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( Kamika Agama,Chapter 34,verses 32 -33 )
( Kamika Agama,Chapter 34,verses 32 -33 )
parivāra lakṣaṇa vidhiḥ ( Installation of Parivara Devata-s )<br>
parivāra lakṣaṇa vidhiḥ ( Installation of Parivara Devata-s )<br>
योग्यानां रत्नविन्यासं नेत्रोन्मीलनं एव च। पञ्चगव्यादिभिस्तेषां शुचिं तोयाधिवासनम्॥ ततो मण्डप संस्कारं ततो बिम्बादि शोधनम्। कौतुकं शयनारोहं कुम्भविन्यासं एव च॥ <br>
योग्यानां रत्नविन्यासं नेत्रोन्मीलनं एव च। पञ्चगव्यादिभिस्तेषां शुचिं तोयाधिवासनम्॥ ततो मण्डप संस्कारं ततो बिम्बादि शोधनम्। कौतुकं शयनारोहं कुम्भविन्यासं एव च॥ <br>
yogyānāṃ ratnavinyāsaṃ netronmīlanaṃ eva ca| pañcagavyādibhisteṣāṃ śuciṃ toyādhivāsanam|| tato maṇḍapa saṃskāraṃ tato bimbādi śodhanam| kautukaṃ śayanārohaṃ kumbhavinyāsaṃ eva ca|| <br>
yogyānāṃ ratnavinyāsaṃ netronmīlanaṃ eva ca| pañcagavyādibhisteṣāṃ śuciṃ toyādhivāsanam|| tato maṇḍapa saṃskāraṃ tato bimbādi śodhanam| kautukaṃ śayanārohaṃ kumbhavinyāsaṃ eva ca|| <br>

Revision as of 23:53, 20 December 2021




Proclamation & commendation letters from the cities of US& Canada

Mayor Esther E. Manheimer of the City of Asheville, North Carolina confers a proclamation to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) and The Sovereign of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam and proclaims January 3, 2022, Incarnation Day of The SPH, as KAILASA’s SPH Nithyananda Day. The SPH has enriched more than one billion individuals over the past 27 years and has also had a significant impact over the City of Asheville. Mayor Manheimer commends the observance of KAILASA’s SPH Nithyananda Day to all citizens.

Haritaki or Kadukaai (Terminalia chebula) is a wonder drug

Haritaki or Kadukaai (Terminalia chebula) is a wonder drug, finding its place in a wide range of therapeutic usage in the Ayurveda system of medicine.

I tell you guys this is the most powerful spiritual cleanser. I wanted to give you the title. Not just body cleanser. Because the oxygen level in the body increases 300%, it directly works on your non-mechanical parts of the brain. When the non-mechanical parts of the brain gets awakened, then all the spiritual truths are understood you will be able to grasp all the spiritual truths and live.

“The oxygen level in the blood increases to 300%. The whole stomach gets cleansed. That is one thing. The main thing is the whole blood becomes pure. 300% oxygen means equivalent to 2 hours of Pranayama.

Your whole ulcer gets healed. The stomach has subtle small ulcers. The whole ulcer gets healed. Mouth ulcer, stomach ulcer, gets healed. And the oxygen level in the blood drastically increases
- SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam

Nothing like Haritaki. That is the really nectar from Devaloka
When to Take ?
Just before going to bed.
Optional - You can repeat intake in morning, or anytime during the day to regulate body heat, and clean up the stomach.
Availability :
At Nithyananda Gallerias worldwide, or at Ayurvedic, herbal medical stores.

The SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam has established the nandi sarvajnapeetham

The SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam has established the nandi sarvajnapeetham. Kailaasa has revived the entire tradition of Gomatha worship and Goseva as per the Vedagamic traditions !

According to Hinduism,cow is the embodiment of all gods and goddesses.By living and serving cows,one attains the punya of serving all the gods and goddesses.

