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===Proclamation & commendation letters from the cities of US& Canada===
Mayor Ian N. Oglesby of the City of Seaside, California confers a proclamation to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) and The Sovereign of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam and proclaims January 3, 2022, Incarnation Day of The SPH, as KAILASA’s SPH Nithyananda Day.
<gallery heights=300px widths=200px mode=packed-hover>
Mayor Oglesby affirms the California State Senate recognition, on Oct 7, 2021, of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILSA and of Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam as the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and The Sovereign of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA.
Mayor Oglesby also affirms the California State Senate proclamation of January 3, 2022 (Incarnation Day of SPH) as the Nithyananda Day.
===Dhvajarohanam, which will officially commence the Nithyanandotsavam===
Let us celebrate the Dhvajarohanam, which will officially commence the Nithyanandotsavam.
Kamika Agama 69.37<br>
अङ्कुरार्पणपूर्वं तु भेरीताडन पूर्वकम्। ध्वजारोहण पूर्वं वा कारयेदुत्सवं बुधः॥<br>
aṅkurārpaṇapūrvaṃ tu bherītāḍana pūrvakam। dhvajārohaṇa pūrvaṃ vā kārayedutsavaṃ budhaḥ॥
Translation : <br>
Either three or two days after ‘dhvaja ārohaņa’ or on the same day, the festival may be commenced. The Guru may commence the festival either preceded by the offering of fresh sprouts (ankurārpaņa), preceded by the sounding of the ‘bheri’(big drum) or preceded by the hoisting of the flag.
===Kailasa's Nithyanandotsavam Purvanga Utsavam Day 3===
Kailasa's Nithyanandotsavam Purvanga Utsavam Day 3
We will be offering Deeparadhana to Lord Vinayaka,Chandikeshvara with special darshan of the SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam.
Ganapati Upanishad,Atharva Veda : <br>
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तो जायते ।<br>
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तस्तिष्ठति ।<br>
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि लयमेष्यति ।<br>
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि प्रत्येति ।<br>
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvatto jāyate ।<br>
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvattastiṣṭhati ।<br>
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvayi layameṣyati ।<br>
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvayi pratyeti
word to word meaning breakdown :<br>
sarvaM = everything<br>
jagat = the materialistic world.Ja means jananam = to be born.Gat means to go.Jagat means that which is born and dies - the observable universe.<br>
idam = this<br>
tvattaha = from you<br>
jaayate = is born <br>
idam = this<br>
tvattaha = from you <br>
tishhThati = sustained and nourished<br>
tvayi = into you<br>
layameshhyati = dissolves <br>
prati - towards<br>
eti = approaches
Meaning :
( To Lord MahaGanapati ) The entire materialistic Universe which comes into existence and which dissolves is born from You.All components of jagat is sustained and preserved by You.It undergoes dissolution through your destruction.It also merges back into You ( as they are born from You ).
Kamika Agama - Candeshvararchana Vidhi<br>
पूर्वपूजां समभ्यर्च्य चण्डेशानाय विद्महे। इत्युक्त्वा टङ्कहस्ताय धीमहीति पदं ततः॥ तन्नश्चण्डपदं पश्चात् पदमुक्त्वा प्रचोदयात्। दत्वा सामान्यमय॑ च निर्माल्यं अपनीय च॥ संशोध्य चण्डमस्त्रेण सामान्यायॊदकेन च। चण्डासनं च मूर्तिं च संकल्प्येशाद्यणून् क्रमात्॥
pūrvapūjāṃ samabhyarcya caṇḍeśānāya vidmahe। ityuktvā ṭaṅkahastāya dhīmahīti padaṃ tataḥ॥ tannaścaṇḍapadaṃ paścāt padamuktvā pracodayāt। datvā sāmānyamaya॑ ca nirmālyaṃ apanīya ca॥ saṃśodhya caṇḍamastreṇa sāmānyāydakena ca। caṇḍāsanaṃ ca mūrtiṃ ca saṃkalpyeśādyaṇūn kramāt॥
Translation :<br>
Having contemplated and honoured the worship done in the previous day, the Guru should recite the canda-gāyatri mantra formed by the words 'candeśāya vidmahe', 'țanka hastāya’, ‘dhīmahi’, ‘tannaścandah' and 'prcodayāt'. Having offered the sāmānya-arghya and reciting this gāyatri-mantra, he should remove the flowers and other substances offered to him on the previous day. Then he should cleanse the image with the recital of astra-mantra and with the consecrated water of sāmānya-arghya. He should then conceive the presence of the seat and the māntric-form of Candeśa and recite the brhama-mantras starting from the īśāna in the prescribed order.
