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==Satsang Transcript==
We will spend a few minutes to answer your questions.
Q: What do you mean by living totally, deeply as you said, when you live totally, deeply, the dilemma will not be there. So what does it mean to live deeply or totally? And how to achieve that?
A: Yes. you see as on now, every morning when you are in the house, you are thinking of going to the office. Whem you are in the office, you are just waiting for the lunch time. When you are in the lunch break, you are just waiting when the next session will start. When again, afternoon, you are, when you are in the office, you are waiting to come back to the house. When you have come back to the house, you are waiting to go to the beach. When you are in the beach, you are thinking of going back to the house. When you are back to the house, you are thinking next day morning when I'll be going to the office.
One thing is sure. if you are here, you are not here. If you are in the office, you are in the house. If you are in the house, you are in the office. If you are in the office, you are in the beach. If you are here, you are not here. If you are somewhere, you are not there.
When I say live intensely, I say, live just inside your boundary. As on now, we never live inside this boundary. It is only center. We leave our luggage here and go round. It's just a lodge. We leave all our luggage in the lodge, take a taxi and go round to see the Mumbai.  Just like that we leave all our luggages here and go round. We never live inside this boundary.
I tell you, don't use your body as a lodge. Use your body as a home. If you use your body as a home, you will feel homely on this planet Earth. If you use your body as just a boarding place, you will be simply bored in the planet Earth. Boredom comes if you use your body just as a boarding place. If you live, if you use your body as a home, you will really feel totally homely. I tell you, live just on the boundary. If you are here, be here totally. If you are in the house, be there totally. If you are in the office, be there totally. Live inside your boundary.
That is what I call - live intensely. Living inside your boundary is what I call - live totally, live with awareness, live with your consciousness. I tell you, even our physical problems, our diseases, backpain, headache, all these things come because you don't live inside your body. Whenever you don't pay enough attentin to some parts of your body, your body begs your attention, "please give me little attention, please give me little energy". The begging only you call it as a pain. When you sit, if you are aware, if your body is uncomfortable, immediately the message comes to you, you make yourself comfortable. But, if you're not aware, you are just thinking of something else, even if your body is in a uncomfortable position you will not understand. After one hour only you will realise the whole body has become numb, you are under the trouble. Even your physical pains, even your physical troubles are mainly caused to yuo because you don't live inside yuor boundary. When I say live intensely, I mean live inside your boundary. That's all.
Q: Enlightenment is possible through meditation or efforts or is it comes without any efforts?
A: A small story. A guy went to purchase a ticket, lottery ticket for two rupees. He purchased the lottery ticket and got two crore in lottery. Whether he got the lottery because of his effort or as a gift? Tell me. He put his effort, spent two rupees, purchased the ticket. That much he put his effort but the lottery is gift. So if you see from one side he put his effort. If you see from the other side, the effort which he has put, it is in no way compared to the gift which he got. Same way, if you put what you have in your hand, you will get the greatest gift, what God has got in His hand. He put the two rupees which he had in his hand, the God gave two crore which He had in His hand. Enlightenment is also the same, just like a lottery. You are supposed to put your effort what you have in your hand. Then you will see you will receive a prize, gift, which is not at all equal to your effort. But unless you spend two rupee and purchase a lottery ticket, you cannot win the prize. You also need to put two rupees and purchase a lottery ticket but the gift which you receive will be no way compared to the gift, no way compared to the effort which you put. So, it is both way. You also need to put your effort and it wll come as a gift. Whomsoever has become enlightened, they always say, "Oh God! I am not qualified at all for the things which is showered on me." Because what you get is too much for what you give. In the other side, before enlightenment, if you just sit in the house, doing nothing...Of course, if you can really sit doing nothing, then you can really achieve. But we have learnt so much of doing, we can't be without doing anything. At least, you need to learn how to not to do anything. When I tell the people "please relax", they ask me "Swamiji, how to relax?" For relaxation you need some technique. Because you have forgotten how to relax. I tell you, Enlightenment is almost lottery business.
You also need to put your efforts. The 2 rupees what you have in your hand but what you receive is the gift of 2 crores which is not at all equal to the effort. Question: Swamiji during this meditation, you have asked us to close the eyes, control the thoughts, eyes become stone, how to control it? What is the procedure for that?
Swamiji: There is a small technique, I will tell you. I am instructing to stop the eye-ball movements. If you put your efforts in stopping the eye-ball movements, then naturally you will see thoughts are getting controlled. The moments of mind & moment of eye-balls are one & the same. When you close your eyes you will see your eye-balls will be moving & you will be seeing all the pictures inside the TV. If you stop the eye-ball movement, even the slightest movement of the eye-ball, the naturally you will see mind gets settled. Then you don’t have to bother about the controlling the mind. Once your mind has become calm, then you can just concentrate on the humming sound, that is more than enough. There is no need to continuously watch your mind.
Some people would have had bitter experience about life and their present memory of this bitter experiences are hurting, if they control their mind & not to react to these emotions but these emotions overrun, these are so powerful in-spite of making the mind calm, how to be free from this?
