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Remembering the Auspicious Enlightened Entity ,Brahma Sutras 20
Remembering the Auspicious Enlightened Entity ,Brahma Sutras 20
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sadāshiva samārambhām
śaṅkarācārya madhyamām |
asmatāchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
From tomorrow, our Nityotsava, eternal eN-Effect starts. Understand, as the custom in Dhyanapeetam, we never end any celebration, or any Brahmotsavam, any festival. We only raise the Nityotsava flag, means the eternal festival starts. So today we complete the first twenty one day of eN-Effect. And, first time we started; I can honestly say we are really successful. Almost everybody who sat all twenty one days, started levitating, experiencing the Kundalini awakening. Even in the remote way, I think, I am the first Incarnation who used video conferencing to awaken Kundalini Shakti.
I welcome all of you who are sitting with us at this moment in four hundred and seventy six places, in hundred and twenty, hundred and sixty two cities in twenty seven countries. Apart from that, I have so many centers sitting with Me on two-way video conferencing - Singapore, Ohio, Malaysia, San Jose, Los Angeles, Seattle, Phoenix, Slim River, Anna Nagar. I really thought in hundred and eight places, we will create the eN-Effect. But, everyday average at least in thousand five hundred places we created the eN-Effect, on few thousand people every day.
In one week, we will study the deaths based on natural calamities and manmade calamities - crimes in last twenty one days this year and earlier; give you the comparison from authentic sources. I can assure again once more, it will be at least forty percent less. Because it is such a strong vibration on the Cosmos. I’ll continue radiating intense eN-Effect everyday morning satsang. I’ll do today’s Sutras.
From tomorrow morning I’ll talk on Yoga Sutras. We will finish Yoga Sutras in few days. After that I’ll start, I’ll continue on Brahma Sutras. In the morning itself, I’ll continue on Brahma Sutras. And I’ll see my timing, and soon announce one more set of evening satsangs. Because now, almost sitting morning and evening with Me has become life for thousands of people around the world. 😃 I think they will feel missing something if they have to sit only once. No, really I tell you it is such a joy to see morning and evening - both the time and sitting with your Master; I am jealous of you guys! Tsk! I know, I know the joy of sitting with the Masters especially when you have vitarka. Oh God! Tsk! It’s a heaven. It is just heaven.           
I have seen morning four thirty I’ll rush to temple to sit with Arunagiri Yogishwara. And anyhow eleven o’clock night, they will close that temple doors; I have to come. Then I’ll straight walk to the burial ground to sit with Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Then from there around two thirty night, I’ll come back to the house, lie down maybe for one hour. Then get up, get ready, take bath, run to the temple. This an addiction. I can say, we can create a new word “eN-Diction.” Tsk! Instead of addiction. Enlightening addiction! It is just an extraordinary experience. When you have the vitarka, sitting with the Master is just unimaginable. Especially devotees outside, you can dump all the work - your spouse cannot ask you, your wife cannot ask you, your husband cannot ask you anything! You know one word, “No, Swamiji’s satsang is there, I can’t miss it.” Everything else can be missed! 😃 It’s a very nice excuse also, hmm.
1st chapter, 1st section, 20th sutra.
अन्तस्तद्धर्मोपदेशात् ॥ १.१.२० ॥
antastaddharmopadeśāt || 1.1.20 ||
अन्तस्तद्धर्मोपदेशात् ॥ १.१.२० ॥
antastaddharmopadeśāt || 1.1.20 ||
Swami Gambhirananda translates as: “the Being inside is God, its qualities having been taught.”
Swami Vireswarananda translates as: “the One within the sun and the eye is Brahman, because its characteristics are mentioned therein.”
Swami Sivananda translates as: “the Being within the sun and the eye is Brahman, because its attributes are taught therein.”
I’ll reveal the sacred secrets embedded in this sut… Stotra, in this Sutra. I can say it is Stotra, because first time God is being introduced in Brahma Sutras. I want you to understand the yesterday Sutra, because it is the continuity of the yesterday Sutra. I revealed an important sacred secret on yesterday sutra. The moment you remember some of the strong characteristics of the waking identity, you wake up from sleeping identity. Sleeping identity is called Sūkṣma Śarīra. Deep sleep identity is called Kāraṇa Śarīra. Waking identity is called Sthūla Śarīra. Enlightened identity can be called as Jñāna Śarīra. We can give our own name - Jñāna Śarīra. So understand, whenever you strongly remember some of the qualities of the Sthūla Śarīra, your Sūkṣma Śarīra - the dreaming identity gets sucked into this identity. Whenever you remember some of the strong qualities of the Jñāna Śarīra, this identity - waking state identity gets sucked into it.                     
Jnana Sarira’s qualities is what I was explaining yesterday as anantha kalyana guna - thousands of auspicious qualities. When you remember any one of that anantha kalyana guna strongly, this identity gets sucked into it; and that identity starts expressing through this body. That is what we called dharma. When some one of the ananta kalyana guna is strongly remembered by the waking identity, it just gets sucked into the enlightened identity, enlightened experience; you can’t even use the word “identity,” it is wrong word. Enlightenment experience. And, that qualities, that characteristics which is beyond characteristics, which is beyond qualities - śuddha svayamprakāśa, jyotir ānandamaya, nirvikalpa, nirañjana, nirāmaya, nirālamba, nirlipta, sahaja, sākṣī svarūpa, śānta, saumya, sattvatita. These are some of the ananta kalyana gunas. That starts oozing out, pouring itself, through the identity which got sucked into that experience. When that experience oozes through the identity which was sucked into that experience, whatever way it oozes out is called dharma.     
The sacred secret in this Sutra is - remember strongly the ananta kalyana gunas with which you click, with which you are able to connect. That’s a first sacred secret. Second, when your known identity as Sthula Śarīra, if it gets sucked into that anantha kalyana guna, don’t be afraid. That is the biggest problem a seeker faces. Almost all seekers get frightened at one point when they are being called in. You stand near the door and knock, knock, knock, knock and bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! When God just opens the lock and asks: “Please come in.” “Ooh… ! This is not I expected!” Almost every seeker who gets initiated into the ananta kalyana guna experiences this. Don’t miss it. Don’t be foolish. That is the big problem. Your agitation makes you so foolish! Whenever the extraordinary energy sucks your identity, just merge with it, flow with it.