===Paramashiva's guideline on using Rudraksha===
Paramashiva's guideline on using Rudraksha-s
(1) On wearing rudraksha ( Rudraksha dharanam vidhiH )
Makuta Agama ~ Transmitted from Paramashiva to Rudra.<br>
शिखायामेकरुद्राक्षं त्रिंशत्तु शिरसा वहेत ।<br>
षटित्रिंशत्तु गले दद्याद बाह्वोः षोडश षोडश ॥ १७ ॥<br>
śikhāyāmekarudrākṣaṃ triṃśattu śirasā vaheta ।<br>
ṣaṭitriṃśattu gale dadyāda bāhvoḥ ṣoḍaśa ṣoḍaśa ॥ 17 ॥<br>
In the hair tuft on the crown of head, śikhā, is one rudraksha,
thirty (30) rudrakshas on the head; thirty six (36) in the neck;
sixteen (16), sixteen (16) in each of the arms are worn.
word by word meaning breakdown : <br>
śikhāyām: in the hair tuft on the crown of head; <br>
eka: one; <br>
rudrākṣaṃ: rudrāskha; <br>
triṁśattu (trim tu): thirty;<br>
śirasā: head; <br>
vaheta (vahati): is worn, is carried; <br>
ṣaṭitriṁśattu: thirty six, 36 ; <br>
gale: in the neck <br>
dadyāda: give, wear; <br>
bāhvoḥ: arms, shoulders; <br>
ṣoḍaśa: six;<br>
ṣoḍaśa: six
द्वादश मणिबन्धे’पि स्कन्धे पञ्चशतṁ वहेत |<br>
अष्टोत्तर-शतैर्मालाṁ जपयज्ञे प्रकल्पयेत् |<br>
सुप्त पीते सदा कालṁ रुद्राक्षान् बिभृअयान्नरः || १८ ||<br>
dvādaśa maṇibandhe’pi skandhe pañcaśataṁ vaheta |<br>
aṣṭottara-śatairmālāṁ japayajñe prakalpayet |<br>
supta pīte sadā kālaṁ rudrākṣān bibhṛayānnaraḥ || 18 ||
word to word meaning breakdown :<br>
dvādaśa: twelve; <br>
maṇibandhe: wrist tying; <br>
api: also, must; <br>
skandhe: in the body; <br>
pañcaśataṁ: five hundred; <br>
vaheta: is worn, is carried; <br>
aṣṭottaraśatair- mālāṁ: garland with hundred and eight; <br>
japayajñe: for sacrifices and chanting; <br>
prakalpayet: should be performed, done; <br>
supta: while resting; <br>
pīte: drinking; <br>
sadā; always; <br>
kālaṁ: time; <br>
rudrākṣān: rudraksha; <br>
bibhṛiyāt; should be carried, worn, bearing; <br>
naraḥ: man, person
(2) How many Rudraksha should I wear, how do I do Japa? What way should the mula mantra be chanted?
Shrimad Kamika Agama<br>
Purva Pada<br>
Chapter 4 Directions for Daily Worship of Shiva<br>
Verses 507- 510<br>
अष्टोत्तरशतेनाऽथ तदर्धेन तदर्धतः|<br>
जपमाला प्रकर्तव्या सṁस्कृता शर्वशम्बरैः|| ५०७<br>
मध्यमानामिकाङ्गुष्ठ कर्षणात्सिद्धिरुत्तमा|<br>
अङ्गुष्ठ तर्जनी योगान् मध्यमा सिद्धिरिष्यते|| ५०८<br>
कनिष्ठाङ्गुष्ठ सṁयोगात् सिद्धिरुक्ता कनीयसी|<br>
मूलाद्दशाṁशो ब्रह्माङ्गजपः कार्योऽत्र धीमता|| ५०९<br>
न विलम्बितṁ अस्पष्टṁ न चास्वीकृतमदृतम्|<br>
असṁख्यातṁ मनोभ्रान्त्या जपṁ कुर्याद्विचक्षणः|| ५१०<br>
नित्यादि कर्मभेदोक्तṁ जपṁ कृत्वा निवेदयेत्|
aṣṭottaraśatenā'tha tadardhena tadardhataḥ|<br>
japamālā prakartavyā saṁskṛtā śarvaśambaraiḥ|| 507<br>
madhyamānāmikāṅguṣṭha karṣaṇātsiddhiruttamā|<br>
aṅguṣṭha tarjanī yogān madhyamā siddhiriṣyate|| 508<br>
kaniṣṭhāṅguṣṭha saṁyogāt siddhiruktā kanīyasī|<br>
mūlāddaśāṁśo brahmāṅgajapaḥ kāryo'tra dhīmatā|| 509<br>
na vilambitaṁ aspaṣṭaṁ na cāsvīkṛtamadṛtam|<br>
asaṁkhyātaṁ manobhrāntyā japaṁ kuryādvicakṣaṇaḥ|| 510<br>
nityādi karmabhedoktaṁ japaṁ kṛtvā nivedayet|
The rosary of rudraksha may be made with 108, 54 or 27 rudrakshas and it should be consecrated with the mantras which have their existence in the pure tattva. While counting the incantation, if each rudraksha of the rosary is moved up with the thumb, ring finger and the middle finger, then there would result
the exalted benefit of superior kind. If is moved up with the thumb and index finger, the accomplishment of the desired fruit would be of medium knid. If it is moved up with the thumb and the little finger, the the benefit would be of lower type. It is ordained that in the process of incantation, the samhita mantras should be recited for one part out of ten parts of the total number of the mula mantra-incatation.The incantation should be done without being too swift or too slow, without pronouncing indistinctly.
It should not be done with unsteadied and confused mind. Such incantation which forms part of the series of daily rituals should be done in a perfect way and it should be dedicated to the Lord, duly.
==Link to Facebook Page==
==Link to Facebook Page==
[[Category:2021| 20211218]][[Category: Facebook Posts]]
[[Category:2021| 20211218]][[Category: Facebook Posts]]

