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I welcome you all with My love and respects. Sorry for the delay, actually I was ready 6 O'clock itself due to rain, we are expecting all the friends together. So, only then I started from the place where I am staying. We will enter into the subject. Today’s subject is cosmic intelligence.
Twenty years ago if somebody could have made a statement like any information from the planet earth will be available just by one click in your laptop or in your computer, surely you wouldn’t have believed. Twenty years ago if somebody makes a statement within twenty years any information you want about anything will be available to you just by one click in your laptop or in your computer, surely you wouldn’t have believed. But today it has become reality because of internet. Because of internet it has become reality. Any information you can receive just by one click in your laptop, in your computer. Same way now I am proposing few theories of course it is not just a theory. It is a solid truth which is experienced by millions of yogis and rishis.
Even though it is little difficult to grasp intellectually, it is little difficult to accept intellectually, if you can have a little bit of courage to work or little sympathy you will be able to not only understand the truth, you can even experience the benefits of it. You can experience the benefits of this cosmic intelligence. Let us first understand what I mean by the word cosmic intelligence. Cosmic intelligence mean when I say that word I don’t mean only the data or the information…. Only the data or the information you can get just by website… just from the websites, just through internet. Website or the internet can give information on anything. Now any information is available. Just the information is not enough. Something beyond information is necessary for life. What you need beyond information to live is what I call intelligence. To process the information and not only that to decide right thing in a right time and the energy to live with, with information, the capacity to live, the power to live …. see if it an ordinary information it can be passed just by matter.
Of course all information are recorded only in matter including mind. Mind is nothing but a matter. Mind is nothing but a matter. But beyond the information you need something called intelligence, consciousness, awareness. When I say about the cosmic intelligence of course I include data, whatever data available on the planet earth. Apart from data something more is added something more than information what I call Consciousness. Surely we are not able to reproduce Consciousness. Still human beings are not able to create Consciousness. We are trying our best even in the level of artificial intelligence we are not able to reproduce consciousness. We are almost able to do whatever a man does but not exactly. Only almost not exactly. We are not able to achieve the Consciousness. Let us look little deep, further what do you mean by the cosmic intelligence or how to access it. How to bring the cosmic intelligence into our life as a reality. According to the yogis, the body which you are having the human body is the best system.
There are so many systems available in the planet earth: fish, animals, planets, the plants sorry plants, so many things. According to yogis even the rocks are living. Even rocks are living entity, there is no such thing is inanimate. According to yogis everything is animate. There is no such thing inanimate. But among all those systems, among all those beings, among all those structures, human body is the most intelligent system. They say this is the most evolved system. Because Consciousness happens only in this body. Only in this body Consciousness happens. One small request I am using lot of Sanskrit words and too many technical terms. Anywhere you are not able to follow I welcome you to stop and ask questions. Because I take it for granted that you all understand what all I am speaking. So, please you don’t understand stop Me that you are request to stop Me at any point and you can question Me. You don't have to think that flow will be disconnected or all those things. You can just question Me.
The first day as I was mentioning this is going to be a series of talks. These four days is going to be series of talks. Everyday I was speaking little deep subjects today I was speaking little deeply. We are trying to produce series of discourses on the same subject. The same thing which  I spoke on the first day, the same thing little deep way I am trying to explain. So, if you are not able to follow anywhere you can just stop Me and question Me. The Consciousness happens only in this system. In any other system even in chimpanzees Consciousness doesn’t happen. They are not conscious to reach beyond the level of human being, or to reach beyond the level to take a different dimension; it is only for human beings is possible. Only for human beings it is possible.
Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, why should we meditate? From monkey automatically we become human beings, the evolution happened. So, naturally we are going to become superhumans. Why should we meditate”? I told them, when we become human being the natural growth has stopped. Now no more natural growth. If at all you want to grow you need to do conscious effort because the Consciousness has come in. See, till you become human being you don't have Consciousness. All you have is only instinct, so the growth is natural. You will grow. The moment you become human being there is something called intellect has come in.
Now it is your responsibility to become intelligent. Till human being you are at the level of instinct. Instinct has got its natural growth. But now you have one more dimension called intellect, with intellect you can even control the instinct. You are able to, many time you are controlling your instinct just by intellect. Now the moment the intellect has come now you need to work consciously to go to the  intelligence. No more natural growth will be happening. It is now your conscious choice. This is the best system, the system which you are having is the best system. Because in this system only the Consciousness has happened. Consciousness can happen. Consciousness can happen only in this system. A buffalo cannot become a Buddha how much it can try hard all possible ways and method it cannot become a buddha. Whole day it can just sit, sit, sit but it cannot become buddha. Only human beings can become a Buddha. Only the human being can achieve the ultimate Consciousness.
And one more thing there is a beautiful sutra Patanjali says, when you become  tortoise, all your past life memories are stored in that body. When you grow and become little higher level animal and all those memories of that memories are stored in that body. So slowly, slowly you evolve. When you evolve to the level of human beings, all your past life memories are stored in this system. So, it can just tap any memory if you know how to tap it. This may look like a theory, but they say you can fly, you can swim without any training. Without any training straight away human beings can fly, human beings can swim. Looks like a  fairy tale. Of course today only I went to a fantasyland. Almost looks like a fairy tale or fantasy. You should forgive Me but scientists are really proving this statement. They say in Japan they did a research the moment kids take birth, they are put in water and they start swimming. Kids start swimming automatically. And if they are not taught that they can’t fly, they do try. Actually the moment you condition them that you can’t do this, only then they forget. By nature we have all the intelligence available to our system to our human body to our being. The difficulty is first thing we strongly believe we are limited. Very strongly we believe we are limited. Next thing we don’t know the technique or the method to tap all the possibilities or to open all the dimensions of our being.
Let Me give you a small diagram and then I will try to explain the same subject little deep way…. I am going to give a small diagram about how our mind is resisting to open itself for the innate intelligence available to our being and how we can penetrate the intelligence which is available to our being. So, after giving explaining about the diagram… 
The first day I explained about the Tq and Tp is almost same but in a different dimension. So for new comers I think I will explain the whole thing again. 
Swami draws a diagram.
Please understand this is the time shaft means the time. I am here, I am considering time as a shaft continuously time is moving. The future is becoming past, continuously the future is becoming past. Future is slowly, slowly entering into the past. The time is continuously flowing, flowing, flowing, flowing. For example now 8:28:37 second by now it has become past. Now 41 second is the future. By now it is already become past. So, the future is continuously becoming past. Future is becoming past, that is what I call time shaft.
It is just moving. If you consider time as a shaft it is continuously moving. All your past is available here (left side of the time shaft). All the future is available here (right side of the time shaft). The present moment (where the future and past meet) is here, continuously the future is becoming past. This is the whole eternity. Eternity of past, present, future. The eternity usually always your mind wanders between past and the future, your mind just wanders between past and the future. It is just going from here to there, here to there, here to there continuously. Mind means nothing but the movements from past and the future. For moment you are in the past, next moment you just jump to the future and immediately you are jumping from the future. Just you are jumping from  past to future or past to future. The more number of times you jump from here to there, there to here more thoughts. Thought is nothing but one jump from past to the future. You can see your mind if you stop moving into the past or into the future simply your thoughts will stop. You can’t think. Got only one dimension either you decide I will not think anything about the past. You can’t think or I will not think anything about the future you can’t think.
You can’t do.. you can’t do something called thinking if you stop only one dimension of your being, one dimension of your mind. Because for mind to move, for you to think  the past and the future both are necessary. The jump if you take one jump from future to past or one jump from past to future that is what we call thought. Thought is nothing but a jump which you take from past to future or future to past. If you take ten jump per second, you can say 10 TPS. Ten thoughts per second you are having. If you take ten jump you are having ten thoughts per second. If you are taking 100 jumps, you are having 100 thoughts per second. How many jumps you take from here to there, there to here that many thoughts per second you are having. For example, person who is restless, let us think he is having 100 thoughts per second, 100 TPS. 100 TPS he is far from this past and the future. He is far from the time shaft. Why you know if you are continuously jumping from here to there, from there to here you will not be even aware of the past properly. You will not even be aware of the future properly. Because continuously you are jumping.
Even to become aware of the past you have to come to present moment. For example you are supposed to think about your tenth birthday celebration. Your tenth birthday was celebrated some thirty years ago. If you have to think, you have to come to the present moment. You have to see now your mind and you have to start seeing the file. Even to see that memory who all came and who all gave you what all the gifts they gave you or what cake you cut or how you celebrated. Even to bring all those things to memory you have to be in the present moment. You have to come to the present. So, if you are continuously jumping from past to future, future to past, past to future if you are continuously jumping you will not be even aware of the past or the future. You will not be even aware of the past or the future. You will be just jumping from here to there, here to there, here to there. That is what I call 100 TPS.
The restless mind. The more the TPS you are away from the time shaft. Time shaft means the incidences: incidences, memory, intelligence whatever you may call. Whatever is in the store, whatever is in the file that is what I call the cosmic intelligence is what I call time shaft. The cosmic intelligence is time only. Time is the cosmic intelligence. If you can just go back and get any material, you are already, you have the cosmic intelligence. If you can penetrate the time and suddenly go back, 30 years back or 100 years back and get those memories already you are having cosmic intelligence. This is what I call Cosmic Intelligence…. This is what I call Cosmic Intelligence. If you are continuously moving from past to future, future to past - restless 100 thoughts per second. Naturally you will be away from cosmic intelligence. You will be completely away from cosmic intelligence. Little less for example when it is 80 thoughts per second means what the back and forth is little less. Instead of running, running, running you are tired, little less 80 times you take jump. 80 times you take a jump means little less.. less restless. Then you come near the Cosmic Intelligence.
You come near the cosmic intelligence. And if it is little more less somehow if you reduce the TPS to 60, you come little more near the cosmic intelligence. The more near you have to the time shaft you will be able to see the past and future more clearly. You will be able to see your past more clearly. Actually people may ask, “Swamiji, if we are having 100 TPS if we are restless it is not that we are able to remember our past. Even if we are restless we are able to remember the past, what happened to me at the age of 10, what happened to me at the 15, what happened to me at the age of 50 I am able to remember. How do we say that only with less TPS we are able to see the past clearly”?
See, when TPS is more, you may see the incidences as you want, not as it has happened. You may see the incidences as you want. Either you will see only you will remember only the wrong incidences, all bad incidences only then you will say my whole life is hell. The day I came to this country my life has become hell. All these statements why do you make. why do you make all these statements because you don't see the complete past. You see only the….  you just pick whatever you want to see those few moments, you pick up and then you try to connect and judge your past.
The more you come down the less TPS you are more close to the time shaft. When the TPS is coming down you will have clear cut idea about even about your past, really how you lived. What is the incidents! As on now you will not remember whatever has happened. You will remember only what do you want to remember. When things happen you make a file when things happen for example, if you have a party in your house, after the party you create a file about the party to keep in your memory. You will not create the whole thing, you will create only whatever mistakes have happened and that you will make as a file so that next time you will not make that mistake. That is all. You will not remember the whole incident. You will not remember the joy, the ecstasy, how you spent time, how you spoke, how people were enjoying. All those things you will not remember.
