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Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 1 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009
===Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 1 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009===
Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras
Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras <br>
Date: 16 April 2009
Date: 16 April 2009 <br>
Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA  
Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA <br>
Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 1
Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 1
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The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL9wnUTftpo&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2009-04apr-16_every-human-being-is-already-enlightened-part-1-yoga-sutras-16-april-2009"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām
I thank the First Christian Church and its pastor for hosting this program and My blessings Dhyanapeetam, Oklahoma chapter, all the people who created and supported the mission in many ways. Some may be here, some may not be here. I take a moment to send My love and blessings to everyone.
As you all may be aware, this whole trip, this whole tour, I am dedicating it to Patanjali’s yoga sutras, the father of yoga tradition. One of the oldest spiritual science happened in the planet earth. I can say, Patanjali is the master who made whole thing- the Enlightenment, spiritual experience, extraordinary miracles, everything as a science. Not only he lived and radiated, he created a science to achieve that power and radiate those extraordinary experiences. So I have dedicated this whole trip to this Patanjali's yoga sutras. Today I will be speaking on seventeenth Sutra. Each Sutra is independently intelligent to lead you to Enlightenment. Each Sutra is independently powerful, you don't even need to be dependent on the other aphorisms, other words. That Sutra by itself is intelligent enough to give you the spiritual experience. From the beginning till the end, it can lead you to the ultimate experience.
Let us enter into the today's Sutra:
Vitarka Vichara Ananda Asmita Rupa
Anugamaat sampragnathaha
This is the original Sutra. Let Me give you the translation: Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering, state of pure awareness are the characteristics of samprajnata Samadhi.
In the earlier sutras, Patanjali was describing how to stop the mind and he was describing the methods, techniques to connect yourself with the Cosmos. Now he is directly describing the quality, character of particular state of enlightenment. Please understand, whatever enlightened masters are living, expressing, if you imbibe those characters, those ideas as part of your being, if you internalize, you will also start radiating the same experience. Very beautifully one rishi speaks about.... one enlightened seer, he speaks about imbibing enlightenment. He says every human being is divine and already enlightened. All you need to do is picking up the body language of an enlightened one. See, all you need to do is to have the body and mind of an enlightened one. The soul is already enlightened.
Patanjali very beautifully says, you don't need to acquire enlightenment, you don't need to achieve enlightenment. It is there, but there are some obstacles. Your body and mind may not radiate that truth in its pure form, may not express the truth in its pure essence, may not live it, may not be qualified, intelligent enough to live. So all you need is clean your body and mind so that it starts radiating, so that it starts expressing. Actually day in and day out, everyday I am speaking somewhere. If you see the essence, essence is same. Not only what I am speaking for last so many years, in last six years of My public life, almost five thousand hours I have spoken. Speaking, speaking, speaking, speaking, speaking, practically nothing else.
In Buddha's life, forty years he was speaking. Forty years he was continuously speaking. Even a great enlightened master Ramana Maharshi, who is from My native place, people always think it is considered, he is remembered as a silent prophet but if I see the books which describes his discourses and his teachings, per day almost seven hours he was speaking. Hours together. If you see all the books which speaks about the teachings, his teachings, whatever his teachings transcribe, if you see all the books, volumes and volumes but the essence is same, message is same.
Every time when I come to this country, people ask Me, ”Swamiji, this time what program You are going to do?” Whatever you name it, I am going to do the same thing. You name different, different names, no other way. People need different names, some new excitement, some new thing. So you can name it different way but the truth is going to be same. The thing which I am going to express is same. What I expressed when I first came to this Oklahoma, first program and now what I am talking is going to be same. Essentially the truth is going to be same, maybe I am using different words, different stories, different jokes, different examples, that's all but the essence is going to be same. I am constantly reminding you. I am constantly reminding you. My job is not to give you more and more knowledge. My job is constantly to remind you that whole thing is inside you, awakening your body and mind to radiate the truth which is already in you.
People ask Me, “Then why do You go on talking?” Understand, if I just sit, you also can just sit in My presence, it will be really beautiful. I will prefer that but if I don't talk, you can't just sit. You will start talking inside you. So naturally I have to speak some words. So talking is more like trying to entertain you so that you will catch the body language of the master, the life, the energy, presence of the living master. Here Patanjali is trying to teach one of the ultimate truth to us…. Best thing which can happen to a man is the concept, right concept about your body and mind. Just yesterday I was talking about this subject. What you believe as you, that is all needs to be corrected. Nothing else needs to be corrected. Your lifestyle doesn't need any change. Your habits doesn't need any change. Nothing else needs to be corrected. What you believe as you, only that needs to be altered. See, the essence of the whole spirituality or the work of all the spiritual leaders, masters, teachers, the essence is, giving you the right idea about your being- what you think as you as your body or as your mind or as you. Giving you the right idea about what you are. That's all is the essence.
Here Patanjali is trying to give right idea about what you are, what you think as you. If the right idea is created, that's all. Suddenly you see constantly you are radiating energy. I have seen because of My experience traveling all over the world, people who continuously believe in ghosts, only they experience ghosts. No, really! People who don't believe, they don't experience. Ghosts don't touch the people who don't believe them. They are very nice people. They don't go to people who don't believe them. Whatever may be you think as your life, you start expressing it. Whether it is a disease, physical disease or mental disease, idea about you, whatever idea you carry about you, you constantly make it reality because your being is such, it constantly supports what you believe and experiences what you believe and authenticates what you believe. This is in a way you create self confidence. Creating self confidence is almost like a survival need.
Just how you need food to survive, you need confidence on yourself to survive. You need constantly, you need to support yourself, I am right, I am right, I am right. Only then you can survive. That is why you can see, all your actions, all your actions you go on justifying that I am right, I am right, I am right. Whatever you do, you go on justifying. That is the basic way your unconscious functions. That is the basic way your inner space functions. That is the basic way because it is survival. That is the survival need. That is the basic instinct of a human being. So it cannot be any other way. It has to be this way. If you don't support you, who else is going to support you? So naturally, you take energy, you put all your energies and go on supporting what you believe as true, what you think as true, what you trust as true.
I always tell people, for healing or transformation of your being, the basic thing is you changing the idea of what you are or what you think as you. That is the basic need because whatever you think as you, you are going to present all your energies, project all your energies and make it reality. I have seen sometime people start believing particular psychic or particular astrologer. In India, astrologers. In the West, psychics. They start believing particular psychic or particular astrologer. The big problem is, once they start believing, after that if one or two incidents clicks as per their prediction, after that whatever they predict, these guys make it as reality. These guys go on making it as reality. I always tell people, if you put that same trust with enlightened master, he will be constantly altering your ideas about you till you achieve that perfect idea, perfect being, perfect settledness but if it is a normal astrologer or a psychic, what level he is in, he will be going on predicting only in the same level.
I have seen, sometime these astrologers, they put the idea, “This year is going to be very difficult for you.” They put that idea in some of these guys. These guys constantly brag, brag, brag that and see that that year becomes difficult and see, even small incidents, they pick up and connect with it and see that, that year becomes very difficult for them. There is a beautiful saying in Sanskrit: all the negativity has only one power over you, that is your faith on it. Your faith on it, that's all. If you have faith, you can see anything into anything. Your… if you start believing, anything can be seen into anything. A simple… you can see in your life. I have seen, if you are continuously watching the horror movies for ten days, the eleventh day, even if a simple screen moving in your bedroom in the night or one cat jumping or a little water sound in the bathroom, enough! You start imagining all kinds of things. It is because what you continuously believe, you project and see. You make it outside and see because you have so much of energy.
