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Those days when I wake up, the first thing I’ll open my eyes seeing Arunachala. Now, I am already in samadhi, so first thing I open my eyes as Paramashiva, that’s it! Otherwise, I don’t see any difference. See, whether Kailasa, this Sangha... Kailasa is nothing but Arunachala gone right, that’s all. Reviving Arunachala, that’s all,... all over the world. Listen. You can see that photo... and now, nothing has changed... last twenty six years.
Those days when I wake up, the first thing I’ll open my eyes seeing Arunachala. Now, I am already in samadhi, so first thing I open my eyes as Paramashiva, that’s it! Otherwise, I don’t see any difference. See, whether Kailasa, this Sangha... Kailasa is nothing but Arunachala gone right, that’s all. Reviving Arunachala, that’s all,... all over the world. Listen. You can see that photo... and now, nothing has changed... last twenty six years.
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Yy_MC9zYDKRbJRD1xau1jlTeWKiCbnRf"height = "700">

Revision as of 10:19, 25 August 2020


Live Life Based On Cosmic Truths Of Basic Ingredients Of Life - Birth, Death, Universe, God, Society

Link to Video:


nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the living, practicing Hindus from all over the world. I welcome all the Sarvajnapeetha Karthas, Yajamans, visitors, viewers, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Sarvaparityagis, Kotharis, Thanedar; everyone sitting with us all over the world. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Paramashiva’s direct message from Kailasa. Understand the Cosmic principles about birth, death, life, Universe,... God, human society. Understand the Cosmic principles about all this basic ingredient of your life, function from that understanding, you will have Cosmic consciousness happening in you. This is today’s message, understand.

Understand about life from... Cosmos as Cosmos reveals about life; not as the foolish materialistic brainwashing dash, dash, dash, dash, dash, dash fellows are trying to teach you. You see, the chronic capitalists are trying to brainwash you. Life is all about the amount of luxury and comforts and things you have because they want to make you, just the their customer. The only utility you have for them is, just being a customer; earn, earn, earn, earn - come and give it to us to buy a jeans. Then come and give it to us to buy a couch. Then come and give it to us, to buy a car. Then earn for thirty years, go on paying just the mortgage of your home. You are nothing, but, machine to pay their bills! So they teach you, that is what is life!

Each one teaches about life to you the way they can exploit you, but Cosmos teaches about life to you, as it is! I tell you... I have seen the delusion of the people - fear of living organized; they will even commit suicide, but they don’t want to live organized way. See,... the whole Cosmos is a order. It is in such beautiful order. Even the chaos, is in a very beautiful order. If you learn that order, you will understand life is such absolute freedom; for example, when you wake early in the morning, if you just remember Paramashiva, your whole being will wake up! Your whole body will wake up! Your whole mind will wake up! Your whole consciousness will wake up! Your whole emotions will wake up! It is equivalent to having twenty five coffees!

Remembering that twenty five faces of Paramashiva, seventy five eyes, fifty hands and meditating on Him - “Mahadeva, manifest in me” is equivalent to having twenty five coffees. Ooooh, you will become hyperactive. I have seen these kids when you feed them too much of chocolate, they will become hyperactive. Now without even eating chocolate, Skandamatha is doing the job. She is making the whole Ashram chaos. I am so happy. Just remembering that she is Subramanya, she is just... making everyone run around. It’s called sugar burst. I tell you... remember Paramashiva and have sugar burst! Your whole day will be in such order. Morning sugar burst of your life should be remembering Paramashiva with the twenty five heads, seventy five eyes, fifty hands, “Mahadeva, Hara, Hara, Mahadeva! Paramashiva!” That should be your sugar burst! Understand... from that time I know me, my sugar burst is Arunachala’s darshan.

Actually when I look back, I feel I have not changed at all! This description is the most apt description for me. Small, but, continuous unbroken lineage of Enlightened Masters... from the remote South Indian village - Tiruvannamalai, gone right! I can repeat this definition any number of time, is Nithyananda! I don’t feel I have changed at all. See, whether the bhasma filled forehead, or rudraksha filled body, or the way I sit in padmasana and the cloth up to knee, if you see my Yoga Pattabhishekam photo - 1994. I think the photo was taken little early, during the ritual time, some of the ritual, and, this final declaration day that photo was used. 1994, the Yoga Pattabhishekam photo... and now, I don’t feel I have changed at all!

