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The Anahata and the Manipuraka chakras, heart and the navel chakras.
[Swamiji reads a few lines from the book]
The Ananda Gandha is such a subtle chakra that it does not yield to ordinary meditation techniques. It is very subtle. No meditation technique can touch it. That’s why so little is known about it. Opening the Ananda Gandha requires highly sophisticated esoteric techniques that can only be passed on directly from the master to disciple. Only an enlightened person can initiate other person's Ananda Gandha. The Ananda Gandha is a door to a tremendous and perennial source of energy.
Even to Me, I have to get ready to initiate. Initiation means mornings I don’t eat, because it’s like a drill bit. When I initiate you, you will feel a small, as if a drill bit is just inserted and taken out in this region [Swamiji gestures to the area of Ananda Gandha]. Don’t be frightened. I will be touching only the third eye. But in that region. I’ll see that you don’t feel frightened, the very small way only the initiation will happen. That, just that Ananda Gandha will be touched, drilled and then you will be taken; then you will be able to feel the energy.
For some people even physically you can feel very clearly, like a sirrrrr..a drill bit going in; physically means, the feeling you can see. It's like a, the energy shaft will be just sent inside and till you are a energy… You see you are crossing your Annamaya kosha, Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vijnanamaya Kosha, Anandamaya Kosha when it touches your Atmam then only the drill will be taken out. Then from the Atman the energy will start gushing. You understand the mechanism.
[Swamiji reads a few lines from the book]
Initiation. Ananda gandha is the doorway to a tremendous and perennial source of energy. With its opening, something of tremendous and lasting significance takes place inside you. For the first time, the deepest layers of your beings are opened to the continuous flow of divine power. You truly become fit to be a channel of the Divine.
Whenever we go to sleep, if we just do the Ananda gandha meditation and fall into the sleep, you will never have a dreams. You will have a totally deep sleep and you will have a strange feeling, that you have not slept but you are totally alive, fresh, active. You will have the aliveness.
[Swamiji reads a few lines from the book]
Initiation is no complicated process. Initiation the key to enlightenment. Initiation is no complicated process, all it requires from your side is an open mind. When initiating you, all I do is open your doorway to enlightenment, your Ananda Gandha chakra. You can try to open this chakra in two ways: by penetrating inward from the outside or by pushing outward from the inside. But there is a phenomenal difference between this two. Imagine a lake covered by a thick sheet of ice. The first method is like hacking at the ice with a small icepick; it could take you lifetimes to break through. The latter method is like drilling the ice from underneath with a powerful submarine drill. In an instant, the ice gives way and the water gushes out, melting the rest of the ice on the surface.
I think I have explained this to you. So the healing effect of your body will become too much. Once you are initiated into Ananda Gandha and do the meditation, quickly, the healing will happen. Anything, you will see that immediately it gets healed. There are 2 kinds of diseases. Disease which comes from inside and disease which comes from outside. These are all from outside - the accidents. This will quickly get healed. Diseases which comes from inside, will not come at all. That is the effect of this Ananda Gandha meditation. Hmm.
Participant: Are you saying Swamiji that, let's say if you are hurt, you just say by doing the daily Anand Gandha meditation you will be healed or if you are hurt to do that meditation?
HDH: If you are…
Participant: Let's say one of us injured ourselves, would you say that, that is the time to do meditation or because you do meditation…
HDH: Because you do meditation, healing will be there. Of course I don’t say don't take medication; whenever it is necessary give the chemical needs for your body - medication. I don't say … but the healing effect will be very quick, highly effective.
Participant: Then why don’t you teach this meditation …inaudible…. for healers but just open that chakra for everybody?
HDH: You see, it can be opened, but whenever this given so easily, they don’t have the respect. People don’t have the respect. Even many healers don’t understand what they receive. Only when …inaudible…. again and again many books, spiritual books, only when you understand how others have suffered, then you understand the greatness of it. Throughout his life Ramana Maharshi, opened this chakra only for 16 people. Here I already touched more than 1000s.
Participant: …. a particular pranayam system?
HDH: No Prayanam system is required; this itself is enough
[Swamiji continues to read from the book]
The latter can happen only by the grace of an enlightened master, 24th page number, who enters the deepest layer of your being and drills outward till the ice of your chit breaks and energy floods into your being. Once this energy is available to you, it can transform you physically, mentally and spiritually. During the initiation, do this check yourself. Close your eyes simply. And call to my mind, call to mind my smiling face. You’ll find that a deep source of joy opens up inside you and bliss gushes out into your being. If you allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into this bliss, you will soon experience a strange feeling of ‘‘boundarylessness”, as if you are no more, no longer limited by physical body.
See everyday, if you do 20 minutes of Ananda gandha minimum, in 4, 5 days itself you feel the boundarylessness. First experience will happen …inaudibe… Many people will get the experience in initiation itself. After the initiation I will check the energy flow, that time also you will have the experience. If you don’t feel the experience, if you are intellectual type, within 2-3 days you will see that you reach that experience. If you continuously do, within one day… maximum 3 to 4 days.
[Swamiji continues to read from the book]
But I wouldn’t like you to take my word for it. This is such a deep, deeply personal experience of the Divine that it cannot be understood second-hand; it will be impossible for you to believe completely until you have felt it yourself. So try this instead: when you feel the joy gushing upwards, just deny the experience with the whole strength of your mind. Tell yourself it is just your imagination. Every time you feel the surge of joy, push it aside, saying Na iti, na iti,
Generally, people say to believe in all these things. I say don’t believe it. When you get the experience of Ananda Gandha, try to say, “No, No, No, No, just I am imagining this. Swami is hypnotizing us.” Try to avoid it. And again remember Me. You will see from the same place energy will gush. Then forget, do some other work and again try. Try your best to suspect, beyond your mind the energy will be gushing. Beyond your mind the energy will be gushing. Anything spiritual means, it will act on you beyond your mind. You cannot do anything.
People ask Me, ‘Swamiji, how will I choose my Guru?’ I tell them, ‘Don’t bother about it. He will choose you.’ Once you meet your master, simply your mind will be pulled. It's not that you need to go and you need to have the respect, all those things. I always tell the people… and you see whenever somebody says, ‘Respect me as your Guru. I am your Guru. Take me as your Guru’, please, be sure that he is a dupe. Be very clear. Simply, you don’t have to do anything. When a real master appears, you are simply behind him. Nothing can stop and how much you try to avoid, you are simply behind him. So whenever real spirituality happens, never the real master asks you, asks you to believe, asks you to have faith. No faith, no belief. Beyond your control, it will happen, only then allow it to happen. And I tell you always have the doubt, always have that aaa… No, no, no doubt, doubt so that you will not be cheated. If you don’t have a doubt, you will be exploited by everybody, anybody. Have the doubt. Beyond your doubt you will be pulled.
There is a beautiful story, there is a, there was a devotee of Shiva, called Sundara, Sundaran in Tamil Nadu. He used to continuously doubt anything and everything, Somebody asked him, “Why are you doubting so much? Then how will God appear in front of you?” He said, “If he can’t appear beyond my doubt, if he can’t take me beyond my doubt, then what you, what do you say he is a God. How can you say he is God?”
So carry as much as doubt as possible. You will see beyond your doubt your heart is simply flowing through him. Beyond your doubt you will simply have the experience. That is what is real spirituality. Because doubt is mental. Enlightenment is Spiritual, beyond mind. So your mind will simply bombard, not that your doubt will be answered, cleared, or anything; simply you are bound, simply you are not there, simply you being has disappeared. That is what will happen when you really be with the energy. So don't believe, try to have all your doubts. Simply you will be taken away into the energy.
[Swamiji continues to read from the book]
Bring your deepest doubt into play. After a while you will realize that no matter how much you try pushing it away, the energy surges up from the same point. Anand Gandha is an energy resource beyond the mind's control.
In other healing systems they tell you to believe ‘from here energy is coming; believe, look, imagine, look deeply.’ I tell you don’t imagine. Even if you feel that it is coming, try to doubt ‘No, no, no, it is not coming; simply I am imagining.’ Avoid it. Do some other work. Suddenly, think whether it is coming. Just remember My face and see, again you will see, from the same place it will be coming. Again and again and again, beyond your doubts when it comes simply your mind will be boggled. You cannot have any more doubts. Only then it is experience. Experience, how much you try to avoid it by your doubt, beyond that it simply shines. How much you cover your face and say ‘no, no, there is no sun, no sun’ but simply you will see that sun is there. That is what is experience. If you have to imagine and it will come, then it is only your mental energy, mental imagination; it is not experience.
[Swamiji continues to read from the book]
The beauty of Ananda Gandha is that you cannot remain untouched; you simply surrender to the experience. Whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, Truth is happening. You may not understand it now, but once your inner transformation happens, you will. At that time, both faith and doubt will disappear. I don’t tell you to have faith on me. No faith. Let both doubt and faith, let both disappear. You don’t have to believe. You know!
Do you need to believe that sun will rise in the east? You know. Just like that you will know. I wanted spirituality to become experience of your life, not to be a belief of your life..
[Swamiji continues to read from the book]
Ananda Gandha Meditation: The Technique
The uniqueness of this technique is that you can practice it while you are healing.
Participant: inaudible Did Puttaparti Swami also dot his in the beginning like You said Ramana Maharishi did for16 people …Ramakrishna
HDH: Ramakrishna 12. See, Baba also, Baba works in his own way. Each one has got their own way, their own work, each one has got their own mission. We cannot compare anybody's mission to others mission.
People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, why Baba doesn’t initiate healers? I tell them, “You can ask Me ‘why You have not started hospital?’”
Participant: No, no, Did he do that in the beginning?
HDH: No, no He has done many, yes. People come and ask Me, “why he is not initiating healers.” I tell them, You can ask Me also. Why I am not having hair like that or why I am not starting the hospital?. Each one is unique expression. You cannot
Participant: inaudible But this feeling is very unique feeling that’s what I’m saying Ananda Gandha feeling is very unique
HDH: That is what, that is what, everyone, everyone is working in their own way, their own method. Each, you see God allots each one a different beauty, each one a different service, each one of the masters descend on this earth with a different way of enlightened living. So we cannot compare. We must be able to respect everybody.
Please be very clear. Never disrespect anybody. Never disrespect anybody. Be very clear, if you disrespect anybody, you are disrespecting Me. What for the whole spirituality? To be egoless and simple; people hold onto this and become egoistic. It's like you go to take bath and you put all the mud on your head and come back. In the river people go for taking bath. They roll on the mud and…they come out more dirty. Like that only we do many times. We come out more dirty. We go to the spirituality to have a egolessness and spirituality, meditation, enlightenment. When we come back, we are more egoistic. What type of spirituality is this? Never do that.
[Swamiji continues to read from the book]
Anand gandha meditation - the technique.
The uniqueness of this technique is that you can practice it while you are healing, so that you can simultaneously focus on your own spiritual development and help others to be free of disease. Outwardly healing takes place, inwardly meditation.
1] Place your palm on the patient’s chakra which is to be healed. The instruction chart will guide you as to which chakras need to be healed for various disease. If you are still not sure, simply place your hand on the patient’s Anahata and commence healing. I’ll take care of the rest.
And for doctors, Sahasrara… you see when you heal the coma patient, understand, Sahasrara and Anahata, but you should never touch them, just keep the hand like that [Swamiji demonstrates], above sahasrara one hand, near, just two inch. Above Anahata 2 inch one hand. You should never touch. Hmm. And circulate the energy. Circulate energy means, feel, just give the…meditate, then you will see the energy is passing from both the hands. They will meet, you yourself will very clearly feel they will meet and you will see your hand, both hands are connected by energy, then you can take out the hands. Then energy is flooded throughout the system. You understand, till the, till you feel both hands, your hands are connected, close your eyes… Keep, don’t touch. Keep like this and start meditating. Till you feel both the hands are connected go on doing the healing; in 4-5 minutes you will feel. Then you can take out your hand, patient is flooded with energy. He will come out of the coma. Some 4-5 sessions is enough I think for you, your energy; people will come out of coma
HDH: Yes. Yes Ma
Participant: Swamiji, when she did the healing for me …….. she had her hand in the front of my heart chakra and back also, she had the hands on both sides of the chakra.
HDH: Here [in the book] instruction will be there. If it is said ‘Aanahatha both side’, then you need to keep like this.
Participant: otherwise one side
HDH: one, front is enough
[Reading from the book] Muladhara both side - Arthritis.
So like that means you have to keep both side. Whenever it is put both sides, you have to keep both sides.
Participant: Muladhara….probably better to do with stick.
HDH: hmm people will feel uneasy.
[Swamiji continues to read from the book]
Close your eyes and visualize My laughing face. This is the key which has been programmed to unlock the whole healing process.
Whole healing process is already programmed; just you have to put Nithyananda password….tuck...tuck… over. Whole program will work on its own.
[Swamiji continues to read from the book] In an instant, you will find energy gushing forth in an endless fountain from your Ananda Gandha chakra.
You will see immediately energy gushes and then you forget My form. Don’t catch, hold on to My form. Now I will have to warn you - Beware of Nithyananda. First you have to be aware of Nithyananda, remember Me. Once you start feeling the energy flow forget My form, hold on to the energy. Go to the energy. See the form is so beautiful, blissful, you will never let go the form. Please don’t do that. Hold on to the energy not to the form. Where energy comes, you just watch there, from where energy comes. You will see that your whole being just merges in the energy itself.
Participant: We should do the meditation first and then do healing? Thats the best way or…
HDH: Just keep the hand and start meditating, healing will happen. You understand, keep the hand, close your eyes. Remember My laughing face in this area. Immediately you will see the energy gush starts happening. Concentrate where…then just see from where the energy is coming. You will see that automatically the energy flows through your hand, throughout your body; you will have the energy effect, you will have the experience. Then once after 3-4 minutes, you will feel your hand is… automatically the energy flow has stopped from the hand. And the hand to the patient it has stopped. It's like a you take a banyan leaf and make it wet with water and paste it on your thigh. After few minutes it drops by itself. Just like that you will feel the hand is…. the energy is enough. You yourself will feel it very clearly. The hand drops by itself, you can take it off.
