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Super DNA - Gateway to 2012: Nithyananda Morning Message (19 Oct 2010)


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Super DNA during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Super DNA Gateway to 2012, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared that human Consciousness is going through a big shift in 2012 where a huge uplifting in human Consciousness is happening. He spoke about the Indigo Children being born on the planet at this time and in the 1960’s and 1970’s that have more than 2 strands of DNA awakened. He revealed another important thing about the core human DNA imprint and how it is built on a 12 strand structure meaning that it can radiate and embody 12 dimensions of conscious awareness. He shared that the 12th dimension is the Shiva Consciousness which can’t be described. His Divine Holiness blessed everyone to have all 12 strands of DNA awakened to achieve and radiate Enlightenment.

Video and Audio

Super DNA - Gateway to 2012

Video Audio


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.

0:47 I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today’s shastra pramana, today’s subject is 'Super DNA your gateway to 2012'. Today I have one or two shastra pramana. Shastra pramana means please understand, the eternal truths either revealed by rishis or modern day rishis; scientists, the greatest truths, eternal, unchangeable, like sun rises in the east or wherever sun rises whichever direction sun rises we call that as east. So this kind of eternal truths that’s what I call as shastra pramana. Then I will add atma pramana; my own experience. So it can become aptha pramana for you; means masters experience. Please understand, so every day I'll bring some shastra pramanas; whether from the ancient rishis or from the modern rishis. The eternal truths, then to the shastra pramana I'll add atma pramana my experience so it can become aptha pramana for you all; it can become gurus experience; it can become experience in you all.

2:48 I have something about indigo children so that you understand this super DNA. See children born throughout the history of humanity to raise the frequency of the planet and human consciousness, having more than two strands of DNA active DNA, are called indigo children or rainbow children, crystal children; there are three four names. Please understand throughout the history the kids are born, when they are taking birth something extraordinary is in them. And now science is proving clearly more than two strands of DNA is active in them. They are called indigo kids and throughout the history there are references these indigo kids were there. The core human DNA imprint is built on twelve strand structure which says human form was designed to embody twelve dimensions of conscious awareness. I always used to talk about this eleven dimensions the twelfth is the Shiva state. We can have our own brand name Nithyananda state; whatever; fully awakened Shiva consciousness.

4:42 Please understand these are the shastra pramanas means the eternal truths revealed by modern day rishis, then I will add my understanding about this 12 strands human body and two strands being active, more than two strands being active in kids and how it happens. It’s from scientist and researcher Sheryl Kakshialansa - the junk DNA or dormant DNA activation is a tremendous gift to accelerate the spiritual awakening of collective consciousness on the planet. This is a quotation means some research from that person. A person with two strands of DNA with only one strand active is like a computer with access to only 16MBrom memory; can run only few programs. Once the DNA is activated it’s like a giving internet connection; you can access anything by intent and intuition. Please understand these are not my words these are the collections from different researches and discoveries. The dormant DNA activation level controls your frequency. Every time when a DNA is activated you download higher consciousness from soul, identity and attract people, places, events of similar high frequency. Again it may look my words, it is not my words. What I am going to add is my words. These are exact quotations I am reading out from different scientists and people who are specialist in this field; researchers.

6:53 DNA activation not only has an effect on the individual but this change will affect the individual’s ancestors; three to five generations in the past as well as three to five generations in the future. This is one of the important revelation. In the sanyas, Upanishads there is very clear mention, if one person takes sanyas and elevates his consciousness, sanyas is nothing but awakening the different layers of your DNA. It says very clearly munnelu janmathirkum pinnelu janmathirkum piravi kadantheerthan neethaarkadanneertha sanyasi exact translation I am giving you from the Tamil Vedantic scriptures like kaivalya navaneetam and all these literatures. So, that says when somebody takes sanyas and raises his frequency, please understand not the after seven generation of you, don’t think only the after seven generation, not just after seven generation before generation who passed away who left the body their frequency is raised.

