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If you are conscious, a different kind of morality will be around you. You will be just radiating so much of love, so much of joy, so much of ecstasy. Not only you will never sin, you will not do anything immoral, you will inspire so many people to be like you. You will become just like a phosphorus. You see, phosphorus...wherever phosphorus is kept, it will burn everything. You will become like a phosphorus. Wherever you are kept, you will awaken so many people. You will create true morality. You will create an enlightened society. Such beautiful moral life and to tell you honestly, there are so many problems which exist in the West, I have not even heard about it. Really sometimes I sit and give My gratitude to that Ultimate energy or God or Shiva or whatever I call, ‘Oh God! I am so grateful I am born in Indian village.’ Not even city, all Indian cities have now completely westernized. Indian village where nothing of this thing exists. I have not even heard about these problems.
Especially I went to AAPI... last year I went to AAPI-American Association of physicians. The things which they are discussing...they invited Me to attend a session to inspire the youngsters. When they put the questions, first time I felt I don’t know. I was not able to answer. I said to tell you...I told them directly, “To tell you honestly, I never even thought about these problems. Forget about knowing the solution, we never even heard about these problems. We have not even heard about these problems. Actually after attending AAPI, really My gratitude has multiplied to the God, because these youngsters, the western society, the problems which they face, God! I never even heard about all these things! Somehow the Eastern society, at least in the village societies, not the cities. The cities can’t be called as Eastern society. The village society, you are not given moralities. You are given more truths.
At least in My case and all, My grandfather and all those people, they used to sit and detailed way, they will explain things to Me. They will explain, they will tell lot of stories. See, whenever you are made to understand, it doesn’t stay as conscience. It becomes part of your being. You imbibe. It is not a rule but when it is given as a rule, it becomes conscience. Here nobody is there to talk to you. You are given straight laws- this, this, this. Mother is busy in the office. Father is busy in the job and you are sitting here with laws over! And naturally you will try to break them. You will try to break them. Somehow I am fortunate. My elders used to tell Me clear stories- what for, what is. It used to be an inspiration.
Recently, we got one book, the book which I used before enlightenment. It was there in the... with some of My friends. I think some of our ashramites, they have seen that book. So many things I have wrote down in that book. When I read, I was shocked. How many people have inspired Me, how all I derived inspiration. You see, throughout that book, I have not written a single morality. I have written so many stories about Prahlada, Markandeya, Dhruva-only inspiration. You are given only inspiration: never laws, never conscience. It was only inspiring. It was only technique. Actually if you receive techniques, it will directly lead to consciousness. If you receive instructions, it will lead to conscience. Teachings will create conscience; techniques will create consciousness. Yes…next?
Q: How do you explain new diseases like blood pressure? There is no blood pressure shaft yet? A disease like blood pressure, how do You explain that because there is no shaft yet.
Swamiji: You create a shaft. You see, there is no need for shaft in the outer world. You create a shaft at some particular point. You are having this and one more thing, see there are so many diseases which can be measured only by instruments. Those diseases, the moment you start believing that instrument is the authority, you start creating. You can see especially in the psychosomatic field, the psychiatric field, the more and more new diseases are discovered, more and more patients are discovered. No, really. Ten times when you see, especially these American TV advertisements, oh God! Constantly, ‘Are you having little depression? Why don’t you try this medicine? Are you having little headache? Why don’t you try this medicine? Are you having little pain in one corner? Why don’t you try this medicine? This may be this. This may be that. This may be that.’
Constantly when you are bombarded with these ideas, you see, constantly when you see McDonalds, naturally you feel like eating. You will feel the hunger. You will imagine, start imagining the hunger. In India, if you travel in the highways, you will come to know that there is a village by seeing a temple tower. Here you will come to know there is a county by seeing the McDonald’s tower. McDonald’s tower is replaced by temple tower. Constantly you will feel like...naturally you will feel like eating. So when these ideas are supplied to you, you see, you have heard about many ideas about BP from others, others’ experiences. So naturally what you do? You keep all those file and you create a shaft and you are waiting, ‘when I feel the same symptom, I think I have BP.’ But let you be very clear, the pressure which you had ten years ago, the pressure which you had nine years ago, the pressure which you had eight years ago, they are effects of independent incidents. When you start connecting and believing them, believing I have BP, you will simply start creating constant pressure because  anything which you believe, your body follows. If you believe you will have pain, your body will follow.
I have seen some of our ashramites, somehow from the beginning, I managed to make them believe that they don’t have to sleep. Still now, I can say at least ten-fifteen people in the ashram, they hardly sleep for two hours. Somehow I made them believe. Hardly they sleep two hours and no eye wrinkles, whatever you say in the West, all that nonsense, nothing is there. And here people believe that if you don’t sleep, you will have that...what do you call? Anyhow, better not knowing these words. Better let Me not know these words. No, less you know about all these things, you won’t create much and you can come and see. Of course, people who have come and stayed in the ashram, they know. Inside ashram, nobody walks, they only run. Somehow, I am successful in making them believe that they don’t have to sleep that much. They are, not only they are alive, they are active. They are energetic. They don’t feel... see, your body follows what you believe. Your body follows what you believe.
I personally feel we had the power of flying. We lost by social conditioning. Of course, I don’t have solid proof to show to you all. That is why I can’t emphasize on this but if you trust I have little intelligence or I tell something which works, which helps in your life, let you be very clear, I have seen one yogi flying with My eyes. With My eyes, I have seen. We had the power. By nature, human beings had the power. Maybe in course of social conditioning, when you are made to believe you can’t, you can’t, you can’t or when you are made to believe this is your boundary, you started...your body started following that boundary. See, I Myself have seen one Lama who is 136 years old. Let Me tell you the story how I met him.
I went to Nepal. From Nepal, actually before the Tibet there is a. ..before the border there is a place called Potala monastery. Any of you had been there, you would have seen that. Beautiful place. If you walk into the jungle some hundred kilometer, you will see a village where lamas live together. I went there because they told Me that very elderly lamas live there. Very old people live there. So I went there to see. I asked one villager, “Can I see some old lama?” He said, “Go to that field. One lama is working. He is also elderly person. Go and meet him.” I went there. He was working in the field with that yak and all those things. I asked, “Babaji, Swamiji, I heard that...and they told Me he will speak little english. He will understand little english. So I thought I can manage few words. I asked him, “Babaji, I heard that you are a very elderly person. Can you say some of your experiences? Something about your life?”
He started laughing and said, “What? elderly? I am only middle aged man. I am just 136.  There are so many people who are 180, 190. Go and talk to them.” Be very clear, it is not myth. Medically doctors are certifying. From Wisconsin University, the group of scientists have gone to experiment on them. They went and did some experiments on them and biologically, they are more than 190 years. There are so many people who are living 190 years. I asked him, “Babaji, how you people are living so long?” He said, “What is there? From the beginning, we know human...life of the human being is 300 years.” No, from the beginning, they are made to believe and they took Me to the graveyards. It is ...every graveyard, 280 years, 290 years. In one graveyard, it is written ‘This person had untimely death at the age of 180-untimely death in 180.’ No, really. You all should visit that village. You will understand, what I am saying is not...please don’t think what I am saying is lie.
There are so many western newspapers covered. The Wisconsin University went and did research on them. They say that the energy produced  by their body is six times more with the same quantity of food. Simply faith. Simply belief. Your body is just like a child. Whatever you believe, simply the body will follow. All you need to do is create a strong, right belief or just be unclutched. Even if you are unclutched, things will take its own turn and you will constantly rejuvenate yourself but when you start having the wrong beliefs, wrong understanding, you will abuse your body. You will disrespect your body. Actually I was shocked when I saw that lama, when I saw that baba and another one swami who has attended twelve kumbh melas. I have seen him in Allahabad. He has attended twelve kumbh melas. Twelve kumbh melas means 12x12, 144. Twelve kumbh melas and he is healthy. He is going around.
So be very clear, it is your faith. Whatever you believe your body simply follows. You are made to believe human beings’ age means 70-90 years and by the time you become 70, you prepare your body, ‘Oh! I have become too old.’ You constantly talk. ‘I have become old, I have become old, I have become old’ and prepare the body and die. Constantly you start talking. You start believing you have become old. Especially in the West, elderly people are not respected. It is very pathetic. Elderly people have to compete with the youngsters. That’s a...in the East, elderly people are respected in village culture. I can’t say complete East. East has gone to dogs. No really. All the so-called cities have gone to dogs. Completely confused. At least in villages, once you become sixty or seventy, the kids will take care of you. In those days, kids used to take care of the parents and the age is respected. They will come to you for counselling. They will come to you for some ideas. They will come to you for any things related to spirituality or rituals or some customs and traditions and all those things. You feel you are wanted. You don’t feel that people are waiting to give you send off.
Here, just people are waiting to say, ‘Quick, quick, it is too late. What are you doing here and here you feel like people are ready to give you the send off. There at least you feel you are wanted. People are giving you some respect. You are doing something. Actually if you live in that type of community where you are wanted, your life will be prolonged. You will live an energetic, active, happy life because your mind is directly related to body. Yes, next…(listens to a devotee) O, it is not like that. Lamas do marry, they do marry also. You see, in Buddhism, anybody who takes birth, they have to go to monastery. It is compulsory and after the age of twenty eight, you can decide. They give three option: at the age of fourteen, they allow you to marry and after that, twenty one they give you break. They give you the chance. You can marry and again twenty eight, they give you the chance you can marry.
Even if you marry, they give you a different kind of life but there are lamas who are married and especially the yogi about whom I am talking who used to fly. He is married and he had fourteen kids. He used to...he was...he is a great inspiration for Me in the initial level. He himself is not enlightened but he is a great person who has controlled the prana, who was able to handle the prana. He is a great yogi. He only took My first photograph. The photograph which is taken at the age of nine. The first photograph was taken by him only. I asked him, “Why are you doing all these things?” That time I don’t know what all will happen. He told, “You don’t know now. When time comes, you will understand.” And he has even written that in a paper behind that photograph. That photo original copy we have, we have in the ashram. Behind that he has written in his own hand and signed it. ”Now you don’t know the value of this photo. When time comes, you will know. That time, let you remember me.” He has written in Tamil and signed it.
Then again, I am giving you the energy to play with that superficial life, Ma. See, if you think that you having body is a truth, then healers initiation is truth. You understand? Do you have body? Then healers initiation is true and attend. Now what I said is ultimate truth. Before that, what I was saying is the ultimate truth. Even you having body is a lie. When you reach that state, then you don’t need healers initiation. Then you are already a healer. (listens to a devotee) Then it means be very clear, you have to attend healers initiation. There will be a state what is pinching? The pinching which is done ten years ago, the pinching which is done nine years ago, the experience which you felt one year ago-they are not connected. They are independent. Now what you are experiencing is not the same which you experienced one year ago. When you understand that, then you don’t need healers initiation. Doctor Amma is laughing. Arey, I am speaking about truth. I am speaking about...of course, when you understand this, what I am saying, then there is no need for healers initiation.

Revision as of 00:48, 4 September 2021


Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

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The Path to Bliss || Part 1 || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Title: The Path to Bliss Part 1
Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Experiencing spontaneous liberation
Date: 04 March 2006
Venue: Los Angeles, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam says that we constantly carry some degree of pain, either physical or emotional; or we constantly experience a tension in the naval centre. This pain and tension are caused by random thoughts that we mistakenly connect and create a shaft of pain. This shaft of pain itself doesn't exist and at any given moment we can unclutch from it and experience spontaneous liberation. HDH shares with delegates of the Dhyana Spurana Convention that if we unclutch from everything we experience, including unclutching from the Master, a pure silent void will be created automatically.

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Video Audio



Swamiji, please… Devotee: How did we get identified or imprisoned in this gross physical body? What did You not know before Enlightenment that You got to know after Enlightenment? What are the standards that we can tell whether or not he is enlightened or she is enlightened?


Swamiji: First thing, first thing. Let Me answer the first question.’How did we got embodied?’ To tell you honestly, I don’t know the answer, Swamiji; because I can only say, how we can liberate ourself. I am not able to say how and when we have associated ourself with this shaft. Maybe when we started thinking, when the society has started teaching, maybe that is the time we created the shaft but still I am not able to be very clear about this concept also because in the...even at the time of birth, we do carry something, some connection. So I don’t know exactly when we fell into the bondage but one thing I can say, we can surely liberate ourself. That much I am very clear. We can liberate and this is the technology but I don’t know how we got into the trap or how we entered into this trap.


