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In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam speaks on Love The Door To Divine. You are nothing but Emotion, Feeling and Thought.
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam speaks on Love The Door To Divine. You are nothing but Emotion, Feeling and Thought.
No matter how you try to escape, avoid, or try to cover yourself . What you are is nothing but your mind
No matter how you try to escape, avoid, or try to cover yourself . What you are is nothing but your mind
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In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam explains You cannot connect to the Divine through fear or greed. Even if you cry no relationship can happen. Through fear you cannot relate with  the Divine. Worry will block the Manipuraka chakra and cut off the flow of Divine energy
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam You cannot connect to the Divine through fear or greed. Even if you cry no relationship can happen. Through fear you cannot relate with  the Divine. Worry will block the Manipuraka chakra and cut off the flow of Divine energy
A Rishi and his son were in the forest. The King came for healing only his son was there. His son healed the King by asking him to chant Krishna's name  3 times and the King got healed . The confidence that comes just by knowing God is taking care makes greed, fear and worry redundant.
A Rishi and his son were in the forest. The King came for healing only his son was there. His son healed the King by asking him to chant Krishna's name  3 times and the King got healed . The confidence that comes just by knowing God is taking care makes greed, fear and worry redundant.
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In this Video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam explains, whenever your emotions reach a peak they flower as Bliss and Love which  opens the door to the Divine.  
In this Video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam explains, whenever your emotions reach a peak they flower as Bliss and Love which  opens the door to the Divine.  
Human beings have a total misunderstanding about the body and its connection to Love, Emotion, Mind and Being.  
Human beings have a total misunderstanding about the body and its connection to Love, Emotion, Mind and Being.  
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Whenever your emotion reaches to its peak, it flowers as a bliss. It flowers as a love. When it relates with others, it is love, when it is by itself it is bliss. Love can open the door to divine. Love can make your whole life into bliss. Love can make, expand your being. When I say love, I don't mean what you understand as love. I mean something more. What I mean? When I say love, I mean three dimensions of love, different dimensions of love. First thing, love your body. Next thing, love your mind, third thing love your being. Jesus says: “Love your neighbor, as you love yourself. ” He doesn’t know, none of us love ourself actually. Actually none of us love ourself.
First statement, understand, love your body. Do you really love our body? Do we really love our body? Never, we never love our body. Especially the so-called spiritual people, they always try to condemn their body. We always think, body only creates all desires, body only pulls us down to the world. It is never truth. It’s a total misunderstanding.
Body never creates any disturbance in us. Body never does anything wrong to us. Body is natural, only mind is societal. Whenever we want anything, we do everything, finally, we blame the body. See, you eat hot chilies and chutney made out of chilly. Especially the Andhra people, you should see, just out of chilies they will make chutney and eyes will be pouring but... Andhra people, they don’t take chutney in one finger, they take only the full hand; but they’ll be relishing, enjoying. Eyes will be pouring, body will say: “No, no it is enough, I cannot bear any more”, but you don’t care for the body. You don’t do anything, you don’t care for anything. You just, for the sake of your joy, you destroy the body. In most of the case, if you just look deeply into your being you can understand, for the sake of your joy, you destroy the body.
So many times your body will tell, whenever you eat to a limit, immediately body will give two, three signs, two, three signs body will do. “Enough, now you stop.” First thing, the feeling of heaviness or next thing, you will feel naturally now the body says to stop, but you feel food is so tasty. Your tongue feels the taste, immediately what you do? Just for the sake of your taste, you go on putting the things inside.
I’ve seen. I go to many houses when the devotees invite. So people always want Me to have some food in their house. Sometimes I do agree. The main problem is feeding Me is a prestige for them, but for Me it is a life and death question. For them it is a prestige problem. So what they do? They don’t fill only the leaf, they fill the whole table. The whole table will be, for them I am the only Swami. For Me I have one thousand houses. That’s what our Ashram report says, last one year alone minimum of one thousand two hundred houses has been visited by Me. In last 365 days, last year one thousand two hundred houses. Feeding me is a prestige for them, but for Me it is a life and death question.
First, they will put everything in the leaf and then they will tell: “Swamiji you should not waste the food”. You should not waste the food. That’s a very good logic - we should not waste the food. I always tell them: “If I waste the food outside, if you waste the food outside only the food will be wasted. If you waste the food inside, by putting them inside, not only the food, the system also will be wasted, not only the food, the system also will be wasted.”
So never eat thinking that food will be wasted. If you throw it outside, it will, only the food will be wasted. If you put it inside, not only the food, system also will be wasted. But we never care; for the sake of our joy we just put anything and close. Same way, till the night two o’clock sitting in front of TV and watching the cricket show. Your eyes will beg you: “Please give me little rest, please give me little rest.” The body will be begging you, but for the sake of your joy, what you do? You exploit the body. Then what will happen? Naturally, your body will tell: “Now it is time, enough”. Many times your body begs you: “I want little rest, please leave me”, but for the sake of your joy, you don’t allow the body to rest.
See in how many places, how many times you overdo things for the sake of your joy. You don’t love your body, you don’t respect your body. Above all, because your attachment about the ideal body, because your idea about the beautiful bodies, you don’t feel your body is perfectly alright. Whenever, you should understand this one idea totally, whenever you are attached to some actor or actresses bodies, you can be very clear, if you look into your deep consciousness, then you will understand, you don’t feel happy with your body. You imagine about those bodies, the ideal forms, and what you do? Either you try to shape your body also in the same way, otherwise, you stop looking into your body.
Most of us cover ourselves from our own eyes. 90% you never look your body totally. You never feel free, you never feel happy, you never feel joyful, you never feel loving with your body. Why? Because your mind wants that kind of body, the ideal bodies. The importance of pornography is nothing but the hatred towards your body. You don’t love your body, you hate your body, that is why so much of pornography spreads all over the world. Your attachment to porno is nothing. You don’t love your body, so you start loving those bodies. When you start loving those bodies, you don’t love your body. It is to be understood very deep way. Your imagination, your expectation how a body should be, makes you to hate your body.
Where is the scale of beauty? Tell me. Where is the scale of beauty? Whom you think as beautiful, the other person thinks as a ugly. Whom you think as ugly, the other person thinks as a beautiful. Where is the scale of beauty? No scale, no scale. Can you say any scale is there for beauty? Beauty is in the eyes of the man who beholds. Beauty is in the eyes of a beholder. So, when you think somebody is beautiful, when your mind imagines some body as a beautiful body, when your mind expects some form as a beautiful form, you start hating your form.
In Japan, in Zen Buddhism if you see their Buddha statues, it will be with a big belly, shaved head and big face, because they consider that as a beauty. According to them, beauty means a big belly and big face, shaved head. If you say… if you see in India, Buddha is like a athlete, he'll be sitting like a athlete; a shaped body, a lean but well built body, with a hair and a long eyes, sharp nose, what these people think as a beauty.
If any of you have been to Calcutta? In Calcutta, there is a function called Durga Puja. Once in a year they celebrate. The image of Durga will be made out of clay and it will be worshipped for five days. Finally they put it in the Ganga, you put in the river. At least ten thousand images will be done every year. If you go round one year, seeing all the images, you can understand who is the popular actress in Bengal. If you once go round, then you can understand this year who is holding the market, because all the faces will be in the, in exactly her face. All faces of Durga will be exactly the replica of her face.
Originally the Puja, when the Puja is... when the idea of Durga Puja is created, it is created to see mother in everybody, to see mother in the women. They say: “Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Matru Rupena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai, Namastasyai, namo Namaha”. The mantra in Chandi, the mantra in Durga Puja says: “O Devi who resides in every woman as a mother, I bow down to her, I bow down to her, I bow down to her, my salute to her”.
The puja is started, the idea of puja, the puja is started to see mother in every women, to see mother in, even in the wife, but the whole idea is now turned, the wife is seen in the mother. Even in the mother they’ve started seeing the romance. It was started for the other purpose. Even in the romance, even in the glamour, you should see the mother, even in the beauty you should see the mother. Now it has become the other way. Even the mother wears a face of popular actress. If you go around once, you will see people even talk like this: “Did you go to that Durga? Did you see her face? The Durga is not called just as a Durga. Did you go to that Sri Devi Durga, did you go to that Ash Durga?” This is the way, even when they talk, the whole idea turns.
Whenever you are attracted to some form, some body, you start hating your body. Your unconsciousness, your being never lives with your body. Whenever you start imagining, dreaming about the actress, you never live with your wife. Your body may be living with her, your consciousness never feels satisfied with her. The same way, when you too much imagine about some other bodies, the ideal bodies, you start hating your body; very subtle way, but if you look little deep then you will be able to understand, you don’t live inside your body at all.
But where is a scale for beauty? Nowhere. Each one is beautiful in his own way. There is no scale for the beauty. No rose looks into other rose and says: “Let me become like that rose”. No. But we always feel my body should become like this, like that. We spend all our time trying to make our body just like somebody else body, but God never creates anything second time. God never duplicates. He only creates, he never duplicates. If you try to make yourself also like somebody else, is it going to look beautiful? No.
In Tamil Nadu you can see, if any one movie becomes popular or if it hits, if it becomes hit, then the whole youth will turn their haircut according to that movie. In that movie any fool, if he tears his jeans and dances, you can see all the jeans will be cut with the blade. That becomes style, that becomes fashion. Where is the scale? Nowhere.
First understand, your body is enough onto itself, there is no need for any scale. To say you are heavy or you are too lean, you are too short, you are too black. There is no ideology, there is no scale. Accept your body as it is, then you will see a new grace happens to your body, a new beauty happens to your body, a unique beauty which can never be taken away, a unique grace which is totally into itself.
I tell you one thing, beauty comes by makeup, grace comes by accepting the beauty of your own body. So-called beauty comes only by the makeup of inch thick powder and quarter-inch thick lipstick, which can never stand for a long time. One thing, if you use the hair dye you should never go in the rain, because the face which was white will become black and the hair which was black will become white. The colour will change. That will become white and this will become black. How long a makeup can stand? Not for too long, not for too long.
Even if you do the makeup, you can look beautiful for others sake, you will never feel comfortable inside your body. Just if you close your eyes and feel inside your being, you can very clearly feel, you feel as if you are living in some other place. You will see continuously the uneasiness and irritation is happening in your body. Continuously the uneasiness and the irritation is happening in your body. Every nerve, every pore is feeling the irritation.