This Naga Baba with whom I used to spend little time in Uttarkashi, he used to do this. Before awakening anybody’s Kundalini, he has some unique techniques. He will have his trishul and tell the disciples to stare at all three points of the trishul at a time without moving the eye, eyelid. See like, trishul will be like this, he will say, “Without even a slight movement of the eyeball, you should look all three point.” Impossible, try! Because there will be a light eyeball movement. He is so sharp! He will stare at you and you will get frightened! Because even if he hits you, there is nobody to ask. He is such a strong presence. But if you master that, immediately the Kundalini will be awakened. Many time when you are about to wake up, you are afraid of losing dream identity, you go back to it. You go back to it! Because dreaming is very cosy; especially after the suprabatham before going to the akhada!!
All devotees should know everyday morning in the ashram, we play suprabatham around four thirty. And by five, they have to be in the akhada. Akhada means the place where body is built based on the Sāmudrika Lakṣaṇa and using the science of awakening Kundalini Shakti.         
The second sacred secret is don’t hold on when the identity melts in the Master’s presence. Especially when the Kundalini is awakened, when you are levitating, you will see beautifully that identity melting down. Give way to it. In My case, fortunately I had Kuppammal, she managed. Even I had a terrific fear. I wanted all of you to know, at the age of twelve when I had that first err… experience, that tremendous trust on the unknown experience. You see that three sixty degree experience, tremendous trust on that experience happened, but tremendous distrust on anything you see. See when you walk on the road, you need to believe it is a road. If you lose trust it is a solid road, how will you walk? I don’t know how you will understand. I even lost that trust it is road. I lost complete trust - something called mother, father, friend, relationship, human being, stone, tree, because you have all some idea about all of them. It all completely merges. And people are all sitting on the walls, and walls are sitting on the places of the people. And completely everything is broken. People are also broken and on the walls. And walls are also broken and on the place of the people. What will happen? The trust on everything suddenly disappears, err... because all the trust is concentrated on one thing. Trust on colour…
I still remember, I was walking on the center of the road straight simply, did not even bother about vehicles, but a in those days there was no much vehicles. In those days only four bus will come inside Tiruvannamalai. If morning bus comes, I have to go to school. And there will be another one, another one bus in the evening, it means school is over. And the night one bus will come, it means I have to sleep. There is a timing. The city, it was a small town, only four bus will cross the whole town per day. And, usually two wheeler fellows will always be very careful and moreover two wheelers will not run that fast in those days. I lost that trust that two wheeler can hit Me and I can be killed. It’s very dangerous; suddenly you feel you can never be killed. What will happen? Kuppammal was there around Me, she took care. And I did not disrespect that experience or get frightened by that experience. I somehow retained respect and desire to go back to that experience. I think every seeker should retain desire to go back to that experience. Fortunately I saw in our ashramites, that desire, that joy to go back to that experience is very strong. Your identity getting dismantled is very important.                   
The second secret is, sacred secret is - allow when your identity is being sucked by the strong remembrance of anantha kalyana gunas. For example, if you want to understand Cosmos, the moment I use the word “intelligence,” you will click with that quality. If you want to surrender to the Cosmos, the moment I use the word “devotion,” it’ll click with you. So some one of the kalyana guna, clicks with your inner space. All you need is when the kalyana guna sucks your identity - relax, allow. This is the second sacred secret - do not be afraid. Do not distance yourself. Do not have hatred or fear for that experience. Have love, respect, desire to merge into that experience again and again. This a second sacred secret. Third, whatever that anantha kalyana guna, highest auspicious quality oozes through the personality which was already sucked into those qualities is dharma. Whatever qualities and actions expresses through an enlightened being’s personality is dharma.
So Brahma Sutra very strongly attests, confirms these three sacred secret through this Sutra. Drop the fear of losing your identity. Connect with any of the anantha kalyana gunas - the auspicious quality which clicks with you, which you feel connected. The expression of Cosmos: you can connect with any expression, any one which clicks with you. It can be Shiva, Rama, Krishna. Each one of them represent one guna - one quality, auspicious quality. Or your Guru, any one expression. Catch it. Understand, that is dharma. Anything expresses through the enlightened identity is dharma.
Just sit by strongly connecting with any one expression of the anantha kalyana guna. Let Badarayana, Vyasa happen in all of us. Let Patanjali, Badarayana, Sadashiva, all the great Masters happen on all of us. Let all the auspicious things happen. Let all the negativities disappear. Let the Kundalini Shakti inside you be intensely awakened. Let the intense eN-Effect happen on the whole globe, on all of you. 
I bless you all. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkElZr13Cig&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-22_fear-can-stop-enlightenment-short-nithyananda-videos"/>
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==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G9ZkFvktvE&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-03mar-22_what-is-dharma-short-nithyananda-videos"/>
|alignment=center }}
  [[Category:2011 | 20110322]]
  [[Category:2011 | 20110322]]