A small story. One guy says, “For eighteen years, me and my wife were the happiest people on the planet earth. Then friend asked, “Then what happened?” “Then we both met. Then we both met each other.” So understand, I don’t know when we met each other. I don’t know when and the shaft met each other (laughs) but I don’t know really when the chain started but the chain started. That much I can be sure and how to come out of the chain, I can be sure. That is the one thing. Next question Swamiji, you asked about what is the exact technology.


Devotee: Not technology. What did you not know before Your Enlightenment and that You got to know after Enlightenment?


Swamiji: Ha, yes, yes, yes. This is the right question. Before the Enlightenment, I can say, after the Enlightenment, I did not started knowing something extra, I stopped or I dropped the knowledge which I had. Before the Enlightenment, I used to think this shaft is alive. I used to connect all the experience and see. After that I was very clear. I could see very clearly I am completely comfortable that thoughts rise and if they want to work, the body goes behind it and when it is done, it drops and disappears. The whole thing is happening. I am not bothered about it. Actually that constant fear or guilt or desire or something which constant irritation is not there, Swamiji. That is the thing.


After Enlightenment, the only one thing I can say, the constant irritation is not there. As on now, you understand what I mean by the word constant irritation. We all carry that constant irritation. From the moment you get out of the bed till the minute you go back to the bed, constantly you are carrying that irritation. You are waiting to jump on people. You only need some excuse. You just wait to...you are waiting to jump on people. After the Enlightenment, that has disappeared. That is not there. The constant irritation is not there. I can say, two-three things happened permanently after Enlightenment. First thing, the inner chattering is not there. The gap which I gave just now, even in that few seconds, there is no word. Pure space.


The second thing, the idea, the boundary, the border ends here and here starts the world, that border consciousness is not there. Whenever I have to handle the body, body moves, the handling happens but when I relax, again that idea is not there. That boundary feeling doesn’t exist. Third thing, even though body is male body, it is too personal but I can say. It is upto you to understand or not, I don’t mind. Because Swamiji has asked, at least for Swamiji’s sake, I am sharing. Even though body is male body, the identity-male or female has disappeared. The psychological identity that I am male or I am female, that doesn’t exist. It is not there.


And fourth thing, constant excitement, everything excites. Even small things gives big excitement. Actually, if you live around Me, you will understand. I am the person who will be enjoying all My photographs! After the photoshoot, when the CDs come, or when the books come, or the audio CDs comes, I am the first person. I will sit and play with that for four-five days. Four-five days, I will sit and play with that. I will be enjoying. These people used to ask Me, “What is this, Swamiji? You are sitting and enjoying Your own photograph?” I tell them, “What is there? I don’t feel that something is...something should not be enjoyed.” Everything creates excitement. The constant excitement is there.


Even a simple thing creates excitement, constant joy. You need some... simply some excuse to be excited. That’s all! You need simply some reason to be joyful to jump around. Otherwise that constant feeling of excitement, that joy is there. Even small, small thing-some small statue, some small Shiva or some small Buddha. That day that doctor was... doctor gave Me a beautiful Buddha statue. Every small thing gives excitement. Even a small things, you don’t feel bored with things. Otherwise, you will be really tired of speaking Swamiji and you know. You are speaking with people and you know. In last three years, I have done two hundred Ananda Spurana Programs - LBPs, personally which I did and at least eighty NSPs in last three years. You will feel bored but I don’t feel bored. Constantly whenever I see new face, I feel excited. Whenever new person is there to listen, I feel the excitement. Constant excitement is there.


Only these four happened after Enlightenment. I can say these four are the permanent thing which happened after Enlightenment. Nothing else is permanent. All these things was there earlier itself. Even these ideas which I am talking or the things which I am teaching- all these things was there even before Enlightenment, Swamiji. It is not that after Enlightenment, suddenly everything got downloaded. People believe that way but it is not true. I read and read and read. Whatever I am speaking is all from the reading or the intellectual stuff which I acquired. Only these four has become permanent. And the next question you have asked about the scale. Scale to measure and as far as this question concerned Swamiji, I feel there is no scale to tell you honestly.


I can say one thing. If you feel helped by that person, even if he is fake, don’t bother. Follow him. Even if you...even if he is not enlightened, if you feel your heart is vibrating with him, you feel connected to him, you are helped by him, don’t bother even if he is not enlightened, you will be helped. You will become enlightened. I have seen many incidences. The disciples grow much more than Master. Don’t bother about it. If you are not able to connect with that person, if your heart is not feeling connected, even if he is enlightened, he is not going to help you, forget about it. He won’t be able to help you. Just go behind the heart. That is the only thing I can say.


There is no other scale to find out whether somebody is enlightened or not. At least according to My experience, no meter exists. No meter exists. No experiment can be done. See, when they did some research on My brain, they are able to say something extraordinary, other than human beings happening but they can’t prove Enlightenment. Even the research which they did on Me, it can only prove to the extent something more than normal human being is happening. That much only they can say but they can’t say Enlightenment itself. How can that be measured? It is simply you can’t quantify it. Hmm, next?


Devotee: Okay, the question I have is, people from the West, we grow up here, we are born here. How do we get enlightened? And for all the people You spoken to in Your life, how many people You think have been enlightened?


Swamiji: You see, one thing. This is a nice question. ‘How can we be enlightened?’ And Enlightenment is not restricted to East or West. Please understand, it is no way related to East or West. Anybody who thinks, you see, if you are clutched, even if you are Eastern person, you can’t be enlightened. If you are unclutched, even if you are Western person, you are...you can be enlightened because once you are unclutched, where is the question of East and West? What I am...why I am saying, I am praising about East was, the East somehow creates a situation or atmosphere in which you can easily unclutch yourself. Constantly the ideas about unclutching is put into your head. That is the only plus point with the East. Otherwise, nothing else, is great in the East.


I tell people that for a premature baby, you need incubator. In incubator you put that baby for three-four months till it can live with the world, live with the atmosphere safely. Till he is safe, you put him in the incubator. Same way, East is a spiritual incubator. India is a spiritual incubator where even if you don’t want, even if you are a pucca atheist, constantly somehow some ideas will be put into your head. Something beyond your mind exists. That concept will start going inside. So that will help to...see the preliminary work is done. So it is easy for the second level work or the higher level work.


See, now I say rituals will not work, japa is not going to help. People who have practiced will be able to relate with Me more deeply than the people who have not practiced. That is the reason I tell, “In the East, little easy.” Otherwise, as far as unclutching concerned, whether it is East or West, I have...I am giving a new technology which is directly helpful for everybody. Whether you are East or West, just unclutch. Do not create a one more identity that you are from East or you are from West. That is enough. You are unclutched.


Devotee: How can we relate to You, Swamiji?


Swamiji: You can relate...you see, actually to tell you honestly Swamiji, if the relationship is friendly, it is going to long last. Any other relationship other than friendliness is not going to survive. I am very clear about it, Swamiji. I am very clear, any relationship, the amount of friendliness which you have, only that kind of relationship will survive. Only the friendliness is going to survive. I am very clear, Swamiji, person who touch My feet will be person to pull My feet. Whenever people bend to touch My feet, I am very clear he is going to pull the feet. So according to Me, friendliness is the only relationship.


Devotee: Swamiji, do you feel special relationship with any one of us or it is all the same for You?


Swamiji: Oh, this is another one question. It is not like a special Swamiji, like a unique. I have a individual attitude with everybody, that’s all. But not like everybody is equal or everybody is same, not like that. Everybody is unique. With everybody I cherish a different kind of relationship, that’s all. According to Me, friendliness is the only solid relationship which will stay. All other relationship may be there because of fear or greed but which will not stay, which is dangerous. People who come and straightaway touch My feet first day itself, I am afraid of them because I know it is not a matured relationship. Maybe their imagination about their Guru they project on Me and when I don’t match with that, they will blame Me. As long as I play their game, you see, as long as I do their homework, I am God. When I don’t do their homework, they will pull Me down. They will pull Me down from the throne.


So I believe only in friendliness but I feel to every individual being, to express the truth but I don’t feel like attacking some person or attacking some individual and I feel everybody plays a role in society, Swamiji. Even if they are hocus-pocus, they may be preparing some thousands of people. Who knows and maybe they are inspiring some thousands of people. So we are nobody to judge. We are nobody to judge. Whenever an individual comes, I feel to open the whole thing to him but I don’t feel like targeting somebody and moreover, I feel where is the scale? Where is the scale, Swamiji? There is no scale. There is no scale, something is right and something is wrong and somebody should be exposed and all those things. It is all purely subjective.


You see, for some people, they may experience something with Me, they may experience some truth with Me. They say He is God, nothing but God. For some people they may not be able to connect with Me. They may not be able to relate with Me. ‘Ah, Young fellow. I think He doesn’t get any job. So He became...He took up this job. Now somehow He has managed His survival and He is making little money and living His life.’ It is very easy. It’s not big thing, Swamiji. So people who feel connected to Me, for them I am different. People who don’t feel connected to Me, for them I am totally different. It is purely subjective experience. So how can we say, expose somebody, somebody is hocus-pocus or point finger toward somebody? Nothing. It is purely subjective, Swamiji. If somebody feels that they are helped by Me, beautiful. As long as you feel helped by Me, I feel helped by you, let us have the relationship, over! When you feel you are not helped by Me, say bye, beautiful, that’s all. That is the only thing can be done, Swamiji.


Devotee: Swamiji, I have a question. If I create a shaft for a longer period of time


Swamiji: Yes, I request all of you to be in this subject so that whenever you go to the different layers, we will analyse the second level-third level layers. Related to this, Annamaya kosha, shaft on annamaya kosha, let’s work on that because we are going to do meditation related to that. One more thing, I have too many things to say about this one subject of annamaya kosha and shaft. Instead of Me saying continuously, when you put questions, lot of things will come out. I am here giving you space to poke Me, to get things out of Me.


Devotee: If I have created a shaft of pain for instance over a long period of time…


Swamiji: Shaft of?


Devotee: of pain. What’s this a shaft has been created over a shorter period of time.


Swamiji: No, whether long shaft or short shaft, the shaft doesn’t exist. This moment you can liberate. There is no problem.


Devotee: Okay


Swamiji: See, the pain or any shaft, long shaft or short shaft is not the question. This moment you can break. For example, if you had a tumour, if somebody had a tumour, this moment he breaks from the shaft and he is free, the body may take few months to come back to adjust itself to the new shaft, to new life. That body may take few months but otherwise the liberation is this moment. It is spontaneous. That is why I call this truth as a spontaneous liberation.


Devotee: Swami, I have a half brother who has brain injury and I also go to a place where the people have had head injuries and lot of connect the shaft. They are in the moment...


Swamiji: No, no, no. Be very clear. They may not be able to speak about the shaft but actually, logically they are connecting the shaft. That is why they are continuously suffering. A coma person, if he doesn’t create the shaft, he will simply come out of coma. You can see in your dream. The moment you don’t...you stop creating the shaft, you are out of dream state. You are out of dream state. They are in that injury because they are creating the shaft. The moment they stop creating the shaft, they will heal themself. They will come out of that state. Coma also...if any of you have experienced coma state, you know. You will be seeing some vague picture or darkness. The moment you stop creating that shaft, you are out. You are out. So be very clear. They may not logically be able to express to you that they are creating shaft but they are creating shaft.


Devotee: Swamiji, when You said shaft, it reminded of the emails getting attached by the viruses. It is like a virus. It keeps on attaching.


Swamiji: Yes, the same thing.


Devotee: And also You said Swamiji that reviewing the past with updated intelligence will lead you to guilt and doctor amma says viewing the future with current intelligence leads to worry


Swamiji: You see, you will have disappointment if you keep appointment with the future. All your appointments with the future will lead to disappointment.


Devotee: But Swamiji, with this shaft in the pain as a physician I do see quite a few patients who have chronic fatigue syndrome, pain and…


Swamiji: I tell you, it can do miracles if they can understand this and if you can give this understanding to them, it can just do miracles because constantly your body...you see, Consciousness by its very nature rejuvenating and healing. By the very nature, Consciousness rejuvenates and heals. What else you think I am doing in the...you know in healing, what we do? We just create the Consciousness, that’s all. That only heals. That only rejuvenates. Consciousness by its very nature healing and rejuvenating. All you need to do is making them understand this and trust, when they start liberating themself, let you be very clear, it will do miracles for them.


