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Wednesday, February 20th, 2013
How you will experience miracles when you go out ...all that begins with this swasti mantra only....that constantly makes the cosmos respond to you in complete supporting way. Swasti  mantra is not the time to wipe your paada puja set. it is not time to chat or do something else. If tomorrow i see this continuing, then i will have to declare i will come out and sit without  
How you will experience miracles when you go out ...all that begins with this swasti mantra only....that constantly makes the cosmos respond to you in complete supporting way. Swasti  mantra is not the time to wipe your paada puja set. it is not time to chat or do something else. If tomorrow i see this continuing, then i will have to declare i will come out and sit without  

Revision as of 08:43, 26 July 2020


February 21, 2013


How you will experience miracles when you go out ...all that begins with this swasti mantra only....that constantly makes the cosmos respond to you in complete supporting way. Swasti mantra is not the time to wipe your paada puja set. it is not time to chat or do something else. If tomorrow i see this continuing, then i will have to declare i will come out and sit without any screen will not be put. Chant the swasti mantra sincerely. listen. when you do good to the world, world does good to you. Swasti mantra is with all your heart you declare let the world have auspiciousness. so many people practicing integrity if they declare, what will be the power of that? Why will it take so much time to be integrated just to this paada puja? Just this swasti mantra can be a powerful completion from whatever wounds you got from the society, other people. Swasti mantra is a completion declaration - I complete with the world and i declare let the world be auspicious. Let all the good things happen to the world. Bring integrity into everything. i am very clear. this paada puja is not any one's means my ego boosting exercise or pride exercise. i declare it is authentically a straight enlightenment process for every one of you. every line we utter there, the meaning of every line, bring integrity - it is for you. it is for you achieving success. it is not the pride demonstration or ego boosting exercise for any individual. Otherwise one hour a day you are wasting if you are not integrated with it. one hour a day in your life is not a easy joke to be wasted. be integrated. be intense. Even if you look this side and that side thinking I already listened so many times, it is non-integrated. not only that, when you make the intention let the world be blissful. first thing happens is your world becomes blissful then the subtle it goes on expanding but the benefit is you are the first person whose world becomes blissful. Anger is the acid that destroys the container more than the object on which it is poured. Swasti mantra heals the anger. it completely seals and protects your container. you become the pure space from which continuously completion is functioning. as long as you live the four tatvaas life happens through you. the moment you slack - "yogo nashta parantapaha." Listen that is what happens. yoga is lost in course of time. how? when you start lack of integrity, irresponsibility and selfishness.

Now chant the swasti mantra. I will continue on this during the satsang..

“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnanasambandha madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 499 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 40 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 221 cities, 28 countries around the world as per the statistics!

Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha are - Kulim Malaysia, Los Angeles Aruna, san jose madu, tiru aruna, hyd bhag, ohio pr, gaud, tor, phoenix, sing, dubai, bang nith vid, adayar chennai, black diamond canada, lawspet pondi, bang gangamma, comibattor,e hyd shree, durango, new york, paris kalighat, vanc puri, char, monterrey mexico, port wash, brooely london, chicago sri rang, devon uk, austin, anna nagar chennai, chennai alwarpet, bang north, atlanta, priyankananda malay, oman siva gangai, tallahassi florida, hongkong seezkazhi, slovakia koschitze

Today Niraahaara samyama 3rd level 8th day. THE samyama 5th day successfully, IA 5th day successfully. Arun Shankar Tallahassi florida, my presence will be there in your house name it as Nithyananda bhavana...before starting I have to restore my completion. Yesterday i said in 2 minutes I will restore internet. I should have said few minutes. It was more than 2 minutes. I commit in future I will utter the right words so that you also will have the pattern of the right words. Thanks to the Gurukul kids for reminding me. They have a right to remind me because they live it. I am so happy t hat Sukumar will train Atma Prabhananda whom I am not able to train.