Swamiji: First thing you said because you have experienced so much in the life, the weight has become too much, I tell because
you have not experienced anything in the life the weight has become too much. If you really experience any emotion, any mood it will never be a weight. It will never be a hang-over. If you don’t experience totally, if you are half-half only then it remains as hang-over. Every emotion, every thought, every desire has got their own power. Their own strength to pull you back to fulfil it. If you have the desire to enjoy sweet, you have not enjoyed totally, you have enjoyed only half, the desire will have the power, will have the capacity, to pull you back to enjoy the same sweet till the thought is totally satisfied. The pull is what I call Karma. Anything which you have not enjoyed totally, anything which you have not tasted totally, anything which you have not experienced totally pulls you back to fulfil itself because you are total fulfilment. Your very basic nature is total fulfilment. You are Nithya Triptha. So there cannot be anything inside you which is not fulfilled. You are just made you are pulled to fulfil it, I tell you, your past emotions are also just unfulfilled things. If you have really fulfilled them you will never have hang-over. You will never have so much of pain. So much of burden. The best technique, the Tantra gives a beautiful technique, there is a technique in the Vigjnana Bhairava Tantra, they say go back & re-live. Whatever hangover is there, whatever situations are haunting you, whatever situations are just coming out in your mind you are suppressing them don’t suppress them let them come out just re-live them not only just as memory with full of feelings, re-live them.
Re-Living is Relieving.
Re-Living is the key for Relieving.
I tell you go into the emotions which you are continuously suppressing, go into the memories which you don’t want them to come up. Go into those memories deeply, go into emotions deeply, you will see instead of they becoming hang-over, or instead of they becoming weight on you, you will totally be free from the emotions. You will totally be free from the past. This will totally free you from the past hang-overs.
What do you mean by Re-Living?
Just sit at least for an hour, sit for an hour and thoroughly allow the emotions to come in you, now you will see so many thoughts will be coming, so many emotions, so many experiences will be coming, you will be suppressing them, you will be pushing them aside, you will be engaging yourself in some other activity, I tell you sit for one hour with yourself & allow everything to come out. If you have been hurt by somebody, just remember the whole incident, you don’t have to remember simply it will come up. It is there it will come up. When it comes up, re-live the whole incident, let it happen in you, yes it has happened now what can be done? Yes this is the way I have been hurt, this is the way I felt, this is just the load on me what can be done? Just go through the whole thing, once more, totally, emotionally, intensely you will see the re-living will be the relieving. The hang-over will be relieved. Because the Karma which is not fully enjoyed, which is not fulfilled, will be fulfilled by your re-living. The Tantra gives this as the meditation technique. It is not even a psychological technique, it is a meditation technique. Because once you go through your Karmas, the Karmas never comes back there will be memory, but the emotions will not be attached to the memory, There will be a chitha but there will be no attachment with you & the chitha. Chitha means memory. The memory will be there but it will not pull you or push you from your balance.
That means don’t react to it?
Yes. Let it come up, let it raise in you & subside. Don’t React. Watch Raising & Subsiding.
Question: I am happy disciple, I am here to listen to a unique soul who has dedicated the life, to elevating everybody to the blissful state to an enlightened level, then one of the things which you have been training your life which is pleasing to the entire world is to heal people, please tell us the exact things you do to heal people. What happens within you & within the person? And will you do that healing, if you have to go here as healer? Thank you.
This is the usual question I face everyday people ask me, Swamiji what mantra you repeat?
what technique you use, what mantra you use ,what is the secret you are healing , what you do exactly to heal the people I tell you my honest answer I do not do anything deeply I am absent, totally I am absent , when I put my hand , when I heal the people I am not there simply I relaxes where the sun raises lotus blooms by itself ,sun does not have to go to open the lotus the very presence of the sun opens the lotus the same way when I switch off myself the very presence heals .
The problem is in your mind you are not able to switch it off, when you become a hallow bamboo the divine uses you as a flute. when I heal, I do not do anything I just relax, I just relax into myself, that is the only thing which I do.
when you relax automatically your energy radiates , even in our healing system our healers are requested never to make a Sankalpa let this person to be healed , our healers never pray let the healing be healed , No, they always tell what is good let it happen. even out healers they never tell what is good let it happen, they never tell let it be healed. they just put their hand and our healing system do not even bother about the patient , when a person puts his hand he just goes into his meditation , he just relaxes that’s all we have a more then 10 healers in Bombay , I will tell them to read the healers list, we have more than 10 healers , what they exactly do of course they have seven hundred years around the world every day around 3000 people are touched by our  healers , so many thousands are getting healed , what exactly we do at the time of healing  they just put their hand and go into the meditation over they just fall into the meditation, meditation automatically radiates the energy, the energy automatically heals the people , they do not even bother who is the patient and what is the problem , many people come to me and ask Swamiji what all the diseases you can heal . I tell them, the diseases which you can name and the diseases which you cannot name everything can be healed. because we do not bother what is the disease or what is the thing, we know only one thing the energy is radiated, and the energy takes care of everything. Because the energy is intelligence , power plus intelligence is energy, energy is intelligence by itself , so energy knows what has to be done , energy minus intelligence is power, power plus intelligence is energy , so energy is not simple power , it is intelligence also. so, energy know what has to be done.
