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===Time the ultimate Thief || Part 1 || Corporate Talks===
Time the ultimate Thief || Part 1 || Corporate Talks
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam delivered a discourse at Oracle Corporation in Redwood Shores, California USA on 25 March 2005. Here the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam delivered a talk titled 'Time the Ultimate Thief' to staff and management and later answered their questions regarding issues they face in life. Later in the evening SPH delivered a talk titled 'Collective Consciousness' at the Holiday Inn Express, San Jose. Soon after the talk He met and blessed each and every person who attended the talk. Running parallel on taht day and under the direct guidance of SPH, His initiated disciples conducted Puja and Arati to Lord Dakshinamurthy under the Sacred Banyan tree at Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru Aadheenam.
That day’s discourse at Oracle Corporation was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 25 March 2005 in Redwood City, California, USA.
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I welcome you all with My love and respects.
Nice, actually with the small gathering can always be honest and straight away we can speak what you want to speak. So whenever I see a small gathering I am very happy that I can open up and I can say what I really wanted to say…. Because with mass you need to generalize. The moment we generalize we have to dilute. Any generalizing is dilution, but with a small group you can be very specific. 
I’ll try to propose to you theory. You can’t even say it is a theory it is a experiences, then we will discuss and analyze it, logically how much it is true and how much it can work for our day to day life…. First I wanted to propose few, uh, concepts. The title is beautiful title, “Time the Ultimate Thief”. Time is a thief who steals the physical health, mental health, and spiritual well being from us. 
Physical health, of course all of you know, more you get aged, you’ll be getting aged and all the disease, all the difficulties, all the problems. So, you know the physical level, physical level I don’t say much, and you know mental level. How the time steals our peace, how the time makes us stressful, how the concept of time leads us to stress. 
Few concepts I’ll present first, then we’ll analyze. First thing, there are two things, called chronological time and psychological time. Chronological time you know based on your clock. It just moves, you know the quantity of second, minute, or hour, or a day, everything you know chronological based on your watch, based on your clock. 
An other one is psychological. In India we say time is measured by the word kshana. Kshana does not mean second, it means the gap between one thought and the other thought, the gap between one thought and the other thought. If you can understand this one concept, you can just be liberated from stress. You can simply enter into the stress free life, because all our stress is just internalizing the chronological time without understanding for inner world there is a different concept of time. Actually for outer world there is a different concept of time, for inner world there is a different concept of time. 
When we try to internalize the outer world time we create stress in our being. Stress is nothing but internalizing the outer world time. Let us see a little deeper, how you can escape from it. Actually when I first presented this theory to a group of corporate people in India, I told them without any technique, without any meditation or yoga, or any stress management techniques you can liberate yourself from stress. They were shocked, they said it looks to good to be true Swamiji. They said that, this is the word they used, “to good to be true” but after, the after enrolling the program they said “sure, yes, simply it happens”, because you don’t need to do anything if the problem is just mental blockage. 
Almost all our stress is nothing but a just a mental blockage. Misunderstanding or trying to internalize which can’t be internalized. Misunderstanding would be in the chronological time and psychological time. Chronological time is your routine. You know by seeing the watch, you know the time, what time you are supposed to get up and what time you are supposed to walk and what time you are supposed to come to the office and what time you are supposed to do this, you have a routine, fixed routine. 
Psychological time, that is what we are supposed to now analyze. It is a gap between one thought and the other thought, kshana measured as a gap between one thought and the other thought.
For example, if you are sitting with your friend who is very close to you, with whom you feel very comfortable, you will be sitting hours together and you will not even understand that time is past. Suddenly you will realize and say Oh! so many hours passed. Suddenly you wake up and you say so many hours have passed, I don’t know how. And if you are sitting with a somebody who is boring, dull, dead, for every ten minutes you see the watch, because the time never moves. 
More the number of thoughts, more you feel that time is not moving. Less the number of thoughts, you feel more relaxed, more stress free. Your mind, your being again and again remembers about the time, again and again the thought about the time comes to you, if the number of thoughts is more, I’ll put it in the other way, more you think about the time, more you are stressed. The more you are stressed, less you are efficiency.  Less your efficiency you will not be able to finish the goal, the target, and again little more stress. Little more stress little less efficiency again you will miss the target. The moment you miss the target, little more stress. You are traveling in a vicious circle, reducing our intelligence, skills, and capacity just because we are again and again remembering the time even if you don’t want. People come and tell me, I understand Swamiji, I know for no reason I bother. I know I have enough time to finish my target and I know I can finish it but again and again I start worrying about it. I just get stressed out. 
One more thing, getting stressed out not only affects your mind it touches your body also. Don’t think that getting stressed out is just a mental problem. It is straight away connected to your body. 
For example, sit in your office and just get, just start thinking  or worrying about the problems. Don’t do any work, just if you get stressed out for half an hour you will have a shoulder pain. Straight away, immediately you have a shoulder pain. How many of you have experienced? If you get stressed out, you don’t do any work, just sit, and worry, or think about your target, or the time you are supposed to finish, you will have a shoulder pain. Straight away, your stress is related to your health. So getting stressed does not mean only physically you are  disturbed, only mentally you are disturbed. It’s a disease even the physical level. People come and tell Me, “Swamiji I know that I should not bother, I know the wrong things but again and again I get stressed out. I don’t know why.” 
Why you get stressed out again and again, because again and again you are reminded about time. The concept of time again and again comes to you, the more number of thoughts, more time you will be remembered or you will be reminded about the time. The less number of thoughts, if you can bring down the number of thoughts you will neither know day is passing nor know the life moving. 
There’s a beautiful philosophy which was practiced in India in the ancient time, of course now much is lost, the reverse reversing the aging process they call it Kayakalpa. It's called Kayakalpa reversing the aging process means the, according to them, according to their philosophy they say, the more the years pass you should become more healthy because your body and mind is now trained how to live in the world. Now you are matured, you see according to usual logic in anything you are trained you are supposed to become master of that art. 
If you are trained to driving, you are supposed to master that art. And you are supposed to drive without any effort. Whom you call as a perfect driver, a man who drives without any effort is a right driver, is a perfect driver. You trust him and you say he has learned the driving. 
Same way the more the year has passed you master the art of living in this world, your body and mind is ready to live in this world. So they say the more the years pass you are supposed to reverse the aging process. You are not supposed to fall sick because now you know the techniques live in the world. You are not supposed to have stress because now you know the techniques to live in this world. You know the logic of this world.
The more the, the more you grow old, more you are supposed to become intelligent, healthy, and spontaneous. What has happened? Where we missed this point, is just because the more number of thoughts, again and again you are reminded about the chronological time. 
If you can change just three things with understanding, a simple understanding, perception about your body, we always think the more time moves our body gets old, and diseased. It is not supposed to be, it is not necessary that you should fall sick by getting old. It is your concept, it is your perception. And when I say it is a perception you may question immediately, “Swamiji what do you mean? When we get old we feel the tiredness, do you think it is our imagination? Do you think it is our idea?” I tell you, you do not know the power of your mind. 
