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==Link to Video: ==  
=== Science of eNKrya===
Today Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam expands on the ancient science of kriya
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===Link to Video: ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4oOMOYNOLI&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-06jun-05_science-of-enkriya"/>
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[[Category:2011 | 20110605]]
I welcome you all with my love and
let me enter into the satsangh I will
continue on the science of entry our
last session last Sunday I was
explaining the first four steps first
three steps I expanded and explained the
fourth step you may need a little more
understanding and the last three steps I
am NOT touched now I will expand from
the fourth step all the steps fourth
fifth sixth seventh all these steps will
in the fourth step of en Kriya you enter
into the main activity the main process
C Kriya means action of awakening
enlightenment in you action which leads
you to beyond action Istria action which
is leading you beyond actions not
laziness not laziness action which leads
you beyond actions is in Kriya usually
in our all human beings
because you are trained so strongly
towards the outer world you constantly
look towards the outer world you are
constantly diverted towards the outer
world it is unfortunate all your energy
gets drained please understand by nature
you are not outwardly the energy in you
by nature is circular but society makes
it as a linear means going out that's
all never comes back
some of the scriptures say all five
senses are extrovert with all my
humbleness I differ I wanted all of you
to know I am Telling You from my very
personal experience your senses are not
outwardly it is not created only to
function towards outer well no society
teaches you only that dimension it never
teaches you the dimension of looking in
turning in eighty percent of your energy
goes out just through the eyes I can
tell you if you just close your eyes
whenever you don't need to see that is
enough your kundalini energy will be
awakened for example if you are going in
a vehicle somewhere your driver is
driving you don't need to keep your eyes
open of course if you are driving you
need to keep open that is different your
driver is driving we should keep your
eyes open continuously and watching the
same scenes
no need close your eyes
whenever not required shut your eyes
whenever not required shut your mouth
Yoga separate among doir Ambani Road aha
the first step for yoga is cessation of
words in few sevens
unfortunately we never understand
constantly our bio-memory muscle memory
getting exhausted by mezuzah
and abusing an extra usual our senses
understand misuse abuse and extra evil
of senses when you don't need keep your
eyes closed keep your mouth shut
that itself will save your energy
actually I wanted to give this oneness
one message to all our disciples the
fourth part of the N kriya is based on
the philosophy don't waste your energy I
want all of you to know please
understand use all your energy either to
create inner wealth or outer well don't
waste I am NOT against outer world I am
against you wasting your energy most of
us just based waste waste what are you
doing nothing in the inner world nothing
in the outer world Jimmu just going
around disrespecting life wasting life
don't it let all your actions be either
creating optimal health
our inner veil belt let it be conscious
the energy will simply increase your
all your actions and reactions be
concentrated effort either to create
outer world wealth our inner world
wealth let there not be any waste of
energy let there not be abusal of life I
have seen hundreds of sadhus or I can
say in the name of sadhus lazy fellows
roaming around all over the Himalayas
see if you do spiritual practice then
you are a sadhu you are not a lazy
fellow but under survey see fellows they
don't want to do anything in the outer
world they don't want to do anything in
the inner world just roam around in the
name of sadhus useless
I wanted all our disciples to know
whether you are a devotee disciples
samajis satsanghis shrimahants
intelligence life should be constantly
working functioning yeah either to
accumulate the inner world wealth or out
of their wealth
when I say inner world wealth I mean all
the auspicious things from the inner
world the Kalyana gunas compassion love
bliss joy health physical health mental
health beautiful relationships and outer
world wealth means created wealth not
grabbed not grabbed swindled
Odie's media mafia No
Knott central created wealth so
constantly create and experience
interval fulfillment I tell you if you
are engaged in these two with awareness
you are a karma yogi you are a karma
yogi you are living perfect
enlightenment in this fourth part of an
Kriya I am making your senses into
circular not linear circular please
understand energy should not be
constantly going out it should be
redirected diverted inward that is the
reason and asking you to get into the
Sun body not drop some books say name of
this mudra in some other way
don't bother whatever is the name no the
technique that's all there are three
four names used for this mudra in
different different books comes in your
yes index finger and ring finger on the
eyes sorry index finger and middle
finger on the eyes ring finger on the
nostrils and little finger on the lips
your palms and cheeks press with intense
intention sangil pas to divert all the
energy going out through these five
senses inward and hit your root center
where the Kundalini is sleeping where
your potential energy is sleeping so
that the kundalini energy is awakened
the cycle of energy starts happening in