Devotee: And the ones who do not have the...they cannot understand


Swamiji: Then they have to suffer, what to do?


Devotee: Give medicine and send them away.


Swamiji: Nothing can be done. They will bring it back, nothing can be done. If they don’t have that much of maturity to understand, then no way to help.



The Path to Bliss || Part 2 || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Title: The Path to Bliss Part 2
Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Experiencing spontaneous liberation
Date: 04 March 2006
Venue: Los Angeles, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam says that we constantly carry some degree of pain, either physical or emotional; or we constantly experience a tension in the naval centre. This pain and tension are caused by random thoughts that we mistakenly connect and create a shaft of pain. This shaft of pain itself doesn't exist and at any given moment we can unclutch from it and experience spontaneous liberation. HDH shares with delegates of the Dhyana Spurana Convention that if we unclutch from everything we experience, including unclutching from the Master, a pure silent void will be created automatically.

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Swamiji: Anybody who wants to share some of your understanding? Raise your hand. Yes.


Devotee: Okay, I have a question about identity.


Swamiji: About?


Devotee: Identity


Swamiji: Ha, yes.


Devotee: I don’t really understand if you take all the identity away from a person who you are afterwards because if you go to college and you have certain prepares, you finish you go to school for so many years, you know, you stripped of that. I don’t know what’s left.


Swamiji: You see, when you, when you have invested your whole life on that personality and purpose, when it is taken away from you, first you feel shaken but if you can relax with little patience, you will suddenly see without any purpose, pure energy is overflowing through you. That is what I call Enlightened life. Enlightened life has no goals, no purpose but it has got meaning. Just pure energy expressing itself. The pure energy is playing. It’s overflowing. According to Me, that is the best life.


You see, I have lived both life-life with goal, life without goal. And I tell you, the life without goal, the pure energy expressing itself is the ultimate joy. It is the ultimate joy. Just try, for few days, try to live in this space. If you don’t feel comfortable, then you can change. After all it is there waiting. It is there waiting for you. You are not going to lose anything. Purpose is there, goal is there and one more thing, when you are not enlightened, you don’t have freedom whether to be enlightened or not but after Enlightenment, you have the freedom to be enlightened or not to be enlightened. You have full freedom. So don’t worry. Come into My space. Then you can choose.


Devotee: This is the second fracture that I have had and I want to get out of this cycle if I am doing this like You are saying connecting thoughts and I am in some way causing this hurt to myself and the other thing actually that I experienced this morning when You told that if you can disconnect your thoughts and say that the pain that you had yesterday is not the same pain today and I told myself, ‘Gosh! If this is true, my pain should be different’ and it is different. There is a difference in the pain…


Swamiji: That’s all Ma.


Devotee: And I just hope Your teachings you know, that I am just able to break this cycle of suffering that we live with. Thank You, Swamiji.


Swamiji: See, actually when you understand, this moment you can apply wherever you have pain. Of course, in the meditation we will be doing that only. We will be doing that only in the meditation. Wherever you have pain or fatigue, uncomfortable feeling...one more thing, constantly you carry some pain or other. Even if you don’t have any pain, inside the stomach, in the navel area, in the Manipuraka chakra area you carry a tension. You will be constantly carrying the tension. If you don’t have the tension, you are enlightened! Either you will carry the tension or some pain. Now we will work on that pain only. Just completely unclutch yourself and see what is going on in you. You will suddenly see a new feeling happening all over your body. You will see a different ecstasy.


If you are unclutched from your body, living inside the body itself is a great experience-ecstatic experience. I tell you one thing. Usually people feel constantly irritated to stay in this body. That’s why when you come out of your bed, when you get out of your sleep, you feel, ‘Oh! One more day, God!’ You feel that irritation. You will not have that if you are unclutched from your body. You will feel so comfortable, so beautiful and you will feel ecstatic to be in the body. Hmm, yes.


Devotee: Is there difference between different enlightened masters like Yourself, Satya Sai Baba, Lord Krishna, Rama


Swamiji: You see, be very clear. As far as the Enlightenment itself concerned, no difference. All enlightened energies, all enlightened souls live in the same space. The expression differs according to the need and the time. According to the need and the time, the expression differs. These all...what to say that...decided by the Cosmic energy according to the need. We don’t know the logic with which the duty is allotted. We don’t know with which logic She is allotting the duty, with which logic She is playing the game. It is too big logic to be measured or to be understood by our intelligence. That much I know. Only this much I am able to say.


Devotee: Swamiji, is it possible to have very lofty goals in your innerspace?


Swamiji: Very..?


Devotee: Lofty goals in your innerspace?


Swamiji: Lofty goals in your innerspace?


Devotee: Right, so that there is no more room to get that so-called shaft which is…


Swamiji: No, no, no, no. Then you will create one more goal, one more shaft. Do not...you see, do not create any shaft. You will suddenly feel you are overflowing without even your knowledge. If you start thinking you are overflowing, again unclutch from it. Be unclutched from that also. When you are completely unclutching, unclutching, unclutching, even without your knowledge, you will be just overflowing. That is the right thing. That is the right way to be. Do not have any lofty ideal or goal. That will become one more shaft, one more shaft. These two days I am trying My best to give you the glimpse of that being unclutched and being comfortable in that state.


See, one moment you can feel unclutched by force and other moment you will feel suffocated and start again clutching yourself. That is not a big thing. I want somehow you to feel comfortable with that unclutched state. You should feel completely comfortable with the whole unclutched state. Only then you will constantly be in the same state just by remembering. The moment you remember that you are unclutched immediately you will feel you will be in that state. You will be comfortable in that state. Yes, nobody is sharing about their understanding. If you can share about some of your understanding, that will throw light for many people what you had and how you feel with this truth.


Devotee: Do you really believe the karma is why is there is so much suffering


Swamiji: O, you see, to tell you honestly, we don’t have solid proof for karma. We can say something as karma after happening. Can we say before happening?


Devotee: But there are people who suffer without any reason.


Swamiji: See, logically you can play with the idea karma but somehow I feel that it is waste. Even if you understand karma, what to do? Better let us do something to escape from the karma. Otherwise what is the need of sitting, going on talking is it agamya, sanchita, prarabdha, prarabdha sanchita, prarabdha agamya, agamya prarabdha. I just feel it is more or less waste of time.


Devotee: But do You believe people who are doing something wrong they are not suffering and people who are good sometimes suffer? Do You believe in past life karma?


Swamiji: This question is asked is totally subjective you see. Just because they have house, wife and car, don’t think that they are enjoying. Let you be very clear. Just because they have wealth, how can you say that they are enjoying? They might have acquired wealth but they may be living in hell, who knows? Who knows? So I don’t believe that people who have done good things they are suffering and people who have done bad things they are enjoying. May not be true because the joy and suffering itself is totally subjective. You can’t see and measure from the object.


May be outside, they may be smiling at you and they are showing or posing as if they are living happily. In the West especially that attitude is more and you constantly...in Tamil there is a proverb. They won’t have anything to eat but after the food time, they will take a banana leaf and nicely put the oil and throw outside as if they ate with ghee to show to the others. To show to the others they will apply oil on the banana leaf and put it outside so that people will...on the street they will think, ‘Oh! They are eating ghee pongal. They are eating all food with ghee items. So who knows what is going on inside?


Devotee: Last one comment. Some people believe that people as you get educated you get more problems and simple people have less problems.


Swamiji: Simple people have less problems because they don’t know much words. They don’t create much problems. See all your problems are nothing but words which you create inside. Educated man means more words, you are ready to be cheated by the educated group. You see, that’s all. Once you become educated then so many educated groups are sitting. People who want to sell their furnitures, people who want to sell their medicines, people who want to sell their products, they are all sitting on you. You have so many people to satisfy. You need to satisfy so many people. All their expectation you have to fulfill and work.


See, all advertisements are nothing but...they are waiting for you to fulfill their satisfaction. Naturally that advertisement will enter into your head, will make you work and you will work and pay for them, that’s all. They give you inspiration. You work and pay them back and you are suffering. At least with less words, you don’t suffer much. So in a way, that’s also true. Less educated: less suffering. And you can be in another one space. You can be educated and know how to unclutch yourself and you can live a beautiful and life...beautiful life.


Devotee: So the experience that lead me to You was I did…


Swamiji: (asks another devotee to know what she is saying)


Devotee: (continues) Spiritual study on past life and we were working with different Masters, clearing energies etc. and what happened at the end of two years was that I was crushed with so much weight and sadness from this past life information and my being was crying out. I just wanted to be..I couldn’t paint. I couldn’t be spontaneous and a friend called me and I happened to see You at the temple and I started meditating and it freed me and I had so much suffering from this experience. Then I started singing with harmonium and I never sang before ever and I started writing songs and a most beautiful energy has been coming through as a result of these meditations and I am just so grateful. So thank You.


Swamiji: Beautiful. That’s nice. What I am saying, it is a beautiful experience but try to be unclutched even from this. If you are unclutched even from this, it will stay permanently. If you try to hold onto this shaft, you see, if you...the moment you think that this is a beautiful shaft, you will try to elongate it and create...you will mess up the whole thing. Just be unclutched even from these beautiful experiences. I always tell people, if you are unclutched from Me, if you are unclutched from Me, you will have Nithyananda. I will be always with you. If you try to clutch yourself with Me, I will run away from you. You can’t possess Nithyananda. You can’t possess bliss.


Just even when the bliss happens in you, continuously unclutch yourself and suddenly you will see you are in the ocean of bliss where neither unclutching happens nor clutching happens. You are completely in a different plane. Till as long as you can continuously unclutch yourself from whatever you are experiencing, whatever you are experiencing including Me, including Me, constantly unclutch. Then you will see, you are in a different space where you don’t need to unclutch yourself at all!


Devotee: It is my understanding that meditation is the cessation of the mind and union with the divine but you have to create a pure, thoughtless silence, void


Swamiji: No, I am not even...you see, the pure thoughtless silence, void-all these things will become one more shaft. I am not trying to do that. I am just trying to help you to unclutch from the shaft which you are creating. Automatically the pure silence, void will be happening. Here you can’t work with silence or void. You can’t create silence or void. If you create silence, it will be noise. You can only stop creating shafts. Then silence will be happening in you.



Drop Your Identity || Part 1 || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Name of Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Drop Your Identity Part 1
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 04 March 2006

In this video the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam shared with the delegates of the Dhyana Spurana that this convention is for sincere and serious seekers who want transformation. It will make us understand the truth in our inner space and throw light onto the dark corners of our life. At the Physical Layer (Annamaya Kosha), we are protective of our identity, which is the last thing we are willing to sacrifice. Every moment thoughts are created and our body is guided by our beliefs and emotions. For example, if we believe in tiredness, we will always feel tired. Only by dropping this thought associated with our identity, will we be free of diseases. The problem is that our identity happens in our body. Constantly, we are creating a body with diseases. When we understand this, we are reborn anew. Come and find out more from the Avatar!

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The reality which is happening, if you are really serious about transformation, this is the one and only way. if you just want to play the game; you see, many time ------Swami, nice day, so we are playing’. There are so many professional seekers come to me, they come and tell me,’ Swami my seeking is much older than your age!’ They come and, yesterday also somebody also came and told me ‘ Im one century ahead of you’. That is OK, nothing wrong, being one century ahead of me is nothing, half a century not one century, nothing wrong. Another one person told me ; ‘My seeking is one century, half a century ahead of you’. Right! What have you got? What have you achieved?

If you are a professional seeker, just want to do window shopping;  and you saw the flyer somewhere,’Oh I ;  Nice Swami, let’s go and see ! ‘  (1:14)  What he says, if you have come to check out then OK, you don’t need any meditation or any of these great teachings; can just sit and listen.   If you are really sincere, serious about the business, business of transformation.   If you are really serious then this is the only way, let you understand.    Now we will work step by step to take this understanding into your deeper layer, and show you exactly how, what I am saying is truth!     How this is truth in your inner space.   Now, I presented this truth in front of you, we will work in every step;  The level of guilt, The level of fear,The level of desire;   We’ll just see how there are so many thousands of thoughts, and you create, pick up some thoughts and connect with each other, and create your desire, and the one behind that , and make your life hell !   Thinking that it’ll give you joy and finally it gives only pain.   And even then you are not ready to give up your belief. 