we do only one thing we relax and let the energy take its own course.
so when we heal I just switch off the mind I lose the Idea that my boundary ends here, the other person starts there, I just look feel I just lost the idea of boundary , the boundary idea is lost and naturally the energy is invaded to the other system also and the other system also gets healed , it’s almost like a communion , by the word it happened its communication , by the energy if it happened it is communion. it’s almost a communion, that is the reason the people they do not , it’s not that they get only healed of the physical disease , not only the physical disease , even they test the glimpse of the bliss . There are many people who have been healed they come and tell me , Swamiji, my disease disappeared its ok but from the day I took healing from you I feel so energetic so alive , I just laughing for no reason people are asking me what has gone wrong in you , people are just suspecting me what can I do about it , see when the energy comes up you are continuously in bliss in the mode of life and alive , it almost the communion happened between me and the healing , that the same thing happens between the healer and heals , Thank You !.
Question: Swamiji, you say about the relieving the experience without putting in the emotions, without putting in the emotions of past bad experiences is very difficult to think.
Swamiji: No I am telling you, when you relive I am telling you not without putting your emotions, totally put your emotions.
Question: then it is going to reoccur again and again
Swamiji: No, that is the mistake you do , when you relive it will never come back , it will totally subside , when you consciously relive it will never attack you again , when you unconsciously suppress it , only then it will comes up again and again and again , I tell you , One man who is born blind he went to the doctor and asks doctor can you do something for me , Doctor  says surely I will do operation and you will get your eyes back, once you get your eyes back you can walk without your stick.The blind people they use a stick to walk na, he said you can walk without a stick , then the blind man askes " Doctor I understand the first two statements you will do some operation I will get my eyes but I am not able to understand even if I get the eyes how will I be able to walk without the stick , because of the long association he thought stick is also part of him he think even he gets the eyes he will not be able to walk without the stick , this person cannot be intellectually be convinced only once he gets the eyes he will be able to understand he can walk without his stick . only when you do at least two three times mediation you will understand that reliving is relieving when you totally go into the emotion, Krishnamurthy says in one place beautifully he says:
If you want to come out of any emotion or free from any emotion the best way is to activate the emotion, allow the emotion to come up totally and just watch. dont follow don't allow the your senses to follow that emotion and neither suppress them. Allow them to come up to its peak, just watch them, that's the best way to get rid of any emotion. That is the best way to get rid of the past emotion also.thank you.
Question: Swamiji, regarding this meditation and healing, you said that when you give the healing, you just relax and you are into meditation, correct? And also what is the difference between meditation and healing.
You see when I am in the meditation,I am in the meditation.When the enrgy pours into somebody else, it is healing. I tell you when the atma shakti, when it expresses through my head it is intelligence, when it expresses through the heart it is compassion,when it expresses through the being it is energy, when it is not expressing and when it is there as it is, it is bliss. It is like a moving snake and the stagnant snake, the snake is just resting, it is meditation, if it is moving, it is healing.When I am relaxing, I am in that state it is meditation, when the meditation energy is pouring into somebody else, what happens is. I can tell meditation is the cause and healing is the side effect. Healing is the side eeffect of meditation. It is the positive side effect of meditation. Healing is the byproduct of meditation. Meditation is the sun and healing is the praise.
Swamiji, you said that life is the total fulfillment of desires and then you said we should have freedom of senses. Are these two things, I am getting confused between the two things.
One thing when you are really free from senses then you will have the energy to fulfill your desires. A small example, as of now if you have 100% energy, 80% of the energy is spent in decidiing, deciding, only 20% is spent in fulfilling. If you change, only 20% will be spent in deciding and 80% will be spent in fulfilling.
You have two things, icha shakti and kriya shakti. Icha shakti is capacity to desire, kriya shaki is the fulfilment, the energy to fulfill the desires. If you are free from senses, only then you will have the tremendous capacity to fullfill your desires. If you are caught up in the senses,you can never have energy to fulfill your desires. First thing, as on now, your energy is spent on icha shakti, you don't have nergy to spend on kriya shakti.If your jnana shakti awakens, the shift will totally change. you will spend only 20% in the icha shakti, your desires will be reduced automatically and the number of desires will be reduced and the power to fulfill them will increase, so naturally you will have the freedom from senses and fulfillment of desires, freedom from senses and fulillment of desires are very closely related. If you don't have freedom from senses, you will have thousands of desires and very little energy left to fulfill the desires. You will not be able to match and you will not be able to cope up with your desires. It will just be a rat race, once you are free from senses, then you will understand that so much of energy is left . You have abundance of energy to fulfill the few desires that is left.
Quaetion: Practicaly how do we get the freedom from senses.
