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Today's first question:
Nithyanandam Swamiji,
During the meditation process, many people experience Kundalini Awakening and levitation and many other experiences, but I don't get levitation experiences or other experiences. I can only feel the energy. Why is it Swami? Am I doing the meditations wrong or something wrong with me?
-Induja, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Swamiji: Induja, nothing is wrong with you except the expectation. It is the expectation and the ideas which you carry. Only that is something wrong. Other than that, nothing is wrong with you. You are asking, “During the meditation process many people experience Kundalini awakening and levitation, many other experiences but I don't get levitation experiences or other experiences.” So, you are saying, “I can feel the energy. I can only feel the energy.” Means even if I send so much energy, lifting you is little difficult task. You are asking why is it. Understand, we have done some scientific researches on this also. Physically when you levitate, at least you can say, “Eh! Because of the physical movement, some brain waves are changing.” This one is not even physically moving but the brain waves are changing the moment I show the hand. This proves in everybody brain waves change only because of My energy, not because of physical movement. Because some of the doctors were saying, “No no no no no, maybe because they are jumping, the brain waves are changing.”
So, Induja, surely you have a strong feeling connection with Me, no doubt. That is why you are feeling the energy. So body lifting or levitation, don’t worry about it. Don't bother about it. What needs to happen in you is happening. See, the purpose of Kundalini awakening is not you jumping. Jumping is just a side effect. The real purpose is transforming you. You evolving to the next level, transforming your being. I tell you, it is the best thing can happen to you. So you don't need to jump. Just you feeling the energy and transforming yourself is more than enough. You are on the right track. Neither you are doing something wrong nor something is wrong with you except this comparison.
The next question:
Nithyanandam Swamiji,
Can You elaborate a little bit on the mechanics of Ajapa japa? Recently in the past one and half months, I started repeating a verse from Soundarya Lahari in the Ajapa japa style, going round and round in my throat. Is this ok? Or is it best to repeat Soham or Om Hreem Nithyanandaya Namaha for Ajapa japa. Thank you very much for everything.
Srikanth, IA graduate
Swamiji: Srikanth, first thing, you can use anything for Ajapa japa. It does not need to be just Soham or Guru Mantra or Ishta Mantra. Anything is okay. See, if you feel connected to Devi, then repeat Soundarya Lahari. Perfectly alright. What mantra you repeat is not a problem at all. The consciousness, intention and the way you repeat is the main thing. See, I will repeat what is Ajapa japa. Japa means just the voice coming from the navel through the throat from through the tongue, leaving. A continuous linear movement of air getting converted to sound is japa. Like Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namo Narayana. You say so many mantras Om Hreem Nithyanandaya Namaha, Om Soham or Shivoham. So many mantras are there. You can even chant Soundarya Lahari. Anything is okay.
What you chant is not a problem at all. That is not a very important thing. How you chant, unfortunately when you are chanting like a japa means sound leaving, you only become more and more unconscious, more and more unaware but when the Ajapa japa.... Ajapa japa means in the throat sound moving in this direction, circular direction. Visualize..... See, in the initial level, visualization is enough if you are chanting the Maha Mantra, if you are chanting the Shiva mantra, if you are chanting the Hare Rama Hare Krishna, anything. Any Mantra is okay. I will sincerely recommend all of you guys, carry like this- one prayer wheel in the initial level. For first 21 days, you carry like this one prayer wheel and train yourself. Just like this prayer wheel.
See, when this prayer wheel rotates, in this the mantra is written. In this prayer wheel, there is a mantra written. Om Mani Padme Hum. So Om Mani Padme Hum how it is rotating, just like the same way in your throat that Om Mani Padme Hum rotates but now when you want to chant Namah Shivaya or Om Hrim Nityanandaya, whatever Mantra you want to chant, just put it in a paper, small slip you write and paste it on this prayer wheel and use this prayer wheel. Visualize just like this prayer wheel in your throat, the mantra is moving in a circular way.
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Whatever mantra you are using. Soham, Soham. I can see now very clearly in My throat, only it is going this way. Not even one inch is coming this way. So feel the mantra is like a ring fixed on your vocal cord. This way,
