is easy. You can remove part by part. Alive body is not a mechanism it is an organism.
The person who has developed science of mind without going out of mind can never be the truth. That is why they said mind is a linear movement. This will lead to constant struggle. I have seen Yogis struggling for 30 years. All they have is a flexible body. Flexible body is just a part of yoga. Then man in a circus is the best yogi. I have seen ppl practice 30 yrs of yoga. They are left only with a flexible body. The danger is , they lose trust in the system. The shraddha is lost. Even if a little misunderstanding is there in knowing the truth, you will waste years of your life.
I have diff translations of the word ‘nirodaha’ the word ‘arudaha’ means not hindered – flowing, rudaha means stopping. Finally nirodaha means spontaneous disappearance. It is a very deep technical thing. But I need to explain, only then you will understand how to stop the mind …
If you need to achieve something in any field you need to break your head for few days whether money or politics ets. That is what I call as tapas. To have the patience while your breaking your head on something is tapas. What I am talking may go above all your heads. But have the patience. Please understand understanding this one sutra can avoid 30-40 yrs of struggle. This one word nirodaha – means not stopping, it means spontaneous disappearance. When patanjali uttered this sutra he did not visualize the mind as linear. If he had he would have used arudaha or virudhaha. He used nirodaha. Then what was the understanding in his conscouiousness when he used the word spontaneous disappearance. If we can get a glimpse of his consciousness when he said this, then we can understand  the truth. If his words are understood as he expressed, then suddenly you will see, immd that experience is transmitted to you. I always tell ppl, do not imbibe this truth from a person who has not experienced it in his consciousness. When you look at it like a linear thing, you will struggle continuously. I have seen ppl struggling, meditating for 30-40 yrs.
One junior brahmachari asks an old monk of 90-how long it takes to control mind – story
Wrong understanding leads to frustration or losing trust over the system itself. That’s the worst thing happened to india. We Indians need to awaken to the very tradition of india. Around the world it is an accepted science – it is a 6 billion dollar industry in US alone. But unfortunately, we don’t feel great about our contribution. We don’t understand our economical or touristical value we have added. We feel shy and have digested the ideas given to us by british that we are fools, good for nothing. We feel shy about that lifestyle, that way of clothing, way of eating. Yoga was not an exercise, it was a life style for us. Person who translates a technique and gives to you is a teacher. Person who translates and gives u a savakilpa Samadhi is a master. Savikalpa means ‘last moment’ like a nightmare it is the last dream becos you wake up after that.
Very beautifully ramana maharshi answer – if whole world is dream, we see you also as a part of the dream. How then? He says, when you see a lion in your dream, you will wake up! Similarly, when you see the master in this dream of life…you wake up! Savikalpa – thought which takes you to thoughtlessness, understanding which takes you to beyond understanding, life which takes you beyond life.
Teacher – who translates technique to you. Both of you will struggle full life. Master is a person who straight away gives you the understanding and haves the savikalpa come in you. Lets c what patanjali meant by nirodaha – spontaneious disappearance of mind. As I told you, mind is not a linear moment. When you understand this, you will end up in suffering and will enter into denial mode becos of your failure. Mind is not linear. So u cannot use the word – stopping. Nirodha word means spontaneous disappearance. Then what did he mean when he used chitta vrutti nirodaha. I will give u simple diagram to understand what is mind.
Mind is not linear like this --------------- so that you can just put a barricade and stop it. NO
-  -  -  - -  |
Let me exactly give you a visualization to explain what patanjali meant by this.
Consider mind is a pond where there are few fishes jumping everywhere. Unfortunately, you want to make a meaning out of everything. When you see a rose, you start perceiving oh it is a rose, it is beautiful, the mood associated with you giving or receiving roses all your life come up
When the perception happens without the interference of the mind, you are free from the perceived. Freedom from the knowing, and the known and the knower is true freedom.
