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I welcome you all with My love and respects. Nice to be here once more with you all again. Usually I always address the crowd first, address the gathering based on the subject. Then I go for question-answer. Today I thought we will have a small change. Let you start with questions. I will come to the subject. From the questions I will come to the subject. Subject is supposed to be Science to Spirituality. You can start with any question…. I will answer your questions and come to the subject…. First I will spend few minutes with you all casually, informally and I will come to the subject. Somebody wants the mic.
Q: Namaste Swamiji, just before You arrived the gentleman was introducing You raised a very thought and concept which is new to me. What is Cosmic intelligence?
Swamiji: The knowledge about all the past, whatever has happened and present, what is happening and the future, whatever is going to happen is what we call Cosmic intelligence. You see, just twenty years ago if somebody says, twenty years ago if somebody would have made a statement like this that you can get all the informations, whatever information you want just by clicking a button in your laptop or in your computer, in your home PC, you would have believed? Twenty years ago, if somebody makes a statement, “Oh, just by pressing a button you will get all informations in your laptop, in your home PC, in your computer,” surely we wouldn't have believed him. Surely we would have said he is fantasizing or he is imagining but today it has become reality. You can get any information just because of internet. Anything you can get just by one click. Just all you need is one click. You will get any information in the home PC and in your laptop.
Same way when I make a statement: with the right technique it is possible for you also to download any informations, anything available in the Cosmos. When I make this statement, again you are in difficulty. Twenty years ago, if somebody makes a  statement you can get anything you want in your laptop just by a click, surely we wouldn't have believed. We would have questioned. We would have criticized. Same way when I make statement we are not ready to understand it is possible. Just how we can download informations because of internet, from internet, same way you can download anything available in the Cosmos, anything available. All you need to know is a simple technique or little bit of Intelligence to handle the browsing center which is in you. I call this brow center, Ajna as a browsing center. If you know how to activate the third eye or the brow center of your being, of your Consciousness, simply you can download any information about the past or about the present or about the future.
When I say cosmic intelligence I don't propose theory. I say it is authentic reality which is experienced by thousands of mystics, spiritual masters, Enlightened Beings. Again and again and again, they emphasize cosmic intelligence is possible. We are again and again and again opposing that it is not possible. The only small difficulty is, all we need to do is have a little courage and work towards it. Have a little courage you see, you will get any information but you have to click, you have to click. At least you should type the computer. You should handle it. You should connect it. Only then it is possible.
There is a small story. One guy, he was telling one of his friend. He is too lazy. He says to one of his friend, ”If there is a machine, just by switching it on, it does all our job, it should cook, it should drive, it should do our job, it should massage our feet, if it does everything, how nice it will be!” The other guy, friend said, ”If the machine also automatically gets switched on, how nice it will be!” We need at least a little bit of courage to work towards it. So, I tell you, anybody who has got little bit of courage to work towards it, to achieve it will be able to realize the truth behind My word. We think it is too good to be true. The idea of cosmic intelligence, the theory of cosmic intelligence looks like too good to be true but it is not. It is real and authentic science.
Just like we use the internet and browse, download the information, same way if you know little bit how to handle your consciousness, you can download any information from cosmos about the past or the present or the future. The science is what I call meditation and understanding about your energies. Usually we don't respect ourselves. We don't believe that we can also do something solid. That is the difficulty. Again and again and again even when you come and sit here, you listen and you feel very good about the whole thing. Oh! Swami spoke nicely. I have always seen, the end of the discourse people will come near Me and tell, “Swami, you spoke wonderfully.” I just used to catch them, “What did I speak? Tell Me. What did I say? Tell Me.”  “Oh that, that, You said nicely Swamiji. You said nicely. Whatever You spoke is nicely. I can't remember but You spoke nicely.”
Only this is the depth with which we are listening to the whole thing. We don't take things sincerely. We just take all these things as one more time pass. If you have come here as one more time pass, to enjoy, it is okay, forget about it or if you are really sincere about what I Am speaking, have little courage to come with Me. Try to explore. Try to work. Have little bit of courage to find or to go to the depth of what I Am speaking, what I Am expressing. Thank you. Next?