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Visualize. This prayer wheel will really help you guys for visualization. I will sincerely recommend if you want to master Ajapa japa, have a prayer wheel like this, one prayer wheel and paste the mantra you want to visualize. Meditate on this prayer wheel. Put a small paper and paste it. With this, constantly repeat. In the initial days, take it up like a 21 day practice. For that 21 days, have this continuously whole day and night whenever you can find time. Keep this always next to you. If you are having three minutes break in your work.... You work only once in a while. Why are you lying? In the mind you say no no no. I worked to... No. So when you are having the break in the work means 24 hours, pick up this wheel and go on repeating
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya.
Namah Shivaya
Whatever Mantra you are using. You can use any mantra. Whatever mantra you are using, just continuously let the mantra go on inside you. I tell you, this will lead you to the very spicy Enlightenment. Understand, even in unclutching, after a few minutes, you feel bored, tired and stop unclutching without even your knowledge but first one month, two month, if you practice this Ajapa japa, you learn the process of locking yourself inside throat. Then getting into inside your inner space and unclutching is very easy. It is really very easy. So use this prayer wheel. Just chanting
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Namah Shivaya
Continuously use this prayer wheel and it is really powerful. I tell you. It is really, really powerful. It is more powerful than the Japa mala. Even in Japa mala, again and again, visually you learn only the linear moments but with this, you learn the circular moments. You learn the true movement the way the japa has to happen.
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Whatever mantra you are using.
Om Hrim Nityanandeshwaraya Namah
Om Hrim Nityanandeshwaraya Namah
Om Hrim Nityanandeshwaraya Namah
Whatever mantra you are using, use this. Actually this leads to the right visualization and mantra will be continuously rotating inside your Vaak. Actually I can sit like this even whole day. One of the greatest thing can happen to a seeker is getting addicted to mantra. I tell you, that is the most sweetest thing. You will be liberated from all patterns. Of course, you can never use the word ‘addiction’ for mantra. ‘De-addiction’- that is the right word. You will be de-addicted from everything. Very young age, at the age of seven or eight, I was addicted to the mantra. I was initiated into Shodashi means the sixteen syllable of Devi. It is called Shodashakshari by the Kuppammal. She initiated Me. Mata Vibudhananda puri. Appa! I will just repeat the mantra like anything. Just My whole body became mantramaya means vibrating, reverberating with that mantra.
Then, actually what happens you know, in the Shodashakshari when you chant and your whole body becomes mantramaya, your chakras, energy centers become alive and from there, the Panchakshari starts coming out. Panchakshari is not supposed to be chanted. Panchakshari is Namah Shivaya. That is not supposed to be chanted by you. It should come out of your energy centers, when your body becomes mantramaya. You chant any mantra. Finally Panchakshari will come out of you. When Panchakshari comes out of you, your body has become mantramaya. Not you chanting the Panchakshari, understand. You starting Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya does not mean you have become mantramaya. No. You may start with Soham or Om Hrim Nithyanandaya Namaha or Om Hrim Nithyananeshwaraya Namaha or Shodasi or Soundarya Lahari, whatever you may start, your body will be processed by the mantra. Anything you pick up, finally that Namah Shivaya mantra will come by itself from your chakras.
It is actually, Namah Shivaya is the Bija of each chakra. Each chakra’s Bija is Namah Shivaya mantra. It will come out of your body by itself. Then you have become mantramaya. Actually even now, if I don’t have this nonsensical work of running this mission, organization, I will just sit under banyan tree in front of our Anandeswara, go on, I will be just happy to sit and chant the mantra, do Ajapa japa and sit My whole life. Sometimes I wonder, better I can just sit in front of Anandeswara. I don’t need anything else for My life for Me to be happy or for Me to be blissful. I don’t need anything else. Just give Me one prayer wheel and give Me two meal and I will sit in front of Anandeswara whole day just chanting.
Actually just like honeycomb, when you touch the honeycomb, how the honey oozes, like that when I chant that Ajapa japa, nectar oozes from the throat. I can just be sitting whole day with that nectar. Nothing else is required. Ajapa japa releases certain kind of energy from your body. Your body also will have tremendous energy and the energy will flow into others also. It is really powerful. Sometimes I used to do the ajapa japa setting in the banks of Ganges in Varanasi and in Calcutta. Whole day Ganga flowing and you are in ajapa japa, nothing else is required for your life.
I don’t know why fools, people are wasting their life and time in so many news, nuisance and unnecessary things. Nothing more is required. Just sit in the banks of Ganges, be in ajapa japa. Life is heaven. Anyhow if I tell all this, people think I am fool. Ajapa japa is one of the most powerful process, most powerful technique and ajapa japa will give you Siddhis, not just Enlightenment. It will give you lot of powers also because the Shakti Sanchalana happens through ajapa japa. Shakti Sanchalana means constantly your Kundalini is awakened but never allowed to go out of your body. It stays inside the body. So ajapa japa is very powerful process. Whatever you want to do in your life, use ajapa japa. Anyhow, but you will have lot of powers, Siddhis through ajapa japa.