Understand, mind is a pond where there are few fishes jumping without any connection and relation. From top view let me present….Top view of the mind:
Ocean: ----------- and you have fishes jumping here and there – these are random spontaneous unconnected illogical independent thoughts happening. If you observe your mind you will see diff thoughts (cold evening, hot bajji, parents in madhurai, want to be in ashram…) Just pen down your thoughts as it is. You will see they are completely, illogical, independent, irresponsible, unconnected and unclutched by their very nature. They are not connected by their nature becos they are happening randomly. There is no logic why this fish is jumping, why one fish is going in,…but we do not want to see it as it is becos we are not established in pure consciousness. So we connect the movements of the fish and draw a rectangles. Please understand, mind is not thots but connecting. The first layer illusion is fishes jumping, second layer illusion is trying to make something concrete from this jumping of the fishes. Anyone who understands the 2nd layer illusion and does not connect is called ‘udaasi’ liberated. As long as you connect and make shapes with the fish movements, you will be making strategy planning and will fail. What you will do. You will move even the fish to make your shape perfect! But you don’t understand, you are making all your strategy planning in your second layer illusion. First you dream, that you have a house, servants, wealth and obedient wife (only in dream ☺) and you are planning how to make it even better. This is working on 2nd layer illusion…it is illusion on illusion. When you make strategy planning on correcting the rectangle, you will feel empty. You will try to pacify and satisfy yourself by comparing with others. If you think whole society is like this, that’s why I have to be like that – this is what I call social conditioning. Very few intelligent bold ppl stand up and reclaim their inherent nature and that swhen you are called controversial ☺
This is the top view. Let me give you the side view. All the fishes are random and independent. Fortunately, the fishes do not have a group meeting to decide when each shud jump or land. It is random. But the mind and the ego cannot operate on spontaneity. It has a basic necessity to create an understanding. Whatever info it receives, it will dove hole (just like letters in post office) anything that happens randomly in ur inner space, you try to pigeon hole. Pigeon hole happens when you are connecting and making a shape in the 2nd layer illusion. Just stop trying to connect the fish and making shape in the 2nd level illusion. Understand they are random, live as they want, jump as they want. Do not waste your energy in the 2nd layer illusion of creating perfect geometry or diagrams out of the spontaneous fish jumping. That is what I call yogaha chittah vritti nirodhaha. The moment you stop connecting the fish moments and making the diagrams, you are in Samadhi. Trying to make diagrams of the spontaneious thots happening inside is chitta vritti. If you sit and see, there are many unconnected thots happening in u. you start making fears, greeds out of random moments of your mind. I have see ppl saying – my whole life is a suffering swamiji…it is not! If it were so, you would not have been alive now…there were many joy moments too.  And most funny thing, if you see the height of the fish jumping, some fish jump 1 feet, some 2 feet, some 4 feet. You try to make the diagram even with this diff. height fishes. Means you try to understand suffering experience as joy, fantasy experience as reality , reality experience as dream….this is3rd level illusion.
1st illusion – thinking fish are jumping with co ordination
2nd illusion – try to create a diagram with this
3rd illusion – altering the diagram by modifying it
Understand the layers of illusion with which we are suffering. Only when you understand the layers of suffering, you will be able to get out of it. It is a very deep but strong truth. Just this understanding you can be liberated. Becos the moment you understand all thots happening in you are ind, illogical, unconnected, unclutched, you will not try to connect them, create a diagram and alter the diagram to what you call as a perfect figure. You will not waste your time into the 2nd or 3rd layer illustion which is a utter waster. It is like house keeping and strategy planning of a house which exists only in your dream! The strategy planning done based on the random moments of the mind, is what I call 2nd layer of illusion.