Q: Since the topic is Science to Spirituality we are thinking about the vibration of the strings is turning into particles that vibrates in different frequencies. The thought process that you develop, you are not in your control but your thought is an energy, it is a vibration, it is a fundamental vibration of some kind and have You done any research in this area?
Swamiji: Beautiful question. You made a statement, ‘Thought is not under our control.’ That is the only mistake you did. Everything else is right. Whatever you said is right. Wonderful thing but only one alteration- the thought is under our control. Please understand, who else can think for you? Analyze, if the thought process is not under your control, who is thinking sitting inside you? Nobody else can think sitting inside you. It is you who is thinking. Only thing, the frequency of the thought has become too much associated with the materials. The frequency of the thoughts has become too much than the frequency of Consciousness or awareness. There are two things: frequency of awareness and frequency of thoughts. What exactly String theory says is what is proved by the Vedanta, what we call the ancient science of inner world.
Now let Me come to the subject - the Science to spirituality. When you are really scientific, you will become spiritual. When you are scientifically scientific, you will be spiritual. Understand this simple one thing. There are two things: Unscientifically scientific and scientifically scientific. Anybody who explores science needs few basic qualifications. The first qualification is courage to listen new things, courage to listen new things, courage to hear or look into new hypotheses. First thing is courage to look into new things. Second, ready to work with that new things with the open mind, ready to work with that new things with the open mind, without prejudice or contaminated by your old thought process or the knowledge which is available to you. Third thing, the power or the courage to go behind the truth which is discovered.
Please understand, you need three things to be a real scientist. To be scientifically a scientist, logically logic. To be really a scientist, you need these three things. First, the courage to hear new ideas- openness. Second, the courage to analyze them  without your prejudices. See, we have two things called listening the arguments and passing the judgment. Another one is preparing the judgment and then collecting arguments to support the judgment. Most of the time in our life the judgment is ready. We just collect or search for arguments which will support our judgment. Second thing which you need to do, the basic thing is understanding or trying to work with the ideas without any prejudice or with the corrupted mind with your old knowledge. The third thing, very important thing, the courage to follow the truth which is discovered by you.
Actually there is a wonderful book on the knowledge of inner world. According to Me, the religion of the outer world is science and the science of the inner world is spirituality. Two different worlds. The logic of the outer world is science: the logic of the inner world is spirituality. There is a, I can say this is the ultimate book ever written on the spirituality. This book is called Brahma Sutra, means aphorisms on Existence. Aphorisms on Existence. According to Me, this is the unabridged dictionary of world philosophies, unabridged dictionary of world philosophies. This book starts with a beautiful statement: Athato Brahma Jijnasat means, now let us enquire into the truth of the Brahman.
A clear scientific mind, a clear scientific mind is represented by this one sloka, by this one aphorism. How a scientific mind should work is very clearly explained. Athato Brahma jijnasat means now let us enquire into the truth of Existence. This statement very clearly proves first you will have the courage to enquire into the truth or new ideas, new dimensions. Next you will have open mind to work with that ideas, to process them, to analyze them, to categorize them, to understand them. Third thing, you will have the courage to work them out in your life, to put them into practice in your life or to make them as a reality in your life. When these three things are there, only then you can be called as scientist. You can be called as a person who is working with science.
In any field you want a new opening or a breakthrough, only a man who has got these three qualities can do it. Whether it is Information technology or he Physics or the Chemistry, whatever it may be, whatever it may be the field, these three qualities are basic need for any breakthrough, any new discovery or any new research or any new, anything new has to happen, it can happen only through these three qualities. If you have really courage and have these three quality, you will simply be a spiritual man because spirituality needs these three basic things. You need to explore the new dimensions of your being. You need to have courage to analyze the new truths or the new ideas which is coming to your being. Third thing, you need to have the courage to follow the Sathya which you discover, follow the truth which you discover, the conscious transformation.