I Myself met a person, if any of you have been to Tibet you know there is a place called Potala, where this Lamas live, Tibetian Lamas they live there. I went to that area, somebody told Me that in that area people live long time. For a long years they live. So I went to that village, I saw a old, elderly man doing agriculture job, I went near and asked him, and he was wearing a Buddhist dress. I asked him Swamiji I heard that a you all live here for a long time. Can you say a few words about that? Can you give Me some of your experiences?How you managed? He just started laughing, and he told me “What, you think I am a old man? I’m a middle aged guy. Old people who are old, I am just 136.” And he is 136. That’s a medical record, very clearly, he’s 136 and he’s working in the land doing agriculture and he says there are people who are a hundred eighty and two hundred, two hundred and fifty. 
Of course just like you all I was not ready to believe, then they showed Me a research report. Some of our scientists from Wisconsin University has gone there and stayed, worked with them to test and see what is happening in their body, how they are living a long time and all those things. According to this scientist body is same, there is no difference, just like your body, just like our body, their body is also functioning with the same logic, same logic, same thing. Then they say there is something else, some other reason beyond the body, it is not that because of DNA or anything because they did all possible research. I asked them what is the reason? And he says something, how you live, till the end none of them were able to say any reason. They said What is there? We don’t know any reason. All we know is basically, by nature human beings are supposed to live for three hundred years. 
There was strong belief, faith, that human beings are supposed to live for three hundred years. And they took Me to their graveyards, tombstone. In that I saw almost everybody, two hundred sixty, two six, two fifty, something like that. If somebody is, if somebody has died two hundred years they write, “unnatural death”. He died unfortunately when he was two hundred years old. And they believe the human body is supposed to live for three hundred years. 
And the other day I was reading a beautiful book, again now scientists are coming up with a theory called the ‘Our Body Rejuvenates and Replaces Itself.’ Again and again our body rejuvenates and replaces itself. Every part of our body is replaced by its own nature and they say for three hundred years our body can continuously replace itself. Body can replace itself continuously for three hundred years so our perception about our body should change. The idea you must feel tired by getting aged, you must fall sick by getting aged is basically wrong concept. 
One more thing your mind has got so much of power whatever you believe it will make it as a reality. It has got a tremendous power anything you believe you got the capacity to make it as a reality. That is why people who are continuously seeing the horror movies, they see ghosts. Usually normal people don’t see the ghosts, just continuously seeing horror movies for 10 days, not more than 10 days, just 10 days decide every night see a horror movie. Eleventh day you will see a ghost. Or the screen that is moving in your house will look like a ghost. 
Your mind has got a capacity to make anything into reality if you want. If you are continuously thinking about something it will be given as a reality. The first basic idea of your perception of time is wrong. Your idea the more you grow you are supposed to fall sick is wrong on the physical level.
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Next psychological level again and again being reminded about time. Again and again remembering about the time and the stress. Again disturbes your whole being. See the more number of thoughts, again and again you remember that you are having only less time. You are having only less time and time is running. Time is not, you are not able to do anything. The more the TPS, you feel that life is, you are under the stress. That is why he say “Hell is always eternal”. Why we say hell is eternal? Because when you feel that you are under stress, you are, you feel you are in hell.
If you look into your life.. There is a beautiful Zen saying, it’s a wonderful saying: “If you want to delay anything, do it in a hurry way.” Do it hurriedly. If you want to delay anything, do as fast as possible. When you do as fast as possible, you will not do mistakes, you will just do blunders. So naturally the whole thing has to be redone. And when you live with a such a stress, you can be sure you will not have the satisfaction that you lived your life. When you don’t have a satisfaction, that we lived our life, whatever product you delivered, I tell you, the quality of your mind will simply express on the quality of the products which you deliver. Whatever you may do, you may say that you have achieved the goal in the outer world, because of stress. But I can be sure, if you can avoid the idea of stress, you will achieve ten times more. Because the energy unleashing will be more through your body-mind, when you are not having, when you are not internalizing the chronological time. The concept, the chronological time, if it is not internalized, you will be able to unleash your potential energy in much more better way. Again coming to the point of a chronological time, internalizing the chronological time. The more you internalize it, the more you make yourself weak because the concept of time by nature it is negative. Especially in the west. The more the time moves you are moving towards the negative aspects of your life.
The other day was seeing a elderly lady, she came to one of our programs. Next day morning, she is supposed to be there the program for six o’clock. She came late. When I ask her, what happened? Why are you late? She said that she has to do all the makeup, all that (..) aa (..) washing the hair and dying it and all the things. I ask in this age, why do you want to do all these things, why don’t you relax from all these things. You know these are not good for health and the chemicals which you are applying to your body is not going to keep you healthy. Why do you use? She told Me one shocking word. She said “Swamiji here we have to compete with youngsters. We have to look young. We can’t afford to look old. We have to compete with youngsters.”
So in this society, the more the time passes, you are face, you are going to face the negative aspects of the life. So when again and again you remember time, unconsciously you infuse dullness into your being. The very remembrance of the time, pulls down your energy. Mentaly the very remembrance of the time is enough to pull you down from your energy and the stress level is just hiked up. Just by the remembrance of the time. And you remember about the time more, because you are continuously either bothered about the past or worrying about the future. You are just pulled and pushed, never we live in the present. When we come to the present, automatically the concept of time disappears.
When you come to the present, number of thoughts reduces and you do not even know how your life passes, how the  time moves and how your life rolls. You remember about the time again and again, because your mind is pulled and pushed between the past and the future. Ever (..) in every level, in every state of your being, you are either thinking about the past or about the future. The psychological time, without living in the present moment, just being pulled and pushed by this time, just steals your peace and bliss. When I say “Time the Ultimate Thief” I mean continuously bothering about the past and the future without living in the present moment. The moment you come down to the present moment have tremendous potential energy, high potential energy will be unleashed or released in your whole being. You will be rejuvenated with the new being, with the new energy.
There is the beautiful concept in Zen Buddhism. In Zen again and again they say “whatever is, is energy. You are inside energy. You are inhaling and exhaling energy.” Of course, in the Rishi culture also, they say again and again “Whatever is energy. Isha Vashyam Edam Sharvam. “Whatever exist is energy. But in our life, the more the time passes, the more the day passes, you only become less energetic. Here, one side all the great mystics, they claim, the more you get old, you are supposed to get more energetic. That is why the east we always worship the elderly people. We turn towards them for guidance, advice and for everything. Youth is not worshiped, only old, the elderly people are worshiped there. We turn towards to them, we turn and we look from them, we look to hear from them.
When Rishi culture again and again says “whatever exists is energy.” Why are you not able to experience it? Where we are missing, where is a missing link? The missing link is, you are caught with the past and future, which is not existence, which is not reality, which is only imaginary level. Whether it is your past or the future, it’s only imaginary level. What you perceive as the past or the future, is not the reality. You are not perceiving the reality. Whatever you remember about, as your past, whatever you remember as your past is only your remembrance, please be very clear, it is not your past. It was not your past, we always remember. My childhood days are golden days. My college days are heaven. When I was in India, it was such a wonderful thing. But be honest, when you really lived that time, when you lived, was it great? No. When you lived it was not, now your mind again and again projects, reminds you it was great. Whatever you remember about your past is only your remembrance. Your perception, not the reality.