And again, just because you started believing, you are afraid to give up. If you give up, then you have nothing else to do; the fear of not doing anything else; a fear of being alone, that drives you crazy! How you create, step by step by step, your hell beautifully or in ugly way; not beautifully ; ugly way. We will see how you are creating your hell! The moment you can understand how you create your hell, naturally you will stop creating, that’s enough! You don’t need to start creating your heaven, because heaven ‘is’ heaven is ‘existing’! All you need to do is stop creating hell for yourself and for others. You are not only creating for you, you create for others also, it’s because you feel lonely in your hell! You call your neighbours also,’Please come, come, please come, why dont you share a little bit, why not, let’s share, let’s share our space; you are not feeling comfortable when you are alone! That is why I say, all your relationship is nothing but creating more and more intimate enemies, you create more and more intimate enemies.

Let you be  very clear, by your very nature you are unclutched, unconnected, illogical, independent and completely unclutched thoughts !  (4:05)   We will take this truth layer by layer and experience it.   If you experience this moment, if you understand this moment, nothing else is necessary.    Actually, it’s enough, we are done.   If you understand this moment and  if you are feeling ‘yes nothing more to do’, then this is done!  This is enough, nothing else is necessary.    But, sometimes we need to throw the light at every corner, to every corner, there are so many dark corners in your being, we’ll throw light to every corner, so that your being can become completely enlightened, completely enlightened.   Now first few things to be understood in the physical level, in the annamaya kosha.    Just very simple, basic to understanding, then you will understand how you are stopping the growth of the rejuvenation, self healing process, by thinking and connecting and creating shafts.   Every moment, constantly your thoughts are creating your body, that’s the first thing.    Next, thing, your body is guided by your beliefs and emotions.


First thing, your body is created by your body, by your mind and thoughts. Next thing, it is guided by your emotions and beliefs which you are carrying, (5:57) There is a beautiful book written by Bruce Lypton, ‘Biology of Belief,’ It’s a beautiful book, after long research, he says, ‘Your body is not guided by self and as we are all made to believe in biology; your body is not guided by cells; you are not just a bio-mechanism’. He says ‘you are guided by your belief and your emotions’, He goes further deep to explain, step by step everything. Anyhow, five thousand years ago Patanjali is very clear, he says very clearly just by iccha matra, just by your desire, you create your sharira. Just by your desire you create your body, and you can destroy or you can do whatever you want with your body. (7:10) Now understand, with this truth of you being unclutched. If you understand that your body is being created every moment by your thoughts, by your emotions. Why are we continuously carrying diseases?

 Why are we again and again bringing our diseases back?     And one more thing, according to, even according to biology;  you are creating your body, you are rejuvenate  your body, continuously. ( 7:53)    Your liver is replaced once in six months;  Your complete intestines are replaced once in twenty one days.    Constantly you are replacing yourself     You are rejuvenating yourself.    Then why are we bringing, why are we holding on to our diseases?     Because of your old mental set-up.   When you believe in something,, when you create an identity, when you start believing in something, when you create an identity, when you start believing the identity which you are carrying about yourself.    The continuity of identity create the same kind of body.    So the problem which is in your identity happens in your body.    If you don’t drop that identity  the body also continuously    suffers.    Even the new body which you create, will be the same old problem.    Constantly you are creating body with diseases.


If you can understand and relax with this truth, if you can understand and relax with this one truth, you are unclutched. You will rejuvenate the body and you will create a new body. That ‘s what Shiva says, ‘Be Born Anew.’ By understanding this truth, be born anew. Whether you have pain or any suffering, just completely unclutch yourself and see; the pain which you experienced ten days ago, the pain which you experienced nine days ago, the pain which you experienced yesterday; do not connect them and give a label. Just be very clear, something is happening in that area, something is happening in my body. Do not label, do not start believing ‘I have continuous pain (10:00) The oment to start believing you have continuous pain you have created problem. Even if you get rid of that pain, you’ll be waiting for the pain; ‘Oh that pain has gone but I don’t know whether it will come back. Inside your mind you don’t believe that it has gone once for all, you will wait to bring that pain back; you are waiting to get hurt, you are waiting to get the disease, you are just silently, patiently, meditating for the disease to come inside. (10:35) That is what you are doing, waiting for that particular disease means, you are meditating! You are just waiting for it to come inside, you are just asking, ‘Oh when it’ll come I don’t know, when it will come I don’t know. It’s almost like meditating for God ! You are meditating for pain, you are meditating for diseases. When you create even one shaft, one idea you have this problem, you have that problem, constantly you will be bringing it back. Even when you don’t have, you will not be able to believe that you are not having, you will not be able to believe you are not having.


Can see in your life , in the young age, if your mother teaches you, if you are taught by your mother; if you go in the rain you will have wheezing. After you grow, even after you become old, you don’t even have to go in the rain, just see the rain through the window, you will sneeze! The moment you see the rain through the window, you will start sneezing; and sometime by mistake you may not observe and you may not sneeze, you may not sneeze but even then,’Oh it’s raining, but somehow I’m not feeling any problem, I’m not feeling cold, why what happened? Now it has become alright or what?’ Constantly you suspect and meditate for two days, till it comes to you. Till it comes you’ll be constantly meditating, because the moment you start believing something, the moment you start connecting the shaft. and start believing, even if it doesn’t happen you are not comfortable. You wanted the shaft to be executed; only then you will feel the identity is safe. You are ready to do, you are ready to sacrifice (12:43) anything to protect your identity. Be very clear, including your body you are ready to do anything to protect your identity. You can see in your life, to protect, that is the last thing which you want to lose.


You don’t want to lose the identity. To protect the identity you will do anything. Actually, people can sacrifice anything, it is easy to sacrifice wealth, it is easy to sacrifice money, it is easy to sacrifice wife, because it will be constantly hurting; it is easy to sacrifice all these things. (13: 21) But it is not easy to sacrifice the identity. It is very easy to sacrifice things which is hurting. I have seen many people, they will give all their wealth, everything, and run away to Himalayas. They’ll be sitting in Himalayas, but they will have given up so many things! But they will not give up the seat in which they are sitting. In the Himalayas, in the temples I have seen, they will fight for the place where they sit. They would have given up so many things, but they won’t be able to give up that chair or the seat where they are sitting. Or that kamandalu, every day they will be wiping and washing the kamandalu, ten times they will be cleaning and it will be shining, but they will be cleaning. They will have given up so many things, but they can’t give up that kamandalu (14:10) And even if they have managed to give up this kamandalu, also they can’t give up the identity; I am this, I am that. It is very difficult to give up the identity. You will sacrifice anything for identity. All your diseases are nothing but sacrificing your body for the sake of your identity. When you start believing, you have an identity; when you start believing you are somebody; according to that belief you alter your body. According to that belief you force yourself to act, your body creates or maintains particular disease according to the identity which you create. ( 15:04)


According to the beliefs which you create about your body; tiredness,chronic fatigue; all these things are directly related to this shaft. If you start believing; you see; yesterday’s tiredness and day before yesterday’s tiredness, or which you experienced one month ago. Theyr’e complete independent experiences. But, when you start connecting all of them and seeing,’ by eight ‘o’ clock I’ll become tired; If you create a shaft , by six ‘o’clock you will start preparing your mind; ‘Hey it’s becoming eight ‘o’ clock, I have to fulfill my belief, I have to fulfill my faith, I have to fulfill my identity. You have to fulfill your identity; you start creating the dullness or lethargic feeling by six ‘o’ clock itself. You have to prove your identity, because you created it. Sometimes you may have forgot to prove your identity to the outer world, but you will never miss to prove the identity to yourself. Because if the outer world doesn’t believe your identity, is also OK. But you yourself starts suspecting or your identity is too dangerous, you will never let that happen. ( 16:25) Be very clear, I am exposing all the cunning games you are playing with yourself. All the games which you are playing with yourself. You will never let down your identity with yourself, because without that identity you will be afraid ; What to do? How to be ( 16:50)


You need to be . You can’t be without anything. So you have to be somebody, so create some identity. All your identity is a pure myth! You see I can generalize and tell you these are usual problems, which you suffer in the annamaya kosha, in the first layer; because of your identity and because of the belief or because you connect and see the shaft. If you can come up with your questions; now we will have a few minutes. Either you can share some of your understandings, how you are creating shaft and suffering. (17:25) relating this annamaya kosha and how you understand that now! You can share your understanding or you can put some question, you can ask some questions. Anything related to this annamaya kosha we will analyze now ( 17:53) Layer by layer we’ll analyze, otherwise all the questions at a time, we’ll forget the truth we are supposed to understand. Layer by layer we’ll understand, we’ll throw light and we’ll apply this same truth and try to liberate ourself from the shaft which we are creating or which we are thinking we are creating. Again, whether the shaft exists we don’t know, but we constantly think we have created that shaft. So now, we’ll takes a few minutes to share, you can share some of your understanding now, or you can put any question. To share, some of your understanding you need the courage to laugh at the drama or the game which you are playing. If you don’t have the courage you can’t open up, because -----------you’ll be putting the identity which you are carrying. ( 19:06)


Only if you feel, if you feel courageous enough to laugh at the foolish drama which we are constantly doing, only if you understand it is really a foolish drama. Otherwise you can carry on, no problem. Only when you understand the foolish drama which you are doing, in the name of identity which you are carrying, then only you will be able to laugh at it. You’ll be able to open what you are doing or how you are playing with this shaft


Drop Your Identity || Part 2 || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Name of Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Drop Your Identity Part 2
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 04 March 2006

In this video the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam shared with the delegates of the Dhyana Spurana that this convention is for sincere and serious seekers who want transformation. It will make us understand the truth in our inner space and throw light onto the dark corners of our life. At the Physical Layer (Annamaya Kosha), we are protective of our identity, which is the last thing we are willing to sacrifice. Every moment thoughts are created and our body is guided by our beliefs and emotions. For example, if we believe in tiredness, we will always feel tired. Only by dropping this thought associated with our identity, will we be free of diseases. The problem is that our identity happens in our body. Constantly, we are creating a body with diseases. When we understand this, we are reborn anew. Come and find out more from the Avatar!

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Video Audio


Drop Your Identity || Part 3 || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Name of Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Drop Your Identity Part 3
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 04 March 2006

In this video the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam shared with the delegates of the Dhyana Spurana that this convention is for sincere and serious seekers who want transformation. It will make us understand the truth in our inner space and throw light onto the dark corners of our life. At the Physical Layer (Annamaya Kosha), we are protective of our identity, which is the last thing we are willing to sacrifice. Every moment thoughts are created and our body is guided by our beliefs and emotions. For example, if we believe in tiredness, we will always feel tired. Only by dropping this thought associated with our identity, will we be free of diseases. The problem is that our identity happens in our body. Constantly, we are creating a body with diseases. When we understand this, we are reborn anew. Come and find out more from the Avatar!

Link to Video:

Video Audio



If you are conscious, a different kind of morality will be around you. You will be just radiating so much of love, so much of joy, so much of ecstasy. Not only you will never sin, you will not do anything immoral, you will inspire so many people to be like you. You will become just like a phosphorus. You see, phosphorus...wherever phosphorus is kept, it will burn everything. You will become like a phosphorus. Wherever you are kept, you will awaken so many people. You will create true morality. You will create an enlightened society. Such beautiful moral life and to tell you honestly, there are so many problems which exist in the West, I have not even heard about it. Really sometimes I sit and give My gratitude to that Ultimate energy or God or Shiva or whatever I call, ‘Oh God! I am so grateful I am born in Indian village.’ Not even city, all Indian cities have now completely westernized. Indian village where nothing of this thing exists. I have not even heard about these problems.


Especially I went to AAPI... last year I went to AAPI-American Association of physicians. The things which they are discussing...they invited Me to attend a session to inspire the youngsters. When they put the questions, first time I felt I don’t know. I was not able to answer. I said to tell you...I told them directly, “To tell you honestly, I never even thought about these problems. Forget about knowing the solution, we never even heard about these problems. We have not even heard about these problems. Actually after attending AAPI, really My gratitude has multiplied to the God, because these youngsters, the western society, the problems which they face, God! I never even heard about all these things! Somehow the Eastern society, at least in the village societies, not the cities. The cities can’t be called as Eastern society. The village society, you are not given moralities. You are given more truths.