Revision as of 20:06, 2 June 2022


Science to Spirituality || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 22 March 2005


On this day the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam met with Dr.Charles Townes, a Nobel Laureate from the University of California. Dr.Charles was a distinguished Professor of Astro Physics at the University. He won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1964 for his research on principles underlying the LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and MASER (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). Below you can see pictures of SPH discussing 'Science and Spirituality' with Dr.Charles Townes at the Berkeley Faculty club. Swamiji and Dr.Townes discussed wide-ranging topics such as Cosmic Intelligence, revelations that both have encountered in their own lives, Astronomy, The Big Bang and each others' perspectives on the Creation of the Universe. Dr.Townes had at that time just won the prestigious Templeton Prize for his life time pursuit of convergence of Science and Spirituality. Later SPH answered questions from the public through a live radio interview aired by the 'Siliconsolai Tamil Radio program'. He answered questions on Aethism, Religion and Spirituality. Amidst other messages, He stressed the relation between one's mental state and the happenings in the world. He said that while there are various things happening in the world, depending on what we tune our minds to, our own world takes shape. This he said was the 'Power of Coincidence'. Swamiji's interview received enthusiastic response in the form of feedback from listeners.

That day’s Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 22 March 2005, in San Jose, California, USA.


Name Of The Convention : Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Science and Spirituality Part 1 Date : 22 March 2005 Venue : San Jose, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers a range of thought-provoking questions from an inquisitive audience. Shedding light on questions that plague the minds of many daily, His Divine Holiness’ profound answers can guide one into beginning to decode the mysterious ways of the cosmos and the human mind!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



I welcome you all with My love and respects. Nice to be here once more with you all again. Usually I always address the crowd first, address the gathering based on the subject. Then I go for question-answer. Today I thought we will have a small change. Let you start with questions. I will come to the subject. From the questions I will come to the subject. Subject is supposed to be Science to Spirituality. You can start with any question…. I will answer your questions and come to the subject…. First I will spend few minutes with you all casually, informally and I will come to the subject. Somebody wants the mic.


Q: Namaste Swamiji, just before You arrived the gentleman was introducing You raised a very thought and concept which is new to me. What is Cosmic intelligence? Swamiji: The knowledge about all the past, whatever has happened and present, what is happening and the future, whatever is going to happen is what we call Cosmic intelligence. You see, just twenty years ago if somebody says, twenty years ago if somebody would have made a statement like this that you can get all the informations, whatever information you want just by clicking a button in your laptop or in your computer, in your home PC, you would have believed? Twenty years ago, if somebody makes a statement, “Oh, just by pressing a button you will get all informations in your laptop, in your home PC, in your computer,” surely we wouldn't have believed him. Surely we would have said he is fantasizing or he is imagining but today it has become reality. You can get any information just because of internet. Anything you can get just by one click. Just all you need is one click. You will get any information in the home PC and in your laptop.


Same way when I make a statement: with the right technique it is possible for you also to download any informations, anything available in the Cosmos. When I make this statement, again you are in difficulty. Twenty years ago, if somebody makes a statement you can get anything you want in your laptop just by a click, surely we wouldn't have believed. We would have questioned. We would have criticized. Same way when I make statement we are not ready to understand it is possible. Just how we can download informations because of internet, from internet, same way you can download anything available in the Cosmos, anything available. All you need to know is a simple technique or little bit of Intelligence to handle the browsing center which is in you. I call this brow center, Ajna as a browsing center. If you know how to activate the third eye or the brow center of your being, of your Consciousness, simply you can download any information about the past or about the present or about the future.


When I say cosmic intelligence I don't propose theory. I say it is authentic reality which is experienced by thousands of mystics, spiritual masters, Enlightened Beings. Again and again and again, they emphasize cosmic intelligence is possible. We are again and again and again opposing that it is not possible. The only small difficulty is, all we need to do is have a little courage and work towards it. Have a little courage you see, you will get any information but you have to click, you have to click. At least you should type the computer. You should handle it. You should connect it. Only then it is possible.