You asked the right question, practically how do we get. Only answer, the one and only answer is mediation. The very word meditation makes us feel, oh it is a long time journey Swami. Dont think it is a long time journey, I tell you, surely, it is not a long time journey, when you don't get the right technique, then it is a long time journey, If you get the right technqiue and the right Master, then surely it is not a long time journey. It is surely not a long time journey. I can tell you, a simple technique now, when you eat just become tongue and eat, when you drink, just become mouth and drink. Even this technique can relive from your tonque, this can give you freedom from the tongue. The same way when you listen, forget yourself, simply lose yourself in the music, get lost in the music, in the sound, get lost in the sound, just become a music, you will be free from the ears.When you see something just become the object, you will be the eyes. So these are the few simple techniques to be free from the senses. Of course, when you get the right technqiue and the right Master, in the Master's presence, meditation is possible and you can be  free from senses.These are the few technqiues you can try, when you eat just become the taste, when you listem just become the music, when you see just become the seen. You will be lost.
Swamiji, you have healed lot of people, now how can the person be healed if his karma there, suppose the person has got bad karma, you can still heal him, how is that possible. Secondly you said that you heal people without doing anything. Generally prayer will heal people. How is it possible without doing anything, I am sure you are praying. Another thing, what happens to healed people; you feel weak or powers gone. What you go through, I would like to know.
Let me answer the first question; how can you heal when the persons karmas are there. You see there is a dark room, you puts a torch what happens to the darkness in the room, does the light take away the darkness - NO; the very presence of the light makes the darkness disappear. Onething, you need to understand, darkness as such don't have postive existence, darkness is nothing but the lightlessness. Light is a positive existence, light exists but the drakness is not existing.Lightlessness is what is called darkness. So when the light comes the darkness automtically disappaers, Just like that, energylessness is what is I call Karma. Karma means energylessness, karma dont have positive existence.When the light is brought, for the darkness to disappear when the light is brought, there is no need for the light to go and eat the darkness. Just the very presence of the light,will take away the darkness.Just like that when the energy is given, the very energy takes away the karma. There is no need for the energy to eat the karma. There is no need to take the karma on me.Understand, karma is nothing but the lightlessness.Energlessness, enerylessness is what is karma.So when the energy is given there is no need for me to take the karma.That is the first thing.
The next thing is that only by prayer people heal, how can you heal without the thoughts, without the prayer. You see,if you heal by prayer, the energy comes only from the mental level, mental layer; based on the intensity of the prayer, the healing will happen. If you heal through the atma shakti, through the energy of no mind, you will see the divine itself will be healing, divine itself will be healing. There are two layers, energy from mind level, energy from no mind level, mano shakti and atma shakti; to release the mano shakti you need to pray intensely; to release from the atma shakti, you need to relax totally.
To release the Mano shakthi you need to pray intensely, to release the atma shakthi you need to relax totally, our healing is based on atma shakthi, not on Mano shakthi. If it is based on Mano Shakthi, you have to take their Karma, you are in their level, If you have to use atma shakthi, only then there is no need to bother about Karma, because Karma simply gets washed away. Light is flooded when the light is flooded darkness will be disappearing there is no darkness you can see here is the light backside the fan there is a darkness, the darkness is nothing but the lightlessness. The moment the light is turned towards that side darkness disappears, it is not that light went there & started eating the darkness, No! Just the presence of the light makes the darkness to disappear. The same way just the presence of the energy makes the Karma disappear, the lightness is what is called darkness, energylessness is what is called Karma. So there is no need for the master to work on the Karma, just the energy takes away the Karma, releases the Karma & to release the mental energy only you need the prayer to reach the spiritual energy you need to relax & do it.
The Third question, what is your third question? What happens to me when I heal? Do I become weak? Do I become tired?
I will tell you honestly, I will become rejuvenated. I will become rejuvenate because I am not giving my energy in those moments I will become a channel for the energy, so energy just flows through me to the person, so what happens, I am also rejuvenated. Not only me.
Not only me even our healers are telling there is a healer in Bangalore she says by evening 6 O’clock I am totally tiered and when I come back from office I get headache and I am tired the first thing I do is I catch somebody , even if the people say I am alright also I catch them and start to heal them because once I heal two three people I am totally rejuvenated the energy flows through me even the kids says I am alright I make them lay down and start to heal them Swamiji, because I feel totally rejuvenated , not only me even our healers say after every patient they feel more rejuvenated , because the energy is flowing through them , it’s like a win win policy , it’s not like somebody is winning and someone is losing , it’s both win in this game. in the other healing systems you have to earn and spend, in our healing system already god had earned property is there, the only thing is we have to spend . we will have to let the energy to work through us , just we have to become hollow bamboo , then see the energy simply flows through you to the other person , not only he is healed you are rejuvenated in my life I can see , after every patient not only the energy becomes more , not only I become rejuvenated even in the case of healers after every patient they ger rejuvenated , in other systems after every patient the energy flow will be reduced , in our healing system after every patient our energy  becomes more , in our system not only the person gets healed I also get rejuvenated.
==Photos From The Day:==
==Photos From The Day:==