Let us come to this swasti mantra. It is a powerful chant to bless the world. You don't know the power of your word. Because you don't respect the word you don't know its power. All people who are around me bsp, atp, advait - people who drive me - please listen and understand from today whenever people come and I bless them with the shawl or anything it has to be with the swasti mantra they people around me has to chant the swasti mantra. All the sanyaasis when you do the swasti mantra bless the world. You don't need to fold the hand, bless the world. And you have the responsibility to restore your integrity which blesses the world. You are responsibility and the right. You can't say I take the right but not the responsibility. No. By taking the kaavi you have already taken the responsibility. Everybody who is around me means literally all ashramites have to chant this whole swasti mantra without any paper or anything. It does not need anything but simple integrity every day. Ma - Sanskrit word and then English transliteration and translation. If you guys just understand the morning whole paada puja with the meaning, I think that itself will give you beautiful introduction into Sanskrit. Just today when the paada puja was happening, I was visualizing all the bramhacharis should have this kind of Rudraaksha maala. Morn when they sit the goolu - means sitting to bless the world. 1008 strung in gold, 10,008 strung in silver, 25,000 strung in copper....there is a description which is there in the tradition - when you sit you bless the world. Listen. I am telling you with authenticity and integrity this huge number of rudraakshaas i can feel from this body so much energy i sent to the world. My ability to radiate. Already my body radiates. But this rudraaksha sends concentrated auspicious energies to the world. ...even you doing Guru puja is nothing but blessing the world. I have to remind again today for all you guys to be in line. Why this line separately? Slowly it will move. Every day. Why Bhairavika you can't do your job there. ..Why there also the sanyaasis are sitting int eh front and why there also now only it is happening? ...

Always all kaavis only will be in the front. Sevika you don't know how to be in the line? Why i have to call every name or what? You may be senior. Still you are in white means you are in white. You should know the responsibility and commitments like kaavi, brahmacharya vrata and all are commitments which cannot be broken and cannot be dropped. They are sruthis. Those commitments which cannot be dropped even after death. There are some department commitments which can be updated and upgraded. But these basic commitments of brahmacharya can never be dropped. There cannot be patita - falling from these commitments. When you live with integrity, weeded out your own negativities, blessing the world literally become reality. Listen. Literally becomes reality. You can bring rain. Stop the harassment done to spiritual masters and seekers. If we all chant the swasti mantra with integrity, all the harassment our sangha is going through in few days it will disappear. I tell you just in few days it will disappear. Demons are not more powerful than us. Demons are not more powerful than Gods. If we live like Gods, no demonic power can do anything to us. That is what these demons are wondering because the demons who are attacking me are so powerful - politically, media wise, officially they are so powerful. But they are wondering what is happening? Somewhere this fellow comes out and he is again there in his Vyaasa peeta in his sarvajna peeta! All over the world all the devotees listen it is for you also. It is not just for ashramites. There is no difference between ashramites, devotees, disciples, followers, you are a corporate head my teachings are same for the whole world. If you chant the swasti mantra everyday your company will prosper because you carry the auspicious aura in you when you go and sit in the CEO chair, the whole company will have that ambience. Wherever you go, you are going to be carrying this auspiciousness, radiating it. You will be a moving auspiciousness. I tell you my anyakaara about all my devotees so many of you have written in the face book pl tell me your anyakaara about me. I am giving you the first anyakaara i have about you. Living the auspiciousness. Integrity brings the auspiciousness to you. It reminds you to weed all the negativities out, brings auspiciousness. It gives you the power to initiate people. If you are living integrity, your classes are not just teachings, they become initiation. A person who lives these four tatvaas, they are not just talking about these four tatvaas. They are not just teaching, they are initiation. And what Nirantara does going to every devotees place and doing the 2 way from that place, the whole house and centre is blessed now. The whole kulim is blessed now. All our devotees can take this up....every day morning go and organize satsang in different places. Just if they listen to this mantra and chanting and you chanting, the auspiciousness is established. Espeically teh centres which are running in devotees houses - oman, at ujj, char, bang north, chicago, vanc puri, brookely london, paris - all you guys take this up as a responsibility, every day morning do satsang in different places. If you don't have your own place you are blessed, you have 1k places.....