you please understand once you connect
this cycle after that whether your
senses are open or closed the energy
leakage will not be there there will not
be energy leakage
it will just be cycling inside diverting
the energy inside understand when the
energy is dilated and reconnected there
will not be not only any leakage it will
go on getting built intensely like a
so when it circles again and again and
again the intensity gets built intensity
gets built very clearly when you
reconnect and stop allowing the
leakage that is the reason I am asking
you to divert the whole energy inside
when you really feel you can't hold your
breath anymore because you lock alpha
you can't hold a breath anymore then
stop allow the breathing to balance
itself open your nostrils maybe for 10
seconds you don't breathe or breathe out
allow the body to breathe by itself and
exhale by itself and balance itself only
one important thing you need to know if
you already have high blood pressure or
if you already have any serious sickness
related to lungs or any other serious
illness don't do this Kriya because it's
a strong way of forcibly diverting the
energy inside but your way of sudden
enlightenment this process leads to
sudden enlightenment awakening of the
non mechanical parts of the brain
the main part this.n Kriya that locking
and diverting all the energy inward
should be done at least 21 times and the
fifth part intense humming that is to
digest all the awakened energy in your
muscles the first part intense running
it is a technique to digest all the
energy it's like a ham when the
Kundalini is intensely oricon it should
get converted into understanding
intelligence by your bio-memory it
should become part of your muscle-memory
and bio-memory and even it will stay
inside you
so this humming is just to make that
energy to stay inside you get digested
by the muscle-memory and bio-memory the
sixth part is facing the bidadi
kalpavriksha Givens of facing the
Culpeper a banyan tree understand this
opinion tree is used as a energy
satellite to send intense energy and
spiritual experiences and everything to
all of you and to receive all your
preyas and fulfill by the super
conscious energy better the banyan tree
the Kalpataru banyan tree is used as the
energy satellite by the super conscious
energy by divine by God to reach out to
all of you please understand even the
materials which you are receiving we
brew the kumkum sandalwood paste honey
Rudra Asha now I am going to start
sending never across nine jumps the next
is that only know the Rudraksha is very
successfully happening so the nine gems
gems will start in few days I already
started getting the gems they are ready
I am just teleporting some at least few
hundred rudrakshas once that becomes
then next starts
Jem's I am just collecting why not with
Russia switch got teleported and doing
the scientific test that both are same
quality and all that verification once
that is done the next is never Aetna's I
want all of you to know all these
objects from the matter it becomes
energy it reaches to beauty banyan tree
tell father banyan tree there are the
objects maybe see even when the octopus
are teleported from mother ie it first
came to this been in tree then to Maya
number M de from there it travels to
their disciple deity which is who is
receiving if the deity is receiving it
reaches to the deity or if the disciple
is listening it reaches the ananda
gandha of the disciple then it gets
materialized in the hand we already
ordered for a scanner and some of the
equipment's necessary to trace this
moments in few months really clearly
scientifically proved how when some
objects gets teleported actually if you
scan my body at that moment when I am
saying it is moving you can see that
object entering into my body and getting
disappeared to scan the clear energy
wave that matter entering and getting
dismantled and moving and getting in
entering into the disciple who is
receiving in his Ananda and the hero is
sir our ananda gandha and getting
assembled in the hand we can very
clearly show you
so built a banyan tree acts like a
energy center relay and receiving center
cosmas uses the divine energy uses the
mythical production any entry to relate
with all of us to relate with the world
that is why I am asking you to face
towards the Bedini entry just yesterday
we got the sample we are making a unique
campus wherever you are whenever
wherever you travel if you just open
that campus it will show you exactly the
direction of beauty banyan tree then you
can do a Shakti Donna do you are in
Korea facing it
all the once you receive your request
first reaches the banyan tree Kalpataru
banyan tree and it gets answered it is a
kalpavriksha Kalpataru the banyan trees
that's a reason I am asking you to face
towards the Benny Biddy banyan tree
kalpavruksha all right if it is true
that breda banyan tree is a kalpavruksha
and it is used by divine as the energy
center it is a powerful energy center I
can say the bidadi kalpavruksha banyan
tree is a substitute for a living master
whatever can happen to you in the
presence of a living master can happen
in the presence of the medical public
Shabani entry
that's the reason I am asking you to
face towards the Betty banyan tree and
raise your hand towards the sky and
receive intensely the Masters presence
energy into you when you feel full
surrender to the ground and empty
yourself completely people ask me why
should we surrender and empty all the
energy to the earth please understand
whenever energy happens in you don't get
attached to it
renounce it it will happen more and more
when the Shakti is renounced it becomes
please understand when the Shakti is
renounce it becomes would be don't
become greedy of energy No don't be