If you are really attracted too much to other bodies… I’ve seen a persons who has got some body builder’s photographs in their room. They will be the most ugly person and they will never feel comfortable with the body. Because continuously their mind imagines about the ideal bodies, ideal forms, ideal makeups. How will you feel joyful or relaxed inside your system?
A man continuously who is running behind, who is thinking of some actress, can he be happy with his wife? No. Same way, if you are attracted, even if you are a male, you may be attracted to some male actress body, nothing wrong, but even in that way, you will be continuously thinking of his body. How will you be relaxed in your body? Never. You will never be relaxed. You will never be happy with your own body.
The dissatisfaction with your body makes your body more ugly and more disgraceful. When you are totally satisfied with your body, when you relax inside your body, you will see a new grace happens to your body. It may not be beautiful according to somebody else's scale, according to somebody else’s idea, but you will see your being is totally relaxed within your system.
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There is a beautiful shloka, shloka from tantra which says, ‘When you are comfortable with your body every point feels like a nectar. You will be filled, your whole being, your whole form will be filled with nectar.’ Of course today we are going to practice that meditation. Today we will see the meditation from that tantra.
Shiva says if you are really loving, if you really accept your body as you are, as it is, every inch, every inch you will feel like a nectar. You will feel as if your whole body is filled with nectar. Actually your body is filled with nectar. Your body is filled with life energy otherwise how will you be alive? How will you be alive? You are alive because your body is filled with life energy. But you never respect your life energy. You continuously go around seeing all the other person’s body. You are continuously attracted towards other bodies. Because you’re attracted to other’s bodies you never feel homely, comfortable with your body, with your body.
I am not even talking about the relationship. I am talking about the ideal bodies. A male getting attracted to the male body. A female getting attracted to the female body. That is the thing I am talking. Continuously imagining about your ideal actor or ideal actress. “My body should be like that. I should do all my makeup or body building up just like that. And this hairdressing, hairdressing, manicuring the nails.” How much you do seeing somebody else’s body you may have the praise. You may have a few words from the others but you will never feel homely with your body. You will never feel joy or bliss in your body.
First thing you need to understand, stop hating your body and stop having the ideal body. Stop having the idea of ideal body then you will see your body becomes ideal for you. And have you heard of Samudrika Lakshana? That shastra says, ‘Every mind according to his needs creates his own body.’ So exactly your body is created by your mind as it should be. According to that shastra, your body is created by your mind as it should be. It is never created for somebody else. If you try to create your body seeing somebody else's body you will start living only their life. You'll never be able to live your life.
Understand the very first thing. Your body is created for your life not for anybody else's life. Stop changing your body like somebody else's. Don't have any particular ideal or goal, somebody as a, somebody else's body. Be totally relaxed, joyful and comfortable with your body. You will see, you will have total well being of your being; not only disease-lessness, total well being.
The first step towards love is loving your body, feeling comfortable within your body. Unless you love your body you will not live throughout your body. Now you don't live throughout your body, you live only in one portion. Your whole mind is thinking of somebody else's body.
First, understand and accept your body as it is. Love your body. Next, love your mind. Like us nobody condemns our own mind. Look little deep into yourself then you will understand how much you condemn yourself. If you sit alone nothing else will come up from your mind except guilt. However you live, how much you live the good, beautiful, joyful or peaceful life you will have some guilt about yourself. Only through guilt, only through self condemnation you spoil your whole joy and spoiling your own joy is a habit for you. You don't feel comfortable if you are joyful. You feel something is wrong. Whenever things go totally happy, whenever things go without any problem, whenever things are settled you feel something is wrong. You feel some uneasiness, "What is happening? Things are going so well." 😃 You feel some juice only when some worries are there or something is there to worry about.
If you don't feel anything to worry, you feel uneasy. So you create something. I have seen the people creating guilt not only with the outer things even with the inner things, divine things. You yourself take up some puja and if you miss one day then guilt and immediately you will associate some incident along with that guilt. "Because I have not done puja this problem came." And then you start with the full swing. Some other day, some other reason if you miss one more day, then again guilt. Already you have enough of guilt, now the inner world, the divine things also adds little more for your guilt.
Guilt is a thing which makes you hate your mind. You have thousands of choice in front of you. Continuously you can choose anything from the world, but you choose only the things which makes you more solid. Solid means what? More sorrow, more heavy!
You can choose anything. Now for example, if somebody criticizes you. You can choose anything; either you can choose to be strong and not to bother or you can choose to get disturbed. But be very clear you are choosing, don't think somebody else is choosing. When somebody criticizes you, it is not necessarily you should choose only the point, that getting upset. You can use something else. You can be even strong. But what you do? You always choose to get upset, to get disturbed. It is your choice, nobody else's choice.
And be very clear all your feelings, all your emotions are just your choice. You may not be aware that you are choosing; because of continuous conditioning you forget whether you choose or that chooses by itself but everything is just your choice. If you choose, you see, for example if you choose the one road to go to your office. Everyday you use the same road to go to your office. Same way you reach your office. In holiday if you want to go somewhere else also, if you choose the road, that road you will exactly see automatically your car will go and stand in front of your office. Then suddenly you'll remember "Oh today no office is there. Today no office is there, I have come here." You have chosen the road but you have not remembered that you have chosen the road because of your habit.
Same way, somebody criticizes you, immediately you choose to get upset; because you have decided the same choice, same decision for so many times you forget you choose. But actually you only choose. It is you who choose to get upset. You have all the full freedom. You have all the capacity to choose the otherwise also. You can choose wise or to be otherwise. Either way you can choose. You can choose to get upset or you can choose to upset him. When you are criticized you can choose to get upset or you can choose to upset him also. If you are not upset in it then naturally what is going to happen, he's going to get upset. It is just your choice; in front of you everything is available - the feeling of love, feeling of acceptance, feeling of joy, feeling of guilt, feeling of self condemnation - everything is available but you choose only the guilt and condemnation.
First thing, drop the ideal body and live in your body, start loving your body.
Next thing, drop all your self condemnation idea. Accept yourself as you are, accept your being as you are, accept your mind as you are and choose to be happy. A conscious decision not to get upset by anything outer.
The third thing, loving your being. Loving your being needs deep understanding. Why you don't accept your being? One more thing, none of us accept our being as we are. None of us accept our being as we are. We always wanted our being should be either like Bill Gates or like a this man, that man, that man, that man. Or if you can somehow avoid all those greed, then you start greedy about the Buddha. My being should become like a Buddha, like Nithyananda.
You see greed happens in many forms. I became Nithyananda when I stopped, when I stopped the idea of being somebody else. If you really want to become like Buddha or like me or like a master, like a totally satisfied being, first stop craving to become like some being, somebody else. The very thought to become somebody else, to become like somebody only makes you not to accept yourself. If you understand your being, if you understand one or two things about your being then everything will be settled.
Your being is immune to criticism. And it is so simple, so innocent it always respects the whole universe. And it never feels it is beneath somebody but it has always got respect for the whole world, whole universe.
What we do, why we don’t accept our being? What actually happens in our system? You do two things. First thing you try to project which you are not. Either you try to project which you are not or you try to cover which you are. That is why you hate your being. Either you try to project which you are not or you try to cover which you are. If you look around your life 90% of your energy is spent only to project what you are not. It’s… how it is like you know, you are only six feet height but you have somehow made twelve feet cutout. Wherever you go just you carry the cutout in front of you. Wherever you go you just carry the cutout in front of you. 90% of your energy is just spent only carrying that cutout. That cutout is more strong, more wealthy, more rich, more beautiful cutout. You make what all you don’t have but you want to have. You put the whole thing and make a diagram, make a cutout and carry in front of you.
What all you want to have but you don’t have you put everything and make a image, sometimes not even a cutout. You make a big idol, statue and wherever you go you just carry that statue. 90% of your energy is spent just to prove, just to show, just to project what you are not.
Two things… if you drop doing that, two things will happen to you. When you start loving yourself two things can happen to you. First thing 90% of your energy which is getting wasted to project what you are, what you are not, the 90% of energy will be consumed, will be useful for you; it will not be wasted.
The next thing, you can really understand and appreciate what you are. You can really understand and appreciate what you are because every being, every being is unique. Understand about your being, just few words. You are immune to criticism. Your being is totally innocent, simple, unique. You are never beneath somebody but you are totally innocent and humble. Everyone’s being knows that all others are also beings, all others are also beings.
When you understand your being you neither project yourself too high and get criticised, get depressed, or you go for criticising others. You totally understand and live joyfully, ecstatically with your being. When you love your body, from beauty you enter into grace. If you don’t love your body how much makeup you do, you know how long it is going to stand. It’s never going to stand.
Beauty and grace is totally different. When you love your body you have the new grace. When you love your mind you enter into a space of total satisfaction. When you love your being you enter into the space of bliss and love. If you can love your body, mind and being, the love can become door to the divine, the love can lead you to the divine; because when your body, mind and love, when your body, mind and being when all these three is integrated you become whole. Whenever you are whole, you are holy. Wholeness and holiness is one and the same. When you are cut to pieces only then you are man, when you are integrated you are simply being. Being means God, life and love.
When your being is integrated. When you love your body, mind and the being you totally enter into a different realm where you experience you are divine, you are God. The poison which is inside your being is just removed. What I say, poison - the gap between yourself to yourself. You have so many gaps in yourself. Those gaps only I call it as a poison. When those gaps are healed. Whenever you start loving your body, body gets healed. Whenever you start loving your mind, mind gets healed. Whenever you start loving your being your being gets healed. When all these three layers are healed you are enlightened.
A man who is totally healed… a man who is totally within himself. A man who is totally healed only can become a healer. A man who is healed, he only can become a healer. A man who is totally healed can become divine. A man who is totally healed is divine.
So love not only acts as a door to divine, love simply makes you divine. So, let you understand this ultimate love and enter into divine. Let your being enter into the divine. Let you become Nithyananda. Thank you.
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Latest revision as of 15:31, 25 March 2022