When a cow is respected and worshipped,it's blood is churned with the emotions of bliss and joy. So that milk carries that bio memory of joy and bliss, understand. Cow is a animal which can … feel the emotions intensely as intensely as human beings, and transmit that emotion into its blood, and the whole being. Listen carefully, how your emotions directly affect the quality of your blood, cow’s emotions directly affect the quality of cow’s blood and in turn cow’s milk. Happy cow’s ghee awakens your whole brain - SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam

In the Kamika Agama,several ways of bathing is mentioned.Among them,the highest form of bathing involves contact with the dust from the feet of cows

Shastra Pramana-s
गोशाला दक्षिणे देशे पुष्पवाटी तथोत्तरे। अथवा सर्वकाष्ठासु वापीकूपतटाककाः
gośālā dakṣiṇe deśe puṣpavāṭī tathottare| athavā sarvakāṣṭhāsu vāpīkūpataṭākakāḥ
Translation : The goshala must be built in the southern area of the village.The flower garden in north.Ponds,wells and tanks to be constructed at all directions of the village.

( Kamika Agama,chapter 30,verse 14 )

एकसल द्विसल व त्रिस् अल वथ कल्पयेत्
ekasala dvisala va tris ala vatha kalpayet
Translation : The goshala can be constructed as a single main building or as a complex of two to three main buildings.It can also constitute four main buildings under proportionate length.

( Kamika Agama chapter 44,verse 29 )

ब्रह्माङ्कणं वृषोपेतं वियुक्तं वा प्रकल्पयेत् । गोराशेरविरोधेन स्थानं तासां प्रकल्पयेत्
brahmāṅkaṇaṃ vṛṣopetaṃ viyuktaṃ vā prakalpayet | gorāśeravirodhena sthānaṃ tāsāṃ prakalpayet
Translation : The goshala should have a central part ( brahma sthana ) where a bull is kept.The central part can be also without a bull.The goshala must have auspicious features that are in harmony with the home of cow.

( Kamika Agama chapter 44,verse 30 )

गवां रक्षा प्रकर्तव्या धान्येन तृणराशिभिः । पलालैरोदनाद्यैश्च निर्माल्यैर्वापि पोषयेत्
gavāṃ rakṣā prakartavyā dhānyena tṛṇarāśibhiḥ | palālairodanādyaiśca nirmālyairvāpi poṣayet
Translation : Utmost care must be given in protecting and taking care of the cows.The cows must be nourished with appropriate grains,varieties of grass,paddy straws,cooked food and residues of various offering to deities.

( Kamika Agama,chapter 45,verse 31 )

Goshala Application
vimānasthāpana vidhi pațalah ( consecration of super-structure )
तदा प्रासाददेहस्त्थे बेराणां दृष्टिमोचनम्। मध्वाज्यधान्यगोविप्र कन्यानां दर्शनं द्विजाः॥ तत्तद् हृदयमन्त्रेण कृत्वा संप्रोक्ष्य गव्यतः। संपूज्य गन्धपुष्पाद्यैः प्रासादं प्रोक्षयेत्ततः॥
tadā prāsādadehastthe berāṇāṃ dṛṣṭimocanam| madhvājyadhānyagovipra kanyānāṃ darśanaṃ dvijāḥ|| tattad hṛdayamantreṇa kṛtvā saṃprokṣya gavyataḥ| saṃpūjya gandhapuṣpādyaiḥ prāsādaṃ prokṣayettataḥ||

The ritual of “opening of the eyes' should be done for all the images designed on the various parts of the edifice during a consecration of vimana. O, the twice-born sages !, then he should show honey,clarified butter and varieties of grains to be viewed first by the images.Then,he should prepare for the presence of the cow, brahmana-s and virgins to be viewed by the same images whose eyes are now opened. Then he should sprinkle the drops of the mixture of five substances got from the cow (panca gavya) over each image, reciting the hṛdaya mantra added with the name of the image. Having worshipped the images with chandanam, flowers and other materials, he should sprinkle the panca gavya over the edifice.