Latest revision as of 01:02, 28 June 2022


Remembering the Auspicious Enlightened Entity ,Brahma Sutras 20


In this discourse on the Brahma Sutras 20, Swamiji talks about losing your identity. He talks about how most have fear when their identity dissolves, but says when this happens, to not get scared, and to merge into any one aspect of the auspicious enlightened entity that expresses, and is easy for you to hold on to. Swamiji says that when we do this we express dharma.

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Video Audio



sadāshiva samārambhām śaṅkarācārya madhyamām | asmatāchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


From tomorrow, our Nityotsava, eternal eN-Effect starts. Understand, as the custom in Dhyanapeetam, we never end any celebration, or any Brahmotsavam, any festival. We only raise the Nityotsava flag, means the eternal festival starts. So today we complete the first twenty one day of eN-Effect. And, first time we started; I can honestly say we are really successful. Almost everybody who sat all twenty one days, started levitating, experiencing the Kundalini awakening. Even in the remote way, I think, I am the first Incarnation who used video conferencing to awaken Kundalini Shakti.


I welcome all of you who are sitting with us at this moment in four hundred and seventy six places, in hundred and twenty, hundred and sixty two cities in twenty seven countries. Apart from that, I have so many centers sitting with Me on two-way video conferencing - Singapore, Ohio, Malaysia, San Jose, Los Angeles, Seattle, Phoenix, Slim River, Anna Nagar. I really thought in hundred and eight places, we will create the eN-Effect. But, everyday average at least in thousand five hundred places we created the eN-Effect, on few thousand people every day.


In one week, we will study the deaths based on natural calamities and manmade calamities - crimes in last twenty one days this year and earlier; give you the comparison from authentic sources. I can assure again once more, it will be at least forty percent less. Because it is such a strong vibration on the Cosmos. I’ll continue radiating intense eN-Effect everyday morning satsang. I’ll do today’s Sutras.

From tomorrow morning I’ll talk on Yoga Sutras. We will finish Yoga Sutras in few days. After that I’ll start, I’ll continue on Brahma Sutras. In the morning itself, I’ll continue on Brahma Sutras. And I’ll see my timing, and soon announce one more set of evening satsangs. Because now, almost sitting morning and evening with Me has become life for thousands of people around the world. 😃 I think they will feel missing something if they have to sit only once. No, really I tell you it is such a joy to see morning and evening - both the time and sitting with your Master; I am jealous of you guys! Tsk! I know, I know the joy of sitting with the Masters especially when you have vitarka. Oh God! Tsk! It’s a heaven. It is just heaven.


