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I tell you this is your basic right. Reclaim it and live it.
I tell you this is your basic right. Reclaim it and live it.
Know Secrets of Death || Inner Awakening || 16 March 2013
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I was living near place called Varanasi, one of the sacred pilgrimage centre of Hinduism, place called Ghazipur. I was serving a sadhu, old monk who was very sick. It’s a small town. A small hospital, a small ward, some two-three steel cot and bed and few old steth and BP machine and a green screen. You can visualise an Indian village hospital. You can imagine. This sadhu whom I was taking care, next bed, the patient was about to die. This old doctor and that old nurse, both of them are trying to revive him, support him. He was the guy, the patient who was dying must be less than fifty. So they were trying to help him but I already, I could see he is already started dying.
Please listen, first time I saw death in four dimension. I will describe as much as I can. You have seven parts in you. Your body with flesh, blood. This is the first part. Second is your breathing. Your breathing, that is the second part. Third, your thinking. Fourth, your feeling. Fifth, the area you experience during deep sleep- from where you are experiencing feeling. Understand, first: this flesh, blood. Second: breathing, prana. Third: thinking, mind. Fourth: feeling, emotions. Fifth: the deep sleep state which is called causal layer from which all these feeling, thinking, everything happens. Sixth: the soul, your individual soul, Consciousness. Seventh is the cosmic soul- Paramatma, Nirvana, Enlightenment. All these seven put together is YOU.
Please listen, if the cosmic soul is the ocean, your private beach is individual soul. Clear? If cosmic soul is ocean, your private beach is individual soul. So you can’t say individual soul does not belong to cosmic soul. Your private beach is also ocean. You can't say you are having ocean. It’s your private beach. How many of you understand? So all these seven put together is you.
I could see this guy moving from one to another. First in his body, the heavy pain chemicals were released. Have you….how many of you experienced scorpion bite in your life? Scorpion bite. Scorpion bite. Usually if the scorpion bites, in that area, for you not to feel the pain, your body will release the painkillers, anti pain chemicals. That will only make that whole area swell. Any doctors here? Your body has a natural anesthetic methods. Do you know that? If the pain goes beyond certain limit, your body itself will release automatically painkiller inside, the anesthesia and you will fall into unconscious state - coma.
First exactly that is what has happened to that guy. There was so much of pain in the body as if his skin is being peeled. So much painkiller was released inside the system, he fell into coma automatically. The moment he fell into coma, all his patterns became alive and vital. It is like a twenty five kids are in the house and parents are not there. What will happen to that house? Twenty five violent, wild kids and parents are not there in the house! That is the way if your Consciousness is missing and that is the way your patterns behave. Even while the patterns behave, you know.
Your Consciousness is like a father. Your patterns are all kids. When your Consciousness is not there, when you become unconscious, coma stage, patterns just make ruckus. I could see, his unconscious soul was kicked like a football. Imagine in this house, in this room, one football is there and twenty five football players are there. If all of them kick at that ball, what happens? So all his desire patterns are kicking at him. The ball is flying from one corner to another corner, his soul, unconscious soul which is in coma. All your patterns have a deep vengeance on your soul, your Consciousness.
Please listen, please listen. I could see in that person, all the desire patterns are kicking him asking, “I told you fellow, I want to live, I want to live, I want to live. You did not fulfill me, complete me.” Desire is nothing but the commitments you gave it to you. Understand, the commitments you gave it to you, all stands there and questions you, “Why you did not fulfill me, honor me?” Then somehow that soul jumps to the next level. Next level, all the guilt- inauthenticity comes up and say, “I told you, we should have lived like that, like that. Why did you do this, do this?”
First, the lack of integrity patterns are kicking you - desire. Next, inauthenticity - the guilt patterns. I can say, this is the space when the individual soul feels hell, individual soul experiences hell. Getting it? Hell is not actually separate, geographical; it is psychological. And then soul moves to next. All the pains you experienced in your life, your irresponsibility patterns, that comes up and shatters, beats the soul which is already unconscious. Then it finally goes and falls into that deep sleep layer.
From there, it doesn’t move further. It immediately goes and takes next body in that unconsciousness itself. So that is why you do not know what kind of a house, parents you are choosing. You just close your eyes and walk. After entering only you open your eyes and see, “O God! I thought I am coming to the cinema theatre. Now only I understood I came to the garbage tank. O, you are a garbage can. I thought you are a pizza hut.” After you enter into the garbage tank, garbage lorry, you say, “I thought I am in the pizza hut.” But now you cannot change. You have taken already one more body. Exactly this is what happens while you die.
Please understand, I am giving you the visual description of what happens. You do not touch your individual soul or cosmic soul, your individuality. Without even touching your individual soul or the cosmic soul consciously takes another one birth. It is like a you are dreaming. Without even waking up, you fall asleep and again dream. Again fall asleep, again dream. You never come to waking state. How many of you understand? That’s the way body is assumed. This is the third death I saw in My life.
And fourth death is My own death. One funny thing you need to know. When this guy died, when this patient died, this swami became alright. That’s very strange thing I have seen in My life. In your street if four five people are about to die, if one old man dies, all others will recover. How many of you have observed this? Even in the hospital. I also don’t understand why but I know this happens. So this swami whom I was taking care, I thought this swami will die and that guy will revive, recover. And that fellow died and this swami recovered. So I continued My journey.
In…. 1999, when I was twenty, in Varanasi, Manikarnika Ghat, I was sitting in a place seeing the dead bodies being burnt. Manikarnika Ghat is old….largest, oldest crematorium in the world. That is the world’s oldest and largest crematorium. I was sitting there and seeing the bodies burning. I realized, ‘One day My body is also going to be burnt like this. So I should learn the secret of death.’ I sat there in meditation. After two and half days, I realized, ‘My own body is just a matter. It is dead but I am alive as a Consciousness.’ That unclutching between My body and Me happened. It was a powerful realization. What happened I will explain later. When I answer your questions, I will explain. So this is experience of My own death- fourth death. Fifth death is in Bangalore…. See, after My own death experience I came to central India. In the central India, I realized My Incarnationhood in 2000.
Then 2001, I came and settled down in Tamilnadu and 2002, I came to Karnataka. Three I started this Sangha, organization. In 2002 end or I can say, 2003 beginning I think, in Bangalore I was attending a patient, one of our devotee. To heal I went to hospital. In the hospital, next bed patient was dying. That time I watched. The patient was dying without any pain like a knife in the butter. He was very smoothly leaving the body and disappeared into the ocean, enlightened. I was shocked when I investigated. I did not see any special reason why this guy became enlightened because he was not a meditator, he was not a religious guy, no guru. I was wondering how come he became enlightened.
When I contemplated, I realized he was dying in the presence of an Incarnation! So naturally My presence has contributed for his peaceful passing away. Then I meditated how can I give this help to people. If there is any way I can help people to have this peaceful death and Enlightenment while you leave the body, that will be the greatest service. For My contemplation or meditation, the answer I received is the program you are going to do for next three days. The process of death- going through all your patterns and experiencing the ultimate restful awareness, ultimate peace inside you, the best preparation for your death. We are not quickening the process of death but we are preparing for the process of death.
Q&A about Death || Part 2 || Inner Awakening || 16 March 2013
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Q: People that channel or the people who left the body or people that are channelling Gurus and say you know come, we speak through the death…
Swamiji: See, any, any type of channeling, please avoid. Any type of channeling other than being a channel to the Gods like a Shiva, Kalabhairava- those gods or Buddha. You can be channel for Buddha, Shiva, Kalabhairava who have become the Enlightened Beings’ Gods. They are okay. Other than that, don’t be channel for anybody. Don’t go to people who are channels for anybody else. See, Buddha is okay, Mahavir is okay. Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Devi, Mahavatar Baba, these kind of souls- okay, not otherwise. Don’t go. Better don’t encourage or go there. Please go ahead.
Q: You mentioned about killing the animals and stuff like that. What if you…
Swamiji: Just….Ma…yes, please you go ahead. She will type and I will answer.
Q: Okay. What if I have done in the past out of naive or in ignorance not known any better…