It will bring so much auspiciousness to them. Understand when swasti mantra is chanted, all the people who are sitting with us whether in 2 way or 1 way all of us are connected and we vibrate with the highest cosmic auspiciousness of shiva. In the highest frequency of shiva. If you are integrated with paada puja continuously miracles should happen in your life. You will not have lack of wealth...because swasti mantra is such a powerful mantra. When you bless the world with integrity, world blesses you with integrity. ...Sri Priyan is completing 6 months of Niraahaara. So Sri Priyan and Guru Smaranaananda will be first to receive the Brahma Kapaala. 2, 3 of our devotees are taking responsibility doctors they are going to medical shops and busying skills. They are covering with brass sheet...it is a personal gift from the Aadi Aghori, Maha Kaala Bhairava. Listen. Integrity is not just social morality or social utility that if you are integrated you become good and society treats you good. No. It is more than that. Listen. If you are integrated, cosmos treats you good. Listen. No technique, no method, no technology, no meditation, no kriya will work for you unless you bring integrity into you. Only with integrity any technique, any kriya, any spiritual teaching, any life starts happening in you. Constantly digging out the root pattern which makes you powerless, which makes you struggle can happen only with integrity. How many of you tried the yesterday the process I gave you with integrity weeding out the negative self fulfilling prophecies raise your hand. Even if you have tried that is enough - by thinking, by analyzing..raise your hand fully. I am scanning how many are practicing, how many are yearning, even interested in practicing. Relax. The negative self fulfilling prophecies are the biggest enemies which you carry in you. Group of monkeys have come to ashram today morning. They are all there sitting all over and they are all there on all the sabhaas. That iswhy this sound. Integrity brings vaak siddhi to you. Integrity brings deep sleep to you. Integrity makes you conquer sleep. Anybody wants to do kuta kesha samyama - conquering sleep, please listen, you have to start practicing integrity. Sleep is nothing but the rest you need to give for the tired inner chattering. With integrity, your inner chattering never becomes tired. How many of you are tired with your own inner chatter? Bring integrity the tiredness will disappear, boredom will disappear, conflicts will disappear. Today who organized the Coimbatore center for conflict resolution? ....Coimbatore please send me all your conflict.what is the conflict you have with annalaya. Then i will sit with you and do the conflict resolution...see only when yous tart a project, you will realize the conflicts that are there in you.....Listen. All of you listen. I am telling that today i am going to take up the Coimbatore Satsang centre's conflict resolution. I am asking what all conflicts they have to start annalaya. Only when you take up a common conflict all of you will look at what all conflicts you have inside, only then you will start healing it, enlightenment starts in you. If you don't take up a common project, you will never realize the conflict inside you....

First we will give priority to the Annalaya project centres. The centers which have given their commitment to start annalaya but they now have conflict. eNriching department - you should take on this also not just IA. Each city co-ordinator if you find a conflict in your sangha for any project, team you can send the info we can do the conflict resolution for you...so each city centre, ashram or temple if you guys have committed for something and still struggling to realize it, make it as a reality. You can bring those issues, we will have conflict resolution sessions. See everyday morning, with the satsang if we have the conflict resolution sessions, when one center's conflicts are resolved, many centres many conflicts are resolved. And people need not fight with the city coordinator. I will take the poisons of "no" out of them. Sometimes the poison becomes too much that Devendra cannot clear it. They they have to go to Kailasa only. Only Maha Deva has to clear it. Your requests for conflict resolution can be sent by emailing to [email protected]