Place : San Jose Fremont, USA


In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam speaks on Love The Door To Divine. You are nothing but Emotion, Feeling and Thought.

No matter how you try to escape, avoid, or try to cover yourself . What you are is nothing but your mind

However you try to escape, and whenever you try to entertain yourself in the outer world you feel tired because there is no place you can go and nothing you can do where your thoughts, feelings and emotions are not there also.

Video and Audio - Love The Door To Divine||Part 1

Video Audio



brahmānandaṁ paramasukhadaṁ kevalaṁ jñānamūrtiṁ dvandvātītaṁ gaganasadṛśaṁ tattvamasyādi-lakṣyam | ekaṁ nityaṁ vimalam acalaṁ sarvadhī-sākṣi-bhūtaṁ bhāvātītaṁ triguṇa-rahitaṁ sadguruṁ tam namāmi ||


I welcome you all with My Love. “Love, The Door To Divine”, today’s subject. You are nothing but your emotions, your feelings and your thoughts. How much you try to escape, how much you try to avoid, how much you try to cover yourself, but you are nothing but your mind. We always try to hide ourself, to escape from ourself, into the outer world, into the comforts, into the entertainments. Whenever you try to escape from yourself, whenever you try to hide yourself into the outer comforts, into the outer world joys, into the outer world experiences, whenever you try to entertain yourself by the world, by the outer comforts; how much you try, how much you escape, all your entertainment comes to an end.


All your entertainment reminds you- you are not as you are. That is why almost all entertainments makes you tired. In the weekend, you think you will entertain yourself totally. You go here-there, do all sorts of things which you think as a entertainment or enjoyment. Go to club; go to pub, go to bar, wherever you want. And Monday morning you will be totally tired. You will have the feeling, “Why the sun has raised? Can’t it be little bit delayed? Can’t it be little bit delayed?” Whatever you think as a entertainment, whatever you think as a joy, how much you try to tell your mind, how much you try to teach your mind, “This is joy, that is joy, why don’t you have this, why don’t you have that?” But again and again and again, your being, your mind comes back to a position and shows you very clearly in the experience.