Understand, whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, understand it or not, you have so much of energy. Your life, just feel the air is going inside and getting purified, becoming part of your body and the remaining air is going out. Such a big process is happening inside! The bread is getting converted into blood! Means what? You are an energy center. You are an energy center. So much is happening. If there is no proper positive work, naturally you will start doing your own work. If there is no proper positive work, that is what Patanjali says very beautifully, “Use your mind. Otherwise somebody else will start using it.” Before somebody else starts using it, better you start using it. Better you start living it. I have a story for you how to project things and see. I will read it out because so that you won’t miss a line.
A visitor to an Art Gallery was perplexed by what appeared to be nothing more than a blank canvas. As chance would have it, the artist responsible was standing next to him. The artist was also standing next to him.
This visitor asked, “I don't wish to be appear offensive but what exactly is it supposed to be? What is this drawing? What is this painting?”
Artist replied proudly, “Sir, that is a cow grazing.”
This guy asked, “Where is the grass?”
“Sir, the cow has eaten it!”
This guy asked, “Alright but where is the cow?”
“You don't think she would be standing there even after eating all the grass!”
Understand, empty paper or empty canvas, you can project what you want. You can see what do you want. You can experience what do you want. The whole life is empty canvas, the blank canvas. You go on projecting what you believe and making it as reality, start believing it as reality. Here Patanjali gives the right mental setup, right mental setup with which you can start projecting things, with which you can start seeing things, with which you can start living.
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Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 2 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009
===Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 2 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009===
Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras
Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras <br>
Date: 16 April 2009
Date: 16 April 2009 <br>
Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA  
Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA <br>
Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 2
Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 2
Line 33: Line 112:
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDDeIJPXBCo&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2009-04apr-16_every-human-being-is-already-enlightened-part-2-yoga-sutras-16-april-2009"/>
Patanjali says very beautifully, “Use your mind. Otherwise somebody else will start using it.” Before somebody else starts using it, better you start using it, better you start living it. I have a story for you, how you project things and see. I will read it out because, so that you won't miss a line.
A visitor to an art gallery was perplexed by what appeared to be nothing more than a blank canvas. As chance would have it, the artist responsible was standing next to him. The artist was also standing next to him. This visitor asked, “I don't wish to be appear offensive but what exactly is it supposed to be? What is this drawing? What is this painting?”
Artist replied proudly, “Sir, that is a cow grazing.”
This guy asked, “Where is the grass?”
“Sir, the cow has eaten it.”
This guy asked, “Alright, but where is the cow?”
“You don't think she would be standing there even after eating all the grass.”
Understand, empty paper or empty canvas you can project what you want. You can see what you want. You can experience what you want. The whole life is empty canvas, the blank canvas. You go on projecting what you believe and making it as reality, start believing it as reality.
Here Patanjali gives the right mental setup, right mental setup with which you can start projecting things, with which you can start seeing things, with which you can start living…. The Patanjali's system.... Patanjali is the father of all the yoga systems. Now we have thousands of yoga systems. The other day, I was reading a book which was saying that super deluxe kundalini yoga. I didn't understand the name. All kinds of names we have- power yoga, hatha yoga, super deluxe yoga and deluxe yoga and what not! X 90 yoga. I was surprised to.... whatever brand may be but Patanjali is the father. He is the father who created the system from which all the other established systems got created, other traditions came to be alive. His system is the best thing, simplest system. All he says, just change the inner software- the way in which you think, the way in which you internalize, the way in which you look at the world. He says just all you need to do is inner software. Nothing much is needed. You don't need to work and changing every pore.
See, sometime we start cutting the branches. We start cutting the branches. Cutting the branches is not going to work. Changing your habits is almost like cutting the branches. That is not going to work directly. That will take for years. That will take years. Sometime when you cut the branches, it grows more. That is another one big problem. So changing the habits is not going to do. If you have to remove the tree, touch the root and shake it. If you want the transformation, let the inner software be touched. Let the inner software be touched. That is what Patanjali says: first thing you need to do, reasoning. Reasoning. He gives four characteristics. Four I can say all the four are different understandings. Reasoning- Vitarka, contemplation- Vichara, Ananda, Ashmita- these are the four things. Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering and state of pure awareness. These four leads you to Samadhi called Samprajnata samadhi. It is a level of a Samadhi.
Understand, there are different levels of Samadhi experience, means the… experiencing the Superconsciousness. There are different levels. Till the ultimate enlightenment is achieved, the ultimate flowering happens, there are different levels of experience. Here Patanjali is speaking about different levels. It is like a…. when you achieve the ultimate enlightenment, it is called Kaivalya or complete enlightenment or Jeevanmukti, but when you start living the characters expressed by an enlightened being, that is called  Samprajnata Samadhi. These are the samadhi states. These are the experience states Patanjali describes. You will experience when you start living what the great masters have expressed in their life, what great masters are radiating in their life. The qualities the characters which they radiate in their life, if you start living, you will express, you will achieve these kind of Samadhis, these kind of experiences so that you can go to the next, next, next levels. It is like he is constantly inspiring us just to change the inner software, just to change the inner software. Nothing else is needed. Nothing much is needed. All you need is only one thing.
Actually in the young age, I was brought up by a great yogi, one enlightened yogi. I asked him, “What is the essence of everything?” He used to make Me do so many different things. He will make Me do this, that and sometime for three-four months, he will make Me do the same kind of practices and sometimes suddenly he will not see Me for two-three years and he will not even tell the reason. Once it happened for two years he did not give Me any instruction. Whatever instruction he gave Me did not work out. He just disappeared and I could not see him for quite a long time. Then when I met him again I asked, “At least now you tell Me the essence so that I will carry in My life.” He said very beautifully, “Just pick up the idea about your body and mind of what I have about my body and mind.” That's all. What I think as my body, what I think as my mind, what I think about me, this idea if you can just pick up and if you have that same idea about your body, your mind and you, you are done!
Here that is what Patanjali describes as Samprajnata Samadhi. He describes this as a kind of a Samadhi state, the enlightenment state. Very beautifully he describes. If I keep this as a enlightenment scale, the yogi who brought Me up is surely enlightened, no doubt. No doubt, he is surely enlightened. It is just like switching the inner software, switching the inner software.
I have a story for you about switching:
Minutes before her husband's funeral, a widow took one last look at his body. To her horror she saw that he was wearing a brown suit whereas she had issued strict instructions to the undertaker that she wanted him buried in a blue suit. She sort out the undertaker and demanded that the suit be changed. At first, undertaker tried to tell her that it was too late but when he could see that she was not going to back down, he ordered the mortician to wheel the coffin away. Few minutes later, just as the funeral was about to start, the coffin was wheeled back in and incredibly the corpse was now wearing a blue suit. The widow was delighted and after the service, praised the undertaker for his swift work. He said, “Oh! It was nothing. It so happened there was another body in the back room and he was already dressed in blue suit. All we had to do was switch heads.”
I think switching head is lot more easy than changing dress. Switching the inner software, changing the inner software is all Patanjali is prescribing. First thing he says: reasoning. Spend little time in reasoning. Take little time to look into your body and mind- the idea you carry about your body, the idea you carry about your mind. Many time the devotees and patients come to Me for healing, especially these allergies, allergy healing. In India, I am very popular for healing, well known for this especially allergy healings, allergy specialist. All I do, usually if somebody is allergic for banana, I give the same banana to them. If somebody is allergic for chili, I give the same chili to them. If somebody is allergic to the nuts, I give the same nuts to them. The first they get little frightened. They ask, “How to take, Swamiji?” I tell them, “Don't bother,” but the moment they take it Inside once, that's all. The allergy disappears!
Even here is a living proof. He was allergic to banana. One day in San Jose, he came and met Me and said, “For years I can't eat banana, Swamiji, allergic to banana.” I just picked up one banana and gave him. “Eat now. I will take care.” And he ate. I think last four years no allergy. It just disappeared. Day before yesterday he was asking Me, “How it happens, Swamiji? How the same thing works?” Understand, allergy is nothing but an idea you carry about your body. If that Samskara is removed, if that engram is removed under the safe, secured, controlled conditions, the condition where you feel safe and protected, in that condition, in that secured atmosphere, if that engram is removed and it never works again on your system, that's all. Looks very simple, just like switching the heads. It is very simple.