Those days when I wake up, the first thing I’ll open my eyes seeing Arunachala. Now, I am already in samadhi, so first thing I open my eyes as Paramashiva, that’s it! Otherwise, I don’t see any difference. See, whether Kailasa, this Sangha... Kailasa is nothing but Arunachala gone right, that’s all. Reviving Arunachala, that’s all,... all over the world. Listen. You can see that photo... and now, nothing has changed... last twenty six years.

Listen... about death. Learn about death from Cosmos... who knows you before your death, during death, after your death and what is death process? Learn everything from Cosmos. Beautifully Cosmos has revealed all these sacred truths in Upanishads and Vedas and Agamas. I tell you, when you learn, understand, internalize - Shravana, Manana, Nididhyasana. Listening, internalizing, manifesting, these great truths from Cosmos, your consciousness becomes enlightened consciousness. You just know life as it should be known.

Yesterday I saw so many posts about, “Aaaah, only now we are understanding Krishna’s sacrifice.” Eh, I tell you, even His Rasa Leela is a extreme sacrifice! It is not womanizing or polygamist as dash, dash, dashhh... fellows distort. That illegitimate sons of 3 Ms... distort Krishna’s life, Rama’s life, and abuse Hindus, make Hindus feel respect for their tradition and civilization. As they described, it is neither womanizing nor polygamist, understand. Eh, first of all the whole Rasa Leela happened... when Krishna was a kid, not even ten year old. Before ten, he already moved to Mathura. The whole thing happened in Brindavan before ten. Unless He is real... Alright, let me not get into that subject.

Now let me only tell what I need to tell,... because I have very spicy words for this anti-Hindu gang, hmm... I just silence myself, okay let me do my work, creative work because Krishna Janmashtami is coming, so let me explain about Krishna and induce more love, bhakti, devotion... about Krishna and let you all start manifesting Krishna. Let’s enjoy Krishna, let’s celebrate Krishna. Why waste time on Kamsas and Shishupalas and bloody dash, dash, dash, dash, dash Narakasuras. No, no need. Let them live their life. Let us live our life, hmm.

Listen. Everything about Krishna’s life is absolute sacrifice, Sarvaparityaga for the humanity. Whether He gave life to the sixteen thousand women, whom He rescued from Narakasura’s hell, or He himself created a controlled condition and diffused all the weapons - most dangerous weapons, and, all those people who can multiply those weapons - finish them off, kill them literally, eliminated them so planet earth is safe. Planet earth again becomes a place to live!

Killing Bhishma, killing Drona was basic requirement! Because anyone goes and begs, serves Drona, he’s going to teach them Brahmastra; and after learning that Brahmastra, whether that fellow is going to be dharmic, or just going to justify his delusional arrogance as dharma, who knows?! So killing Drona was absolute necessary! Killing Bhishma was absolute necessary. Krishna took everything upon Himself. That is why I wanted the Parthasarathy form of Krishna to be worshipped, only then you will understand His sacrifice; where He is just resting... in the beach of Chennai. Salty air burns the wounds but heals quickly, that is why He went to the... Triplicane; He went to Triplicane and rested there, for recovery of all the wounds from the body after the war.

I want the Parthasarathy form of Krishna to be worshipped, to remember the extreme sacrifice, even physically. Eh, don’t think He was all the time being served by Gopikas, and all His Ashta Sakhis;... always in the bed with best food, dress, comforts and best women; no! Stop projecting your fantasies on Him! He was extremely sincere, compassionate, integrated leader, Acharya,... guide... training people. Finally, He gave his own Narayani Sena to fight against Him! He is in Pandava side and He gifted His Narayani Sena to Kauravas. And Narayani Sena did a very integrated job. They did not drop their weapons because Krishna is on the other side. They obeyed His words than their personal attachment to Him! What a personality He’s built! That is Krishna. His own people take His words more important; His commands is important than their personal attachment to Him. God! And they also know, nothing can be done to Him. He is too big. If you look deeper and deeper Krishna’s life; I can understand how a man who knows life as it should be known from Cosmos... lives and radiates, manifest the extreme Tyaga - sacrifice!