On the same way, whatever you remember about the future, all your worries, all your insecurity problem, all your fears, everything is only going to be your perception. It is not going to be real future. I have seen people continuously worrying. See, in the beginning if you have some reason to worry, you worry. After some time you worry the master, you master the art of worrying. You don’t need some reason. You don’t need some special reason. You can just create some reasons. And after that time, some time, even if you don’t find any reason, you simply start worrying. You are just having cheated  for that. You are just living with worries, nothing else. It is just a mental habit.
Actually I read a small research with a group of people. I got to some fifty people, told them to write whatever worries them, about their next six months. About the next six months, whatever fears, insecurity problem, worries you have, please pen it down. Actually, even of you are a psychologist, you can’t visualize more than six months of your life. You may try, you may try to make a calendar for one year. You may try to visualize about four, after four, five years and all.
They say, the data which you have, with that you can process only next six months of your life. And now they say it is coming down, because the changes, changes are happening so much, so much of changes. In all the level, socially, politically, economically in all the level so much of changes are happening, they say that is even coming down. Six months is the time maximum you can visualize about the future. So I told them, whatever fears and insecurities you have, please pen it down. They pend it and than after six month, again we all met. And I distributed, I collected those papers when they pend it down. After six months all of us again met, I distributed the paper and asked them tip, how many of your worries are become reality. How many of your worries are become reality? You will be shocked to see the result, hardly three percent. Actually only three percent. If there are hundred worries written by the each person, only three percent is a maximum. I’m telling about maximum. Only three percent. Then you can, can you imagine how much of mental energy is getting wasted? How much of your visualization capacity is getting wasted? How much of your power to create is getting wasted? The more you worry, the less you create. The more you are stressed, the less you are expressing.
All your concept about future is only your concept, It is not going to be your future. Please be very clear, feel relieved, you are not going to have the future which you are thinking. If at all God blesses you to have the future which you are thinking, you will be damaging yourself more than what you think. You will be damaging yourself very badly. You can be relieved. You will not have the future of what you are visualizing. Whatever you visualize, even if you visualize your future with all possible goodness. Your visualization capacity itself is not enough to visualize all the dimensions of your future.
So whether it is your perceptions about past or your ideas about the future, it is just your ideas. It is not the reality of what is. The reality is only the present moment, or the moments which you are having in your hand. The moment you relax into the present moment, the moment you relax into the, this moment, simply you will see your body and mind will have a new energy.
I tell you, just for few minutes do this as a exercise. Just for few minutes close your doors and sit relaxed way and say “I accept my life as it is. My life, my comforts, my relationship, my body, my mind, I accept everything as it is now. Let me accept myself and the whole thing as it is now and come to the present moment.” The moment you take it clear Sankalpa, Sankalpa means conscious decision. The moment you take a conscious decision, very clearly come down to this present moment and start relaxing, you will be surprised. You can say you will be shocked to see the energy which happens to your being.
Actually, only then you touch your inner being. Only then you touch your inner being. The source of your energy. As long as you are bothered, you are bothering about the future or thinking about the past, you will be away from the source of energy. The source of energy is always a present moment. When you come to the present moment, only then you are rejuvenated, you are fresh, you are alive, you start living. Physically the concept of time makes you old, sick, uneasy, mentally the concept of time gives you stress, load and boredom. There is a one more problem, boredom is one important problem because of the concept of time.
There is one beautiful Zen story. One great Zen master, he had some stomach problem, so doctors have advised him, physicians, his physicians advised him, not to eat anything and just to have the same type of herbal food, the food with a little bit of herbs, same type of food everyday. So for more than ten years, he use to have same type of food. One day, the devotee who cooks, the disciple who cooks for him, she came and told him, master are you not bored? I'm bored cooking the same food everyday for you. Are you not bored eating the same food? And he said in a beautiful way, he said “Same food? I’m not eating the same food everyday. How can I eat the same food everyday? Everyday the food is different. Everyday it is new. It is not old. It can’t be old. How can I eat the same food everyday? Once I eat, I finished. Next day, naturally it is different food. New food.”
When you have a concept of time, again and again you think “Oh, same office, same house, same routine, same wife and same life.” You feel that life is same. The concept of boredom is also again because of the concept of time. Concept of kshana. When you are caught with the past, you feel the past is getting repeated. When you are caught in the samskaras of the past, you feel the same samskara is getting repeated. You are repeating the past again and again. It is just your conscious choice to liberate yourself from the past and the future and the presents. The psychological time or the concept of the psychological time again gives you stress and it takes away your peace and reduces your efficiency, above all gives the idea of boredom. It is same, idea about boredom happens to you because of this concept of psychological time.
Understand, the concept of time, both the ways, physically and mentally disturbs you. If you can have a little bit of conscious choice and if you can open yourself to a new way of thinking. If you can analyze and understand to the new way of thinking, perceiving the time, means, understand, the more you grow old, you will be mastering the techniques of living with this body and in this world. You will be mastering the techniques of living in this body and living in this world. So naturally, you don’t have to think, visualize, believe, by getting old, you have to fall sick.
First break that concept, next try to live in the present moment, instead of being pulled and pushed by the past and future. These two can solve the problems of time in the physical and mental level. These two is more than enough to help you in the spiritual level and moreover, all our problems are only physical and mental, none of our problems is spiritual. So, once these two are solved, naturally you will have the spiritual growth or the spiritual well being, spiritual understanding. So, I pray to the ultimate energy to guide us all to understand the concept of time, kshana and go beyond the kshanika. Kshanika means slowly getting betrayed, slowly getting rusted out, slowly disappearing. Let it save us from the kshanika or getting slowly, the slow time process of getting slowly disappearing. Slowly disappearing from this existence and give us the real health and bliss, peace, the Eternal Bliss.
Nithyananda, Thank you.
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Yes, you can. Yes. Q: “We all work under project lines, deadlines and time pressure. So, when you say not to have time consciousness, how are we going to manage?” All right. When you have time consciousness, are you able to manage? “We are having trouble.”
So same thing is going to happen see. Two thing, when you are having time consciousness two thing will happen. Either you will be able to manage or you will not be able to manage. Either you will be able to manage, one group who will be able to manage. Can’t you manage the same thing without having time consciousness?
When you can manage with time consciousness, means the stress. You can barely manage without stress. You can do much better way. Because, when you don’t have stress, all your energy is expressed in creativity, as a creativity. You can always have new ways, new methods. I tell you, the person who is stressed will not, cannot create new methods and ways. He will only be working like a, what to say, the train or a programmed way of working. You will not be even looking this side or that side. Just scan your life and look back. In your own house you will not be using many rooms. From the office you will straight go to the house, sit in the same sofa, sit in the same hall, sit in the same chair, eat, straight away go to bedroom, next day morning come down and straight away come to the garage and come here. If you scan your life, you will not have used many of the rooms for months together.