greedy of energy then Shakti is renounce
to surrender I tell you where you
receive the energy first and when it
reaches your system it will not be
hundred percent pure your systems bio
memories will get connected with the
energy and when you surrender it to the
earth along with energy all the
impurities also will be cleansed when
you renounce again and again your whole
being will become true then the energy
and intelligence radiates together you
have a pure energy
till then beyond announcing energy go on
surrendering I tell you at one point
you may not even need to surrender it
will just fill you it
that's for you
that is I am saying renounce I wanted to
all of you we are receiving
extraordinary energy and extraordinary
experiences and extraordinary powers and
miracles from me become egoistic by it
all of you you are receiving me Buddha
come come all other objects in your hand
don't become egoistic very clear again
and again surrender to the master suite
it's your Leela leave all the glory to
the Divine to the cosmos see my example
I do not get elected by all these
materializing okay so when you receive
don't become egoistic say this is grace
let it be his glory when you surrender
again and again and again the more and
more energy explosion starts happening
in you nor and more you receive you will
not have impure emotions you will become
a pure ecstasy enjoy renounce energy
when it happens to you
be unclutched
there are some people who come and tell
me Swamiji once you boo he came in my
come come came in my hand after that it
is not coming means you became touched
you become arrogant you become egoistic
don't tell her that if it has happened
once surrender it
let me not become egoistic by it let me
not become arrogant by it let the divine
do whatever it wants through my body let
me be pure channel you will simply
receive every day it is surrender which
is a catalyst which makes Shakti into
good the energy into intelligence
intelligence sister ultimate not just
energy that is why the sixth step
and scientists at sit silently receiving
the Masters energy presence sending a
strong peaceful blissful joyful feelings
and vibrations to the whole cosmos
seventh step is the time master can exit
you and the intense experiences
Kundalini awakening energy teleportation
materialization all miracles happen in
your system I am seeing very clearly the
energy expansion soon very soon just
next few months whoever does n3r and
sits in the seventh step silently
connecting with the master with me not
only their Kundalini will be awakened
they will receive some prasada
teleported prasada in their hand it is
going to be such an intense energy
explosion Shepard Raksha they'll receive
in their hand it will directly show you
the power of connecting with the master
ji first and when it reaches your system
it will not be hundred percent pure your
systems bio-memories will get connected
with the energy and when you surrender
it to the earth along with energy all
the impurities also will be cleansed
when you renounce again and again your
whole being will become true when the
energy and intelligence radiates
together you have a pure energy
till then beyond announcing energy go on
surrendering I tell you at one point
you may not even need to surrender it
will just fill you
it is just for you
that is I am saying renounce I wanted to
all of you we are receiving
extraordinary energy and extraordinary
experiences and extraordinary powers and
miracles from me become against by it
all of you you are receiving the Buddha
come come all other objects in your hand
understand don't become egoistic very
clear again and again surrender to the
master suite
it's your Leela give all the glory to
the Divine to the cosmos see my example
I do not get alerted by all these
materializing okay so when you receive
don't become theistic say it is his
grace let it be his glory
when you surrender again and again and
again the more and more energy explosion
starts happening in you nor and more you
you will not impure emotions you will
become a pure ecstasy enjoy renounce
energy when it happens to you be
there are some people who come and tell
me Swamiji wants to go he came in my
come come came in my hand after that it
is not coming means you become clutched
you become arrogant you become egoistic
don't tell her that if it has happened
once surrender it
let me not become egoistic by it let me
not become arrogant by it let the divine
do whatever it wants through my body let
me be pure channel you will simply
receive every day it is surrender which
is a catalyst which makes Shakti into
booty energy into intelligence
intelligence is the ultimate not just
energy that is so the sixth step
and surrender step sit silently
receiving the Masters energy presents
sending a strong peaceful blissful
joyful feelings and vibrations to the
whole cosmos seventh step is the time
Master can exceed you and the intense
experiences Kundalini awakening energy
teleportation materialization all
miracles happen in your system I am
seeing very clearly the energy expansion
soon very soon just in next few months
whoever does in clearance it's the
seventh step silently connecting with
the master with me not only their
Kundalini will be awakened they will
receive some prasada teleported prasada
in their hand it is going to be such an
intense energy explosion Liberty our
kunkuma rakshata Rudraksha they'll
receive it in their hand it will
directly show you the power of
connecting with the master
but UNAM addressing you you know as fast
me to readable is a life in arms try I
believe the things I do
and a little time with you nothing I
know you will take care you're always
showing us compassion