There is a small story. One guy, he was telling one of his friend. He is too lazy. He says to one of his friend, ”If there is a machine, just by switching it on, it does all our job, it should cook, it should drive, it should do our job, it should massage our feet, if it does everything, how nice it will be!” The other guy, friend said, ”If the machine also automatically gets switched on, how nice it will be!” We need at least a little bit of courage to work towards it. So, I tell you, anybody who has got little bit of courage to work towards it, to achieve it will be able to realize the truth behind My word. We think it is too good to be true. The idea of cosmic intelligence, the theory of cosmic intelligence looks like too good to be true but it is not. It is real and authentic science.


Just like we use the internet and browse, download the information, same way if you know little bit how to handle your consciousness, you can download any information from cosmos about the past or the present or the future. The science is what I call meditation and understanding about your energies. Usually we don't respect ourselves. We don't believe that we can also do something solid. That is the difficulty. Again and again and again even when you come and sit here, you listen and you feel very good about the whole thing. Oh! Swami spoke nicely. I have always seen, the end of the discourse people will come near Me and tell, “Swami, you spoke wonderfully.” I just used to catch them, “What did I speak? Tell Me. What did I say? Tell Me.” “Oh that, that, You said nicely Swamiji. You said nicely. Whatever You spoke is nicely. I can't remember but You spoke nicely.”


Only this is the depth with which we are listening to the whole thing. We don't take things sincerely. We just take all these things as one more time pass. If you have come here as one more time pass, to enjoy, it is okay, forget about it or if you are really sincere about what I Am speaking, have little courage to come with Me. Try to explore. Try to work. Have little bit of courage to find or to go to the depth of what I Am speaking, what I Am expressing. Thank you. Next? Q: Since the topic is Science to Spirituality we are thinking about the vibration of the strings is turning into particles that vibrates in different frequencies. The thought process that you develop, you are not in your control but your thought is an energy, it is a vibration, it is a fundamental vibration of some kind and have You done any research in this area?


Swamiji: Beautiful question. You made a statement, ‘Thought is not under our control.’ That is the only mistake you did. Everything else is right. Whatever you said is right. Wonderful thing but only one alteration- the thought is under our control. Please understand, who else can think for you? Analyze, if the thought process is not under your control, who is thinking sitting inside you? Nobody else can think sitting inside you. It is you who is thinking. Only thing, the frequency of the thought has become too much associated with the materials. The frequency of the thoughts has become too much than the frequency of Consciousness or awareness. There are two things: frequency of awareness and frequency of thoughts. What exactly String theory says is what is proved by the Vedanta, what we call the ancient science of inner world.


Now let Me come to the subject - the Science to spirituality. When you are really scientific, you will become spiritual. When you are scientifically scientific, you will be spiritual. Understand this simple one thing. There are two things: Unscientifically scientific and scientifically scientific. Anybody who explores science needs few basic qualifications. The first qualification is courage to listen new things, courage to listen new things, courage to hear or look into new hypotheses. First thing is courage to look into new things. Second, ready to work with that new things with the open mind, ready to work with that new things with the open mind, without prejudice or contaminated by your old thought process or the knowledge which is available to you. Third thing, the power or the courage to go behind the truth which is discovered.


Please understand, you need three things to be a real scientist. To be scientifically a scientist, logically logic. To be really a scientist, you need these three things. First, the courage to hear new ideas- openness. Second, the courage to analyze them without your prejudices. See, we have two things called listening the arguments and passing the judgment. Another one is preparing the judgment and then collecting arguments to support the judgment. Most of the time in our life the judgment is ready. We just collect or search for arguments which will support our judgment. Second thing which you need to do, the basic thing is understanding or trying to work with the ideas without any prejudice or with the corrupted mind with your old knowledge. The third thing, very important thing, the courage to follow the truth which is discovered by you.


Actually there is a wonderful book on the knowledge of inner world. According to Me, the religion of the outer world is science and the science of the inner world is spirituality. Two different worlds. The logic of the outer world is science: the logic of the inner world is spirituality. There is a, I can say this is the ultimate book ever written on the spirituality. This book is called Brahma Sutra, means aphorisms on Existence. Aphorisms on Existence. According to Me, this is the unabridged dictionary of world philosophies, unabridged dictionary of world philosophies. This book starts with a beautiful statement: Athato Brahma Jijnasat means, now let us enquire into the truth of the Brahman.