I have seen morning four thirty I’ll rush to temple to sit with Arunagiri Yogishwara. And anyhow eleven o’clock night, they will close that temple doors; I have to come. Then I’ll straight walk to the burial ground to sit with Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Then from there around two thirty night, I’ll come back to the house, lie down maybe for one hour. Then get up, get ready, take bath, run to the temple. This an addiction. I can say, we can create a new word “eN-Diction.” Tsk! Instead of addiction. Enlightening addiction! It is just an extraordinary experience. When you have the vitarka, sitting with the Master is just unimaginable. Especially devotees outside, you can dump all the work - your spouse cannot ask you, your wife cannot ask you, your husband cannot ask you anything! You know one word, “No, Swamiji’s satsang is there, I can’t miss it.” Everything else can be missed! 😃 It’s a very nice excuse also, hmm.


1st chapter, 1st section, 20th sutra.

अन्तस्तद्धर्मोपदेशात् ॥ १.१.२० ॥

antastaddharmopadeśāt || 1.1.20 ||


अन्तस्तद्धर्मोपदेशात् ॥ १.१.२० ॥

antastaddharmopadeśāt || 1.1.20 ||

Swami Gambhirananda translates as: “the Being inside is God, its qualities having been taught.” Swami Vireswarananda translates as: “the One within the sun and the eye is Brahman, because its characteristics are mentioned therein.” Swami Sivananda translates as: “the Being within the sun and the eye is Brahman, because its attributes are taught therein.”


I’ll reveal the sacred secrets embedded in this sut… Stotra, in this Sutra. I can say it is Stotra, because first time God is being introduced in Brahma Sutras. I want you to understand the yesterday Sutra, because it is the continuity of the yesterday Sutra. I revealed an important sacred secret on yesterday sutra. The moment you remember some of the strong characteristics of the waking identity, you wake up from sleeping identity. Sleeping identity is called Sūkṣma Śarīra. Deep sleep identity is called Kāraṇa Śarīra. Waking identity is called Sthūla Śarīra. Enlightened identity can be called as Jñāna Śarīra. We can give our own name - Jñāna Śarīra. So understand, whenever you strongly remember some of the qualities of the Sthūla Śarīra, your Sūkṣma Śarīra - the dreaming identity gets sucked into this identity. Whenever you remember some of the strong qualities of the Jñāna Śarīra, this identity - waking state identity gets sucked into it.


Jnana Sarira’s qualities is what I was explaining yesterday as anantha kalyana guna - thousands of auspicious qualities. When you remember any one of that anantha kalyana guna strongly, this identity gets sucked into it; and that identity starts expressing through this body. That is what we called dharma. When some one of the ananta kalyana guna is strongly remembered by the waking identity, it just gets sucked into the enlightened identity, enlightened experience; you can’t even use the word “identity,” it is wrong word. Enlightenment experience. And, that qualities, that characteristics which is beyond characteristics, which is beyond qualities - śuddha svayamprakāśa, jyotir ānandamaya, nirvikalpa, nirañjana, nirāmaya, nirālamba, nirlipta, sahaja, sākṣī svarūpa, śānta, saumya, sattvatita. These are some of the ananta kalyana gunas. That starts oozing out, pouring itself, through the identity which got sucked into that experience. When that experience oozes through the identity which was sucked into that experience, whatever way it oozes out is called dharma.


The sacred secret in this Sutra is - remember strongly the ananta kalyana gunas with which you click, with which you are able to connect. That’s a first sacred secret. Second, when your known identity as Sthula Śarīra, if it gets sucked into that anantha kalyana guna, don’t be afraid. That is the biggest problem a seeker faces. Almost all seekers get frightened at one point when they are being called in. You stand near the door and knock, knock, knock, knock and bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! When God just opens the lock and asks: “Please come in.” “Ooh… ! This is not I expected!” Almost every seeker who gets initiated into the ananta kalyana guna experiences this. Don’t miss it. Don’t be foolish. That is the big problem. Your agitation makes you so foolish! Whenever the extraordinary energy sucks your identity, just merge with it, flow with it.