The next question is from Ma Dhanalakshmi from Singapore.
Swamiji, can You please explain what are the benefits of attending IA again? I am planning to attend IA in April for the second time
- Ma Dhanalakshmi from Singapore.
Swamiji: Dhanalakshmi from Singapore. First thing Ma, if you ask Me what is the benefit of drinking the nectar again, what can I answer? First thing….
If you ask Me what is the benefit of drinking the nectar again, what can I answer? First thing you will enjoy again. Second thing, you will become more strong, more alive. Here you are asking about Inner Awakening. What are the benefits of attending the IA again? First thing, you may not have completely gone through when you attend only once. Second time when you attend only you will understand how many sessions you missed. So and it really strengthens your spiritual growth. I can say, IA is not ending. It is beginning. IA is not ending, it is beginning, understand.
Actually I can see from here. Jnanatma was about to drink the water. She threw the bottle and started clapping. She doesn't even bother about drinking water. “Oh! This is a important chance. I cannot miss.” I tell you Dhanalakshmi, more and more IAs you attend, naturally the more spiritual growth, more stronger unclutching experience, more spiritual powers and experiences. Not only you, I Am also attending more and more IAs. That is why I Am expressing more and more powers. Understand, every IA, it is not that you are only sitting unclutched, during that time what will I do? I also just sit unclutched. So more and more energy is expressing through My body, more and more good things are happening. So, more IA means  more spiritual awakening, that's all. Welcome. Come to the April Inner Awakening. Welcome.
The next question is from Jamie Wilson. She is asking, “Dear Swamiji, we have been doing Nithya Dhyan in the morning, satsang each evening and ending with Shakti dharana meditation. Is this a good routine or would a different meditation or Kriya be better for 2012? Do some people absorb healing energy more than others? The other day I did the healing on a woman and immediately the energy was very intense. And she saw a vision of You. Please explain.”
- Jamie Wilson.
Swamiji: Jamie Wilson, she is sending a beautiful experience. “We have been doing Nithya Dhyan in the morning, satsang each evening and ending with Shakti Dharana meditation. Is this a good routine?” Jamie Wilson, perfect routine. Do that, no problem. “Or would a different meditation or Kriya be better for 2012?” No, this is enough. When you are going to do the 21 day 2012 meditation, only on that day, on those days, use the 2012 meditation, 2012 Kriya. Other times this is best. Nithya Dhyan and Shakti Dharana is perfect and he is asking…..she is asking, “Some people absorb healing energy more than others. The other day I did the healing on a woman. Immediately the energy was very intense and she saw a vision of You.” Jamie Wilson, it is true. That lady must have been already connected to Me waiting for you to touch her and awaken My presence in her, My happening in her life. I can say, she was just waiting, ready. You did the right thing. Some people really do receive more energy. Blessings.
The next question is from Ma Anand Sadajeet, North Carolina. She is asking
Dear Swamiji,
I am wondering why You want us to take neem continuously? Most herbs, after sometime, will have done their job and the healing is complete. I have been taking neem almost continuously for a year and a half and was just wondering if it is  something different from other healing herbs.
-Ma Anand Sadajith from North Carolina.
Swamiji: Sadajith, I wanted you to know main thing. Neem is like a food. It is not just herb alone, it’s a food also. So that is the reason I want you to take neem everyday because neem cleanses your stomach, intestine, everyday. Everyday it cleanses, it cleanses. So, that is the reason I wanted neem to be taken everyday. It is not just herb alone. It is a food also.
Alright, I have a message from Snehamayi.  Now the twelve of them are there in the San Jose satsang. All the twelve are going to start the Ajapa japa tomorrow. God! Snehamayi, I want to catch the seat of Seattle, place in My heart and she says I am sure the rest of the group would also love to join us. Great! Snehamayi, all twelve should not sit at a time. Allot two-two persons different times because the whole day it should go on. Ma, six hours if you make as one session, how many session will come per day? Four session? Six hours. Make like a six hours. So allot two, two persons. Yes, yes, it should be 24 hours. There is no day and night.