8:08 It’s a very tricky thing but scientists are saying. I will comment on this. I will comment on this then you will understand what they meant by this. Munnelu janmathirkum pinnelu janamathirkum piravi kadantheerthan neetharkadanneertha sanyasi. See the exact meaning of this word is as long as you are a grihastha, you are a married person; you are bound to do shraddha for the elders. So you have to every month and the amavasya day you are supposed to offer the pitru darpana. Every year the tithi on which he passed away they left the body you are supposed to give all that traditional offerings. So the biggest argument is if you become sanyasi you cannot do this neethaarkadan means you are dead to the ancestor who left the body. So the grihasthas argue this is a sin so you should not become a sanyasi. For that it’s called prashnottara maalika means the question is asked by a disciple, master answers. In that prashnottara maalika this concept is discussed. So the answer guru gives is this line which I said munnelu janmathirkum pinnelu janmathirkum.

9:40 See once you became sanyasi and raise your consciousness you have done the neethaarkadan neethaarkadan means you paid the loan the debt of the ancestors for front seven and back seven. I always used to think ehh backside seven we can understand because now we are elevating the consciousness so naturally it is affecting the planet earth and collective consciousness and all the people, next generation, naturally all the people from the family I am born and brought up, all the family whether my brothers or my cousin sisters and all of them, the whole family is naturally now thoroughly impacted by me. So naturally all their consciousness will carry the idea of me. I hear many times one of my uncle’s kids and all, they say that I will go away with Swamiji. I'll be with Swamiji and they dress like me or they talk like me, they try to do puja like me or they try to behave like me, even my own sister’s cousin sister’s son, two three kids, they try to ask when can I become swami like you? So they are thoroughly impressed. This we can understand logically. But how can the past seven generation? It’s possible. I'll explain how that is possible.

11:11 In vedic tradition there is a story called Bahiratha story. His ancestors were cursed by a king sorry a rishi, Kapila, Kapila only who is the father of our tradition nirvani akhada. Kapil Kapil was disturbed by these guys so he cursed them and they all became ashes. He did not even curse actually he opened the eyes, the power of his eyes and the karma they did, burnt them completely. So in his generation, the third generation person was the, in their generation third was the Bahiratha. So what to do; what is the way to liberate them? They all have become just heap of ash. The only way for liberating them is bringing Ganga and sprinkling that water on them, means the raising their consciousness through the amrita, nectar, the spiritual nectar and he does tapas brings the Ganga to planet earth; means infusing consciousness into their dead DNA structure.

12:29 Please understand infusing consciousness into the dead DNA structure was a science available in Indian tradition. In Chennai, Mylapore there was a Chettiar girl Poompavai. She died in the snake bite. So her remains, relics was preserved by her father in a pot. So Thirugnanasambandar a great saint who knows the science of DNA, among the modern day saints modern day means sorry I should not use the word modern day, among the recent day saints; in the vedic tradition thousand year means recent days, the recent day saints this gnana sambandar and thirunavakarasar, this two have shown physically the science of DNA in their life, doing miracles; that, they showed that they had a power over DNA structure. He gave life; he infused consciousness into the DNA and liberated her. So the same thing Bahiratha did.

13:46 Please understand when you raise the frequency of your DNA you can connect with seven generation wherever whatever state they are in; if they already taken new birth you can elevate them. I tell you many of you guys have come to me because your sons have raised their frequency; your two generation before son has raised his frequency so suddenly for no reason you feel connected to me because he raised his frequency your frequency is raised and you do not even know why you decided to come and be with a swami. Some time you can think your background and your, what you are doing now is completely unconnected. Understand two generation before the sons or daughters you gave birth somebody has raised their frequency that is having effect on you.

14:57 One more thing I always tell people whenever their parents or, or somebody passes away in their family I tell them don’t suffer. If you suffer you will stop their journey; further journey. You will not give them beautiful farewell because whether you like it or not, want it or not our bio memories and DNAs are interconnected; thoroughly interconnected; thoroughly interconnected. Our bio memories and DNA s are interconnected. You can see, I have seen in my experience many time with many disciples, if the father or mother passed away even though they are not physically attached, sorry psychologically attached, suddenly physically they will be down and the suffering and pain will be there because the bio memory is down; bio memory is down.