Revision as of 00:07, 13 August 2020


Energy Healing Secrets: Causes of Karmic Exchange And What Heals Without Karmic Exchange (21 May 2004)

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HDH delivered this satsang at Premapuri Ashram in Mumbai on 21 May 2004. He shares important truths about Energy Healing. Healing by Manoshakti - when the healer heals through intention or prayer - there is danger from Karmic transfer. But when the energy healing is done by No-Mind (Atmashakti) Divine itself heals the patient and energizes the healer. This truth about ManoShakti vs. Atmashakti based healing is critical for anyone who heals or receiving healing to know. In HIS inimitable style HDH hits the core truth when HE says - to release mental energy you need to pray intensely, to release spiritual energy you need to relax intensely

(21 May 2004)

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Satsang Transcript

We will spend a few minutes to answer your questions.

Q: What do you mean by living totally, deeply as you said, when you live totally, deeply, the dilemma will not be there. So what does it mean to live deeply or totally? And how to achieve that?

A: Yes. you see as on now, every morning when you are in the house, you are thinking of going to the office. Whem you are in the office, you are just waiting for the lunch time. When you are in the lunch break, you are just waiting when the next session will start. When again, afternoon, you are, when you are in the office, you are waiting to come back to the house. When you have come back to the house, you are waiting to go to the beach. When you are in the beach, you are thinking of going back to the house. When you are back to the house, you are thinking next day morning when I'll be going to the office.

One thing is sure. if you are here, you are not here. If you are in the office, you are in the house. If you are in the house, you are in the office. If you are in the office, you are in the beach. If you are here, you are not here. If you are somewhere, you are not there.

When I say live intensely, I say, live just inside your boundary. As on now, we never live inside this boundary. It is only center. We leave our luggage here and go round. It's just a lodge. We leave all our luggage in the lodge, take a taxi and go round to see the Mumbai. Just like that we leave all our luggages here and go round. We never live inside this boundary.

I tell you, don't use your body as a lodge. Use your body as a home. If you use your body as a home, you will feel homely on this planet Earth. If you use your body as just a boarding place, you will be simply bored in the planet Earth. Boredom comes if you use your body just as a boarding place. If you live, if you use your body as a home, you will really feel totally homely. I tell you, live just on the boundary. If you are here, be here totally. If you are in the house, be there totally. If you are in the office, be there totally. Live inside your boundary.

That is what I call - live intensely. Living inside your boundary is what I call - live totally, live with awareness, live with your consciousness. I tell you, even our physical problems, our diseases, backpain, headache, all these things come because you don't live inside your body. Whenever you don't pay enough attentin to some parts of your body, your body begs your attention, "please give me little attention, please give me little energy". The begging only you call it as a pain. When you sit, if you are aware, if your body is uncomfortable, immediately the message comes to you, you make yourself comfortable. But, if you're not aware, you are just thinking of something else, even if your body is in a uncomfortable position you will not understand. After one hour only you will realise the whole body has become numb, you are under the trouble. Even your physical pains, even your physical troubles are mainly caused to yuo because you don't live inside yuor boundary. When I say live intensely, I mean live inside your boundary. That's all.

Q: Enlightenment is possible through meditation or efforts or is it comes without any efforts?

A: A small story. A guy went to purchase a ticket, lottery ticket for two rupees. He purchased the lottery ticket and got two crore in lottery. Whether he got the lottery because of his effort or as a gift? Tell me. He put his effort, spent two rupees, purchased the ticket. That much he put his effort but the lottery is gift. So if you see from one side he put his effort. If you see from the other side, the effort which he has put, it is in no way compared to the gift which he got. Same way, if you put what you have in your hand, you will get the greatest gift, what God has got in His hand. He put the two rupees which he had in his hand, the God gave two crore which He had in His hand. Enlightenment is also the same, just like a lottery. You are supposed to put your effort what you have in your hand. Then you will see you will receive a prize, gift, which is not at all equal to your effort. But unless you spend two rupee and purchase a lottery ticket, you cannot win the prize. You also need to put two rupees and purchase a lottery ticket but the gift which you receive will be no way compared to the gift, no way compared to the effort which you put. So, it is both way. You also need to put your effort and it wll come as a gift. Whomsoever has become enlightened, they always say, "Oh God! I am not qualified at all for the things which is showered on me." Because what you get is too much for what you give. In the other side, before enlightenment, if you just sit in the house, doing nothing...Of course, if you can really sit doing nothing, then you can really achieve. But we have learnt so much of doing, we can't be without doing anything. At least, you need to learn how to not to do anything. When I tell the people "please relax", they ask me "Swamiji, how to relax?" For relaxation you need some technique. Because you have forgotten how to relax. I tell you, Enlightenment is almost lottery business.

You also need to put your efforts. The 2 rupees what you have in your hand but what you receive is the gift of 2 crores which is not at all equal to the effort. Question: Swamiji during this meditation, you have asked us to close the eyes, control the thoughts, eyes become stone, how to control it? What is the procedure for that? Swamiji: There is a small technique, I will tell you. I am instructing to stop the eye-ball movements. If you put your efforts in stopping the eye-ball movements, then naturally you will see thoughts are getting controlled. The moments of mind & moment of eye-balls are one & the same. When you close your eyes you will see your eye-balls will be moving & you will be seeing all the pictures inside the TV. If you stop the eye-ball movement, even the slightest movement of the eye-ball, the naturally you will see mind gets settled. Then you don’t have to bother about the controlling the mind. Once your mind has become calm, then you can just concentrate on the humming sound, that is more than enough. There is no need to continuously watch your mind.