See, the idea which you carry about your body and about your mind plays a major, vital role in your life. First thing, reason. The idea which you carry about your body, where is it going to lead me? Where is it going to lead me? Sometime these people are so protective or insecured, they don't relax. They don't even allow you to remove that Samskara. They don't allow you to remove that engram. They constantly hold on. How much ever you guide, how much ever you help, they will not be willing to relax. Then you can't help. You can't help. Only when you are willing to relax and allow that Samskara be removed, it is possible. It is like a… the faith cannot be faked. Belief cannot be faked. It has to be very completely guileless, innocent, innocent, open, connecting. Only then that Samskara can be removed, that engram can be removed.
I have seen, I have seen people. They just hold on, hold on, hold on and when you hold on to those ideas, those beliefs, it doesn't lead you anywhere. First thing you need to do, see the ideas which you carry about your body and mind, where is it going to lead you. Reasoning. Where am I going to land? Where am I going to end? Is it going to lead me to my peak? Is it going to lead me to my ultimate? Reasoning, analyzing. It is a beautiful word- vitarka means trying to analyze inside, trying to reason. It is almost like receiving the spiritual ideas and reasoning with yourself. The ideas which I am carrying, the spiritual ideas which I am receiving from the master, which one is going to lead me to my peak? That reasoning.
The problem is, sometime people because of their ego, they go on believing. “No, I know what he talks. I know what he says. I know what he says. I know what he says.” Constantly you are stuck with that one idea “I know what he says. I know what he says. I know what he says.” One guy came to Me and asked, “If I read some atheist books, I see they have their logic. I feel what they are saying is true. If I read some book written by an enlightened master, theists, believers, again I feel what they say is right. Again I feel they have their logic. How can I decide what is true, Swamiji?” I tell them, “See, who can lead you to your peak? Pick up that person. Pick up that logic, that's all.” An atheist who says there is nothing else beyond my logic, beyond our intelligence, beyond our intellect, is naturally constantly has to be in depression because the moment you see the end of your logic, end of your intellect, nothing else to do, nothing else to go, nowhere else to go and humanity has reached that extreme now.
We have reached the extent we have used our intellect to its maximum, to its limit. I can see when your intellect has been used to its limit and nothing else to do, naturally what to do? You will be in depression. But theist opens a new sky for you. A spiritual person opens a new sky for you. The spiritual ideas open a new dimension for you. You have constantly something to explore, progress further, grow further, grow further, expand further. The possibility of expansion is limitless. That is why the spiritual people never end up in depression. They have constantly to do something. They have something to achieve. They have something to express. They have something to work, but if you are caught in atheist ideas, if you are caught just your intellect, then naturally nothing else to do, nowhere else to go. Depression is inevitable. Depression is inevitable. So see, look into your mental setup. Reason which mental setup is going to give me the more expanded joy, more expanded bliss, more expanded feeling fulfillment, more expanded being.
Sometime people come and ask Me, “Swamiji, when I see You and listen to Your discourse, I know You are right. You are for me but when I listen to some people who talk negative about You, who talk ill of You, again I feel they are right. They have their own logic.” Same problem. The atheist- theist problem. What can I do? What to do? Understand, whoever can lead you to a better state of consciousness, follow them, that's all. If the person who finds fault with Me, who talks ill about Me to you, if he can lead you to a higher state than where I can lead, then follow him. I have no problem. Tell me about him. I will also follow him.
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Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 3 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009
===Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 3 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009===
Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras
Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras
Date: 16 April 2009
Date: 16 April 2009
Line 54: Line 199:
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwcxLbUu-tg&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2009-04apr-16_every-human-being-is-already-enlightened-part-3-yoga-sutras-16-april-2009"/>
Patanjali says, reasoning. What kind of body and mind is worthy to be carried, reason with you and bring that kind of ideas into you. He starts with the first instruction. Who is going to open the new sky? Who is opening new ideas, new sky for you? Who is giving you the new life, new expansion, the opening about your body and mind? Who is helping you to reach your peak? Just be behind them, just be behind their ideas, just be with those ideas, just be with that truth. All you need to do is basic reasoning. Please understand, if we can give this science to kids especially when they grow, I can say, 100% the planet earth will be peaceful, safe, blissful heaven because this basic reasoning is given. They know what is truth, what we should follow.
Sometime the person who leads you to higher consciousness may look like doing some things which you think is not right. The problem is, your logic cannot measure his action. That is a big problem, but the person who is not going to help you in any way can find the fault with the master, can constantly remind you, ‘see, what he is doing, see, what he is doing, see, what he is doing,’ because they have nothing else to do. What to do? They have nothing else to do. All they have is only go on judging, judging, judging, judging, judging. I have seen many people. Even in India they go on complaining but I ask them, “Just do one hundredth of what I am doing. Then you will understand. When you put yourself in the position and see, handle.” Then they say, “Yes, yes, yes, Swamiji.”
One journalist, he came to one of our program. He saw Me hugging everybody. In India, the hugging is not common practice. So he told Me, “How come? You are a young man. You hug everybody whoever comes?” Sometime I hug thirty-forty thousand people. Nineteen- twenty hours I sit and hug thirty- forty thousand people. I told him, “You please just sit next to Me.”
I put a chair for him. “You please just sit next to Me. Just half an hour you hug.” That's all I wanted. Nothing else. “Half an hour do the same thing which I am doing.” In ten minutes, that fellow got completely shaken. He just ran away.
I brought him back. I said, “Chalo, no, no, no, no, no. I can't leave you that easily.” 
“Come on.” I told him, “Sit”.
And he says, “Swamiji, two things. First thing, this pain, hand pain, constantly doing this. Second thing, I cannot be without getting depressed listening to so many people's problems and sufferings and pains.”
I told him, “Now do you understand? You don't need to give a boon or you don't need to put energy, give energy, do physical healing, mental healing. Just if you listen to their pains and problems and do not get depressed, that is enough.”
That fellow ran away. He said, “I can't do anymore. If I listen to people's problem for ten minutes continuously, their suffering, I am done! I am depressed now. Now I need somebody to…”
Then I asked him, “Now you understand what I am doing?”
He said, “Only when I did what you did, I understood.”
Understand, it is very easy to judge, very easy to judge but look inside, turn, be an insider. Then you will understand the real reasoning behind everything.
First thing Patanjali says, bring the right, real reasoning to you, right, real reasoning- what is going to lead you, what is going to expand you, what is going to be giving you fulfillment, what gave you the glimpse of fulfillment in your life, pick up that. The first thing- reasoning, vicharaha. A very beautiful word ‘vicharaha.’ Sanskrit words, some of the words you cannot translate. Even the reasoning word is a small word for vichara. Let Me translate exact idea- vicharaha. Encompassing an idea through all your moods is what is called vicharaha. Please understand, for example, here is an idea. Here is an idea, that truth. For example, let us have the word truth. Analyzing, reasoning with that idea through all your moods. What is truth for you when you are joyful, what is truth for you when you are in pain, what is truth for you when you are young, what is truth for you when you are old, what is truth for you when you are about to die, what is truth for you before your birth, what is truth for you after your birth. Encompassing that one idea through all the situations of your mind is what is called vicharaha.
So Patanjali says, reason in your mind what is your life, what is you. Spend little time on reasoning. Find out what you think as you, what you think as you before your birth, after your birth, in your youth, in your middle age, in your old age, before your death and after death. Just see, just see what you think as you. It is not only the body changes, even the idea about you changes. Middle age is the age when your age shows in the middle…. The idea about you also changes, the body changes, the mind changes, the idea about you changes. Look inside: what is you. Start reasoning. The reasoning is a very powerful method.
You see, we have a big problem. We have two kinds of reasoning. For others we have one kind of reasoning. For us we have one kind of reasoning. Just as I was telling this journalist story, this journalist guy who comes and tells Me, “Why are You hugging everybody? I think You are enjoying.” I told him, “Just sit next to Me and you also hug. I will tell people, today only if you have hug from him also only then you will have full benefit, full healing. I will have half healing power and he will have half healing power. So have hug from Me and him.” That fellow in half an hour, he ran away, disappeared. He has reasoning, For him, he has different reasoning, for Me he has different reasoning. Each one we have different reasoning for others and for us. If you look inside, your reasoning will start getting straightened. I have one more story for different reasoning:
A man walks into the dentist and asked how much it cost to extract two wisdom teeth.
Dentist replies, “$80”
This guy says, “$80? Too much!”
“That's a bit steep.”
“Is not there any way you can do it cheaper?”
This guy says, “Well, I suppose if you don't have anesthetic, I can knock down to sixty.”
“No, that is still too expensive.”
The dentist scratched his head, ”Okay, if I save on some more medicines, simply rip out the teeth with pair of pliers, I could get away with charging $20
This guy says, “No, no, no, that is still too much!”