You will remember only few mistakes you did.. which you did, “Oh, I did this mistake, I did that mistake”, you remember only those things and create a file so that you will not do the same again. If your TPS is too much, you will remember only that file, you will not remember the whole incident. The moment you can remember the whole incident, the moment you can remember the whole past, simply the past will teach you a wonderful lesson. Actually if you can remember the whole past simply  you will be able to remember the whole future. Because the past is nothing but one dimension of time. Vivekananda says beautifully: if you can… know one handful of clay completely, you will know the clay present in the whole world. If you can know completely about one handful of clay naturally whatever clay available on the planet earth you will know about that. Same way if you can have a clarity about the past naturally you have to have clarity about the future.
As long as you don’t have clarity about the future be very clear whatever you know about past is only fragments of past, not the whole past. Not as it has happened but as you wanted it. Only as you want it, you will not remember as it has happened. If you bring down your TPS, if you can become less restless, if you become more calm, more peaceful, more blissful by some method, for example you bring down to 40 TPS naturally you will be able to see your past and the future little more clearly. And one more thing when I say your past I don’t mean only with this body I mean all the bodies which you have taken.
All the lives which you lived is your past. All the lives which you have lived is your past if you don’t believe in reincarnation, even if you don’t believe in reincarnation… whether you believe it or not we had births. That’s all. It’s ultimate truth, believing or not is up to us. But the truth is truth. Even if you don’t believe you have intelligence. There is a intelligence inside your system. When I say past I mean the whole thing. You will be able to tap, you can tap the whole memory. It is straightaway available to you. For example, from here if you want to see the past you can see only this much of past and this much of future. From here this point little more of past and little more of future. From this point little more of the past and little more of the future. From this point naturally you will be to see little more of the past and little more of the future. Through some technique meditation or breadth watch or just by being relaxed through some method if you can bring down your TPS-thoughts per second to zero; to zero means completely to the present moment you touch the eternity. See, eternity is available to us only in the present moment.
Eternity means past, present and future is eternity. You can’t touch the eternity in the past because past is already gone, you can’t touch the eternity in the future because it is yet to happen. You can touch the eternity only in the present moment. Only in the present you can touch the eternity. If you relax into the present moment, if you can come to now, ‘here and now’, you can simply touch the eternity - Nithya. You can just touch the eternity - Nithya. If you can touch this present moment simply you will be aware of the whole past and the whole future. If you can be aware of this present moment, this moment just totally relaxed and totally aware, totally conscious, simply you will be able to see your whole future and whole past. Of course looks like  a fairy tale but one thing you can tell you honestly I can say it is with the I what to say that  …….
I can say honestly what I am speaking is My experience. Of course I have no other investment to promote this concept, except to inspire you. It is possible by you. It’s like a … a seed says no no no let the tree happen only then I will open. But the tree says only the seed opens how can I happen. So, the tree is waiting for the seed open, the seed is waiting for the tree to happen. Something has to happen first. Unless the seed opens the tree can’t happen. But the seed is saying, “no, no, no how can I believe, let first let the tree happen only then I will open.”  So, a person who has become tree only is a Master. Master is the proof. He says don’t worry you can become a tree just open who gives the courage open you will become tree I opened I have become tree, I have not died.
So, you also open you can become tree. It is just like a simple courtesy not even compassion just a courtesy. It is like somebody is going ahead of you, ten miles ahead of you on a particular road. You wanted to know how is the traffic and especially in LA you know the traffic and just you ring up you ask him through cell phone how is the traffic? And naturally will he have a simple courtesy to say traffic is okay you can come please come. Just with the same courtesy I tell you it is simply honest truth. It can simply happen in your life with little bit of courage to explore if you can bring yourself to the present moment, if you can penetrate to the present moment. A small example let Me tell you. One person asked Me in one meeting, “Swamiji, many time this happened in my life. That I will be sitting in a party and talking to a group of people. Suddenly I remember some old friend's name and I will feel he is going to come in five minutes. And simply he will be there in five minutes.
And when the telephone rings suddenly I remember some old friends name whom I have not seen for five, six years and when I pick up the phone he will be there on the line. When somebody knocks the door I remember somebody’s name when I open the door he is standing. And when I enter… When I go to some place suddenly I feel that as if I have come to this same place already I know where is the bathroom, where is the bedroom, where is the living room and exactly it is there. How it happens? He asked Me, “Swamiji, how this is happening in my life? Many times this happened in my life.” Then I asked that whole group how many of you had the same experience at least once in your life. More than 80% raised their hand. And now I can ask how many of you had at least once this experience, this type of experience. Again majority, a big number. How, how this happens? See, if it happens once in some one persons life we can say coincidence.  But when it happens in so many person’s life, so many times we can’t say it is a coincidence. There is something more to it. How it happens? Knowingly or unknowingly  because you relax suddenly you fall into the present moment. Your TPS comes down in that moment. Whenever you have this experience just see, whenever you get this type of experience that suddenly you are aware what is going to happen in next few minutes and it happens.
See your mind, it will be calm. You will be relaxed even out of joy, you come to present moment. Knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously you fall in the present moment. Your TPS comes down. That is why you are able to see your a small patches of the past or future. A small five minutes future you are able to see, few minutes of future you are able to penetrate. Because TPS suddenly comes down. If the TPS comes down your vision about the future will increase. If the TPS comes down your vision about the future will increase. You will have a more clear vision about the future. You will be little more clear. Suddenly without your knowledge unconsciously maybe because you are happy, when you are happy actually theTPS comes down. You are not restless, that is why whenever you are happy you don’t know how much of time has passed. When you are sitting with a friend or a beloved whom you are very happy, you will not know how much of time has passed. Hours together you will spent and suddenly you realize, “Oh, so many hours are gone.”
If you are sitting with somebody who is boring, every ten minutes you will see your watch. Every ten minutes you will be watching what is happening still he is not leaving. No phone call is coming I cannot at least I can escape saying some reason. You will just continuously watching. Why? See when thoughts per second is more the time will not … you will not feel the time is not moving. You will see time is not moving, time is slow. That is why hell is always eternal. Hell is always eternal. It is not that chronologically it is eternal. Psychologically it is eternal. That is why in all the religion when they say about hell they will say eternal hell. See understand one thing even if you have committed continuously only sins throughout your 100 years life how can you be put in eternal hell. Is it justice? See, even of you commit even complete 100 years only sins, even if you do only sins in 100 years how you can be punished eternally? Surely God will not do that. But even if you are sent to hell one year, that will look like eternal. Because hell is eternal. Whenever you are restless time feels like eternal. It is not moving. When you are happy time flies just like that. Because the thoughts per second is less. When the thoughts per second is less you are blissful. When you are blissful the thoughts per second just drops. Whenever you are blissful the TPS drops.
When TPS drops you are blissful. That is why in those moments when you predict when you  have some intuition, when you come to know something about the future those few moments knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously your TPS suddenly drops. Your TPS drops. I have always seen the people who are time conscious they will be continuously in hell. No really I tell you people are time conscious they will be in hell. No they will achieve whatever they want to achieve in the life but inside the time bound awareness is what I call bondage. The time bound awareness is good discipline socially, see whenever you are attending some meeting, some business things be time bound. Nothing wrong that is the way you have to be socially, that is the social etiquette or it has to be. But whenever you can, when you finish your business, relax from the time bound awareness. When you remove your coat, when you remove your shoes, remove your time bound awareness also. Know how to relax from it. You will see, you will enjoy the different dimension of  your life. Only when you drop out the time bound awareness you can enjoy what I call bliss of the low TPS. The low TPS  bliss can happen to you or the deep fulfillment can happen to you only when you slip out of the time bound awareness. Time bound awareness is good for business not for living, because life is not business. Life is not business. Life is something more than a business.
For business it is okay. For business time bound awareness is necessary. Without that you can’t live. But when you are out of your business when you remove your coat and remove this time bound awareness also from your head. Whenever you remove your shoes make this as a point to remove time bound awareness from your head. I know a particular Swami who lived in India. He is an enlightened person. Now he is no more. Actually in his house he had a 25 clocks. 25 clock one will be showing 1:30 another one 2:30, one 4:30, one 5:30, one 5 o'clock, one, 6 o’clock, one 7 o’clock, one 12 o'clock, one will not move just stand in 12 AM and 25 clocks. Actually when I went to his room first time I thought he is having devotees all over the world. Maybe  each clock is one, one country. Each clock shows the one, one country time so wherever he speaks to them through phone he will see that clock for that country. I though it is for utility he has kept. I asked him, “Swamiji, the countries are mentioned in the clocks. Why so many clocks without mentioning the countries”? He said, “Country? What do You mean”? I asked, “What is this Swamiji? Everything is showing it’s own time.”
He said, “Whenever I want time to be 12:30, I will take that clock as authority…. When I want time to be 1:30 I take that clock as a authority.” And there is one clock without glass I said, “What for that Swamiji”? If I want some special time which not of these 25 clocks showing, I move this clock and take that as a authority.” I told him, “How are you living Swamiji”? And actually one more thing really he is like a CEO. I thought he is only like Swami. He was managing his institution, his organization. I asked him, “How are you managing the organization”? “No, when I go out of my room, I have one watch which shows the chronological time, I will be on that. And I follow all my routine, I live according my routine, I enjoy replying the phone calls or replying the answer, taking decisions, administering, doing all the admin jobs, everything. The moment I come into my room I take that watch out and put it there. Inside my room this is the way I live.” Totally timeless or beyond time. The idea of time itself has disappeared. So actually if you can live at least for…  try for few days, not in your office, in your house, try to live without the awareness of the time, you will open yourself to a new dimension of your being. I tell you. You will open yourself to a new dimension of your being.
You will feel such a wonderful… actually I did a research. I did a research on this. Whenever we are not bound by time, when you have the timeless awareness the adrenalin level in our system is very low. When the adrenaline level is low you feel a well being, you feel a well being. Whenever the adrenalin level is high you will be continuously in tension. At tension means what? Attention means what you are at- tension. Attention is nothing but you are at-tension. If you can live with time bound awareness, with time bound consciousness 24 hrs but naturally what will happen? You will be continuously hurrying, hurrying and hurrying and worrying, worrying, worrying. Then naturally adrenalin levels will go up, heart problems and all other problems by the age of fifty or sixty you will have all possible things. Then after that you will have enough of time. Once you die you will have eternity available to yourself. So, I tell you once in a while slip out of time. See, if a man is time bound  he can’t have vacation I tell you. He can’t have vacation. If he’s sitting in the office thinking and worrying it is called work. If he is sitting in the house and worrying it is called preparing for work. If he is worrying on the beach it's called vacation. That is all. The place may change, but the mental setup of worrying will never change.
So, once in a while slipout of this time bound awareness you will enjoy, you will understand what I mean by the low TPS. What I mean by the word low TPS…. Actually people ask Me, many people, many time  people question Me, “Swamiji..” Of course I go around all over the world and continuously I am giving discourses. I don’t use any hints. I never keep any hints or anything to speak. People ask Me, “How do You continuously remember so many things”? How do you continuously speak together hours together? Not one or two hour I speak sometimes in the four days meditation camps and all per day 18 hours. Four days continuously I will be speaking and I never carry any notes. Everything  is spontaneous. People ask Me, “How, how is it possible”? I tell them it’s because I never went to school properly 😊. I never… I never confined Myself to the time bound awareness. Actually the worst conspiracy done to you is by the schools. They make you time bound. If you can slip out of the time bound awareness once in a while at least once in a while you will understand what I call by the word intelligence. What I call by the word intelligence. You see all great discoveries by any scientist, any, any scientist, read out any discovery, all discoveries are done when they are not in time bound.. when they are not under time bound awareness. Read the all the histories of the scientists, read all their stories where the Archimedes discover his principles? Where Edison discovered. When Newton discovered the theories? See completely.