Some people would have had bitter experience about life and their present memory of this bitter experiences are hurting, if they control their mind & not to react to these emotions but these emotions overrun, these are so powerful in-spite of making the mind calm, how to be free from this?

Swamiji: First thing you said because you have experienced so much in the life, the weight has become too much, I tell because you have not experienced anything in the life the weight has become too much. If you really experience any emotion, any mood it will never be a weight. It will never be a hang-over. If you don’t experience totally, if you are half-half only then it remains as hang-over. Every emotion, every thought, every desire has got their own power. Their own strength to pull you back to fulfil it. If you have the desire to enjoy sweet, you have not enjoyed totally, you have enjoyed only half, the desire will have the power, will have the capacity, to pull you back to enjoy the same sweet till the thought is totally satisfied. The pull is what I call Karma. Anything which you have not enjoyed totally, anything which you have not tasted totally, anything which you have not experienced totally pulls you back to fulfil itself because you are total fulfilment. Your very basic nature is total fulfilment. You are Nithya Triptha. So there cannot be anything inside you which is not fulfilled. You are just made you are pulled to fulfil it, I tell you, your past emotions are also just unfulfilled things. If you have really fulfilled them you will never have hang-over. You will never have so much of pain. So much of burden. The best technique, the Tantra gives a beautiful technique, there is a technique in the Vigjnana Bhairava Tantra, they say go back & re-live. Whatever hangover is there, whatever situations are haunting you, whatever situations are just coming out in your mind you are suppressing them don’t suppress them let them come out just re-live them not only just as memory with full of feelings, re-live them. Re-Living is Relieving.

Re-Living is the key for Relieving.

I tell you go into the emotions which you are continuously suppressing, go into the memories which you don’t want them to come up. Go into those memories deeply, go into emotions deeply, you will see instead of they becoming hang-over, or instead of they becoming weight on you, you will totally be free from the emotions. You will totally be free from the past. This will totally free you from the past hang-overs.

Questions: What do you mean by Re-Living?

Just sit at least for an hour, sit for an hour and thoroughly allow the emotions to come in you, now you will see so many thoughts will be coming, so many emotions, so many experiences will be coming, you will be suppressing them, you will be pushing them aside, you will be engaging yourself in some other activity, I tell you sit for one hour with yourself & allow everything to come out. If you have been hurt by somebody, just remember the whole incident, you don’t have to remember simply it will come up. It is there it will come up. When it comes up, re-live the whole incident, let it happen in you, yes it has happened now what can be done? Yes this is the way I have been hurt, this is the way I felt, this is just the load on me what can be done? Just go through the whole thing, once more, totally, emotionally, intensely you will see the re-living will be the relieving. The hang-over will be relieved. Because the Karma which is not fully enjoyed, which is not fulfilled, will be fulfilled by your re-living. The Tantra gives this as the meditation technique. It is not even a psychological technique, it is a meditation technique. Because once you go through your Karmas, the Karmas never comes back there will be memory, but the emotions will not be attached to the memory, There will be a chitha but there will be no attachment with you & the chitha. Chitha means memory. The memory will be there but it will not pull you or push you from your balance.

Questions: That means don’t react to it?

Swamiji: Yes. Let it come up, let it raise in you & subside. Don’t React. Watch Raising & Subsiding. Question: I am happy disciple, I am here to listen to a unique soul who has dedicated the life, to elevating everybody to the blissful state to an enlightened level, then one of the things which you have been training your life which is pleasing to the entire world is to heal people, please tell us the exact things you do to heal people. What happens within you & within the person? And will you do that healing, if you have to go here as healer? Thank you.

Swamiji: This is the usual question I face everyday people ask me, Swamiji what mantra you repeat?

what technique you use, what mantra you use ,what is the secret you are healing , what you do exactly to heal the people I tell you my honest answer I do not do anything deeply I am absent, totally I am absent , when I put my hand , when I heal the people I am not there simply I relaxes where the sun raises lotus blooms by itself ,sun does not have to go to open the lotus the very presence of the sun opens the lotus the same way when I switch off myself the very presence heals .

The problem is in your mind you are not able to switch it off, when you become a hallow bamboo the divine uses you as a flute. when I heal, I do not do anything I just relax, I just relax into myself, that is the only thing which I do.

when you relax automatically your energy radiates , even in our healing system our healers are requested never to make a Sankalpa let this person to be healed , our healers never pray let the healing be healed , No, they always tell what is good let it happen. even out healers they never tell what is good let it happen, they never tell let it be healed. they just put their hand and our healing system do not even bother about the patient , when a person puts his hand he just goes into his meditation , he just relaxes that’s all we have a more then 10 healers in Bombay , I will tell them to read the healers list, we have more than 10 healers , what they exactly do of course they have seven hundred years around the world every day around 3000 people are touched by our healers , so many thousands are getting healed , what exactly we do at the time of healing they just put their hand and go into the meditation over they just fall into the meditation, meditation automatically radiates the energy, the energy automatically heals the people , they do not even bother who is the patient and what is the problem , many people come to me and ask Swamiji what all the diseases you can heal . I tell them, the diseases which you can name and the diseases which you cannot name everything can be healed. because we do not bother what is the disease or what is the thing, we know only one thing the energy is radiated, and the energy takes care of everything. Because the energy is intelligence , power plus intelligence is energy, energy is intelligence by itself , so energy knows what has to be done , energy minus intelligence is power, power plus intelligence is energy , so energy is not simple power , it is intelligence also. so, energy know what has to be done.