Dentist says, “As a last resort, if I could let one of my students do it for the experience, that way I could charge you just $10.”
This guy just… his eyes lit up. He says, “That is better. Book my wife in for tomorrow!”
Understand, we have two different logic. We have two different logic for two different things, for two different things.
One guy goes to a psychiatrist and asks, “What is the meaning of life?
Psychiatrist says, “Well, I have $50 answer, $100 answer but the ultimate answer may cost 500 dollar. Which answer you want?”
So we have different logic, different things, different level. Vichara- reasoning, bringing your reason to life inside your being. Please understand, I am not saying use your reasoning with outer world. All I am saying here, bring your reasoning to life in the inner world for what is going to lead you to the Ultimate. You see, in the outer world, the reasoning is for different purpose. What is going to be the best benefit? The money or comforts or relationship or luxury, whatever. All I am saying is in the inner world. In the inner world, what you think as the best thing, the best experience about your body and your mind.
One of My teacher, this Yogi, this guy has given Me such a solid clear ideas about My mind and the body.... See, during My pilgrimage, nine years I spent in pilgrimage. That is a unique mental setup I had. I never felt pride about that mental setup. I never felt that mental setup is something unique or great. Only when I travel around, only when I see.... the other day I was seeing an ad in TV. It says, love the air because people who are filled with allergy, some allergies, even to go outside in the air, they need to take some medicines. Then I realized, “Oh God! What wonderful body and mind this Yogi has given Me!” The idea about My body and mind from the young age somehow he taught Me. You can take bath in any water, any river. You can sleep anywhere, you can eat anything you want. He created the stomach inside Me which will digest anything. Anything put inside will become energy, digested. He created a mind in Me, any idea brought in front of Me, it will just chew and digest and throw it away. It was such an amazing gift. Now I understand what he contributed to Me, what he added to My life.
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Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 4 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009
===Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 4 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009===
Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras
Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras <br>
Date: 16 April 2009
Date: 16 April 2009 <br>
Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA  
Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA <br>
Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 4
Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 4
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The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==  
===Link to Video: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk1c95XpAAk&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2009-04apr-16_every-human-being-is-already-enlightened-part-4-yoga-sutras-16-april-2009"/>
Vicharaha- contemplation. First idea: reasoning. Second idea: contemplation, means internalizing. See, after you finish reasoning, whenever you finish reasoning, then you will come up with the state, “Yes, I know this is what has to be done but how to do?” That is where the contemplation starts. What to do, reasoning starts; how to do, contemplation starts. Many time you finish reasoning. You know what to do. You know what to do. You ask the next question, how to do? That is where the contemplation, internalizing starts. Understand, here in the contemplation, the first thing you need to do, an important thing you need to do, contemplating on the ideas got from the right person.
Please understand, whoever you think as your hero, you imbibe his ideas. Many time I have seen, this Yogi, My teacher, many ideas which he never taught Me verbally, I started living. I started internalizing just by being around him. Just by being around him, I started contemplating and it became part of Me. Just I have seen, whenever people come to him, many time very big people will come to him. He will tell them, “Stand topsy turvy. Stand upside down. Do Shirshasana.” They will get frightened, “How can I stand upside down?” Then this guy will just give them one tight hug, this yogi. He will tell them, “Now do it.” I have seen people will just stand upside down. I asked him, “How is it possible?” He will say, “I transferred my bio-memory to them by hugging, that bio-memory to them by hugging.” Understand, if you strongly feel connected, the bio-memory can be transmitted. So, in contemplation, first thing you need to do, receive ideas from right person who is living. If you receive it from wrong person, be very clear, it is always dangerous. I have one more story for you:
A speaker was about to address public meeting when he realized that he had left his false teeth at home. He shuffled around anxiously for a few moments and informed the lady who was chairing the meeting that he would be unable to give his speech because he had forgotten his false teeth. One guy was sitting in the front row overheard and he immediately produced a pair of false teeth from his pocket and said, “Why don't you try this?”
The speaker put the set of false teeth in his mouth. But they were too tight.
The guy says, who is sitting in the frontline, “By chance I have another pair. Please try this.”
The speaker put the second set of teeth in his mouth but they were too loose. He said, “It is no good. I will have to pull it out.”
“Wait!” said the man. “It so happens that I have one more pair of false teeth in my pocket. Try this.”
He gave the third set. The speaker did and they fitted perfectly. The speaker said, “Well, thank you. I have been looking for a good dentist. You are a great dentist.”
The guy said, “No, no, I am not a dentist. I am a undertaker.”
Don't pick up false teeth from undertaker. Understand, even if you need one, don't try to pick up from undertaker.
So pick up your ideas from right person. Pick up your ideas from right person. I feel so fortunate, I had some good example in front of Me. I had the fortune to see those guys. I have seen how he used to play with his body. So when I picked up those ideas, I saw very clearly without needing to believe them or practice, I have started living those ideas. When you receive it from a right person, the contemplation itself directly leads to Enlightenment. You don't need to do anything else. Just the contemplation, just internalizing, directly leads to Enlightenment. I can give you many examples, many examples. When I saw the way.... when I see the way in which he was handling his body, the yogi was handling his body…the yogi used to handle his body. I have seen many different yogis. Suddenly I just know I can also do the same thing. I can also do the same thing. My body is also same. When the right ideas are picked up from the right person, the very contemplation leads you to Enlightenment.
So that is why Patanjali says, first reasoning. Whose ideas are going to lead you to your peak, whose ideas are going to put you at your high energy: reasoning. Then next, contemplation, living it means internalizing. When you ask how to do, then starts contemplation. You see, contemplation needs to be understood. The word… let Me tell you the Sanskrit word for it: vichara. Vichara means, in all your mood swings, how you are able to perceive that idea and practice it, live it. Sometime I have seen people. If they are in high mood, God is right, spiritual things are right, the spiritual books are right, the spiritual ideas are right, spiritual techniques are right, spiritual teachers are right, everybody is right. If they are in low mood, God is wrong, spiritual ideas are wrong, spiritual books are wrong, spiritual techniques are wrong, spiritual teachers are wrong, everybody is wrong. If their mood is right, whole thing is right. If their mood is wrong, whole thing is wrong. So the mood swing. Just see, what level you can go down if your mood is down. That limit, you need to find out. Only then you can start the contemplation.
Sometime even with the low mood, lowest mood, you will think, “I think I am wrong, not this book or this idea or this technique. Somewhere I am wrong.” If you understand it is you, something is wrong, then contemplation is possible, then second step is possible. If you think with the low mood, something is wrong only in the outer world, something is wrong only with the person, a spiritual teacher or a technique or a master or God, then contemplation is impossible. You can't have contemplation. Low mood XXXX into your body, into your mind. That is what I call contemplation and Patanjali gives two more ideas: Ananda, Asmita, means blissful flowering and state of pure awareness. Today I don't want to give you too many ideas. If I give too many ideas, people don't remember anything. When they go out they say, “Swamiji spoke well but what He spoke? It's okay, don't ask about that.”
So I just wanted to share these two ideas with you. The other two ideas, we will see tomorrow. Just these two ideas so that constantly you are sitting on it. Those ideas are sitting on you. Both of you mix with each other. The truth gets internalized in you and you get internalized into the truth. Just these two ideas. Reasoning, understand, what kind of ideas and teachings, whose teachings and whose words, whose nearness, whose presence is going to raise you physically, mentally and spiritually- first thing. Second thing: contemplation. Pick up ideas from that person and start working with your practical life. Put those ideas in your life for all your physical problem, mental problem and social problems- all your problems. Live those ideas. Apply those ideas. Internalize them. That is what I call contemplation.
Internalize the success which you achieve through that ideas or the failures which you go through by unable to apply those ideas. Both are going to be helping you. Both are contemplation. Understand, the success and failure- both are going to be contemplation because both are going to lead you to the higher experience. So just carry these two idea: reasoning and contemplation and contemplate on these two till tomorrow evening. Tomorrow we will work on blissful flowering and state of pure awareness: Ananda and Asmita. Please understand, these first two ideas, if it is internalized, tomorrow you will be able to go into the next level truth.
So I bless you all. Let you all internalize these great truths and achieve and radiate Jeevan Mukti, Living Enlightenment. Let you all achieve and radiate the Eternal Bliss- Nithyananda.
Thank you
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[[Category: 2009 | 20090416]]
[[Category: 2009 | 20090416]] [[Category: Yoga Sutras]]