Whenever they achieved something great always it is timeless awareness. When they are out, when they don’t have the timeless awareness, when they are not bound by time only then the great things happened to human beings. The great things from the cosmic intelligence just erupts out.. it just erupts out when your TPS is low. When your TPS drops the great intelligence things erupts out of the cosmic intelligence. As long as the TPS is high you are away from the cosmic intelligence. Any great discovery, anything great happened to human consciousness only when the TPS is low. This guy when he is relaxed sitting in his garden, apple fell and he discovered the theory of gravitation or about gravity. Anything great only happens when your TPS is low when you are not time-bound. As long as you are time bound you have time bound awareness you are  a good businessman or a engineer. You can do mass production. But only when you reach the timeless awareness, only when your TPS drops you can become an artist or a poet.
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Great things can happen to you only when your TPS drops down and only when you are having that time less awareness. So, that method or a technique to drop your TPS or to drop from the time bound awareness is what I call meditation. You can see all over the world whether mystical truths or scientific truths, they are discovered only when a person is dropped out of time bound awareness. Only when a person is dropped out of time bound awareness whether it is  a mystical truths or scientific truths happens to the human consciousness. All great truths are discovered only when you are beyond time. Actually with the time bound awareness you can do mass production. You can do mass production in time bound awareness. Mass always lives with time bound awareness. If you can drop, if you can escape, if you can be a drop out of the time bound awareness you become intelligent. All intelligent people are dropouts I tell you. All pathfinders are path breakers. Anybody who has achieved great things he has dropped out of time bound awareness.
When you are actually when you dropped out of time bound awareness  even one idea, one thought which hits your consciousness can transform your whole life. What you will achieve with the time bound awareness throughout your life, thousand times more can be achieved with one moment of timeless awareness. For example, can you equate that theory of gravity with any of your earnings? 100 years you lived with time bound awareness and make money, comfort what all every possible thing. Can you equate the whole thing with one theory of gravity? No. For the one moment of timeless awareness you can't equate with that one single moment he made the whole thing. Whatever you make with 100’s of years whatever you make with all your earnings, all your time bound awareness with all that what do you make, he made much more than that with that one moment of timeless awareness. Apart from personal comforts, apart from worldly affairs, apart from your money, materialistic benefits, the timeless awareness gives you a tremendous fulfillment, tremendous fulfillment that you lived your life.
One glimpse of zero TPS is enough to give you the deepest possible fulfillment that you lived your life, you lived your life. That’s the real vacation. I tell you that is the ultimate vacation. Unless you know the technique of dropping the TPS, wherever you go, world’s happiest place, that’s what they call that board I saw today. World’s happiest place. Even there you can’t have vacation. You can’t have vacation. If you can drop the TPS here and now, you will be having a vacation. Your whole life will be a vacation. Whole life will be a joy. Whole life will be in ecstasy. There I was telling our devotees who came with Me I feel the whole life is ecstasy. Why some separate place for festival? There was a  board I saw “Disneyland, where the party never ends.” I said the whole life is a party.  Why? Why to make some separate place for party? The whole life is celebration. You feel the whole life is a nityotsava if you can drop. If your TPS drops you will simply be able to penetrate the whole past and the whole future as it happened and as it will happen. You will have the tremendous clarity. And one more thing the past again and again binds you.
You try to beat the past through future. Actually all your future is nothing but the repetition of your past. Whatever you think as your past you try to repeat with little developed version, as a little developed version. It is like you update little bit. Your future is nothing but your past updated version that’s all. You update your past. You don’t want some incidents so you remove that. You want some incidents a little more time so you add it and you try to repeat that is what is your future. It is like a here to there, here to there, here to there, you jump and you try to create the same past with little updating. With little bit of altering you try to create as a future. See, as long as you have not lived or known your past completely you will be repeating the same thing in your future. If your TPS can come down and if you know your whole past as it has happened, if you penetrate your whole past as it has happened you will not repeat the same past in future. You are karma muktha, means you are liberated from karma. You are a karma bandha, you are under the bondage of karma bandha, why? Because you have not lived your past, you have not known your past completely. For example, always we feel the childhood is golden.
When you are always you sweet memories of the college time. Oh in the university, in the college I lived like that, I lived like that. Always you have a memory. Actually when you lived did you enjoy? Just see when you actually lived did you enjoy? No. Later on you start thinking that it's a enjoyment. Because now suffering have been too much. When the suffering becomes too much you start thinking that’s much better. Oh that was much better. See now you attribute joy to your past, actually when you lived did you experience it? No. Now you think your past is beautiful. So, you are given a chance again you wanted to repeat the same, same life. Everybody wants to repeat the same college period, same life. They wanted to repeat. Why? You think it is a joy and bliss. But actually if you come down to zero TPS and see your whole past with the real eyes you will understand and it is not as you think. It is not great, it was not great as you think. Unfulfilled desires is what I call samskaras. It is there you have tried but you have not completely fulfilled.
So naturally what happened you are just pulled to travel in the same route. If you have not experienced the past naturally you will be repeating the same thing in the future. That’s why there is a beautiful statement, ‘history always repeats itself.’ Not only the history of humanity even your history. And I tell people I always tell ashramites take a oath that I will not do the same mistake again. You will never be able to do mistake. Just decide you will not do the same mistake twice. You will never be able to commit any mistake. If you can do new, new mistakes you will be never be able to do because that much intelligence we don’t have. That is the problem. To commit new, new mistakes we don’t have that much of intelligence. All we do is the same mistake. Just decide consciously I will not do the same mistake you will never be able to do any mistake. I tell you honestly I told people I have tried with many people. I tell them decide that you will not do the same mistake again. And they come and tell Me, “Swamiji, I am not able to do any mistake. Because all you do, all you repeat is from your past. Because we do not know the past.
If you can bring your TPS down through some techniques what I call meditation. All mediation techniques are techniques to bring your TPS down, bring your thoughts per second down. If you can bring your TPS down you will simply have a clear vision of the past and the future. The vision about the past and the future is what I call cosmic intelligence. The vision about all the past and all the future is what I call Cosmic Intelligence. If you can bring down your TPS and relax in the time. Relax in the time means relaxing in the present moment, relaxing now and here. If you can relax the now and here, if you can bring your TPS down to zero to the present moment simply you will have the clarity about the past and about the future. What these mystics call, the cosmic intelligence will become reality in your life. Of course looks almost like a fairytale. Now after hearing so many words you feel convinced. I think maybe there is some truth.
But when you go back when you wear your watch again, again the old, old mental setup comes back. And you forget there is something called timeless awareness exists in our being, in our life. Ramakrishna used to say beautifully somebody came and told to one person, “Oh, in my village one house… house is burned yesterday. It was some fire accident house was burnt. This guy says, “No, no I didn’t see in the newspaper it is not written in the newspaper. How can you say that”? Just because it is not there in the newspaper we can’t say it is a lie. Reality is different and newspaper is different. Same way just because you have not experienced the timeless awareness, we can’t say there is no such thing as timeless awareness. What we know is different and what is, is different. If you can somehow drop the TPS you will see the past and the future is directly available to you. And the one step further..  if you can relax in the same present moment, zero TPS for at least 11 moments, for 11 kshanas, you will be able to penetrate the time shaft and alter the future incidents. You can alter it. And if you can stay in that zero TPS for 21 seconds, 21 kshanas, 21 kshanas in the zero TPS in the present moment you will simply penetrate the time shaft. The future comes in your hand. Of course these two statements are mystical. These two are still mystical. They are based on the words of the great rishis.
Forget about these two statements but this much at least you can experience. Straightaway we can experience till the zero TPS. Beyond that these two statements how you can alter your future and penetrate your future is just mystical statements. And we don't have to bother about these two statements. Even though they are true, they are truth and you can experience, it is too big. At least this much you can experience. Actually if you go and sit in front of a man who is meditator or enlightened suddenly you start feeling little fresh and again and again you are attracted to his presence. People ask Me many time, “Swamiji, when we sitting in your presence we don’t know how time passes. We are so happy. Again and again we are attracted. Why”? This is all because your TPS drops. Actually if you are in the presence of somebody who has got zero TPS, for example you have 100 TPS and he is got zero TPS the moment you enter his presence simply your TPS will drop to 50. It will come to the average the TPS will drop to 50 because it is very infectious, the energy is infectious. Simply then TPS will drop. And the sameway if you are having 80 it will come down to 40. That is why we again and again say,
सत्संगत्वे निस्संगत्वं, निस्संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वं।
निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्त्वं, निश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मुक्तिः ॥९॥
Satsangatve nissangatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam,
nirmohatve niscalatattvam niscalatattve jivanmukti||
Means a man who lives in zero TPS if you are in his company you become nitsanga, satsangatve nissangatvam means your restlessness comes down. You enter in to a intelligence or nirmohatvam means your intelligence is active where your buddhi is clear and you reach the nishchala tatva and jeevan mukthi, Jeevan Mukhti means ultimate enlightenment or zero TPS zone. The zero TPS zone is what we call ultimate enlightenment. Complete past whatever has happened, discovered, invented whatever is called as past, the complete past and the complete future whatever is going to happen, yet to be discovered, everything and whatever is happening, getting discovered present. The past, present, future all these three only I call as cosmic intelligence. 
When I say the word cosmic intelligence I mean the past, present and the future all the three. If you can bring down your thoughts per second TPS simply you can penetrate the complete past and the future and present. And the whole cosmic intelligence will be straightaway available to you just like a browsing center. If you sit in a browsing center the whole world is available to you in the form of internet through internet the whole thing is available. Just you need to browse. I always call the brow center as the browsing center. The ajna chakra, the brow center is the browsing center. The ajna chakra if you can relax in the ajna chakra, the third eye, the energy center if you can relax in the third eye energy center and experience the zero TPS, the whole cosmic intelligence past, present and future will be available to you. Simply you can penetrate into your life or into anybody’s life and information. It may look like a fairy tale, have a courage and try to work little bit. And I tell you you will experience. It is a honest statement I make because I experienced it. Thank you. 
If you have any questions because it is a very.. because it is a very controversial subject. I made many statements which easily we can’t accept at least intellectually…. So, if you have any question…  actually if you analyze it with questions and discussions the understanding can be internalized. So, I request you to put any questions you want.
Question: What is the difference between being there with zero TPS or all…. Your talks are very profound and I like it. But I would like to dig into some other area of when you die you have a zero TPS.
Swamiji: No, alright you please put your question then I will explain.
Question: Okay maybe You know better than me because You if you are used to die before already. But what I am saying is theoretically when
your brain stops working you have zero TPS? And your brain may stop because you are very ill or because you have the power to making it to stop that because of that. What is the difference between these three conditions? 
