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Latest revision as of 21:08, 2 April 2019


Bhuvanai means the Goddess of the whole Universe - Devi Bhuvaneshwari is called Bhuvanai. Her Brahmanda Yoni, which means her Cosmic womb, from which all of us come out, in which all of us will go back.

This Alchemy Product represents that whole energy.

Scriptural References

The spiritual alchemy product described by Sadāshiva in Kamika Agama and expanded by a great Saint called Tirumular as Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni.


How an individual DNA looks in certain shape, Cosmic DNA looks in certain geometric form - that is what is called Sri Mandala, Sri Yantra. It is literally the shape in which the Cosmic DNA is seen. The Cosmic DNA - that Sri Mandala, it has many names - Sri Mandala, Sri Yantra, Sri Chakra. It is drawn in 2D form and installed as foundation. In this foundation, it is drawn in 2D form in pure copper sheet.

Then the same thing is in 3D form above, made in pure copper as per Agama; but gold coated, the silver coated, specifically for those Tithi Vidya Devatas. There are different energies installed in this Meru.

Devi is said to be residing on the top spot. It’s called Nāda Bindu, means the sound and the energy source. Nāda means sound, Bindu means the source energy. Each of this Mandala, it is a Nava Avarana, means nine steps.

In this Nava Avarana, each of this Mandala, different Deities, Gods, Devatas reside. Different energies are invoked. There are four tubes associated to it. In that tubes, literally the Sadāshiva manifested in powder form, means, a certain powder component, mixed as per Agamic instruction. Keeping the Haritaki as the base material, that powder is created and that powder is energized with the high energy; so it carries and holds at least next 30-40 years very comfortably.

Agamically, the powder inside is called Veerya - equivalent to the Cosmic energy; Sadāshiva’s space, energy, is infused into that. And then there is a leaf called Pulluruvi – means, it will not be born out of a seed like a usual birth, it is Amalotpava. It is called Amalotpava, means, without any male component it’ll be born - means the plant which grows in another one plant, without a seed. That Amalotpava leaf is powerful enough to be programmed - Any Satya Sankalpa can be programmed into that leaf and that leaf will hold that energy and make that into reality. Because this plant itself, manifested its reality without any external help, it can make whatever you want into reality without external help. It’s a very powerful programming material, means matter on which you can do the programming, any spiritual programming; just like writing software. This is the base material.

“The science of making the highest energy stay in matter, is available only to Sanatana Hindu Dharma. Hinduism evolved this science. So, this is the science based on which the deities are energized. It’s called Prana Pratishta. You see, if you convert bread into blood, it is digestion. Same way, converting the matter into energy is Prana Pratishta. Matter - you can breathe life into it, it can be energized, it can hold the energy, it can store the energy, it can radiate energy. “ - Paramahamsa Nithyanananda