===Banyan Tree===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7tZbd8naq8&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-06jun-05_banyan-tree"/>
[[Category:2011 | 20110605]] [[Category: eN Krya]] [[Category: Banyan Tree]]

Latest revision as of 15:57, 11 January 2021


Science of eNKrya


Today Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam expands on the ancient science of kriya

Link to Video:

Video Audio


I welcome you all with my love and respects let me enter into the satsangh I will continue on the science of entry our last session last Sunday I was explaining the first four steps first three steps I expanded and explained the fourth step you may need a little more understanding and the last three steps I am NOT touched now I will expand from the fourth step all the steps fourth fifth sixth seventh all these steps will expand in the fourth step of en Kriya you enter into the main activity the main process C Kriya means action of awakening enlightenment in you action which leads you to beyond action Istria action which is leading you beyond actions not laziness not laziness action which leads you beyond actions is in Kriya usually in our all human beings because you are trained so strongly towards the outer world you constantly look towards the outer world you are constantly diverted towards the outer world it is unfortunate all your energy gets drained please understand by nature you are not outwardly the energy in you by nature is circular but society makes it as a linear means going out that's all never comes back some of the scriptures say all five senses are extrovert with all my humbleness I differ I wanted all of you to know I am Telling You from my very personal experience your senses are not outwardly it is not created only to function towards outer well no society teaches you only that dimension it never teaches you the dimension of looking in turning in eighty percent of your energy goes out just through the eyes I can tell you if you just close your eyes whenever you don't need to see that is enough your kundalini energy will be awakened for example if you are going in a vehicle somewhere your driver is driving you don't need to keep your eyes open of course if you are driving you need to keep open that is different your driver is driving we should keep your eyes open continuously and watching the same scenes no need close your eyes whenever not required shut your eyes whenever not required shut your mouth Yoga separate among doir Ambani Road aha the first step for yoga is cessation of words in few sevens unfortunately we never understand constantly our bio-memory muscle memory getting exhausted by mezuzah and abusing an extra usual our senses understand misuse abuse and extra evil of senses when you don't need keep your eyes closed keep your mouth shut that itself will save your energy actually I wanted to give this oneness one message to all our disciples the fourth part of the N kriya is based on the philosophy don't waste your energy I want all of you to know please understand use all your energy either to create inner wealth or outer well don't waste I am NOT against outer world I am against you wasting your energy most of us just based waste waste what are you doing nothing in the inner world nothing in the outer world Jimmu just going around disrespecting life wasting life don't it let all your actions be either creating optimal health our inner veil belt let it be conscious the energy will simply increase your system all your actions and reactions be concentrated effort either to create outer world wealth our inner world wealth let there not be any waste of energy let there not be abusal of life I have seen hundreds of sadhus or I can say in the name of sadhus lazy fellows roaming around all over the Himalayas see if you do spiritual practice then you are a sadhu you are not a lazy fellow but under survey see fellows they don't want to do anything in the outer world they don't want to do anything in the inner world just roam around in the name of sadhus useless I wanted all our disciples to know whether you are a devotee disciples samajis satsanghis shrimahants intelligence life should be constantly working functioning yeah either to accumulate the inner world wealth or out of their wealth when I say inner world wealth I mean all the auspicious things from the inner world the Kalyana gunas compassion love bliss joy health physical health mental health beautiful relationships and outer world wealth means created wealth not grabbed not grabbed swindled Odie's media mafia No Knott central created wealth so constantly create and experience interval fulfillment I tell you if you are engaged in these two with awareness you are a karma yogi you are a karma yogi you are living perfect enlightenment in this fourth part of an Kriya I am making your senses into circular not linear circular please understand energy should not be constantly going out it should be redirected diverted inward that is the reason and asking you to get into the Sun body not drop some books say name of this mudra in some other way don't bother whatever is the name no the technique that's all there are three four names used for this mudra in different different books comes in your yes index finger and ring finger on the eyes sorry index finger and middle finger on the eyes ring finger on the nostrils and little finger on the lips your palms and cheeks press with intense intention sangil pas to divert all the energy going out through these five senses inward and hit your root center where the Kundalini is sleeping where your potential energy is sleeping so that the kundalini energy is awakened the cycle of energy starts happening in you please understand once you connect this cycle after that whether your senses are open