Participant: So you don't need to focus on the patient's condition…
HDH: Don’t bother at all. If you focus, your mind will interfere. Don't allow the mind to interfere; just be out of the scene. Not because of you healing is happening, inspite of you it is happening.
Participant: Swamiji…
Swamiji; Never, never, never have a mind.
Participant: (inaudible) After initiation should we meditate for sometime before..
HDH: Anand gandha. No, no, no, just Anand gandha. If you want you do Maha Mantra once morning enough. Morning once Mahamantra, evening on Anand Gandha, that’s enough, no more meditation is necessary
Participant: So we are ready……
HDH: Yes, Yes, yes. Perfectly alright. Once you are initiated actually you are ready. In India that's why I don't initiate; I prepare them and then initiate; but once initiation is done, that itself creates all the effect. If you do the Maha Mantra morning times, Anand gandha effect will be more in the evening when you do it; that's all. And to remember the laughing face only, the last page the photo is given. I think this last page you can see. Love is the greatest inaudible…. I have a devotee who is a cine photographer. Once in 15 days he comes and stays in the Ashram; from morning till night he will move around with Me with his camera. He captures all these moments. These are all not posed photographs. This and even that is not posed photograph. When I sit …catch
Participant: Can you explain a little bit on this chakra.What's this line …inaudible..
HDH: No, no no, no,no. Don’t bother about the diagram. Just you understand the names, that’s enough. If you have to understand the whole thing, then it takes a big science.
==Video and Audio - Healer's Initiation Part 4==  
==Video and Audio - Healer's Initiation Part 4==  
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[Swamiji reads an excerpt from the book]
“In an instant, you will find energy gushing forth in an endless fountain from your Ananda Gandha chakra”.
HDH: If you attend all those… you are asking… What’s your name? I forgot it…
Participant: Vistan.
HDH: Visam? If you attend all those things you will come away to the Ashram. 😃
[Swamiji continues reading]
“Go deep in words, try to discover the source of this energy.”
Many times I will, I don't give much spiritual experience to the people. Many times, I cover myself, hide and lower down and reduce the energy, voltage, because if you, when… if something is really given, then simply they leave everything and come away. Which I do not want unnecessary to disturb the families. You have your own duties, too… You see. to make your life joyful and happy, blissful, this how much is necessary, that much you can learn.
[Swamiji reads an excerpt from the book]
“Move deeply inwards. Try to discover the source of this energy, simply relax into yourself, don't worry about the healing, it will happen on its own accord. Once you have relaxed into yourself simply let go of My picture in your mind. You will  be in danger of getting caught up in my form. You need to go beyond it into the realm of boundless energy.
You understand? Beware of Nithyananda.
Continue as long as you feel the patient drawing energy from your hand. Will sense this automatically and without making any effort. When no more healing is required for the time being, your hand will drop on its own, or be repelled from the patient’s body. After healing please, don’t say: “Let this patient be healed of this disease,” it could be interfering with his or her karmas. Instead, you could conclude with a prayer. Whatever is best for particular patient, we allow it to happen.
Don’t say: “Let it be healed.” You understand?
HDH: Ma… Mrs Walson, you understand? This is a major difference between Reiki and Me.
[Mrs Swanson]: Yes.
HDH: In Reiki you need to say: “Let him be healed.” No question of “Let him be healed”. You should take away your mind, “Whatever good, Oh, God let it happen”, or “Swamiji will help”. That’s all.
[Ms Swanson]: Okay.
HDH: Then karmas will come to Me, it will not affect you, that’s why. And that’s what I wanted because I have karmas, things will be burnt away, the energy. So I don’t want any karma to touch you.
Participant: So, let the best happen.
HDH: But you will see, in this way best happens. If you interfere and tell, how much your mental setup is, that much only he will get healed. If you don’t interfere then I will heal. You want Me to… you wanted you to heal or Me to heal?
Participant: Swami.
HDH: Ah, so then you just be a channel and relax, I’ll take care of it.
Participant: So, there is really no way that we can get the patient’s condition? Because I have done Reiki before and I have ended up with the patient’s bladder condition, or the headache, or the sore throat, I can’t let go of that energy.
HDH: Ah?
Participant: Oh boy! She’s saying she did Reiki before, she ended up with the patient's condition, patient’s natural condition, patient’s headache. So that won’t happen?
HDH: That won’t happen, that is what I am telling you. That is why this instruction.
Participant: I am just double-checking because they told me it wouldn't happen in Reiki either and it happened.
HDH: Mm. No, that is what this major difference. You will not get that problem. You will not get the Karma. When you interfere and tell “Let it be healed.” What will happen? That will come to you only. That’s why I say don’t-- never say
Participant: So, just say…
Participant: “Let the best happen Swami”.
HDH: Then you will see really he gets healed and he is flooded with energy. That’s why I say allow Me to heal, don’t you be healer. Just relax and only thing, allow My form to let go.
A few words.
[Swamiji continues reading from the book]
“You are free to follow any other Master as well. I say to you, go wherever you like, gather the loveliest flowers you can find from any garden of spirituality. And make yourself a beautiful bouquet. I want no financial commitment or swear from you. If you can open your heart to Me, that is everything”.
See, in many churches, in many system, many things they have that 1% of your earnings you should give to their mission. Nothing like that, nothing of that sort. But you give your heart to the spirituality, that’s enough.
[Swamiji continues reading from the book]
If you can’t dont satisfy yourself just by opening the persons..inaudible…understand
“When you take the responsibility you grow. Don't wait for a commitment from the other. Spread the joy, speak to as many people as possible about Ananda healing, Ananda Gandha meditation, the Ananda, Ananda Gandha, Ananda Spurana program. It’s your privilege to carry this message that will benefit thousands around the world.
Are you, do you feel thankful to the person who introduced you to Swamiji?
Participants in chorus: Absolutely….I am… I did...I thanked Sophy, yes. Thank you Swamiji.
HDH: So, if Swami has not happened in your life you would have missed something na?
Participants in chorus: Absolutely…. Yes….Not something ….lot….everything
HDH: So, you wanted many other people to thank you?
Participants in chorus: Sure...Yes...
HDH: They should. So go around spreading the word. Come on.
Participant: When you are doing for arthritis for anybody, how do you do both sides for Muladhara?
HDH: Keep two sticks…
Participant: Any stick is fine?
HDH: No! Healing stick…
So any other question?
Participant: And how many times should we do it, like a…
HDH: You will yourself understand… the energy flow will be there; don’t think through stick energy will not flow. When it is energised then you will understand. Just like a hand energy will flow. When it is necessary you yourself will feel in the hand, let it stop, stops.
Participant: Somebody wants to read the book.
HDH: Yes, yes, yes if they are interested in becoming a healer.
Participant: children, small.. what’s the age, any age, small..?
HDH: 14.
Participant: 14. Thank you.
HDH: They can read, but they cannot practice; even if they practice, the energy flow will not be there.
Participant: So I could give the book but…
HDH: Yes, yes, yes. Give always the book.
Only thing ah... tell them that only after initiation they can practice. Before the initiation, they can not practice. Yes?
Participant: For eye pain or glaucoma?
HDH: On the head, on the eyes itself, on the spot.
Participant: Swamiji, medical condition, the number of days or the number of times…
HDH: You see, that, that by seeing that you can decide. If the patient has small wheezing, knee pain, headache, all those things, 2-3 days. If the cancer and all those things 21 days at least. But you take up only small, small patients; don’t take up immediately.
Participant: Okay.
HDH: And never advise on medication, if you are a doctor you can advise, that is different.
How many are going to be initiated?
Participant: Swamiji what about if it is a …
HDH: How many centers are going to be started and how many initiations… How many are going to be initiated? Anybody who wants, “I am going to have an initiation but I am not going to start a center. I am not going to heal the…” can you… anyone of you? Anybody like that? Nobody.
Participant: Swami, I have, so far, I didn’t start a Center per se but I am doing on my patients, I am doing meditation…..
HDH: Yes. But now you are going to have proper place.
Participant: What was the question, Swamiji? When will we….[07:41 min.]
HDH: No, no. In India, I ask like this. “Anyone who doesn’t want to heal others, run a center, and wants only the initiation?” If somebody says yes… “All right you can leave the hall now” 😃 but here all of you have ready.
Participant: I can do the healing, but the starting Center may be a little difficult…
HDH: No Ma. You have to undergo the difficulty. If I would have thought that maybe… ah that it is difficult, then how do you…How will you get me? Why don't you undergo little difficulty? You see...
Participant: with the space and all…
HDH: No, If I would have… No, all sorts of difficulties are there in the life Ma. If I would’ve thought that, ah, it is difficult to have the enlightenment, hm? Then how will you get Me today? Just understand, I have given My whole life. Is it not difficult? The cream of the life is youth. I have given that My youth to you all. Can’t you do little bit, this much? How can you say: “It is difficult?” People tell Me, from the bus stand to the Ashram it is half a kilometer, “Swamiji why don’t you make a bus arrangement, its half a kilometer”. I told them, two thousand kilometer I walked, minimum, and then only got this enlightenment. For healing, if you can’t walk for half a kilometer, don’t come.
Participant: One question Swami.. Here you wrote, ‘once a week in the Healing Center’
HDH: That’s enough…
Participant:  There are so many Healing Centers, in every Healing Center once a week we meet? How every day...
HDH: No, no, no. You are not supposed to meet all of you. Once a week you have your own people there. Each one of your Healing Center, your own. You understand? I am not telling all healers to meet. Mmm, not all the healers to meet. Have your own meditation, have your own group. You are all independent Gurus. 😃
[Mixed talk from the participants]
Participant: Swamiji, I live in Arcadian…, she lives in Arcadian… both 
HDH: Then you can …
Participant: Yes.
HDH: But in your house also, have a separate, little at least, little bit of space for meditation, the healing.
There will be little difficulty Ma, why don’t you put up with small difficulties?
Participant: No Swamiji. It interferes with other things like you explained before;do not disturb the privacy and other …inaudible……, so that ….
HDH: Hmm you see, make arrangements. Work on it.  Work on it. Why should we have anything free Ma? Can’t we have these small, small services? Of course, surely I am not going to come and stay there. It’s not for Me. But for the society, you see?
This system is created by thousands of Enlightened Masters by putting their whole life, hm, and it is given to us. What for? They wanted this to reach the world. And what for I have given My life? Understand? This to reach the whole world. Don’t you see, I tell our people, when you heal somebody else, when you heal others, that is what the real offering you give it to Me. Not simply everyday falling at My feet. No. When you heal somebody, that is the real offering you give it to Me. What for I am alive? I am alive in this body just to… just for this Mission. Just for the service of the humanity. If you … can’t you share little bit of My responsibility? Can’t you have little sympathy for My Mission? Can’t you? What for I am here? I am here just to give something to the people. So why don’t you also understand? There will be little difficulty, let you undergo that little difficulty, what is wrong?
Participant: I don’t think little difficulty in that place because …inaudible……,
HDH: We’ll see… then work on it
Participant: Swami, whenever we are inviting a group of friends to come and listen to the….
HDH: Friends,....to listen to the tape and do meditation…
Participant: and to...
HDH: and spread just like this. Every week at least 10 people. Even new persons will know about meditation, we can bring down that cosmic negativity, you understand? It is our responsibility to least keep the universe beautiful.
Participant: That time we do Mahamantra also.
HDH: Yes, Ma. Nothing else. If you want to take up, you can take up Dukkhaharana also. In Oklahoma, they took up Dukkhaharana for 21 days, each one had a miraculous transformation in their life.
Participant: Who is that?
HDH: Group of Healers.
21 days of continuous Dukkhaharana. And even if you can take up continuous Dukkhaharana 21 days in some one place, no maybe your own house, but at particular time. All of you do that, at one time, you will see the whole negativity is nulled. Like this some projects you take up. You see everything will have a little difficulty only. But can you say everything can come like a teaspoon? No. So even if is little difficult, work for it, spread. Not for My sake, just for the sake of the world. Moreover, you see, understand the responsibility; when he can give his life, can’t we give a little bit?
Participant: Keeping the Center in your home is like ah, use some space, and ah, how do we do?
HDH: A small room Ma. Outside your, the, when you enter inside the house naturally there will be a small space, hm? What we call it?
Participant: We call it corridor…
HDH: Corridor, anything. In that place have a photograph, like this photograph. Now she will be making and giving to you all. Have this photograph, these small books, chanting box and have a small seat for you to sit and meditate. That place will be used only for meditation and when the people come for healing, that will be used only for healing. That’s all.
Participant: So, we have made that in our apartment place..
Participant: Puja room?
HDH: Puja, another’s one.
Participant: Can it...can we mix it with other altar we have in the household…
Participant: That’s what he said. Yes.
Participant: Little patient there… puja will be because of religion, etc., again I understand different things ...religion and the rituals, and it’s puja room, no one can enter…
HDH: Oh..
Participant: So maybe it should be a separate room probably.
HDH: That and all is according to you that's all. See, as far as me concern, I always tell the people, if the God cannot help you at the time of your needs.... People ask Me: “Swamiji, at the time of period can I go to Puja room?”. I always tell them, “If God cannot help you at that time, at the time you are in low energy, you need more energy, more God, more puja. If God cannot help you at that time, what’s the use of God?
Participant: Right, for me personally, that’s the way I feel; but still religion is still strong in our people...
HDH: Okay. So, don’t go to temples because for hygienic reasons, but as far as…. allright, you decide on all those things. That’s all.
Now, let’s go for the initiation.
Participant: New people means we have to invite the people or that… How, what...
Participant: Invite a few of your friends and you sit with them... that’s it.
HDH: Ah, slowly slowly spread Ma. Every Satsang get new, new people. Spread new, new people, whoever wants to meditate, let them come. Let you become a Center to spread the meditation Ma. You understand?
Participant: I brought my friends in the Center….
HDH: Let you become a Center to spread the meditation and I tell you how intensely you work for My work to spread the meditation, that much intensely I will be with you. That is up to you.
Participant: Swamiji, just last question, for muscular problem, like if having... someone’s hurt themselves like a muscle injury?
HDH: Exactly on that space.
Ananda Gandha Deeksha Initiating Devotees as Healers
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There's a beautiful word "choicelessness is bliss". The very bliss, bliss means choicelessness. When you choose something, the bliss is lost. When you make some decision, the bliss is lost. Bliss means choicelessness. When you decide to have the bliss, when you choose to have the bliss you kill the bliss. Actually, when you choose to have the bliss, when you choose to possess the bliss, you kill the bliss. Celebration means choicelessness. When that joy happens to you, never try to possess it. Never try to have it continuously. Never be greedy of it. The very greed kills it. Not that you lose the joy, you lose the Ananda, by the time goes, when the people think. “Oh now you feel so joyful, so blissful.” Especially after the camp many people tell Me, “Swamiji I feel like I should be with You always.” I tell them, “Then you will make Me sorrow.” 😊There are many who tell Me, “Swamiji such a joyful moment, such an ecstatic life, being around You, I feel I should be always with You.” I tell them, “Then you will make My life sorrowful.”😊