You will live just like a programmed way, just a programmed way. You can see your life. Even your vacations are very clearly programmed. If you are sitting in the house and thinking, it is homework. If you are sitting in the office thinking and worrying, you said office work. If you are sitting in the beach and worrying, it’s a vacation, that is all. Only the place is changed. Otherwise the worrying is the same, mental set up is the same. If you can manage with the stress, you can verely manage without stress, first thing.
Next group who are not able to manage their talent. When you can’t manage, so naturally are you going to manage with stress? Why are you having stress? Whether you manage or not, this is the only two things but the stress is no way going to help you.
We always have a idea, by stress I may shift from non manageable group to manageable group. Please be very clear, you can’t jump from this group to that group by stress. You can jump from this group to that group only by creativity and unleashing your potential energy. You understand? Are you able to understand what I say?
There are two group. One is who are able to manage with stress. Who are not able to manage with the stress. So you will be in someone group, if you are in the group that I am able to manage, then why should you have stress? Drop it! And naturally, when you drop you’ll be able to do more. If you are in the group that I am not able to manage, again why should you have stress? Any of you are not able to manage? Relax and this only one desire, maybe by stress through stress; I may jump from this group to that group. And I tell you very clearly, it can never happen. You can jump from that inefficient group to a efficient group only by creating or expressing your energy, not by stress. Whether the jumping or managing is going to happen only by clarity and creativity.
One more thing, we always think this stress management and all is only theory Swamiji. I tried a lot, I read lot of books, I tried a lot and I worked a lot. I don’t think it is working. Two days we remember all these concepts, they are so nice. The third day disappears, Third day our life is back, the same day the same routine, same lifestyle. See, you say again and again it is failing, because your understanding is not deep enough.
I’ve seen somebody came and told me, Swamiji in last one year alone, 11 times I stopped smoking. Means what? 11 times he started again. Means, the decision is not strong, the understanding is not deep enough. So actually, if you can understand with a little bit of analyzing, if you can penetrate your being and just it is after all your mind, decide consciously let it be very clear to yourself. Hereby, I am decided I am going to live the way in which I want. I am going to express my energy the way in which I want.
Simply be very clear. Just by stress, you can never jump from inefficient group to efficient group. By stress you may jump from this group to that group. You may jump from efficient group to inefficient group. That can happen.
And one more thing, again and again you are trained, you are taught to remember about the time, to remember about the pressure and just see your own life. The moment you think about the people who give you pressure, what happens to your energy? Drained! Just see in your experience, the moment you remember their faces. The moment you remember their words, the moment you remember the stress, do you feel energetic? No!
Then how can you think, how can you say you can be successful based on the stress? You can be successful only when you are, when you unleash your potential energy; and I tell you, if you can come down to present moment, reducing the worries, means reducing number of thoughts, reducing the, I can say frequency of your thinking, you can simply unleash the potential energy. You will see a different dimension of your being. Only thing, you need a little bit of courage to experiment what I say.
Try for next 11 days decide I will not bother about the past and the future. I will not let my mind, again and again, to think of the past. And I tell you one more thing, when you remember your past, you remember only about your failures. All you will remember, all the print which is there in you, is nothing but your failures. It’s like you measure the strength of your life, based on the weak link of the chain.
If you think your whole life is a long chain, you measure the strength of your life only based on the weak link, but you are not a weak link. You are not just a weak link. You generalize your capacity, your efficiency, your ability based on the weakest incident of the weak link of your life. You can’t generalize based on that! At least you should be little courteous, you should be little loving towards yourself. You can do it, do the average, but never do the averaging, you always measure yourself based on the weakest link.
See, anybody will have valley and peak. It should, if you have to measure yourself, you should go for average, not for the valley. But your mental setup is such, our mental setup is such, we always measure ourself, we always remember our past only the valley incidences. We only with the valley we measure ourselves, not with the average. You don’t even have to go to the peak. At least you can measure yourself with the average, come to the average, but we never do that.
The remembrance of the past itself only will make you, again and again, dull. And it will only drain your energy. So, neither the remembrance of the past, nor worrying of the future is going to transform you. Come down to present and insist on concentrating your energy.
That is why the Gita says beautifully: “You have authority to work, don't bother about results.” Krishna does not mean don't take your salary, have your salary. But he says continuously don’t visualise about it. If you are continuously visualizing about the fruit, about the result, you will not be even able to walk. If you are continuously bothering about the goal, you will be paralyzed. You will not even be able to walk in the path. Continuous bothering about the goal will not give you enough energy to walk in the path. Simply walk in the path, you will reach the goal. When you choose the right road and when you are, if you are driving, naturally you are going to reach the goal.
A nice story, one guy sat in a ferryboat, wanted to cross the river and once the boatman started rowing, the guy started walking up and down in the, inside the boat. The boatman said: “Why don’t you be seated, please be seated otherwise I can’t row the boat.” He said: “no! I have no time to sit, I have to go urgently, that’s why I am walking to and fro.”
All your walking, all your stress is walking inside the boat which can never help you, at the most can disturb you. At the most can hinder the growth. However walking, look into it very clearly, just be little more intelligent. Everything I can say, when I say everything I mean capital letter. You always think “no, no, not everything Swamiji.” You say what you say is truth. I can say what you say is truth 60%, but 40% it’s reality.
I tell you, all our perceptions, be very clear, all our perceptions as long as we work based on the datas from past and the worries about the future about ourself, it is totally wrong because your idea about yourself based on the past itself is wrong. You always measure yourself based on the weakest link; the valley. But you are not valley, you have peaks also and at least come to the average. You never measure yourself, you never respect yourself even based on the average. All your idea about past is only about your valleys. So when the data is wrong, when the processing is wrong how can the result be right? Naturally it has to be wrong.
Q: “So how do you unlearn the past?”
Swamiji: Just for 11 days make a conscious decision. A simple conscious decision can change your intelligence enough you don’t need a separate technique. See, only for the kids we may have to give techniques, you are intelligent enough. Just decide very clearly, for next 11 days I’ll try to live in the present moment, and surely in 11 days you will not lose your life.
Our mind will say “no, no, no in 11 days I will do this project, that project. I think after this project I will take up this technique. After that I will do this.” Just decide, for next 11 days, again and again, whenever I remember, I'll drop bothering about the past, drop bothering about the future; I'll drop the faces which creates stress in me. I'll drop the words which create stress in me. I am accepting myself completely as I am. I am going to work, whatever comes out let me face. Just for 11 days I can be sure the only side effect will be your efficiency and you will achieve a goal and the bliss, nothing else. And when I say these words, I take the responsibility of these words because I worked with thousands of people. I worked, not even thousands, I can say lakhs because in last 2 years I have met two and half lakh people individually, two and half lakh individually and we have 2000 trained healers who are doing meditation. Through 400 centers in 20 counties and everyday our healers are touching 10,000 people. With the experience of all these people, this is indirectly. Directly I have touched at least two and half lakh people, from all walks of life, all kinds of people. Educated, students, corporates all circle. I say from My experience, simply the conscious decision to live in the present moment can transform your understanding and life.
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Time the ultimate Thief || Part 1 || Corporate Talks