Swamiji: One thing first I wanted to be… I wanted all of you to understand  at the time of death your brain .. you don’t achieve zero TPS state. Please be very clear your mind may not work. See, your brain may not work. Brain not working does not mean zero TPS. You may not receive information through senses and process it, but there is a past the memory which is inside from that you start doing the process. Two thing: you, your mind world in two level. One is getting information through these five senses and processing it. Another one is taking memories from already collected information and processing it. Even when your eyes, everything is closed, in the night time, in the dream time you can see, no information is received from outside. But inside some processing is going on. The information which you already collected based on that some calculations are going on. You are dreaming. The dreams are nothing but the information processing happening inside your mind without any input from outside. You are able to catch My point? Same way, at the time of death, you may not, you may stop receiving information from outside, but you will be doing the same process inside. The already collected information will be there inside you will be doing process with them. So, death does not mean zero TPS. Only enlightenment means zero TPS. Okay. Thank you. Any other question?
And if you can browse that NDE website there is a beautiful website on Near Death Experience. One doctor, American doctor did a research, ten thousand people near death experience he collected. Near death experience means the persons who have declared by doctors as if he has died… he is dead. And after one hour or two hour he comes back, he gets the life and he sits. Like this more than ten thousand people he interviewed and collected their experiences. And in that he gives lot of tips. After his all his research he gives lot of conclusions, wonderful conclusions to prove the great truths of the yoga sastra, the yoga sutras about the rebirth and the birth cycle concepts, all these things are very clearly proved by him through the experiences of these NDE people the people who had the near death experiences. The website is just nde.com, if you find time you can go through the website. It will really open up to the new dimension for you.
Question: Swamiji, before your arrival, before your arrival I was talking about the tomorrow’s program. The Nithyananda Spurana Program.
Swamiji: So, you want Me to explain?
Question: Yes please explain.
Swamiji: The whole NSP Nithya Spurana Program is about this one question. That whether death is about zero TPS or not. What is death and how to be aware at the time of death? Actually in the Gita there’s a profound statement, a wonderful statement which says the bhagavad gita says, at the time of the leaving the body if you are aware,  conscious, your next birth will be according to your choice or you will not have next birth itself. You will be enlightened. If you are conscious or aware at the time of leaving the body you can choose whether to get enlightened or to take birth according to your choice. There is a statement, it is not only a statement, solid truth, solid truth. So, these two days we are going to work and we are going to do the program or we are going to do a programming of your mind, the moment .. See actually when you leave the body certain kind of energy starts happening in you. Certain kind of pain starts happening in you. The moment tha pain starters happen in your being, you should become aware of your being. You should go beyond the thoughts. You should come down to zero TPS.
So these two days program is all about how to have zero TPS at the time of leaving the body. It’s almost like a shortcut to Enlightenment. When you leave you can do whatever you want. At the time of leaving somehow you can maintain or manage the zero TPS. With high temperature, maintain high temperature… I don’t mean that heat with that high restless mood or the pain if you can somehow maintain the zero TPS or if you can know somehow the technique of maintain the zero TPS you can have the enlightenment or the conscious next birth. It is all about how to do that. And one more thing it is not that this meditation will help only you die if you make it even at the time of living you will be able repeat, reproduce the zero TPS experience whenever you want. According to Me, scientist means a man who creates formula to reproduce the same experience which happened to him spontaneously in the outer world. For example the theory of gravity, the gravitation… gravity theory. Something has happened to him in the outer world. Something has clicked in his consciousness. He understood something. So, he reproduced the same thing in the format of formula for everyone to experience that, to understand that he is called scientist.
If somebody creates a formula to reproduce in others the same experience which happened to him inside he is called mystic.
A scientist is a man who creates a formula to reproduce the same experience which happened to him in the outer world.
Mystic is a person who creates the formula to reproduce the same experience which happened to him inside, in the inner world. 
Paramahamsa is a man who is able to put the people into that same experience which happened to him spontaneously.
So, all I am trying to do in these two days is I am trying to give the formula. Formula is what I call meditation technique, through which you can have the experience, the same experience which happened in Me spontaneously, when I did the meditation when I become enlightened. So, I am trying to give that glimpse of what happened in Me through a formula. I try to reproduce the same thing in you through a proper technique and a place and with a proper atmosphere what we call space. Trying to create that same space so that you can have the glimpse of that experience. That is what is all about the Nithyananda Spurana program. Thank you. I will be working on your 7 layers of your body. 7 layers of your body.
Okay if you are attending please take good rest today tonight. Because tomorrow night you will not be sleep. You will be only few hours you will be resting. You will not have much time to sleep so prepare yourself if you are going to attend. It will be be what to say that …. it will not be even actually tiring. Because you are continuously you will be working and meditating on yourself, you will have enough energy okay. Yes..  I can hear others won’t be able to hear. That’s why..
Question: The question is…  it is not related to the topic you are talking about. But I have been wanting to ask You this for past three hours. Sometimes you do get caught in the unpleasant situation of your near ones and the best thing is you don’t talk. And sometimes the situation gets so impleasant you afraid to speak up, you have to speak up. And it is not who is right or wrong but when other person is feeling the person who crossed you, you get triggered. You don’t want to speak. And even the simple statement you want to talk since other person is going on talking in loud and screaming. The heart beat I can hear it in mind and your speech stuck. And the whole process is like I was wondering why this is happening?
Swamiji: A small story, a small story: two friends, both of them are drunkards, they are sitting in a pub and talking to each other. One guy, after fully drunk he says: I am scared to go to house; the moment I press the calling bell she will be waiting. She will open the door and starts screaming and shouting and throwing things. And somehow I have to run and escape and hide myself. I don’t know what I am going to do. Please tell me something how to escape. The other guy said is it so? In my house it is totally opposite! I go and bang the door, throw the shoes and roll the vessels and whatever I want I do and eat in the kitchen and go to the bedroom, bang the door shout and still she acts as if she’s sleeping. Even then she acts as if she is sleeping. See two different situation, one side this guy is afraid. She is waiting standing outside. What she will do I don’t know. Other side she is afraid. He does everything and still she is acting as if she is sleeping. I think it is up to you whether to create this situation or that situation. It is your intelligence why do you want to again and again create the first situation. Just start to create the second situation. Just you become little up or aggressive naturally the whole problem will be solved. It is actually only these two situation can happen if you understand. Only these two can happen. Always only these two happens whether the first one or the second one. So understand what you want and start creating. 
Question: Yes Swamiji, I tried like a  several times. I speak and practice in front of a mirror. When I go to spot I forget everything.
Swamiji: 😊😊 I think you need to have more training. That’s all. Nothing else. Just little more training. And once or twice you are successful then that mental setup will be created. Don’t worry. Actually it is just creating a new mental setup ma. All path finders are path breakers. Now you have to break the old path and create a new path. That’s all. At least next time try this story, remember this story and try that’s all.
Question: Do I kick the vessel?
Swamiji: Okay and here he says come to LBP, come to life bliss program because he says he got the courage after attending the program.
Question: But how do we know which path is right or wrong? 
Swamiji: You see I’m not here to judge. She also doesn’t say which is right or wrong. And I have to tell you honestly which is right or wrong.
Question: No it is like in general.
Swamiji: That is what I am telling whether in general or in particular I don't know which path is right or wrong. And who is there to judge and one thing I am not going to give the final judgement. In the end when you go for judgment day I will not be there sitting giving you judgment. So, I can’t say which is right or which is wrong. So, it is all depending on individuals and situations, that’s all.
Question: I got a two part question. Can you say something on what is mind and what is the function or the process of mind or purpose of mind?
Swamiji: What is mind is the continuous movement from past to future and future to past is what is mind. The purpose of the mind is originally to do the chronological planning, but mind does except chronological planning, everything else. It is originally given to you to do the chronological planning. Like chronological planning means you plan after this program I will go to the parking place and I will take my car, go back to the house. Chronological planning. Perfectly alright. But your mind does everything else except this. What your mind does, “Oh when I take my car and go, I may sleep or I may get into some accident or cop may stop me and give me  ticket, what will I do”? It says all other things except the chronological timing. You do everything what I say psychological worrying. Mind is originally created for chronological planning but it does only psychological worrying. It never does the chronological planning. It’s a instrument given to you, the weapon given to you, to live the life more happily, more blissfully. But it does everything else except giving you the bliss. That’s the problem. That is why I always tell the people mind your mind, then you will be knowing no-mind.
With this question we finish. I think it’s time. Yes…
Question: Last question.
Swamiji: It is last question. And I think we can do a small technique to bring down your TPS, just a 15 minute technique.
Question: Namaste Swamiji. Maybe You get this question awkward. How do you know when you have reached Enlightenment?
Swamiji: Sorry I am not able to hear. What did she say?
Question: How did you know you are enlightened?
Swamiji: No full question.
Question: Maybe this is very common question. When did you know you reached enlightenment? How is that states like how do you know to come out of it?
Swamiji: So one thing when you reach Enlightenment no question of coming out. No question of coming out. It is a non-return zone. That’s all. One way. You reach, you reach that’s the first thing. Next thing when you reach Enlightenment the very doubt will disappear whether I am enlightened or not. That’s all. As long as you have this doubt be very clear you are not enlightened. People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, am I enlightened or not”? I tell them as long as you have this doubt you are not enlightened. Be very sure, be very clear about it. The moment you are enlightened this very doubt will disappear. Such wonderful confidence will happen to you. Simply you will know. How do you know I am sitting in front of you. You are seeing, the same way I am seeing. That’s all. Simple truth, straightaway. So, you will have a such a clarity about everything you will not even have the doubt. Even the doubt will disappear whether I am  enlightened or not. Then you can be sure you are enlightened…. Okay I think it is time we end the session with a simple technique. You see somebody, somebody is actually going to maybe five, five to ten minutes. If any of you are for some reason  if you don't want to meditate or if you have to go urgently or if you can’t sit for next five, ten minutes you can leave the hall.
Otherwise you can continue it is a simple technique to bring your TPS down. It’s a very simple relaxation method through which you can bring your TPS down. The same thing which I told you the day before yesterday now I am trying to give as in the form of instruction. So, that you can try to relax. Nothing, just you are going to watch your inhaling and exhaling and you are going to be inside your boundary. And you are going to watch your thoughts that’s all. You see, don't repeat any mantra. Don’t think of any god. Don't do anything else, just for few minutes relax and be inside your boundary. Means inside your body you always go around. If you are in the house your mind will be in the office. If you are in the office your mind will be in the beach. If you are in the beach your mind will be in the again in the house. Instead of that for few minutes, few moments bring down, bring  yourself to this boundary.  Be where you are. 
And the next thing just inhale and exhale as deeply as possible and be aware of it. Actually when you are aware when you become conscious of it you will automatically start doing deeply, inhale and exhale with full of awareness. And the third thing just be aware of your wandering mind. If your mind goes away somewhere then again just remember and be aware of it as much as possible. Just be aware of your thoughts. Just be aware of your inhaling and exhaling-breathing. Just be aware of your body for few minutes. Please close your eyes. Relax. Just close your eyes. Relax
(Music plays.)
Inhale and exhale as slowly as possible as deeply as possible. Just try to be aware of your thinking.
Live inside your body don't go anywhere else just be here. Let your mind be here. Inhale as deeply as possible. If you are feeling drowsy just sit straight.
Inhale and exhale as slowly as possible and as deeply as possible.
Just be aware of your breathing, inhaling and exhaling. Inhale as slowly as possible as deeply as possible and exhale as slowly as possible and as deeply as possible.
Just be aware of your thoughts, don't judge them, don’t create them, don’t maintain them, don’t destroy them. Just let them come and go.
(Meditation is in process)
Om shanti, shanti, shanti, shantihi.
Relax, you can open your eyes and relax.
I pray to the ultimate divine energy, the Lord, let Him give the understanding to all of us and let you all experience this ultimate truth and experience be become one with Eternal Bliss-Nithya Ananda.
Thank You.
(01:43: 36)
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Latest revision as of 01:12, 5 November 2022