( Kamika Agama,chapter 69,verses 4-5 )

vāstuśānti vidhi: ( propriation of vastu )
कूपे वा पुष्करिण्यादौ जलं सर्वं बहिः क्षिपेत् ।। सहस्रकुम्भ तोयं वा शतकुम्भोदकं तु वा। पञ्चगव्यं तु निक्षिप्य शान्तिहोमं तु कारयेत् ।।
kūpe vā puṣkariṇyādau jalaṃ sarvaṃ bahiḥ kṣipet || sahasrakumbha toyaṃ vā śatakumbhodakaṃ tu vā| pañcagavyaṃ tu nikṣipya śāntihomaṃ tu kārayet ||
In order to utilise the newly constructed wells,tanks and other water sources,the water accumulated in these reservoirs must be drained out.Water equivalent to either 1000 kumbha-s or 100 kumbha-s should be pumped out.The acharya should then deposit the mixture of pancha gavya inside these water reservoirs.Then,the fire ritual with oblations must be done.

( Kamika Agama,Chapter 34,verses 32 -33 )

parivāra lakṣaṇa vidhiḥ ( Installation of Parivara Devata-s )
योग्यानां रत्नविन्यासं नेत्रोन्मीलनं एव च। पञ्चगव्यादिभिस्तेषां शुचिं तोयाधिवासनम्॥ ततो मण्डप संस्कारं ततो बिम्बादि शोधनम्। कौतुकं शयनारोहं कुम्भविन्यासं एव च॥
yogyānāṃ ratnavinyāsaṃ netronmīlanaṃ eva ca| pañcagavyādibhisteṣāṃ śuciṃ toyādhivāsanam|| tato maṇḍapa saṃskāraṃ tato bimbādi śodhanam| kautukaṃ śayanārohaṃ kumbhavinyāsaṃ eva ca||
The rituals for installation should be carried out as prescribed.The gems ( ratna vinyasa ) should be done for the fitting images.Then,the ‘eye opening’ ritual ( netronmilana ) must be done.Then,the images should be purified using panca gavya.

( Kamika Agama , Chapter 72,verse 5 )

snāna vidhiḥ ( instruction for bathing )
कुर्यात् गोकुलसंचार धूलिबिर्वायुसम्भवैः। पुरुषेणैव मन्त्रेण स्नानानां उत्तमोत्तमम्॥
kuryāt gokulasaṃcāra dhūlibirvāyusambhavaiḥ| puruṣeṇaiva mantreṇa snānānāṃ uttamottamam||
One should walk behind the moving cows and get ‘bathed’ in the dusty particles carried by the winds from the feet of the cows.The tatpurusha mantra should be recited along this.This form of bath is the best among the best.

( Kamika Agama Chapter 3,Verse 104 )

Garbhanyāsavidhiḥ ( Instructions for setting foundation deposit )
फेलां प्रक्षाल्य गव्यैश्च स्थाप्य चित्रे तु मण्डले ।। देशिकस्समलङ्कृत्य वस्त्रैः पञ्चाङ्गभूषणैः। सकलीकृत देहस्तु गन्धैः पुष्पैर्विभूषितः ।।
phelāṃ prakṣālya gavyaiśca sthāpya citre tu maṇḍale || deśikassamalaṅkṛtya vastraiḥ pañcāṅgabhūṣaṇaiḥ| sakalīkṛta dehastu gandhaiḥ puṣpairvibhūṣitaḥ ||
After sprinkling the panca gavya over the casket,the diagram should be placed on earth.The acharya will adorn himself with new clothes and ornaments on his limbs.He will then do the nyasa and attain oneness with the deity.He then adorns himself with flowers and sandal.

( Kamika Agama,Chapter 28 ,verse 28 )

Those who want to live this peaceful lifestyle of just taking care of cows,living with them and experiencing enlightenment can mail us ( [email protected])

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