Then what does he mean when he says yogaha chitta vritti nirodhaha? Just understand, whatever is happening in you, your consciousness is an ocean, any thot happening is a fish jumping randomly. Do not connect the fish and create a meaning, a diagram and draw a geometrical diagram out of it. Whether it is love, hatred, anger, fear or any thot is just a random fish happening in my consciousness ocean! Suddenly a huge weight of necessity to do strategy planning, necessity to protect your so called identity, necessity to do things which you have to do by the four letter word ‘duty’ will vanish. Please understand only duty you have is to be ‘duty free’. The only priority for human beings is being like this which is being a jeevan mukta – living enlightenment. Suddenly you will see wealth and other things necessary for you to live will happen in you without your involvement. This one sutra if you understand, it can lead you to Samadhi now! Your consc. Is an ocean, any thot is random jumping of fish, without any logic. Unconnected, independent, illogical, uncluthched. Do not create a geometric diagram. Pl understand, birds do not leave their footprint in the sky when they fly, fish do not leave a mark when they jump in water. When you understand this, my being is a consc. Ocean, any thot is a random fish and I do not need to connect any thot, immd you will eb in Samadhi. The restful awareness is there in you suddently. The spontaneous disappearance of the movements Is explained by the word nirodaha. It does not mean stopping, it means spontaneous disappearance. If patanjali used the other words, it would have meant mind is linear. He used this word means he knew mind is not linear. How can we trust that this is what he had inside him when he uttered these words. Sit with this truth and see the settlement, the relaxation, the restful awareness happening in you. This is the proof for the sutra to be the truth. The experience is the solid truth and proof of the expression. The end is proof that the means is true. Just sit with this simple understanding of mind and do not create the geometrical figures of suffering or pain or joy or meanings you make out of the random moments of the fish jumping. Just relax from that jumping, relax from the 2nd layer illusion. Then you will see suddenly not only the 2nd layer illusion, even the 1st layer illusion disappears. The fish get the juice when they see you connecting their movements. When they see you are not in action, they rest.
So stop creating diagrams, logical conclusions out of the fish jumping. Then you will see this right thot take you beyond thot this right vikalpa takes you nirvikalpa, this right thinking takes you beyond thinking.
Person who makes techniques out of each sutra is a teacher, he who makes savikalpa out of each sutra is a master. Sit with this sutra, you will see nirvikalpa happening, restful awareness happening in you. That’s why sit and listen and learn sutras from masters who have the same inner space as the masters who created the sutras. Ordinary teachers will tell you mind is linear and will be given techniques of blowing your nose and other yoga…and finally you will blow your life and lose trust over egverything. So find the right source, right person, right visualization, right understanding and it will lead you to nirvikalpa. Buddha says 1st step is right understanding. J.K. tells you right listening is God. You don’t need something extra more than the right listening. So understand whatever is happening in you is random fishes jumping. You don’t need to connect them and create square, circle, triangle and then have strategy planning to have a logical geometrical diagram. NO. relax. Just see fishes randomly jumping. Relax and you will see what patanjali means by – Yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha.
These 53 days in prison, constantly I was meditating and unclutching to come up with more & more methods to unclutch diff kinds of human beings. I can say 200 diff. types of revelations have happened like unclutching. I will reveal them to transmit those experiences into you all.  I will be working on a small group of disciples to transmit the understandings and experiences through the process.
The understanding I gave you will work a few minutes. After you practice a few times, your mind will get used to this too and will continue to think. Then you will need another understanding. Till your mind is done, you will need more and more and more. This is what I call process. Without practice or struggle that which gives nirvikalpa – restful awareness is technique. But mind will come up with technique to beat the technique!
After this whole scandal, even I am not interested to taking my presence and my ability and possibility to teach for granted. Of course I will teach for long time. But I will not take it for granted and delay the process. I will work continuously on a small group for 48 days – living enlightenment process.
Your whole inner being is an ocean of consc. All thots are like fish jumping randomly, spontaneously like fear, greed worry, without any reason. Do not try to connect and make logical diagram and geometrical diagram. Just be with restful awareness. Please close your eyes and just sit with this one clarity.
Try to sit with this savikalpa which leads you to nirvikalpa. Next few days, your mind will get used to this technique, I will then give the next savikalpa. No mind can create nuisance for more than 20 savikalpas max. I will go on giving continuously diff. savikalpas till 200 and see that you establish in nirvikalpa. I request all you to sit with this savikalpa the next few days. Then I will give you the next one. This 48 days will be unique, spontaneous. We will be sitting day and night working on the scanning I did in the R&D period. People who are cherishing enimity are more powerful. They have shown their powers. They have snatched me away from you once. So don’t take me or my teachings for granted. I do n ot know if I will do this L.E process one more time. That is the reason I am giving it as a gift from me without any economical constraints. Even if you have nirvikalpa for few moments with such processes, your cunning mind, will come out of it. So again and again by using some 20 processes, your mind can be established. Here I will be working on some 200 diff processes.