Latest revision as of 19:21, 13 September 2023


Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 1 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009


Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras
Date: 16 April 2009
Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA
Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 1

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) reveals Patanjali sutra -1 where Vitharka (reasoning), Vicahraha (contemplation), Ananda (blissful flowering), Ashmita (characteristic of pure awareness) leads us to Samprajnata Samadhi to experience super-conscious level – by living the qualities, ideas and characteristics of a living Enlightened Master, one will radiate and start expressing these kinds of samadhi states so one can go to next levels of superconscious states.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām


I thank the First Christian Church and its pastor for hosting this program and My blessings Dhyanapeetam, Oklahoma chapter, all the people who created and supported the mission in many ways. Some may be here, some may not be here. I take a moment to send My love and blessings to everyone.


As you all may be aware, this whole trip, this whole tour, I am dedicating it to Patanjali’s yoga sutras, the father of yoga tradition. One of the oldest spiritual science happened in the planet earth. I can say, Patanjali is the master who made whole thing- the Enlightenment, spiritual experience, extraordinary miracles, everything as a science. Not only he lived and radiated, he created a science to achieve that power and radiate those extraordinary experiences. So I have dedicated this whole trip to this Patanjali's yoga sutras. Today I will be speaking on seventeenth Sutra. Each Sutra is independently intelligent to lead you to Enlightenment. Each Sutra is independently powerful, you don't even need to be dependent on the other aphorisms, other words. That Sutra by itself is intelligent enough to give you the spiritual experience. From the beginning till the end, it can lead you to the ultimate experience.


Let us enter into the today's Sutra: Vitarka Vichara Ananda Asmita Rupa Anugamaat sampragnathaha This is the original Sutra. Let Me give you the translation: Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering, state of pure awareness are the characteristics of samprajnata Samadhi. In the earlier sutras, Patanjali was describing how to stop the mind and he was describing the methods, techniques to connect yourself with the Cosmos. Now he is directly describing the quality, character of particular state of enlightenment. Please understand, whatever enlightened masters are living, expressing, if you imbibe those characters, those ideas as part of your being, if you internalize, you will also start radiating the same experience. Very beautifully one rishi speaks about.... one enlightened seer, he speaks about imbibing enlightenment. He says every human being is divine and already enlightened. All you need to do is picking up the body language of an enlightened one. See, all you need to do is to have the body and mind of an enlightened one. The soul is already enlightened.


Patanjali very beautifully says, you don't need to acquire enlightenment, you don't need to achieve enlightenment. It is there, but there are some obstacles. Your body and mind may not radiate that truth in its pure form, may not express the truth in its pure essence, may not live it, may not be qualified, intelligent enough to live. So all you need is clean your body and mind so that it starts radiating, so that it starts expressing. Actually day in and day out, everyday I am speaking somewhere. If you see the essence, essence is same. Not only what I am speaking for last so many years, in last six years of My public life, almost five thousand hours I have spoken. Speaking, speaking, speaking, speaking, speaking, practically nothing else.


In Buddha's life, forty years he was speaking. Forty years he was continuously speaking. Even a great enlightened master Ramana Maharshi, who is from My native place, people always think it is considered, he is remembered as a silent prophet but if I see the books which describes his discourses and his teachings, per day almost seven hours he was speaking. Hours together. If you see all the books which speaks about the teachings, his teachings, whatever his teachings transcribe, if you see all the books, volumes and volumes but the essence is same, message is same.


Every time when I come to this country, people ask Me, ”Swamiji, this time what program You are going to do?” Whatever you name it, I am going to do the same thing. You name different, different names, no other way. People need different names, some new excitement, some new thing. So you can name it different way but the truth is going to be same. The thing which I am going to express is same. What I expressed when I first came to this Oklahoma, first program and now what I am talking is going to be same. Essentially the truth is going to be same, maybe I am using different words, different stories, different jokes, different examples, that's all but the essence is going to be same. I am constantly reminding you. I am constantly reminding you. My job is not to give you more and more knowledge. My job is constantly to remind you that whole thing is inside you, awakening your body and mind to radiate the truth which is already in you.


People ask Me, “Then why do You go on talking?” Understand, if I just sit, you also can just sit in My presence, it will be really beautiful. I will prefer that but if I don't talk, you can't just sit. You will start talking inside you. So naturally I have to speak some words. So talking is more like trying to entertain you so that you will catch the body language of the master, the life, the energy, presence of the living master. Here Patanjali is trying to teach one of the ultimate truth to us…. Best thing which can happen to a man is the concept, right concept about your body and mind. Just yesterday I was talking about this subject. What you believe as you, that is all needs to be corrected. Nothing else needs to be corrected. Your lifestyle doesn't need any change. Your habits doesn't need any change. Nothing else needs to be corrected. What you believe as you, only that needs to be altered. See, the essence of the whole spirituality or the work of all the spiritual leaders, masters, teachers, the essence is, giving you the right idea about your being- what you think as you as your body or as your mind or as you. Giving you the right idea about what you are. That's all is the essence.


Here Patanjali is trying to give right idea about what you are, what you think as you. If the right idea is created, that's all. Suddenly you see constantly you are radiating energy. I have seen because of My experience traveling all over the world, people who continuously believe in ghosts, only they experience ghosts. No, really! People who don't believe, they don't experience. Ghosts don't touch the people who don't believe them. They are very nice people. They don't go to people who don't believe them. Whatever may be you think as your life, you start expressing it. Whether it is a disease, physical disease or mental disease, idea about you, whatever idea you carry about you, you constantly make it reality because your being is such, it constantly supports what you believe and experiences what you believe and authenticates what you believe. This is in a way you create self confidence. Creating self confidence is almost like a survival need.


Just how you need food to survive, you need confidence on yourself to survive. You need constantly, you need to support yourself, I am right, I am right, I am right. Only then you can survive. That is why you can see, all your actions, all your actions you go on justifying that I am right, I am right, I am right. Whatever you do, you go on justifying. That is the basic way your unconscious functions. That is the basic way your inner space functions. That is the basic way because it is survival. That is the survival need. That is the basic instinct of a human being. So it cannot be any other way. It has to be this way. If you don't support you, who else is going to support you? So naturally, you take energy, you put all your energies and go on supporting what you believe as true, what you think as true, what you trust as true.


I always tell people, for healing or transformation of your being, the basic thing is you changing the idea of what you are or what you think as you. That is the basic need because whatever you think as you, you are going to present all your energies, project all your energies and make it reality. I have seen sometime people start believing particular psychic or particular astrologer. In India, astrologers. In the West, psychics. They start believing particular psychic or particular astrologer. The big problem is, once they start believing, after that if one or two incidents clicks as per their prediction, after that whatever they predict, these guys make it as reality. These guys go on making it as reality. I always tell people, if you put that same trust with enlightened master, he will be constantly altering your ideas about you till you achieve that perfect idea, perfect being, perfect settledness but if it is a normal astrologer or a psychic, what level he is in, he will be going on predicting only in the same level.


I have seen, sometime these astrologers, they put the idea, “This year is going to be very difficult for you.” They put that idea in some of these guys. These guys constantly brag, brag, brag that and see that that year becomes difficult and see, even small incidents, they pick up and connect with it and see that, that year becomes very difficult for them. There is a beautiful saying in Sanskrit: all the negativity has only one power over you, that is your faith on it. Your faith on it, that's all. If you have faith, you can see anything into anything. Your… if you start believing, anything can be seen into anything. A simple… you can see in your life. I have seen, if you are continuously watching the horror movies for ten days, the eleventh day, even if a simple screen moving in your bedroom in the night or one cat jumping or a little water sound in the bathroom, enough! You start imagining all kinds of things. It is because what you continuously believe, you project and see. You make it outside and see because you have so much of energy.


Understand, whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, understand it or not, you have so much of energy. Your life, just feel the air is going inside and getting purified, becoming part of your body and the remaining air is going out. Such a big process is happening inside! The bread is getting converted into blood! Means what? You are an energy center. You are an energy center. So much is happening. If there is no proper positive work, naturally you will start doing your own work. If there is no proper positive work, that is what Patanjali says very beautifully, “Use your mind. Otherwise somebody else will start using it.” Before somebody else starts using it, better you start using it. Better you start living it. I have a story for you how to project things and see. I will read it out because so that you won’t miss a line.


A visitor to an Art Gallery was perplexed by what appeared to be nothing more than a blank canvas. As chance would have it, the artist responsible was standing next to him. The artist was also standing next to him. This visitor asked, “I don't wish to be appear offensive but what exactly is it supposed to be? What is this drawing? What is this painting?” Artist replied proudly, “Sir, that is a cow grazing.” This guy asked, “Where is the grass?” “Sir, the cow has eaten it!” This guy asked, “Alright but where is the cow?” “You don't think she would be standing there even after eating all the grass!”