15:52 So if you elevate your consciousness natural like Bahiratha you will infuse life into the DNA structure of your ancestors and raise their very frequency. If they are in pitru loka you will promote them to a higher level, if they are in bhuloka you will elevate them to higher consciousness; wherever they are. See its like when you beat the water both side the water will flash sorry splash, same way when you beat the consciousness and raise yourself not just future even the past will be raised because one more thing unfortunately you can only see future you do not have the energy to look into the past. But I can see past that’s why I am telling you it is possible. It is possible, it is just possible.

16:58 Alright now I commit not only I will make this as a verbal now just to prove to all, all you guys that even things related to past can be tracked back and altered and their persons consciousness can be elevated. I will prove it within next one month by reversing some of the past incident happened. Let it be on record; I will prove it. See some personality during the past which is happened already, I'll get this person and elevate the frequency of that person and put the incident back and suddenly some new whole rejolting will happen. So this will prove the past DNA can be altered, past bio memory can be altered. That is one thing, second thing, I am trying to prove what way as an experience I can show you guys the past DNA can be altered and changed. I'll come with some more plans at least one or two more plans and I'll literally clearly prove you guys, the past DNA can be altered and maybe somebody elders when they die we will store their DNA and when son takes sanyas we will show prove solid way that DNA suddenly gets totally different activation and raises its frequency. We will prove it. So when any of this brahmacharis or brahmacharinis when their parents die we will take their DNA sample and preserve it and prove it when they become enlightened what happens to this DNA. We will take up this as a scientific research. Let it be on record. We will do this and prove.

18:58 So this we'll prove to the whole world munnelu janmathirkum pinnelujanmathirkum neerthan kadanneerthan neethaarkadanneerthan sanyasi. Means when you take sanyas actually you finish neethaarkada means the loan to your ancestors; you finish it. You do the shraddha and darpana the final thing for them and for you; swadarpana; both. So once you do that and finish it you raise the DNA of the seven generation front and back. So two way I'll prove; one by taking a sample of DNA and preserving it, when the son happens enlightened what happens to that DNA, that one; second the past record the recent past some person or the incident I'll track back and elevate their consciousness and reverse the whole thing; you will see. This two this two way I'll prove this science of that past also can be altered.

20:14 Understand not just future. See when I say future can be altered everyone has, nobody has a question. Everybody knows it. Your eyes are unfortunately outward. It can see only the future. Of course your eyes are not outward; your decision to see is only outward. Your eyes has 100% capacity to see inward also the same way it can see outward. I'll work on the indigo kids and prove you don’t need any diagnostic machines on the planet earth you need only the ability to see ‘in’ to diagnose anything in your body. Nothing else is required. Just you should be able to see ‘in’ that’s all. If you are able to see ‘in’ of you, you can see any body ‘in’. That is the way Sushruta, Charaka all of them diagnosed. Otherwise how do you think our guys were able to do all kinds of medical things? It’s possible.

21:36 So I have some more researches but first I will finish one by one. So I have brought some three four important truths today. I'll first talk one after another. First thing children born throughout the history of humanity to raise the frequency of the planet that have more than two strands of active DNA; they are called indigo children. Fortunately after the sixty’s and seventy, the sixty rebels and seventy hippies most of them were indigo children. Please understand the sixty rebels seventy hippies; the sixties there was a huge rebel movement started seventy’s there was a huge hippy movement started; many of them were indigo children. Unfortunately the society is so…. cunning so…… what to say……. frozen unable to accommodate them, labeled them as negative and pushed them aside and they are made to negative; nothing else. And recently in after 90s enormous amount please understand the, the guys whom are working on this line they are saying something like forty time more kids than the sixty’s and seventy’s are taking birth whose DNA is more than two strands active. Please understand huge number of kids whose DNAs are active more than two strands. Means the multidimensional kids are taking birth.