Swamiji: No, what you have done in the past is okay. Now I will….in this whole program, we will be completing it. We will be completing and re-building your bio-memory. See, basically, when a cow dies, when a bull is killed for meat, he is not going to bless you and die. All his suffering, his fear, anger, anxiety, all that is going to stay in his muscle as a curse especially the chemical he releases in the body, very toxic, poisonous chemicals. It is going to stay in his muscle-memory, in his bio-memory. When we are consuming that, we prepare our muscle-memory for depression, anxiety, fear and suffering. So we will complete now all the pattern and we will rebuild our new bio-memory. From now, I sincerely request you avoid non-veg food.
Q: Thank you.
Swamiji: Yes, come on. And I am not giving you this as a morality. Please understand. I am not giving you this as a morality. I am giving you this as a best science for building your body, best body. Please go ahead. Can you hold the mike closer? Ma, can you do one thing? Let him talk to your ears. You talk in the mike.
Q: Okay, he is saying You are talking about death but he is curious to what happens to Enlightened people like if he gets enlightened…..
Swamiji: Enlightened people when they die, they don’t disappear. They just become the Whole - Consciousness.
Q: Is there an existence in a different universe and planets or….
Swamiji: Yes, there are existence in different universe and planets. Different space. Yes, go ahead, please.
Q: Swamiji, I want to know about the shahedi, those sacrificed for others. Where they stand?
Swamiji: Ma, can you repeat?
Q: People suppose for somebody sick, they die you know, to save them. Other people like…they are called shahedi. So where they stand?
Swamiji: Oh, when you save others and die in that process? They are given immediately transition body. They don’t suffer because it is not suicide and it is not murder. So, because you are saving somebody’s life, in that course, you are dying. Immediately you move to the next level of life but you don’t become enlightened.
Q: Like the army, you know. They don’t die for themselves.
Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. The country army is a organised crime. See, this where it will know? Somebody is fallen in the river. You jump to save. You saved that person but you died. Only that is the veera swarga.
Q: But the soldier they don't kill for themself, you know. They…
Swamiji: No, even if you are not dying for yourself, it is a country’s organisation. You die for some organisation with which you feel affiliated. See, I am not saying patriotism is wrong and all that. I am giving you cosmic legal opinion. This is what is there in the record. That’s all.
Q: Okay Swami, the great people like, they done meditation and all. They gone high position but they don’t ….what is it called? They are not liberated. They again come to the earth….sometimes they are lower level….
Swamiji: Yes, they come down to help the humanity. That is possible.
Q: Yeah, okay, thank You.
Swamiji: They are not lower but they come down. Go ahead.
Q: Swamiji, she has a question. If killing a mosquito is really considered a murder? And why?
Swamiji: Yes, because…
Q: Because he is biting she is saying.
Swamiji: Because it is a life. No, if he is biting, drive him out. It’s a life.
Q: She says I can’t make it because he is biting.
Swamiji: But what to do? No, you drive him out. See, I am not saying, I am not trying to tell it’s right or wrong. This is what is there in the Cosmos. So I am giving you, just what is there, I am reading it out and telling you.
Q: Another question she had is if animals suffer…..
Swamiji: Why god made like that, if you ask Me, I will ask him and tell you, that’s all I can say.
Q: If animals suffer, can they be…like
Swamiji: Put to rest? It should not be done.
Q: Thank You.
Swamiji: And even the human beings, when you guys write a will, make sure that you are kept alive with all possible, available scientific methods as long as possible because last few days only you will be exhausting the remaining bit of karmas. Mercy killing should not be done. It will make you come back again because the last few days, the little karma will be left out. Just to exhaust that, you will come down. Don’t allow mercy killing for you in your will. It is My sincere request. Even it is few days, be in this body and finish it off and go. Understand?
How many of you are in the countries where these kind of wills are written? If you are unconscious, brain dead, what to do and all that. Yes, I know, I know. In US and all, you have to write a will what to do in those moments. Who will take decisions and all there are things. Many of My US devotees and ashramites, they have put My name, that My decision should be executed. No, what I am saying, you need somebody who will take the right decision for you or now itself write it in the will but you should be kept alive as much as possible, as long as possible using all the available resources. Doctors will tell, “No,no, no. Brain dead. Only heart is functioning. If we remove the ventilator, heart will stop.” No! As long as the heart is functioning. If we remove  the ventilator, heart will stop. No, as long as the heart is functioning, keep the ventilator…. Even if it is for years because the remaining karmas will be getting exhausted. Understand? So do not quicken the death even for one second. Even two desire, two karma which is not completed can bring you back to the body and then after coming back, you may get caught with this whole nonsense. Understand? Yes, please go ahead.
Q: She would like to know what You understand with kahama.
Swamiji: Karma? Karma is incompletion you carry inside.
Q: Also she would like to know what is God then.
Swamiji: God is a independent intelligence which is constantly making everything to function as a independent intelligence. Please come. Go ahead.
Q: One question about, his question about life in the universe, elsewhere. Is there human life inside the earth?
Swamiji: No, there is no inside the earth. It is inside completely solid.
Q: Thank You.
Swamiji: Come on
Q: Swamiji, I would like to know if for example if there is in a family somebody who died because he was born dead and nobody will remember about that person, nobody keeps his memory, is that possible that that soul somehow he reclaim of that and he can create disorders in such a family?
Swamiji: No, no, no. Don’t worry.
Q: No? Impossible? Thank You.
Q: Swamiji, the question I have is I have a  brother who passed on and he said he wasn't ready to go. What happens to ….
Swamiji: Can you, can you slowly repeat?….ha yes, now, now
Q: I have a brother who passed on and as he was passing on, he said he wasn’t ready to go but he did pass on. What happens to him?
Swamiji: So forcefully he will be pushed into other body. He can’t do any harm to you guys. Don’t worry.
Q: And the next question is, I have a few friends who passed on. They come to my mind often, what does that mean?
Swamiji: Maybe you are not yet complete with them. Tomorrow, day after tomorrow we will be having completion sessions. When you complete with them, they will stop coming. I don’t have anybody coming to My dream. First of all, of course, I don’t have a dream. I want all of you to know. Fourteen days in Houston, US they kept Me in…. fourteen nights they kept Me in the sleep study lab. They put that 32 QEEG on My head. Fourteen full nights they tested. Not even one second, they could see a dream wave. Forget about… even daytime when they fixed up, nothing is showing in the brain. Then what will they get in the night time? So if you are complete, you will not have dreams. Dreams are nothing but incompletions. Come on.
Q: Swamiji, what is Your view on sacrificing animals for like Kali Ma puja?
Swamiji: Oh, sacrificing animals? Mahakala, Kalabhairava only has the right to have animal sacrifice. Nobody else has right.
Q: Okay, so Kali Ma prayers no.
Swamiji: Kali is okay. Kali and Kalabhairava is one and the same.
Q: It is it. Mariyamman? Because in South Africa when they do the…
Swamiji: (speaks in tamil) You don’t understand tamil?
Q: No, no, no. I don’t understand. Sorry, I don’t understand tamil.
Swamiji: You don’t understand tamil?
Q: No, I am from South Africa. We only speak english.
Swamiji: I know, I know ey, My family deity.
Q: Mariyamman prayers
Swamiji: I know. I know. No, Mariyamman is My family deity. I think you should not give because other than Kali who are Lord of time, no other Deity ask for… even Mariyamman doesn’t ask for this. As a tradition, it became a tradition. Even in My family Deity I have, same, Mariyamman is My family Deity and that temple is there in My native place. I only stopped animal sacrifice. Earlier they were giving. I said stop it and now they stopped. I think if you guys are involved in the temple, you should stop the animal sacrifice.
Q: I will just call him up and tell sacrifice I don’t do. I am a vegetarian.
Swamiji: You will see, when Mahakala lands on Me, he himself will tell for somebody to give animal sacrifice but My family Deity I stopped the animal sacrifice.
Q: Okay, and in that case, it is okay.
Swamiji: Only the Mahakala because he is Lord of time. He has right over life. Other than nobody has right over life. Go ahead.
Q: Swamiji, see, my brother who has bipolar disease and he stays with my younger brother who is also having another mental disease and my mother. What he does is, he doesn’t allow the cockroaches to begin in the house. He goes on breeding cockroaches. “How, you can’t live with cockroaches. You are creating diseases in your own house.”  “No, no. We should not kill. They are life.”
Swamiji: No, you don’t have to kill but you can drive them out.
Q: He doesn’t want to drive them out.
Swamiji: And that is wrong. That is wrong.
Q: He says, “No, let them be.” He feeds them. I said, “You cannot feed. You are living in dirt.”
Swamiji: No, that is something wrong. That is wrong. See, I am not saying breed mosquitoes or cockroaches. Don’t kill them. Just drive them out. You see, now a days there are special sprays cockroaches and all. They will not come there, that’s all. They don’t get….. they don’t die but they will not come there. I have some special sprays. For My room I use. Cockroach, lizard and all don’t die but they don’t come there.