Again it is going to be nothing but reminding you guys of these four tatvaas nothing else. Reminding you all to live these four tatvaas and re-establishing all you guys into these four tatvaas -Integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. Bring integrity in every step. Every step. Nothing else is going to help you. No short cut. This is the most short cut. Bringing integrity, bringing authenticity has no other replacement. It has not other substitute. Integrity and authenticity has no substitute. Whether you live a spiritual life or ordinary life, integrity and authenticity forms the basis for life. Authenticity also can be practiced. We can allow certain practice period. Integrity has no practice period. And it does not need anything.you just have to start living. A man without integrity, even if he says I am surrendering,you cannot believe....a man said he found a son-in-law for his daughter.....he does not have any bad habits? No only one bad habit, he tells lies. Over! If there is no integrity, you are not even human being. Then how to live with people? Integrity brings basic lessons to life. Integrity brings basic intelligence to your bio memory. Listen. From today i wanted all the THE samyama participants to take up the next practice - whole day you will visualize your muscles and bio memory is functioning like a Banyan tree directly producing energy from the space. All THE samyama participants listen. ..you will constantly cognize that your muscles and bio memory are functioning like Banyan tree directly producing energy from space because i am taking the THE samyama to the next level - increasing the success rate. Any cognizance you do, visualization you do, meditation you do will be fruitful only if you practice integrity not otherwise. If there is no integrity even if you sit whole day under banyan tree and visualize you are banyan tree, you will only be ordinary body. Nothing will happen. It is only with integrity, your cognizance becomes reality, your cognition becomes reality. Pull these tatvaas into your life. Don't expect them to pull you. Make these tatvaas as part of your life. Trigunateeta go for tea. I think you should not use that name. You should use Tamasaananda. Exactly opp of your name. Trigunatita means beyond allt eh three satva, rajas and tamas and here you are sitting continuously in tamas. One of the disciples of Vivekananda he became the president of Ramakrishna order. He was living Brahmacharya deeksha. For Brahmacharya deeksha you are supposed to do 3 days fasting. One day this swami was sitting in the balcony and saw that one fellow who was about to take the bc, was standing and he could not take this vow and he was drinking coconut water. When the initiation was happening, the Guru asked did you fast? This fellow hid the fact...when he gave initiation, he gave him the name - Dob CHaitanya.....in Bengali dob means coconut!

Literally four years that guy lived with that name Dob chaitanya...i don't know how many of that kind of names i can give to each one of you. Tamo ananda, rostananda, ghostananda, pizzananda. Bring integrity. Go on scanning your inner space for integrity. Any compromising, any postponing, any it is okay is going to destroy you. Life is total not partial. Don't think some parts you need to be integrated and you will achieve and other parts don't need to be integrated...you cannot say even ing will have the vegetable and morning i .....without onion, green chili, sugar, chocolate...i will not eat anything in the evening but morning i will take one cup of poison? I cannot have poison once for all or what?....

Listen life is total not partial. Today morning this Rishi Daya and Ma Daya came late. Coming late is not a problem because yesterday whole night they had completion sessions....the mentor is saying do prayaschitha. So they are saying why should i do prayaschitha for sleeping for ten minutes?...if you cannot ...you cannot be given anything which is with integrity. If somebody does not come for morning yoga, i will not eat the food cooked by him. Who knows what he has mixed. Because the basic integrity is missing. Listen. There is no other solution than living integrity. Even if you give a technique to somebody it will not work for that person if that person is not in integrity. Without integrity nothing is going to work. Without feeling responsibility nothing is going to work. Without feeling the authenticity nothing is going to work. It is to teach responsibility this sangha, to radiate authenticity this sangha, to take the responsibility for the world means teaching responsibility of teaching integrity and authenticity. This sangha is for nothing but taking responsibility of teaching integrity and authenticity to the world. Enriching itself is nothing but enriching yourself and others with this integrity and authenticity. So everything boils down to integrity and authenticity. Integrity and authenticity is the core message. Resp is nothign but teaching integrity and auth to the world. Enriching is enriching you and others with all these three. Integrity is the foundation, authenticity is the building, responsibility is the kalasa, enriching is the flag. I am committing with you all continuously i am going to talk about these principles and make sure at least a critical mass starts living it. Starts living it. Only then I am going to go to any other subject. Otherwise this starting and not completing is becoming a pattern in me. I am not going to allow that this time. I have decided i am not going to give up on me and others. Till the end i will sing the same song of Integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching but i am going to make it up! I am going to make human beings! With this i will move to the next segment of the morning satsang - Dial the Avatar!

Sukanya From Chennai - 0-9444901864

Let your muscle memory and bio memory be awakened and produce energy for creating energy directly from the space for producing physical and mental health.

Now we will move to Niraahaara Samyama. All Niraahaaris who are doing the samyama. Please sit straight. Cognize. Let your bio energy be awakened to produce the energy directly from space to produce physical,mental and spiritual health. Namaha Shivaya! Relax. You can open your eyes.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 702 places through Nithyananda TV, in 42 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 289 cities, in 31 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!

Photos From The Day:

Temple Glimpses

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Sarva Darshan