[[Category: Patanjali yoga sutra]] [[Category: 2010 | 20100717]]

Revision as of 10:38, 28 August 2020


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Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Importance of Enlightened Master in Correct Understanding


In this first part of the discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes the importance of an enlightened Master to give the correct understanding. A simple change of meaning of a single word can change the whole understanding and only an enlightened master can give the correct understanding. Watch Part 2 (to be uploaded soon) of this discourse, wherein never-before-heard or seen description of the working of the mind is presented by Paramahamsa Nithyananda followed by a meditation technique.

Link to Video:


Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: What is Mind? A New Revelation


In this video taken from Yoga Sutra discourse (part 2), Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes what is mind in a never-before-heard manner. With a graphical description of how thoughts happen randomly and how mind is created, you will be seeing a totally new description of the mind.

Link to Video:


I welcome all devotees viewing this discourse from around the world thru internet. I will continue my discourses on Patanjali Yoga Sutras. As you all maybe aware, we have completed the first set of sutras. Now we will be entering into the next level. Patanjali is one of the rare happening. The first master who quantified the unquantifiable, who made enlightenment as a science. Till him enlightenment was more like a miracle of accident. It was he who defined it. Along with the Patanjali yoga sutras, I also spend some time everyday with Swami swatmarama’s Hata Yoga Sutras. Before entering the sutras, I want share with you some important truths I had in the prison. I was continuously reading these 53 days swamarama’s hata yoga sutras. Constantly I was reading and experimenting on my body. Before sharing with you all, I want to see if those sutras work today, in 2010. I have the same kind of human body which you have. Physiologically I have the same body as you. Only when I experience it, unless it is experienced in this body, in this memory, I cannot transmit it to your bio memory. So I was continuously scanning. I had an imp. Revelation when I was contemplating on Patanjali’s yoga sutras. The 1st sutra is - Yogah chitta vritti nirodhaha – Yoga is cessation of the mind. Unfortunately, this was translated by many ppl in diff ways. Someone translated as – Yoga stops the mind. Depending upon the person’s conscioiusness, meaning was translated. As long as you understand, yoga is stopping the mind, continuously you will be suffering. When you understand it this way, you will be thinking, thoughts are linear and we need to stop. Unfortunately western psychological system teaches us that thoughts and mind are linear as we think. It is not one thought after one thought after one thought. NO. Only when you go out of the body, you will understand what is the body, only when you move out of the mind, you will understand what is the mind. Unfortunately, western researchers never went out of body or mind. Experiments also are conducted on a dead body. Any experiment done on a body already dead will not be applicable to a live body. That’s why, according to western medical system, body is a mechanical machine. So only part by part it is related to and repaired. According to Ayurveda, body is sheath by sheath consciousness. In ayurveda, the word side effect does not exist. They do not use the word side effect becos, there is no side effect as they have not even conceived the idea of side effect. Please understand, that in the language Sanskrit, you will be surprised that there is no word for divorce. In Kama sutra, the word ‘rape’ does not exist becos that idea was not even conceived at that time. In kamasutra all types of perversions are mentioned that do not even exist are there but the very idea of rape was not there so that word itself is not there. In our social system, divorce is not there. Similarly in ayurveda, side effect is not there as a word at all. In western science, experiments are conducted and developed done on a dead body. That’s why they think body as a machine and they try repairing it part by part. Maybe in a dead body it is easy. You can remove part by part. Alive body is not a mechanism it is an organism.