Q: Okay. Thank You, Swamiji.
Q: Hi Swamiji, how is it determined the time, when a person dies, when they come back into another body?
Swamiji: Three second. That’s all.
Q: For everybody?
Swamiji: Everybody.
Q: And is there a difference between when someone dies in a plane crash, from a terminal illness or….
Swamiji: You see, when he dies in the plane crash….so, it is a murder. In the Cosmos, it is a murder, that’s all. Cosmos has only two catergory: murder and suicide, that’s all. Because he has killed….he got killed without his involvement, he will be immediately given a kind of VIP lounge. Without suffering he will move to the next body when time comes.
Q: Okay, thank You.
Swamiji: When they were dying, they were constantly holding on to that house. So that is the reason.
Q: And an other question is why do they….
Swamiji: In your house, you see some spirit?
Q: Yes, I do see them.
Swamiji: Just put a Kalabhairava’s photo. You will see that they will not be disturbing anymore.
Q: Why do they, like once in my home, they bother me but they don’t bother my pets or my husband or….
Swamiji: That’s what. Put the Kalabhairava’s photo. Maybe somewhere you are connected.
Q: Oh, okay. Thank You.
Q&A about Death || Part 3 || Inner Awakening || 16 March 2013
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Swamiji: Come on.
Q: Swamiji, my mom passed two years ago and You helped me heal her. So she never comes to me. She is happy and everything but when I go and visit my dad and have lunch with him, he tells me that my mom comes to him all the time. How can I help him?
Swamiji: No, no,no, no, no. It is your dad’s incompletion. You should help him to complete with her. Now you will learn the completion process. Teach this same process to him and then make him help….help him to complete with her.
Q: Thank you.
Swamiji: And one more thing I want to tell you. Please listen. You have a complete freedom to teach any process you learn from here to anybody. Only request: don’t twist them. Teach them as it is…. Teach them as it is, that’s all. You have a full freedom. As I said, knowledge is free in our vedic tradition. You have a full freedom to teach. One more request: You will not talk about anybody’s personal information they are sharing here outside. See, I wanted all of you to take a oath, you will not reveal any information you collect about others’ life outside. Like what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. Same way, what happens here stays here. Nothing wrong happens here but I don’t want any of you guys going out and talking anything. Yes, go ahead.
Q: So You said that the soul is entering a baby’s body only at birth.
Swamiji: Yes.
Q: So her question is why is the baby then moving in the womb?
Swamiji: That is because of extension of mother’s life. See, the baby is connected through umbilical cord. Umbilical cord supplies the energy of all the movements but baby can’t think independently. Understand? It can only move mechanically. It cannot think independently. Can it say, “No, I don’t like this mother. I want different mother?” Only the mechanical decisions are done. Nothing else. Soul has a right to do even non-mechanical decisions.
Q: Then she is asking there are some people who are constantly praying to God and they are exhausted. They receive God's blessing, grace and the other people don’t. Why is that?
Swamiji: See, when you sometime out of incompletion, fear, if you pray to god, the fear pattern only is becoming stronger and stronger. God will never be able to grace you. If you are praying out of completion, immediately attends to you. When you are praying in completion, you relate with God. When you are praying in incompletion you are relating with your incompletion. Please come, next.
Q: I don’t know, may be You will help me understand my wife, her dad met suicide September of this year and it was pretty hard for Kris to take. We were doing a project and I was in an equipment running it ….and her dad came to me and told me that he came to me because he knew that she wanted be willing to accept him because she had conflict with him but he did. So he came to me to relay the message to her and explain to…..
Swamiji: After death or before death?
Q: After it was like two or three days after…
Swamiji: Suicide?
Q: Yes
Swamiji: Oh!
Q: Is that, why is that in my head?
Swamiji: No, what I am saying, after suicide two-three days means… suicide means he can come. Still he would not have got the body. He will be waiting till the natural death.
Q: Yes, I mean he came to me and he let me know to tell her that it has got nothing to do with her. He was all him. He knew the moment that he did it, that was wrong and he made a mistake but he couldn’t change it. He wanted me to make the bridge to make the means for her. Okay, okay
Swamiji: I understand but he can’t do anything now.
Q: No, no. I just want to know I wasn’t crazy. He did come to me.
Swamiji: It is not….it happened, really happened.
Q: O yes, it happened. The same thing with other people. They come to me and I just want to know I wasn’t just like hallucinating or …okay
Swamiji: Come on, please come.
Q: The baby inside the mother womb that is, there is only one soul which is the mother. Then how could the knowledge transfer happen inside the…
Swamiji: It is possible. How you know? The knowledge is after all bio-memory. Whatever Narada did to Prahlada is preparing the bio-memory. Whatever Abhimanyu….Krishna did to Abhimanyu is preparing bio-memory, not the soul. When that kind of bio-memory comes out, that level soul only lands in that body and uses it.
Q: So it will enrich only the body, not the mother’s…? But only mother hears the information.
Swamiji: Anything mother hears can get recorded into that.
Q: But it won’t register in mother’s bio-memory?
Swamiji: You see, chakravyuha for example, Abhimanyu’s case, Abhimanyu’s mother did not have the knowledge. Only Abhimanyu had.
Q: Just opening the…
Swamiji: Come on.
Q: How does an Incarnation choose the body?
Swamiji: Hmmm, business secret. It’s a looooong story. Do one thing. I will talk about it but I don’t think now we have time to talk about it. When we will have you know? Without forgetting, put this as a question in the slip. At some time, I will talk about it. Please go ahead, go ahead.
Q: I have actually killed a mosquito.
Swamiji: Oh, that is okay. Now in the further sessions we will help you to complete but in future, just make sure that you avoid killing as much as possible.
Q: Okay, I also going to ask You if I could complete. Thank you.
Swamiji: Thank you. Yes.
Q: So I have four children. Two are adopted and two are biological. So my question is for the two children who are adopted, if they soul came in…. coming into the birth mother and then suddenly I am their mother, is the…
Swamiji: No, there is no conflict in the soul.
Q: Okay.
Swamiji: No conflict. Please come on.
Q: I am going to ask this for him. He wants to know how can You make sure that this is his last birth?
Swamiji: Ah yes. Now this process is all about that only. Making sure this is your last birth. See, just like a pacemaker, I put a peacemaker in you now. I am going to be doing the surgery and put a peacemaker inside you now. Yes.
Q: Swamiji, these are all individual lives as You said. Be trees or animals or human beings. Now the total number remain the same Swamiji?
Swamiji: No, no, no, no. No. Many beings who were in the fish, they came as a human beings and life is expansive, goes on expanding. There is no total number.
Q: So there may be one life today, may become ten lives the next day
Swamiji: Yes
Q: And be reduced to two?
Swamiji: Yes please.
Q: I think I just realized my…maybe why I came here. It is like a …..I had a lady help me way back I had some problems. She took me back and I remember before I was born and when I was in the space deciding to descend back into the womb and I was having a hard time making the decision because I didn’t want to do it and either God or the source came to me and said, “If you decide to make this choice, make sure this is your last time.” And then I decided to take the birth. And then, by then I forgot and this lady helped me remember.
Swamiji: You are right. It is right experience. This happens.
Q: Swamiji, there is a past life regression therapist who has after research…
Swamiji: Better, better not to use any of them because they will be able to guide you into some level and then further they will not be able to take you. They may leave you in a mess.
Q: No, the theory that he has been propagating is that people who live in a group or who know each other whatever, in consequent lives or subsequent lives, they all born somewhere on the same….no? It is okay.
Swamiji: No, you just run away from the known people I tell you. Anybody else? Any other question?
Q: Swamiji
Swamiji: Go ahead.
Q: In some cultures, they have something called as the halal meat where they kill the animal without it experiencing the suffering. Is that…
Swamiji: They kill the animal without suffering?
Q: That’s what they claim.
Swamiji: No, if the animal naturally dies by aging, that meat has no problem but even if you kill it by any way, you are reducing his longevity, his lifespan. Then it is suffering.
Q: Then what is the cosmic law state about divorce and you know….
Swamiji: No, divorce has no problem in the Cosmos. Cosmos does not recognize even marriage. Where is the question of divorce? You understand? The whole marriage system has no record or reference to…Cosmic law has no reference.
Q: Only one more, I promise. If we are not going to take another body, what do we do? Where do we go?
Swamiji: No, you become the space of the Cosmos. Independent intelligence. And if you want to take, you can take. There is no such thing you should not take. You are given freedom.
Q: Alright, thank You.
Swamiji: Shall we start the process then? So now, you all of you have your…that nose cleaning thing? And I wanted you to clean once the nostril. You will not sleep if you clean. If you pour water in the nostril and clean it, then you will not sleep because we are going go to the process now, move to the process because before many pranayamas we will be doing the cleaning of the nostril.