Of course, mind can’t tell you, but it shows you in your experience. Wherever you may go, wherever you may wander, wherever you may do; unless your Being is joyful, unless your Self is joyful, you cannot have the joy, you cannot have the Bliss. That is what is showed to you. How much you try to entertain yourself through so many other sources, you will see finally, you end up in a utter failure, utter failure. Of course, intelligent few understand in few trials, stubborn people take their own time to understand. But either, today or tomorrow, you have to understand unless your Self is happy, unless your Being is happy, nothing else can make you happy.


First, whether you accept or not, whether you understand or not, you are nothing but your emotions, you are nothing but your thoughts, you are nothing but your feelings. You relate with the world, you relate with the universe only through your emotions, only through your thoughts, only through your feelings. If you don’t know how to handle them, if you don’t know how to use them, whatever you may use, whatever you may have from the world, will not give what you want. Unless you have the painless body, body without any pain, whatever may be the height of your bed you cannot have rest. Because only through your body, you can enjoy the bed. You can enjoy the comfort of the bed. If your body is not a proper position, if your body is not without any pain, then how can you enjoy whatever may be the size. I see in all the hoardings, they say queen bed. Whether it is a queen bed or king bed, unless you have painless body, what can you enjoy? No.


The same way, world, you may have a bigger car, bigger house, bigger relationships, bigger families, but unless you have your feelings, your mind, your thoughts within you, within yourself within your control, what you can have? You may have everything, but you will not have yourself. You relate with the world only through your emotions, through your feelings, through your thoughts. If your hand is dirty, any food may be brought to you, and kept in front of you, can you enjoy them? No. Same way, we work so much for creating the outer world comforts. You work so much for your food but you forget to wash your hands. Can you enjoy? No. Your work so much for the outer comforts, you forget, to which you are going to enjoy the world, to cleanse that portion. To which you are relating with the world, to use it, to clean that portion.


The hand with which we are going to relate with the world, that is what I call it as emotions, feelings and thoughts. Emotions, feelings and thoughts are the hands with which we are touching the world, we are relating with the world. If those things are not totally under your control, if you have not understood totally all these things, you can be sure whatever you may have, you will miss yourself. You relate with the world, you relate to the world only through your greed, through your fear, through your worries, through your attention, through your creativity, through your ego or conditioning, through your mind or the being. These are the few aspects with which you relate with the world. We’ll try to explore every aspect.


First, the Greed. The very word creates the idea of condemnation in you. The very word Greed, means you immediately feel that it should be suppressed, it should be suppressed. Never, nothing should be suppressed. None of your emotions, none of your thoughts, none of your feelings should be suppressed. If you try to suppress your hand, is it going to help you? Never. It’s never going to help you. Suppressing your hand is only going to make you paralyzed, crippled. Same way suppressing your emotions, suppressing your feelings is going to only mentally retard you. You are going to become only mentally crippled, mentally disturbed. The way in which you relate to the world should never be suppressed. Those emotions or those feelings should never be suppressed. They should be properly used, they should be properly used.


The way in which you relate to the world, the same way only you relate to the God also. Relating to the world and relating to the God is one and the same. If you do not know how to relate with the world, you can never relate to The God. If you try to relate with the God without relating with the world, you’ll be relating with only photographs and the statues, never the Being or never the presence of the God will be felt by you. If you can’t relate with the living persons around you, how can you expect you can relate with the God whom you have never seen? You’ve never seen him. How can you relate with the God? How can you relate with the Being whom you’ve never seen? No.


You relate with the world or with the God only through this emotions, through this thoughts, through this conditionings. How we relate with the divine, how we use this emotions as a door to divine; I’ll explain how these emotions can lead you from one step to the other step, the one step to the other step. How finally the love, highest emotion. When your intellect reaches its peak it becomes intelligence. When your emotion reaches its peak it becomes love. When your Being reaches its peak it becomes Enlightened. How the emotion, in its highest form, the love, can become a door to divine, can make you reach the divine. I’ll try to explain every emotion and finally the peak of the emotion, Love, how it can become door to the divine. It can be understood by you.

(12:43) Greed - first, first energy centre in our body. Muladhara, root chakra is related to Greed. Greed, greed is the basic instinct; desire is a basic instinct with which we relate not only with the world, with the God. Almost all our relationship with the divine starts only with the greed and desire. Greed and the desire, through greed and desire is the thing through which we start relating to the divine at all. It may be directly or indirectly, but greed and the desire is the first thing which makes us religious, which makes us to knock the door of the divine.


You need to understand one thing. To start because of the greed is nothing wrong. But to stop in the greed level itself is something basically wrong. Vivekananda says beautifully, “It is good to be born in the Church, but not to die there.” It is good to start with the greed but not to end there. You should never stop in the level of greed itself. Greed and the desire, through which we relate with the divine. Of course, 90% of the people, till the end, they are with, they relate with the divine only through greed and desire. That is why almost all our religious places; there is a practice, praying or offering, almost a subtle business. We always say, “Do this O God.,, let me do that for you.” Not only in Eastern religions, even in the Western religions this type of that bargain is there.


Whenever you relate with the divine through greed, you go for offering, you go for the prayers, you go for taking vows. Almost all the relationship with the divine is due to greed, through greed. It can be a good starting step but not to end. Next, fear. Again, whenever fear arises, we try to take the shelter in the divine. Fear is also one more emotion which pushes you near the divine. Through greed, if you go towards the divine, when your greed is satisfied you know how beautifully you come out of it.

(16:10) I can tell you a small story which I usually use this story. Three men are starting new business. They were having a thought: whether it’ll go successfu . After a year they saw more than a crore. Only God’s share comes. So much of benefit is made, so much of profit is done. God’s share alone is one crore. If it is 5000, 10000, we don’t mind putting it in the hundi. “Poor God, let him have.” When it is little too much, we start thinking second time. They went to a astrologer to ask for a second opinion. “Can we do something? Can we adjust somewhere?” The astrologer thought, “If I could give some good suggestion, I may get some portion.”

(17:29) He gave a suggestion, “See, after all, you are all sons of the God, nothing wrong. Do one thing. You make a small pit on the ground. Convert all the money into gold. Throw everything up. Whatever falls inside the pit, put it in the hundi. Whatever falls outside, take that as a God’s Prasad, gift from Lord.” They went back to the house. Before doing the experiment, before doing the thing, one man got another one idea. “See we will make little big pit, whatever falls inside, we’ll take, whatever falls outside we’ll give it to God.” Third idea is the important thing. Third man said, “See, after all God is above. We’ll throw everything. Whatever God wants let him take. Whatever falls on the ground, we’ll have it for ourself.”


See before the business, we run to the divine. If you try to relate, whenever you try to relate with the divine through greed, as soon as it is satisfied, your greed is answered, you give way. You give way for it. The same way, trying to relate with the divine through fear. Almost all the atheists, anybody who name as a atheist. See their last phase in their life. You will see they will turn to theism. Till the end they will be shouting, “No God! No God! No God!” and after the age of 70, when the strength in the nerves have disappeared, when the hormones have became silenced, silent. When the hotness in the blood, when it has come down, the sound of the “No” will slowly start disappearing. Only the God will be there. The “No God” idea... in that idea of “No God”, the “No” will disappear.