or closed the energy leakage will not be there there will not be energy leakage it will just be cycling inside diverting the energy inside understand when the energy is dilated and reconnected there will not be not only any leakage it will go on getting built intensely like a transformer so when it circles again and again and again the intensity gets built intensity gets built very clearly when you reconnect and stop allowing the leakage that is the reason I am asking you to divert the whole energy inside when you really feel you can't hold your breath anymore because you lock alpha senses you can't hold a breath anymore then stop allow the breathing to balance itself open your nostrils maybe for 10 seconds you don't breathe or breathe out allow the body to breathe by itself and exhale by itself and balance itself only one important thing you need to know if you already have high blood pressure or if you already have any serious sickness related to lungs or any other serious illness don't do this Kriya because it's a strong way of forcibly diverting the energy inside but your way of sudden enlightenment this process leads to sudden enlightenment awakening of the non mechanical parts of the brain the main part this.n Kriya that locking and diverting all the energy inward should be done at least 21 times and the fifth part intense humming that is to digest all the awakened energy in your muscles the first part intense running it is a technique to digest all the energy it's like a ham when the Kundalini is intensely oricon it should get converted into understanding intelligence by your bio-memory it should become part of your muscle-memory and bio-memory and even it will stay inside you so this humming is just to make that energy to stay inside you get digested by the muscle-memory and bio-memory the sixth part is facing the bidadi kalpavriksha Givens of facing the Culpeper a banyan tree understand this opinion tree is used as a energy satellite to send intense energy and spiritual experiences and everything to all of you and to receive all your preyas and fulfill by the super conscious energy better the banyan tree the Kalpataru banyan tree is used as the energy satellite by the super conscious energy by divine by God to reach out to all of you please understand even the materials which you are receiving we brew the kumkum sandalwood paste honey Rudra Asha now I am going to start sending never across nine jumps the next is that only know the Rudraksha is very successfully happening so the nine gems gems will start in few days I already started getting the gems they are ready I am just teleporting some at least few hundred rudrakshas once that becomes clear then next starts Jem's I am just collecting why not with Russia switch got teleported and doing the scientific test that both are same quality and all that verification once that is done the next is never Aetna's I want all of you to know all these objects from the matter it becomes energy it reaches to beauty banyan tree tell father banyan tree there are the objects maybe see even when the octopus are teleported from mother ie it first came to this been in tree then to Maya number M de from there it travels to their disciple deity which is who is receiving if the deity is receiving it reaches to the deity or if the disciple is listening it reaches the ananda gandha of the disciple then it gets materialized in the hand we already ordered for a scanner and some of the equipment's necessary to trace this moments in few months really clearly scientifically proved how when some objects gets teleported actually if you scan my body at that moment when I am saying it is moving you can see that object entering into my body and getting disappeared to scan the clear energy wave that matter entering and getting dismantled and moving and getting in entering into the disciple who is receiving in his Ananda and the hero is sir our ananda gandha and getting assembled in the hand we can very clearly show you so built a banyan tree acts like a energy center relay and receiving center cosmas uses the divine energy uses the mythical production any entry to relate with all of us to relate with the world that is why I am asking you to face towards the Bedini entry just yesterday we got the sample we are making a unique campus wherever you are whenever wherever you travel if you just open that campus it will show you exactly the direction of beauty banyan tree then you can do a Shakti Donna do you are in Korea facing it all the once you receive your request first reaches the banyan tree Kalpataru banyan tree and it gets answered it is a kalpavriksha Kalpataru the banyan trees that's a reason I am asking you to face towards the Benny Biddy banyan tree kalpavruksha all right if it is true that breda banyan tree is a kalpavruksha and it is used by divine as the energy center it is a powerful energy center I can say the bidadi kalpavruksha banyan tree is a substitute for a living master whatever can happen to you in the presence of a living master can happen in the presence of the medical public Shabani entry that's the reason I am asking you to face towards the Betty banyan tree and raise your hand towards the sky and receive intensely the Masters presence energy into you when you feel full surrender to the ground and empty yourself completely people ask me why should we surrender and empty all the energy to the earth please understand whenever energy happens in you don't get attached to it renounce it it will happen more and more when the Shakti is renounced it becomes Moody please understand when the Shakti is renounce it becomes would be don't become greedy of energy No don't be greedy of energy then Shakti is renounce to surrender I tell you