Revision as of 02:26, 11 February 2022




Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambham Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamam Asmadacharya Paryantaam Vande Guru Paramparam

Sadahana TV ke sabhi darshakon aur bhakto ko mera prem evam ashirvaad sahith swagath. Today I will expand on how these 4 principles of life can enrich you in your relationships. Aap apne sambandh ko kis prakar poorn aur drudh kare, is vishay mein in 4 tattvon ko kaise upayog kiya jaa sakta hai, iske bare mein main aaj baath karoonga. First, the principle of life – integrity; Dhyan se suniye - Just take few minutes and visualize if everyone around you talk to you with integrity and speaks to you only the truth and relates with you with integrity, how nice your life will be; just take few seconds and visualize. How many of you suffered in your life because relationships around you, people around you lied to you or did not have integrity towards you; raise your hand. Then when you have suffered why do you want to give the same suffering to others. We expect same sympathy, integrity from others. But unfortunately we our self don’t live. We think I will expect integrity from others but I do not need to use integrity as my life. 3:58 Listen, I wanted all of you to know integrity is not being promoted by me as a morality or ethic. I am not promoting integrity as a morality or ethics. Integrity is much more than morality and ethics. Listen, I am offering integrity to you as a cosmic principle, cosmic law. Please listen when you are integrated suddenly so much of resources which are there only in you as a potential becomes reality in you. dhyan se suniye. Jeevan ka pehla tattva hain sampoorthi. Agar har koi aapse jooth na bole aur keval satya hi bole tab kalpana kijiye tab aapka jeevan kaise hoga. How your life will be when everybody around you is integrated. Sampoorthi dwara main naitikata ya aachar ke roop mein upasthith nahi kar raha hoon Sampoorthi dwara main naitikata ya aachar ke roop mein upasthith nahi kar raha hoon

6:47 Integrity is more than morality or ethics. Please listen with integrity first time you will experience relationship with yourself. Till you align yourself to integrity even you do not know what you really want in your life. Till you align yourself to integrity even you do not know what you want in your life. You want something and you are doing something else. Yesterday one of my ananda yogam students sent me a Facebook message, question about freedom; Nagaditya, I will explain now. He sent me a message and it’s my request also whoever is sending me question in the Facebook please do not expect that I should be able to reply there itself. Especially when it is philosophical question I will not be able to type and expand so much in the Facebook but I will answer in the satsang. 8:27 He was asking the question Swamiji you said freedom means aligning your the possibilities you are creating and your free will is freedom. So he had a doubt about, is it like future, futures possibility and your free will being aligned. You are right and your question needs to have little more integrity. If you start living integrity you will have the question itself from the deeper angle. Let me define. Please listen when you give a word to you and if you are honoring it your bio memory will first be aware while you give words to you, second it will decide to remember whenever you give words to you, third it will have tremendous self confidence about the words you give it to you. 9:52 Sometime people come and tell me Swamiji I forget the words I give it to me. It is like when your kids give you words you don’t take it them seriously. Why? Because you know they don’t fulfill. They will say from tomorrow I will wake up morning and study but they will not do - you know; because many time they failed. So you don’t take them seriously. Same way when you have not honored the words you gave it to you many time, not only you don’t take them seriously, you don’t even bother to remember them. How many of you cognize what I am saying. Sampoorthi ke dwara hi aap swayam se bhi joot sakthe hai. Jabtak aap apne aapko sampoorthi ke saath sanrekith na kare, tab tak aap nahi jaante hai ke aap apne jeevan mein kya chahthe hain. 11:26 Many time, many time because you built the pattern of not honoring the words you give it to you, not only you don’t bother to fulfill them, you don’t even bother to remember them. Every word you talk to yourself is a commitment you are giving it to you. With this understanding you should think. Means so much of awareness needs to be infused while you think, while you give words to you. Listen it is unfortunate society constantly reminds you to fulfill the words you give it to the society but it does not teach you the basic truth you need to fulfill honor the word you give it to you. Many time because you built the pattern of not honoring the words you give it to you not only you don’t honor you don’t even bother to remember.