Love The Door To Divine ||Part 2||


In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam You cannot connect to the Divine through fear or greed. Even if you cry no relationship can happen. Through fear you cannot relate with the Divine. Worry will block the Manipuraka chakra and cut off the flow of Divine energy

A Rishi and his son were in the forest. The King came for healing only his son was there. His son healed the King by asking him to chant Krishna's name 3 times and the King got healed . The confidence that comes just by knowing God is taking care makes greed, fear and worry redundant.

Video and Audio - Love The Door To Divine||Part 2

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One man who has, who has lived throughout his life as a atheist, at the end somehow a small accident happened in his life. He has fallen from a cliff. He is just holding a tree, the root of a tree and shouting for help and he saw that root is also slowly coming down. When he saw he is going to die, he thought anyhow I am going to die. Why not give a small chance to God? Why not give a small trial? He shouted. He shouted with all his being, “Oh God! Throughout my life I never believed you. Now I will believe you. Please somehow save me. Save me. I will believe you.” God from above he told, ‘Alright I will save you, don't worry. Let go your hand. I will hold you. I will take care of you.’ Immediately he shouted, “Is there anybody else who can save me? Is there anybody else who can do something for me?”


Whenever you relate with the Divine through fear, you end up in the same way. Neither through greed, nor through fear you can relate with the Divine. You may try your best, but relationship can never happen.


One captain and his subordinates, three persons, all the four were travelling in a ship. Suddenly the storm has attacked the sea. The ship has started shaking. They felt total insecured. What to do? The captain started praying fervently. Oh God! Somehow save us. If you save us we will stop smoking. But God is not listening for the prayer. Still the ship is shaking. After ten minutes they started praying. God! please somehow save us. We will stop drinking. No answer. Still it is shaking. It is becoming only worse. He started shouting, Oh God! please save us somehow. We will stop womanising. The subordinate colleague told keep quiet, keep quiet, don't shout much. I think a small island is seen. We could see small island. Please don't go to that extent. A small island is seen. Through fear when you relate with the Divine, you can never relate.


Next through worries - Manipuraka. You try to relate with the Divine for the sake of your peace, for the sake of your silence. Now you will enter into a new phase. You will be able to relate. Fear and greed will never open the door to the Divine. Asking for peace will just allow you near that vicinity. Of course, just if you ask for the peace, you can't enter into the temple of God, but you can enter that vicinity.In a way, it is like a, you will not have the citizenship but like a green card, you will have a green card. Asking for peace is like a green card. You will be under the trial. You will be under the watch. But a good step; You will be allowed to park but not to enter into the temple.


When you ask for the next step, creativity, the throat. Through creativity you can relate with the God. Relating with the God through creativity. Now only first you will be entering into the space of the Divine. That is why, you can always see through art, through dance, through poets, through poems, you can relate with the Divine very well. Then through offering your money. I have seen in India, people who pour all their wealth on the temples. They will be pouring the wealth getting the only, getting only the blessings of the priests. Never the God. Person who pours his being, his emotion, his creativity, person who writes poems, person who creates dances, person who creates painting for the God, I have seen always they relate with the Divine, they get the blessings.


Whenever you pour the wealth, you get blessings of the priest. Whenever you pour your being, you get the blessings of God. I have always seen people having great satisfaction and blessings. In our ashram also, when they come and do some service, creativity, some way of spending the time, they go with more satisfaction, more benefit and more result than the persons who pour the wealth. Of course, when you pour the wealth with humility and humbleness, you spend the time also. You spend the heart also. Whenever you put only the money not the heart, you try to relate through the Divine, to the Divine through greed and the fear. Only when you put your time, only when you put your creativity, only when you do something for the Divine, you try to relate to the Divine through the plane of creativity.


You can always see throughout the ages in the spiritual histories, not only in Hindu tradition, in all the tradition, the spiritual figures, if you take their lives, if you take and read their backgrounds, the person who build the temple, spending his whole country, he will never be considered as a spiritual figure. But the person who went there and sang ten lines on that Lord, he will become a spiritual figure.


In South India, there are saints who went to the temples. They spent all their lives going around, seeing all the temples, and chanting stotras or singing songs. The person who built the temple, spending his whole life, whole money, whole energy, whole country. He is never considered as a spiritual person. But the person who just visited the temple and sang about the Shiva, sang about that Muruga, few words, few lines is considered as a spiritual figure.


The person who built the church is never cared. But person who prayed, he was always considered as a spiritual figure. So creativity can open the first step for you to the Divine. Then comes ultimately the ego. Of course, through ego you try to relate with the Divine. Two things you need to understand. When I say ego you should understand two things. The very idea ego itself should not be condemned. The way in which you use your ego only in that way, either it should be praised or condemned. The ego itself cannot be condemned. Ramakrishna says, if you have the ego that I am the servant of God, it will never harm anybody. That type of ego can never disturb anybody.


A small story from Bagavatham. You need to understand. Once a saint was living in a forest. His son was also living with him. The saint has gone out to take bath and do meditation. At that time one king came to ashram for the sake of blessing. The son of the Rishi, the son of the saint was staying there. He asked the king, ‘What for you came?’ The king said, ‘I have a skin disease throughout my body. I wanted the blessing of the rishi, sage. So I came here.’ Son said, ‘Chant Krishna's name three times. Chant Krishna's name three times.’ I think it has started chanting. As soon as I told...as soon as I told it has started chanting. ‘Chant Krishna's name three times. Then you will get rid of the disease.’ The king also chanted Krishna, Krishna, Krishna and miraculously the disease has disappeared. He has gone.


In East, the prayer healing is very popular. Of course, just twenty years ago the west has understood: The prayer can do miracles. I read in a book written by the Deepak Chopra. He says, twenty years ago they did a research on hundred patients. They took up hundred patients from different culture and from different background. They did research. How prayer can help a man to come out of his disease. They say all the hundred cases proved, at least fifty to hundred percent. From fifty, minimum of fifty percent, maximum of hundred percent...patients recover from after surgery. From after any surgery or after any problem. Fifty to hundred percent they recover just by prayer. Of course report is amazing. But he says the study has proved the power of prayer on a patient. It is not that the patient and the man who prays should be even related in any way. There are discoveries says one or two amazing things. The patient and the person who prays there is no need even they should have any relationship.


And the third thing, when a man prays in his own system so much of change happens, his immune system gets strengthened. Whenever we pray for somebody, not only he gets healed, your immune system gets strengthened. He says prayer is a journey into Consciousness. Thousands of years ago East knows the truth. Just twenty years ago West has discovered by the research. The scientist, the persons who recorded this research after a much reluctant feeling, after the...what to say...long discus...discussion, even after the long discussion, they were reluctant to publish the report because it is something totally new. How can you simply say a prayer can do so much in the system! But the study says it is true. No other way. Once they published the report then only the prayer has gained very big popularity in the west. Of course now the west also understands, the prayer can do miracles for healing, for recovery of the patients, recovery of anybody. Anyhow the son of the saint, the son of the rishi told the king chant three times Krishna's name and he will be healed. The king chanted and got healed and went away. Father came to him. As soon as the father came to the ashram, son was too proud...too pride by the miracle done by him. He went and told the father. Father, like this the king of this country came. He had a skin disease. I told him chant Krishna's name three times. He chanted. He got healed. The skin disease disappeared. He has gone back to the palace. He will come afterwards to take your blessings. He has gone back. He was too proud, too happy, too joyful that he has performed a big miracle.