23:36 Please understand this is a solid proof, solid proof, a huge uplifting in human consciousness is happening. I tell you this is a best time to be in planet earth; best time to be in planet earth. Especially this 2012 to 2020 I am seeing a miraculous happening. Just yesterday I declared 2020 whole year I have decided I am going to spend walking from Kanyakumari to Kashmir with 10000 sanyasis. Let it be on record; see 2012, levitation for 10000 people at a time and 2020, 10000 sanyasis walking from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Between this two happening I know what all is going to happen.

24:55 Human consciousness is going into a big shift of the higher consciousness. The 2012 is really, really, really, going to be a happening here; great positive happening here. So, the amazing number of kids indigo kids happening on the planet earth and today I am declaring our gurukuls’ will specialize the science of making indigo kids as a full blown incarnations. So we will take up and already we have created, now we are taking up a full fledged infra structure and facility specially dedicated to indigo kids. So we will work specially on indigo kids so that they will become a full blown incarnations; full flowered incarnations by that time they become 21. By the time they become 21 they should be full blown incarnations.

26:21 And another one important thing the core human DNA imprint is built on 12 strand structure means it can radiate, it can embody, 12 dimensions of conscious awareness. I think I have spoken on this 11 dimensions in a very detailed way. I may not spend much time on this 11 dimension. The 12th is the ultimate Shiva consciousness which can’t be described. When you experience the 12th you are an incarnation; that’s all. So that is the second truth. I want you to know the third truth, truth is I think I already read out; the person with two strands of DNA is only with 16MBrom memory and the DNA structure is activated, once the DNA is activated it’s like giving internet connection. You can access anything by intent and intuition. So all other things as I read out.

27:28 First I wanted to explain ‘how to’ because that is our, my unique thing how to how to activate more than one DNA strand in you, because most of the human beings have only one DNA activation. When you become a seeker ready to take the risk of renouncing the sensual pleasure for something which you don’t understand the second DNA gets awakened; second strand DNA gets awakened. Practically all of you second strand DNA gets awakened because even for one month if you have just two meal and taking bath twice a day and not having sex, for something which you are not really tangible enough now. See at least none of you have any tangible idea why you are doing that. Maybe you have the trust over aptha pramana. Oh if this guy is enlightened and this is what enlightenment I would like to have it; that’s all. That’s all is the reason why you are eating twice a day and taking bath twice a day and abstaining from the sex and abstaining from all pleasures and everything. So this proves very clearly your second strand DNA is already awakened. How to awaken the next level strand DNAs?

29:00 Understand I will give you exact that ‘how’. I don’t want to use the old words. If I use the old words you will say oh I know about it; it’s ok. I tried it did not working out so I am not going to be, I will not be able to awaken the third stand of DNA. No…. You can, you can. Please understand remember who you are really. Remember who you are really. So naturally like a lump you will feel, one part is that identity which you are showing to the world. Then one part will say no this is not because this changes. I myself can convince myself to change the identity which I am projecting to the world. In half an hour I can change it into another one. Is it not? See sometime when you are not able to maintain that identity or when that identity gives you suffering, in half an hour, one cycle of time, one circle of time, the 21 minutes you sit and talk to yourself and change it. Is it not? Then how can you be that? Not. It’s liquid. It’s changing. How can that be me? No. Then what is me? What is me????

30:48 In few minutes naturally you will feel there is some point in which you are cornering you. What is me? A kind of a silent awareness for few second……. Then what will happen? Because you are not able to be in the pressure of cornering you, it just gets bumped!!! It goes away to some subject or object or it goes away something and this idea gets lost, means the third DNA, third strand DNA you are touching but it is kicking you back.!!. Eh get out don’t come near. I am not interested in waking up now. I want to sleep little more time!! That is where you need seeking. Telling no... I am not just going to build my body I am going to build my DNA structure. I tell you with seeking do weight lifting that will get into your DNA structure. With awareness when you do the when you lift the weight feel that tremendous pressure, not pain. Understand when you are with awareness it will never be a pain. It can only be called as pressure on your muscles and system.