On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam delivered a discourse at Oracle Corporation in Redwood Shores, California USA on 25 March 2005. Here the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam delivered a talk titled 'Time the Ultimate Thief' to staff and management and later answered their questions regarding issues they face in life. Later in the evening SPH delivered a talk titled 'Collective Consciousness' at the Holiday Inn Express, San Jose. Soon after the talk He met and blessed each and every person who attended the talk. Running parallel on taht day and under the direct guidance of SPH, His initiated disciples conducted Puja and Arati to Lord Dakshinamurthy under the Sacred Banyan tree at Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru Aadheenam.

That day’s discourse at Oracle Corporation was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 25 March 2005 in Redwood City, California, USA.


This talk was given at Oracle Corporation in Redwood Shores, California USA on 25 March 2005. Here HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam debunks the idea which most believe that one must feel sick by aging. He introduces #Kayakalpa, a philosophy of reversing the #aging process practiced in ancient times. His Divine Holiness explains Kayakalpa is mastering the art of living in this world as more years pass, which is contrary to societal conditioning in concept of aging today. This proves holding strong ideas and beliefs can also manifest in the physical body.

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I welcome you all with My love and respects.


Nice, actually with the small gathering can always be honest and straight away we can speak what you want to speak. So whenever I see a small gathering I am very happy that I can open up and I can say what I really wanted to say…. Because with mass you need to generalize. The moment we generalize we have to dilute. Any generalizing is dilution, but with a small group you can be very specific.


I’ll try to propose to you theory. You can’t even say it is a theory it is a experiences, then we will discuss and analyze it, logically how much it is true and how much it can work for our day to day life…. First I wanted to propose few, uh, concepts. The title is beautiful title, “Time the Ultimate Thief”. Time is a thief who steals the physical health, mental health, and spiritual well being from us.


Physical health, of course all of you know, more you get aged, you’ll be getting aged and all the disease, all the difficulties, all the problems. So, you know the physical level, physical level I don’t say much, and you know mental level. How the time steals our peace, how the time makes us stressful, how the concept of time leads us to stress.


Few concepts I’ll present first, then we’ll analyze. First thing, there are two things, called chronological time and psychological time. Chronological time you know based on your clock. It just moves, you know the quantity of second, minute, or hour, or a day, everything you know chronological based on your watch, based on your clock.


An other one is psychological. In India we say time is measured by the word kshana. Kshana does not mean second, it means the gap between one thought and the other thought, the gap between one thought and the other thought. If you can understand this one concept, you can just be liberated from stress. You can simply enter into the stress free life, because all our stress is just internalizing the chronological time without understanding for inner world there is a different concept of time. Actually for outer world there is a different concept of time, for inner world there is a different concept of time.


When we try to internalize the outer world time we create stress in our being. Stress is nothing but internalizing the outer world time. Let us see a little deeper, how you can escape from it. Actually when I first presented this theory to a group of corporate people in India, I told them without any technique, without any meditation or yoga, or any stress management techniques you can liberate yourself from stress. They were shocked, they said it looks to good to be true Swamiji. They said that, this is the word they used, “to good to be true” but after, the after enrolling the program they said “sure, yes, simply it happens”, because you don’t need to do anything if the problem is just mental blockage.


Almost all our stress is nothing but a just a mental blockage. Misunderstanding or trying to internalize which can’t be internalized. Misunderstanding would be in the chronological time and psychological time. Chronological time is your routine. You know by seeing the watch, you know the time, what time you are supposed to get up and what time you are supposed to walk and what time you are supposed to come to the office and what time you are supposed to do this, you have a routine, fixed routine.


Psychological time, that is what we are supposed to now analyze. It is a gap between one thought and the other thought, kshana measured as a gap between one thought and the other thought.


For example, if you are sitting with your friend who is very close to you, with whom you feel very comfortable, you will be sitting hours together and you will not even understand that time is past. Suddenly you will realize and say Oh! so many hours passed. Suddenly you wake up and you say so many hours have passed, I don’t know how. And if you are sitting with a somebody who is boring, dull, dead, for every ten minutes you see the watch, because the time never moves.


More the number of thoughts, more you feel that time is not moving. Less the number of thoughts, you feel more relaxed, more stress free. Your mind, your being again and again remembers about the time, again and again the thought about the time comes to you, if the number of thoughts is more, I’ll put it in the other way, more you think about the time, more you are stressed. The more you are stressed, less you are efficiency. Less your efficiency you will not be able to finish the goal, the target, and again little more stress. Little more stress little less efficiency again you will miss the target. The moment you miss the target, little more stress. You are traveling in a vicious circle, reducing our intelligence, skills, and capacity just because we are again and again remembering the time even if you don’t want. People come and tell me, I understand Swamiji, I know for no reason I bother. I know I have enough time to finish my target and I know I can finish it but again and again I start worrying about it. I just get stressed out.


One more thing, getting stressed out not only affects your mind it touches your body also. Don’t think that getting stressed out is just a mental problem. It is straight away connected to your body.

(08:24) For example, sit in your office and just get, just start thinking or worrying about the problems. Don’t do any work, just if you get stressed out for half an hour you will have a shoulder pain. Straight away, immediately you have a shoulder pain. How many of you have experienced? If you get stressed out, you don’t do any work, just sit, and worry, or think about your target, or the time you are supposed to finish, you will have a shoulder pain. Straight away, your stress is related to your health. So getting stressed does not mean only physically you are disturbed, only mentally you are disturbed. It’s a disease even the physical level. People come and tell Me, “Swamiji I know that I should not bother, I know the wrong things but again and again I get stressed out. I don’t know why.”


Why you get stressed out again and again, because again and again you are reminded about time. The concept of time again and again comes to you, the more number of thoughts, more time you will be remembered or you will be reminded about the time. The less number of thoughts, if you can bring down the number of thoughts you will neither know day is passing nor know the life moving.


There’s a beautiful philosophy which was practiced in India in the ancient time, of course now much is lost, the reverse reversing the aging process they call it Kayakalpa. It's called Kayakalpa reversing the aging process means the, according to them, according to their philosophy they say, the more the years pass you should become more healthy because your body and mind is now trained how to live in the world. Now you are matured, you see according to usual logic in anything you are trained you are supposed to become master of that art.


If you are trained to driving, you are supposed to master that art. And you are supposed to drive without any effort. Whom you call as a perfect driver, a man who drives without any effort is a right driver, is a perfect driver. You trust him and you say he has learned the driving.


Same way the more the year has passed you master the art of living in this world, your body and mind is ready to live in this world. So they say the more the years pass you are supposed to reverse the aging process. You are not supposed to fall sick because now you know the techniques live in the world. You are not supposed to have stress because now you know the techniques to live in this world. You know the logic of this world.


The more the, the more you grow old, more you are supposed to become intelligent, healthy, and spontaneous. What has happened? Where we missed this point, is just because the more number of thoughts, again and again you are reminded about the chronological time.


If you can change just three things with understanding, a simple understanding, perception about your body, we always think the more time moves our body gets old, and diseased. It is not supposed to be, it is not necessary that you should fall sick by getting old. It is your concept, it is your perception. And when I say it is a perception you may question immediately, “Swamiji what do you mean? When we get old we feel the tiredness, do you think it is our imagination? Do you think it is our idea?” I tell you, you do not know the power of your mind.


I Myself met a person, if any of you have been to Tibet you know there is a place called Potala, where this Lamas live, Tibetian Lamas they live there. I went to that area, somebody told Me that in that area people live long time. For a long years they live. So I went to that village, I saw a old, elderly man doing agriculture job, I went near and asked him, and he was wearing a Buddhist dress. I asked him Swamiji I heard that a you all live here for a long time. Can you say a few words about that? Can you give Me some of your experiences?How you managed? He just started laughing, and he told me “What, you think I am a old man? I’m a middle aged guy. Old people who are old, I am just 136.” And he is 136. That’s a medical record, very clearly, he’s 136 and he’s working in the land doing agriculture and he says there are people who are a hundred eighty and two hundred, two hundred and fifty.