As soon as the father heard this, he was totally entered into the mood of anger and he just looked at the son and told, “Fool, what you understood? Only this much you understood in my teachings? For ordinary skin disease you made that fellow to chant Krishna's name three times. Three times, he can cross the whole life. He can become Enlightened. He can go to directly moksha. For ordinary skin disease you made him chant three times. Then what is your understanding about spirituality? Only once is more than enough. If it is a disease, there is no need even for him to chant. You just chant, if he listens that is enough.” And in his mood of anger, he curses the son. You have no faith on Krishna's name and finally the son goes to do more tapas, to understand, to have more faith in Lord's name. And he was sent to the forest to continue his tapas. He cannot be now accepted into the home. Go and do tapas to understand and come.


This story can show even through ego you can relate. The rishi has got solid ego. He is angry. But with a different reason, with a different understanding. The gopis used to tell, the Krishna's beloveds, that even Yama cannot touch us. Even Yama cannot do anything to us. Because we have touched the feet of Divine. We have touched the Lord's feet. When the Krishna's feet touches our head, Brahma's handwriting disappears. They say when the Lord's feet touches, Brahma's handwriting is erased or wiped. It is changed.


The ego will attach to the Divine. Ramakrishna will tell Vidhya Ahankara. The ego of Divine. If you feel you are son of Divine, your being is related to the Divine, the ego also can lead you to the Divine. The next step, it can make you relate with the Divine. Finally the Sahasrara Chakra, the ultimate energy centre, if you understand the emotion, the each emotion I am explaining is related to one one chakra- muladhara-greed, swadhisthana-fear, manipuraka-worry, anahata-attention, vishuddhi-creativity, ajna-ego, the sahasrara-Bliss. Bliss can directly open the gate to the Divine, door to the Divine. Bliss can directly put you into the Divine. When I say Bliss, I mean your being in love. You need to understand, love has got two dimension. Love as a act. And love as a being. Love as a act is a love as you understand. As you understand a normal love. Love as a being is Bliss. Love when it relates with others, it is love. It’s a relationship. When it is by itself, it is Bliss.



Love The Door To Divine || Part 3 ||


In this Video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam explains, whenever your emotions reach a peak they flower as Bliss and Love which opens the door to the Divine.

Human beings have a total misunderstanding about the body and its connection to Love, Emotion, Mind and Being.

Actually none of us Love ourselves. Body is natural, the mind is societal conditioning. We do whatever we want and finally blame our body for the joy it experiences when the physical desire is fulfilled. We destroy our body with blame and shame instead of allowing our being to blossom into Divine Bliss. In this way we allow our societal conditioning to hijack our natural progress on the path to enlightenment.

Video & Audio - Love The Door To Divine||Part 3

Video Audio



Whenever your emotion reaches to its peak, it flowers as a bliss. It flowers as a love. When it relates with others, it is love, when it is by itself it is bliss. Love can open the door to divine. Love can make your whole life into bliss. Love can make, expand your being. When I say love, I don't mean what you understand as love. I mean something more. What I mean? When I say love, I mean three dimensions of love, different dimensions of love. First thing, love your body. Next thing, love your mind, third thing love your being. Jesus says: “Love your neighbor, as you love yourself. ” He doesn’t know, none of us love ourself actually. Actually none of us love ourself.


First statement, understand, love your body. Do you really love our body? Do we really love our body? Never, we never love our body. Especially the so-called spiritual people, they always try to condemn their body. We always think, body only creates all desires, body only pulls us down to the world. It is never truth. It’s a total misunderstanding.


Body never creates any disturbance in us. Body never does anything wrong to us. Body is natural, only mind is societal. Whenever we want anything, we do everything, finally, we blame the body. See, you eat hot chilies and chutney made out of chilly. Especially the Andhra people, you should see, just out of chilies they will make chutney and eyes will be pouring but... Andhra people, they don’t take chutney in one finger, they take only the full hand; but they’ll be relishing, enjoying. Eyes will be pouring, body will say: “No, no it is enough, I cannot bear any more”, but you don’t care for the body. You don’t do anything, you don’t care for anything. You just, for the sake of your joy, you destroy the body. In most of the case, if you just look deeply into your being you can understand, for the sake of your joy, you destroy the body.


So many times your body will tell, whenever you eat to a limit, immediately body will give two, three signs, two, three signs body will do. “Enough, now you stop.” First thing, the feeling of heaviness or next thing, you will feel naturally now the body says to stop, but you feel food is so tasty. Your tongue feels the taste, immediately what you do? Just for the sake of your taste, you go on putting the things inside.


I’ve seen. I go to many houses when the devotees invite. So people always want Me to have some food in their house. Sometimes I do agree. The main problem is feeding Me is a prestige for them, but for Me it is a life and death question. For them it is a prestige problem. So what they do? They don’t fill only the leaf, they fill the whole table. The whole table will be, for them I am the only Swami. For Me I have one thousand houses. That’s what our Ashram report says, last one year alone minimum of one thousand two hundred houses has been visited by Me. In last 365 days, last year one thousand two hundred houses. Feeding me is a prestige for them, but for Me it is a life and death question.


First, they will put everything in the leaf and then they will tell: “Swamiji you should not waste the food”. You should not waste the food. That’s a very good logic - we should not waste the food. I always tell them: “If I waste the food outside, if you waste the food outside only the food will be wasted. If you waste the food inside, by putting them inside, not only the food, the system also will be wasted, not only the food, the system also will be wasted.”


So never eat thinking that food will be wasted. If you throw it outside, it will, only the food will be wasted. If you put it inside, not only the food, system also will be wasted. But we never care; for the sake of our joy we just put anything and close. Same way, till the night two o’clock sitting in front of TV and watching the cricket show. Your eyes will beg you: “Please give me little rest, please give me little rest.” The body will be begging you, but for the sake of your joy, what you do? You exploit the body. Then what will happen? Naturally, your body will tell: “Now it is time, enough”. Many times your body begs you: “I want little rest, please leave me”, but for the sake of your joy, you don’t allow the body to rest.


See in how many places, how many times you overdo things for the sake of your joy. You don’t love your body, you don’t respect your body. Above all, because your attachment about the ideal body, because your idea about the beautiful bodies, you don’t feel your body is perfectly alright. Whenever, you should understand this one idea totally, whenever you are attached to some actor or actresses bodies, you can be very clear, if you look into your deep consciousness, then you will understand, you don’t feel happy with your body. You imagine about those bodies, the ideal forms, and what you do? Either you try to shape your body also in the same way, otherwise, you stop looking into your body.


Most of us cover ourselves from our own eyes. 90% you never look your body totally. You never feel free, you never feel happy, you never feel joyful, you never feel loving with your body. Why? Because your mind wants that kind of body, the ideal bodies. The importance of pornography is nothing but the hatred towards your body. You don’t love your body, you hate your body, that is why so much of pornography spreads all over the world. Your attachment to porno is nothing. You don’t love your body, so you start loving those bodies. When you start loving those bodies, you don’t love your body. It is to be understood very deep way. Your imagination, your expectation how a body should be, makes you to hate your body.