When you try to possess the Ananda, when you try to possess the bliss, you make it as a one more choice and kill it. Your greed for bliss kills the bliss. When the bliss happens to you just be like a river, allow even if it goes away, even if it leaves you, don't worry about it, don't bother about it. Don't measure the moments of bliss. When you start measuring the moments of bliss, you make it as past. You just kill it. Bliss happens from moment to moment. From this moment, next moment is born. From this Kṣaṇa (क्षण) next Kṣaṇa is born.
You need to understand one more concept, Kṣaṇa. Kṣaṇa does not mean second. Understand. Kṣaṇa does not mean second. Second is chronological, Kṣaṇa is psychological. Kṣaṇa, the Sanskrit word, is psychological. Kṣaṇa means the gap between one thought to other thought. The gap between one thought to the other thought. Second means it's a standard, second is standard for everybody. But Kṣaṇa is not standard for everybody. Second means you know for you and for Me, for everybody one second is only that much of time. Sixty second is one minute, but Kṣaṇa does not mean it is for, it is equal for everybody. It differs for every person to person.
Man, who can have more gaps between one thought and the other thought, man who is meditator, man who lives consciously, he can expand the gap between one thought and other thought - for him Kṣaṇa is more. For you kshana is very, for you Kṣaṇa can be even lesser than a minute, lesser than a second. If your mind is overcrowded with thoughts, Kṣaṇa is lesser than a second. If you have more calmness, bliss, Kṣaṇa is more than a second, more than a minute. That Kṣaṇa can become even one year long. Even it can become one year long.
That is why they say in the eastern Puranas the one year of man is one day of Devas. One day of Devas is one year of the man. It means Devas are living consciously, their Kṣaṇa is big. One thought, the other thought - the gap between one thought and the other thought is too long, too big. So, if you know the technique of extending your Kṣaṇa, you will be continuously in bliss. Just you need to the extend that Kṣaṇa. You need to give the enough of gap between one thought and the other thought.
Gap between one thought and the other thought is only called as Kṣaṇa. They say in three Kṣaṇas you have to enter into the other body after your death. That's the maximum gap. But that three Kṣaṇa is in your choice. It is in your choice. It is not in somebody else's choice. If you lived throughout your life crowded with thoughts, in one second you have to be reborn. If you have lived a life of meditation, a life of Ananda, the one thought and other thought - the gap between one thought and other thought is too long, too big, you can stay that much of time without taking the other birth. You can decide the conscious birth. That's what they call it yoga prastha in Gita. Gita they say if you lived a meditative life, the yogic life and not achieved the fulfillment, in next birth you are, you take birth in a very rich family who help you, who can, who will help you to become a spiritual person, who will guide you in your life. You can choose your parent if your Kṣaṇa is expanded. Of course it is a deep concept. If you understand the meaning of Kṣaṇa, you can live the life joyfully. Kṣaṇa is psychological; minute or second is chronological. Kṣaṇa, you decide your Kṣaṇas. With ordinary chronological time you don't decide.
So understand, celebration means conscious living, choice less living. If you try to have the choice, bliss as your choice, you kill the choice, the bliss itself. The very bliss is killed by you. You just kill the bliss, greedy of bliss. When you want it is lost. There is a beautiful saying of Vivekananda, ‘Arise, awake, stop not till the goal is reached’. I tell you ‘Arise, awake, stop, the goal is reached’. Stop, the goal is reached. Just your greed for the bliss makes bliss distant. Just your greed to hold on to the bliss makes the bliss as unavailable thing. If you close your hands your hands are already in the river, if you close your hands and try to possess the river, nothing is in your hand. If you let go your hands, you will see continuously you are washed by the river. You are in the bliss. The choicelessness makes your whole life as a celebration. If you have the choice somebody should be there around you, something should be there around you, some food should be there around you, some contacts, some connections should be there around you, you make choices.
Choice is always hell. Choice means always hell. The other is hell. Choice is hell. Even when it is there you will have a feeling when it will be lost you don't know. Even at the time of your enjoyment you always have the feeling ‘any moment it can be lost’, any moment it can be lost. When it is not there, ‘Oh! when it will come?’ When it is there, ‘Oh! when it will be lost?’ Both the time it is just a vicious circle. So, if you don't have the choice, when it is not there you are perfectly alright. When it is there you are more joyful. Over. You need to understand the meaning of addiction. Addiction means when it is not there you feel terribly you are missing it. When it is there you don't feel something excited about it. Smoking. When you don't smoke you feel just you are missing. You are just pulled, your mouth, your whole body is just pulled. When you smoke, it is not too exciting. You finish it as if like a ritual, dead ritual.
If any of you have got the everyday puja habit? Anybody who has got the habit of everyday puja? Do you enter the puja room other than the puja time? You will never. You enter just to finish it and to come out of the room. Many times it happens, I always tell the people, do the puja only when you feel it. Only then… Nithya puja means don't think every day puja. Whenever you feel the puja should be done, do it. Nithya puja does not mean… Nithya puja means eternal puja. Eternal puja means whenever you feel, do it totally. Whenever that happens, do it totally. But what we do? We want to even grab that mood. You see some one day when you have done Puja you must have felt the joy, ecstasy, the mindlessness, the bliss. Immediately you decide “Let me do it everyday, then I will have it.” When you decide “Let me do it everyday”, the very next day it will be missing.
A small story: one Guru was there. Everyday he used to do puja. He had a cat which will come and disturb him at the time of puja. So he decided,”Let me put an end to it.” He caught that cat, covered it with a basket and started doing the puja. Everyday he continued the same habit, before starting the puja he will get the cat and cover it with a basket and do the puja. When new disciples came to the ashram they understood, ‘Oh, this must be the tradition.’ Later on, as time passed, the Guru passed away. The cat also passed away. Even after the Guru's passing away the disciples used to catch the cat first, cover it with a basket, then puja used to happen. After sometime, if they don't get the cat, they go for searching the cat, get the cat, cover it with the basket, then only the puja will be done. After few years the cat also died. Then they decided Oh! how to do the puja without cat. The puja was stopped.
That is what happens to our life also. You see some moment you feel the joy, bliss, when you don't have the choice. When you make it as a choice, when you consciously decide, that becomes a mental habit, mental routine. So don't hold your joy, don't hold your celebration mood. If you are now feeling the bliss just feel the bliss. When the fear comes, ‘Oh! the bliss may disappear, how to hold it?’ Don't bother. Let it disappear, that's all. Now you are joyful, enjoy it. Over. If you never try to hold, if you don't try to catch it, if you are not greedy of the bliss, if you don't make the choice, bliss as a choice, you will see the continuously bliss is happening to you, continuously Ananda is happening to you. So understand this four words: life is eternal celebration. Life means a conscious living. Eternal means the Nithya, the present. Life, living, conscious living is the present when you live in the "IS"; when you live in the present it becomes eternal. When it is a eternal, it is always celebration. It is always celebration. When you don't have the conscious choice, your life becomes just eternal celebration. It becomes just Ananda.
So, let you decide to live consciously, let you understand the "is"ness, let you live eternally in celebration, eternal bliss Nithya Ananda.
Thank you.
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Participant: Swami in when you mentioned the Sutra initially, on karmas you said that it possibly when you start living consciously your Karma will be going away. So, when you use the word Karma do you also mean some other thing?
HDH: Yes, I mean. I mean all the meanings of karma. Prarabdha, Agamya, Sanchita or Prarabdha, Agamya or Agam…. Agamya Prarabdha, whatever words you bring. I tell you all the karmas. There is a saying in Brahma Sutra, you can cross only the Agamya and Sanchita never the Prarabdha; but I tell you from My experience, I do not know why Shankara said but I tell you from My experience, it is My solid experience not only Agam... Agamya or Prarabdha, Agamya or Sanchita, even Prarabdha can be crossed. I do not know or I cannot give you any proof from the scriptures, but if you can believe My statement, this much I can say. It's from My solid experience, you can simply cross Prarabdha also. Agamya, Prarabdha, Sanchita or whatever names you use it. You may use it, but a conscious decision can make you cross all the three karmas. Because Karma means nothing but the recorded setup. A conscious choice, you can simply walk over on it. It is nothing.
A small Zen story. Guru and his disciple, they both went to a river. Disciple suddenly fell in the river and started shouting, “Master, please save me. Master please save me.” The master was standing on the shore and shouted, “Fool, stand up.” The disciple thought, now also Master is playing some joke, playing a technique. The Zen Masters are always, they are popular for playing techniques. The disciple said, “Master I am dying, please save me. Please save me.” Again, the master, the master is very cool, calm, just sitting and says, “Get up.” The disciple thought what Master is telling. Then Master shouted in his pitch voice, the uproarious voice, “Fool stand up.” The disciple’s unconscious got frightened. I think hmm…. he was not able to control himself. He thought, “He is, Master is threatening me, let me stand up.” Out of fear he stand up. He stood up. He saw water is only up to the knee level. 😊 Water is only up to the knee level. So just stand up, you will see karma is nothing. Either Agamya or Prarabdha or Sanchita. Agamya, Sanchita, Prarabdha, all these things are just words. Shastra jaala maharanya. The forest of words. Forest of scriptures. Just words.
Between every thought you have a gap. Actually, in your mind, if you little bit look into the thoughts, if you just sit silently and start witnessing your thoughts, then you will understand what I say. There is a gap between every thought. Every thought has got a gap. Because traffic is too…. too much. It is overcrowded, you don't find the gap. But there is a gap, very, what to say the uncatchable. I can use the word uncatchable. You can't, you won't be able to catch it; because the gap is too small. But if you meditate and look into the thoughts, if you witness, then the gap will become little big. Then you will be able to understand, there is a gap between every thought. If the gap is more the bliss comes out of those thoughts.
It is like a, imagine this one thing, your mind is like a big lake, the thought is like an ice layer on it. The top of the lake is frozen due to cold. The ice layer is like a thinking layer, the mental layer, the thoughts. Below water is bliss, joy, ananda, energy. So, at some place the ice is not formed, the gap is found. In those places you can see the atman, the energy, the bliss. It will be there. So, whenever you make a gap between one thought to the other thought, you will find the bliss is continuously there in you. The bliss comes out. Sometimes you can even drill the ice layer and make water to gush up, come up. The method to drill is what is meditation technique.
Consciously you can make a gap between one thought to the other thought and let the bliss come up, allow the bliss to happen to you. If you once taste the bliss, then you will understand, the gap between one thought to the other thought is what a really moment in which you are living. The moment in which you are living. When I say meditate people say, “Swami I don't have time”. But people who are really interested in meditation, they say the moments of meditation only the time in which we live. That is the only, first give only one hour for your meditation per day. Take twenty three hours for all your obsessions, all your habits, all your comfort, all your enjoyment, all your things. Give only one hour for meditation. I tell you in three months you will understand the only one hour is a real time you are living. You are living. Other times matter is living you. You are not living the matter.
All My love and blessings to you. Let your life is an eternal celebration. Let you enter, be, become and in eternal bliss. Nithyananda.
Thank you!
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Participant: Swamiji we've always been taught to make adjustments then only you will be happy. You have to adjust with your parents, adjust with your wife, your husband, your children and all. So even though we have something which we really think that we should do, we still have to adjust to all these forces. That's what we have been told. So how does that differ from what you are saying?
HDH: One thing, adjustment is one thing. Compromising is one thing. Adjustment means you have a clear freedom and voluntarily you adjust, you listen others opinion and you adjust. That is perfectly alright. Compromising means you have no freedom, just you are forced. Please don't compromise. Even if you stand in a platform, even if you die in a platform, live a uncompromised life. I tell you. You will have a tremendous satisfaction. Just decide I will live uncompromised life, you will see the whole thing turns topsy-turvy. As long as you run only dog chases you. Just stand. Stand for a minute, look at the dog. That.. you can chase the dog, of course never bite. You see only goats are sacrificed, never lions. Have you heard of sacrifice of the lion? So, become a lion, you will never be sacrificed. It is just the conscious decision to stand. I am going to be a lion, then you will see you will never be sacrificed. As long as you behave like a goat you will be sacrificed. When you stand up as a lion you will never be sacrificed.
Participant: Swamiji you mentioned about true being professional or whatever.... A lot of times, people like I don't know what my, where my joy lies.
HDH: Hmmm. So much of confusion has entered into the being. That is a problem. See actually we are led by this side, that side, that side, this decide, this side, that side. We have forgotten. We have forgotten where we have started or where we are supposed to end and where we are supposed to go forward. In this type of things, only one thing can be the solution, the direct guidance of the master. Guidance of the master is only the solution. No other way.
One blind man, he was walking in the Himalayas. He suddenly felt a big stick. It's not stick actually, frozen snake. Due to cold the snake has frozen. He felt it and thought it's a stick and he started walking with that. One enlightened Master was there. He saw it and told. “Hey, what you are carrying is not a snake drop that drop that.” The blind man said, ‘“No, no, no I know it is a snake, I can feel very clearly. I know it's only stick, I can feel very clearly. I am not going to drop.” The master said, “Fool, it will in half an hour the Sun will raise the snake will come back to the life and it will bite you. You will be killed, drop it.” The blind man asked, “I think you don't have a stick. You want me to drop, so that you can pick up this stick. 😊😊You can take away this stick. 😊 So that is the reason you are asking us all to do all these things” and then what you do the third thing, the Master out of his compassion, he just ran towards him and tried to snatch that stick, snatch that snake to throw it away. Then the blind man started beating the Master.
That is the same thing happens when you go for counselling also. At least I've seen many experiences. They come and ask Me. If I say some parihara, people think, “Oh I think for his own benefit he says. 😊 His own benefit he says.” That is the reason I always do one thing, I just give them torch. See on your own and decide. Of course, very few who will not have the thinking, for them we give the direct guidance. There is a big problem in the counselling. When you give, when you say, “Drop the snake”, people feel, “I think you want the stick.” 😊That's why you are asking them to drop the stick. 😊 So let you have this understanding and let it become your experience.
Let you be in and become Nithyananda.
Thank you.