A clear scientific mind, a clear scientific mind is represented by this one sloka, by this one aphorism. How a scientific mind should work is very clearly explained. Athato Brahma jijnasat means now let us enquire into the truth of Existence. This statement very clearly proves first you will have the courage to enquire into the truth or new ideas, new dimensions. Next you will have open mind to work with that ideas, to process them, to analyze them, to categorize them, to understand them. Third thing, you will have the courage to work them out in your life, to put them into practice in your life or to make them as a reality in your life. When these three things are there, only then you can be called as scientist. You can be called as a person who is working with science.


In any field you want a new opening or a breakthrough, only a man who has got these three qualities can do it. Whether it is Information technology or he Physics or the Chemistry, whatever it may be, whatever it may be the field, these three qualities are basic need for any breakthrough, any new discovery or any new research or any new, anything new has to happen, it can happen only through these three qualities. If you have really courage and have these three quality, you will simply be a spiritual man because spirituality needs these three basic things. You need to explore the new dimensions of your being. You need to have courage to analyze the new truths or the new ideas which is coming to your being. Third thing, you need to have the courage to follow the Sathya which you discover, follow the truth which you discover, the conscious transformation.



Science to Spirituality || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 22 March 2005


Name Of The Convention : Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Science and Spirituality Part 2 Date : 22 March 2005 Venue : San Jose, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers a range of thought-provoking questions from an inquisitive audience. Shedding light on questions that plague the minds of many daily, His Divine Holiness’ profound answers can guide one into beginning to decode the mysterious ways of the cosmos and the human mind!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:


Science to Spirituality || Part 3 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 22 March 2005


Name Of The Convention : Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Science and Spirituality Part 3 Date : 22 March 2005 Venue : San Jose, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers a range of thought-provoking questions from an inquisitive audience. Shedding light on questions that plague the minds of many daily, His Divine Holiness’ profound answers can guide one into beginning to decode the mysterious ways of the cosmos and the human mind!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:


Science to Spirituality || Part 4 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 22 March 2005


Name Of The Convention : Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Science and Spirituality Part 4 Date : 22 March 2005 Venue : San Jose, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers a range of thought-provoking questions from an inquisitive audience. Shedding light on questions that plague the minds of many daily, His Divine Holiness’ profound answers can guide one into beginning to decode the mysterious ways of the cosmos and the human mind!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:


Science of Spirituality || Q & A || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 22 March 2005

Link to Video:


What is Energy Darshan || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 22 March 2005

Link to Video:


On March 22nd 2005, Swamiji met with Dr.Charles Townes, a Nobel Laureate from the University of California. Dr.Charles is a distinguished Professor of Astro Physics at the University. He won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1964 for his research on principles underlying the LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and MASER (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). Below you can see pictures of Swamiji discussing 'Science and Spirituality' with Dr.Charles Townes at the Berkeley Faculty club. Swamiji and Dr.Townes discussed wide-ranging topics such as Cosmic Intelligence, revelations that both have encountered in their own lives, Astronomy, The Big Bang and each others' perspectives on the Creation of the Universe. Dr.Townes had at that time just won the prestigious Templeton Prize for his life time pursuit of convergence of Science and Spirituality. Later Swamiji answered questions from the public through a live radio interview aired by the 'Siliconsolai Tamil Radio program'. He answered questions on Aethism, Religion and Spirituality. Amidst other messages, He stressed the relation between one's mental state and the happenings in the world. He said that while there are various things happening in the world, depending on what we tune our minds to, our own world takes shape. This he said was the 'Power of Coincidence'. Swamiji's interview received enthusiastic response in the form of feedback from listeners.

Meeting with Dr.Charles Townes

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Radio Interview

Radio Interview - San Jose Mar 22&23 001_watermark.jpg Radio Interview - San Jose Mar 22&23 002_watermark.jpg