Where is the scale of beauty? Tell me. Where is the scale of beauty? Whom you think as beautiful, the other person thinks as a ugly. Whom you think as ugly, the other person thinks as a beautiful. Where is the scale of beauty? No scale, no scale. Can you say any scale is there for beauty? Beauty is in the eyes of the man who beholds. Beauty is in the eyes of a beholder. So, when you think somebody is beautiful, when your mind imagines some body as a beautiful body, when your mind expects some form as a beautiful form, you start hating your form.


In Japan, in Zen Buddhism if you see their Buddha statues, it will be with a big belly, shaved head and big face, because they consider that as a beauty. According to them, beauty means a big belly and big face, shaved head. If you say… if you see in India, Buddha is like a athlete, he'll be sitting like a athlete; a shaped body, a lean but well built body, with a hair and a long eyes, sharp nose, what these people think as a beauty.


If any of you have been to Calcutta? In Calcutta, there is a function called Durga Puja. Once in a year they celebrate. The image of Durga will be made out of clay and it will be worshipped for five days. Finally they put it in the Ganga, you put in the river. At least ten thousand images will be done every year. If you go round one year, seeing all the images, you can understand who is the popular actress in Bengal. If you once go round, then you can understand this year who is holding the market, because all the faces will be in the, in exactly her face. All faces of Durga will be exactly the replica of her face.


Originally the Puja, when the Puja is... when the idea of Durga Puja is created, it is created to see mother in everybody, to see mother in the women. They say: “Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Matru Rupena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai, Namastasyai, namo Namaha”. The mantra in Chandi, the mantra in Durga Puja says: “O Devi who resides in every woman as a mother, I bow down to her, I bow down to her, I bow down to her, my salute to her”.


The puja is started, the idea of puja, the puja is started to see mother in every women, to see mother in, even in the wife, but the whole idea is now turned, the wife is seen in the mother. Even in the mother they’ve started seeing the romance. It was started for the other purpose. Even in the romance, even in the glamour, you should see the mother, even in the beauty you should see the mother. Now it has become the other way. Even the mother wears a face of popular actress. If you go around once, you will see people even talk like this: “Did you go to that Durga? Did you see her face? The Durga is not called just as a Durga. Did you go to that Sri Devi Durga, did you go to that Ash Durga?” This is the way, even when they talk, the whole idea turns.


Whenever you are attracted to some form, some body, you start hating your body. Your unconsciousness, your being never lives with your body. Whenever you start imagining, dreaming about the actress, you never live with your wife. Your body may be living with her, your consciousness never feels satisfied with her. The same way, when you too much imagine about some other bodies, the ideal bodies, you start hating your body; very subtle way, but if you look little deep then you will be able to understand, you don’t live inside your body at all.


But where is a scale for beauty? Nowhere. Each one is beautiful in his own way. There is no scale for the beauty. No rose looks into other rose and says: “Let me become like that rose”. No. But we always feel my body should become like this, like that. We spend all our time trying to make our body just like somebody else body, but God never creates anything second time. God never duplicates. He only creates, he never duplicates. If you try to make yourself also like somebody else, is it going to look beautiful? No.


In Tamil Nadu you can see, if any one movie becomes popular or if it hits, if it becomes hit, then the whole youth will turn their haircut according to that movie. In that movie any fool, if he tears his jeans and dances, you can see all the jeans will be cut with the blade. That becomes style, that becomes fashion. Where is the scale? Nowhere.


First understand, your body is enough onto itself, there is no need for any scale. To say you are heavy or you are too lean, you are too short, you are too black. There is no ideology, there is no scale. Accept your body as it is, then you will see a new grace happens to your body, a new beauty happens to your body, a unique beauty which can never be taken away, a unique grace which is totally into itself.


I tell you one thing, beauty comes by makeup, grace comes by accepting the beauty of your own body. So-called beauty comes only by the makeup of inch thick powder and quarter-inch thick lipstick, which can never stand for a long time. One thing, if you use the hair dye you should never go in the rain, because the face which was white will become black and the hair which was black will become white. The colour will change. That will become white and this will become black. How long a makeup can stand? Not for too long, not for too long.


Even if you do the makeup, you can look beautiful for others sake, you will never feel comfortable inside your body. Just if you close your eyes and feel inside your being, you can very clearly feel, you feel as if you are living in some other place. You will see continuously the uneasiness and irritation is happening in your body. Continuously the uneasiness and the irritation is happening in your body. Every nerve, every pore is feeling the irritation.


If you are really attracted too much to other bodies… I’ve seen a persons who has got some body builder’s photographs in their room. They will be the most ugly person and they will never feel comfortable with the body. Because continuously their mind imagines about the ideal bodies, ideal forms, ideal makeups. How will you feel joyful or relaxed inside your system?


A man continuously who is running behind, who is thinking of some actress, can he be happy with his wife? No. Same way, if you are attracted, even if you are a male, you may be attracted to some male actress body, nothing wrong, but even in that way, you will be continuously thinking of his body. How will you be relaxed in your body? Never. You will never be relaxed. You will never be happy with your own body.


The dissatisfaction with your body makes your body more ugly and more disgraceful. When you are totally satisfied with your body, when you relax inside your body, you will see a new grace happens to your body. It may not be beautiful according to somebody else's scale, according to somebody else’s idea, but you will see your being is totally relaxed within your system.



Love The Door To Divine||Part 4


In this Video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains, whenever your emotions reach a peak they flower as Bliss and #Love which opens the door to the #Divine .

Human beings have a total misunderstanding about the body and its connection to Love, Emotion, Mind and Being.

Actually none of us Love ourselves. Body is natural, the mind is societal conditioning. We do whatever we want and finally blame our body for the joy it experiences when the physical desire is fulfilled. We destroy our body with blame and shame instead of allowing our being to blossom into Divine Bliss. In this way we allow our societal conditioning to hijack our natural progress on the path to enlightenment.

Video & Audio - Love The Door To Divine||Part 4

Video Audio



There is a beautiful shloka, shloka from tantra which says, ‘When you are comfortable with your body every point feels like a nectar. You will be filled, your whole being, your whole form will be filled with nectar.’ Of course today we are going to practice that meditation. Today we will see the meditation from that tantra. Shiva says if you are really loving, if you really accept your body as you are, as it is, every inch, every inch you will feel like a nectar. You will feel as if your whole body is filled with nectar. Actually your body is filled with nectar. Your body is filled with life energy otherwise how will you be alive? How will you be alive? You are alive because your body is filled with life energy. But you never respect your life energy. You continuously go around seeing all the other person’s body. You are continuously attracted towards other bodies. Because you’re attracted to other’s bodies you never feel homely, comfortable with your body, with your body.


I am not even talking about the relationship. I am talking about the ideal bodies. A male getting attracted to the male body. A female getting attracted to the female body. That is the thing I am talking. Continuously imagining about your ideal actor or ideal actress. “My body should be like that. I should do all my makeup or body building up just like that. And this hairdressing, hairdressing, manicuring the nails.” How much you do seeing somebody else’s body you may have the praise. You may have a few words from the others but you will never feel homely with your body. You will never feel joy or bliss in your body.


First thing you need to understand, stop hating your body and stop having the ideal body. Stop having the idea of ideal body then you will see your body becomes ideal for you. And have you heard of Samudrika Lakshana? That shastra says, ‘Every mind according to his needs creates his own body.’ So exactly your body is created by your mind as it should be. According to that shastra, your body is created by your mind as it should be. It is never created for somebody else. If you try to create your body seeing somebody else's body you will start living only their life. You'll never be able to live your life.