Of course just like you all I was not ready to believe, then they showed Me a research report. Some of our scientists from Wisconsin University has gone there and stayed, worked with them to test and see what is happening in their body, how they are living a long time and all those things. According to this scientist body is same, there is no difference, just like your body, just like our body, their body is also functioning with the same logic, same logic, same thing. Then they say there is something else, some other reason beyond the body, it is not that because of DNA or anything because they did all possible research. I asked them what is the reason? And he says something, how you live, till the end none of them were able to say any reason. They said What is there? We don’t know any reason. All we know is basically, by nature human beings are supposed to live for three hundred years.


There was strong belief, faith, that human beings are supposed to live for three hundred years. And they took Me to their graveyards, tombstone. In that I saw almost everybody, two hundred sixty, two six, two fifty, something like that. If somebody is, if somebody has died two hundred years they write, “unnatural death”. He died unfortunately when he was two hundred years old. And they believe the human body is supposed to live for three hundred years.


And the other day I was reading a beautiful book, again now scientists are coming up with a theory called the ‘Our Body Rejuvenates and Replaces Itself.’ Again and again our body rejuvenates and replaces itself. Every part of our body is replaced by its own nature and they say for three hundred years our body can continuously replace itself. Body can replace itself continuously for three hundred years so our perception about our body should change. The idea you must feel tired by getting aged, you must fall sick by getting aged is basically wrong concept.


One more thing your mind has got so much of power whatever you believe it will make it as a reality. It has got a tremendous power anything you believe you got the capacity to make it as a reality. That is why people who are continuously seeing the horror movies, they see ghosts. Usually normal people don’t see the ghosts, just continuously seeing horror movies for 10 days, not more than 10 days, just 10 days decide every night see a horror movie. Eleventh day you will see a ghost. Or the screen that is moving in your house will look like a ghost.


Your mind has got a capacity to make anything into reality if you want. If you are continuously thinking about something it will be given as a reality. The first basic idea of your perception of time is wrong. Your idea the more you grow you are supposed to fall sick is wrong on the physical level.



Time the Ultimate Thief || Part 2


This talk was given at Oracle Corporation in Redwood Shores, California USA on 25 March 2005. Here HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam HDH debunks what we perceive as concept of time. He further explains how all our #perceptions of time are based on wrong data and processing from past and #worries about the future because the ideas we have about ourselves are also based on the past itself. Ultimately, what you perceive about the past and future is only your remembrance not reality.

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Next psychological level again and again being reminded about time. Again and again remembering about the time and the stress. Again disturbes your whole being. See the more number of thoughts, again and again you remember that you are having only less time. You are having only less time and time is running. Time is not, you are not able to do anything. The more the TPS, you feel that life is, you are under the stress. That is why he say “Hell is always eternal”. Why we say hell is eternal? Because when you feel that you are under stress, you are, you feel you are in hell.


If you look into your life.. There is a beautiful Zen saying, it’s a wonderful saying: “If you want to delay anything, do it in a hurry way.” Do it hurriedly. If you want to delay anything, do as fast as possible. When you do as fast as possible, you will not do mistakes, you will just do blunders. So naturally the whole thing has to be redone. And when you live with a such a stress, you can be sure you will not have the satisfaction that you lived your life. When you don’t have a satisfaction, that we lived our life, whatever product you delivered, I tell you, the quality of your mind will simply express on the quality of the products which you deliver. Whatever you may do, you may say that you have achieved the goal in the outer world, because of stress. But I can be sure, if you can avoid the idea of stress, you will achieve ten times more. Because the energy unleashing will be more through your body-mind, when you are not having, when you are not internalizing the chronological time. The concept, the chronological time, if it is not internalized, you will be able to unleash your potential energy in much more better way. Again coming to the point of a chronological time, internalizing the chronological time. The more you internalize it, the more you make yourself weak because the concept of time by nature it is negative. Especially in the west. The more the time moves you are moving towards the negative aspects of your life.


The other day was seeing a elderly lady, she came to one of our programs. Next day morning, she is supposed to be there the program for six o’clock. She came late. When I ask her, what happened? Why are you late? She said that she has to do all the makeup, all that (..) aa (..) washing the hair and dying it and all the things. I ask in this age, why do you want to do all these things, why don’t you relax from all these things. You know these are not good for health and the chemicals which you are applying to your body is not going to keep you healthy. Why do you use? She told Me one shocking word. She said “Swamiji here we have to compete with youngsters. We have to look young. We can’t afford to look old. We have to compete with youngsters.”


So in this society, the more the time passes, you are face, you are going to face the negative aspects of the life. So when again and again you remember time, unconsciously you infuse dullness into your being. The very remembrance of the time, pulls down your energy. Mentaly the very remembrance of the time is enough to pull you down from your energy and the stress level is just hiked up. Just by the remembrance of the time. And you remember about the time more, because you are continuously either bothered about the past or worrying about the future. You are just pulled and pushed, never we live in the present. When we come to the present, automatically the concept of time disappears.


When you come to the present, number of thoughts reduces and you do not even know how your life passes, how the time moves and how your life rolls. You remember about the time again and again, because your mind is pulled and pushed between the past and the future. Ever (..) in every level, in every state of your being, you are either thinking about the past or about the future. The psychological time, without living in the present moment, just being pulled and pushed by this time, just steals your peace and bliss. When I say “Time the Ultimate Thief” I mean continuously bothering about the past and the future without living in the present moment. The moment you come down to the present moment have tremendous potential energy, high potential energy will be unleashed or released in your whole being. You will be rejuvenated with the new being, with the new energy.


There is the beautiful concept in Zen Buddhism. In Zen again and again they say “whatever is, is energy. You are inside energy. You are inhaling and exhaling energy.” Of course, in the Rishi culture also, they say again and again “Whatever is energy. Isha Vashyam Edam Sharvam. “Whatever exist is energy. But in our life, the more the time passes, the more the day passes, you only become less energetic. Here, one side all the great mystics, they claim, the more you get old, you are supposed to get more energetic. That is why the east we always worship the elderly people. We turn towards them for guidance, advice and for everything. Youth is not worshiped, only old, the elderly people are worshiped there. We turn towards to them, we turn and we look from them, we look to hear from them.


When Rishi culture again and again says “whatever exists is energy.” Why are you not able to experience it? Where we are missing, where is a missing link? The missing link is, you are caught with the past and future, which is not existence, which is not reality, which is only imaginary level. Whether it is your past or the future, it’s only imaginary level. What you perceive as the past or the future, is not the reality. You are not perceiving the reality. Whatever you remember about, as your past, whatever you remember as your past is only your remembrance, please be very clear, it is not your past. It was not your past, we always remember. My childhood days are golden days. My college days are heaven. When I was in India, it was such a wonderful thing. But be honest, when you really lived that time, when you lived, was it great? No. When you lived it was not, now your mind again and again projects, reminds you it was great. Whatever you remember about your past is only your remembrance. Your perception, not the reality.