The person who has developed science of mind without going out of mind can never be the truth. That is why they said mind is a linear movement. This will lead to constant struggle. I have seen Yogis struggling for 30 years. All they have is a flexible body. Flexible body is just a part of yoga. Then man in a circus is the best yogi. I have seen ppl practice 30 yrs of yoga. They are left only with a flexible body. The danger is , they lose trust in the system. The shraddha is lost. Even if a little misunderstanding is there in knowing the truth, you will waste years of your life. I have diff translations of the word ‘nirodaha’ the word ‘arudaha’ means not hindered – flowing, rudaha means stopping. Finally nirodaha means spontaneous disappearance. It is a very deep technical thing. But I need to explain, only then you will understand how to stop the mind … If you need to achieve something in any field you need to break your head for few days whether money or politics ets. That is what I call as tapas. To have the patience while your breaking your head on something is tapas. What I am talking may go above all your heads. But have the patience. Please understand understanding this one sutra can avoid 30-40 yrs of struggle. This one word nirodaha – means not stopping, it means spontaneous disappearance. When patanjali uttered this sutra he did not visualize the mind as linear. If he had he would have used arudaha or virudhaha. He used nirodaha. Then what was the understanding in his conscouiousness when he used the word spontaneous disappearance. If we can get a glimpse of his consciousness when he said this, then we can understand the truth. If his words are understood as he expressed, then suddenly you will see, immd that experience is transmitted to you. I always tell ppl, do not imbibe this truth from a person who has not experienced it in his consciousness. When you look at it like a linear thing, you will struggle continuously. I have seen ppl struggling, meditating for 30-40 yrs. One junior brahmachari asks an old monk of 90-how long it takes to control mind – story Wrong understanding leads to frustration or losing trust over the system itself. That’s the worst thing happened to india. We Indians need to awaken to the very tradition of india. Around the world it is an accepted science – it is a 6 billion dollar industry in US alone. But unfortunately, we don’t feel great about our contribution. We don’t understand our economical or touristical value we have added. We feel shy and have digested the ideas given to us by british that we are fools, good for nothing. We feel shy about that lifestyle, that way of clothing, way of eating. Yoga was not an exercise, it was a life style for us. Person who translates a technique and gives to you is a teacher. Person who translates and gives u a savakilpa Samadhi is a master. Savikalpa means ‘last moment’ like a nightmare it is the last dream becos you wake up after that. Very beautifully ramana maharshi answer – if whole world is dream, we see you also as a part of the dream. How then? He says, when you see a lion in your dream, you will wake up! Similarly, when you see the master in this dream of life…you wake up! Savikalpa – thought which takes you to thoughtlessness, understanding which takes you to beyond understanding, life which takes you beyond life. Teacher – who translates technique to you. Both of you will struggle full life. Master is a person who straight away gives you the understanding and haves the savikalpa come in you. Lets c what patanjali meant by nirodaha – spontaneious disappearance of mind. As I told you, mind is not a linear moment. When you understand this, you will end up in suffering and will enter into denial mode becos of your failure. Mind is not linear. So u cannot use the word – stopping. Nirodha word means spontaneous disappearance. Then what did he mean when he used chitta vrutti nirodaha. I will give u simple diagram to understand what is mind. Mind is not linear like this --------------- so that you can just put a barricade and stop it. NO - - - - - | Let me exactly give you a visualization to explain what patanjali meant by this.