Revision as of 02:50, 27 January 2022


Program II Healer's Initiation Part 1-4 Place II Los Angeles, USA Date II 2nd February, 2004


In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam is conducting a Healer's Initiation session in LosAngeles, USA. He is listening to the participants' problems, questions and doubts and then giving solutions to all of them. Then he initiates all of them. He tells his disciples they should be useful for Humanity and live practically, facing their problems with courage. The more contribution done to Humanity, the more the individual is showered with energy to take more responsibility.

Video and Audio - Healer's Initiation Part 1

Video Audio



Swamiji: You see, this portion has to be understand. Actually Dharma reduces the Karma. I was telling you in one discourse. Did you understand? If somebody comes with a stomach problem I tell them, "Feed 100 children. Give food for 50 children. Give free food for, do some anna-daana." When you do some Dharma, actually your Karma disappears. Your being expands. So try to encourage that. If you feel that they will not feel disturbed. But if you tell them to do somebody - I have seen some people, they will come and tell, "Oh, Swamiji you are my whole life, you are my everything. I have surrendered my whole life to you. You are my being, everything." When they go out if secretary asks him, "Why don't you take up some one anna-danam, some service project! They will say, "No, no, no”, they will never come back to the Ashram. So that type of people don't disturb, at least let them come and have the mediation and healing. When somebody feels like serving anyway, after all it is going go back to the society. Understand, My monthly expenses is only 45-rupees.


Audience: I have a question. Sorry to interrupt. Not about anna-danam, what about education?

Swamiji: Yes.

Audience: ...that's what I believe --

Swamiji: Yeah, we are...we are...we are...we are now...we are now taking up some projects in education also. Um, we are trying to set up the institution. You see to setup an institution in India takes too much. We are trying, whatever way it is possible, we are trying. Mainly I am going to concentrate on the three lines; education, anna-daanam; anna-daanam only for kids, the young kids. In India kids don't get the nutritious meal, at least in the villages they don't get. So they are thinking of giving, give them one meal. We used to do the service earlier, because the infrastructure we couldn't accommodate, manage. So we are creating infrastructure now. We will be havingteam, kitchen and all those infrastructure. So when the infrastructure is done things will happen during the spiritual thing. Of course that we already doing. Just now, the other day in Salem we did mass mediation camp, 12-hours camp, one, one and a half days. Twelve hours means we have to continuously conducting in that place, food and all the things are provided. That is what I call as Jnana Daanam

Jnana Daanam; when the meditation is given, their whole life transforms. A lot of things happen in their life. And the mass meditation camps, mass healing camps, which are popular in all over in South India, everywhere you get the mass healing camp, mass meditation camps; where thousands of people gather for meditation and for healing. Some of the camps' photographs I also brought, you can see them. These are the services done.


The mass meditation, mass healing, nothing is charged-totally free, including the food. And the food is given free of cost. This is the service we encourage them to participate in some service, but don't force them. To set up a center, you will need a spacious room where you conduct healing and meditation. You know, My personal expense is 45-rupees per month, My soap and the shaving blade. And I have no personal, special food. Whatever people eat in the Ashram, the same food. But nothing specially, of course when you come to the ashram then you will know, this few meter of clothes if somebody...

Audience: It's really nice.

Swamiji: The Masters use as, channels for the society, equal- equal- equality to be maintained. From the rich people, if it is taken and given to the poor people, the equality is the main thing. So Masters are used as channels for that, to keep the society balanced. Otherwise, the whole thing will be accumulated in the one hand itself, one corner itself.


Spacious room where you can conduct the healing, meditation without disturbing the privacy and activities of your household. The kit which includes a big laminated photograph of Swamiji, the board which says Dhyanapeetam Healing Center Research Center. If you - I think here you can’t keep the board-Dhyanapeetam Healing Research Center. At least if you want, you can keep one-feet, one-feet size, that's all. A small in one corner, so that people who want to know, if they see the board, they will ask, "What is healing? What is..." Just to create the inquisitiveness. In India they keep big, big boards with My big face. So it is all up to you, it is all not...I think all of you have got photograph of Swamiji? Anybody who don't have photograph?


Last time when the healer's initiation is done, like this photo is given for everybody. And this time, who will take the responsibility of creating and supplying it? Someone of you take the responsibility...and print and give for one house one is enough - not for one, one healer, you give one. One house one is enough. Please all of you take the photograph and whatever cost per is, please all of you share.


But don't stop only hanging Me in the wall. As I said, you just hang Me on the wall, you crucify Me. If you follow Me only then you really use it. If you feel like in your house somebody will not accept, if you put My photograph, then don't put; it is not a compulsory. It is all your option. Anybody who has got problem?

Audience: [crosstalk 06:22]

Swamiji: If you have a problem you...otherwise you have it. But it is good to have Master's photograph, because that will not only radiate energy, it will continuously make you remember.

Audience: It's only a small problem Swamiji. I have other Master’s photographs also!

Swamiji: Perfectly alright. You see, I have written; did not you see? I have very clearly written. You are free to follow any other Master as well. I say to you, go wherever you like, gather the loveliest flowers you can find, from any garden of spirituality. And make yourself a beautiful bouquet. Don't go to a person who says don't go to others. You find out, you- be very clear he is a do... Always, you be aware because you see the real, when it, when it happen- when a really the person becomes Enlightened, he very clearly experiences that all the Master's are same energy. It is not that I tell you to believe, it is My truth. It is simply truth. An arrangement for appropriate music to be played in center at all times whenever you heal. You have a chanting box also with you. The chanting box are also produced, have the chanting box. Let it chant. If you can't setup... uh, yes?

Audience: Can you use the chanting box when we do the meditation?

Swamiji: Yes, yes perfectly all right, and perfectly alright. You see, just if you switch off the chanting box and sit quietly that itself is a mediation. Your whole being will be vibrating with that music, that’s perfectly alright. If you can't setup things very professionally, never mind. This is just the beginning, and after all the spirit of the initiating is what really counts. You see I don't make all these things as a rule or regulation. If you can't miss some- if you can't get some one thing don't feel, oh too bad. Try all your best to have the things, which is going to benefit you only. It is no way going to benefit Me. You understand? If you don't keep the photo- if you keep the photo. Am I going to have any benefit? Nothing, keep the photo it is benefit for you. If you don't, perfectly alright. I have no problem. And I will have one work less because uh, one-one photo means, one-one cell phone connection, everywhere really...ringing I have to go and attend continuously. I will be going around attending it. One less photo means one less cell phone connection, that's all.


Attend all the healers meet, whenever they are held in your city. So next time when I come, naturally you will be here. Healers meet are the forum...In India, you know healer's initiations happens only in Ashram. Everywhere I do ASP, Mumbai we do ASP, in everywhere we do ASP. Initiation means they have to come down to the Ashram only. That is the reason it is very difficult to have initiation in India. And I create all possibility, all possible complications, all possible complications. And all the program I always come- little, half-an-hour, one-hour late. But for healer's initiation come, exactly on time I will come, and sit and lock the door. Anybody comes 3-minutes, 4-minutes late, they have to go back. All possible complications will be created for healer's initiation. And, but no money will be taken. As for the money concerned it is free. But the Spiritual commitment, all possible complications will be created for healer's initiation.


You see, you can - you can understand, he is My inmate and coming with Me, and now only he is having initiation...All possible hindrance will be created to filter the unnecessary trouble. And you said that the- the green chili, garlic, that clarification; some people have left it. That’s actually good. Let- let, any, how many wants let them leave. And for ASP I want as many as possible, but for healer's initiation I don't want as many as possible. I wanted the quality, not the number. I wanted the quality- qualitative people, who are ready to have the spiritual journey. Because healers are the people who I feel as My own. Once you are a healer, you are My family. So I wanted the quality people. That's why I-.


And one more thing, whenever you go to any other country, any other city, whatever help you want you can have from our healer's list. It is, there is a network, we always tell them, and uh, they do have also. Anywhere, whatever best possible help they can, they will do it. And the same way, you also try to have courteous relationships with them. Feel them, they are all your family. Only thing whether...verify the same- this is the same person!


They will bring a paper, if you are 4-persons in one house, write the all the 4-person's name; your house address. If you are only one healer, write your name, your address. And if you don't want to give your address, you can say in the bracket, "I don't want my address to be published." It will be, it will not be published. If you want only your cell phone, then write only your cell phone. You see what can be published in the book, please you write now. It is all your option, nothing is a rule. If you want, I can give healing, but I don't want the people to come to my house. If they, they come to my office, that's okay. Then give the address- that address. All those things you decide, now itself you fill it up in the form. But what you write in the paper will appear in the same way in the book. Please you understand that.