13:56 Again and again Mahadeva, Bhairava, in Spandakarika and vignana bhairava tantra when he teaches to Bhairavi, again and again he brings this point; almost 20 meditation techniques he says by self remembrance enlightenment is achieved. Please listen the first step towards the self remembrance is being integrated with yourself; being integrated with yourself. Every word you give it to you, you should be honoring it, you should be remembering it. Only then you will have a beautiful relationship with yourself. Person who can’t have a complete relationship with yourself, if you are not complete with yourself, I tell you, you can never have vacation in your life. You may go to any beach and lie down, you may go to any resort and lie down, you may go to any tourism space, you may go to any spa and try to have a vacation, I guarantee you, if you are not complete with you, you cannot have a vacation; you cannot have vacation if you are not complete with you. Even if you lie down in a beach or sitting in a park trying to enjoy the evening sunset, you are carrying incomplete being; so constantly you will be haunted by you, harassed by you. You are carrying the incomplete part of you in you. You cannot leave that guy anywhere, wherever you try to escape. Escaping from you is the race you will always lose. 16:41 So the first step you need to do to have vacation is not booking your resort or flight ticket or golf course. No. Do completion with you. Do completion with you. That is the first step you need to do if you want vacation in your life. It is so unfortunate human beings don’t do first things first. Jeevan mukti ka pehle kadam hai apne aap me sampoorthi. Let you first have beautiful relationship with you. Relationships; best relationships starts you having great relationship with you. How many of you cognize this truth. Listen, listen, listen, Still I have not put the question. Listen you prepared yourself for a great vacation, you booked your tickets, resort hotel and the whole family everything is ready. You go there for vacation but because your incompletions are haunting you, you are only more depressed more disturbed; come back to your work more tired. How many of you have experienced this cognize, raise your hand. Kitne logon ke ye baath samajh mein aa rahi hai? 19:34 Listen first make a list of all the commitments you gave it to you and did not fulfill them. Sit and write them down. Compete them first; either commit to honor, if you have already honored, great, no problem. If you are going to honor commit to honor within a clear time frame. If you are not able to honor, if you feel you won’t be able to honor even by giving your life, then at least complete with yourself. Relieve yourself from that commitment; consciously fulfill it. It is so unfortunate you care so much about the words you give it to others due to your fear or greed but you don’t care for the words you give it to you. Only if you compete with you, only if you are complete with you, you will be able to even be in the space of self remembrance, restful awareness, atma smarana.

21:31 When I teach them, when I teach people techniques about self remembrance they come back and complain to me ‘Swamiji I am not able to be constantly in remembrance of myself my atman. I get drifted, moved away in different ideas, subjects, why?’ Listen because of your incompletions you are not in restful awareness when you are remembering yourself. First thing you need to do is completing with you, building a restful awareness relationship with you, relationship of completion with you. Pehle aap swayam ko aur doosron ko diye huve pratibadhhatayon ka shuchi banayiye Pehle aap swayam ko aur doosron ko diye huve pratibadhhatayon ka shuchi banayiye The words you give it to you and to others have to be integrated. You need to bring integrity with you. Only then the techniques of atma vichara, techniques of self remembrance; the techniques given by Vedanta - atma vichara, techniques given by Buddha - self remembrance, techniques given by mahadeva in vignana bhairava tantra on self remembrance, everything will produce the result of atma gnana in you, enlightenment in you. If you are not having completion with you how can you remember yourself beyond the incomplete identities? Your incomplete identities are responsible for constant inauthentic lack of integrity, irresponsible thoughts happening in you. 24:33 In the young age when I sit in Samadhi for hours together my classmates in the beginning they used to make fun of me. After few years they started asking me, ‘we do not know what you think when you are sitting quietly but we are really shocked you are able to sit for hours together silently.’ I said ‘what is there in this? My body - my mind, I just tell myself to sit I sit that’s all.’ Only when my classmates expressed their inability to sit with themselves I realized you able to sit with yourself silently is one of the great gift you can have. First you have to build relationship with you. pehle aapme aapko sampoorthi ka nirman karna hoga. Tabhi Vedanta shastra evam koi bhi shastra mein diye huve takneek aapko upayogi honge. Dhyan se suniye pehle aapme aapko sampoorthi ka nirman karna hoga. Tabhi Vedanta shastra evam koi bhi shastra mein diye huve yantra tantra aapko upayogi honge; Yantra tantra mantra aapko upayogi honge. Yahi aajka satsang ka saaransh hai - pehle aapme aapko sampoorthi ka nirman karna hoga. Yahi aajka satsang ka saaransh hai. 27:21 Today the truth I wanted all of you to experience is unless you complete with you, you will not be having restful awareness. Restful awareness with you is very important. I tell you restful awareness with yourself is not just a wealth it is a basic right for you. In the cosmic constitution restful awareness is your basic right. Enlightened beings land on the planet

earth to ensure your basic right is restored to you. I am defending the cosmic constitution continuously to ensure your basic rights are restored to you. You reclaim your basic right. Restful awareness with you is your basic right and I proclaim it is possible for you to reclaim your basic right. Self completion, swapurnatva is the direct method to reclaim your self- completion space of restful awareness. How many of you, please cognize with integrity and authenticity, by the self completion experience restful awareness with you. Raise your hand. I tell you this is your basic right. Reclaim it and live it. 29:48


Know Secrets of Death || Inner Awakening || 16 March 2013

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I was living near place called Varanasi, one of the sacred pilgrimage centre of Hinduism, place called Ghazipur. I was serving a sadhu, old monk who was very sick. It’s a small town. A small hospital, a small ward, some two-three steel cot and bed and few old steth and BP machine and a green screen. You can visualise an Indian village hospital. You can imagine. This sadhu whom I was taking care, next bed, the patient was about to die. This old doctor and that old nurse, both of them are trying to revive him, support him. He was the guy, the patient who was dying must be less than fifty. So they were trying to help him but I already, I could see he is already started dying.


Please listen, first time I saw death in four dimension. I will describe as much as I can. You have seven parts in you. Your body with flesh, blood. This is the first part. Second is your breathing. Your breathing, that is the second part. Third, your thinking. Fourth, your feeling. Fifth, the area you experience during deep sleep- from where you are experiencing feeling. Understand, first: this flesh, blood. Second: breathing, prana. Third: thinking, mind. Fourth: feeling, emotions. Fifth: the deep sleep state which is called causal layer from which all these feeling, thinking, everything happens. Sixth: the soul, your individual soul, Consciousness. Seventh is the cosmic soul- Paramatma, Nirvana, Enlightenment. All these seven put together is YOU.


Please listen, if the cosmic soul is the ocean, your private beach is individual soul. Clear? If cosmic soul is ocean, your private beach is individual soul. So you can’t say individual soul does not belong to cosmic soul. Your private beach is also ocean. You can't say you are having ocean. It’s your private beach. How many of you understand? So all these seven put together is you.


I could see this guy moving from one to another. First in his body, the heavy pain chemicals were released. Have you….how many of you experienced scorpion bite in your life? Scorpion bite. Scorpion bite. Usually if the scorpion bites, in that area, for you not to feel the pain, your body will release the painkillers, anti pain chemicals. That will only make that whole area swell. Any doctors here? Your body has a natural anesthetic methods. Do you know that? If the pain goes beyond certain limit, your body itself will release automatically painkiller inside, the anesthesia and you will fall into unconscious state - coma.


First exactly that is what has happened to that guy. There was so much of pain in the body as if his skin is being peeled. So much painkiller was released inside the system, he fell into coma automatically. The moment he fell into coma, all his patterns became alive and vital. It is like a twenty five kids are in the house and parents are not there. What will happen to that house? Twenty five violent, wild kids and parents are not there in the house! That is the way if your Consciousness is missing and that is the way your patterns behave. Even while the patterns behave, you know.


Your Consciousness is like a father. Your patterns are all kids. When your Consciousness is not there, when you become unconscious, coma stage, patterns just make ruckus. I could see, his unconscious soul was kicked like a football. Imagine in this house, in this room, one football is there and twenty five football players are there. If all of them kick at that ball, what happens? So all his desire patterns are kicking at him. The ball is flying from one corner to another corner, his soul, unconscious soul which is in coma. All your patterns have a deep vengeance on your soul, your Consciousness.