Understand, empty paper or empty canvas, you can project what you want. You can see what do you want. You can experience what do you want. The whole life is empty canvas, the blank canvas. You go on projecting what you believe and making it as reality, start believing it as reality. Here Patanjali gives the right mental setup, right mental setup with which you can start projecting things, with which you can start seeing things, with which you can start living.



Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 2 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009


Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras
Date: 16 April 2009
Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA
Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 2

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) reveals Patanjali sutra -1 where Vitharka (reasoning), Vicahraha (contemplation), Ananda (blissful flowering), Ashmita (characteristic of pure awareness) leads us to Samprajnata Samadhi to experience super-conscious level – by living the qualities, ideas and characteristics of a living Enlightened Master, one will radiate and start expressing these kinds of samadhi states so one can go to next levels of superconscious states.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Patanjali says very beautifully, “Use your mind. Otherwise somebody else will start using it.” Before somebody else starts using it, better you start using it, better you start living it. I have a story for you, how you project things and see. I will read it out because, so that you won't miss a line. A visitor to an art gallery was perplexed by what appeared to be nothing more than a blank canvas. As chance would have it, the artist responsible was standing next to him. The artist was also standing next to him. This visitor asked, “I don't wish to be appear offensive but what exactly is it supposed to be? What is this drawing? What is this painting?” Artist replied proudly, “Sir, that is a cow grazing.” This guy asked, “Where is the grass?” “Sir, the cow has eaten it.” This guy asked, “Alright, but where is the cow?” “You don't think she would be standing there even after eating all the grass.” Understand, empty paper or empty canvas you can project what you want. You can see what you want. You can experience what you want. The whole life is empty canvas, the blank canvas. You go on projecting what you believe and making it as reality, start believing it as reality.


Here Patanjali gives the right mental setup, right mental setup with which you can start projecting things, with which you can start seeing things, with which you can start living…. The Patanjali's system.... Patanjali is the father of all the yoga systems. Now we have thousands of yoga systems. The other day, I was reading a book which was saying that super deluxe kundalini yoga. I didn't understand the name. All kinds of names we have- power yoga, hatha yoga, super deluxe yoga and deluxe yoga and what not! X 90 yoga. I was surprised to.... whatever brand may be but Patanjali is the father. He is the father who created the system from which all the other established systems got created, other traditions came to be alive. His system is the best thing, simplest system. All he says, just change the inner software- the way in which you think, the way in which you internalize, the way in which you look at the world. He says just all you need to do is inner software. Nothing much is needed. You don't need to work and changing every pore.


See, sometime we start cutting the branches. We start cutting the branches. Cutting the branches is not going to work. Changing your habits is almost like cutting the branches. That is not going to work directly. That will take for years. That will take years. Sometime when you cut the branches, it grows more. That is another one big problem. So changing the habits is not going to do. If you have to remove the tree, touch the root and shake it. If you want the transformation, let the inner software be touched. Let the inner software be touched. That is what Patanjali says: first thing you need to do, reasoning. Reasoning. He gives four characteristics. Four I can say all the four are different understandings. Reasoning- Vitarka, contemplation- Vichara, Ananda, Ashmita- these are the four things. Reasoning, contemplation, blissful flowering and state of pure awareness. These four leads you to Samadhi called Samprajnata samadhi. It is a level of a Samadhi.


Understand, there are different levels of Samadhi experience, means the… experiencing the Superconsciousness. There are different levels. Till the ultimate enlightenment is achieved, the ultimate flowering happens, there are different levels of experience. Here Patanjali is speaking about different levels. It is like a…. when you achieve the ultimate enlightenment, it is called Kaivalya or complete enlightenment or Jeevanmukti, but when you start living the characters expressed by an enlightened being, that is called Samprajnata Samadhi. These are the samadhi states. These are the experience states Patanjali describes. You will experience when you start living what the great masters have expressed in their life, what great masters are radiating in their life. The qualities the characters which they radiate in their life, if you start living, you will express, you will achieve these kind of Samadhis, these kind of experiences so that you can go to the next, next, next levels. It is like he is constantly inspiring us just to change the inner software, just to change the inner software. Nothing else is needed. Nothing much is needed. All you need is only one thing.


Actually in the young age, I was brought up by a great yogi, one enlightened yogi. I asked him, “What is the essence of everything?” He used to make Me do so many different things. He will make Me do this, that and sometime for three-four months, he will make Me do the same kind of practices and sometimes suddenly he will not see Me for two-three years and he will not even tell the reason. Once it happened for two years he did not give Me any instruction. Whatever instruction he gave Me did not work out. He just disappeared and I could not see him for quite a long time. Then when I met him again I asked, “At least now you tell Me the essence so that I will carry in My life.” He said very beautifully, “Just pick up the idea about your body and mind of what I have about my body and mind.” That's all. What I think as my body, what I think as my mind, what I think about me, this idea if you can just pick up and if you have that same idea about your body, your mind and you, you are done!


Here that is what Patanjali describes as Samprajnata Samadhi. He describes this as a kind of a Samadhi state, the enlightenment state. Very beautifully he describes. If I keep this as a enlightenment scale, the yogi who brought Me up is surely enlightened, no doubt. No doubt, he is surely enlightened. It is just like switching the inner software, switching the inner software. I have a story for you about switching: Minutes before her husband's funeral, a widow took one last look at his body. To her horror she saw that he was wearing a brown suit whereas she had issued strict instructions to the undertaker that she wanted him buried in a blue suit. She sort out the undertaker and demanded that the suit be changed. At first, undertaker tried to tell her that it was too late but when he could see that she was not going to back down, he ordered the mortician to wheel the coffin away. Few minutes later, just as the funeral was about to start, the coffin was wheeled back in and incredibly the corpse was now wearing a blue suit. The widow was delighted and after the service, praised the undertaker for his swift work. He said, “Oh! It was nothing. It so happened there was another body in the back room and he was already dressed in blue suit. All we had to do was switch heads.”


I think switching head is lot more easy than changing dress. Switching the inner software, changing the inner software is all Patanjali is prescribing. First thing he says: reasoning. Spend little time in reasoning. Take little time to look into your body and mind- the idea you carry about your body, the idea you carry about your mind. Many time the devotees and patients come to Me for healing, especially these allergies, allergy healing. In India, I am very popular for healing, well known for this especially allergy healings, allergy specialist. All I do, usually if somebody is allergic for banana, I give the same banana to them. If somebody is allergic for chili, I give the same chili to them. If somebody is allergic to the nuts, I give the same nuts to them. The first they get little frightened. They ask, “How to take, Swamiji?” I tell them, “Don't bother,” but the moment they take it Inside once, that's all. The allergy disappears!


Even here is a living proof. He was allergic to banana. One day in San Jose, he came and met Me and said, “For years I can't eat banana, Swamiji, allergic to banana.” I just picked up one banana and gave him. “Eat now. I will take care.” And he ate. I think last four years no allergy. It just disappeared. Day before yesterday he was asking Me, “How it happens, Swamiji? How the same thing works?” Understand, allergy is nothing but an idea you carry about your body. If that Samskara is removed, if that engram is removed under the safe, secured, controlled conditions, the condition where you feel safe and protected, in that condition, in that secured atmosphere, if that engram is removed and it never works again on your system, that's all. Looks very simple, just like switching the heads. It is very simple.


See, the idea which you carry about your body and about your mind plays a major, vital role in your life. First thing, reason. The idea which you carry about your body, where is it going to lead me? Where is it going to lead me? Sometime these people are so protective or insecured, they don't relax. They don't even allow you to remove that Samskara. They don't allow you to remove that engram. They constantly hold on. How much ever you guide, how much ever you help, they will not be willing to relax. Then you can't help. You can't help. Only when you are willing to relax and allow that Samskara be removed, it is possible. It is like a… the faith cannot be faked. Belief cannot be faked. It has to be very completely guileless, innocent, innocent, open, connecting. Only then that Samskara can be removed, that engram can be removed.