Wherever you go, if you want any help from that place, you can see our healer's list. And they will all be all out to do the help, and same way you also give a courteous help, whenever they are here. Whenever they want, they need help. Have the courteous, beautiful, loving relationship. I don't say, don't over do, don't go beyond your limits. In your hands, in your limits, whatever possible help, try to always do. And get them- tell them where to go, how to do and where to go and stay, guiding them to some nearby hotel; or any these types of help you can always do. So you can- you will- you can feel that you have a big family all over the world.


The healer's meet usually starts with the discourse by Swamiji. Healer's meet on a forum for a healer to discuss running of the centers, share experiences and spend some precious and intimate moment with Swamiji. Healers meet- meet because intimately in such a small group. You see here it is very easy, in India available- availability is very difficult as a small group. Healer's meet usually starts with the discourse by Swamiji, followed by healer's Puja, where the healers themselves are worshiped. In Swamiji's words, "You are My people. You are representative of the Divine. When you are worshiped, people are worshiped in the Me in you." Please be very clear you are the donkey carrying the statue.


The most stagnant moment of the meet is when Swamiji, himself, prostrates at the feet of the healers. An eloquent statement about the Divinity hidden deep in each of us, each of us. The special meditation practice only by healers is also performed, followed the Energy Darshan. The best times for healing is dawn and dust...


Entering the space of Bliss. Let us go to the...And one more thing, a 100% guarantee, no side-effect will be there, no side-effect will be there. That much be assured, because it is totally through with energy. In America only they, they wanted some disclaimer to be done. You can have your own disclaimers, I have no problem. You have a disclaimer if you use that. But I can be sure, no side-effect will be there, that much is assured.


It will be nice if you can record the testimonials and send it to the Ashram. In our Ashram, publications...printed. We...you see, we are starting a regular magazine, email, e-letter, e-letter, and one printed magazine. There is a magazine and e-letter getting published from Ashram. Now they are starting, as soon as they go back, the magazine will be started. The e-letter, they already formed the whole setup. So it will reach everybody, not only it will reach everybody, there is a publication coming uh, continuously in the uh, books are getting printed, Voices of Gratitude, in English. And Nandri, Nandri, Nandri, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, in Tamil.


So all the testimonials are being collected and printed as a volumes continuously. So any testimonial, any reminiscence. I request one more thing, there is a book called, Garland of Memories. Any of you have read it? Reminiscences of devotees. If you also reminisce, what you felt, you are uh...what- whats your experience with Me! How you met and all those things. If you are a writer, otherwise also, you can write your reminiscences and send it to Me. It will be published in the reminiscences book. If you send testimonials, it will be pub...added in the, Voices of Gratitude. So by that- this way you can participate in our publications. Your name will also be there, your photograph will be there.


Video & Audio - Healer's Initiation Part 2

Video Audio



Swamiji:` As you are already aware, the body has seven energy centers entering in the space of Bliss, Ananda Gandha meditation. Seven energy centers or chakras, along its length each corresponding to one, controlling particular physical and mental activities and emotions. These Chakras have no physical existence.

What are the points where physical, metaphysical and spiritual bodies meet? The functioning of these chakras can be influenced by meditation. The eighth Chakra, Ananda Gandha is the most dedicate of them all. Translated literally, it means the space of Bliss. It is a meeting point of Jatta and Chit, Atman and Paramatman. This Chakra is almost pure energy. Metaphysically it can described as the point where all the other Chakras collapse. Imagine, a difficult concept to understand, right? Try imagining that you are body is an inflated balloon. With the Chakras small and various parts on its surface. Now suppose you have to burst the balloon. Where do all the points go?


See, understand this as your body. You may not be so bulky. Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipurka, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara. If your Chakras are like these, Ananda Gandha is here. You need to understand one thing. Your body itself is a projection of energy. Please be aware, Asha now listen, later on. Because by body language I take- teach more. And when you see when I utter the words, you will see some click happens in you and you understand the whole thing.


The body itself is a projection of energy. It’s outcome of energy. Where the whole body merges, at the time of sleep, at the time of death your whole body merges - gets collapsed and sleep, and merges in one point, in one point. It’s like I can say, your body is matter, Atman is energy; they both meet at one point. In Michigan lake I saw that the whole lake frozen, especially at this time. Below the water is there, above it is frozen. Where the, the ice is a body, ice is the body, matter. Water is the energy, Atman. Where they both meet, that point is what is Ananda Gandha Chakra. Now your aim is to reach the energy, you are in the above the ice layer. You are supposed to release the energy.


There is the two way. One is, you can dig slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly there ice, with a small ice peck...ice pick. It is like ant digging the ice and slowly reaching the water. How long is it going to take? That’s one way. The other way, come in a submarine and drill it from below, from energy. Then water simply gushes and reaches you. The initiation is like a submarine. I act from the energy layer, I am energy, you are matter. If you act from your layer, it takes such a long time to reach the Ananda Gandha. If I drill it from this side, it’s a one-minutes process, one-minute process. That is what happens.


The space where the water and the ice meets, that is what is Ananda Gandha Chakra. If that is open, then the energy simply gushes into your being. Water gushes into the ice, you just merge into the water. So, all of you understand the concept? If you come and reach this place - this space, that takes a long time by your own Tapas. If I do it from this side, in a moment it can be drilled. The energy can start pouring in you, flooding in you, energy can flood in you. I used to tell them, you see to reach this Ananda Gandha experience, it took years and years of meditation and Tapas. For you, it is so easy. Then some of- some one of My inmate commented, ‘Father you should have done some Punya to have Guru like Nithyananda Swamiji. You would have done some Punya, you have a Guru.’ No, she says that have not done some Punya to have Guru like this...


You understand, she says, "We have done all the Punya we have to do, you did not do any Punya that is why you have to suffer alone. I thought in a way that is true. Actually, for you all, you have to do Tapas and reach that state. Now for ordinary, for you all, you just first get experience, then you do the meditation. That is so easy, but for us, for Me, I have to do it to reach there. It was totally different dimension, that is why it took years. Anyhow...

Audience: The shortcut...


Swamiji: That is why I say your shortcut to God. The point at which these Chakras melt and merge is where the Ananda Gandha is located. Actually the Ananda Gandha has no corresponding physical point on the body. For easy visualization, you can imagine it is as being somewhere between the heart and the Manipuraka. Ananda Gandha is nowhere situated in the, in your body. Because it is beyond your body. It is your energy. But the entrance to Ananda Gandha is there in this area. See as far as other Chakra are concerned, here are Anahata Chakra is there. Here Vishudha is there. Here Manipura is there. The same way you cannot say Ananda Gandha is here. Ananda Gandha is not here. The way to Ananda Gandha is there. When you can be- you can understand you have reached Ananda Gandha you know, when you close your eyes and sit, when you that feel that energy, you will forget your boundary. Now if you close your eyes and remember your name Radha, you will remember your boundary. When you reach that meditation Ananda Gandha, you will forget the boundary, it will be erased, the board will be clean. You will forget that you are...your boundary. When you come back, you will, "Oh, for so many minutes, I have not remembered my boundary." Then you can be- you can understand you have reached the Ananda Gandha.


Twenty-minutes will totally put you into Ananda Gandha. That is enough. Whenever you are in Ananda Gandha you are Enlightened. Be very clear. Only quantity is - you are only part time. Me, I am continuously in it. If you learn to be in it continuously you are Enlightened. And you can be there and you can work also, both can happen.


Audience: How can we do it continuously?

Swamiji: By continuous practice. You say that, even- even when I drive I have...Like that just continuously you can practice. You will see that you are continuously in energy. When you are bubbling with energy and you are working also. Then only I say that a, your steps will never be a steps, it will be more like a dance. Only then that will happen.


Video and Audio - Healer's Initiation Part 3

Video Audio



The Anahata and the Manipuraka chakras, heart and the navel chakras. [Swamiji reads a few lines from the book] The Ananda Gandha is such a subtle chakra that it does not yield to ordinary meditation techniques. It is very subtle. No meditation technique can touch it. That’s why so little is known about it. Opening the Ananda Gandha requires highly sophisticated esoteric techniques that can only be passed on directly from the master to disciple. Only an enlightened person can initiate other person's Ananda Gandha. The Ananda Gandha is a door to a tremendous and perennial source of energy.


Even to Me, I have to get ready to initiate. Initiation means mornings I don’t eat, because it’s like a drill bit. When I initiate you, you will feel a small, as if a drill bit is just inserted and taken out in this region [Swamiji gestures to the area of Ananda Gandha]. Don’t be frightened. I will be touching only the third eye. But in that region. I’ll see that you don’t feel frightened, the very small way only the initiation will happen. That, just that Ananda Gandha will be touched, drilled and then you will be taken; then you will be able to feel the energy.


For some people even physically you can feel very clearly, like a sirrrrr..a drill bit going in; physically means, the feeling you can see. It's like a, the energy shaft will be just sent inside and till you are a energy… You see you are crossing your Annamaya kosha, Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vijnanamaya Kosha, Anandamaya Kosha when it touches your Atmam then only the drill will be taken out. Then from the Atman the energy will start gushing. You understand the mechanism. [Swamiji reads a few lines from the book] Initiation. Ananda gandha is the doorway to a tremendous and perennial source of energy. With its opening, something of tremendous and lasting significance takes place inside you. For the first time, the deepest layers of your beings are opened to the continuous flow of divine power. You truly become fit to be a channel of the Divine.


Whenever we go to sleep, if we just do the Ananda gandha meditation and fall into the sleep, you will never have a dreams. You will have a totally deep sleep and you will have a strange feeling, that you have not slept but you are totally alive, fresh, active. You will have the aliveness.


[Swamiji reads a few lines from the book] Initiation is no complicated process. Initiation the key to enlightenment. Initiation is no complicated process, all it requires from your side is an open mind. When initiating you, all I do is open your doorway to enlightenment, your Ananda Gandha chakra. You can try to open this chakra in two ways: by penetrating inward from the outside or by pushing outward from the inside. But there is a phenomenal difference between this two. Imagine a lake covered by a thick sheet of ice. The first method is like hacking at the ice with a small icepick; it could take you lifetimes to break through. The latter method is like drilling the ice from underneath with a powerful submarine drill. In an instant, the ice gives way and the water gushes out, melting the rest of the ice on the surface.


I think I have explained this to you. So the healing effect of your body will become too much. Once you are initiated into Ananda Gandha and do the meditation, quickly, the healing will happen. Anything, you will see that immediately it gets healed. There are 2 kinds of diseases. Disease which comes from inside and disease which comes from outside. These are all from outside - the accidents. This will quickly get healed. Diseases which comes from inside, will not come at all. That is the effect of this Ananda Gandha meditation. Hmm.


Participant: Are you saying Swamiji that, let's say if you are hurt, you just say by doing the daily Anand Gandha meditation you will be healed or if you are hurt to do that meditation?


HDH: If you are…


Participant: Let's say one of us injured ourselves, would you say that, that is the time to do meditation or because you do meditation… HDH: Because you do meditation, healing will be there. Of course I don’t say don't take medication; whenever it is necessary give the chemical needs for your body - medication. I don't say … but the healing effect will be very quick, highly effective. Participant: Then why don’t you teach this meditation …inaudible…. for healers but just open that chakra for everybody?


HDH: You see, it can be opened, but whenever this given so easily, they don’t have the respect. People don’t have the respect. Even many healers don’t understand what they receive. Only when …inaudible…. again and again many books, spiritual books, only when you understand how others have suffered, then you understand the greatness of it. Throughout his life Ramana Maharshi, opened this chakra only for 16 people. Here I already touched more than 1000s.


Participant: …. a particular pranayam system?


HDH: No Prayanam system is required; this itself is enough


[Swamiji continues to read from the book] The latter can happen only by the grace of an enlightened master, 24th page number, who enters the deepest layer of your being and drills outward till the ice of your chit breaks and energy floods into your being. Once this energy is available to you, it can transform you physically, mentally and spiritually. During the initiation, do this check yourself. Close your eyes simply. And call to my mind, call to mind my smiling face. You’ll find that a deep source of joy opens up inside you and bliss gushes out into your being. If you allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into this bliss, you will soon experience a strange feeling of ‘‘boundarylessness”, as if you are no more, no longer limited by physical body.


See everyday, if you do 20 minutes of Ananda gandha minimum, in 4, 5 days itself you feel the boundarylessness. First experience will happen …inaudibe… Many people will get the experience in initiation itself. After the initiation I will check the energy flow, that time also you will have the experience. If you don’t feel the experience, if you are intellectual type, within 2-3 days you will see that you reach that experience. If you continuously do, within one day… maximum 3 to 4 days.


[Swamiji continues to read from the book] But I wouldn’t like you to take my word for it. This is such a deep, deeply personal experience of the Divine that it cannot be understood second-hand; it will be impossible for you to believe completely until you have felt it yourself. So try this instead: when you feel the joy gushing upwards, just deny the experience with the whole strength of your mind. Tell yourself it is just your imagination. Every time you feel the surge of joy, push it aside, saying Na iti, na iti,


Generally, people say to believe in all these things. I say don’t believe it. When you get the experience of Ananda Gandha, try to say, “No, No, No, No, just I am imagining this. Swami is hypnotizing us.” Try to avoid it. And again remember Me. You will see from the same place energy will gush. Then forget, do some other work and again try. Try your best to suspect, beyond your mind the energy will be gushing. Beyond your mind the energy will be gushing. Anything spiritual means, it will act on you beyond your mind. You cannot do anything.