32:30 With that heavy pressure but decide No....I feel by this lifting I will change my DNA structure because Swamiji has told I am going to do that. With awareness with seeking go on doing which your muscle does not want to do; this is one point. I am telling you, I am giving you the tips on how these ideas can become your experience step by step, step by step. I am not interested in poetic theories. I am interested in practical ‘how to’. I am telling you exactly how to. Later on I will give you the poetic theories. Ohhh when your 12 strand DNA is awakened you feel like Andal and Meera, sing like Kabir and dance like Chaitanya. I can sing that poetic song. No I am not interested. I am talking like Swatmarama. I am not talking like Chaitanya or Meera. No... I am talking like Swatmarama; means ‘how’. If you go and tell in front of Swatmarama……. when the 12 strands is awakened and you sing like Meera ,you dance like Chaitanya, you sit like Buddha, he may just straight away throw a stone on you and say come on tell me how don’t go on be teasing me. Tell me how. So now I am talking like Swatmarama. I am not talking like some poet. No. I am not talking like Bauls and Sufis. No I am talking like Swatmarama. Bauls and Sufis if you see the whole tradition it is nothing but go on singing the glory of all the 12 strands of DNA awakened. Ok who says no? I understand if all the 12 strands of DNA is awakened the whole body will feel like honey I understand.

35:01 Thandada endanai kondada undanai saduraruyargolo Arunachala. I understand I gave me but I got you means I gave up the body with two strands of DNA, awakened and I got the body with 12 strands of DNA awakened and who is intelligent? I am the intelligent. Ok all this things but how. So come on to the how. The how is first step; feel who am I? The lump of the identity and lump of the identity which negates the identity; these two are you as on now. Please understand if I use the example of this apple, this part which you are seeing is what you are showing to the world this part which you are not able to see is the part which has ability to change this part. You understand when this part has some suffering or when this part is not trust worthy this part takes over and changes this part. You understand, so see which is the part which has ability to change this part, so you will see this part, the unknown part of you has the ability to reason with this part and alter, transform, change, within 21 minute. That is why you are able to get out of depression or get into depression; the possibility for getting in or getting out exists; because there is some part of you which has the ability to change what you think as you. You understand? So now if that can be changed, how can that be you? No it cannot be. Is it not? Then dig, who is that me? Who is that me? Whenever you are thrown out, again without repenting dig with intense seeking; no, I am clear I am going to awaken the extra higher strands of DNA. If you feel no, no, no, that is not that inspiring oh who knows what is 12 strands DNA and all that then at least see here is a person whose all strands of DNA is awakened, what game he is playing? What life he is living? How he is? Then take this as an inspiration and push yourself, that’s all.

37:45 I tell you intense seeking simply awakens at least four to five strands of DNA. Nothing else, nothing else; you don’t need any sadhana; just intense craving. See the intense craving suddenly makes this apple grow into three four. It’s like that seed becoming a simply four five apples, like one stem cell becoming two three. Same way it just becomes many. So slowly the identity which you are showing becomes a superficial small part of you. It is no more half of you, it is off of you; not half of you, it is off of you. Understand it is not that I do not have a identity which I am showing to you all; it is not half of me it is off of me. The identity which you are showing to the world if it is half of you, you are a man, if it is off of you, you are God. It’s not that, that will not be there in you, but it will be off of you.

39:11 So activating this more strands of DNA the moment I said seeking you think Ohh!! I know it. Swamiji finally will bring it and end here only. No!!! You do not know seeking, that is why you are feeling bored. If you know seeking there will not be boring. There will not be boring there will not be boredom. Seeking means exploring new, new; even the hen or chicken which is poking at the garbage will not get bored; if it has an inspiration it will find some worms as a food. Only if that guy is very sure he is not going to find anything he will be bored.

40:04 So you can’t be very sure you will not find anything because there is a person sitting in front of you who found something. And naturally how much ever you deny you are not able to deny that subject. You can deny everything. You can deny there is no DNA on the planet earth. You can deny there is no seeking on the planet earth. You can deny there is no enlightenment on the planet earth. You can deny there is no nothing of this who am I all these things on the planet earth. You can deny everything. But you can’t deny one fact there is somebody who is little more than what I am. So at least hold on to that and go on poking. There will not be boredom. There will not be boredom.