Revision as of 00:52, 21 December 2021





Proclamation & commendation letters from the cities of US& Canada

Mayor Ian N. Oglesby of the City of Seaside, California confers a proclamation to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) and The Sovereign of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam and proclaims January 3, 2022, Incarnation Day of The SPH, as KAILASA’s SPH Nithyananda Day.

Mayor Oglesby affirms the California State Senate recognition, on Oct 7, 2021, of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILSA and of Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam as the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and The Sovereign of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA.

Mayor Oglesby also affirms the California State Senate proclamation of January 3, 2022 (Incarnation Day of SPH) as the Nithyananda Day.

Dhvajarohanam, which will officially commence the Nithyanandotsavam

Let us celebrate the Dhvajarohanam, which will officially commence the Nithyanandotsavam.

Kamika Agama 69.37
अङ्कुरार्पणपूर्वं तु भेरीताडन पूर्वकम्। ध्वजारोहण पूर्वं वा कारयेदुत्सवं बुधः॥
aṅkurārpaṇapūrvaṃ tu bherītāḍana pūrvakam। dhvajārohaṇa pūrvaṃ vā kārayedutsavaṃ budhaḥ॥

Translation :
Either three or two days after ‘dhvaja ārohaņa’ or on the same day, the festival may be commenced. The Guru may commence the festival either preceded by the offering of fresh sprouts (ankurārpaņa), preceded by the sounding of the ‘bheri’(big drum) or preceded by the hoisting of the flag.

Kailasa's Nithyanandotsavam Purvanga Utsavam Day 3

Kailasa's Nithyanandotsavam Purvanga Utsavam Day 3

We will be offering Deeparadhana to Lord Vinayaka,Chandikeshvara with special darshan of the SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam.