People ask Me, ‘Swamiji, how will I choose my Guru?’ I tell them, ‘Don’t bother about it. He will choose you.’ Once you meet your master, simply your mind will be pulled. It's not that you need to go and you need to have the respect, all those things. I always tell the people… and you see whenever somebody says, ‘Respect me as your Guru. I am your Guru. Take me as your Guru’, please, be sure that he is a dupe. Be very clear. Simply, you don’t have to do anything. When a real master appears, you are simply behind him. Nothing can stop and how much you try to avoid, you are simply behind him. So whenever real spirituality happens, never the real master asks you, asks you to believe, asks you to have faith. No faith, no belief. Beyond your control, it will happen, only then allow it to happen. And I tell you always have the doubt, always have that aaa… No, no, no doubt, doubt so that you will not be cheated. If you don’t have a doubt, you will be exploited by everybody, anybody. Have the doubt. Beyond your doubt you will be pulled.


There is a beautiful story, there is a, there was a devotee of Shiva, called Sundara, Sundaran in Tamil Nadu. He used to continuously doubt anything and everything, Somebody asked him, “Why are you doubting so much? Then how will God appear in front of you?” He said, “If he can’t appear beyond my doubt, if he can’t take me beyond my doubt, then what you, what do you say he is a God. How can you say he is God?”


So carry as much as doubt as possible. You will see beyond your doubt your heart is simply flowing through him. Beyond your doubt you will simply have the experience. That is what is real spirituality. Because doubt is mental. Enlightenment is Spiritual, beyond mind. So your mind will simply bombard, not that your doubt will be answered, cleared, or anything; simply you are bound, simply you are not there, simply you being has disappeared. That is what will happen when you really be with the energy. So don't believe, try to have all your doubts. Simply you will be taken away into the energy.


[Swamiji continues to read from the book] Bring your deepest doubt into play. After a while you will realize that no matter how much you try pushing it away, the energy surges up from the same point. Anand Gandha is an energy resource beyond the mind's control.


In other healing systems they tell you to believe ‘from here energy is coming; believe, look, imagine, look deeply.’ I tell you don’t imagine. Even if you feel that it is coming, try to doubt ‘No, no, no, it is not coming; simply I am imagining.’ Avoid it. Do some other work. Suddenly, think whether it is coming. Just remember My face and see, again you will see, from the same place it will be coming. Again and again and again, beyond your doubts when it comes simply your mind will be boggled. You cannot have any more doubts. Only then it is experience. Experience, how much you try to avoid it by your doubt, beyond that it simply shines. How much you cover your face and say ‘no, no, there is no sun, no sun’ but simply you will see that sun is there. That is what is experience. If you have to imagine and it will come, then it is only your mental energy, mental imagination; it is not experience.


[Swamiji continues to read from the book] The beauty of Ananda Gandha is that you cannot remain untouched; you simply surrender to the experience. Whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, Truth is happening. You may not understand it now, but once your inner transformation happens, you will. At that time, both faith and doubt will disappear. I don’t tell you to have faith on me. No faith. Let both doubt and faith, let both disappear. You don’t have to believe. You know! Do you need to believe that sun will rise in the east? You know. Just like that you will know. I wanted spirituality to become experience of your life, not to be a belief of your life..


[Swamiji continues to read from the book] Ananda Gandha Meditation: The Technique The uniqueness of this technique is that you can practice it while you are healing. Participant: inaudible Did Puttaparti Swami also dot his in the beginning like You said Ramana Maharishi did for16 people …Ramakrishna HDH: Ramakrishna 12. See, Baba also, Baba works in his own way. Each one has got their own way, their own work, each one has got their own mission. We cannot compare anybody's mission to others mission. People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, why Baba doesn’t initiate healers? I tell them, “You can ask Me ‘why You have not started hospital?’” Participant: No, no, Did he do that in the beginning? HDH: No, no He has done many, yes. People come and ask Me, “why he is not initiating healers.” I tell them, You can ask Me also. Why I am not having hair like that or why I am not starting the hospital?. Each one is unique expression. You cannot


Participant: inaudible But this feeling is very unique feeling that’s what I’m saying Ananda Gandha feeling is very unique


HDH: That is what, that is what, everyone, everyone is working in their own way, their own method. Each, you see God allots each one a different beauty, each one a different service, each one of the masters descend on this earth with a different way of enlightened living. So we cannot compare. We must be able to respect everybody.


Please be very clear. Never disrespect anybody. Never disrespect anybody. Be very clear, if you disrespect anybody, you are disrespecting Me. What for the whole spirituality? To be egoless and simple; people hold onto this and become egoistic. It's like you go to take bath and you put all the mud on your head and come back. In the river people go for taking bath. They roll on the mud and…they come out more dirty. Like that only we do many times. We come out more dirty. We go to the spirituality to have a egolessness and spirituality, meditation, enlightenment. When we come back, we are more egoistic. What type of spirituality is this? Never do that.


[Swamiji continues to read from the book] Anand gandha meditation - the technique. The uniqueness of this technique is that you can practice it while you are healing, so that you can simultaneously focus on your own spiritual development and help others to be free of disease. Outwardly healing takes place, inwardly meditation. 1] Place your palm on the patient’s chakra which is to be healed. The instruction chart will guide you as to which chakras need to be healed for various disease. If you are still not sure, simply place your hand on the patient’s Anahata and commence healing. I’ll take care of the rest. And for doctors, Sahasrara… you see when you heal the coma patient, understand, Sahasrara and Anahata, but you should never touch them, just keep the hand like that [Swamiji demonstrates], above sahasrara one hand, near, just two inch. Above Anahata 2 inch one hand. You should never touch. Hmm. And circulate the energy. Circulate energy means, feel, just give the…meditate, then you will see the energy is passing from both the hands. They will meet, you yourself will very clearly feel they will meet and you will see your hand, both hands are connected by energy, then you can take out the hands. Then energy is flooded throughout the system. You understand, till the, till you feel both hands, your hands are connected, close your eyes… Keep, don’t touch. Keep like this and start meditating. Till you feel both the hands are connected go on doing the healing; in 4-5 minutes you will feel. Then you can take out your hand, patient is flooded with energy. He will come out of the coma. Some 4-5 sessions is enough I think for you, your energy; people will come out of coma HDH: Yes. Yes Ma


Participant: Swamiji, when she did the healing for me …….. she had her hand in the front of my heart chakra and back also, she had the hands on both sides of the chakra. HDH: Here [in the book] instruction will be there. If it is said ‘Aanahatha both side’, then you need to keep like this. Participant: otherwise one side HDH: one, front is enough [Reading from the book] Muladhara both side - Arthritis. So like that means you have to keep both side. Whenever it is put both sides, you have to keep both sides.


Participant: Muladhara….probably better to do with stick. HDH: hmm people will feel uneasy.


[Swamiji continues to read from the book] Close your eyes and visualize My laughing face. This is the key which has been programmed to unlock the whole healing process. Whole healing process is already programmed; just you have to put Nithyananda password….tuck...tuck… over. Whole program will work on its own. [Swamiji continues to read from the book] In an instant, you will find energy gushing forth in an endless fountain from your Ananda Gandha chakra. You will see immediately energy gushes and then you forget My form. Don’t catch, hold on to My form. Now I will have to warn you - Beware of Nithyananda. First you have to be aware of Nithyananda, remember Me. Once you start feeling the energy flow forget My form, hold on to the energy. Go to the energy. See the form is so beautiful, blissful, you will never let go the form. Please don’t do that. Hold on to the energy not to the form. Where energy comes, you just watch there, from where energy comes. You will see that your whole being just merges in the energy itself.


Participant: We should do the meditation first and then do healing? Thats the best way or… HDH: Just keep the hand and start meditating, healing will happen. You understand, keep the hand, close your eyes. Remember My laughing face in this area. Immediately you will see the energy gush starts happening. Concentrate where…then just see from where the energy is coming. You will see that automatically the energy flows through your hand, throughout your body; you will have the energy effect, you will have the experience. Then once after 3-4 minutes, you will feel your hand is… automatically the energy flow has stopped from the hand. And the hand to the patient it has stopped. It's like a you take a banyan leaf and make it wet with water and paste it on your thigh. After few minutes it drops by itself. Just like that you will feel the hand is…. the energy is enough. You yourself will feel it very clearly. The hand drops by itself, you can take it off.


Participant: So you don't need to focus on the patient's condition… HDH: Don’t bother at all. If you focus, your mind will interfere. Don't allow the mind to interfere; just be out of the scene. Not because of you healing is happening, inspite of you it is happening. Participant: Swamiji… Swamiji; Never, never, never have a mind. Participant: (inaudible) After initiation should we meditate for sometime before.. HDH: Anand gandha. No, no, no, just Anand gandha. If you want you do Maha Mantra once morning enough. Morning once Mahamantra, evening on Anand Gandha, that’s enough, no more meditation is necessary Participant: So we are ready…… HDH: Yes, Yes, yes. Perfectly alright. Once you are initiated actually you are ready. In India that's why I don't initiate; I prepare them and then initiate; but once initiation is done, that itself creates all the effect. If you do the Maha Mantra morning times, Anand gandha effect will be more in the evening when you do it; that's all. And to remember the laughing face only, the last page the photo is given. I think this last page you can see. Love is the greatest inaudible…. I have a devotee who is a cine photographer. Once in 15 days he comes and stays in the Ashram; from morning till night he will move around with Me with his camera. He captures all these moments. These are all not posed photographs. This and even that is not posed photograph. When I sit …catch


Participant: Can you explain a little bit on this chakra.What's this line …inaudible.. HDH: No, no no, no,no. Don’t bother about the diagram. Just you understand the names, that’s enough. If you have to understand the whole thing, then it takes a big science.


Video and Audio - Healer's Initiation Part 4

Video Audio



[Swamiji reads an excerpt from the book] “In an instant, you will find energy gushing forth in an endless fountain from your Ananda Gandha chakra”. HDH: If you attend all those… you are asking… What’s your name? I forgot it… Participant: Vistan. HDH: Visam? If you attend all those things you will come away to the Ashram. 😃


[Swamiji continues reading] “Go deep in words, try to discover the source of this energy.” Many times I will, I don't give much spiritual experience to the people. Many times, I cover myself, hide and lower down and reduce the energy, voltage, because if you, when… if something is really given, then simply they leave everything and come away. Which I do not want unnecessary to disturb the families. You have your own duties, too… You see. to make your life joyful and happy, blissful, this how much is necessary, that much you can learn.


[Swamiji reads an excerpt from the book] “Move deeply inwards. Try to discover the source of this energy, simply relax into yourself, don't worry about the healing, it will happen on its own accord. Once you have relaxed into yourself simply let go of My picture in your mind. You will be in danger of getting caught up in my form. You need to go beyond it into the realm of boundless energy. You understand? Beware of Nithyananda. Continue as long as you feel the patient drawing energy from your hand. Will sense this automatically and without making any effort. When no more healing is required for the time being, your hand will drop on its own, or be repelled from the patient’s body. After healing please, don’t say: “Let this patient be healed of this disease,” it could be interfering with his or her karmas. Instead, you could conclude with a prayer. Whatever is best for particular patient, we allow it to happen. Don’t say: “Let it be healed.” You understand? HDH: Ma… Mrs Walson, you understand? This is a major difference between Reiki and Me. [Mrs Swanson]: Yes. HDH: In Reiki you need to say: “Let him be healed.” No question of “Let him be healed”. You should take away your mind, “Whatever good, Oh, God let it happen”, or “Swamiji will help”. That’s all. [Ms Swanson]: Okay. HDH: Then karmas will come to Me, it will not affect you, that’s why. And that’s what I wanted because I have karmas, things will be burnt away, the energy. So I don’t want any karma to touch you.


Participant: So, let the best happen. HDH: But you will see, in this way best happens. If you interfere and tell, how much your mental setup is, that much only he will get healed. If you don’t interfere then I will heal. You want Me to… you wanted you to heal or Me to heal? Participant: Swami. HDH: Ah, so then you just be a channel and relax, I’ll take care of it.


Participant: So, there is really no way that we can get the patient’s condition? Because I have done Reiki before and I have ended up with the patient’s bladder condition, or the headache, or the sore throat, I can’t let go of that energy.