I have seen, I have seen people. They just hold on, hold on, hold on and when you hold on to those ideas, those beliefs, it doesn't lead you anywhere. First thing you need to do, see the ideas which you carry about your body and mind, where is it going to lead you. Reasoning. Where am I going to land? Where am I going to end? Is it going to lead me to my peak? Is it going to lead me to my ultimate? Reasoning, analyzing. It is a beautiful word- vitarka means trying to analyze inside, trying to reason. It is almost like receiving the spiritual ideas and reasoning with yourself. The ideas which I am carrying, the spiritual ideas which I am receiving from the master, which one is going to lead me to my peak? That reasoning.


The problem is, sometime people because of their ego, they go on believing. “No, I know what he talks. I know what he says. I know what he says. I know what he says.” Constantly you are stuck with that one idea “I know what he says. I know what he says. I know what he says.” One guy came to Me and asked, “If I read some atheist books, I see they have their logic. I feel what they are saying is true. If I read some book written by an enlightened master, theists, believers, again I feel what they say is right. Again I feel they have their logic. How can I decide what is true, Swamiji?” I tell them, “See, who can lead you to your peak? Pick up that person. Pick up that logic, that's all.” An atheist who says there is nothing else beyond my logic, beyond our intelligence, beyond our intellect, is naturally constantly has to be in depression because the moment you see the end of your logic, end of your intellect, nothing else to do, nothing else to go, nowhere else to go and humanity has reached that extreme now.


We have reached the extent we have used our intellect to its maximum, to its limit. I can see when your intellect has been used to its limit and nothing else to do, naturally what to do? You will be in depression. But theist opens a new sky for you. A spiritual person opens a new sky for you. The spiritual ideas open a new dimension for you. You have constantly something to explore, progress further, grow further, grow further, expand further. The possibility of expansion is limitless. That is why the spiritual people never end up in depression. They have constantly to do something. They have something to achieve. They have something to express. They have something to work, but if you are caught in atheist ideas, if you are caught just your intellect, then naturally nothing else to do, nowhere else to go. Depression is inevitable. Depression is inevitable. So see, look into your mental setup. Reason which mental setup is going to give me the more expanded joy, more expanded bliss, more expanded feeling fulfillment, more expanded being.


Sometime people come and ask Me, “Swamiji, when I see You and listen to Your discourse, I know You are right. You are for me but when I listen to some people who talk negative about You, who talk ill of You, again I feel they are right. They have their own logic.” Same problem. The atheist- theist problem. What can I do? What to do? Understand, whoever can lead you to a better state of consciousness, follow them, that's all. If the person who finds fault with Me, who talks ill about Me to you, if he can lead you to a higher state than where I can lead, then follow him. I have no problem. Tell me about him. I will also follow him.



Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 3 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009


Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras Date: 16 April 2009 Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 3

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) reveals Patanjali sutra -1 where Vitharka (reasoning), Vicahraha (contemplation), Ananda (blissful flowering), Ashmita (characteristic of pure awareness) leads us to Samprajnata Samadhi to experience super-conscious level – by living the qualities, ideas and characteristics of a living Enlightened Master, one will radiate and start expressing these kinds of samadhi states so one can go to next levels of superconscious states.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Patanjali says, reasoning. What kind of body and mind is worthy to be carried, reason with you and bring that kind of ideas into you. He starts with the first instruction. Who is going to open the new sky? Who is opening new ideas, new sky for you? Who is giving you the new life, new expansion, the opening about your body and mind? Who is helping you to reach your peak? Just be behind them, just be behind their ideas, just be with those ideas, just be with that truth. All you need to do is basic reasoning. Please understand, if we can give this science to kids especially when they grow, I can say, 100% the planet earth will be peaceful, safe, blissful heaven because this basic reasoning is given. They know what is truth, what we should follow.


Sometime the person who leads you to higher consciousness may look like doing some things which you think is not right. The problem is, your logic cannot measure his action. That is a big problem, but the person who is not going to help you in any way can find the fault with the master, can constantly remind you, ‘see, what he is doing, see, what he is doing, see, what he is doing,’ because they have nothing else to do. What to do? They have nothing else to do. All they have is only go on judging, judging, judging, judging, judging. I have seen many people. Even in India they go on complaining but I ask them, “Just do one hundredth of what I am doing. Then you will understand. When you put yourself in the position and see, handle.” Then they say, “Yes, yes, yes, Swamiji.”


One journalist, he came to one of our program. He saw Me hugging everybody. In India, the hugging is not common practice. So he told Me, “How come? You are a young man. You hug everybody whoever comes?” Sometime I hug thirty-forty thousand people. Nineteen- twenty hours I sit and hug thirty- forty thousand people. I told him, “You please just sit next to Me.” I put a chair for him. “You please just sit next to Me. Just half an hour you hug.” That's all I wanted. Nothing else. “Half an hour do the same thing which I am doing.” In ten minutes, that fellow got completely shaken. He just ran away. I brought him back. I said, “Chalo, no, no, no, no, no. I can't leave you that easily.” “Come on.” I told him, “Sit”. And he says, “Swamiji, two things. First thing, this pain, hand pain, constantly doing this. Second thing, I cannot be without getting depressed listening to so many people's problems and sufferings and pains.” I told him, “Now do you understand? You don't need to give a boon or you don't need to put energy, give energy, do physical healing, mental healing. Just if you listen to their pains and problems and do not get depressed, that is enough.” That fellow ran away. He said, “I can't do anymore. If I listen to people's problem for ten minutes continuously, their suffering, I am done! I am depressed now. Now I need somebody to…” Then I asked him, “Now you understand what I am doing?” He said, “Only when I did what you did, I understood.” Understand, it is very easy to judge, very easy to judge but look inside, turn, be an insider. Then you will understand the real reasoning behind everything.


First thing Patanjali says, bring the right, real reasoning to you, right, real reasoning- what is going to lead you, what is going to expand you, what is going to be giving you fulfillment, what gave you the glimpse of fulfillment in your life, pick up that. The first thing- reasoning, vicharaha. A very beautiful word ‘vicharaha.’ Sanskrit words, some of the words you cannot translate. Even the reasoning word is a small word for vichara. Let Me translate exact idea- vicharaha. Encompassing an idea through all your moods is what is called vicharaha. Please understand, for example, here is an idea. Here is an idea, that truth. For example, let us have the word truth. Analyzing, reasoning with that idea through all your moods. What is truth for you when you are joyful, what is truth for you when you are in pain, what is truth for you when you are young, what is truth for you when you are old, what is truth for you when you are about to die, what is truth for you before your birth, what is truth for you after your birth. Encompassing that one idea through all the situations of your mind is what is called vicharaha.


So Patanjali says, reason in your mind what is your life, what is you. Spend little time on reasoning. Find out what you think as you, what you think as you before your birth, after your birth, in your youth, in your middle age, in your old age, before your death and after death. Just see, just see what you think as you. It is not only the body changes, even the idea about you changes. Middle age is the age when your age shows in the middle…. The idea about you also changes, the body changes, the mind changes, the idea about you changes. Look inside: what is you. Start reasoning. The reasoning is a very powerful method.


You see, we have a big problem. We have two kinds of reasoning. For others we have one kind of reasoning. For us we have one kind of reasoning. Just as I was telling this journalist story, this journalist guy who comes and tells Me, “Why are You hugging everybody? I think You are enjoying.” I told him, “Just sit next to Me and you also hug. I will tell people, today only if you have hug from him also only then you will have full benefit, full healing. I will have half healing power and he will have half healing power. So have hug from Me and him.” That fellow in half an hour, he ran away, disappeared. He has reasoning, For him, he has different reasoning, for Me he has different reasoning. Each one we have different reasoning for others and for us. If you look inside, your reasoning will start getting straightened. I have one more story for different reasoning:


A man walks into the dentist and asked how much it cost to extract two wisdom teeth. Dentist replies, “$80” This guy says, “$80? Too much!” “That's a bit steep.” “Is not there any way you can do it cheaper?” This guy says, “Well, I suppose if you don't have anesthetic, I can knock down to sixty.” “No, that is still too expensive.” The dentist scratched his head, ”Okay, if I save on some more medicines, simply rip out the teeth with pair of pliers, I could get away with charging $20 This guy says, “No, no, no, that is still too much!” Dentist says, “As a last resort, if I could let one of my students do it for the experience, that way I could charge you just $10.” This guy just… his eyes lit up. He says, “That is better. Book my wife in for tomorrow!”