Please listen, please listen. I could see in that person, all the desire patterns are kicking him asking, “I told you fellow, I want to live, I want to live, I want to live. You did not fulfill me, complete me.” Desire is nothing but the commitments you gave it to you. Understand, the commitments you gave it to you, all stands there and questions you, “Why you did not fulfill me, honor me?” Then somehow that soul jumps to the next level. Next level, all the guilt- inauthenticity comes up and say, “I told you, we should have lived like that, like that. Why did you do this, do this?”


First, the lack of integrity patterns are kicking you - desire. Next, inauthenticity - the guilt patterns. I can say, this is the space when the individual soul feels hell, individual soul experiences hell. Getting it? Hell is not actually separate, geographical; it is psychological. And then soul moves to next. All the pains you experienced in your life, your irresponsibility patterns, that comes up and shatters, beats the soul which is already unconscious. Then it finally goes and falls into that deep sleep layer.


From there, it doesn’t move further. It immediately goes and takes next body in that unconsciousness itself. So that is why you do not know what kind of a house, parents you are choosing. You just close your eyes and walk. After entering only you open your eyes and see, “O God! I thought I am coming to the cinema theatre. Now only I understood I came to the garbage tank. O, you are a garbage can. I thought you are a pizza hut.” After you enter into the garbage tank, garbage lorry, you say, “I thought I am in the pizza hut.” But now you cannot change. You have taken already one more body. Exactly this is what happens while you die.


Please understand, I am giving you the visual description of what happens. You do not touch your individual soul or cosmic soul, your individuality. Without even touching your individual soul or the cosmic soul consciously takes another one birth. It is like a you are dreaming. Without even waking up, you fall asleep and again dream. Again fall asleep, again dream. You never come to waking state. How many of you understand? That’s the way body is assumed. This is the third death I saw in My life.


And fourth death is My own death. One funny thing you need to know. When this guy died, when this patient died, this swami became alright. That’s very strange thing I have seen in My life. In your street if four five people are about to die, if one old man dies, all others will recover. How many of you have observed this? Even in the hospital. I also don’t understand why but I know this happens. So this swami whom I was taking care, I thought this swami will die and that guy will revive, recover. And that fellow died and this swami recovered. So I continued My journey.


In…. 1999, when I was twenty, in Varanasi, Manikarnika Ghat, I was sitting in a place seeing the dead bodies being burnt. Manikarnika Ghat is old….largest, oldest crematorium in the world. That is the world’s oldest and largest crematorium. I was sitting there and seeing the bodies burning. I realized, ‘One day My body is also going to be burnt like this. So I should learn the secret of death.’ I sat there in meditation. After two and half days, I realized, ‘My own body is just a matter. It is dead but I am alive as a Consciousness.’ That unclutching between My body and Me happened. It was a powerful realization. What happened I will explain later. When I answer your questions, I will explain. So this is experience of My own death- fourth death. Fifth death is in Bangalore…. See, after My own death experience I came to central India. In the central India, I realized My Incarnationhood in 2000.


Then 2001, I came and settled down in Tamilnadu and 2002, I came to Karnataka. Three I started this Sangha, organization. In 2002 end or I can say, 2003 beginning I think, in Bangalore I was attending a patient, one of our devotee. To heal I went to hospital. In the hospital, next bed patient was dying. That time I watched. The patient was dying without any pain like a knife in the butter. He was very smoothly leaving the body and disappeared into the ocean, enlightened. I was shocked when I investigated. I did not see any special reason why this guy became enlightened because he was not a meditator, he was not a religious guy, no guru. I was wondering how come he became enlightened.


When I contemplated, I realized he was dying in the presence of an Incarnation! So naturally My presence has contributed for his peaceful passing away. Then I meditated how can I give this help to people. If there is any way I can help people to have this peaceful death and Enlightenment while you leave the body, that will be the greatest service. For My contemplation or meditation, the answer I received is the program you are going to do for next three days. The process of death- going through all your patterns and experiencing the ultimate restful awareness, ultimate peace inside you, the best preparation for your death. We are not quickening the process of death but we are preparing for the process of death.



Q&A about Death || Part 2 || Inner Awakening || 16 March 2013

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Q: People that channel or the people who left the body or people that are channelling Gurus and say you know come, we speak through the death…


Swamiji: See, any, any type of channeling, please avoid. Any type of channeling other than being a channel to the Gods like a Shiva, Kalabhairava- those gods or Buddha. You can be channel for Buddha, Shiva, Kalabhairava who have become the Enlightened Beings’ Gods. They are okay. Other than that, don’t be channel for anybody. Don’t go to people who are channels for anybody else. See, Buddha is okay, Mahavir is okay. Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Devi, Mahavatar Baba, these kind of souls- okay, not otherwise. Don’t go. Better don’t encourage or go there. Please go ahead.


Q: You mentioned about killing the animals and stuff like that. What if you… Swamiji: Just….Ma…yes, please you go ahead. She will type and I will answer.


Q: Okay. What if I have done in the past out of naive or in ignorance not known any better… Swamiji: No, what you have done in the past is okay. Now I will….in this whole program, we will be completing it. We will be completing and re-building your bio-memory. See, basically, when a cow dies, when a bull is killed for meat, he is not going to bless you and die. All his suffering, his fear, anger, anxiety, all that is going to stay in his muscle as a curse especially the chemical he releases in the body, very toxic, poisonous chemicals. It is going to stay in his muscle-memory, in his bio-memory. When we are consuming that, we prepare our muscle-memory for depression, anxiety, fear and suffering. So we will complete now all the pattern and we will rebuild our new bio-memory. From now, I sincerely request you avoid non-veg food.


Q: Thank you. Swamiji: Yes, come on. And I am not giving you this as a morality. Please understand. I am not giving you this as a morality. I am giving you this as a best science for building your body, best body. Please go ahead. Can you hold the mike closer? Ma, can you do one thing? Let him talk to your ears. You talk in the mike.


Q: Okay, he is saying You are talking about death but he is curious to what happens to Enlightened people like if he gets enlightened….. Swamiji: Enlightened people when they die, they don’t disappear. They just become the Whole - Consciousness.


Q: Is there an existence in a different universe and planets or…. Swamiji: Yes, there are existence in different universe and planets. Different space. Yes, go ahead, please.


Q: Swamiji, I want to know about the shahedi, those sacrificed for others. Where they stand? Swamiji: Ma, can you repeat?


Q: People suppose for somebody sick, they die you know, to save them. Other people like…they are called shahedi. So where they stand?


Swamiji: Oh, when you save others and die in that process? They are given immediately transition body. They don’t suffer because it is not suicide and it is not murder. So, because you are saving somebody’s life, in that course, you are dying. Immediately you move to the next level of life but you don’t become enlightened.


Q: Like the army, you know. They don’t die for themselves.


Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. The country army is a organised crime. See, this where it will know? Somebody is fallen in the river. You jump to save. You saved that person but you died. Only that is the veera swarga.


Q: But the soldier they don't kill for themself, you know. They… Swamiji: No, even if you are not dying for yourself, it is a country’s organisation. You die for some organisation with which you feel affiliated. See, I am not saying patriotism is wrong and all that. I am giving you cosmic legal opinion. This is what is there in the record. That’s all.


Q: Okay Swami, the great people like, they done meditation and all. They gone high position but they don’t ….what is it called? They are not liberated. They again come to the earth….sometimes they are lower level…. Swamiji: Yes, they come down to help the humanity. That is possible. Q: Yeah, okay, thank You. Swamiji: They are not lower but they come down. Go ahead.


Q: Swamiji, she has a question. If killing a mosquito is really considered a murder? And why? Swamiji: Yes, because… Q: Because he is biting she is saying. Swamiji: Because it is a life. No, if he is biting, drive him out. It’s a life.