HDH: Ah? Participant: Oh boy! She’s saying she did Reiki before, she ended up with the patient's condition, patient’s natural condition, patient’s headache. So that won’t happen? HDH: That won’t happen, that is what I am telling you. That is why this instruction. Participant: I am just double-checking because they told me it wouldn't happen in Reiki either and it happened. HDH: Mm. No, that is what this major difference. You will not get that problem. You will not get the Karma. When you interfere and tell “Let it be healed.” What will happen? That will come to you only. That’s why I say don’t-- never say


Participant: So, just say… Participant: “Let the best happen Swami”. [00:03:40] HDH: Then you will see really he gets healed and he is flooded with energy. That’s why I say allow Me to heal, don’t you be healer. Just relax and only thing, allow My form to let go. A few words. [Swamiji continues reading from the book] “You are free to follow any other Master as well. I say to you, go wherever you like, gather the loveliest flowers you can find from any garden of spirituality. And make yourself a beautiful bouquet. I want no financial commitment or swear from you. If you can open your heart to Me, that is everything”. See, in many churches, in many system, many things they have that 1% of your earnings you should give to their mission. Nothing like that, nothing of that sort. But you give your heart to the spirituality, that’s enough. [Swamiji continues reading from the book] If you can’t dont satisfy yourself just by opening the persons..inaudible…understand “When you take the responsibility you grow. Don't wait for a commitment from the other. Spread the joy, speak to as many people as possible about Ananda healing, Ananda Gandha meditation, the Ananda, Ananda Gandha, Ananda Spurana program. It’s your privilege to carry this message that will benefit thousands around the world.


Are you, do you feel thankful to the person who introduced you to Swamiji? Participants in chorus: Absolutely….I am… I did...I thanked Sophy, yes. Thank you Swamiji. HDH: So, if Swami has not happened in your life you would have missed something na? Participants in chorus: Absolutely…. Yes….Not something ….lot….everything HDH: So, you wanted many other people to thank you? Participants in chorus: Sure...Yes... HDH: They should. So go around spreading the word. Come on.


Participant: When you are doing for arthritis for anybody, how do you do both sides for Muladhara? HDH: Keep two sticks… Participant: Any stick is fine? HDH: No! Healing stick… So any other question? Participant: And how many times should we do it, like a… HDH: You will yourself understand… the energy flow will be there; don’t think through stick energy will not flow. When it is energised then you will understand. Just like a hand energy will flow. When it is necessary you yourself will feel in the hand, let it stop, stops.


Participant: Somebody wants to read the book. HDH: Yes, yes, yes if they are interested in becoming a healer. Participant: children, small.. what’s the age, any age, small..? HDH: 14. Participant: 14. Thank you. HDH: They can read, but they cannot practice; even if they practice, the energy flow will not be there. Participant: So I could give the book but… HDH: Yes, yes, yes. Give always the book. Only thing ah... tell them that only after initiation they can practice. Before the initiation, they can not practice. Yes? Participant: For eye pain or glaucoma? HDH: On the head, on the eyes itself, on the spot. Participant: Swamiji, medical condition, the number of days or the number of times… HDH: You see, that, that by seeing that you can decide. If the patient has small wheezing, knee pain, headache, all those things, 2-3 days. If the cancer and all those things 21 days at least. But you take up only small, small patients; don’t take up immediately. Participant: Okay. HDH: And never advise on medication, if you are a doctor you can advise, that is different. How many are going to be initiated?


Participant: Swamiji what about if it is a … HDH: How many centers are going to be started and how many initiations… How many are going to be initiated? Anybody who wants, “I am going to have an initiation but I am not going to start a center. I am not going to heal the…” can you… anyone of you? Anybody like that? Nobody. Participant: Swami, I have, so far, I didn’t start a Center per se but I am doing on my patients, I am doing meditation….. HDH: Yes. But now you are going to have proper place. Participant: What was the question, Swamiji? When will we….[07:41 min.] HDH: No, no. In India, I ask like this. “Anyone who doesn’t want to heal others, run a center, and wants only the initiation?” If somebody says yes… “All right you can leave the hall now” 😃 but here all of you have ready. Participant: I can do the healing, but the starting Center may be a little difficult… HDH: No Ma. You have to undergo the difficulty. If I would have thought that maybe… ah that it is difficult, then how do you…How will you get me? Why don't you undergo little difficulty? You see... Participant: with the space and all… HDH: No, If I would have… No, all sorts of difficulties are there in the life Ma. If I would’ve thought that, ah, it is difficult to have the enlightenment, hm? Then how will you get Me today? Just understand, I have given My whole life. Is it not difficult? The cream of the life is youth. I have given that My youth to you all. Can’t you do little bit, this much? How can you say: “It is difficult?” People tell Me, from the bus stand to the Ashram it is half a kilometer, “Swamiji why don’t you make a bus arrangement, its half a kilometer”. I told them, two thousand kilometer I walked, minimum, and then only got this enlightenment. For healing, if you can’t walk for half a kilometer, don’t come.


Participant: One question Swami.. Here you wrote, ‘once a week in the Healing Center’


HDH: That’s enough…


Participant: There are so many Healing Centers, in every Healing Center once a week we meet? How every day...


HDH: No, no, no. You are not supposed to meet all of you. Once a week you have your own people there. Each one of your Healing Center, your own. You understand? I am not telling all healers to meet. Mmm, not all the healers to meet. Have your own meditation, have your own group. You are all independent Gurus. 😃 [Mixed talk from the participants] Participant: Swamiji, I live in Arcadian…, she lives in Arcadian… both HDH: Then you can … Participant: Yes. HDH: But in your house also, have a separate, little at least, little bit of space for meditation, the healing. There will be little difficulty Ma, why don’t you put up with small difficulties? Participant: No Swamiji. It interferes with other things like you explained before;do not disturb the privacy and other …inaudible……, so that …. HDH: Hmm you see, make arrangements. Work on it. Work on it. Why should we have anything free Ma? Can’t we have these small, small services? Of course, surely I am not going to come and stay there. It’s not for Me. But for the society, you see?


This system is created by thousands of Enlightened Masters by putting their whole life, hm, and it is given to us. What for? They wanted this to reach the world. And what for I have given My life? Understand? This to reach the whole world. Don’t you see, I tell our people, when you heal somebody else, when you heal others, that is what the real offering you give it to Me. Not simply everyday falling at My feet. No. When you heal somebody, that is the real offering you give it to Me. What for I am alive? I am alive in this body just to… just for this Mission. Just for the service of the humanity. If you … can’t you share little bit of My responsibility? Can’t you have little sympathy for My Mission? Can’t you? What for I am here? I am here just to give something to the people. So why don’t you also understand? There will be little difficulty, let you undergo that little difficulty, what is wrong?


Participant: I don’t think little difficulty in that place because …inaudible……, HDH: We’ll see… then work on it Participant: Swami, whenever we are inviting a group of friends to come and listen to the…. HDH: Friends,....to listen to the tape and do meditation… Participant: and to... HDH: and spread just like this. Every week at least 10 people. Even new persons will know about meditation, we can bring down that cosmic negativity, you understand? It is our responsibility to least keep the universe beautiful. Participant: That time we do Mahamantra also. HDH: Yes, Ma. Nothing else. If you want to take up, you can take up Dukkhaharana also. In Oklahoma, they took up Dukkhaharana for 21 days, each one had a miraculous transformation in their life. Participant: Who is that? HDH: Group of Healers. 21 days of continuous Dukkhaharana. And even if you can take up continuous Dukkhaharana 21 days in some one place, no maybe your own house, but at particular time. All of you do that, at one time, you will see the whole negativity is nulled. Like this some projects you take up. You see everything will have a little difficulty only. But can you say everything can come like a teaspoon? No. So even if is little difficult, work for it, spread. Not for My sake, just for the sake of the world. Moreover, you see, understand the responsibility; when he can give his life, can’t we give a little bit? Participant: Keeping the Center in your home is like ah, use some space, and ah, how do we do? HDH: A small room Ma. Outside your, the, when you enter inside the house naturally there will be a small space, hm? What we call it? Participant: We call it corridor… HDH: Corridor, anything. In that place have a photograph, like this photograph. Now she will be making and giving to you all. Have this photograph, these small books, chanting box and have a small seat for you to sit and meditate. That place will be used only for meditation and when the people come for healing, that will be used only for healing. That’s all. Participant: So, we have made that in our apartment place.. Participant: Puja room? HDH: Puja, another’s one. Participant: Can it...can we mix it with other altar we have in the household… Participant: That’s what he said. Yes. Participant: Little patient there… puja will be because of religion, etc., again I understand different things ...religion and the rituals, and it’s puja room, no one can enter… HDH: Oh.. Participant: So maybe it should be a separate room probably. HDH: That and all is according to you that's all. See, as far as me concern, I always tell the people, if the God cannot help you at the time of your needs.... People ask Me: “Swamiji, at the time of period can I go to Puja room?”. I always tell them, “If God cannot help you at that time, at the time you are in low energy, you need more energy, more God, more puja. If God cannot help you at that time, what’s the use of God? Participant: Right, for me personally, that’s the way I feel; but still religion is still strong in our people... HDH: Okay. So, don’t go to temples because for hygienic reasons, but as far as…. allright, you decide on all those things. That’s all. Now, let’s go for the initiation. Participant: New people means we have to invite the people or that… How, what... Participant: Invite a few of your friends and you sit with them... that’s it. HDH: Ah, slowly slowly spread Ma. Every Satsang get new, new people. Spread new, new people, whoever wants to meditate, let them come. Let you become a Center to spread the meditation Ma. You understand? Participant: I brought my friends in the Center…. HDH: Let you become a Center to spread the meditation and I tell you how intensely you work for My work to spread the meditation, that much intensely I will be with you. That is up to you.


Participant: Swamiji, just last question, for muscular problem, like if having... someone’s hurt themselves like a muscle injury? HDH: Exactly on that space.


Ananda Gandha Deeksha Initiating Devotees as Healers


Choicelessness is Bliss || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 02 Feb 2004


Name Of The Convention: Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Choicelessness is Bliss Part 1 Date : 02 February 2004 Venue : Fremont, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains to the delegates that bliss is being choiceless and also HDH explains on the gap between one thought and the another thought, if the space between each thought is more then a being is in blissful state. This video is an excerpt on choicelessness is bliss conducted on 02 February 2004 in Fremont, California, USA.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Video - Choicelessness is Bliss || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions



There's a beautiful word "choicelessness is bliss". The very bliss, bliss means choicelessness. When you choose something, the bliss is lost. When you make some decision, the bliss is lost. Bliss means choicelessness. When you decide to have the bliss, when you choose to have the bliss you kill the bliss. Actually, when you choose to have the bliss, when you choose to possess the bliss, you kill the bliss. Celebration means choicelessness. When that joy happens to you, never try to possess it. Never try to have it continuously. Never be greedy of it. The very greed kills it. Not that you lose the joy, you lose the Ananda, by the time goes, when the people think. “Oh now you feel so joyful, so blissful.” Especially after the camp many people tell Me, “Swamiji I feel like I should be with You always.” I tell them, “Then you will make Me sorrow.” 😊There are many who tell Me, “Swamiji such a joyful moment, such an ecstatic life, being around You, I feel I should be always with You.” I tell them, “Then you will make My life sorrowful.”😊


When you try to possess the Ananda, when you try to possess the bliss, you make it as a one more choice and kill it. Your greed for bliss kills the bliss. When the bliss happens to you just be like a river, allow even if it goes away, even if it leaves you, don't worry about it, don't bother about it. Don't measure the moments of bliss. When you start measuring the moments of bliss, you make it as past. You just kill it. Bliss happens from moment to moment. From this moment, next moment is born. From this Kṣaṇa (क्षण) next Kṣaṇa is born. You need to understand one more concept, Kṣaṇa. Kṣaṇa does not mean second. Understand. Kṣaṇa does not mean second. Second is chronological, Kṣaṇa is psychological. Kṣaṇa, the Sanskrit word, is psychological. Kṣaṇa means the gap between one thought to other thought. The gap between one thought to the other thought. Second means it's a standard, second is standard for everybody. But Kṣaṇa is not standard for everybody. Second means you know for you and for Me, for everybody one second is only that much of time. Sixty second is one minute, but Kṣaṇa does not mean it is for, it is equal for everybody. It differs for every person to person. Man, who can have more gaps between one thought and the other thought, man who is meditator, man who lives consciously, he can expand the gap between one thought and other thought - for him Kṣaṇa is more. For you kshana is very, for you Kṣaṇa can be even lesser than a minute, lesser than a second. If your mind is overcrowded with thoughts, Kṣaṇa is lesser than a second. If you have more calmness, bliss, Kṣaṇa is more than a second, more than a minute. That Kṣaṇa can become even one year long. Even it can become one year long. That is why they say in the eastern Puranas the one year of man is one day of Devas. One day of Devas is one year of the man. It means Devas are living consciously, their Kṣaṇa is big. One thought, the other thought - the gap between one thought and the other thought is too long, too big. So, if you know the technique of extending your Kṣaṇa, you will be continuously in bliss. Just you need to the extend that Kṣaṇa. You need to give the enough of gap between one thought and the other thought.