Understand, we have two different logic. We have two different logic for two different things, for two different things. One guy goes to a psychiatrist and asks, “What is the meaning of life?” Psychiatrist says, “Well, I have $50 answer, $100 answer but the ultimate answer may cost 500 dollar. Which answer you want?” So we have different logic, different things, different level. Vichara- reasoning, bringing your reason to life inside your being. Please understand, I am not saying use your reasoning with outer world. All I am saying here, bring your reasoning to life in the inner world for what is going to lead you to the Ultimate. You see, in the outer world, the reasoning is for different purpose. What is going to be the best benefit? The money or comforts or relationship or luxury, whatever. All I am saying is in the inner world. In the inner world, what you think as the best thing, the best experience about your body and your mind.


One of My teacher, this Yogi, this guy has given Me such a solid clear ideas about My mind and the body.... See, during My pilgrimage, nine years I spent in pilgrimage. That is a unique mental setup I had. I never felt pride about that mental setup. I never felt that mental setup is something unique or great. Only when I travel around, only when I see.... the other day I was seeing an ad in TV. It says, love the air because people who are filled with allergy, some allergies, even to go outside in the air, they need to take some medicines. Then I realized, “Oh God! What wonderful body and mind this Yogi has given Me!” The idea about My body and mind from the young age somehow he taught Me. You can take bath in any water, any river. You can sleep anywhere, you can eat anything you want. He created the stomach inside Me which will digest anything. Anything put inside will become energy, digested. He created a mind in Me, any idea brought in front of Me, it will just chew and digest and throw it away. It was such an amazing gift. Now I understand what he contributed to Me, what he added to My life.



Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened || Part 4 || Yoga Sutras || 16 April 2009


Name Of The Convention: Yoga Sutras
Date: 16 April 2009
Venue: Oklahoma, OK, USA
Title: Every Human Being Is Already Enlightened Part 4

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) reveals Patanjali sutra -1 where Vitharka (reasoning), Vicahraha (contemplation), Ananda (blissful flowering), Ashmita (characteristic of pure awareness) leads us to Samprajnata Samadhi to experience super-conscious level – by living the qualities, ideas and characteristics of a living Enlightened Master, one will radiate and start expressing these kinds of samadhi states so one can go to next levels of superconscious states.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Vicharaha- contemplation. First idea: reasoning. Second idea: contemplation, means internalizing. See, after you finish reasoning, whenever you finish reasoning, then you will come up with the state, “Yes, I know this is what has to be done but how to do?” That is where the contemplation starts. What to do, reasoning starts; how to do, contemplation starts. Many time you finish reasoning. You know what to do. You know what to do. You ask the next question, how to do? That is where the contemplation, internalizing starts. Understand, here in the contemplation, the first thing you need to do, an important thing you need to do, contemplating on the ideas got from the right person.


Please understand, whoever you think as your hero, you imbibe his ideas. Many time I have seen, this Yogi, My teacher, many ideas which he never taught Me verbally, I started living. I started internalizing just by being around him. Just by being around him, I started contemplating and it became part of Me. Just I have seen, whenever people come to him, many time very big people will come to him. He will tell them, “Stand topsy turvy. Stand upside down. Do Shirshasana.” They will get frightened, “How can I stand upside down?” Then this guy will just give them one tight hug, this yogi. He will tell them, “Now do it.” I have seen people will just stand upside down. I asked him, “How is it possible?” He will say, “I transferred my bio-memory to them by hugging, that bio-memory to them by hugging.” Understand, if you strongly feel connected, the bio-memory can be transmitted. So, in contemplation, first thing you need to do, receive ideas from right person who is living. If you receive it from wrong person, be very clear, it is always dangerous. I have one more story for you:


A speaker was about to address public meeting when he realized that he had left his false teeth at home. He shuffled around anxiously for a few moments and informed the lady who was chairing the meeting that he would be unable to give his speech because he had forgotten his false teeth. One guy was sitting in the front row overheard and he immediately produced a pair of false teeth from his pocket and said, “Why don't you try this?” The speaker put the set of false teeth in his mouth. But they were too tight. The guy says, who is sitting in the frontline, “By chance I have another pair. Please try this.” The speaker put the second set of teeth in his mouth but they were too loose. He said, “It is no good. I will have to pull it out.” “Wait!” said the man. “It so happens that I have one more pair of false teeth in my pocket. Try this.” He gave the third set. The speaker did and they fitted perfectly. The speaker said, “Well, thank you. I have been looking for a good dentist. You are a great dentist.” The guy said, “No, no, I am not a dentist. I am a undertaker.” Don't pick up false teeth from undertaker. Understand, even if you need one, don't try to pick up from undertaker.


So pick up your ideas from right person. Pick up your ideas from right person. I feel so fortunate, I had some good example in front of Me. I had the fortune to see those guys. I have seen how he used to play with his body. So when I picked up those ideas, I saw very clearly without needing to believe them or practice, I have started living those ideas. When you receive it from a right person, the contemplation itself directly leads to Enlightenment. You don't need to do anything else. Just the contemplation, just internalizing, directly leads to Enlightenment. I can give you many examples, many examples. When I saw the way.... when I see the way in which he was handling his body, the yogi was handling his body…the yogi used to handle his body. I have seen many different yogis. Suddenly I just know I can also do the same thing. I can also do the same thing. My body is also same. When the right ideas are picked up from the right person, the very contemplation leads you to Enlightenment.


So that is why Patanjali says, first reasoning. Whose ideas are going to lead you to your peak, whose ideas are going to put you at your high energy: reasoning. Then next, contemplation, living it means internalizing. When you ask how to do, then starts contemplation. You see, contemplation needs to be understood. The word… let Me tell you the Sanskrit word for it: vichara. Vichara means, in all your mood swings, how you are able to perceive that idea and practice it, live it. Sometime I have seen people. If they are in high mood, God is right, spiritual things are right, the spiritual books are right, the spiritual ideas are right, spiritual techniques are right, spiritual teachers are right, everybody is right. If they are in low mood, God is wrong, spiritual ideas are wrong, spiritual books are wrong, spiritual techniques are wrong, spiritual teachers are wrong, everybody is wrong. If their mood is right, whole thing is right. If their mood is wrong, whole thing is wrong. So the mood swing. Just see, what level you can go down if your mood is down. That limit, you need to find out. Only then you can start the contemplation.


Sometime even with the low mood, lowest mood, you will think, “I think I am wrong, not this book or this idea or this technique. Somewhere I am wrong.” If you understand it is you, something is wrong, then contemplation is possible, then second step is possible. If you think with the low mood, something is wrong only in the outer world, something is wrong only with the person, a spiritual teacher or a technique or a master or God, then contemplation is impossible. You can't have contemplation. Low mood XXXX into your body, into your mind. That is what I call contemplation and Patanjali gives two more ideas: Ananda, Asmita, means blissful flowering and state of pure awareness. Today I don't want to give you too many ideas. If I give too many ideas, people don't remember anything. When they go out they say, “Swamiji spoke well but what He spoke? It's okay, don't ask about that.”


So I just wanted to share these two ideas with you. The other two ideas, we will see tomorrow. Just these two ideas so that constantly you are sitting on it. Those ideas are sitting on you. Both of you mix with each other. The truth gets internalized in you and you get internalized into the truth. Just these two ideas. Reasoning, understand, what kind of ideas and teachings, whose teachings and whose words, whose nearness, whose presence is going to raise you physically, mentally and spiritually- first thing. Second thing: contemplation. Pick up ideas from that person and start working with your practical life. Put those ideas in your life for all your physical problem, mental problem and social problems- all your problems. Live those ideas. Apply those ideas. Internalize them. That is what I call contemplation.


Internalize the success which you achieve through that ideas or the failures which you go through by unable to apply those ideas. Both are going to be helping you. Both are contemplation. Understand, the success and failure- both are going to be contemplation because both are going to lead you to the higher experience. So just carry these two idea: reasoning and contemplation and contemplate on these two till tomorrow evening. Tomorrow we will work on blissful flowering and state of pure awareness: Ananda and Asmita. Please understand, these first two ideas, if it is internalized, tomorrow you will be able to go into the next level truth. So I bless you all. Let you all internalize these great truths and achieve and radiate Jeevan Mukti, Living Enlightenment. Let you all achieve and radiate the Eternal Bliss- Nithyananda. Thank you