You see, if you are doing on your own, just few hours, it will energize you but if you sit in one place at least two person does unbroken way for 21 days, the whole energy, the place will become Shakti Mandala, the energy field. So, and one more thing, if you guys decide to do this 21 day energizing the whole temple, doing the mantra pratishta, then the whole that 21 days don't put Me to bed. Don't put the Deity to bed. I will be there sitting alive. My presence will be there continuously. It will be getting energized. It will be really nice. So first allot. No Deity will be put to bed. All Deities will be there alive. Do that. Allot first two, two people for every six hours. I think six hours is…if you guys can manage, even go up to eight hours. If it is eight hours, it will be three shift na? Eight hour shift means three shift but even if one person goes for eating or restroom, the other person should be chanting. So continuously the ajapa japa should go on day and night, 21 days. Then that whole place will radiate the energy.
Any Mantra is ok. Any Mantra is okay but one person should pick up only one mantra. You should not chant different, different mantra different, different days. No. Either you decide my Ishta mantra is Soham or Shivoham or Om Hrim Nityanandaya Namaha or Om Hrim Nityanandeshwarya Namah or Namah Shivaya. Anyone mantra. You pick up one mantra and sit there and do ajapa japa whole day. Blessings. Blessings for San Jose. All you guys will be energized, blessed and the San Jose temple also will be blessed and energized. Great! This is a very powerful process. Those days the brahmins used to do after the Kumbabishekam. It is called Mandalabhishekam. For forty eight days they will do. You don't need for forty eight days. Twenty one days is enough.
Between every IA session, I will come and see and bless you guys and encourage and support you guys continuously. You guys can also and some of the Inner Awakening sessions also I will open for you guys. You can also see. So April 14th, this April 14, 21 days. You plan now itself. Don’t start tomorrow. Snehamayi, you also don't start tomorrow. Start from April 14th so that 21 days I will also be continuously available. I will also constantly monitor and I will not let you fellows sleep. In between and all if you sleep, I will come like Kala Bhairava and wake you up and maybe the 21 days is really good. That 21 days we will call it ajapa japa. 21 days.
Plan now itself. Fix the calendar who is going to do each eight hours. Each eight hours allot two, two persons each. Minimum two person. If you have more people, more people. That 21 days. Let's have celebration all over the world. Ajapa japa celebration and all the Punya comes by all this ajapa japa will go to the person who asked that question. I don't know who asked this question. Srikanth, blessings to Shrikant. Srikanth from San Jose, you only started this whole ajapa japa. All the Punya will go to you. My Blessings. That is why, even if you do small good to yourself, you see, this guy did only one small good to himself. He had a doubt how should I do ajapa japa, means he is doing ajapa japa. He wants to deepen it but finally you see what happened. He has created the wave of ajapa japa to everybody! So, when you do even small good thing in right place, it can just multiply and help so many people. So all of you guys take up this ajapa japa.
I know one thing for sure. It will never happen in Bidadi, I challenge. It will happen in LA. It may happen in LA, it may happen in San Jose, it may happen in Seattle, it may happen in Toronto, it may happen anywhere in the world. I challenge it will never happen in LA. That is the power of My energy field and My physical presence. I know Gurukul people will do it. Gurukul kids will take it up and do, but it is not that only Gurukul people eat here in this campus. There are so many other buffaloes, bulls, cows, donkeys, dogs eat and shit in this campus. What happens to all that? I will take care of that later.
That is what. You can do all your philosophy, teaching, everything outside the house. When you come inside the house, you are a silent cat. I thought it is only for the Socrates. Even for Me that is the same case. I can tell all the great, great things and make people all over the world to practice. Your teaching and all will work outside Bidadi. Take care. There is a great group sitting. “He will talk like this only but what is there for us?”
The next question is from Anne Cassin from Paris. She is asking, “Swamiji, some devotees cannot watch morning satsang live at 3 a.m. in France. Nevertheless, they do listen to the translation on youstream next day. Does listening to the discourse the next day has the same effect as when watched live? Do we integrate the truth deeply when we listen to the discourse the next day as well, Swamiji? Thank you. From Anne Cassin, Paris.
Swamiji: Anne Cassin, because no other way, next day is okay but when you listen live, that entanglement, energy entanglement also happens. That is why, I recommend listening live more and more over, now I have started a new satsangs specially for European devotees. For your convenience, I Am doing the satsang in the evening 7 o'clock Indian standard time also. I have started every Saturday, Sunday. I will be doing evening 7 o'clock for European devotees. Use that chance and enjoy. Other days, at least watch the recorded discourse, the translation. You will have the great truths assimilating into you but nothing like watching live. Okay, at least next option.