On the same way, whatever you remember about the future, all your worries, all your insecurity problem, all your fears, everything is only going to be your perception. It is not going to be real future. I have seen people continuously worrying. See, in the beginning if you have some reason to worry, you worry. After some time you worry the master, you master the art of worrying. You don’t need some reason. You don’t need some special reason. You can just create some reasons. And after that time, some time, even if you don’t find any reason, you simply start worrying. You are just having cheated for that. You are just living with worries, nothing else. It is just a mental habit.


Actually I read a small research with a group of people. I got to some fifty people, told them to write whatever worries them, about their next six months. About the next six months, whatever fears, insecurity problem, worries you have, please pen it down. Actually, even of you are a psychologist, you can’t visualize more than six months of your life. You may try, you may try to make a calendar for one year. You may try to visualize about four, after four, five years and all.


They say, the data which you have, with that you can process only next six months of your life. And now they say it is coming down, because the changes, changes are happening so much, so much of changes. In all the level, socially, politically, economically in all the level so much of changes are happening, they say that is even coming down. Six months is the time maximum you can visualize about the future. So I told them, whatever fears and insecurities you have, please pen it down. They pend it and than after six month, again we all met. And I distributed, I collected those papers when they pend it down. After six months all of us again met, I distributed the paper and asked them tip, how many of your worries are become reality. How many of your worries are become reality? You will be shocked to see the result, hardly three percent. Actually only three percent. If there are hundred worries written by the each person, only three percent is a maximum. I’m telling about maximum. Only three percent. Then you can, can you imagine how much of mental energy is getting wasted? How much of your visualization capacity is getting wasted? How much of your power to create is getting wasted? The more you worry, the less you create. The more you are stressed, the less you are expressing.


All your concept about future is only your concept, It is not going to be your future. Please be very clear, feel relieved, you are not going to have the future which you are thinking. If at all God blesses you to have the future which you are thinking, you will be damaging yourself more than what you think. You will be damaging yourself very badly. You can be relieved. You will not have the future of what you are visualizing. Whatever you visualize, even if you visualize your future with all possible goodness. Your visualization capacity itself is not enough to visualize all the dimensions of your future.


So whether it is your perceptions about past or your ideas about the future, it is just your ideas. It is not the reality of what is. The reality is only the present moment, or the moments which you are having in your hand. The moment you relax into the present moment, the moment you relax into the, this moment, simply you will see your body and mind will have a new energy.


I tell you, just for few minutes do this as a exercise. Just for few minutes close your doors and sit relaxed way and say “I accept my life as it is. My life, my comforts, my relationship, my body, my mind, I accept everything as it is now. Let me accept myself and the whole thing as it is now and come to the present moment.” The moment you take it clear Sankalpa, Sankalpa means conscious decision. The moment you take a conscious decision, very clearly come down to this present moment and start relaxing, you will be surprised. You can say you will be shocked to see the energy which happens to your being.


Actually, only then you touch your inner being. Only then you touch your inner being. The source of your energy. As long as you are bothered, you are bothering about the future or thinking about the past, you will be away from the source of energy. The source of energy is always a present moment. When you come to the present moment, only then you are rejuvenated, you are fresh, you are alive, you start living. Physically the concept of time makes you old, sick, uneasy, mentally the concept of time gives you stress, load and boredom. There is a one more problem, boredom is one important problem because of the concept of time.


There is one beautiful Zen story. One great Zen master, he had some stomach problem, so doctors have advised him, physicians, his physicians advised him, not to eat anything and just to have the same type of herbal food, the food with a little bit of herbs, same type of food everyday. So for more than ten years, he use to have same type of food. One day, the devotee who cooks, the disciple who cooks for him, she came and told him, master are you not bored? I'm bored cooking the same food everyday for you. Are you not bored eating the same food? And he said in a beautiful way, he said “Same food? I’m not eating the same food everyday. How can I eat the same food everyday? Everyday the food is different. Everyday it is new. It is not old. It can’t be old. How can I eat the same food everyday? Once I eat, I finished. Next day, naturally it is different food. New food.”


When you have a concept of time, again and again you think “Oh, same office, same house, same routine, same wife and same life.” You feel that life is same. The concept of boredom is also again because of the concept of time. Concept of kshana. When you are caught with the past, you feel the past is getting repeated. When you are caught in the samskaras of the past, you feel the same samskara is getting repeated. You are repeating the past again and again. It is just your conscious choice to liberate yourself from the past and the future and the presents. The psychological time or the concept of the psychological time again gives you stress and it takes away your peace and reduces your efficiency, above all gives the idea of boredom. It is same, idea about boredom happens to you because of this concept of psychological time.


Understand, the concept of time, both the ways, physically and mentally disturbs you. If you can have a little bit of conscious choice and if you can open yourself to a new way of thinking. If you can analyze and understand to the new way of thinking, perceiving the time, means, understand, the more you grow old, you will be mastering the techniques of living with this body and in this world. You will be mastering the techniques of living in this body and living in this world. So naturally, you don’t have to think, visualize, believe, by getting old, you have to fall sick.


First break that concept, next try to live in the present moment, instead of being pulled and pushed by the past and future. These two can solve the problems of time in the physical and mental level. These two is more than enough to help you in the spiritual level and moreover, all our problems are only physical and mental, none of our problems is spiritual. So, once these two are solved, naturally you will have the spiritual growth or the spiritual well being, spiritual understanding. So, I pray to the ultimate energy to guide us all to understand the concept of time, kshana and go beyond the kshanika. Kshanika means slowly getting betrayed, slowly getting rusted out, slowly disappearing. Let it save us from the kshanika or getting slowly, the slow time process of getting slowly disappearing. Slowly disappearing from this existence and give us the real health and bliss, peace, the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda, Thank you.



===Time the Ultimate Thief Q & A || Part 3===


This talk was given at Oracle Corporation in Redwood Shores, California USA on 25 March 2005. In this Q & A session, HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam gives powerful #conscious #solutions to change ones perception of time to go beyond physical and mental limitations.

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Yes, you can. Yes. Q: “We all work under project lines, deadlines and time pressure. So, when you say not to have time consciousness, how are we going to manage?” All right. When you have time consciousness, are you able to manage? “We are having trouble.”


So same thing is going to happen see. Two thing, when you are having time consciousness two thing will happen. Either you will be able to manage or you will not be able to manage. Either you will be able to manage, one group who will be able to manage. Can’t you manage the same thing without having time consciousness?


When you can manage with time consciousness, means the stress. You can barely manage without stress. You can do much better way. Because, when you don’t have stress, all your energy is expressed in creativity, as a creativity. You can always have new ways, new methods. I tell you, the person who is stressed will not, cannot create new methods and ways. He will only be working like a, what to say, the train or a programmed way of working. You will not be even looking this side or that side. Just scan your life and look back. In your own house you will not be using many rooms. From the office you will straight go to the house, sit in the same sofa, sit in the same hall, sit in the same chair, eat, straight away go to bedroom, next day morning come down and straight away come to the garage and come here. If you scan your life, you will not have used many of the rooms for months together.


You will live just like a programmed way, just a programmed way. You can see your life. Even your vacations are very clearly programmed. If you are sitting in the house and thinking, it is homework. If you are sitting in the office thinking and worrying, you said office work. If you are sitting in the beach and worrying, it’s a vacation, that is all. Only the place is changed. Otherwise the worrying is the same, mental set up is the same. If you can manage with the stress, you can verely manage without stress, first thing.