At least in My case and all, My grandfather and all those people, they used to sit and detailed way, they will explain things to Me. They will explain, they will tell lot of stories. See, whenever you are made to understand, it doesn’t stay as conscience. It becomes part of your being. You imbibe. It is not a rule but when it is given as a rule, it becomes conscience. Here nobody is there to talk to you. You are given straight laws- this, this, this. Mother is busy in the office. Father is busy in the job and you are sitting here with laws over! And naturally you will try to break them. You will try to break them. Somehow I am fortunate. My elders used to tell Me clear stories- what for, what is. It used to be an inspiration.


Recently, we got one book, the book which I used before enlightenment. It was there in the... with some of My friends. I think some of our ashramites, they have seen that book. So many things I have wrote down in that book. When I read, I was shocked. How many people have inspired Me, how all I derived inspiration. You see, throughout that book, I have not written a single morality. I have written so many stories about Prahlada, Markandeya, Dhruva-only inspiration. You are given only inspiration: never laws, never conscience. It was only inspiring. It was only technique. Actually if you receive techniques, it will directly lead to consciousness. If you receive instructions, it will lead to conscience. Teachings will create conscience; techniques will create consciousness. Yes…next?


Q: How do you explain new diseases like blood pressure? There is no blood pressure shaft yet? A disease like blood pressure, how do You explain that because there is no shaft yet.


Swamiji: You create a shaft. You see, there is no need for shaft in the outer world. You create a shaft at some particular point. You are having this and one more thing, see there are so many diseases which can be measured only by instruments. Those diseases, the moment you start believing that instrument is the authority, you start creating. You can see especially in the psychosomatic field, the psychiatric field, the more and more new diseases are discovered, more and more patients are discovered. No, really. Ten times when you see, especially these American TV advertisements, oh God! Constantly, ‘Are you having little depression? Why don’t you try this medicine? Are you having little headache? Why don’t you try this medicine? Are you having little pain in one corner? Why don’t you try this medicine? This may be this. This may be that. This may be that.’


Constantly when you are bombarded with these ideas, you see, constantly when you see McDonalds, naturally you feel like eating. You will feel the hunger. You will imagine, start imagining the hunger. In India, if you travel in the highways, you will come to know that there is a village by seeing a temple tower. Here you will come to know there is a county by seeing the McDonald’s tower. McDonald’s tower is replaced by temple tower. Constantly you will feel like...naturally you will feel like eating. So when these ideas are supplied to you, you see, you have heard about many ideas about BP from others, others’ experiences. So naturally what you do? You keep all those file and you create a shaft and you are waiting, ‘when I feel the same symptom, I think I have BP.’ But let you be very clear, the pressure which you had ten years ago, the pressure which you had nine years ago, the pressure which you had eight years ago, they are effects of independent incidents. When you start connecting and believing them, believing I have BP, you will simply start creating constant pressure because anything which you believe, your body follows. If you believe you will have pain, your body will follow.


I have seen some of our ashramites, somehow from the beginning, I managed to make them believe that they don’t have to sleep. Still now, I can say at least ten-fifteen people in the ashram, they hardly sleep for two hours. Somehow I made them believe. Hardly they sleep two hours and no eye wrinkles, whatever you say in the West, all that nonsense, nothing is there. And here people believe that if you don’t sleep, you will have that...what do you call? Anyhow, better not knowing these words. Better let Me not know these words. No, less you know about all these things, you won’t create much and you can come and see. Of course, people who have come and stayed in the ashram, they know. Inside ashram, nobody walks, they only run. Somehow, I am successful in making them believe that they don’t have to sleep that much. They are, not only they are alive, they are active. They are energetic. They don’t feel... see, your body follows what you believe. Your body follows what you believe.


I personally feel we had the power of flying. We lost by social conditioning. Of course, I don’t have solid proof to show to you all. That is why I can’t emphasize on this but if you trust I have little intelligence or I tell something which works, which helps in your life, let you be very clear, I have seen one yogi flying with My eyes. With My eyes, I have seen. We had the power. By nature, human beings had the power. Maybe in course of social conditioning, when you are made to believe you can’t, you can’t, you can’t or when you are made to believe this is your boundary, you started...your body started following that boundary. See, I Myself have seen one Lama who is 136 years old. Let Me tell you the story how I met him.


I went to Nepal. From Nepal, actually before the Tibet there is a. ..before the border there is a place called Potala monastery. Any of you had been there, you would have seen that. Beautiful place. If you walk into the jungle some hundred kilometer, you will see a village where lamas live together. I went there because they told Me that very elderly lamas live there. Very old people live there. So I went there to see. I asked one villager, “Can I see some old lama?” He said, “Go to that field. One lama is working. He is also elderly person. Go and meet him.” I went there. He was working in the field with that yak and all those things. I asked, “Babaji, Swamiji, I heard that...and they told Me he will speak little english. He will understand little english. So I thought I can manage few words. I asked him, “Babaji, I heard that you are a very elderly person. Can you say some of your experiences? Something about your life?”


He started laughing and said, “What? elderly? I am only middle aged man. I am just 136. There are so many people who are 180, 190. Go and talk to them.” Be very clear, it is not myth. Medically doctors are certifying. From Wisconsin University, the group of scientists have gone to experiment on them. They went and did some experiments on them and biologically, they are more than 190 years. There are so many people who are living 190 years. I asked him, “Babaji, how you people are living so long?” He said, “What is there? From the beginning, we know human...life of the human being is 300 years.” No, from the beginning, they are made to believe and they took Me to the graveyards. It is ...every graveyard, 280 years, 290 years. In one graveyard, it is written ‘This person had untimely death at the age of 180-untimely death in 180.’ No, really. You all should visit that village. You will understand, what I am saying is not...please don’t think what I am saying is lie.


There are so many western newspapers covered. The Wisconsin University went and did research on them. They say that the energy produced by their body is six times more with the same quantity of food. Simply faith. Simply belief. Your body is just like a child. Whatever you believe, simply the body will follow. All you need to do is create a strong, right belief or just be unclutched. Even if you are unclutched, things will take its own turn and you will constantly rejuvenate yourself but when you start having the wrong beliefs, wrong understanding, you will abuse your body. You will disrespect your body. Actually I was shocked when I saw that lama, when I saw that baba and another one swami who has attended twelve kumbh melas. I have seen him in Allahabad. He has attended twelve kumbh melas. Twelve kumbh melas means 12x12, 144. Twelve kumbh melas and he is healthy. He is going around.


So be very clear, it is your faith. Whatever you believe your body simply follows. You are made to believe human beings’ age means 70-90 years and by the time you become 70, you prepare your body, ‘Oh! I have become too old.’ You constantly talk. ‘I have become old, I have become old, I have become old’ and prepare the body and die. Constantly you start talking. You start believing you have become old. Especially in the West, elderly people are not respected. It is very pathetic. Elderly people have to compete with the youngsters. That’s a...in the East, elderly people are respected in village culture. I can’t say complete East. East has gone to dogs. No really. All the so-called cities have gone to dogs. Completely confused. At least in villages, once you become sixty or seventy, the kids will take care of you. In those days, kids used to take care of the parents and the age is respected. They will come to you for counselling. They will come to you for some ideas. They will come to you for any things related to spirituality or rituals or some customs and traditions and all those things. You feel you are wanted. You don’t feel that people are waiting to give you send off.


Here, just people are waiting to say, ‘Quick, quick, it is too late. What are you doing here and here you feel like people are ready to give you the send off. There at least you feel you are wanted. People are giving you some respect. You are doing something. Actually if you live in that type of community where you are wanted, your life will be prolonged. You will live an energetic, active, happy life because your mind is directly related to body. Yes, next…(listens to a devotee) O, it is not like that. Lamas do marry, they do marry also. You see, in Buddhism, anybody who takes birth, they have to go to monastery. It is compulsory and after the age of twenty eight, you can decide. They give three option: at the age of fourteen, they allow you to marry and after that, twenty one they give you break. They give you the chance. You can marry and again twenty eight, they give you the chance you can marry.


Even if you marry, they give you a different kind of life but there are lamas who are married and especially the yogi about whom I am talking who used to fly. He is married and he had fourteen kids. He used to...he was...he is a great inspiration for Me in the initial level. He himself is not enlightened but he is a great person who has controlled the prana, who was able to handle the prana. He is a great yogi. He only took My first photograph. The photograph which is taken at the age of nine. The first photograph was taken by him only. I asked him, “Why are you doing all these things?” That time I don’t know what all will happen. He told, “You don’t know now. When time comes, you will understand.” And he has even written that in a paper behind that photograph. That photo original copy we have, we have in the ashram. Behind that he has written in his own hand and signed it. ”Now you don’t know the value of this photo. When time comes, you will know. That time, let you remember me.” He has written in Tamil and signed it.


Then again, I am giving you the energy to play with that superficial life, Ma. See, if you think that you having body is a truth, then healers initiation is truth. You understand? Do you have body? Then healers initiation is true and attend. Now what I said is ultimate truth. Before that, what I was saying is the ultimate truth. Even you having body is a lie. When you reach that state, then you don’t need healers initiation. Then you are already a healer. (listens to a devotee) Then it means be very clear, you have to attend healers initiation. There will be a state what is pinching? The pinching which is done ten years ago, the pinching which is done nine years ago, the experience which you felt one year ago-they are not connected. They are independent. Now what you are experiencing is not the same which you experienced one year ago. When you understand that, then you don’t need healers initiation. Doctor Amma is laughing. Arey, I am speaking about truth. I am speaking about...of course, when you understand this, what I am saying, then there is no need for healers initiation.



Free Your Mind, Be Unclutched || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Name of Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Title: Free Your Mind, Be Unclutched
Date: 04 March, 2006
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.

In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam answers questions of the delegates on the Dhyana Spurana convention held at the Nithyananda Vedic Temple in Los Angeles. His Divine Holiness gives a clear interpretation how different levels of logic apply to different circumstances; He applies the spiritual logic to interpret the Purna Mantra from the Isavasya Upanishad. HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam shares about the essence of the experience of enlightenment, and the importance of unclutching.

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Nothing wrong because it doesn’t exist. Let you be very clear it doesn’t exist. When you are very clear it doesn’t exist, any time when it is taken away, you won’t bother. Even if you bother, it’s okay. What is there? Even the bothering doesn’t exist. The idea of bothering is nothing but one more connection. The bothering which came to you nine years ago, the bothering which came to you ten years ago, the bothering which came to you eight years ago and the bothering which is happening in you now: they are not connected. Why are you again connecting and seeing all of them and thinking that I am continuously bothered about money or I am continuously bothered about developing myself or I am continuously bothered about my happiness!


See, all these things, just more and more and more words. Even your problems are not related to the deeper level. Even they are very superficial. Just with words you are struggling. The whole thing is nothing but words. It’s like a... your whole innerspace is filled with words and you are struggling for air. You are struggling even to breathe, because your whole innerspace is filled with words and constantly you are binding. Every inch of your being is tied with a chain. If there is a small gap, you purchase one more chain and tie it and you don’t feel comfortable even with a small gap and you say, “No, no, no. Let me have one more chain. Please come, let me have one more chain” and you tie it. Only when you are completely tight, you can’t move this side or that side or you can’t even breathe, then you feel comfortable. ‘Yes, now I have enough problem. Let me go to some Enlightened Master’ and you come to Me to increase My business. What can I do? I always encourage people to get married so that I will have My business. See, unless you have constant problem, you won’t come to Me. I lose My business. So…


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s question) Can Enlightenment solve some of the existing unsolved problems in science and mathematics? For example, nobody knows if there are infinitely many perfect numbers.


It is a nice but very serious question. Who is Satya? Very serious question. You see, first Sutra of the Ishavasya Upanishad answers this question. If you have heard Ishavasya Upanishad, you will understand, the first mantra: Om poornamadah poornamidam Poornat poornamudachyate Poornasya poornamadaya Poornameva vasishyate


When the whole is taken away from the whole, the whole remains as the whole. The first mantra of the first Upanishad, the shanti mantra of the first Upanishad gives answer to this question. I think I will answer this question in a detailed way. Now I will give just the gist and you can remind Me. I will give you a complete answer. See, three thing: Logically, according to Maths, according to the normal mathematics, 2+2 is 4. A+B is C. The C cannot be more than A+B if the A+B=C. The C cannot be more than A+B. This is the normal mathematics. When it comes to art, when it comes to the level of art, you see, in the intellectual level, A+B=C. The A separately, B separately if you add, nothing less than C or nothing more than C can come. This is the logic-intellectual.