Finally,... He accepts the curse of Gandhari. Actually He could have rejected the curse of Gandhari, it is not that all curses affect Him, no! Eh, Brahmastra did not affected. He, He could save Parikshitu from Brahmastra. This stupid Acta, Ashwatthama sents Brahmastra. Krishna says, “Stop!” And Brahmastra stops. He gives life back to Parikshitu. So even Brahmastra He can nullify; He could have just nullified the Gandhari’s curse, but He says, “No. I want to honour the pain of Gandhari, by honouring her curse,” and He sacrifices Yadu Kula. And He knows Yadu Kula is going to be destroyed, so He gives His body to Suryavamsa.

The Kalinga was ruled by Suryavamsa. He gives His body to them and tell them, tells them, “Eh you maintain My Jeeva Samadhi, My Temple.” The Jagannath Temple is the place where Krishna-Balarama-Subhadra’s bodies physically is in Jeeva Samadhi. That Deity represents... see the body, after Krishna leaves the body, floats in the ocean and goes to that side as directed by Him. That body filled with the salt water, natural mummification... then all the three bodies were recovered by the Suryavamsa Rajas and they build the Temple and they are maintaining it. And it’s a living Deity; I tell you, Krishna is alive in Jagannath. Subhadra is alive in Jagannath. Balabhadra is alive in Jagannath. If you want to see Krishna directly, face to face - go to Jagannath, go to Puri. He’s alive, living Sakshat Pratyaksha Murti!

Ramanuja is sitting as He is, with heartbeat in Srirangam. I am talking to my disciples, I am not interested in trolls. Listen. I have seen that Deity of Ramanuja in Srirangam, He is living! When I went to have darshan, I bowed down and I had one small desire, “Prabhu, just show me You are alive.” He sweetly opened His eyes and a small smile and closed it, and went into samadhi again. Understand,... I am uttering these words responsibly; all my disciples... who are integrated to me sincerely, sincerely who believes, who loves what I am talking - go to Srirangam. Stand in front of Ramanuja, and ask Him, “Prabhu, my Guru sent me. He told me, You smiled at him and opened Your eyes and gave darshan. Please do that to me again. Please do that, bless me. I sincerely trust my Guru’s words and I came here. I am here for your darshan.”

Eh, I tell you... now I give you the commitment: if Ramanuja gave me darshan, if that is truth, He will give you the same darshan and blessing.

He’s alive. Body has shrunk little bit. He’s, He’s larger than when He was... using His body was little larger figure, a well built Ajanubahu because the Adishesha’s Avatara, larger body. Now body is little shrunk, but He is alive! Acharya is alive! Understand, I have no reason to lie. I have no reason to lie.

What is there? What is the vested interest for me to... promote Achar... Ramanuja Samadhi? Nut... I have no reason. And the temple is not in my control, that I am promoting it, so all of you will come and lot of money will come and it’ll all be... mine! All stupid trolls! Shut all your holes and go and do your work, some other work; not trolling me. I have nothing to gain by promoting Ramanuja’s Jeeva Samadhi. I am just telling all my sincere disciples who are interested in enlightenment - don’t miss! At least once go there and see, and I really tell you, He will bless you! Ayy, listen! He’s a living, living, living Mahapurusha.

Even when I went to Shirdi, I saw He was sitting, just sitting... Shirdi Sai Baba! He was just sitting! Ayy, it is not Deity, Heee... is! And... I am not hypomania or delusionary person who sees something which is not there. Ayy! I see things which you can’t see, does not mean I see things which is not there. Ayy... I see more than what you can see.

Multiple times I went to Srirangam. Just now, I connect to Acharya and prayed, “Prabhu, please bless anyone who comes... in my name, listening to this Satsang. Please grace them, made them realize You are alive!” He said, “Tathastu. Done!” Only after I got His Tathastu, I am even telling all of you, declaring it to all of you. Go... if you ask anybody in the Srirangam, they will tell you that where Ramanuja’s Samadhi is there. And all my Gurukul kids, Balasanths and my Sannyasis, Kailasavasis; you should not miss. As earliest the travel becomes possible, you should, you guys, all of you should make a trip. If you have not already made the trip, you should make a trip and people who are in India. Of course from other country I don’t think it is possible now, especially with this Corona, Harana, all that, hmm. So at least people, Kailasavasis in India when you are able to travel and the travelling is possible, you should make a trip and ask Him, “Prabhu, Swamiji sent me. He told, You are alive. Just show some way.” Either He can move hands and that let Him decide, or just open His eyes and or a smile. I tell you, He responds. He’s alive sitting in samadhi - Sayujya-mukti of Parandhama.