This Naga Baba with whom I used to spend little time in Uttarkashi, he used to do this. Before awakening anybody’s Kundalini, he has some unique techniques. He will have his trishul and tell the disciples to stare at all three points of the trishul at a time without moving the eye, eyelid. See like, trishul will be like this, he will say, “Without even a slight movement of the eyeball, you should look all three point.” Impossible, try! Because there will be a light eyeball movement. He is so sharp! He will stare at you and you will get frightened! Because even if he hits you, there is nobody to ask. He is such a strong presence. But if you master that, immediately the Kundalini will be awakened. Many time when you are about to wake up, you are afraid of losing dream identity, you go back to it. You go back to it! Because dreaming is very cosy; especially after the suprabatham before going to the akhada!!

All devotees should know everyday morning in the ashram, we play suprabatham around four thirty. And by five, they have to be in the akhada. Akhada means the place where body is built based on the Sāmudrika Lakṣaṇa and using the science of awakening Kundalini Shakti.


The second sacred secret is don’t hold on when the identity melts in the Master’s presence. Especially when the Kundalini is awakened, when you are levitating, you will see beautifully that identity melting down. Give way to it. In My case, fortunately I had Kuppammal, she managed. Even I had a terrific fear. I wanted all of you to know, at the age of twelve when I had that first err… experience, that tremendous trust on the unknown experience. You see that three sixty degree experience, tremendous trust on that experience happened, but tremendous distrust on anything you see. See when you walk on the road, you need to believe it is a road. If you lose trust it is a solid road, how will you walk? I don’t know how you will understand. I even lost that trust it is road. I lost complete trust - something called mother, father, friend, relationship, human being, stone, tree, because you have all some idea about all of them. It all completely merges. And people are all sitting on the walls, and walls are sitting on the places of the people. And completely everything is broken. People are also broken and on the walls. And walls are also broken and on the place of the people. What will happen? The trust on everything suddenly disappears, err... because all the trust is concentrated on one thing. Trust on colour…


I still remember, I was walking on the center of the road straight simply, did not even bother about vehicles, but a in those days there was no much vehicles. In those days only four bus will come inside Tiruvannamalai. If morning bus comes, I have to go to school. And there will be another one, another one bus in the evening, it means school is over. And the night one bus will come, it means I have to sleep. There is a timing. The city, it was a small town, only four bus will cross the whole town per day. And, usually two wheeler fellows will always be very careful and moreover two wheelers will not run that fast in those days. I lost that trust that two wheeler can hit Me and I can be killed. It’s very dangerous; suddenly you feel you can never be killed. What will happen? Kuppammal was there around Me, she took care. And I did not disrespect that experience or get frightened by that experience. I somehow retained respect and desire to go back to that experience. I think every seeker should retain desire to go back to that experience. Fortunately I saw in our ashramites, that desire, that joy to go back to that experience is very strong. Your identity getting dismantled is very important.


The second secret is, sacred secret is - allow when your identity is being sucked by the strong remembrance of anantha kalyana gunas. For example, if you want to understand Cosmos, the moment I use the word “intelligence,” you will click with that quality. If you want to surrender to the Cosmos, the moment I use the word “devotion,” it’ll click with you. So some one of the kalyana guna, clicks with your inner space. All you need is when the kalyana guna sucks your identity - relax, allow. This is the second sacred secret - do not be afraid. Do not distance yourself. Do not have hatred or fear for that experience. Have love, respect, desire to merge into that experience again and again. This a second sacred secret. Third, whatever that anantha kalyana guna, highest auspicious quality oozes through the personality which was already sucked into those qualities is dharma. Whatever qualities and actions expresses through an enlightened being’s personality is dharma.


So Brahma Sutra very strongly attests, confirms these three sacred secret through this Sutra. Drop the fear of losing your identity. Connect with any of the anantha kalyana gunas - the auspicious quality which clicks with you, which you feel connected. The expression of Cosmos: you can connect with any expression, any one which clicks with you. It can be Shiva, Rama, Krishna. Each one of them represent one guna - one quality, auspicious quality. Or your Guru, any one expression. Catch it. Understand, that is dharma. Anything expresses through the enlightened identity is dharma.

Just sit by strongly connecting with any one expression of the anantha kalyana guna. Let Badarayana, Vyasa happen in all of us. Let Patanjali, Badarayana, Sadashiva, all the great Masters happen on all of us. Let all the auspicious things happen. Let all the negativities disappear. Let the Kundalini Shakti inside you be intensely awakened. Let the intense eN-Effect happen on the whole globe, on all of you.

I bless you all. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.




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Video Audio



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