Ganapati Upanishad,Atharva Veda :
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तो जायते ।
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तस्तिष्ठति ।
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि लयमेष्यति ।
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि प्रत्येति ।
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvatto jāyate ।
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvattastiṣṭhati ।
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvayi layameṣyati ।
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvayi pratyeti

word to word meaning breakdown :
sarvaM = everything
jagat = the materialistic world.Ja means jananam = to be born.Gat means to go.Jagat means that which is born and dies - the observable universe.
idam = this
tvattaha = from you
jaayate = is born
idam = this
tvattaha = from you
tishhThati = sustained and nourished
tvayi = into you
layameshhyati = dissolves
prati - towards
eti = approaches

Meaning : ( To Lord MahaGanapati ) The entire materialistic Universe which comes into existence and which dissolves is born from You.All components of jagat is sustained and preserved by You.It undergoes dissolution through your destruction.It also merges back into You ( as they are born from You ).

Kamika Agama - Candeshvararchana Vidhi
पूर्वपूजां समभ्यर्च्य चण्डेशानाय विद्महे। इत्युक्त्वा टङ्कहस्ताय धीमहीति पदं ततः॥ तन्नश्चण्डपदं पश्चात् पदमुक्त्वा प्रचोदयात्। दत्वा सामान्यमय॑ च निर्माल्यं अपनीय च॥ संशोध्य चण्डमस्त्रेण सामान्यायॊदकेन च। चण्डासनं च मूर्तिं च संकल्प्येशाद्यणून् क्रमात्॥

pūrvapūjāṃ samabhyarcya caṇḍeśānāya vidmahe। ityuktvā ṭaṅkahastāya dhīmahīti padaṃ tataḥ॥ tannaścaṇḍapadaṃ paścāt padamuktvā pracodayāt। datvā sāmānyamaya॑ ca nirmālyaṃ apanīya ca॥ saṃśodhya caṇḍamastreṇa sāmānyāydakena ca। caṇḍāsanaṃ ca mūrtiṃ ca saṃkalpyeśādyaṇūn kramāt॥

Translation :
Having contemplated and honoured the worship done in the previous day, the Guru should recite the canda-gāyatri mantra formed by the words 'candeśāya vidmahe', 'țanka hastāya’, ‘dhīmahi’, ‘tannaścandah' and 'prcodayāt'. Having offered the sāmānya-arghya and reciting this gāyatri-mantra, he should remove the flowers and other substances offered to him on the previous day. Then he should cleanse the image with the recital of astra-mantra and with the consecrated water of sāmānya-arghya. He should then conceive the presence of the seat and the māntric-form of Candeśa and recite the brhama-mantras starting from the īśāna in the prescribed order.

Paramashiva's guideline on using Rudraksha

Paramashiva's guideline on using Rudraksha-s

(1) On wearing rudraksha ( Rudraksha dharanam vidhiH )

Makuta Agama ~ Transmitted from Paramashiva to Rudra.
शिखायामेकरुद्राक्षं त्रिंशत्तु शिरसा वहेत ।
षटित्रिंशत्तु गले दद्याद बाह्वोः षोडश षोडश ॥ १७ ॥
śikhāyāmekarudrākṣaṃ triṃśattu śirasā vaheta ।
ṣaṭitriṃśattu gale dadyāda bāhvoḥ ṣoḍaśa ṣoḍaśa ॥ 17 ॥
Translation: In the hair tuft on the crown of head, śikhā, is one rudraksha, thirty (30) rudrakshas on the head; thirty six (36) in the neck; sixteen (16), sixteen (16) in each of the arms are worn.

word by word meaning breakdown :
śikhāyām: in the hair tuft on the crown of head;
eka: one;
rudrākṣaṃ: rudrāskha;
triṁśattu (trim tu): thirty;
śirasā: head;
vaheta (vahati): is worn, is carried;
ṣaṭitriṁśattu: thirty six, 36 ;
gale: in the neck
dadyāda: give, wear;
bāhvoḥ: arms, shoulders;
ṣoḍaśa: six;
ṣoḍaśa: six