Title: Cosmic Intelligence

Cosmic Intelligence Nithyananda


Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on Cosmic Intelligence

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I welcome you all with My love and respects. Sorry for the delay, actually I was ready 6 O'clock itself due to rain, we are expecting all the friends together. So, only then I started from the place where I am staying. We will enter into the subject. Today’s subject is cosmic intelligence. Twenty years ago if somebody could have made a statement like any information from the planet earth will be available just by one click in your laptop or in your computer, surely you wouldn’t have believed. Twenty years ago if somebody makes a statement within twenty years any information you want about anything will be available to you just by one click in your laptop or in your computer, surely you wouldn’t have believed. But today it has become reality because of internet. Because of internet it has become reality. Any information you can receive just by one click in your laptop, in your computer. Same way now I am proposing few theories of course it is not just a theory. It is a solid truth which is experienced by millions of yogis and rishis.


Even though it is little difficult to grasp intellectually, it is little difficult to accept intellectually, if you can have a little bit of courage to work or little sympathy you will be able to not only understand the truth, you can even experience the benefits of it. You can experience the benefits of this cosmic intelligence. Let us first understand what I mean by the word cosmic intelligence. Cosmic intelligence mean when I say that word I don’t mean only the data or the information…. Only the data or the information you can get just by website… just from the websites, just through internet. Website or the internet can give information on anything. Now any information is available. Just the information is not enough. Something beyond information is necessary for life. What you need beyond information to live is what I call intelligence. To process the information and not only that to decide right thing in a right time and the energy to live with, with information, the capacity to live, the power to live …. see if it an ordinary information it can be passed just by matter.


Of course all information are recorded only in matter including mind. Mind is nothing but a matter. Mind is nothing but a matter. But beyond the information you need something called intelligence, consciousness, awareness. When I say about the cosmic intelligence of course I include data, whatever data available on the planet earth. Apart from data something more is added something more than information what I call Consciousness. Surely we are not able to reproduce Consciousness. Still human beings are not able to create Consciousness. We are trying our best even in the level of artificial intelligence we are not able to reproduce consciousness. We are almost able to do whatever a man does but not exactly. Only almost not exactly. We are not able to achieve the Consciousness. Let us look little deep, further what do you mean by the cosmic intelligence or how to access it. How to bring the cosmic intelligence into our life as a reality. According to the yogis, the body which you are having the human body is the best system.


There are so many systems available in the planet earth: fish, animals, planets, the plants sorry plants, so many things. According to yogis even the rocks are living. Even rocks are living entity, there is no such thing is inanimate. According to yogis everything is animate. There is no such thing inanimate. But among all those systems, among all those beings, among all those structures, human body is the most intelligent system. They say this is the most evolved system. Because Consciousness happens only in this body. Only in this body Consciousness happens. One small request I am using lot of Sanskrit words and too many technical terms. Anywhere you are not able to follow I welcome you to stop and ask questions. Because I take it for granted that you all understand what all I am speaking. So, please you don’t understand stop Me that you are request to stop Me at any point and you can question Me. You don't have to think that flow will be disconnected or all those things. You can just question Me.


The first day as I was mentioning this is going to be a series of talks. These four days is going to be series of talks. Everyday I was speaking little deep subjects today I was speaking little deeply. We are trying to produce series of discourses on the same subject. The same thing which I spoke on the first day, the same thing little deep way I am trying to explain. So, if you are not able to follow anywhere you can just stop Me and question Me. The Consciousness happens only in this system. In any other system even in chimpanzees Consciousness doesn’t happen. They are not conscious to reach beyond the level of human being, or to reach beyond the level to take a different dimension; it is only for human beings is possible. Only for human beings it is possible. Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, why should we meditate? From monkey automatically we become human beings, the evolution happened. So, naturally we are going to become superhumans. Why should we meditate”? I told them, when we become human being the natural growth has stopped. Now no more natural growth. If at all you want to grow you need to do conscious effort because the Consciousness has come in. See, till you become human being you don't have Consciousness. All you have is only instinct, so the growth is natural. You will grow. The moment you become human being there is something called intellect has come in.


Now it is your responsibility to become intelligent. Till human being you are at the level of instinct. Instinct has got its natural growth. But now you have one more dimension called intellect, with intellect you can even control the instinct. You are able to, many time you are controlling your instinct just by intellect. Now the moment the intellect has come now you need to work consciously to go to the intelligence. No more natural growth will be happening. It is now your conscious choice. This is the best system, the system which you are having is the best system. Because in this system only the Consciousness has happened. Consciousness can happen. Consciousness can happen only in this system. A buffalo cannot become a Buddha how much it can try hard all possible ways and method it cannot become a buddha. Whole day it can just sit, sit, sit but it cannot become buddha. Only human beings can become a Buddha. Only the human being can achieve the ultimate Consciousness.


And one more thing there is a beautiful sutra Patanjali says, when you become tortoise, all your past life memories are stored in that body. When you grow and become little higher level animal and all those memories of that memories are stored in that body. So slowly, slowly you evolve. When you evolve to the level of human beings, all your past life memories are stored in this system. So, it can just tap any memory if you know how to tap it. This may look like a theory, but they say you can fly, you can swim without any training. Without any training straight away human beings can fly, human beings can swim. Looks like a fairy tale. Of course today only I went to a fantasyland. Almost looks like a fairy tale or fantasy. You should forgive Me but scientists are really proving this statement. They say in Japan they did a research the moment kids take birth, they are put in water and they start swimming. Kids start swimming automatically. And if they are not taught that they can’t fly, they do try. Actually the moment you condition them that you can’t do this, only then they forget. By nature we have all the intelligence available to our system to our human body to our being. The difficulty is first thing we strongly believe we are limited. Very strongly we believe we are limited. Next thing we don’t know the technique or the method to tap all the possibilities or to open all the dimensions of our being.


Let Me give you a small diagram and then I will try to explain the same subject little deep way…. I am going to give a small diagram about how our mind is resisting to open itself for the innate intelligence available to our being and how we can penetrate the intelligence which is available to our being. So, after giving explaining about the diagram… The first day I explained about the Tq and Tp is almost same but in a different dimension. So for new comers I think I will explain the whole thing again. Swami draws a diagram.


Please understand this is the time shaft means the time. I am here, I am considering time as a shaft continuously time is moving. The future is becoming past, continuously the future is becoming past. Future is slowly, slowly entering into the past. The time is continuously flowing, flowing, flowing, flowing. For example now 8:28:37 second by now it has become past. Now 41 second is the future. By now it is already become past. So, the future is continuously becoming past. Future is becoming past, that is what I call time shaft.


It is just moving. If you consider time as a shaft it is continuously moving. All your past is available here (left side of the time shaft). All the future is available here (right side of the time shaft). The present moment (where the future and past meet) is here, continuously the future is becoming past. This is the whole eternity. Eternity of past, present, future. The eternity usually always your mind wanders between past and the future, your mind just wanders between past and the future. It is just going from here to there, here to there, here to there continuously. Mind means nothing but the movements from past and the future. For moment you are in the past, next moment you just jump to the future and immediately you are jumping from the future. Just you are jumping from past to future or past to future. The more number of times you jump from here to there, there to here more thoughts. Thought is nothing but one jump from past to the future. You can see your mind if you stop moving into the past or into the future simply your thoughts will stop. You can’t think. Got only one dimension either you decide I will not think anything about the past. You can’t think or I will not think anything about the future you can’t think.


You can’t do.. you can’t do something called thinking if you stop only one dimension of your being, one dimension of your mind. Because for mind to move, for you to think the past and the future both are necessary. The jump if you take one jump from future to past or one jump from past to future that is what we call thought. Thought is nothing but a jump which you take from past to future or future to past. If you take ten jump per second, you can say 10 TPS. Ten thoughts per second you are having. If you take ten jump you are having ten thoughts per second. If you are taking 100 jumps, you are having 100 thoughts per second. How many jumps you take from here to there, there to here that many thoughts per second you are having. For example, person who is restless, let us think he is having 100 thoughts per second, 100 TPS. 100 TPS he is far from this past and the future. He is far from the time shaft. Why you know if you are continuously jumping from here to there, from there to here you will not be even aware of the past properly. You will not even be aware of the future properly. Because continuously you are jumping.


Even to become aware of the past you have to come to present moment. For example you are supposed to think about your tenth birthday celebration. Your tenth birthday was celebrated some thirty years ago. If you have to think, you have to come to the present moment. You have to see now your mind and you have to start seeing the file. Even to see that memory who all came and who all gave you what all the gifts they gave you or what cake you cut or how you celebrated. Even to bring all those things to memory you have to be in the present moment. You have to come to the present. So, if you are continuously jumping from past to future, future to past, past to future if you are continuously jumping you will not be even aware of the past or the future. You will not be even aware of the past or the future. You will be just jumping from here to there, here to there, here to there. That is what I call 100 TPS.