Let me come back to the subject: the Cosmic... principles about life, death, enlightenment, purpose of life; internalize all of that. Upanishad, Kathopanishad very clearly shows what is death. In a beautiful way I have spoken multiple number of times, elaborately giving... detailed understandings and revealing. Listen to all those Satsangs and classes and read.

Same way, these different states of consciousness and different planes of the Universe. Eleven dimensions, twenty five states of consciousness, twenty five faces of Paramashiva; internalize all of that. From that, you will grow a powerful conscious way of existing. Krishna’s Tyaga organized whole Hinduism... and saved planet earth from the worst disasters. Krishna avoided thousands of... Atomic Wars. Understand, at that time of Mahabharata War, at least, at least I am saying ten people had the capacity to destroy the whole Srishti,... whole Srishti!

Most brilliant strategist Krishna... diffused, dismantled, destroyed all the weapons. He, He did multiple things. Some weapons, He diffused, some He destroyed, some He dismantled... but saved the planet earth. I tell you... powerful weapons like Brahmastra, Brahmashirshastra, Narayanastra, Brahmandastra, Bhargavastra, Pashupatastra; each one of them can finish off whole Prakriti, whole creation, whole Srishti!

His extreme Tyaga, He compiles the whole Hinduism into one book - Bhagavad Gita. Actually, the personality who can spell out Bhagavad Gita, He actually demonstrates He is in absolute control of Himself, He is not at all agitated and leading the whole war. That is the definition of a real warrior. That is why in death bed, Bhishma sings Sahasranama, Vishnu Sahasranama, glorifying Krishna who put him in death bed! Bhishma knows it is only Krishna who can put him on death bed. And lying on death bed, Bhishma delivers Vishnu Sahasranama:

विश्वं विष्णुर्वषट्कार्ō भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः viśvaṁ viṣṇurvaṣaṭkārō bhūtabhavyabhavatprabhuḥ

The whole Vishnu Sahasranama is more astute to Krishna, because you can see so much of Krishna in that Vishnu Sahasranama. More than any other incarnations, so much Krishna is present in Vishnu Sahasranama. If you see whole Lalitha Sahasranama, so much Meenakshi will be present; the first this, itself:

sri mata sri maharagyi srimathsimha saneshvari chidagni kunda sambhuta devakarya samudyata udyadbanu sahasrabha kodi banu samanvita

The whole description: walking out of the chidagni kunda, homakunda. The whole description of Lalitha Sahasranama is about Meenakshi and Meenakshi’s life because... Adi Shankara manifested Lalitha Sahasranama in Madurai. That is why the whole Lalitha Saharanama is Meenakshi’s form of Parashakti. This whole Vishnu Sahasranama is Krishna’s manifestation of Vishnu. The Vishnu Sahasranama Bhashya is Krishna’s life. Lalitha Sahasranama Bhashya is Meenakshi’s life.

I have learned enough research to claim Meenakshi and Krishna were on the same timeline, because at least ten references I have. Meenakshi’s father, means who did yajna and birth Meenakshi. Meenakshi birth: the Meenakshi herself, She did not stay in the womb of any human being; She just walked out of the chidagni kunda, means the homakunda. And that exact place is only now our, our Shyamala Peetha Sarvajnapeetha is there. And we have Puranic reference and ref... the original references for that also and Shastra reference and even this. The father of Meenakshi who did this yajna and birth Meenakshi, died in Mahabharata War - Malayadwaja Pandya. And we have the original scripture references from Itihasa.

Only the fools, stupid fellows who called the whole Hindu Itihasas as mythology. Those fools only deny all these. These are all simple, straight recorded facts more authentic than the Indian media now! Thousand times more authentic and truthful than the Indian media. The most corrupt media in the world, or I should say one of the most corrupt... media in the world is Indian media. All our Puranas, Itihasas are thousand times more truthful than any of the media stories you read today. How the Indian media is trying to destroy the whole Hinduism and Hindu India.