Latest revision as of 20:15, 22 May 2022


Question and Answer with Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananada Paramashivam.


On that day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam elaborated on the levitation process and explained that though some do not levitate, scientific study has proven that their brain waves change just like that of the levitators. He explained that the purpose of kundalini awakening is not levitation but ‘individual transformation’ which is more important. A continuous linear movement of air happening in our throat and leaving us is japa. SPH sincerely recommended everyone to carry a prayer wheel because he shared that one of the greatest things that can happen to a seeker is getting addicted to a mantra, which is actually a de-addiction. He further shared that Ajapa japa – constant circular movement of a mantra inside the throat - liberates us from all our mental patterns and the Ajapa japa releases so much of energy in our body which flows to others also.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang, Pada Puja, the Q & A session, the Dial The Avatar, the Kriya for autoimmune disorders, and the Sarva Darshan were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 12 March 2012 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

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Today's first question: Nithyanandam Swamiji, During the meditation process, many people experience Kundalini Awakening and levitation and many other experiences, but I don't get levitation experiences or other experiences. I can only feel the energy. Why is it Swami? Am I doing the meditations wrong or something wrong with me? -Induja, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Swamiji: Induja, nothing is wrong with you except the expectation. It is the expectation and the ideas which you carry. Only that is something wrong. Other than that, nothing is wrong with you. You are asking, “During the meditation process many people experience Kundalini awakening and levitation, many other experiences but I don't get levitation experiences or other experiences.” So, you are saying, “I can feel the energy. I can only feel the energy.” Means even if I send so much energy, lifting you is little difficult task. You are asking why is it. Understand, we have done some scientific researches on this also. Physically when you levitate, at least you can say, “Eh! Because of the physical movement, some brain waves are changing.” This one is not even physically moving but the brain waves are changing the moment I show the hand. This proves in everybody brain waves change only because of My energy, not because of physical movement. Because some of the doctors were saying, “No no no no no, maybe because they are jumping, the brain waves are changing.”


So, Induja, surely you have a strong feeling connection with Me, no doubt. That is why you are feeling the energy. So body lifting or levitation, don’t worry about it. Don't bother about it. What needs to happen in you is happening. See, the purpose of Kundalini awakening is not you jumping. Jumping is just a side effect. The real purpose is transforming you. You evolving to the next level, transforming your being. I tell you, it is the best thing can happen to you. So you don't need to jump. Just you feeling the energy and transforming yourself is more than enough. You are on the right track. Neither you are doing something wrong nor something is wrong with you except this comparison.


The next question: Nithyanandam Swamiji, Can You elaborate a little bit on the mechanics of Ajapa japa? Recently in the past one and half months, I started repeating a verse from Soundarya Lahari in the Ajapa japa style, going round and round in my throat. Is this ok? Or is it best to repeat Soham or Om Hreem Nithyanandaya Namaha for Ajapa japa. Thank you very much for everything. Srikanth, IA graduate


Swamiji: Srikanth, first thing, you can use anything for Ajapa japa. It does not need to be just Soham or Guru Mantra or Ishta Mantra. Anything is okay. See, if you feel connected to Devi, then repeat Soundarya Lahari. Perfectly alright. What mantra you repeat is not a problem at all. The consciousness, intention and the way you repeat is the main thing. See, I will repeat what is Ajapa japa. Japa means just the voice coming from the navel through the throat from through the tongue, leaving. A continuous linear movement of air getting converted to sound is japa. Like Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namo Narayana. You say so many mantras Om Hreem Nithyanandaya Namaha, Om Soham or Shivoham. So many mantras are there. You can even chant Soundarya Lahari. Anything is okay.


What you chant is not a problem at all. That is not a very important thing. How you chant, unfortunately when you are chanting like a japa means sound leaving, you only become more and more unconscious, more and more unaware but when the Ajapa japa.... Ajapa japa means in the throat sound moving in this direction, circular direction. Visualize..... See, in the initial level, visualization is enough if you are chanting the Maha Mantra, if you are chanting the Shiva mantra, if you are chanting the Hare Rama Hare Krishna, anything. Any Mantra is okay. I will sincerely recommend all of you guys, carry like this- one prayer wheel in the initial level. For first 21 days, you carry like this one prayer wheel and train yourself. Just like this prayer wheel.


See, when this prayer wheel rotates, in this the mantra is written. In this prayer wheel, there is a mantra written. Om Mani Padme Hum. So Om Mani Padme Hum how it is rotating, just like the same way in your throat that Om Mani Padme Hum rotates but now when you want to chant Namah Shivaya or Om Hrim Nityanandaya, whatever Mantra you want to chant, just put it in a paper, small slip you write and paste it on this prayer wheel and use this prayer wheel. Visualize just like this prayer wheel in your throat, the mantra is moving in a circular way. Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya


Whatever mantra you are using. Soham, Soham. I can see now very clearly in My throat, only it is going this way. Not even one inch is coming this way. So feel the mantra is like a ring fixed on your vocal cord. This way, Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya


Visualize. This prayer wheel will really help you guys for visualization. I will sincerely recommend if you want to master Ajapa japa, have a prayer wheel like this, one prayer wheel and paste the mantra you want to visualize. Meditate on this prayer wheel. Put a small paper and paste it. With this, constantly repeat. In the initial days, take it up like a 21 day practice. For that 21 days, have this continuously whole day and night whenever you can find time. Keep this always next to you. If you are having three minutes break in your work.... You work only once in a while. Why are you lying? In the mind you say no no no. I worked to... No. So when you are having the break in the work means 24 hours, pick up this wheel and go on repeating


Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya. Namah Shivaya


Whatever Mantra you are using. You can use any mantra. Whatever mantra you are using, just continuously let the mantra go on inside you. I tell you, this will lead you to the very spicy Enlightenment. Understand, even in unclutching, after a few minutes, you feel bored, tired and stop unclutching without even your knowledge but first one month, two month, if you practice this Ajapa japa, you learn the process of locking yourself inside throat. Then getting into inside your inner space and unclutching is very easy. It is really very easy. So use this prayer wheel. Just chanting


Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya


Continuously use this prayer wheel and it is really powerful. I tell you. It is really, really powerful. It is more powerful than the Japa mala. Even in Japa mala, again and again, visually you learn only the linear moments but with this, you learn the circular moments. You learn the true movement the way the japa has to happen. Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Whatever mantra you are using. Om Hrim Nityanandeshwaraya Namah Om Hrim Nityanandeshwaraya Namah Om Hrim Nityanandeshwaraya Namah


Whatever mantra you are using, use this. Actually this leads to the right visualization and mantra will be continuously rotating inside your Vaak. Actually I can sit like this even whole day. One of the greatest thing can happen to a seeker is getting addicted to mantra. I tell you, that is the most sweetest thing. You will be liberated from all patterns. Of course, you can never use the word ‘addiction’ for mantra. ‘De-addiction’- that is the right word. You will be de-addicted from everything. Very young age, at the age of seven or eight, I was addicted to the mantra. I was initiated into Shodashi means the sixteen syllable of Devi. It is called Shodashakshari by the Kuppammal. She initiated Me. Mata Vibudhananda puri. Appa! I will just repeat the mantra like anything. Just My whole body became mantramaya means vibrating, reverberating with that mantra.


Then, actually what happens you know, in the Shodashakshari when you chant and your whole body becomes mantramaya, your chakras, energy centers become alive and from there, the Panchakshari starts coming out. Panchakshari is not supposed to be chanted. Panchakshari is Namah Shivaya. That is not supposed to be chanted by you. It should come out of your energy centers, when your body becomes mantramaya. You chant any mantra. Finally Panchakshari will come out of you. When Panchakshari comes out of you, your body has become mantramaya. Not you chanting the Panchakshari, understand. You starting Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya, Namah Shivaya does not mean you have become mantramaya. No. You may start with Soham or Om Hrim Nithyanandaya Namaha or Om Hrim Nithyananeshwaraya Namaha or Shodasi or Soundarya Lahari, whatever you may start, your body will be processed by the mantra. Anything you pick up, finally that Namah Shivaya mantra will come by itself from your chakras.


It is actually, Namah Shivaya is the Bija of each chakra. Each chakra’s Bija is Namah Shivaya mantra. It will come out of your body by itself. Then you have become mantramaya. Actually even now, if I don’t have this nonsensical work of running this mission, organization, I will just sit under banyan tree in front of our Anandeswara, go on, I will be just happy to sit and chant the mantra, do Ajapa japa and sit My whole life. Sometimes I wonder, better I can just sit in front of Anandeswara. I don’t need anything else for My life for Me to be happy or for Me to be blissful. I don’t need anything else. Just give Me one prayer wheel and give Me two meal and I will sit in front of Anandeswara whole day just chanting.


Actually just like honeycomb, when you touch the honeycomb, how the honey oozes, like that when I chant that Ajapa japa, nectar oozes from the throat. I can just be sitting whole day with that nectar. Nothing else is required. Ajapa japa releases certain kind of energy from your body. Your body also will have tremendous energy and the energy will flow into others also. It is really powerful. Sometimes I used to do the ajapa japa setting in the banks of Ganges in Varanasi and in Calcutta. Whole day Ganga flowing and you are in ajapa japa, nothing else is required for your life.