The restless mind. The more the TPS you are away from the time shaft. Time shaft means the incidences: incidences, memory, intelligence whatever you may call. Whatever is in the store, whatever is in the file that is what I call the cosmic intelligence is what I call time shaft. The cosmic intelligence is time only. Time is the cosmic intelligence. If you can just go back and get any material, you are already, you have the cosmic intelligence. If you can penetrate the time and suddenly go back, 30 years back or 100 years back and get those memories already you are having cosmic intelligence. This is what I call Cosmic Intelligence…. This is what I call Cosmic Intelligence. If you are continuously moving from past to future, future to past - restless 100 thoughts per second. Naturally you will be away from cosmic intelligence. You will be completely away from cosmic intelligence. Little less for example when it is 80 thoughts per second means what the back and forth is little less. Instead of running, running, running you are tired, little less 80 times you take jump. 80 times you take a jump means little less.. less restless. Then you come near the Cosmic Intelligence.


You come near the cosmic intelligence. And if it is little more less somehow if you reduce the TPS to 60, you come little more near the cosmic intelligence. The more near you have to the time shaft you will be able to see the past and future more clearly. You will be able to see your past more clearly. Actually people may ask, “Swamiji, if we are having 100 TPS if we are restless it is not that we are able to remember our past. Even if we are restless we are able to remember the past, what happened to me at the age of 10, what happened to me at the 15, what happened to me at the age of 50 I am able to remember. How do we say that only with less TPS we are able to see the past clearly”?

See, when TPS is more, you may see the incidences as you want, not as it has happened. You may see the incidences as you want. Either you will see only you will remember only the wrong incidences, all bad incidences only then you will say my whole life is hell. The day I came to this country my life has become hell. All these statements why do you make. why do you make all these statements because you don't see the complete past. You see only the…. you just pick whatever you want to see those few moments, you pick up and then you try to connect and judge your past.


The more you come down the less TPS you are more close to the time shaft. When the TPS is coming down you will have clear cut idea about even about your past, really how you lived. What is the incidents! As on now you will not remember whatever has happened. You will remember only what do you want to remember. When things happen you make a file when things happen for example, if you have a party in your house, after the party you create a file about the party to keep in your memory. You will not create the whole thing, you will create only whatever mistakes have happened and that you will make as a file so that next time you will not make that mistake. That is all. You will not remember the whole incident. You will not remember the joy, the ecstasy, how you spent time, how you spoke, how people were enjoying. All those things you will not remember.


You will remember only few mistakes you did.. which you did, “Oh, I did this mistake, I did that mistake”, you remember only those things and create a file so that you will not do the same again. If your TPS is too much, you will remember only that file, you will not remember the whole incident. The moment you can remember the whole incident, the moment you can remember the whole past, simply the past will teach you a wonderful lesson. Actually if you can remember the whole past simply you will be able to remember the whole future. Because the past is nothing but one dimension of time. Vivekananda says beautifully: if you can… know one handful of clay completely, you will know the clay present in the whole world. If you can know completely about one handful of clay naturally whatever clay available on the planet earth you will know about that. Same way if you can have a clarity about the past naturally you have to have clarity about the future.


As long as you don’t have clarity about the future be very clear whatever you know about past is only fragments of past, not the whole past. Not as it has happened but as you wanted it. Only as you want it, you will not remember as it has happened. If you bring down your TPS, if you can become less restless, if you become more calm, more peaceful, more blissful by some method, for example you bring down to 40 TPS naturally you will be able to see your past and the future little more clearly. And one more thing when I say your past I don’t mean only with this body I mean all the bodies which you have taken.


All the lives which you lived is your past. All the lives which you have lived is your past if you don’t believe in reincarnation, even if you don’t believe in reincarnation… whether you believe it or not we had births. That’s all. It’s ultimate truth, believing or not is up to us. But the truth is truth. Even if you don’t believe you have intelligence. There is a intelligence inside your system. When I say past I mean the whole thing. You will be able to tap, you can tap the whole memory. It is straightaway available to you. For example, from here if you want to see the past you can see only this much of past and this much of future. From here this point little more of past and little more of future. From this point little more of the past and little more of the future. From this point naturally you will be to see little more of the past and little more of the future. Through some technique meditation or breadth watch or just by being relaxed through some method if you can bring down your TPS-thoughts per second to zero; to zero means completely to the present moment you touch the eternity. See, eternity is available to us only in the present moment.


Eternity means past, present and future is eternity. You can’t touch the eternity in the past because past is already gone, you can’t touch the eternity in the future because it is yet to happen. You can touch the eternity only in the present moment. Only in the present you can touch the eternity. If you relax into the present moment, if you can come to now, ‘here and now’, you can simply touch the eternity - Nithya. You can just touch the eternity - Nithya. If you can touch this present moment simply you will be aware of the whole past and the whole future. If you can be aware of this present moment, this moment just totally relaxed and totally aware, totally conscious, simply you will be able to see your whole future and whole past. Of course looks like a fairy tale but one thing you can tell you honestly I can say it is with the I what to say that ……. I can say honestly what I am speaking is My experience. Of course I have no other investment to promote this concept, except to inspire you. It is possible by you. It’s like a … a seed says no no no let the tree happen only then I will open. But the tree says only the seed opens how can I happen. So, the tree is waiting for the seed open, the seed is waiting for the tree to happen. Something has to happen first. Unless the seed opens the tree can’t happen. But the seed is saying, “no, no, no how can I believe, let first let the tree happen only then I will open.” So, a person who has become tree only is a Master. Master is the proof. He says don’t worry you can become a tree just open who gives the courage open you will become tree I opened I have become tree, I have not died.


So, you also open you can become tree. It is just like a simple courtesy not even compassion just a courtesy. It is like somebody is going ahead of you, ten miles ahead of you on a particular road. You wanted to know how is the traffic and especially in LA you know the traffic and just you ring up you ask him through cell phone how is the traffic? And naturally will he have a simple courtesy to say traffic is okay you can come please come. Just with the same courtesy I tell you it is simply honest truth. It can simply happen in your life with little bit of courage to explore if you can bring yourself to the present moment, if you can penetrate to the present moment. A small example let Me tell you. One person asked Me in one meeting, “Swamiji, many time this happened in my life. That I will be sitting in a party and talking to a group of people. Suddenly I remember some old friend's name and I will feel he is going to come in five minutes. And simply he will be there in five minutes.


And when the telephone rings suddenly I remember some old friends name whom I have not seen for five, six years and when I pick up the phone he will be there on the line. When somebody knocks the door I remember somebody’s name when I open the door he is standing. And when I enter… When I go to some place suddenly I feel that as if I have come to this same place already I know where is the bathroom, where is the bedroom, where is the living room and exactly it is there. How it happens? He asked Me, “Swamiji, how this is happening in my life? Many times this happened in my life.” Then I asked that whole group how many of you had the same experience at least once in your life. More than 80% raised their hand. And now I can ask how many of you had at least once this experience, this type of experience. Again majority, a big number. How, how this happens? See, if it happens once in some one persons life we can say coincidence. But when it happens in so many person’s life, so many times we can’t say it is a coincidence. There is something more to it. How it happens? Knowingly or unknowingly because you relax suddenly you fall into the present moment. Your TPS comes down in that moment. Whenever you have this experience just see, whenever you get this type of experience that suddenly you are aware what is going to happen in next few minutes and it happens.


See your mind, it will be calm. You will be relaxed even out of joy, you come to present moment. Knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously you fall in the present moment. Your TPS comes down. That is why you are able to see your a small patches of the past or future. A small five minutes future you are able to see, few minutes of future you are able to penetrate. Because TPS suddenly comes down. If the TPS comes down your vision about the future will increase. If the TPS comes down your vision about the future will increase. You will have a more clear vision about the future. You will be little more clear. Suddenly without your knowledge unconsciously maybe because you are happy, when you are happy actually theTPS comes down. You are not restless, that is why whenever you are happy you don’t know how much of time has passed. When you are sitting with a friend or a beloved whom you are very happy, you will not know how much of time has passed. Hours together you will spent and suddenly you realize, “Oh, so many hours are gone.”


If you are sitting with somebody who is boring, every ten minutes you will see your watch. Every ten minutes you will be watching what is happening still he is not leaving. No phone call is coming I cannot at least I can escape saying some reason. You will just continuously watching. Why? See when thoughts per second is more the time will not … you will not feel the time is not moving. You will see time is not moving, time is slow. That is why hell is always eternal. Hell is always eternal. It is not that chronologically it is eternal. Psychologically it is eternal. That is why in all the religion when they say about hell they will say eternal hell. See understand one thing even if you have committed continuously only sins throughout your 100 years life how can you be put in eternal hell. Is it justice? See, even of you commit even complete 100 years only sins, even if you do only sins in 100 years how you can be punished eternally? Surely God will not do that. But even if you are sent to hell one year, that will look like eternal. Because hell is eternal. Whenever you are restless time feels like eternal. It is not moving. When you are happy time flies just like that. Because the thoughts per second is less. When the thoughts per second is less you are blissful. When you are blissful the thoughts per second just drops. Whenever you are blissful the TPS drops.


When TPS drops you are blissful. That is why in those moments when you predict when you have some intuition, when you come to know something about the future those few moments knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously your TPS suddenly drops. Your TPS drops. I have always seen the people who are time conscious they will be continuously in hell. No really I tell you people are time conscious they will be in hell. No they will achieve whatever they want to achieve in the life but inside the time bound awareness is what I call bondage. The time bound awareness is good discipline socially, see whenever you are attending some meeting, some business things be time bound. Nothing wrong that is the way you have to be socially, that is the social etiquette or it has to be. But whenever you can, when you finish your business, relax from the time bound awareness. When you remove your coat, when you remove your shoes, remove your time bound awareness also. Know how to relax from it. You will see, you will enjoy the different dimension of your life. Only when you drop out the time bound awareness you can enjoy what I call bliss of the low TPS. The low TPS bliss can happen to you or the deep fulfillment can happen to you only when you slip out of the time bound awareness. Time bound awareness is good for business not for living, because life is not business. Life is not business. Life is something more than a business.


For business it is okay. For business time bound awareness is necessary. Without that you can’t live. But when you are out of your business when you remove your coat and remove this time bound awareness also from your head. Whenever you remove your shoes make this as a point to remove time bound awareness from your head. I know a particular Swami who lived in India. He is an enlightened person. Now he is no more. Actually in his house he had a 25 clocks. 25 clock one will be showing 1:30 another one 2:30, one 4:30, one 5:30, one 5 o'clock, one, 6 o’clock, one 7 o’clock, one 12 o'clock, one will not move just stand in 12 AM and 25 clocks. Actually when I went to his room first time I thought he is having devotees all over the world. Maybe each clock is one, one country. Each clock shows the one, one country time so wherever he speaks to them through phone he will see that clock for that country. I though it is for utility he has kept. I asked him, “Swamiji, the countries are mentioned in the clocks. Why so many clocks without mentioning the countries”? He said, “Country? What do You mean”? I asked, “What is this Swamiji? Everything is showing it’s own time.”