Next group who are not able to manage their talent. When you can’t manage, so naturally are you going to manage with stress? Why are you having stress? Whether you manage or not, this is the only two things but the stress is no way going to help you.


We always have a idea, by stress I may shift from non manageable group to manageable group. Please be very clear, you can’t jump from this group to that group by stress. You can jump from this group to that group only by creativity and unleashing your potential energy. You understand? Are you able to understand what I say?


There are two group. One is who are able to manage with stress. Who are not able to manage with the stress. So you will be in someone group, if you are in the group that I am able to manage, then why should you have stress? Drop it! And naturally, when you drop you’ll be able to do more. If you are in the group that I am not able to manage, again why should you have stress? Any of you are not able to manage? Relax and this only one desire, maybe by stress through stress; I may jump from this group to that group. And I tell you very clearly, it can never happen. You can jump from that inefficient group to a efficient group only by creating or expressing your energy, not by stress. Whether the jumping or managing is going to happen only by clarity and creativity.


One more thing, we always think this stress management and all is only theory Swamiji. I tried a lot, I read lot of books, I tried a lot and I worked a lot. I don’t think it is working. Two days we remember all these concepts, they are so nice. The third day disappears, Third day our life is back, the same day the same routine, same lifestyle. See, you say again and again it is failing, because your understanding is not deep enough.


I’ve seen somebody came and told me, Swamiji in last one year alone, 11 times I stopped smoking. Means what? 11 times he started again. Means, the decision is not strong, the understanding is not deep enough. So actually, if you can understand with a little bit of analyzing, if you can penetrate your being and just it is after all your mind, decide consciously let it be very clear to yourself. Hereby, I am decided I am going to live the way in which I want. I am going to express my energy the way in which I want.


Simply be very clear. Just by stress, you can never jump from inefficient group to efficient group. By stress you may jump from this group to that group. You may jump from efficient group to inefficient group. That can happen.


And one more thing, again and again you are trained, you are taught to remember about the time, to remember about the pressure and just see your own life. The moment you think about the people who give you pressure, what happens to your energy? Drained! Just see in your experience, the moment you remember their faces. The moment you remember their words, the moment you remember the stress, do you feel energetic? No!


Then how can you think, how can you say you can be successful based on the stress? You can be successful only when you are, when you unleash your potential energy; and I tell you, if you can come down to present moment, reducing the worries, means reducing number of thoughts, reducing the, I can say frequency of your thinking, you can simply unleash the potential energy. You will see a different dimension of your being. Only thing, you need a little bit of courage to experiment what I say.


Try for next 11 days decide I will not bother about the past and the future. I will not let my mind, again and again, to think of the past. And I tell you one more thing, when you remember your past, you remember only about your failures. All you will remember, all the print which is there in you, is nothing but your failures. It’s like you measure the strength of your life, based on the weak link of the chain.


If you think your whole life is a long chain, you measure the strength of your life only based on the weak link, but you are not a weak link. You are not just a weak link. You generalize your capacity, your efficiency, your ability based on the weakest incident of the weak link of your life. You can’t generalize based on that! At least you should be little courteous, you should be little loving towards yourself. You can do it, do the average, but never do the averaging, you always measure yourself based on the weakest link.


See, anybody will have valley and peak. It should, if you have to measure yourself, you should go for average, not for the valley. But your mental setup is such, our mental setup is such, we always measure ourself, we always remember our past only the valley incidences. We only with the valley we measure ourselves, not with the average. You don’t even have to go to the peak. At least you can measure yourself with the average, come to the average, but we never do that.


The remembrance of the past itself only will make you, again and again, dull. And it will only drain your energy. So, neither the remembrance of the past, nor worrying of the future is going to transform you. Come down to present and insist on concentrating your energy.


That is why the Gita says beautifully: “You have authority to work, don't bother about results.” Krishna does not mean don't take your salary, have your salary. But he says continuously don’t visualise about it. If you are continuously visualizing about the fruit, about the result, you will not be even able to walk. If you are continuously bothering about the goal, you will be paralyzed. You will not even be able to walk in the path. Continuous bothering about the goal will not give you enough energy to walk in the path. Simply walk in the path, you will reach the goal. When you choose the right road and when you are, if you are driving, naturally you are going to reach the goal.


A nice story, one guy sat in a ferryboat, wanted to cross the river and once the boatman started rowing, the guy started walking up and down in the, inside the boat. The boatman said: “Why don’t you be seated, please be seated otherwise I can’t row the boat.” He said: “no! I have no time to sit, I have to go urgently, that’s why I am walking to and fro.”


All your walking, all your stress is walking inside the boat which can never help you, at the most can disturb you. At the most can hinder the growth. However walking, look into it very clearly, just be little more intelligent. Everything I can say, when I say everything I mean capital letter. You always think “no, no, not everything Swamiji.” You say what you say is truth. I can say what you say is truth 60%, but 40% it’s reality.


I tell you, all our perceptions, be very clear, all our perceptions as long as we work based on the datas from past and the worries about the future about ourself, it is totally wrong because your idea about yourself based on the past itself is wrong. You always measure yourself based on the weakest link; the valley. But you are not valley, you have peaks also and at least come to the average. You never measure yourself, you never respect yourself even based on the average. All your idea about past is only about your valleys. So when the data is wrong, when the processing is wrong how can the result be right? Naturally it has to be wrong.


Q: “So how do you unlearn the past?”


Swamiji: Just for 11 days make a conscious decision. A simple conscious decision can change your intelligence enough you don’t need a separate technique. See, only for the kids we may have to give techniques, you are intelligent enough. Just decide very clearly, for next 11 days I’ll try to live in the present moment, and surely in 11 days you will not lose your life.


Our mind will say “no, no, no in 11 days I will do this project, that project. I think after this project I will take up this technique. After that I will do this.” Just decide, for next 11 days, again and again, whenever I remember, I'll drop bothering about the past, drop bothering about the future; I'll drop the faces which creates stress in me. I'll drop the words which create stress in me. I am accepting myself completely as I am. I am going to work, whatever comes out let me face. Just for 11 days I can be sure the only side effect will be your efficiency and you will achieve a goal and the bliss, nothing else. And when I say these words, I take the responsibility of these words because I worked with thousands of people. I worked, not even thousands, I can say lakhs because in last 2 years I have met two and half lakh people individually, two and half lakh individually and we have 2000 trained healers who are doing meditation. Through 400 centers in 20 counties and everyday our healers are touching 10,000 people. With the experience of all these people, this is indirectly. Directly I have touched at least two and half lakh people, from all walks of life, all kinds of people. Educated, students, corporates all circle. I say from My experience, simply the conscious decision to live in the present moment can transform your understanding and life.



On March 25th 2005, Swamiji visited the Oracle Corporation in San Jose and delivered a talk titled 'Time the Ultimate Thief' to staff and management later answering their questions regarding issues they face in life. Later in the evening Swamiji deliveted a talk titled 'Collective Consciousness' at the Holiday Inn Express, San Jose. Soon after the talk he met and blessed each and every person who attended the talk.

Talk In Oracleinc

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Discourse Holidayinn

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Below some pictures of puja and arati to Lord Dakshinamurthy under the Sacred Banyan tree at Bengaluru Aadheenam, Bidadi.

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Photos Of The Day:


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