When you come to the next level, emotion level of the art, all the things which is used in a painting-a canvas or the colour, all these things put together cannot equate the painting. There is something more in that painting. Can you say that this paint and this canvas and these much of hours from that man is equal to that painting? You can’t! Even if you put that hours-eight hours from that particular artist, same artist if he puts the eight hours in a different time, the painting will be different. You can’t say. You can’t create an equation when it comes to art. Over! You can’t put all the words used by Ravindranath Tagore is equal to Gitanjali. There are so many idiots who are using the same words. They are not able to produce Gitanjali. It means what? There is something more than logic exists in the level of art, in the level of art.


And there is a third logic equivalent to being, in the logic of being. In that logic...the first logic, 2+2 is 4. The second logic, 2+2 is 4 + something. When the canvas is separate, it is just canvas. When the paint is separate, it is just paint. When you add these two, you can’t equate it to paint. You can’t equate it to painting. Painting is canvas plus paint plus something. It means what? 2+2 is 4 plus something. This is logic of art, logic of emotion. There is a third logic-spiritual logic, the logic of being. In that, 2+2 is infinity. There is no 2 plus something. 2+2 is infinity. When you add energy into energy, you can’t say, energy is 2 energy. You can’t. There is something far more and you can...one more thing, if you add Master and disciple, two enlightened beings are appearing. How can it be? One Enlightened Being-Master, plus a disciple, equivalent two enlightened beings. How can it be? So, infinity is expressing itself in the same way of infinity. You can’t say that same logic applies.


I will give you how the third logic, the logic of the energy or the spiritual logic is described clearly in this mantra: Poornamadah poornamidam Poornat poornamudachyate Poornasya poornamadaya Poornameva vasishyate


When the whole is removed from the whole, the whole remains as the whole. Beautifully the...especially Shankara comments, Shankara’s logic, so sharp when He comments on that sutra and after reading that sutra you don’t need anything else, any logic, any science, any mathematics. You can shake if you know this single sutra. You can shake all mathematicians. You can shake the whole logic and He gives beautiful commentary. It takes long time if I have to repeat the whole commentary and explain. Just understand this one concept. This art itself is enough to break the logic. Now 2+2 is something 4 plus something. You can’t equate it. What is that? Your emotion or your being. You can name whatever it is.


Same way you can equate the third logic also. The third logic, something more than what you can imagine happens. Something more than what you can imagine happens. You can’t equate. Your logic stops working at particular level. The big problem is, in the West they never look beyond the logic. Science is the most superstitious thing on the planet earth. They have too narrow views. The fellows are fanatical. You see, the other day one doctor came and he was discussing with Me and he was talking as if the spirituality is having lot of superstitions. I told him, “Let you be very clear. Science is having lot more superstitious things than spirituality. At least the Rishis don’t have vested interest. If you are convinced about what I am saying, I have nothing to gain. I already got your money. I have nothing to gain. Whether you realise or not, it is no way directly related to Me.”


Even if you don’t attend My program, whatever I am speaking is there in My website. You can completely download. All our books, all My meditation techniques are available in website including the ‘Meditation is for you’ book. Even if you don’t come here, directly you can download. I have nothing to gain by convincing you. Not only Me, all the Rishis. They have nothing to gain by convincing you. They have no vested interest. They are not associated with vysyas, people who are doing business but today’s science is directly associated with vysyas who are doing business. They have to do, they have to fulfill the vested interest of vysyas and kshatriyas.


In India, the brahmanas, the intellectual energy is never under the control of politicians and business people. They are independent energy. The R and D is not under the control of the social vested interest or the political system but in the other fields, other society, the R and D, the intellectual department is under the influence, under the control, they have to dance to the tunes of vested interests of society. That is why I say science is more superstitious than spirituality. There are lot more. If you look into the science you will understand. It is lot more superstitious because it has to serve the vested interest of the people who are funding, who are funding.


In India, knowledge is free. We have liberated. Even today, anybody wants to study Vedanta or the Indian philosophy, you are given free food, stay and education in thousands of monasteries. Only in five cities of India, in Himalayas, hundred thousand ashrams are there where spiritual knowledge is given free of cost. Spiritual knowledge is given free of cost. This R and D is constantly going on independent of vysyas and kshatriyas means politicians and business people. Politicians and business people are no way able to influence. They can’t influence this R and D of spirituality. It is independent but with science, they are the people who dictate.


Be very clear, science has got vested interest to convince people, to convince the people who are funding them. Otherwise, how the research will happen? Who will fund the research? Who will fund the development? Let you be very clear, science is much more superstitious than spirituality. There are infinitely many perfect numbers. So...and I will try to give you that Shankara’s commentary and if I find time, even tomorrow, let us finish the subject, let us finish the meditation. If I find time, I will repeat the commentary and give you the translation. How step by step He takes you to the logic. The infinity is there. Anything taken out of the infinity doesn't disturb the infinity. The whole remains as whole.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s question): I feel good when I hear You to talk and could relate to my lifestyle but once I leave you and go home, my life will ask me, “What did Swamiji spoke about?” My wife will ask me, “What did Swamiji spoke about?” I can’t remember anything. Is this mean I am not ready for Your teachings?”


Be very clear. You are ready for My teachings. If you are not able to remember the words, be very clear, you digested the essence. People who are trying to remember the words, people who are taking notes, be very clear, they are only preparing to repeat, not to digest. You are in a right space. Nothing wrong. You don’t have to bother to repeat. Just digest and enrich yourself. That’s enough. There is no need to remember and give discourse to your wife especially...no really, if you say all these things, your wife will never accept. She will never come to Me. Let you be very clear. I have this big problem. If the wife comes and gets attached with Me, husband will never come to Me. Actually husbands secretly they go to My website and see everything. They know that Swamiji is right. No problem about it but wife can’t be right. That is too much. Wife coming and telling me, me going to that Swami is too much. I can’t do that. That is too much. Swamiji may be right but not you.


So if you really want to help your husband, never speak about Me to him. Just tell him. Let him go and see the website. Let him read the books. Just give him some books. Never give your interpretation because he will not be in mood to listen. Same way, if you are here, your wife is not here, never try to inspire her. Just tell her to see the website or give books. Never try to give your interpretation and you will make her only move away from Me by your interpretations, by your interpretations. Because she knows clearly that you are wrong and he knows clearly you are...whatever you do is wrong. So do not try to help each other at least in My case.


So, I have seen this common problem. These are all FAQs actually. Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, how to make your wife spiritual? How to make her meditate? How to make her as a spiritual being?” I told him, “If I know the secret, why do you think I have become Swami?” If I know the secret you think I would have become Swami?” Nothing can be done about it. You can’t do anything about it. These are honest truth I am telling you. You can’t do anything about it. Unless they decide, nothing can be done and if at all I know the mantra, I would have made big ashram long before.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s question): Swamiji, what is God? What happens during Enlightenment?


O God! Who is the person who put this question? Oh! Whatever I say will be a lie. Let Me be very clear. Whatever I say about God will be a lie because I will be able to give only a partial. It is too big to be discussed. You can’t discuss. It is too big word and loaded with meaning. Nothing can be done about it. I can tell only one thing. Be unclutched. You will experience God. Nothing else can be done. When you experience and come out, you will also have the same trouble and you will tell others that you are not able to explain. Actually, before Enlightenment, when I read all these great books, I used to think that these fellows are playing a game. The main product which they are selling, they don’t have definition for that. The main product which they are selling is God or Enlightenment. None of these fellows are able to give explanation. They are selling something which they can’t even define. I thought what is happening? What kind of business?


But after I entered into the business I also understood. Nothing can be done about it and you can’t...you are in the same problem. I can do one thing. I can put you in the same problem. I can put you in the same space where you will have same problem. Otherwise you can’t explain and there is a ...whatever I say, it will be only half truth. Half truth is much worse than a lie. At least with lie, you are clear you are hearing a lie. With half truth, you do not know which side is truth and which side is lie and you will be always bothered about the other half and better let you not have any answer. You will be saved. What happens during Enlightenment, again it is difficult to explain. Let you be unclutched and experience by yourself.


See, all these questions you ask because you don’t have confidence that you can be unclutched. You don’t have confidence. You think, ‘No, no. What He talks is right but I can’t experience all those things. Better let me at least have little knowledge and go back to the house.’ Please be very clear. You can be unclutched. Constantly your belief that you can’t be unclutched is also one more shaft. It is one more shaft. Ten years ago you tried. You have failed. Nine years ago, you have tried. You failed. The moment I say ten years, doctor amma is laughing. Nine years ago you tried. You failed. Eight year ago you tried. You failed. Why are you connecting all your failures and creating a shaft?


That failure which happened ten years ago, the failure which happened nine years ago, the failure which happened eight years ago are independent, individual incidents. Do not connect them. The moment you connect them and create a shaft, you are very clear you will be failure this time also. Why do you decide? Why do you create a shaft and try to live? Why are you connecting it? Why are you connecting again?



Look In & Be Pain Free || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Name of Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Look In & Be Pain Free
Date: 04 March, 2006
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.

In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam shares a technique on how we can move beyond pain and go to the next level. His Divine Holiness covers different topics as He answers questions of delegates. He explains the difference between tamas and unclutched space; in both cases the mind is quiet. However, in tamas the body is lazy, in an unclutched state and space the body will be highly active. Furthermore HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam speaks elaborately about karma.

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Answer to All Problems || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Name of Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Answer to All Problems
Date: 04 March, 2006
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.

In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam gives a clear explanation on what happened on a neuro-biological level during and after His enlightenment experience. His Divine Holiness furthermore defines a practical solution on how we can deal with fear, lust, greed and anger. HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam answers many questions of delegates related to unclutching, and how this is related to solving any problem.

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Life Energy || Part 1 || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Title: Life Energy Part 1
Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Deeper truths about Prana
Date : 04 March 2006
Venue : Los Angeles, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam in the two day convention initiates and teaches participants the Pranic (Life) Energy and works with them giving a deeper understanding as how they should unclutch and allow the Truth to sink in their beings. He also answers the various questions from participants.

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Now it is time to work on prana sarira. Actually first when you enter into this being unclutched, your mind will try it’s, all it’s games and you will feel that there is nothing. All kinds of empty feelings. Some people will not feel anything because they slept. Always the initial level I make people catharsis. That is why, once they do little catharsis, they don’t sleep, they don’t fall asleep but here it is such a deep technique, even catharsis can disturb you unclutching. In the next level we will go deep. It’s okay. At least the next meditations, don’t miss. If you are unclutched even in the sleep it’s okay. It is really beautiful. Nothing wrong but you are not...you have not mastered that much that you are able to unclutch yourself in the sleep. In waking state itself you are not able to unclutch means?


Alright, now let’s work on the pranic layer means, the next level. Next level, how you connect yourself all the movements. See, prana is related to your movements, your desire. Whatever gives you energy to move, inspiration to move, that is directly connected to prana. It is because of prana you move. It is because of prana your body is still alive. It is like a fuel. It is like a fuel. Sometimes desires give you the energy to move. Sometimes fear give you the energy to move. All these things are prana. Now how you clutch yourself with these things and create suffering, how you connect yourself with these things and create suffering. If you look deeply, you can’t segregate actually. The physical, the annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya you can’t separate. There is no clear separation.


For the sake of our understanding, see, throughout these two days, I am trying to take you deeper and deeper into your being, trying to give you this same truth without you feeling bored. Actually these whole two days is a single session of working, understanding that you are unclutched and allowing that truth to sync in your being but your mind is so cunning, you will start creating one more shaft called boredom. ‘Oh! It is boring.’ The moment you create that shaft boredom, nothing can be done. You will not allow this truth to work on you. That’s why I am cooking in a different way the same thing and I am offering to you.


Now we will work on the desires. How we connect and see and even when we don’t feel the same pleasure, same joy from that object, we force ourselves either to feel or believe, to believe to feel that same joy. Continuously how we bind ourselves with the concept of joy, with the concept of bliss, with something or other. Actually when you are exactly having the experience, if you look into that, it will not be joy as you think. After having the experience, you may remember and connect that as a joy. That is why you always enjoy the photograph, not the reality. Why do you think constantly you are busy with photographing? After going back to your house, you will sit and enjoy the photograph. ‘Oh! I went to South Africa. It was such a joy’ but when you are in that place, it was not joy. If you are enjoying, you won’t bother about photography.