we do only one thing we relax and let the energy take its own course.

so when we heal I just switch off the mind I lose the Idea that my boundary ends here, the other person starts there, I just look feel I just lost the idea of boundary , the boundary idea is lost and naturally the energy is invaded to the other system also and the other system also gets healed , it’s almost like a communion , by the word it happened its communication , by the energy if it happened it is communion. it’s almost a communion, that is the reason the people they do not , it’s not that they get only healed of the physical disease , not only the physical disease , even they test the glimpse of the bliss . There are many people who have been healed they come and tell me , Swamiji, my disease disappeared its ok but from the day I took healing from you I feel so energetic so alive , I just laughing for no reason people are asking me what has gone wrong in you , people are just suspecting me what can I do about it , see when the energy comes up you are continuously in bliss in the mode of life and alive , it almost the communion happened between me and the healing , that the same thing happens between the healer and heals , Thank You !.

Question: Swamiji, you say about the relieving the experience without putting in the emotions, without putting in the emotions of past bad experiences is very difficult to think.

Swamiji: No I am telling you, when you relive I am telling you not without putting your emotions, totally put your emotions.

Question: then it is going to reoccur again and again

Swamiji: No, that is the mistake you do , when you relive it will never come back , it will totally subside , when you consciously relive it will never attack you again , when you unconsciously suppress it , only then it will comes up again and again and again , I tell you , One man who is born blind he went to the doctor and asks doctor can you do something for me , Doctor says surely I will do operation and you will get your eyes back, once you get your eyes back you can walk without your stick.The blind people they use a stick to walk na, he said you can walk without a stick , then the blind man askes " Doctor I understand the first two statements you will do some operation I will get my eyes but I am not able to understand even if I get the eyes how will I be able to walk without the stick , because of the long association he thought stick is also part of him he think even he gets the eyes he will not be able to walk without the stick , this person cannot be intellectually be convinced only once he gets the eyes he will be able to understand he can walk without his stick . only when you do at least two three times mediation you will understand that reliving is relieving when you totally go into the emotion, Krishnamurthy says in one place beautifully he says:

If you want to come out of any emotion or free from any emotion the best way is to activate the emotion, allow the emotion to come up totally and just watch. dont follow don't allow the your senses to follow that emotion and neither suppress them. Allow them to come up to its peak, just watch them, that's the best way to get rid of any emotion. That is the best way to get rid of the past emotion also.thank you.

Question: Swamiji, regarding this meditation and healing, you said that when you give the healing, you just relax and you are into meditation, correct? And also what is the difference between meditation and healing.

You see when I am in the meditation,I am in the meditation.When the enrgy pours into somebody else, it is healing. I tell you when the atma shakti, when it expresses through my head it is intelligence, when it expresses through the heart it is compassion,when it expresses through the being it is energy, when it is not expressing and when it is there as it is, it is bliss. It is like a moving snake and the stagnant snake, the snake is just resting, it is meditation, if it is moving, it is healing.When I am relaxing, I am in that state it is meditation, when the meditation energy is pouring into somebody else, what happens is. I can tell meditation is the cause and healing is the side effect. Healing is the side eeffect of meditation. It is the positive side effect of meditation. Healing is the byproduct of meditation. Meditation is the sun and healing is the praise.

Swamiji, you said that life is the total fulfillment of desires and then you said we should have freedom of senses. Are these two things, I am getting confused between the two things.

One thing when you are really free from senses then you will have the energy to fulfill your desires. A small example, as of now if you have 100% energy, 80% of the energy is spent in decidiing, deciding, only 20% is spent in fulfilling. If you change, only 20% will be spent in deciding and 80% will be spent in fulfilling.

You have two things, icha shakti and kriya shakti. Icha shakti is capacity to desire, kriya shaki is the fulfilment, the energy to fulfill the desires. If you are free from senses, only then you will have the tremendous capacity to fullfill your desires. If you are caught up in the senses,you can never have energy to fulfill your desires. First thing, as on now, your energy is spent on icha shakti, you don't have nergy to spend on kriya shakti.If your jnana shakti awakens, the shift will totally change. you will spend only 20% in the icha shakti, your desires will be reduced automatically and the number of desires will be reduced and the power to fulfill them will increase, so naturally you will have the freedom from senses and fulfillment of desires, freedom from senses and fulillment of desires are very closely related. If you don't have freedom from senses, you will have thousands of desires and very little energy left to fulfill the desires. You will not be able to match and you will not be able to cope up with your desires. It will just be a rat race, once you are free from senses, then you will understand that so much of energy is left . You have abundance of energy to fulfill the few desires that is left.