He said, “Whenever I want time to be 12:30, I will take that clock as authority…. When I want time to be 1:30 I take that clock as a authority.” And there is one clock without glass I said, “What for that Swamiji”? If I want some special time which not of these 25 clocks showing, I move this clock and take that as a authority.” I told him, “How are you living Swamiji”? And actually one more thing really he is like a CEO. I thought he is only like Swami. He was managing his institution, his organization. I asked him, “How are you managing the organization”? “No, when I go out of my room, I have one watch which shows the chronological time, I will be on that. And I follow all my routine, I live according my routine, I enjoy replying the phone calls or replying the answer, taking decisions, administering, doing all the admin jobs, everything. The moment I come into my room I take that watch out and put it there. Inside my room this is the way I live.” Totally timeless or beyond time. The idea of time itself has disappeared. So actually if you can live at least for… try for few days, not in your office, in your house, try to live without the awareness of the time, you will open yourself to a new dimension of your being. I tell you. You will open yourself to a new dimension of your being.


You will feel such a wonderful… actually I did a research. I did a research on this. Whenever we are not bound by time, when you have the timeless awareness the adrenalin level in our system is very low. When the adrenaline level is low you feel a well being, you feel a well being. Whenever the adrenalin level is high you will be continuously in tension. At tension means what? Attention means what you are at- tension. Attention is nothing but you are at-tension. If you can live with time bound awareness, with time bound consciousness 24 hrs but naturally what will happen? You will be continuously hurrying, hurrying and hurrying and worrying, worrying, worrying. Then naturally adrenalin levels will go up, heart problems and all other problems by the age of fifty or sixty you will have all possible things. Then after that you will have enough of time. Once you die you will have eternity available to yourself. So, I tell you once in a while slip out of time. See, if a man is time bound he can’t have vacation I tell you. He can’t have vacation. If he’s sitting in the office thinking and worrying it is called work. If he is sitting in the house and worrying it is called preparing for work. If he is worrying on the beach it's called vacation. That is all. The place may change, but the mental setup of worrying will never change.


So, once in a while slipout of this time bound awareness you will enjoy, you will understand what I mean by the low TPS. What I mean by the word low TPS…. Actually people ask Me, many people, many time people question Me, “Swamiji..” Of course I go around all over the world and continuously I am giving discourses. I don’t use any hints. I never keep any hints or anything to speak. People ask Me, “How do You continuously remember so many things”? How do you continuously speak together hours together? Not one or two hour I speak sometimes in the four days meditation camps and all per day 18 hours. Four days continuously I will be speaking and I never carry any notes. Everything is spontaneous. People ask Me, “How, how is it possible”? I tell them it’s because I never went to school properly 😊. I never… I never confined Myself to the time bound awareness. Actually the worst conspiracy done to you is by the schools. They make you time bound. If you can slip out of the time bound awareness once in a while at least once in a while you will understand what I call by the word intelligence. What I call by the word intelligence. You see all great discoveries by any scientist, any, any scientist, read out any discovery, all discoveries are done when they are not in time bound.. when they are not under time bound awareness. Read the all the histories of the scientists, read all their stories where the Archimedes discover his principles? Where Edison discovered. When Newton discovered the theories? See completely.


Whenever they achieved something great always it is timeless awareness. When they are out, when they don’t have the timeless awareness, when they are not bound by time only then the great things happened to human beings. The great things from the cosmic intelligence just erupts out.. it just erupts out when your TPS is low. When your TPS drops the great intelligence things erupts out of the cosmic intelligence. As long as the TPS is high you are away from the cosmic intelligence. Any great discovery, anything great happened to human consciousness only when the TPS is low. This guy when he is relaxed sitting in his garden, apple fell and he discovered the theory of gravitation or about gravity. Anything great only happens when your TPS is low when you are not time-bound. As long as you are time bound you have time bound awareness you are a good businessman or a engineer. You can do mass production. But only when you reach the timeless awareness, only when your TPS drops you can become an artist or a poet.


Great things can happen to you only when your TPS drops down and only when you are having that time less awareness. So, that method or a technique to drop your TPS or to drop from the time bound awareness is what I call meditation. You can see all over the world whether mystical truths or scientific truths, they are discovered only when a person is dropped out of time bound awareness. Only when a person is dropped out of time bound awareness whether it is a mystical truths or scientific truths happens to the human consciousness. All great truths are discovered only when you are beyond time. Actually with the time bound awareness you can do mass production. You can do mass production in time bound awareness. Mass always lives with time bound awareness. If you can drop, if you can escape, if you can be a drop out of the time bound awareness you become intelligent. All intelligent people are dropouts I tell you. All pathfinders are path breakers. Anybody who has achieved great things he has dropped out of time bound awareness.


When you are actually when you dropped out of time bound awareness even one idea, one thought which hits your consciousness can transform your whole life. What you will achieve with the time bound awareness throughout your life, thousand times more can be achieved with one moment of timeless awareness. For example, can you equate that theory of gravity with any of your earnings? 100 years you lived with time bound awareness and make money, comfort what all every possible thing. Can you equate the whole thing with one theory of gravity? No. For the one moment of timeless awareness you can't equate with that one single moment he made the whole thing. Whatever you make with 100’s of years whatever you make with all your earnings, all your time bound awareness with all that what do you make, he made much more than that with that one moment of timeless awareness. Apart from personal comforts, apart from worldly affairs, apart from your money, materialistic benefits, the timeless awareness gives you a tremendous fulfillment, tremendous fulfillment that you lived your life.


One glimpse of zero TPS is enough to give you the deepest possible fulfillment that you lived your life, you lived your life. That’s the real vacation. I tell you that is the ultimate vacation. Unless you know the technique of dropping the TPS, wherever you go, world’s happiest place, that’s what they call that board I saw today. World’s happiest place. Even there you can’t have vacation. You can’t have vacation. If you can drop the TPS here and now, you will be having a vacation. Your whole life will be a vacation. Whole life will be a joy. Whole life will be in ecstasy. There I was telling our devotees who came with Me I feel the whole life is ecstasy. Why some separate place for festival? There was a board I saw “Disneyland, where the party never ends.” I said the whole life is a party. Why? Why to make some separate place for party? The whole life is celebration. You feel the whole life is a nityotsava if you can drop. If your TPS drops you will simply be able to penetrate the whole past and the whole future as it happened and as it will happen. You will have the tremendous clarity. And one more thing the past again and again binds you.


You try to beat the past through future. Actually all your future is nothing but the repetition of your past. Whatever you think as your past you try to repeat with little developed version, as a little developed version. It is like you update little bit. Your future is nothing but your past updated version that’s all. You update your past. You don’t want some incidents so you remove that. You want some incidents a little more time so you add it and you try to repeat that is what is your future. It is like a here to there, here to there, here to there, you jump and you try to create the same past with little updating. With little bit of altering you try to create as a future. See, as long as you have not lived or known your past completely you will be repeating the same thing in your future. If your TPS can come down and if you know your whole past as it has happened, if you penetrate your whole past as it has happened you will not repeat the same past in future. You are karma muktha, means you are liberated from karma. You are a karma bandha, you are under the bondage of karma bandha, why? Because you have not lived your past, you have not known your past completely. For example, always we feel the childhood is golden.


When you are always you sweet memories of the college time. Oh in the university, in the college I lived like that, I lived like that. Always you have a memory. Actually when you lived did you enjoy? Just see when you actually lived did you enjoy? No. Later on you start thinking that it's a enjoyment. Because now suffering have been too much. When the suffering becomes too much you start thinking that’s much better. Oh that was much better. See now you attribute joy to your past, actually when you lived did you experience it? No. Now you think your past is beautiful. So, you are given a chance again you wanted to repeat the same, same life. Everybody wants to repeat the same college period, same life. They wanted to repeat. Why? You think it is a joy and bliss. But actually if you come down to zero TPS and see your whole past with the real eyes you will understand and it is not as you think. It is not great, it was not great as you think. Unfulfilled desires is what I call samskaras. It is there you have tried but you have not completely fulfilled.


So naturally what happened you are just pulled to travel in the same route. If you have not experienced the past naturally you will be repeating the same thing in the future. That’s why there is a beautiful statement, ‘history always repeats itself.’ Not only the history of humanity even your history. And I tell people I always tell ashramites take a oath that I will not do the same mistake again. You will never be able to do mistake. Just decide you will not do the same mistake twice. You will never be able to commit any mistake. If you can do new, new mistakes you will be never be able to do because that much intelligence we don’t have. That is the problem. To commit new, new mistakes we don’t have that much of intelligence. All we do is the same mistake. Just decide consciously I will not do the same mistake you will never be able to do any mistake. I tell you honestly I told people I have tried with many people. I tell them decide that you will not do the same mistake again. And they come and tell Me, “Swamiji, I am not able to do any mistake. Because all you do, all you repeat is from your past. Because we do not know the past.


If you can bring your TPS down through some techniques what I call meditation. All mediation techniques are techniques to bring your TPS down, bring your thoughts per second down. If you can bring your TPS down you will simply have a clear vision of the past and the future. The vision about the past and the future is what I call cosmic intelligence. The vision about all the past and all the future is what I call Cosmic Intelligence. If you can bring down your TPS and relax in the time. Relax in the time means relaxing in the present moment, relaxing now and here. If you can relax the now and here, if you can bring your TPS down to zero to the present moment simply you will have the clarity about the past and about the future. What these mystics call, the cosmic intelligence will become reality in your life. Of course looks almost like a fairytale. Now after hearing so many words you feel convinced. I think maybe there is some truth.


But when you go back when you wear your watch again, again the old, old mental setup comes back. And you forget there is something called timeless awareness exists in our being, in our life. Ramakrishna used to say beautifully somebody came and told to one person, “Oh, in my village one house… house is burned yesterday. It was some fire accident house was burnt. This guy says, “No, no I didn’t see in the newspaper it is not written in the newspaper. How can you say that”? Just because it is not there in the newspaper we can’t say it is a lie. Reality is different and newspaper is different. Same way just because you have not experienced the timeless awareness, we can’t say there is no such thing as timeless awareness. What we know is different and what is, is different. If you can somehow drop the TPS you will see the past and the future is directly available to you. And the one step further.. if you can relax in the same present moment, zero TPS for at least 11 moments, for 11 kshanas, you will be able to penetrate the time shaft and alter the future incidents. You can alter it. And if you can stay in that zero TPS for 21 seconds, 21 kshanas, 21 kshanas in the zero TPS in the present moment you will simply penetrate the time shaft. The future comes in your hand. Of course these two statements are mystical. These two are still mystical. They are based on the words of the great rishis.