Q: She says I can’t make it because he is biting. Swamiji: But what to do? No, you drive him out. See, I am not saying, I am not trying to tell it’s right or wrong. This is what is there in the Cosmos. So I am giving you, just what is there, I am reading it out and telling you.


Q: Another question she had is if animals suffer….. Swamiji: Why god made like that, if you ask Me, I will ask him and tell you, that’s all I can say.


Q: If animals suffer, can they be…like Swamiji: Put to rest? It should not be done. Q: Thank You.


Swamiji: And even the human beings, when you guys write a will, make sure that you are kept alive with all possible, available scientific methods as long as possible because last few days only you will be exhausting the remaining bit of karmas. Mercy killing should not be done. It will make you come back again because the last few days, the little karma will be left out. Just to exhaust that, you will come down. Don’t allow mercy killing for you in your will. It is My sincere request. Even it is few days, be in this body and finish it off and go. Understand?


How many of you are in the countries where these kind of wills are written? If you are unconscious, brain dead, what to do and all that. Yes, I know, I know. In US and all, you have to write a will what to do in those moments. Who will take decisions and all there are things. Many of My US devotees and ashramites, they have put My name, that My decision should be executed. No, what I am saying, you need somebody who will take the right decision for you or now itself write it in the will but you should be kept alive as much as possible, as long as possible using all the available resources. Doctors will tell, “No,no, no. Brain dead. Only heart is functioning. If we remove the ventilator, heart will stop.” No! As long as the heart is functioning. If we remove the ventilator, heart will stop. No, as long as the heart is functioning, keep the ventilator…. Even if it is for years because the remaining karmas will be getting exhausted. Understand? So do not quicken the death even for one second. Even two desire, two karma which is not completed can bring you back to the body and then after coming back, you may get caught with this whole nonsense. Understand? Yes, please go ahead.


Q: She would like to know what You understand with kahama. Swamiji: Karma? Karma is incompletion you carry inside.


Q: Also she would like to know what is God then. Swamiji: God is a independent intelligence which is constantly making everything to function as a independent intelligence. Please come. Go ahead.


Q: One question about, his question about life in the universe, elsewhere. Is there human life inside the earth? Swamiji: No, there is no inside the earth. It is inside completely solid. Q: Thank You. Swamiji: Come on


Q: Swamiji, I would like to know if for example if there is in a family somebody who died because he was born dead and nobody will remember about that person, nobody keeps his memory, is that possible that that soul somehow he reclaim of that and he can create disorders in such a family? Swamiji: No, no, no. Don’t worry. Q: No? Impossible? Thank You.


Q: Swamiji, the question I have is I have a brother who passed on and he said he wasn't ready to go. What happens to …. Swamiji: Can you, can you slowly repeat?….ha yes, now, now


Q: I have a brother who passed on and as he was passing on, he said he wasn’t ready to go but he did pass on. What happens to him? Swamiji: So forcefully he will be pushed into other body. He can’t do any harm to you guys. Don’t worry.


Q: And the next question is, I have a few friends who passed on. They come to my mind often, what does that mean? Swamiji: Maybe you are not yet complete with them. Tomorrow, day after tomorrow we will be having completion sessions. When you complete with them, they will stop coming. I don’t have anybody coming to My dream. First of all, of course, I don’t have a dream. I want all of you to know. Fourteen days in Houston, US they kept Me in…. fourteen nights they kept Me in the sleep study lab. They put that 32 QEEG on My head. Fourteen full nights they tested. Not even one second, they could see a dream wave. Forget about… even daytime when they fixed up, nothing is showing in the brain. Then what will they get in the night time? So if you are complete, you will not have dreams. Dreams are nothing but incompletions. Come on.


Q: Swamiji, what is Your view on sacrificing animals for like Kali Ma puja? Swamiji: Oh, sacrificing animals? Mahakala, Kalabhairava only has the right to have animal sacrifice. Nobody else has right. Q: Okay, so Kali Ma prayers no. Swamiji: Kali is okay. Kali and Kalabhairava is one and the same.


Q: It is it. Mariyamman? Because in South Africa when they do the… Swamiji: (speaks in tamil) You don’t understand tamil? Q: No, no, no. I don’t understand. Sorry, I don’t understand tamil. Swamiji: You don’t understand tamil? Q: No, I am from South Africa. We only speak english. Swamiji: I know, I know ey, My family deity. Q: Mariyamman prayers


Swamiji: I know. I know. No, Mariyamman is My family deity. I think you should not give because other than Kali who are Lord of time, no other Deity ask for… even Mariyamman doesn’t ask for this. As a tradition, it became a tradition. Even in My family Deity I have, same, Mariyamman is My family Deity and that temple is there in My native place. I only stopped animal sacrifice. Earlier they were giving. I said stop it and now they stopped. I think if you guys are involved in the temple, you should stop the animal sacrifice.


Q: I will just call him up and tell sacrifice I don’t do. I am a vegetarian. Swamiji: You will see, when Mahakala lands on Me, he himself will tell for somebody to give animal sacrifice but My family Deity I stopped the animal sacrifice. Q: Okay, and in that case, it is okay. Swamiji: Only the Mahakala because he is Lord of time. He has right over life. Other than nobody has right over life. Go ahead.


Q: Swamiji, see, my brother who has bipolar disease and he stays with my younger brother who is also having another mental disease and my mother. What he does is, he doesn’t allow the cockroaches to begin in the house. He goes on breeding cockroaches. “How, you can’t live with cockroaches. You are creating diseases in your own house.” “No, no. We should not kill. They are life.” Swamiji: No, you don’t have to kill but you can drive them out.


Q: He doesn’t want to drive them out. Swamiji: And that is wrong. That is wrong.


Q: He says, “No, let them be.” He feeds them. I said, “You cannot feed. You are living in dirt.” Swamiji: No, that is something wrong. That is wrong. See, I am not saying breed mosquitoes or cockroaches. Don’t kill them. Just drive them out. You see, now a days there are special sprays cockroaches and all. They will not come there, that’s all. They don’t get….. they don’t die but they will not come there. I have some special sprays. For My room I use. Cockroach, lizard and all don’t die but they don’t come there. Q: Okay. Thank You, Swamiji.


Q: Hi Swamiji, how is it determined the time, when a person dies, when they come back into another body? Swamiji: Three second. That’s all. Q: For everybody? Swamiji: Everybody.


Q: And is there a difference between when someone dies in a plane crash, from a terminal illness or…. Swamiji: You see, when he dies in the plane crash….so, it is a murder. In the Cosmos, it is a murder, that’s all. Cosmos has only two catergory: murder and suicide, that’s all. Because he has killed….he got killed without his involvement, he will be immediately given a kind of VIP lounge. Without suffering he will move to the next body when time comes. Q: Okay, thank You. Swamiji: When they were dying, they were constantly holding on to that house. So that is the reason.


Q: And an other question is why do they…. Swamiji: In your house, you see some spirit? Q: Yes, I do see them. Swamiji: Just put a Kalabhairava’s photo. You will see that they will not be disturbing anymore.


Q: Why do they, like once in my home, they bother me but they don’t bother my pets or my husband or…. Swamiji: That’s what. Put the Kalabhairava’s photo. Maybe somewhere you are connected. Q: Oh, okay. Thank You.



Q&A about Death || Part 3 || Inner Awakening || 16 March 2013

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Swamiji: Come on.


Q: Swamiji, my mom passed two years ago and You helped me heal her. So she never comes to me. She is happy and everything but when I go and visit my dad and have lunch with him, he tells me that my mom comes to him all the time. How can I help him?