The Hindu Bharat is being raped and destroyed by the Indian media. I can give you the original references. Even now, the Itihasas which proves Meenakshi’s father was dead in, was killed in Mahabharata War, and actually Meenakshi’s father’s father was killed by Krishna in a war, and Malayadwaja Pandya, Meenakshi’s father takes a oath, he will kill Krishna but finally they understand and come to a settlement and peace. And, then the Malayadwaja becomes very devoted to Krishna, and he wages war from Pandava side, and in during the war, he is killed.

The King Malayadwaja has numerous references in the epic Mahabharata. His father, Kulasekara Pandya was said to have been killed by Krishna, Lord Krishna and his country invaded. To avenge the death of his father, Prince Malayadwaja... got weapons from Bhishma, Drona, Balarama and Kripacharya. Then the Prince Malayadwaja has said to become in weapons the equal of Rukmi, Karna and Arjuna and Achyuta. He then desired to destroy the city of Dwaraka, Krishna’s capital and subjugate the whole world. Sage Agastya and Varuna, however counsel him against the decision and said to have granted him back his father’s kingdom and made King. He said to have, not said to have; I think all this said to have is the bloody British translation. He is... Malayadwaja... got his capital back and... got his father’s kingdom means that Pandya Kingdom back, and he became King again. And he was also present during the Svayamvara of Draupadi, and brought jars of sandalwood, agarbatti perfumes and jars of gold for Yudhisthira’s Rajasuya. During the Kurukshetra War, he sided with Pandava, and also he is mentioned as a mighty and powerful charioteer and warrior. He was killed by Kaurava’s Ashwatthama, hmm.

And he become a great devotee of Krishna after being advised by Agastya and Varuna and... Because Agastya and Varuna are literally the founders of this Pandya Kingdom. Varuna guides the Manu’s Ark, that ship after the deluge. And Matsyavatara, brings the Ark and parks in Pandya Kingdom. Then Agastya comes and revives the whole civilization. Agastya was also in Manu’s Ark. So Varuna and Agastya are literally the founders of Pandya Kingdom, and that is why the Pandya Kingdom also has the fish as their emblem. That fish is Matsyavatara. Matsyavatara: Krishna’s, Vishnu’s incarnation which brought the ship and parked... the Pandya Kingdom. All these are history. Unless you are illegitimate sons of 3 M, you won’t call this as myth. It’s not mythology, it’s all history, hmm. There is enough reference.

Itihasas are historical documentation, records, more truthful than any media record. Like how this modern day illegitimate sons of 3 M, go on trying to claim there was never a mentioned word of “Hindu” in any ancient scriptures, this word. There is no such thing as Hindu religion. How many times you fellows will... vomit this same shit, and I have enough reference in the Shastras, we have being called as Hindus! Again now I can give you four reference. But these illegitimate sons of 3 M will never go for any original scripture or reference. They just blabber. I’ll give you the reference. References we have... to proof that we have been described as Hindus in our scriptures.

The Merutantra, 33rd Prakasha in Sabdakalpadruma:

पश्चिमाम्नायमन्त्रास्तु प्रोक्तः पारस्यभाषया । अष्टोत्तरशताशीतिर्येषां संसाधनात् कलौ ॥ पञ्च खानाः सप्त मौरा नव शाहा महाबलाः । हिन्दुधर्म्मप्रलोप्तारो जायन्ते चक्रवर्त्तिनः ॥ हीनञ्च दूषयत्येव हिन्दुरित्युच्यते प्रिये ॥

paścimāmnāyamantrāstu proktaḥ pārasyabhāṣayā । aṣṭottaraśatāśītiryeṣāṃ saṃsādhanāt kalau ॥ pañca khānāḥ sapta maurā nava śāhā mahābalāḥ । hindudharmmapraloptāro jāyante cakravarttinaḥ ॥ hīnañca dūṣayatyeva hindurityucyate priye ॥

Translation: in Kaliyuga, by chanting the Pashcimamnaya Mantra for eight, eighty thousand eight times will manifest as power Kings viz five khana, seven maura, and nine saha who will destroy the Hindu Dharma. Oh Devi, the word Hindu literally means whole, those who defeat the evil!