40:52 Biggest job; I can say biggest job on the world on the planet earth is keeping the seeking alive in people. I tell you God assumes human body only for this job of keeping seeking alive in human beings. Understand he does five jobs akuvai kapai edipai aruldaruvai pokuvai enai puguvipai endrudumvil five job; creation, maintenance, destruction, putting people into Maya illusion and liberating them; this five job. First four creating, maintaining, destroying, and putting them into the illusion, he does not need to move his butt. He can just lie down ananda shayana and he can be in yoga nidra. It goes on nothing needs to be done. And he can be in samadhi in Kailash or he can be in yoga nidra in Vaikunta; no problem it goes on. But to keep seeking alive in human beings he has to assume human body. Understand then most difficult job on the planet earth is keeping seeking alive in human beings. Only for that fifth job he has to take human body he has to go through this whole thing to keep the seeking alive in human beings; not even giving enlightenment.

43:01 Please understand the giving enlightenment is not a job at all; its piece of cake. It’s not a job at all. Keeping seeking alive; because if the seeking is kept alive enlightenment will automatically happen; I don’t need to give, it will just happen. Keeping seeking alive by telling all kinds of stories, words, lullabies and what not…… like the other day our kids did a play, small skit, that satisfying the small children is the most difficult job; they were trying to show na ….make them shut their mouth it’s not a small joke. You don’t know whether your singing will take care of that or dancing will take care or your candy will take care or toys will take care or you don’t know what to do and you have to do continuously trial and error every time when they start crying. It’s not that once you come to a conclusion and you can apply that same research and development, that, this conclusion next time they start crying. No. Next time you have to start again from the step one. First Ba Ba black sheep….. No I am not interested, the candy….. No I am not interested, then toy….. I am not interested, then shaking them in the lap…… No that I am not interested, hugging….. No I am not interested, cuddling….. I am not interested. Nothing suddenly something will click which you don’t even know and you can’t be happy oh I found the solution for my child…… No!!! In half an hour he will change the trend. Now you have to again have a complete new strategy planning. And I tell you even that job can be done and keeping the seeking alive in one person is equalent to bringing up hundred kids. Keeping the seeking alive in hundreds of person, thousands of person; that is why every day from morning till night I have to tell some story, I have to tell some songs, I have to sing, dance, shake, move, hug, Oh God!!! What not and put this whole thing in eN TV so that anytime anybody wants any strategy they can go and try to do something. Sometime if you sit silently they will stop crying. I try that also sitting silently during pada puja; all kinds of drama just to keep the seeking alive.

45:50 Understand keeping the seeking alive, one more thing whenever you feel the seeking has dried up, don’t worry the next strand of DNA is getting awakened. You are progressing. Don’t think my three years life is wasted four years life is wasted five years life is wasted. No. Next strand of DNA is getting awakened. How can something be wasted. Understand very beautifully Shankara says even one shloka of Bhagavad Gita chanting, little Ganga water drinking, once casually saying Krishna Govinda, cannot be wasted. Even that cannot go as waste then how can so many years meditating or practising or being around the master can go waste. No. Next strand of DNA is getting awakened that is why that dry land; that is why that dry scene. Usually after the five six strands of DNA awakened, next next DNA awakening will not be painful. That is what I call enlightenment.

47:11 Usually for a normal man I can say six strands of DNA. But till the six strands of DNA when you cross every strand you will always look back, means, Oh Am I doing right or wrong? It is painful. I think I am wasting time. Why not get married and suffer sorry get married and be happy; at least when you think that’s what you think. Or why not do this? Why not do that? It’s almost like you are being pushed to the wall. But after six no after six any transition of that next strand of DNA awakening there will not be any pain; its just smooth thing. That’s what I am saying.

48:01 See zero to six, sorry one will be always awakened the moment you have the body. And the second will be awakened the moment you start seeking. And the second to sixth is enlightenment period. The sixth to twelfth is the incarnation period. By that time the twelfth is awakened, you are an incarnation and one more thing after the twelfth is awakened there are hundreds of new layers opens up. That is what the new, new layers when it opens up that is what is poornavatara means that so many different, different, different, different truths and revelations constantly being revealed to the world; constantly being shared to the world.