Consider mind is a pond where there are few fishes jumping everywhere. Unfortunately, you want to make a meaning out of everything. When you see a rose, you start perceiving oh it is a rose, it is beautiful, the mood associated with you giving or receiving roses all your life come up

When the perception happens without the interference of the mind, you are free from the perceived. Freedom from the knowing, and the known and the knower is true freedom. Understand, mind is a pond where there are few fishes jumping without any connection and relation. From top view let me present….Top view of the mind: Ocean: ----------- and you have fishes jumping here and there – these are random spontaneous unconnected illogical independent thoughts happening. If you observe your mind you will see diff thoughts (cold evening, hot bajji, parents in madhurai, want to be in ashram…) Just pen down your thoughts as it is. You will see they are completely, illogical, independent, irresponsible, unconnected and unclutched by their very nature. They are not connected by their nature becos they are happening randomly. There is no logic why this fish is jumping, why one fish is going in,…but we do not want to see it as it is becos we are not established in pure consciousness. So we connect the movements of the fish and draw a rectangles. Please understand, mind is not thots but connecting. The first layer illusion is fishes jumping, second layer illusion is trying to make something concrete from this jumping of the fishes. Anyone who understands the 2nd layer illusion and does not connect is called ‘udaasi’ liberated. As long as you connect and make shapes with the fish movements, you will be making strategy planning and will fail. What you will do. You will move even the fish to make your shape perfect! But you don’t understand, you are making all your strategy planning in your second layer illusion. First you dream, that you have a house, servants, wealth and obedient wife (only in dream ☺) and you are planning how to make it even better. This is working on 2nd layer illusion…it is illusion on illusion. When you make strategy planning on correcting the rectangle, you will feel empty. You will try to pacify and satisfy yourself by comparing with others. If you think whole society is like this, that’s why I have to be like that – this is what I call social conditioning. Very few intelligent bold ppl stand up and reclaim their inherent nature and that swhen you are called controversial ☺ This is the top view. Let me give you the side view. All the fishes are random and independent. Fortunately, the fishes do not have a group meeting to decide when each shud jump or land. It is random. But the mind and the ego cannot operate on spontaneity. It has a basic necessity to create an understanding. Whatever info it receives, it will dove hole (just like letters in post office) anything that happens randomly in ur inner space, you try to pigeon hole. Pigeon hole happens when you are connecting and making a shape in the 2nd layer illusion. Just stop trying to connect the fish and making shape in the 2nd level illusion. Understand they are random, live as they want, jump as they want. Do not waste your energy in the 2nd layer illusion of creating perfect geometry or diagrams out of the spontaneous fish jumping. That is what I call yogaha chittah vritti nirodhaha. The moment you stop connecting the fish moments and making the diagrams, you are in Samadhi. Trying to make diagrams of the spontaneious thots happening inside is chitta vritti. If you sit and see, there are many unconnected thots happening in u. you start making fears, greeds out of random moments of your mind. I have see ppl saying – my whole life is a suffering swamiji…it is not! If it were so, you would not have been alive now…there were many joy moments too. And most funny thing, if you see the height of the fish jumping, some fish jump 1 feet, some 2 feet, some 4 feet. You try to make the diagram even with this diff. height fishes. Means you try to understand suffering experience as joy, fantasy experience as reality , reality experience as dream….this is3rd level illusion. 1st illusion – thinking fish are jumping with co ordination 2nd illusion – try to create a diagram with this 3rd illusion – altering the diagram by modifying it Understand the layers of illusion with which we are suffering. Only when you understand the layers of suffering, you will be able to get out of it. It is a very deep but strong truth. Just this understanding you can be liberated. Becos the moment you understand all thots happening in you are ind, illogical, unconnected, unclutched, you will not try to connect them, create a diagram and alter the diagram to what you call as a perfect figure. You will not waste your time into the 2nd or 3rd layer illustion which is a utter waster. It is like house keeping and strategy planning of a house which exists only in your dream! The strategy planning done based on the random moments of the mind, is what I call 2nd layer of illusion. Then what does he mean when he says yogaha chitta vritti nirodhaha? Just understand, whatever is happening in you, your consciousness is an ocean, any thot happening is a fish jumping randomly. Do not connect the fish and create a meaning, a diagram and draw a geometrical diagram out of it. Whether it is love, hatred, anger, fear or any thot is just a random fish happening in my consciousness ocean! Suddenly a huge weight of necessity to do strategy planning, necessity to protect your so called identity, necessity to do things which you have to do by the four letter word ‘duty’ will vanish. Please understand only duty you have is to be ‘duty free’. The