Understand the very first thing. Your body is created for your life not for anybody else's life. Stop changing your body like somebody else's. Don't have any particular ideal or goal, somebody as a, somebody else's body. Be totally relaxed, joyful and comfortable with your body. You will see, you will have total well being of your being; not only disease-lessness, total well being. The first step towards love is loving your body, feeling comfortable within your body. Unless you love your body you will not live throughout your body. Now you don't live throughout your body, you live only in one portion. Your whole mind is thinking of somebody else's body.


First, understand and accept your body as it is. Love your body. Next, love your mind. Like us nobody condemns our own mind. Look little deep into yourself then you will understand how much you condemn yourself. If you sit alone nothing else will come up from your mind except guilt. However you live, how much you live the good, beautiful, joyful or peaceful life you will have some guilt about yourself. Only through guilt, only through self condemnation you spoil your whole joy and spoiling your own joy is a habit for you. You don't feel comfortable if you are joyful. You feel something is wrong. Whenever things go totally happy, whenever things go without any problem, whenever things are settled you feel something is wrong. You feel some uneasiness, "What is happening? Things are going so well." 😃 You feel some juice only when some worries are there or something is there to worry about.


If you don't feel anything to worry, you feel uneasy. So you create something. I have seen the people creating guilt not only with the outer things even with the inner things, divine things. You yourself take up some puja and if you miss one day then guilt and immediately you will associate some incident along with that guilt. "Because I have not done puja this problem came." And then you start with the full swing. Some other day, some other reason if you miss one more day, then again guilt. Already you have enough of guilt, now the inner world, the divine things also adds little more for your guilt.


Guilt is a thing which makes you hate your mind. You have thousands of choice in front of you. Continuously you can choose anything from the world, but you choose only the things which makes you more solid. Solid means what? More sorrow, more heavy! You can choose anything. Now for example, if somebody criticizes you. You can choose anything; either you can choose to be strong and not to bother or you can choose to get disturbed. But be very clear you are choosing, don't think somebody else is choosing. When somebody criticizes you, it is not necessarily you should choose only the point, that getting upset. You can use something else. You can be even strong. But what you do? You always choose to get upset, to get disturbed. It is your choice, nobody else's choice.


And be very clear all your feelings, all your emotions are just your choice. You may not be aware that you are choosing; because of continuous conditioning you forget whether you choose or that chooses by itself but everything is just your choice. If you choose, you see, for example if you choose the one road to go to your office. Everyday you use the same road to go to your office. Same way you reach your office. In holiday if you want to go somewhere else also, if you choose the road, that road you will exactly see automatically your car will go and stand in front of your office. Then suddenly you'll remember "Oh today no office is there. Today no office is there, I have come here." You have chosen the road but you have not remembered that you have chosen the road because of your habit.


Same way, somebody criticizes you, immediately you choose to get upset; because you have decided the same choice, same decision for so many times you forget you choose. But actually you only choose. It is you who choose to get upset. You have all the full freedom. You have all the capacity to choose the otherwise also. You can choose wise or to be otherwise. Either way you can choose. You can choose to get upset or you can choose to upset him. When you are criticized you can choose to get upset or you can choose to upset him also. If you are not upset in it then naturally what is going to happen, he's going to get upset. It is just your choice; in front of you everything is available - the feeling of love, feeling of acceptance, feeling of joy, feeling of guilt, feeling of self condemnation - everything is available but you choose only the guilt and condemnation.


First thing, drop the ideal body and live in your body, start loving your body. Next thing, drop all your self condemnation idea. Accept yourself as you are, accept your being as you are, accept your mind as you are and choose to be happy. A conscious decision not to get upset by anything outer. The third thing, loving your being. Loving your being needs deep understanding. Why you don't accept your being? One more thing, none of us accept our being as we are. None of us accept our being as we are. We always wanted our being should be either like Bill Gates or like a this man, that man, that man, that man. Or if you can somehow avoid all those greed, then you start greedy about the Buddha. My being should become like a Buddha, like Nithyananda.


You see greed happens in many forms. I became Nithyananda when I stopped, when I stopped the idea of being somebody else. If you really want to become like Buddha or like me or like a master, like a totally satisfied being, first stop craving to become like some being, somebody else. The very thought to become somebody else, to become like somebody only makes you not to accept yourself. If you understand your being, if you understand one or two things about your being then everything will be settled. Your being is immune to criticism. And it is so simple, so innocent it always respects the whole universe. And it never feels it is beneath somebody but it has always got respect for the whole world, whole universe.


What we do, why we don’t accept our being? What actually happens in our system? You do two things. First thing you try to project which you are not. Either you try to project which you are not or you try to cover which you are. That is why you hate your being. Either you try to project which you are not or you try to cover which you are. If you look around your life 90% of your energy is spent only to project what you are not. It’s… how it is like you know, you are only six feet height but you have somehow made twelve feet cutout. Wherever you go just you carry the cutout in front of you. Wherever you go you just carry the cutout in front of you. 90% of your energy is just spent only carrying that cutout. That cutout is more strong, more wealthy, more rich, more beautiful cutout. You make what all you don’t have but you want to have. You put the whole thing and make a diagram, make a cutout and carry in front of you. What all you want to have but you don’t have you put everything and make a image, sometimes not even a cutout. You make a big idol, statue and wherever you go you just carry that statue. 90% of your energy is spent just to prove, just to show, just to project what you are not.


Two things… if you drop doing that, two things will happen to you. When you start loving yourself two things can happen to you. First thing 90% of your energy which is getting wasted to project what you are, what you are not, the 90% of energy will be consumed, will be useful for you; it will not be wasted. The next thing, you can really understand and appreciate what you are. You can really understand and appreciate what you are because every being, every being is unique. Understand about your being, just few words. You are immune to criticism. Your being is totally innocent, simple, unique. You are never beneath somebody but you are totally innocent and humble. Everyone’s being knows that all others are also beings, all others are also beings. When you understand your being you neither project yourself too high and get criticised, get depressed, or you go for criticising others. You totally understand and live joyfully, ecstatically with your being. When you love your body, from beauty you enter into grace. If you don’t love your body how much makeup you do, you know how long it is going to stand. It’s never going to stand.


Beauty and grace is totally different. When you love your body you have the new grace. When you love your mind you enter into a space of total satisfaction. When you love your being you enter into the space of bliss and love. If you can love your body, mind and being, the love can become door to the divine, the love can lead you to the divine; because when your body, mind and love, when your body, mind and being when all these three is integrated you become whole. Whenever you are whole, you are holy. Wholeness and holiness is one and the same. When you are cut to pieces only then you are man, when you are integrated you are simply being. Being means God, life and love. When your being is integrated. When you love your body, mind and the being you totally enter into a different realm where you experience you are divine, you are God. The poison which is inside your being is just removed. What I say, poison - the gap between yourself to yourself. You have so many gaps in yourself. Those gaps only I call it as a poison. When those gaps are healed. Whenever you start loving your body, body gets healed. Whenever you start loving your mind, mind gets healed. Whenever you start loving your being your being gets healed. When all these three layers are healed you are enlightened. A man who is totally healed… a man who is totally within himself. A man who is totally healed only can become a healer. A man who is healed, he only can become a healer. A man who is totally healed can become divine. A man who is totally healed is divine. So love not only acts as a door to divine, love simply makes you divine. So, let you understand this ultimate love and enter into divine. Let your being enter into the divine. Let you become Nithyananda. Thank you.