द्वादश मणिबन्धे’पि स्कन्धे पञ्चशतṁ वहेत |
अष्टोत्तर-शतैर्मालाṁ जपयज्ञे प्रकल्पयेत् |
सुप्त पीते सदा कालṁ रुद्राक्षान् बिभृअयान्नरः || १८ ||
dvādaśa maṇibandhe’pi skandhe pañcaśataṁ vaheta |
aṣṭottara-śatairmālāṁ japayajñe prakalpayet |
supta pīte sadā kālaṁ rudrākṣān bibhṛayānnaraḥ || 18 ||

word to word meaning breakdown :
dvādaśa: twelve;
maṇibandhe: wrist tying;
api: also, must;
skandhe: in the body;
pañcaśataṁ: five hundred;
vaheta: is worn, is carried;
aṣṭottaraśatair- mālāṁ: garland with hundred and eight;
japayajñe: for sacrifices and chanting;
prakalpayet: should be performed, done;
supta: while resting;
pīte: drinking;
sadā; always;
kālaṁ: time;
rudrākṣān: rudraksha;
bibhṛiyāt; should be carried, worn, bearing;
naraḥ: man, person

(2) How many Rudraksha should I wear, how do I do Japa? What way should the mula mantra be chanted?

Shrimad Kamika Agama
Purva Pada
Chapter 4 Directions for Daily Worship of Shiva
Verses 507- 510
अष्टोत्तरशतेनाऽथ तदर्धेन तदर्धतः|
जपमाला प्रकर्तव्या सṁस्कृता शर्वशम्बरैः|| ५०७
मध्यमानामिकाङ्गुष्ठ कर्षणात्सिद्धिरुत्तमा|
अङ्गुष्ठ तर्जनी योगान् मध्यमा सिद्धिरिष्यते|| ५०८
कनिष्ठाङ्गुष्ठ सṁयोगात् सिद्धिरुक्ता कनीयसी|
मूलाद्दशाṁशो ब्रह्माङ्गजपः कार्योऽत्र धीमता|| ५०९
न विलम्बितṁ अस्पष्टṁ न चास्वीकृतमदृतम्|
असṁख्यातṁ मनोभ्रान्त्या जपṁ कुर्याद्विचक्षणः|| ५१०
नित्यादि कर्मभेदोक्तṁ जपṁ कृत्वा निवेदयेत्|

aṣṭottaraśatenā'tha tadardhena tadardhataḥ|
japamālā prakartavyā saṁskṛtā śarvaśambaraiḥ|| 507
madhyamānāmikāṅguṣṭha karṣaṇātsiddhiruttamā|
aṅguṣṭha tarjanī yogān madhyamā siddhiriṣyate|| 508
kaniṣṭhāṅguṣṭha saṁyogāt siddhiruktā kanīyasī|
mūlāddaśāṁśo brahmāṅgajapaḥ kāryo'tra dhīmatā|| 509
na vilambitaṁ aspaṣṭaṁ na cāsvīkṛtamadṛtam|
asaṁkhyātaṁ manobhrāntyā japaṁ kuryādvicakṣaṇaḥ|| 510
nityādi karmabhedoktaṁ japaṁ kṛtvā nivedayet|

The rosary of rudraksha may be made with 108, 54 or 27 rudrakshas and it should be consecrated with the mantras which have their existence in the pure tattva. While counting the incantation, if each rudraksha of the rosary is moved up with the thumb, ring finger and the middle finger, then there would result the exalted benefit of superior kind. If is moved up with the thumb and index finger, the accomplishment of the desired fruit would be of medium knid. If it is moved up with the thumb and the little finger, the the benefit would be of lower type. It is ordained that in the process of incantation, the samhita mantras should be recited for one part out of ten parts of the total number of the mula mantra-incatation.The incantation should be done without being too swift or too slow, without pronouncing indistinctly. It should not be done with unsteadied and confused mind. Such incantation which forms part of the series of daily rituals should be done in a perfect way and it should be dedicated to the Lord, duly.

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