I don’t know why fools, people are wasting their life and time in so many news, nuisance and unnecessary things. Nothing more is required. Just sit in the banks of Ganges, be in ajapa japa. Life is heaven. Anyhow if I tell all this, people think I am fool. Ajapa japa is one of the most powerful process, most powerful technique and ajapa japa will give you Siddhis, not just Enlightenment. It will give you lot of powers also because the Shakti Sanchalana happens through ajapa japa. Shakti Sanchalana means constantly your Kundalini is awakened but never allowed to go out of your body. It stays inside the body. So ajapa japa is very powerful process. Whatever you want to do in your life, use ajapa japa. Anyhow, but you will have lot of powers, Siddhis through ajapa japa.


The next question is from Ma Dhanalakshmi from Singapore. Swamiji, can You please explain what are the benefits of attending IA again? I am planning to attend IA in April for the second time - Ma Dhanalakshmi from Singapore. Swamiji: Dhanalakshmi from Singapore. First thing Ma, if you ask Me what is the benefit of drinking the nectar again, what can I answer? First thing…. (Advertisement)


If you ask Me what is the benefit of drinking the nectar again, what can I answer? First thing you will enjoy again. Second thing, you will become more strong, more alive. Here you are asking about Inner Awakening. What are the benefits of attending the IA again? First thing, you may not have completely gone through when you attend only once. Second time when you attend only you will understand how many sessions you missed. So and it really strengthens your spiritual growth. I can say, IA is not ending. It is beginning. IA is not ending, it is beginning, understand.


Actually I can see from here. Jnanatma was about to drink the water. She threw the bottle and started clapping. She doesn't even bother about drinking water. “Oh! This is a important chance. I cannot miss.” I tell you Dhanalakshmi, more and more IAs you attend, naturally the more spiritual growth, more stronger unclutching experience, more spiritual powers and experiences. Not only you, I Am also attending more and more IAs. That is why I Am expressing more and more powers. Understand, every IA, it is not that you are only sitting unclutched, during that time what will I do? I also just sit unclutched. So more and more energy is expressing through My body, more and more good things are happening. So, more IA means more spiritual awakening, that's all. Welcome. Come to the April Inner Awakening. Welcome.


The next question is from Jamie Wilson. She is asking, “Dear Swamiji, we have been doing Nithya Dhyan in the morning, satsang each evening and ending with Shakti dharana meditation. Is this a good routine or would a different meditation or Kriya be better for 2012? Do some people absorb healing energy more than others? The other day I did the healing on a woman and immediately the energy was very intense. And she saw a vision of You. Please explain.” - Jamie Wilson. Swamiji: Jamie Wilson, she is sending a beautiful experience. “We have been doing Nithya Dhyan in the morning, satsang each evening and ending with Shakti Dharana meditation. Is this a good routine?” Jamie Wilson, perfect routine. Do that, no problem. “Or would a different meditation or Kriya be better for 2012?” No, this is enough. When you are going to do the 21 day 2012 meditation, only on that day, on those days, use the 2012 meditation, 2012 Kriya. Other times this is best. Nithya Dhyan and Shakti Dharana is perfect and he is asking…..she is asking, “Some people absorb healing energy more than others. The other day I did the healing on a woman. Immediately the energy was very intense and she saw a vision of You.” Jamie Wilson, it is true. That lady must have been already connected to Me waiting for you to touch her and awaken My presence in her, My happening in her life. I can say, she was just waiting, ready. You did the right thing. Some people really do receive more energy. Blessings.


The next question is from Ma Anand Sadajeet, North Carolina. She is asking Dear Swamiji, I am wondering why You want us to take neem continuously? Most herbs, after sometime, will have done their job and the healing is complete. I have been taking neem almost continuously for a year and a half and was just wondering if it is something different from other healing herbs. -Ma Anand Sadajith from North Carolina.


Swamiji: Sadajith, I wanted you to know main thing. Neem is like a food. It is not just herb alone, it’s a food also. So that is the reason I want you to take neem everyday because neem cleanses your stomach, intestine, everyday. Everyday it cleanses, it cleanses. So, that is the reason I wanted neem to be taken everyday. It is not just herb alone. It is a food also. Alright, I have a message from Snehamayi. Now the twelve of them are there in the San Jose satsang. All the twelve are going to start the Ajapa japa tomorrow. God! Snehamayi, I want to catch the seat of Seattle, place in My heart and she says I am sure the rest of the group would also love to join us. Great! Snehamayi, all twelve should not sit at a time. Allot two-two persons different times because the whole day it should go on. Ma, six hours if you make as one session, how many session will come per day? Four session? Six hours. Make like a six hours. So allot two, two persons. Yes, yes, it should be 24 hours. There is no day and night.