only priority for human beings is being like this which is being a jeevan mukta – living enlightenment. Suddenly you will see wealth and other things necessary for you to live will happen in you without your involvement. This one sutra if you understand, it can lead you to Samadhi now! Your consc. Is an ocean, any thot is random jumping of fish, without any logic. Unconnected, independent, illogical, uncluthched. Do not create a geometric diagram. Pl understand, birds do not leave their footprint in the sky when they fly, fish do not leave a mark when they jump in water. When you understand this, my being is a consc. Ocean, any thot is a random fish and I do not need to connect any thot, immd you will eb in Samadhi. The restful awareness is there in you suddently. The spontaneous disappearance of the movements Is explained by the word nirodaha. It does not mean stopping, it means spontaneous disappearance. If patanjali used the other words, it would have meant mind is linear. He used this word means he knew mind is not linear. How can we trust that this is what he had inside him when he uttered these words. Sit with this truth and see the settlement, the relaxation, the restful awareness happening in you. This is the proof for the sutra to be the truth. The experience is the solid truth and proof of the expression. The end is proof that the means is true. Just sit with this simple understanding of mind and do not create the geometrical figures of suffering or pain or joy or meanings you make out of the random moments of the fish jumping. Just relax from that jumping, relax from the 2nd layer illusion. Then you will see suddenly not only the 2nd layer illusion, even the 1st layer illusion disappears. The fish get the juice when they see you connecting their movements. When they see you are not in action, they rest. So stop creating diagrams, logical conclusions out of the fish jumping. Then you will see this right thot take you beyond thot this right vikalpa takes you nirvikalpa, this right thinking takes you beyond thinking. Person who makes techniques out of each sutra is a teacher, he who makes savikalpa out of each sutra is a master. Sit with this sutra, you will see nirvikalpa happening, restful awareness happening in you. That’s why sit and listen and learn sutras from masters who have the same inner space as the masters who created the sutras. Ordinary teachers will tell you mind is linear and will be given techniques of blowing your nose and other yoga…and finally you will blow your life and lose trust over egverything. So find the right source, right person, right visualization, right understanding and it will lead you to nirvikalpa. Buddha says 1st step is right understanding. J.K. tells you right listening is God. You don’t need something extra more than the right listening. So understand whatever is happening in you is random fishes jumping. You don’t need to connect them and create square, circle, triangle and then have strategy planning to have a logical geometrical diagram. NO. relax. Just see fishes randomly jumping. Relax and you will see what patanjali means by – Yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha.

These 53 days in prison, constantly I was meditating and unclutching to come up with more & more methods to unclutch diff kinds of human beings. I can say 200 diff. types of revelations have happened like unclutching. I will reveal them to transmit those experiences into you all. I will be working on a small group of disciples to transmit the understandings and experiences through the process. The understanding I gave you will work a few minutes. After you practice a few times, your mind will get used to this too and will continue to think. Then you will need another understanding. Till your mind is done, you will need more and more and more. This is what I call process. Without practice or struggle that which gives nirvikalpa – restful awareness is technique. But mind will come up with technique to beat the technique! After this whole scandal, even I am not interested to taking my presence and my ability and possibility to teach for granted. Of course I will teach for long time. But I will not take it for granted and delay the process. I will work continuously on a small group for 48 days – living enlightenment process. Your whole inner being is an ocean of consc. All thots are like fish jumping randomly, spontaneously like fear, greed worry, without any reason. Do not try to connect and make logical diagram and geometrical diagram. Just be with restful awareness. Please close your eyes and just sit with this one clarity. Try to sit with this savikalpa which leads you to nirvikalpa. Next few days, your mind will get used to this technique, I will then give the next savikalpa. No mind can create nuisance for more than 20 savikalpas max. I will go on giving continuously diff. savikalpas till 200 and see that you establish in nirvikalpa. I request all you to sit with this savikalpa the next few days. Then I will give you the next one. This 48 days will be unique, spontaneous. We will be sitting day and night working on the scanning I did in the R&D period. People who are cherishing enimity are more powerful. They have shown their powers. They have snatched me away from you once. So don’t take me or my teachings for granted. I do n ot know if I will do this L.E process one more time. That is the reason I am giving it as a gift from me without any economical constraints. Even if you have nirvikalpa for few moments with such processes, your cunning mind, will come out of it. So again and again by using some 20 processes, your mind can be established. Here I will be working on some 200 diff processes.