Constantly you make things as a memory and enjoy the memory, not the reality itself, not when it is happening. When it is happening, it is so dull, it is so boring but you don’t want to think or understand the truth that it is dull or boring. Somehow you just wanted to pour some juice on it and visualize it is juicy. Every moment you think, you see in your life, you always make everything as sweet memory and enjoy the memory, not when it happens. When you are really getting married or when you are really in some program, you will not be enjoying that but afterwards you will be sitting with the album and enjoying it. Exactly when it was happening, you must be completely in tension or stress. What is happening with this, what is happening with that. Constantly you trying to bring the memories back and enjoying itself is nothing but you are enjoying only the connected thoughts, not the thing itself when it is happening.


If you look into the joys or the things which drives you, which makes you run, if you penetrate all those things with this truth that you are unclutched, you will get beautiful insights: how you are playing with yourself. See, in these two days all I am trying to do is to give you a totally a clear, truthful, honest idea about yourself. Then automatically that will change your activities, words, deeds, your decisions about everything. Everything will be taken care once you have a clear idea about your identity and yourself. Unless you have a clear idea about your identity, no morality or no changing your life will help you. You can try your best to change your life but nothing will help. You will...any instruction you will follow as long as you have inspiration.


I have seen people. We did few surveys also how many people do meditation. Maximum is twenty percent and that also for ten days, not more than that. We did a survey in last three years, we have done meditation to quarter million people. Quarter million people have taken our LBP Programs all over the world. Quarter million is not small number in three years especially. We have touched quarter million people and the survey says hardly twenty percent continue to meditate. Any instruction you will follow only as long as you have inspiration. Really just two months ago only I started thinking seriously. Then what can help people? By giving meditation My organization is growing but they are not growing. I saw I wanted to find some way, some way to transform people permanently, give them the transformation as a solid experience.


Then I came up with this Dhyana Spurana Program. I thought or I can say that I felt really intuitively if people can have clear experience of about their self, that can completely change their attitude towards the world, towards the life, towards their desires, towards their fear, towards the guilt or whatever is inspiring them, whatever is making them run. It is like a instead of cutting the leaves, straightaway work on the root. Cutting the leaves is not going to help. Sometime if you cut the leaves, tree grows faster. So changing the actions is not going to help. Maybe the changing the concept about yourself, giving you the truth in the core level, maybe that can help you, maybe that can inspire you to transform your whole life. That is the reason I am trying to work.


See, I am giving you the torch. You apply in every step here in this program. My earlier programs, your participation is not required. Just do what I say. That is enough. Nothing else is required but here I am only giving you the torch. Your participation is important. You need to take the torch and look into yourself. With this truth you need to work on yourself. You need to direct your attention towards your being. Now take few minutes and see how your desires are connected and created as shaft, how they drive you and how you don’t find what you want in that object and even after finding why you don’t want to drop that object and try to force joy on that object or try to force yourself on that object. Sometime you can’t accept there is nothing outside. Then you feel empty. Then you feel the fear of loneliness, what for I am living, what for I am running, what is going on? You feel complete depression.


People are afraid that if all the joys and hopes are taken away, they may become depressed beings. Let you be very clear, depression will never happen when you know the truth. Depression will happen only if the objects are taken away and truth is not given to you. Then you may get depressed, you may fall in tamas. Now I am doing two things: One, taking away the objects. Second, giving you the truth. You will never fall into depression. Don’t bother and in the path towards the truth, when you travel towards the truth, even if you fall in depression for few days, nothing wrong. It’s worthy. It is a worthy thing. Travelling towards the truth is the life. Either today or tomorrow, some one day you have to do that. Earlier you do, better for you.


Now you can just take few minutes. If you want to sit with closed eyes, you can or if you just want to sit with open eyes, whatever way you want, just contemplate how you connect in your life. If you want you can read whatever you have written in the morning-your mind, a specimen of your mind and you can see how you connect in every inch. I want you to understand completely this truth and apply. That’s what, in Vedanta we say shravana-listening, manana-contemplating and nididhyasana-expressing. Now you heard. Try to contemplate how you are connecting and creating shafts.


All the prana, prana means the energy which drives you. All your desires are someway or other connected shafts. It is just nothing but connected shaft. How you create shaft to drive you and even after running, when you don’t find anything, how you justify the shaft, how you don’t suspect yourself. Constantly you suspect everybody but you never suspect yourself. You don’t suspect your decisions. You don’t suspect your lifestyle. You don’t suspect the decisions which are base for your life and you suspect everything else. When something goes wrong, you suspect everybody and everything but you never suspect the root cause of you that your identity itself. Please start contemplating. After few minutes, I will answer your questions related to this subject.

(14:16) to (20:08) Meditation (20:09)

I want you to contemplate on this one single truth. This single truth can liberate you completely. This single truth has got power to liberate you from all the problems whether it is physical or mental or emotional level or spiritual level. This one truth can take away all the miseries.



Life Energy || Part 2 || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Title: Life Energy Part 2
Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Deeper truths about Prana
Date : 04 March 2006
Venue : Los Angeles, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam in the two day convention initiates and teaches participants the Pranic (Life) Energy and works with them giving a deeper understanding as how they should unclutch and allow the Truth to sink in their beings. He also answers the various questions from participants.

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Video Audio



Here is a beautiful question. Somebody is asking, “In the West, the current biggest crime is identity theft. So Your advice would be-Go ahead and take it?”


Be very clear. I say that your identity doesn’t exist. How can I say take it? As far as the society concerned, the identity is used to play the game. So naturally whatever is in the society, you have to follow the social rule. Be very clear, I am not politician. I am not giving you social rules. I am not here to define or criticize or comment about laws. I am giving you completely spiritual freedom. So My words are supposed to be understood in the level of spirituality and that flavor will express itself in your life.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s letter): Please grant me total and complete self realization. I am tired of this unending pursuit of realization.


Be very clear. If you are tired, then you are in right place. You are in right place. All I am asking you is just be unclutched. You don’t even have to do...you see, you don’t even have to do something to be unclutched. You are already unclutched. Constantly you are thinking you are connected. Just relax from that or understand it is a lie. Nothing else is necessary. Nothing else is necessary and I don’t even have to grant you complete realization. If I can grant, then any day I can take it away. Be very clear. Granted by somebody always there is a danger. He may take it away. He may take it back. So self realization can neither be granted by somebody nor it can be given by somebody. He can share the path through which He experienced. There is every chance the fire may...you can catch the fire. The transmission of lamp can happen. Now if you are really tired, just relax. You are in right place.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s letter): Your definition of morality was very interesting. Can You please repeat it? It would be great if You could talk more or expand on it.


See, morality means where you are completely alive, vibrating and by your very nature, you are not interested in disturbing others. You are not interested in touching anybody. When you understand your identity is a pure lie, you will never think of stealing the identity of others. You will never bother about stealing the identity of others... According to Me, when you don’t have that constant irritation which you are carrying in you, you will be moral. You will have that ultimate morality. The one and only way to achieve morality is do something to drop the constant irritation which you are carrying in you. The constant irritating mood, do anything. You can see in your life, from morning till night, you are constantly burning inside. You are carrying something like a fire inside. You are just waiting some reason to jump on people. You are almost... the anger is overflowing, in the being level. You are just waiting. That constant irritation if it can be dropped, be very clear, you will have ultimate morality.


According to Me, morality means being completely in tune with the identity which you are carrying within you. I am not bothered about the identity which you are showing to the outer world. Everybody knows that is a pure lie. That all of you know. I don’t have to teach but the second thing is important. The identity which you are carrying inside, that is also a lie. That is what I wanted to emphasise throughout this two-day workshop. I want you to understand the identity or the idea which you are carrying within you is a pure lie, pure myth. You can neither develop nor work on that. Just relax from it. Suddenly you will see something else is happening in your innerspace. All I am trying to do is to help you not to waste your energy in the wrong direction.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s question): When talking about Enlightenment, are You talking about the state of omnipresence, Self realisation?


Omnipresence, omniscient, omnipotent, whatever other omnis you want to put, all those omnis put together. I am talking about all those omnis put together. I am talking only about that Self-Realization. I am not talking about small s. I am talking about capital letter S. Any other doubt you have about which Self-Realization I am talking-Nirvana, Atma jnana, Brahma jnana, Mukti, Kaivalya, Videha kaivalya and I think these are the few words, only few words I know. So be very clear, I am talking only about that Enlightenment and in Enlightenment, there is no variety, no variety. It is not like a pizza you can have. According to Me, Enlightenment is only one. I don’t know any other variety of Enlightenment is available. At least in India, we don’t have. There is only one Enlightenment. I am talking about that only.


See, I don’t...sometimes I don’t use that big, big words like Atma jnana, Brahma jnana and all those things that people are afraid of those words. Constantly people are asking Me again and again, “Swamiji, should I become sanyasi? Should I renounce everything to achieve Enlightenment?” I tell them, “You don’t have to renounce what you have. Just renounce what you don’t have.” There is no need to renounce what you have. Whatever you have, have it. Just renounce what you don’t have. The one important thing which you don’t have means the shaft. The shaft you don’t have but constantly you are creating the shafts. Just renounce that. That is enough. Live with whatever you have.


One more thing, as on now, if there are ten thousand flowers, you just pick up some ten flower and make a garland and you start identifying yourself with that ten flower and you give power and attention only to that ten flower. If you stop giving power to that ten flower, the whole heap, ten thousand flowers will have energy. There is a possibility of all your thoughts becoming reality. All your thoughts will have tremendous power and strength. I am talking about an important thing. In Tantra they say, to achieve the state of Bhairava, Bhairava means Enlightenment, two way: either you have to make all your dreams into reality or you should understand all your reality is nothing but the dream.


If you make all your dreams into reality, suddenly you will realise all the reality is nothing but your dream. If you do the first step, second step will happen. If you do the second step, first will happen. Both are directly connected. If you realise what you think as reality is nothing but a dream, all your dreams will be realised. If you realise all your dreams all the reality will become nothing but a dream. As on now, you just pick up few flowers and create a shaft and give power to that, give your attention to that. You think you are only that. You are identifying only with that. That is why all suffering.


If you stop identifying with that selected thoughts, you have a big selective amnesia problem. If you stop identifying with that selected thoughts, suddenly you will see all your thoughts get the power. Your whole being, whatever is happening in you is having the same attention and energy. First thing, you will be able to realise all your thoughts into reality. Be very clear, it is a very simple, powerful method to make your dreams into reality. Whatever dreams you have about future or life, if you can relax, if you can unclutch, you will see suddenly a new kind of energy flowing through the thoughts. Even to achieve what you want, unclutching is the ultimate technique. That is a powerful technique even to achieve what do you want, whatever you want. Let you be very clear, the unclutching is the ultimate technique which can give you everything.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s letter): Emotions override rationality and even understanding to form shaft. How do you deal with it?


One thing, now understand, the shaft is a lie. Once you understand, even if you create a shaft what is there? Even when you create a shaft and suffer, remember whenever you can remember. Yes, even this idea that I am creating shaft is one more shaft. The shaft which I created ten years ago, the shaft which I created nine years ago, the shaft which I created yesterday, they are not connected. Connecting all these shafts is a one more shaft. That’s all. Connecting all these shafts is a one more shaft. Let you be very clear. Even connecting and creating the shafts is one more shaft. This understanding when it goes to the deeper level, that itself is enough. You don’t have to think that emotions override rationality and even understanding to form shaft. These are all again you are trying to create some practice. Do not try to create any practice.


When you remember this moment that shaft is a lie, now don’t create shaft. Don’t bother about next moment. The big problem is, you wanted an assurance now itself you will not create shaft once for all in your future. You can’t have that assurance. When you want to have the assurance I will not create shaft, I should achieve a state where I will never create shaft any more Swamiji, you can’t do that. Let you be very clear. When you want to achieve that state, you create problems. When you try, you see, when you don’t create shaft, you feel some relaxation, inner healing. You will see, if you are tortured by your mind, if you are suffering with your mind, this truth will give you such a inner healing, relaxation, now you will become greedy about this joy. Now you will become greedy about this joy. You are afraid any moment you may forget this truth and you will start getting caught with the shaft again. So now you want an assurance. Swamiji, tell us some way that we should always remember and not to create this shaft. When you are trying to create that assurance, be very clear, you are creating one more shaft. The moment you decide this is joy and you want this to be permanently with you, what you have done? You have started creating one more shaft. Then you are in trouble. Whether it is joy or pain, the moment you create shaft, you are in trouble. You are in trouble.