And next... I have multiple references. I’ll post everything in the Facebook because there is lot of confusion going and all the time these... illegitimate sons of 3 M try to attack our identity... as Hinduism and as Hindus. I am giving you the Shastra Pramanas, the original references which is, at least three-four thousand years old scriptures - Itihasas.

Brihaspataye Shastra Bhavishya Purana:

हिंसया दूयते यश्च सदाचरण तत्परः I वेद गोप्रतिमासेवी स हिन्दूमुख शब्द भाक् II

hiṃsayā dūyate yaśca sadācaraṇa tatparaḥ I veda gopratimāsevī sa hindūmukha śabda bhāk II

Yaar himsikkapattalum evan dhukkamadaigirano, ozhukkamana vaazhkai nadathuvadhil munaipudan ullano, vedham pasu vigrahangal agiyavatrai bhakthiyudan vazhipadugirano, avane Hindu.

It’s a beautiful translation. I read out in Tamil. I’ll give the English translation also and put in the Facebook with the reference, the original verse, names, the, the verse’s details. Then Brihaspatya Agama which is... before Christ, four hundred years before Christ. The accepted dating itself is four hundred years before Christ but I feel this datings are much earlier. Even the western historians accepted date is before Christ, four hundred years before. It says very clearly:

Himalayam mudhal hindu mahasagaram varai virindhu parandhu kidakkum devargalal nirmanikkapatta indha Desam, Hindustanam endrazhaikapadum.

जानुस्थाने जैनुशब्दः सप्तसिंधुस्तथैव च ।। हप्तहिन्दुर्यावनी च पुनर्ज्ञेया गुरुंडिका ।। ३६ ।।

jānusthāne jainuśabdaḥ saptasiṃdhustathaiva ca ।। haptahinduryāvanī ca punarjñeyā guruṃḍikā ।। 36 ।।

Sa' endra ezhuthu yavvanargalin bashaiyil, 'ha' endru thirindhu, sabdha sindhu, sabdha hinduvaai maariyadhu. Idhu Bhavishya Puranam.

Even this is... four hundred years before Christ.

One of the biggest problem with these illegitimate sons of 3 M, only to abuse Hinduism they will accept the Hindu scriptures, but not to get the historical details and facts.

कलिना बलिना कलितकलौ नूंधर्मा । यवनैयो रथर्माग्राज्दा हिन्दवो विन्ध्यं माविहन।।

kalinā balinā kalitakalau nūṃdharmā । yavanaiyo ratharmāgrājdā hindavo vindhyaṃ māvihana।।

Kalika Puranam in, this is also at least two thousand years old.

Adharma aakramipalargalin padaiyedupugalinal yerpadum baadhipugalilirundhu thappikka, Hindukkal Vindhya malaiyai kadandhu vandargal. That’s all. So understand, I’ll give all this translation, original verse and Sanskrit translation, sorry English translation with the numbers and references of the slokas in the Facebook. Just read.

These illegitim... illegitimate sons of 3 M, they don’t bother about the real history and all. What they talk is more like a masturbation. They just talk, and they are satisfied, and go to sleep, that’s it. They don’t care about Shastras, any reference or answers. It’s not that they want to do in a very erm... research, it’s not that they are interested in truth. It is they are interested in just masturbating and vomiting something. They blabber and okay. But all my disciples who are very sincere and interested in finding the truth, I am giving you the references and the truths. Take it, and spread it to whoever wants to listen to the truth. Whoever is interested in their masturbation, let them go and be with... We are not interested. Whoever is interested in truth, they can come and you can give them the truth as it is, hmm.

Learn about states of consciousness. I have given elaborately all these understandings in Paramashivoham classes, Sadashivoham, Mahasadashivoham, Paramashivoham classes and eleven dimensions of the Universe, vertical time zones and twenty five states of consciousness... in all these elaborate Satsangs and classes. Learn life from those right sources to know life as it is, as it should be known. Spend little time in knowing life and Cosmos. It’s worth, it’s worth. I am telling you, it’s worth. There is lot more to tell, maybe in the further Satsangs.

Now with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.


Glimpses From August 10th 2020 Sartsang