Swamiji: No, no,no, no, no. It is your dad’s incompletion. You should help him to complete with her. Now you will learn the completion process. Teach this same process to him and then make him help….help him to complete with her. Q: Thank you.


Swamiji: And one more thing I want to tell you. Please listen. You have a complete freedom to teach any process you learn from here to anybody. Only request: don’t twist them. Teach them as it is…. Teach them as it is, that’s all. You have a full freedom. As I said, knowledge is free in our vedic tradition. You have a full freedom to teach. One more request: You will not talk about anybody’s personal information they are sharing here outside. See, I wanted all of you to take a oath, you will not reveal any information you collect about others’ life outside. Like what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. Same way, what happens here stays here. Nothing wrong happens here but I don’t want any of you guys going out and talking anything. Yes, go ahead.


Q: So You said that the soul is entering a baby’s body only at birth. Swamiji: Yes. Q: So her question is why is the baby then moving in the womb?


Swamiji: That is because of extension of mother’s life. See, the baby is connected through umbilical cord. Umbilical cord supplies the energy of all the movements but baby can’t think independently. Understand? It can only move mechanically. It cannot think independently. Can it say, “No, I don’t like this mother. I want different mother?” Only the mechanical decisions are done. Nothing else. Soul has a right to do even non-mechanical decisions.


Q: Then she is asking there are some people who are constantly praying to God and they are exhausted. They receive God's blessing, grace and the other people don’t. Why is that? Swamiji: See, when you sometime out of incompletion, fear, if you pray to god, the fear pattern only is becoming stronger and stronger. God will never be able to grace you. If you are praying out of completion, immediately attends to you. When you are praying in completion, you relate with God. When you are praying in incompletion you are relating with your incompletion. Please come, next.


Q: I don’t know, may be You will help me understand my wife, her dad met suicide September of this year and it was pretty hard for Kris to take. We were doing a project and I was in an equipment running it ….and her dad came to me and told me that he came to me because he knew that she wanted be willing to accept him because she had conflict with him but he did. So he came to me to relay the message to her and explain to…..


Swamiji: After death or before death? Q: After it was like two or three days after… Swamiji: Suicide? Q: Yes Swamiji: Oh! Q: Is that, why is that in my head?


Swamiji: No, what I am saying, after suicide two-three days means… suicide means he can come. Still he would not have got the body. He will be waiting till the natural death. Q: Yes, I mean he came to me and he let me know to tell her that it has got nothing to do with her. He was all him. He knew the moment that he did it, that was wrong and he made a mistake but he couldn’t change it. He wanted me to make the bridge to make the means for her. Okay, okay Swamiji: I understand but he can’t do anything now.


Q: No, no. I just want to know I wasn’t crazy. He did come to me. Swamiji: It is not….it happened, really happened. Q: O yes, it happened. The same thing with other people. They come to me and I just want to know I wasn’t just like hallucinating or …okay


Swamiji: Come on, please come. Q: The baby inside the mother womb that is, there is only one soul which is the mother. Then how could the knowledge transfer happen inside the… Swamiji: It is possible. How you know? The knowledge is after all bio-memory. Whatever Narada did to Prahlada is preparing the bio-memory. Whatever Abhimanyu….Krishna did to Abhimanyu is preparing bio-memory, not the soul. When that kind of bio-memory comes out, that level soul only lands in that body and uses it.


Q: So it will enrich only the body, not the mother’s…? But only mother hears the information. Swamiji: Anything mother hears can get recorded into that. Q: But it won’t register in mother’s bio-memory?


Swamiji: You see, chakravyuha for example, Abhimanyu’s case, Abhimanyu’s mother did not have the knowledge. Only Abhimanyu had. Q: Just opening the… Swamiji: Come on.


Q: How does an Incarnation choose the body? Swamiji: Hmmm, business secret. It’s a looooong story. Do one thing. I will talk about it but I don’t think now we have time to talk about it. When we will have you know? Without forgetting, put this as a question in the slip. At some time, I will talk about it. Please go ahead, go ahead.


Q: I have actually killed a mosquito. Swamiji: Oh, that is okay. Now in the further sessions we will help you to complete but in future, just make sure that you avoid killing as much as possible. Q: Okay, I also going to ask You if I could complete. Thank you. Swamiji: Thank you. Yes.


Q: So I have four children. Two are adopted and two are biological. So my question is for the two children who are adopted, if they soul came in…. coming into the birth mother and then suddenly I am their mother, is the… Swamiji: No, there is no conflict in the soul. Q: Okay. Swamiji: No conflict. Please come on.


Q: I am going to ask this for him. He wants to know how can You make sure that this is his last birth? Swamiji: Ah yes. Now this process is all about that only. Making sure this is your last birth. See, just like a pacemaker, I put a peacemaker in you now. I am going to be doing the surgery and put a peacemaker inside you now. Yes.


Q: Swamiji, these are all individual lives as You said. Be trees or animals or human beings. Now the total number remain the same Swamiji? Swamiji: No, no, no, no. No. Many beings who were in the fish, they came as a human beings and life is expansive, goes on expanding. There is no total number.


Q: So there may be one life today, may become ten lives the next day Swamiji: Yes Q: And be reduced to two? Swamiji: Yes please.


Q: I think I just realized my…maybe why I came here. It is like a …..I had a lady help me way back I had some problems. She took me back and I remember before I was born and when I was in the space deciding to descend back into the womb and I was having a hard time making the decision because I didn’t want to do it and either God or the source came to me and said, “If you decide to make this choice, make sure this is your last time.” And then I decided to take the birth. And then, by then I forgot and this lady helped me remember. Swamiji: You are right. It is right experience. This happens.


Q: Swamiji, there is a past life regression therapist who has after research… Swamiji: Better, better not to use any of them because they will be able to guide you into some level and then further they will not be able to take you. They may leave you in a mess.


Q: No, the theory that he has been propagating is that people who live in a group or who know each other whatever, in consequent lives or subsequent lives, they all born somewhere on the same….no? It is okay. Swamiji: No, you just run away from the known people I tell you. Anybody else? Any other question? Q: Swamiji Swamiji: Go ahead.


Q: In some cultures, they have something called as the halal meat where they kill the animal without it experiencing the suffering. Is that… Swamiji: They kill the animal without suffering? Q: That’s what they claim. Swamiji: No, if the animal naturally dies by aging, that meat has no problem but even if you kill it by any way, you are reducing his longevity, his lifespan. Then it is suffering.


Q: Then what is the cosmic law state about divorce and you know…. Swamiji: No, divorce has no problem in the Cosmos. Cosmos does not recognize even marriage. Where is the question of divorce? You understand? The whole marriage system has no record or reference to…Cosmic law has no reference.


Q: Only one more, I promise. If we are not going to take another body, what do we do? Where do we go? Swamiji: No, you become the space of the Cosmos. Independent intelligence. And if you want to take, you can take. There is no such thing you should not take. You are given freedom. Q: Alright, thank You. Swamiji: Shall we start the process then? So now, you all of you have your…that nose cleaning thing? And I wanted you to clean once the nostril. You will not sleep if you clean. If you pour water in the nostril and clean it, then you will not sleep because we are going go to the process now, move to the process because before many pranayamas we will be doing the cleaning of the nostril.


Photos From The Day:

Temple Glimpses =

Sri Nithyanandeswara Temple Anandha Nandhi Ambal Swamijis Pratyaksha Murthy Dakshinamurthy sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari

Morning Paada Puja

Morning Padha Puja In Progress http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_1603138_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_16031314_0.JPG Manasa Puja Arathi to the Master

Morning Satsang

Morning Satsang

Morning Satsangh Live in Sadhna TV

Morning Satsangh Live in Sadhna TV http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_16031311_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami_16031312.JPG

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