Quaetion: Practicaly how do we get the freedom from senses.

You asked the right question, practically how do we get. Only answer, the one and only answer is mediation. The very word meditation makes us feel, oh it is a long time journey Swami. Dont think it is a long time journey, I tell you, surely, it is not a long time journey, when you don't get the right technique, then it is a long time journey, If you get the right technqiue and the right Master, then surely it is not a long time journey. It is surely not a long time journey. I can tell you, a simple technique now, when you eat just become tongue and eat, when you drink, just become mouth and drink. Even this technique can relive from your tonque, this can give you freedom from the tongue. The same way when you listen, forget yourself, simply lose yourself in the music, get lost in the music, in the sound, get lost in the sound, just become a music, you will be free from the ears.When you see something just become the object, you will be the eyes. So these are the few simple techniques to be free from the senses. Of course, when you get the right technqiue and the right Master, in the Master's presence, meditation is possible and you can be free from senses.These are the few technqiues you can try, when you eat just become the taste, when you listem just become the music, when you see just become the seen. You will be lost.

Swamiji, you have healed lot of people, now how can the person be healed if his karma there, suppose the person has got bad karma, you can still heal him, how is that possible. Secondly you said that you heal people without doing anything. Generally prayer will heal people. How is it possible without doing anything, I am sure you are praying. Another thing, what happens to healed people; you feel weak or powers gone. What you go through, I would like to know.

Let me answer the first question; how can you heal when the persons karmas are there. You see there is a dark room, you puts a torch what happens to the darkness in the room, does the light take away the darkness - NO; the very presence of the light makes the darkness disappear. Onething, you need to understand, darkness as such don't have postive existence, darkness is nothing but the lightlessness. Light is a positive existence, light exists but the drakness is not existing.Lightlessness is what is called darkness. So when the light comes the darkness automtically disappaers, Just like that, energylessness is what is I call Karma. Karma means energylessness, karma dont have positive existence.When the light is brought, for the darkness to disappear when the light is brought, there is no need for the light to go and eat the darkness. Just the very presence of the light,will take away the darkness.Just like that when the energy is given, the very energy takes away the karma. There is no need for the energy to eat the karma. There is no need to take the karma on me.Understand, karma is nothing but the lightlessness.Energlessness, enerylessness is what is karma.So when the energy is given there is no need for me to take the karma.That is the first thing.

The next thing is that only by prayer people heal, how can you heal without the thoughts, without the prayer. You see,if you heal by prayer, the energy comes only from the mental level, mental layer; based on the intensity of the prayer, the healing will happen. If you heal through the atma shakti, through the energy of no mind, you will see the divine itself will be healing, divine itself will be healing. There are two layers, energy from mind level, energy from no mind level, mano shakti and atma shakti; to release the mano shakti you need to pray intensely; to release from the atma shakti, you need to relax totally.

To release the Mano shakthi you need to pray intensely, to release the atma shakthi you need to relax totally, our healing is based on atma shakthi, not on Mano shakthi. If it is based on Mano Shakthi, you have to take their Karma, you are in their level, If you have to use atma shakthi, only then there is no need to bother about Karma, because Karma simply gets washed away. Light is flooded when the light is flooded darkness will be disappearing there is no darkness you can see here is the light backside the fan there is a darkness, the darkness is nothing but the lightlessness. The moment the light is turned towards that side darkness disappears, it is not that light went there & started eating the darkness, No! Just the presence of the light makes the darkness to disappear. The same way just the presence of the energy makes the Karma disappear, the lightness is what is called darkness, energylessness is what is called Karma. So there is no need for the master to work on the Karma, just the energy takes away the Karma, releases the Karma & to release the mental energy only you need the prayer to reach the spiritual energy you need to relax & do it. The Third question, what is your third question? What happens to me when I heal? Do I become weak? Do I become tired? I will tell you honestly, I will become rejuvenated. I will become rejuvenate because I am not giving my energy in those moments I will become a channel for the energy, so energy just flows through me to the person, so what happens, I am also rejuvenated. Not only me.

Not only me even our healers are telling there is a healer in Bangalore she says by evening 6 O’clock I am totally tiered and when I come back from office I get headache and I am tired the first thing I do is I catch somebody , even if the people say I am alright also I catch them and start to heal them because once I heal two three people I am totally rejuvenated the energy flows through me even the kids says I am alright I make them lay down and start to heal them Swamiji, because I feel totally rejuvenated , not only me even our healers say after every patient they feel more rejuvenated , because the energy is flowing through them , it’s like a win win policy , it’s not like somebody is winning and someone is losing , it’s both win in this game. in the other healing systems you have to earn and spend, in our healing system already god had earned property is there, the only thing is we have to spend . we will have to let the energy to work through us , just we have to become hollow bamboo , then see the energy simply flows through you to the other person , not only he is healed you are rejuvenated in my life I can see , after every patient not only the energy becomes more , not only I become rejuvenated even in the case of healers after every patient they ger rejuvenated , in other systems after every patient the energy flow will be reduced , in our healing system after every patient our energy becomes more , in our system not only the person gets healed I also get rejuvenated.

Photos From The Day:

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