You see, if you are doing on your own, just few hours, it will energize you but if you sit in one place at least two person does unbroken way for 21 days, the whole energy, the place will become Shakti Mandala, the energy field. So, and one more thing, if you guys decide to do this 21 day energizing the whole temple, doing the mantra pratishta, then the whole that 21 days don't put Me to bed. Don't put the Deity to bed. I will be there sitting alive. My presence will be there continuously. It will be getting energized. It will be really nice. So first allot. No Deity will be put to bed. All Deities will be there alive. Do that. Allot first two, two people for every six hours. I think six hours is…if you guys can manage, even go up to eight hours. If it is eight hours, it will be three shift na? Eight hour shift means three shift but even if one person goes for eating or restroom, the other person should be chanting. So continuously the ajapa japa should go on day and night, 21 days. Then that whole place will radiate the energy.


Any Mantra is ok. Any Mantra is okay but one person should pick up only one mantra. You should not chant different, different mantra different, different days. No. Either you decide my Ishta mantra is Soham or Shivoham or Om Hrim Nityanandaya Namaha or Om Hrim Nityanandeshwarya Namah or Namah Shivaya. Anyone mantra. You pick up one mantra and sit there and do ajapa japa whole day. Blessings. Blessings for San Jose. All you guys will be energized, blessed and the San Jose temple also will be blessed and energized. Great! This is a very powerful process. Those days the brahmins used to do after the Kumbabishekam. It is called Mandalabhishekam. For forty eight days they will do. You don't need for forty eight days. Twenty one days is enough.


Between every IA session, I will come and see and bless you guys and encourage and support you guys continuously. You guys can also and some of the Inner Awakening sessions also I will open for you guys. You can also see. So April 14th, this April 14, 21 days. You plan now itself. Don’t start tomorrow. Snehamayi, you also don't start tomorrow. Start from April 14th so that 21 days I will also be continuously available. I will also constantly monitor and I will not let you fellows sleep. In between and all if you sleep, I will come like Kala Bhairava and wake you up and maybe the 21 days is really good. That 21 days we will call it ajapa japa. 21 days.


Plan now itself. Fix the calendar who is going to do each eight hours. Each eight hours allot two, two persons each. Minimum two person. If you have more people, more people. That 21 days. Let's have celebration all over the world. Ajapa japa celebration and all the Punya comes by all this ajapa japa will go to the person who asked that question. I don't know who asked this question. Srikanth, blessings to Shrikant. Srikanth from San Jose, you only started this whole ajapa japa. All the Punya will go to you. My Blessings. That is why, even if you do small good to yourself, you see, this guy did only one small good to himself. He had a doubt how should I do ajapa japa, means he is doing ajapa japa. He wants to deepen it but finally you see what happened. He has created the wave of ajapa japa to everybody! So, when you do even small good thing in right place, it can just multiply and help so many people. So all of you guys take up this ajapa japa.


I know one thing for sure. It will never happen in Bidadi, I challenge. It will happen in LA. It may happen in LA, it may happen in San Jose, it may happen in Seattle, it may happen in Toronto, it may happen anywhere in the world. I challenge it will never happen in LA. That is the power of My energy field and My physical presence. I know Gurukul people will do it. Gurukul kids will take it up and do, but it is not that only Gurukul people eat here in this campus. There are so many other buffaloes, bulls, cows, donkeys, dogs eat and shit in this campus. What happens to all that? I will take care of that later.


That is what. You can do all your philosophy, teaching, everything outside the house. When you come inside the house, you are a silent cat. I thought it is only for the Socrates. Even for Me that is the same case. I can tell all the great, great things and make people all over the world to practice. Your teaching and all will work outside Bidadi. Take care. There is a great group sitting. “He will talk like this only but what is there for us?”


The next question is from Anne Cassin from Paris. She is asking, “Swamiji, some devotees cannot watch morning satsang live at 3 a.m. in France. Nevertheless, they do listen to the translation on youstream next day. Does listening to the discourse the next day has the same effect as when watched live? Do we integrate the truth deeply when we listen to the discourse the next day as well, Swamiji? Thank you. From Anne Cassin, Paris.


Swamiji: Anne Cassin, because no other way, next day is okay but when you listen live, that entanglement, energy entanglement also happens. That is why, I recommend listening live more and more over, now I have started a new satsangs specially for European devotees. For your convenience, I Am doing the satsang in the evening 7 o'clock Indian standard time also. I have started every Saturday, Sunday. I will be doing evening 7 o'clock for European devotees. Use that chance and enjoy. Other days, at least watch the recorded discourse, the translation. You will have the great truths assimilating into you but nothing like watching live. Okay, at least next option.


Photos From The Day

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