(Swamiji responds to a devotee’s letter): He is asking how do you deal with it. You don’t have to deal. Why should you deal? Just if the shaft is there, then you can deal with it. Here there is no shaft. Then why should you deal? All you have to do is you are constantly telling a lie to yourself that there is a shaft and you are doing everything to yourself to believe that there is a shaft.



Life Energy || Part 3 || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Title: Life Energy Part 3
Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Deeper truths about Prana
Date : 04 March 2006
Venue : Los Angeles, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam in the two day convention initiates and teaches participants the Pranic (Life) Energy and works with them giving a deeper understanding as how they should un-clutch and allow the Truth to sink in their beings. He also answers the various questions from participants.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



(Swamiji reads a devotee’s letter): Are You saying unclutch, just detach. Do your duty, don’t expect any reward. Things will take care of itself, just like Krishna said or the Jesus said ‘This too will pass.’


Who is the questioner? One more request. Please do not connect your earlier teachings and these teachings and create one more shaft. When you connect My words with Krishna’s words and Jesus’ words, you will create one more shaft and you will do the same thing which you have done to their teachings. Be very clear. When you heard their teachings, you have not become enlightened. You put them in one corner of your mind and somehow you managed to play a hypocritical game. They are all there in one corner and you are living your life. Now if you connect My teachings with their teachings and create a shaft, you will do the same thing to My words. You will not allow My words to work on you. When you connect Me with them, you will put Me also in one corner. how you dumped them into one corner and don’t connect Me with all these teachings. If you connect Me with all these teachings, you will do the same thing which you have done to them.


‘Are You saying the same thing like Krishna?’ Did that word shake you? Have you realized that word? No. If you have, then you have to sit here, (shows His throne) not there. You have not realized. Somehow you have made your own understanding and kept in one file, one corner. Buddha says...Jesus says...Krishna says...and it is there in one corner. Whenever you don’t have any work, it’s like when you don’t find any work, you go into your house library and just see all those things and you pick up some book and sit and read few lines and throw it away somewhere and when some work comes, you say, ‘Bye, enough’ and you just play with the books. Just like that you are playing with all of them and do not put Me in the same shaft. Do not connect Me with the same shaft. Then you will dump Me also in one corner and I will also be lying there. You will not be helped even by this. Do not create shaft.


That is the reason I always tell people. If you have come fresh without reading all this, you can be helped easily. If you read, heard all these things, now you will connect with Me, connect now and you will be sitting and validating. Be very clear, validating Me is not going to help you. You may start going out and saying, you may start saying to the others, “Oh! He is embodiment of Ramakrishna, Shiva, Buddha, Krishna.” That is not going to help you. That is not going to help you. Be very clear. Allow these teachings to penetrate you. Do not make one more shaft out of it. Let it straight away touch your being. Let something happen in you. Let you not be a same person when you go back tomorrow after the program. Now let you see what is going on in you, how you are playing so many hypocritical games, how you are doing all these things.


See, you are trying to escape from Me with all your techniques... You are trying your best somehow to escape from the truth. Somehow you wanted to protect your identity. You are trying to put so many shields in front of you. Someway you are trying to create something and your mind is so cunning it will start creating something or other.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s letter): During and after meditation I feel good and energised. That good feeling inspires me to meditate the next day.


Be very clear, you are trying to create that shaft. The good feeling you are trying to elongate that shaft. Again you are in danger.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s letter): Can I use in this shaft in the initial stages of my spiritual path?


This is important thing. Nobody is in the initial stage. Let you be very clear. No question of initial stage or ending stage. Spirituality is not like a cancer. In cancer only, four stages are there. In Enlightenment, no stages. Either you are enlightened now or never. Patanjali says beautifully. He describes about eight steps and he says, till samadhi, you have not even taken the first step. After samadhi, no steps are required. He says very clearly. Even though he has described... even though he has described eight steps, he says, till samadhi, you have not taken even the first step. After samadhi, no step is required. Let you be very clear, in the initial level, ‘I am the seeker’, ‘I am in the beginning level’ - all these things are cunning word you are using to postpone the transformation. You just wanted to play around for some more time. You do not want the truth straight away. Then better at least go back to your house and enjoy the TV. Why you are unnecessarily wasting two days here? Let you be very clear, the word, the idea, ‘Am I in the beginning level’- all these things are just consolation.


You see, I have seen people even after thirty years saying, “I am now only started growing, Swamiji.” It will never happen. See, these are all words. Why do you want to come to that stage after thirty years? Now itself I tell you the truth. I have a big R and D department, Research and development department. I have so much of data available from all the professional seekers and seekers who are seeking for last thirty years, forty years. I am making the whole thing available to you. Why don’t you use all these things? Why don’t you update yourself? Why don’t you update your intelligence with all these available data? Why do you want to wait and after thirty years wanted to come to the same understanding? Update yourself with the intelligence available. Let you be very clear, you will never feel you are progressing with your mind. You will always feel you are in the initial stages.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s letter): This shaft also doesn’t exist, a shaft which you are saying. I feel good and energised.


If you feel good and energised after meditation, spiritual progress means straightaway having Enlightenment. Anything less than Enlightenment, be very clear, you are having a nice game. Let you be very clear. I am also giving so many meditation programs. It will all give you the feel good factor. Nice thing, nice thing. It’s like a you go to some temple and sit for half an hour and chant something and you feel very relaxed. You feel relaxed because you forgot about your mother-in-law or your family, your wife and husband. Nothing else. Just that feel good feeling is there but that is no way related to spirituality. If you are happy with that, I have no problem. Be in that level but if you are really serious about the transformation, if you really wanted Dhyaan, when I use the word dhyaan, I mean the experience of samadhi. If you are really interested in the ultimate experience or the truth, then what I am saying is the truth.


I also have big, big idols in our ashram. I have the biggest Venkateswara in our ashram. You have come to our ashram, you can see. Even in that things, I don’t miss anything. I keep everything. You can play with all of them. I have big, big idols. You can also come to the ashram and play with them whole day from morning till evening. I also sit and play with them. Nothing wrong but be very clear. You are not in the spiritual line. At least let you be clear. You are not spiritual. At least let you be clear where you are standing. Good entertainment. Nothing wrong. Much better than going and sitting in any show or disco club. Much better than all those things but not spiritual. Let you be very clear, you are playing. Never think it is spirituality. Never think it is spirituality.


There are levels of truths. Physically doing anything, physically offering yourself is worship. Verbally offering is japa and mentally is the visualization. Now I say completely offer your being, offer your identity itself. Only then you will be able to transform your being. Otherwise part by part you will be just playing games. You will be just playing games. You played enough of games and I tell you, you have played enough of games. There is no need to have one more game.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s question): About vacations, I do enjoy the time but photograph capture the moment to enjoy it again and again. Is that not good?


Let you be very clear. If you really enjoy the time, you will not have joy when you look at the photographs. You see, looking at the photograph is totally different. Looking at the photographs and bringing that memory back and enjoying is totally different. When you enjoy the photographs of your vacation, you try to bring that memory and try to cherish that memory. You visualise or think that you were happy at that moment, you were happy at that moment, you were joyful at that moment. That is what I am saying, you be very clear, if you really enjoyed, there won’t be any hangover. There won’t be any hangover. You won’t bother about looking at the photograph and bringing back that memory into you and enjoying it.


Two thing: the experience of enjoyment and the memory related to that enjoyment. It is like a taste of the sweet and the sweet. Taste of the sweet is the experience of joy and the sweet associated with the taste is the object. If you really experienced the joy, object will not be in your memory. This joy will become so powerful, the experience will become so strong, the object will not have any place in your innerspace. The object will not rule your innerspace. If you are under the clutch of the object, be very clear you have not had real experience.


Krishnamurthy says beautifully, even once you go through any experience intensely, you will be liberated from that experience. You will be liberated from that object. If you are still carrying the memory of that object means you have not had the experience. You have not had any intense experience. Let you be very clear, if you really enjoyed the photographs, you will not bring that memory back, memories back and cherish them.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s question): I am starting a new job. I am very inspired to make it successful fully realising that when it is successful, the excitement will be gone. Does that mean I should not work hard towards achieving this?


If you are fully realising that when it is successful, the excitement will be gone, I assure you the excitement will be never lost. It will never be lost. When you know the excitement will be gone, the excitement which you are having now is out of understanding. It is not out of ignorance. Excitement out of understanding will never be lost. Let you be very clear. You have written, you see you say, ‘I know when I am successful, the excitement will be gone’ means you have a clear understanding but still you feel excited. Then be very clear, it will never go away. This is the excitement which comes out of your being after being unclutched. It will never be lost. Excitement out of ignorance only will be lost. Excitement out of understanding will never be lost. Carry on.


(Swamiji reads a devotee’s question): Even though I know money cannot assure happiness I still save for retirement. Why is that? Should one not save?


I am not asking you not to save but let you be very clear, the idea or the connection which you are making with the money and happiness, just be disconnected from that. I am not saying drop your money or forget about your money. I am not saying that. I am not even saying do some charity, you will have some heaven. I don’t believe in that. Let Me be very clear. One more thing, even if you give money for My Foundation, I can’t give you any special ticket there. Nothing can be done. I can’t sell any heaven ticket, special visa, nothing, no VIP pass. See, in India, if you give forty five rupees, here you may have one dollar but there is no exchange counter between this world and the heaven. Do some charity if you feel like sharing, that’s all, not to have something afterwards.


People ask Me, “In that case, why are You building temples and ashrams, Swamiji?” I tell you, My temples and ashrams are the place to experiment and experience what I am teaching. They are inner laboratories. They are not built for some punya. I don’t sell tickets of punya ticket. If you give this much money you will have this much punya. Your money can’t bring you anything except the comforts. You see, as long as you deal with the society, you need to interact. So just for that, the money is there. Let your identity be not affected by the money. Let money not enter your space and let money not guide your happiness or your innerspace. That’s all I am saying.


See, people when they feel elated just by seeing more and more zeros in the bank balance, that pass book. Here what you call? Credit card? In India passbook. Here bank balance, okay. Bank balance. Those few zeros. Any moment that excitement or joy can be taken away and it is just dependent on those few zeros. And one more thing, it is a purely mind. Especially in the Western countries, you don’t even see the bills. At least in India, you see big, big bill and you can keep under pillow. Here you can’t...you don’t even see all these things. This whole currency is a pure idea given to you and you are all just made to...you are all driven crazy with these ideas-with this idea that he has got this, he has got this, he has got this, he has got this, with this idea. According to Me, if we are little intelligent, the whole humanity can be supplied with all the basic needs. Everything can be given.


Anyhow, let’s not...let’s forget about those things. At least have these few understandings with you. Carry these few understandings. You are much, much, much more than what you think as your bank balance. Let you be far more than your bank balance. As on now, your identity about you is created only based on your bank balance. Let you not create your identity about you based on the bank balance. That is the only thing I am saying. See, with money you can choose between the sufferings, that’s all. Don’t think you can choose between happiness and suffering. You can choose between many sufferings. You have choice of your own suffering. Otherwise, nothing else. And one more thing, when you integrate and create the understanding that you are unclutched, so much of energy and understanding will happen to you, you won’t keep quiet. You will create enough money. You will generate wealth. All these small, small questions or doubts which you have about your life will all disappear.



Do Not Add Words, Just Unclutch || Dhyana Spurana || 04 March 2006


Name Of The Convention: Dhyana Spurana
Session on: Science of Unclutching
Date : 04 March 2006
Venue : Los Angeles, CA, USA
Title: Do Not Add Words, Just Unclutch

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam addresses the delegates of the Dhyana Spurana program. HDH highlights the importance of practice, more particularly translating the rational understanding in experience as effective way to add depth to our inner space rather than more words and confusion. Trust and openness are basic requirements for the transmission of knowledge and the spiritual solutions to the problems caused by our identities. It is the identities that are responsible for the creation of suffering shafts to which the ultimate remedy is, in fact, unclutching.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


SPH Conducting Dhyana Spurana Convention (Day1) At Los Angeles, USA