48:48 So actually now we can make this whole thing as a simple medical test. We can see how many strands of your DNA is awakened and give you the report. Are you going through depression? See third is awakened fourth is getting awakened; don’t hit my head. Go. I am not interested any more in sitting and consoling you and I am not interested any more in sitting and talking to you and even after I talk you think I am consoling you. I am not interested in consoling you. Have the medical report get out. Go and do the next job. We will make it very clear because it’s all science, simply provable, simply provable.

49:30 I think first we will prove working on my DNA that twelve strands are awakened. When that is clearly proved then this whole science is proved. And I will clearly reveal, when you cross the lust the third strand is awakened. When you cross the fear the fourth strand is awakened. When you cross the unknown feeling whether fear or lust you don’t even know, the fifth strand is awakened. When you cross the suffocation which you can’t even call as a fear or insecurity or greed, you can’t name it, but just you are angry, you are just angry at everything especially it is usually directed towards me only because I am the only person who is constantly seen by your eyes and gets recorded.

50:23 See it’s like, when you look at this light for two second and close your eyes you will see the imprint of that light inside. You will see that negative of that light inside. Same way naturally constantly you are seeing me only. So when you close your eyes you will see the negative of me inside and put the blame on me. So the fighting with master that is the time that sixth strand is getting awakened. So now we will make all this as a medical test. If somebody is depressed ‘ayya send the DNA for test’ that’s all and no appointment till the DNA Report comes no appointment and if the DNA report comes I don’t even need to talk; now you know go do next. That’s all.

51:11 I tell you surely within one or two years we will make this whole thing as science. Then the mass production of enlightenment can happen. It doesn’t need to be like a one by one piece by piece. Mass production can happen. Only that final tattooing we will do piece by piece. See the body we will produce in mass. We need to have uniqueness so we will just have a tattoo. Yes, the tattooing we will do in unique way but the production can become mass. That is what I am saying huge numbers of indigo kids are landing on the planet earth. That’s one thing, second thing systematically the mass production of enlightenment science is landing on the planet earth.

52:05 I am the vaasthu engineer and new builder. The vaasthu engineering means the altering the existing building is the science I am talking; this awakening the different strand of DNAs And I am very clear I am very confident I am very sure simply we can prove all these things. Simply we can prove because no way these guys can have the insights I am having. It is simply their scientific explanation. So I know for sure their scientific explanation simply matches with my insight. And we will just create a system of mass production of enlightenment; mass production of enlightenment. And I think this is the way we are really going to help the 2012 happening. We are going to be the great help to the human consciousness to elevate the human consciousness during this way, in this way only. This kind of way only we are going to be a big help to the human consciousness for 2012.

53:31 So the essence is three thing. First see who am I? The personality which can be changed is not you. So dig then who am I, when the, when you feel you are hitting the dead end or suffocation, increase the seeking, intensity, passion and look again; When I say again, again and again and again and again; till you awaken the next strand of DNA, next strand of DNA, next strand of DNA. I bless you all, let all twelve strands of DNA be awakened in all of you and let you all achieve and radiate enlightenment. Let you achieve and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you. 54:44


How to awaken next strands of DNA==


2012 Awakening series of talks by Paramahamsa Nithyananda visit http://worldtour.nithyananda.org/

A person with only two strands active DNA (genetic map) is like a computer with only 16MB RAM memory; it can only run a few programs. Once further strands of DNA are activated, it is like providing a high-speed Internet connection with a top of the line computer; anything can be accessed by intent and intuition!

Intense seeking is one of the ways how to awaken the next strands of DNA.


Video Audio


Awakening Different Levels of DNA


2012 Awakening series of talks by Paramahamsa Nithyananda visit http://worldtour.nithyananda.org/

Is DNA linked to our emotions? Studies have shown that as we free ourselves from negative emotions such as lust, fear, and anger, new strands of DNA start getting awakened in us. As each level of DNA gets awakened, we progress on the path towards spiritual enlightenment.


Video Audio



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