where you receive the energy first and when it reaches your system it will not be hundred percent pure your systems bio memories will get connected with the energy and when you surrender it to the earth along with energy all the impurities also will be cleansed when you renounce again and again your whole being will become true then the energy and intelligence radiates together you have a pure energy till then beyond announcing energy go on surrendering I tell you at one point you may not even need to surrender it will just fill you it that's for you that is I am saying renounce I wanted to all of you we are receiving extraordinary energy and extraordinary experiences and extraordinary powers and miracles from me become egoistic by it all of you you are receiving me Buddha come come all other objects in your hand understand don't become egoistic very clear again and again surrender to the master suite it's your Leela leave all the glory to the Divine to the cosmos see my example I do not get elected by all these materializing okay so when you receive don't become egoistic say this is grace let it be his glory when you surrender again and again and again the more and more energy explosion starts happening in you nor and more you receive you will not have impure emotions you will become a pure ecstasy enjoy renounce energy when it happens to you be unclutched there are some people who come and tell me Swamiji once you boo he came in my hand come come came in my hand after that it is not coming means you became touched you become arrogant you become egoistic don't tell her that if it has happened once surrender it let me not become egoistic by it let me not become arrogant by it let the divine do whatever it wants through my body let me be pure channel you will simply receive every day it is surrender which is a catalyst which makes Shakti into good the energy into intelligence intelligence sister ultimate not just energy that is why the sixth step surrendering and scientists at sit silently receiving the Masters energy presence sending a strong peaceful blissful joyful feelings and vibrations to the whole cosmos seventh step is the time master can exit you and the intense experiences Kundalini awakening energy teleportation materialization all miracles happen in your system I am seeing very clearly the energy expansion soon very soon just next few months whoever does n3r and sits in the seventh step silently connecting with the master with me not only their Kundalini will be awakened they will receive some prasada teleported prasada in their hand it is going to be such an intense energy explosion Shepard Raksha they'll receive in their hand it will directly show you the power of connecting with the master ji first and when it reaches your system it will not be hundred percent pure your systems bio-memories will get connected with the energy and when you surrender it to the earth along with energy all the impurities also will be cleansed when you renounce again and again your whole being will become true when the energy and intelligence radiates together you have a pure energy till then beyond announcing energy go on surrendering I tell you at one point you may not even need to surrender it will just fill you it is just for you that is I am saying renounce I wanted to all of you we are receiving extraordinary energy and extraordinary experiences and extraordinary powers and miracles from me become against by it all of you you are receiving the Buddha come come all other objects in your hand understand don't become egoistic very clear again and again surrender to the master suite it's your Leela give all the glory to the Divine to the cosmos see my example I do not get alerted by all these materializing okay so when you receive don't become theistic say it is his grace let it be his glory when you surrender again and again and again the more and more energy explosion starts happening in you nor and more you receive you will not impure emotions you will become a pure ecstasy enjoy renounce energy when it happens to you be unclutched there are some people who come and tell me Swamiji wants to go he came in my hand come come came in my hand after that it is not coming means you become clutched you become arrogant you become egoistic don't tell her that if it has happened once surrender it let me not become egoistic by it let me not become arrogant by it let the divine do whatever it wants through my body let me be pure channel you will simply receive every day it is surrender which is a catalyst which makes Shakti into booty energy into intelligence intelligence is the ultimate not just energy that is so the sixth step surrendering and surrender step sit silently receiving the Masters energy presents sending a strong peaceful blissful joyful feelings and vibrations to the whole cosmos seventh step is the time Master can exceed you and the intense experiences Kundalini awakening energy teleportation materialization all miracles happen in your system I am seeing very clearly the energy expansion soon very soon just in next few months whoever does in clearance it's the seventh step silently connecting with the master with me not only their Kundalini will be awakened they will receive some prasada teleported prasada in their hand it is going to be such an intense energy explosion Liberty our kunkuma rakshata Rudraksha they'll receive it in their hand it will directly show you the power of connecting with the master you but UNAM addressing you you know as fast me to readable is a life in arms try I believe the things I do and a little time with you nothing I know you will take care you're always showing us compassion


Banyan Tree

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