Gap between one thought and the other thought is only called as Kṣaṇa. They say in three Kṣaṇas you have to enter into the other body after your death. That's the maximum gap. But that three Kṣaṇa is in your choice. It is in your choice. It is not in somebody else's choice. If you lived throughout your life crowded with thoughts, in one second you have to be reborn. If you have lived a life of meditation, a life of Ananda, the one thought and other thought - the gap between one thought and other thought is too long, too big, you can stay that much of time without taking the other birth. You can decide the conscious birth. That's what they call it yoga prastha in Gita. Gita they say if you lived a meditative life, the yogic life and not achieved the fulfillment, in next birth you are, you take birth in a very rich family who help you, who can, who will help you to become a spiritual person, who will guide you in your life. You can choose your parent if your Kṣaṇa is expanded. Of course it is a deep concept. If you understand the meaning of Kṣaṇa, you can live the life joyfully. Kṣaṇa is psychological; minute or second is chronological. Kṣaṇa, you decide your Kṣaṇas. With ordinary chronological time you don't decide.


So understand, celebration means conscious living, choice less living. If you try to have the choice, bliss as your choice, you kill the choice, the bliss itself. The very bliss is killed by you. You just kill the bliss, greedy of bliss. When you want it is lost. There is a beautiful saying of Vivekananda, ‘Arise, awake, stop not till the goal is reached’. I tell you ‘Arise, awake, stop, the goal is reached’. Stop, the goal is reached. Just your greed for the bliss makes bliss distant. Just your greed to hold on to the bliss makes the bliss as unavailable thing. If you close your hands your hands are already in the river, if you close your hands and try to possess the river, nothing is in your hand. If you let go your hands, you will see continuously you are washed by the river. You are in the bliss. The choicelessness makes your whole life as a celebration. If you have the choice somebody should be there around you, something should be there around you, some food should be there around you, some contacts, some connections should be there around you, you make choices.


Choice is always hell. Choice means always hell. The other is hell. Choice is hell. Even when it is there you will have a feeling when it will be lost you don't know. Even at the time of your enjoyment you always have the feeling ‘any moment it can be lost’, any moment it can be lost. When it is not there, ‘Oh! when it will come?’ When it is there, ‘Oh! when it will be lost?’ Both the time it is just a vicious circle. So, if you don't have the choice, when it is not there you are perfectly alright. When it is there you are more joyful. Over. You need to understand the meaning of addiction. Addiction means when it is not there you feel terribly you are missing it. When it is there you don't feel something excited about it. Smoking. When you don't smoke you feel just you are missing. You are just pulled, your mouth, your whole body is just pulled. When you smoke, it is not too exciting. You finish it as if like a ritual, dead ritual.


If any of you have got the everyday puja habit? Anybody who has got the habit of everyday puja? Do you enter the puja room other than the puja time? You will never. You enter just to finish it and to come out of the room. Many times it happens, I always tell the people, do the puja only when you feel it. Only then… Nithya puja means don't think every day puja. Whenever you feel the puja should be done, do it. Nithya puja does not mean… Nithya puja means eternal puja. Eternal puja means whenever you feel, do it totally. Whenever that happens, do it totally. But what we do? We want to even grab that mood. You see some one day when you have done Puja you must have felt the joy, ecstasy, the mindlessness, the bliss. Immediately you decide “Let me do it everyday, then I will have it.” When you decide “Let me do it everyday”, the very next day it will be missing.


A small story: one Guru was there. Everyday he used to do puja. He had a cat which will come and disturb him at the time of puja. So he decided,”Let me put an end to it.” He caught that cat, covered it with a basket and started doing the puja. Everyday he continued the same habit, before starting the puja he will get the cat and cover it with a basket and do the puja. When new disciples came to the ashram they understood, ‘Oh, this must be the tradition.’ Later on, as time passed, the Guru passed away. The cat also passed away. Even after the Guru's passing away the disciples used to catch the cat first, cover it with a basket, then puja used to happen. After sometime, if they don't get the cat, they go for searching the cat, get the cat, cover it with the basket, then only the puja will be done. After few years the cat also died. Then they decided Oh! how to do the puja without cat. The puja was stopped.


That is what happens to our life also. You see some moment you feel the joy, bliss, when you don't have the choice. When you make it as a choice, when you consciously decide, that becomes a mental habit, mental routine. So don't hold your joy, don't hold your celebration mood. If you are now feeling the bliss just feel the bliss. When the fear comes, ‘Oh! the bliss may disappear, how to hold it?’ Don't bother. Let it disappear, that's all. Now you are joyful, enjoy it. Over. If you never try to hold, if you don't try to catch it, if you are not greedy of the bliss, if you don't make the choice, bliss as a choice, you will see the continuously bliss is happening to you, continuously Ananda is happening to you. So understand this four words: life is eternal celebration. Life means a conscious living. Eternal means the Nithya, the present. Life, living, conscious living is the present when you live in the "IS"; when you live in the present it becomes eternal. When it is a eternal, it is always celebration. It is always celebration. When you don't have the conscious choice, your life becomes just eternal celebration. It becomes just Ananda.


So, let you decide to live consciously, let you understand the "is"ness, let you live eternally in celebration, eternal bliss Nithya Ananda. Thank you.



Choicelessness is Bliss || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 02 Feb 2004


Name Of The Convention: Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Choicelessness is Bliss Part 2 Date : 02 February 2004 Venue : Fremont, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains to the delegates that bliss is being choiceless and also HDH explains on the gap between one thought and the another thought, if the space between each thought is more then a being is in blissful state. This video is an excerpt on choicelessness is bliss conducted on 02 February 2004 in Fremont, California, USA.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Video - Choicelessness is Bliss || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions



Participant: Swami in when you mentioned the Sutra initially, on karmas you said that it possibly when you start living consciously your Karma will be going away. So, when you use the word Karma do you also mean some other thing?

HDH: Yes, I mean. I mean all the meanings of karma. Prarabdha, Agamya, Sanchita or Prarabdha, Agamya or Agam…. Agamya Prarabdha, whatever words you bring. I tell you all the karmas. There is a saying in Brahma Sutra, you can cross only the Agamya and Sanchita never the Prarabdha; but I tell you from My experience, I do not know why Shankara said but I tell you from My experience, it is My solid experience not only Agam... Agamya or Prarabdha, Agamya or Sanchita, even Prarabdha can be crossed. I do not know or I cannot give you any proof from the scriptures, but if you can believe My statement, this much I can say. It's from My solid experience, you can simply cross Prarabdha also. Agamya, Prarabdha, Sanchita or whatever names you use it. You may use it, but a conscious decision can make you cross all the three karmas. Because Karma means nothing but the recorded setup. A conscious choice, you can simply walk over on it. It is nothing.


A small Zen story. Guru and his disciple, they both went to a river. Disciple suddenly fell in the river and started shouting, “Master, please save me. Master please save me.” The master was standing on the shore and shouted, “Fool, stand up.” The disciple thought, now also Master is playing some joke, playing a technique. The Zen Masters are always, they are popular for playing techniques. The disciple said, “Master I am dying, please save me. Please save me.” Again, the master, the master is very cool, calm, just sitting and says, “Get up.” The disciple thought what Master is telling. Then Master shouted in his pitch voice, the uproarious voice, “Fool stand up.” The disciple’s unconscious got frightened. I think hmm…. he was not able to control himself. He thought, “He is, Master is threatening me, let me stand up.” Out of fear he stand up. He stood up. He saw water is only up to the knee level. 😊 Water is only up to the knee level. So just stand up, you will see karma is nothing. Either Agamya or Prarabdha or Sanchita. Agamya, Sanchita, Prarabdha, all these things are just words. Shastra jaala maharanya. The forest of words. Forest of scriptures. Just words.


Between every thought you have a gap. Actually, in your mind, if you little bit look into the thoughts, if you just sit silently and start witnessing your thoughts, then you will understand what I say. There is a gap between every thought. Every thought has got a gap. Because traffic is too…. too much. It is overcrowded, you don't find the gap. But there is a gap, very, what to say the uncatchable. I can use the word uncatchable. You can't, you won't be able to catch it; because the gap is too small. But if you meditate and look into the thoughts, if you witness, then the gap will become little big. Then you will be able to understand, there is a gap between every thought. If the gap is more the bliss comes out of those thoughts.

It is like a, imagine this one thing, your mind is like a big lake, the thought is like an ice layer on it. The top of the lake is frozen due to cold. The ice layer is like a thinking layer, the mental layer, the thoughts. Below water is bliss, joy, ananda, energy. So, at some place the ice is not formed, the gap is found. In those places you can see the atman, the energy, the bliss. It will be there. So, whenever you make a gap between one thought to the other thought, you will find the bliss is continuously there in you. The bliss comes out. Sometimes you can even drill the ice layer and make water to gush up, come up. The method to drill is what is meditation technique.


Consciously you can make a gap between one thought to the other thought and let the bliss come up, allow the bliss to happen to you. If you once taste the bliss, then you will understand, the gap between one thought to the other thought is what a really moment in which you are living. The moment in which you are living. When I say meditate people say, “Swami I don't have time”. But people who are really interested in meditation, they say the moments of meditation only the time in which we live. That is the only, first give only one hour for your meditation per day. Take twenty three hours for all your obsessions, all your habits, all your comfort, all your enjoyment, all your things. Give only one hour for meditation. I tell you in three months you will understand the only one hour is a real time you are living. You are living. Other times matter is living you. You are not living the matter.

All My love and blessings to you. Let your life is an eternal celebration. Let you enter, be, become and in eternal bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you!



Direct Guidance of The Master || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 02 Feb 2004


Name Of The Convention: Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Direct Guidance of the Master Date : 02 February 2004 Venue : Fremont, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains to the delegates about adjustment in life and also HDH insists on adjustment and we should not compromise on our living. This video is an excerpt on direct guidance of the master conducted on 02 February 2004 in Fremont, California, USA.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Video - Direct Guidance of The Master || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions



Participant: Swamiji we've always been taught to make adjustments then only you will be happy. You have to adjust with your parents, adjust with your wife, your husband, your children and all. So even though we have something which we really think that we should do, we still have to adjust to all these forces. That's what we have been told. So how does that differ from what you are saying?

HDH: One thing, adjustment is one thing. Compromising is one thing. Adjustment means you have a clear freedom and voluntarily you adjust, you listen others opinion and you adjust. That is perfectly alright. Compromising means you have no freedom, just you are forced. Please don't compromise. Even if you stand in a platform, even if you die in a platform, live a uncompromised life. I tell you. You will have a tremendous satisfaction. Just decide I will live uncompromised life, you will see the whole thing turns topsy-turvy. As long as you run only dog chases you. Just stand. Stand for a minute, look at the dog. That.. you can chase the dog, of course never bite. You see only goats are sacrificed, never lions. Have you heard of sacrifice of the lion? So, become a lion, you will never be sacrificed. It is just the conscious decision to stand. I am going to be a lion, then you will see you will never be sacrificed. As long as you behave like a goat you will be sacrificed. When you stand up as a lion you will never be sacrificed.


Participant: Swamiji you mentioned about true being professional or whatever.... A lot of times, people like I don't know what my, where my joy lies.

HDH: Hmmm. So much of confusion has entered into the being. That is a problem. See actually we are led by this side, that side, that side, this decide, this side, that side. We have forgotten. We have forgotten where we have started or where we are supposed to end and where we are supposed to go forward. In this type of things, only one thing can be the solution, the direct guidance of the master. Guidance of the master is only the solution. No other way.

(02:47) One blind man, he was walking in the Himalayas. He suddenly felt a big stick. It's not stick actually, frozen snake. Due to cold the snake has frozen. He felt it and thought it's a stick and he started walking with that. One enlightened Master was there. He saw it and told. “Hey, what you are carrying is not a snake drop that drop that.” The blind man said, ‘“No, no, no I know it is a snake, I can feel very clearly. I know it's only stick, I can feel very clearly. I am not going to drop.” The master said, “Fool, it will in half an hour the Sun will raise the snake will come back to the life and it will bite you. You will be killed, drop it.” The blind man asked, “I think you don't have a stick. You want me to drop, so that you can pick up this stick. 😊😊You can take away this stick. 😊 So that is the reason you are asking us all to do all these things” and then what you do the third thing, the Master out of his compassion, he just ran towards him and tried to snatch that stick, snatch that snake to throw it away. Then the blind man started beating the Master.


That is the same thing happens when you go for counselling also. At least I've seen many experiences. They come and ask Me. If I say some parihara, people think, “Oh I think for his own benefit he says. 😊 His own benefit he says.” That is the reason I always do one thing, I just give them torch. See on your own and decide. Of course, very few who will not have the thinking, for them we give the direct guidance. There is a big problem in the counselling. When you give, when you say, “Drop the snake”, people feel, “I think you want the stick.” 😊That's why you are asking them to drop the stick. 😊 So let you have this understanding and let it become your experience.

Let you be in and become Nithyananda. Thank you.



Below are some photos taken during the Healers Initiation program (HI) conducted in Los Angeles

Healersinitiation La - 3--Swamiji Janani & Niranjan 2.2.04-solo_watermark.jpg Healersinitiation La - 4--Swamiji Niranjan's home 2.2.04_watermark.jpg Healersinitiation La - 2--Swamiji ever smiling 2.1.04_watermark.jpg