Forget about these two statements but this much at least you can experience. Straightaway we can experience till the zero TPS. Beyond that these two statements how you can alter your future and penetrate your future is just mystical statements. And we don't have to bother about these two statements. Even though they are true, they are truth and you can experience, it is too big. At least this much you can experience. Actually if you go and sit in front of a man who is meditator or enlightened suddenly you start feeling little fresh and again and again you are attracted to his presence. People ask Me many time, “Swamiji, when we sitting in your presence we don’t know how time passes. We are so happy. Again and again we are attracted. Why”? This is all because your TPS drops. Actually if you are in the presence of somebody who has got zero TPS, for example you have 100 TPS and he is got zero TPS the moment you enter his presence simply your TPS will drop to 50. It will come to the average the TPS will drop to 50 because it is very infectious, the energy is infectious. Simply then TPS will drop. And the sameway if you are having 80 it will come down to 40. That is why we again and again say, सत्संगत्वे निस्संगत्वं, निस्संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वं। निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्त्वं, निश्चलतत्त्वे जीवन्मुक्तिः ॥९॥ Satsangatve nissangatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam, nirmohatve niscalatattvam niscalatattve jivanmukti|| Means a man who lives in zero TPS if you are in his company you become nitsanga, satsangatve nissangatvam means your restlessness comes down. You enter in to a intelligence or nirmohatvam means your intelligence is active where your buddhi is clear and you reach the nishchala tatva and jeevan mukthi, Jeevan Mukhti means ultimate enlightenment or zero TPS zone. The zero TPS zone is what we call ultimate enlightenment. Complete past whatever has happened, discovered, invented whatever is called as past, the complete past and the complete future whatever is going to happen, yet to be discovered, everything and whatever is happening, getting discovered present. The past, present, future all these three only I call as cosmic intelligence.


When I say the word cosmic intelligence I mean the past, present and the future all the three. If you can bring down your thoughts per second TPS simply you can penetrate the complete past and the future and present. And the whole cosmic intelligence will be straightaway available to you just like a browsing center. If you sit in a browsing center the whole world is available to you in the form of internet through internet the whole thing is available. Just you need to browse. I always call the brow center as the browsing center. The ajna chakra, the brow center is the browsing center. The ajna chakra if you can relax in the ajna chakra, the third eye, the energy center if you can relax in the third eye energy center and experience the zero TPS, the whole cosmic intelligence past, present and future will be available to you. Simply you can penetrate into your life or into anybody’s life and information. It may look like a fairy tale, have a courage and try to work little bit. And I tell you you will experience. It is a honest statement I make because I experienced it. Thank you.


If you have any questions because it is a very.. because it is a very controversial subject. I made many statements which easily we can’t accept at least intellectually…. So, if you have any question… actually if you analyze it with questions and discussions the understanding can be internalized. So, I request you to put any questions you want. Question: What is the difference between being there with zero TPS or all…. Your talks are very profound and I like it. But I would like to dig into some other area of when you die you have a zero TPS. Swamiji: No, alright you please put your question then I will explain.


Question: Okay maybe You know better than me because You if you are used to die before already. But what I am saying is theoretically when your brain stops working you have zero TPS? And your brain may stop because you are very ill or because you have the power to making it to stop that because of that. What is the difference between these three conditions? Swamiji: One thing first I wanted to be… I wanted all of you to understand at the time of death your brain .. you don’t achieve zero TPS state. Please be very clear your mind may not work. See, your brain may not work. Brain not working does not mean zero TPS. You may not receive information through senses and process it, but there is a past the memory which is inside from that you start doing the process. Two thing: you, your mind world in two level. One is getting information through these five senses and processing it. Another one is taking memories from already collected information and processing it. Even when your eyes, everything is closed, in the night time, in the dream time you can see, no information is received from outside. But inside some processing is going on. The information which you already collected based on that some calculations are going on. You are dreaming. The dreams are nothing but the information processing happening inside your mind without any input from outside. You are able to catch My point? Same way, at the time of death, you may not, you may stop receiving information from outside, but you will be doing the same process inside. The already collected information will be there inside you will be doing process with them. So, death does not mean zero TPS. Only enlightenment means zero TPS. Okay. Thank you. Any other question?


And if you can browse that NDE website there is a beautiful website on Near Death Experience. One doctor, American doctor did a research, ten thousand people near death experience he collected. Near death experience means the persons who have declared by doctors as if he has died… he is dead. And after one hour or two hour he comes back, he gets the life and he sits. Like this more than ten thousand people he interviewed and collected their experiences. And in that he gives lot of tips. After his all his research he gives lot of conclusions, wonderful conclusions to prove the great truths of the yoga sastra, the yoga sutras about the rebirth and the birth cycle concepts, all these things are very clearly proved by him through the experiences of these NDE people the people who had the near death experiences. The website is just nde.com, if you find time you can go through the website. It will really open up to the new dimension for you.


Question: Swamiji, before your arrival, before your arrival I was talking about the tomorrow’s program. The Nithyananda Spurana Program. Swamiji: So, you want Me to explain? Question: Yes please explain. Swamiji: The whole NSP Nithya Spurana Program is about this one question. That whether death is about zero TPS or not. What is death and how to be aware at the time of death? Actually in the Gita there’s a profound statement, a wonderful statement which says the bhagavad gita says, at the time of the leaving the body if you are aware, conscious, your next birth will be according to your choice or you will not have next birth itself. You will be enlightened. If you are conscious or aware at the time of leaving the body you can choose whether to get enlightened or to take birth according to your choice. There is a statement, it is not only a statement, solid truth, solid truth. So, these two days we are going to work and we are going to do the program or we are going to do a programming of your mind, the moment .. See actually when you leave the body certain kind of energy starts happening in you. Certain kind of pain starts happening in you. The moment tha pain starters happen in your being, you should become aware of your being. You should go beyond the thoughts. You should come down to zero TPS.


So these two days program is all about how to have zero TPS at the time of leaving the body. It’s almost like a shortcut to Enlightenment. When you leave you can do whatever you want. At the time of leaving somehow you can maintain or manage the zero TPS. With high temperature, maintain high temperature… I don’t mean that heat with that high restless mood or the pain if you can somehow maintain the zero TPS or if you can know somehow the technique of maintain the zero TPS you can have the enlightenment or the conscious next birth. It is all about how to do that. And one more thing it is not that this meditation will help only you die if you make it even at the time of living you will be able repeat, reproduce the zero TPS experience whenever you want. According to Me, scientist means a man who creates formula to reproduce the same experience which happened to him spontaneously in the outer world. For example the theory of gravity, the gravitation… gravity theory. Something has happened to him in the outer world. Something has clicked in his consciousness. He understood something. So, he reproduced the same thing in the format of formula for everyone to experience that, to understand that he is called scientist.


If somebody creates a formula to reproduce in others the same experience which happened to him inside he is called mystic. A scientist is a man who creates a formula to reproduce the same experience which happened to him in the outer world. Mystic is a person who creates the formula to reproduce the same experience which happened to him inside, in the inner world. Paramahamsa is a man who is able to put the people into that same experience which happened to him spontaneously. So, all I am trying to do in these two days is I am trying to give the formula. Formula is what I call meditation technique, through which you can have the experience, the same experience which happened in Me spontaneously, when I did the meditation when I become enlightened. So, I am trying to give that glimpse of what happened in Me through a formula. I try to reproduce the same thing in you through a proper technique and a place and with a proper atmosphere what we call space. Trying to create that same space so that you can have the glimpse of that experience. That is what is all about the Nithyananda Spurana program. Thank you. I will be working on your 7 layers of your body. 7 layers of your body.


Okay if you are attending please take good rest today tonight. Because tomorrow night you will not be sleep. You will be only few hours you will be resting. You will not have much time to sleep so prepare yourself if you are going to attend. It will be be what to say that …. it will not be even actually tiring. Because you are continuously you will be working and meditating on yourself, you will have enough energy okay. Yes.. I can hear others won’t be able to hear. That’s why.. Question: The question is… it is not related to the topic you are talking about. But I have been wanting to ask You this for past three hours. Sometimes you do get caught in the unpleasant situation of your near ones and the best thing is you don’t talk. And sometimes the situation gets so impleasant you afraid to speak up, you have to speak up. And it is not who is right or wrong but when other person is feeling the person who crossed you, you get triggered. You don’t want to speak. And even the simple statement you want to talk since other person is going on talking in loud and screaming. The heart beat I can hear it in mind and your speech stuck. And the whole process is like I was wondering why this is happening?


Swamiji: A small story, a small story: two friends, both of them are drunkards, they are sitting in a pub and talking to each other. One guy, after fully drunk he says: I am scared to go to house; the moment I press the calling bell she will be waiting. She will open the door and starts screaming and shouting and throwing things. And somehow I have to run and escape and hide myself. I don’t know what I am going to do. Please tell me something how to escape. The other guy said is it so? In my house it is totally opposite! I go and bang the door, throw the shoes and roll the vessels and whatever I want I do and eat in the kitchen and go to the bedroom, bang the door shout and still she acts as if she’s sleeping. Even then she acts as if she is sleeping. See two different situation, one side this guy is afraid. She is waiting standing outside. What she will do I don’t know. Other side she is afraid. He does everything and still she is acting as if she is sleeping. I think it is up to you whether to create this situation or that situation. It is your intelligence why do you want to again and again create the first situation. Just start to create the second situation. Just you become little up or aggressive naturally the whole problem will be solved. It is actually only these two situation can happen if you understand. Only these two can happen. Always only these two happens whether the first one or the second one. So understand what you want and start creating.


Question: Yes Swamiji, I tried like a several times. I speak and practice in front of a mirror. When I go to spot I forget everything. Swamiji: 😊😊 I think you need to have more training. That’s all. Nothing else. Just little more training. And once or twice you are successful then that mental setup will be created. Don’t worry. Actually it is just creating a new mental setup ma. All path finders are path breakers. Now you have to break the old path and create a new path. That’s all. At least next time try this story, remember this story and try that’s all. Question: Do I kick the vessel? Swamiji: Okay and here he says come to LBP, come to life bliss program because he says he got the courage after attending the program. Question: But how do we know which path is right or wrong? Swamiji: You see I’m not here to judge. She also doesn’t say which is right or wrong. And I have to tell you honestly which is right or wrong. Question: No it is like in general. Swamiji: That is what I am telling whether in general or in particular I don't know which path is right or wrong. And who is there to judge and one thing I am not going to give the final judgement. In the end when you go for judgment day I will not be there sitting giving you judgment. So, I can’t say which is right or which is wrong. So, it is all depending on individuals and situations, that’s all.


Question: I got a two part question. Can you say something on what is mind and what is the function or the process of mind or purpose of mind? Swamiji: What is mind is the continuous movement from past to future and future to past is what is mind. The purpose of the mind is originally to do the chronological planning, but mind does except chronological planning, everything else. It is originally given to you to do the chronological planning. Like chronological planning means you plan after this program I will go to the parking place and I will take my car, go back to the house. Chronological planning. Perfectly alright. But your mind does everything else except this. What your mind does, “Oh when I take my car and go, I may sleep or I may get into some accident or cop may stop me and give me ticket, what will I do”? It says all other things except the chronological timing. You do everything what I say psychological worrying. Mind is originally created for chronological planning but it does only psychological worrying. It never does the chronological planning. It’s a instrument given to you, the weapon given to you, to live the life more happily, more blissfully. But it does everything else except giving you the bliss. That’s the problem. That is why I always tell the people mind your mind, then you will be knowing no-mind. With this question we finish. I think it’s time. Yes…


Question: Last question. Swamiji: It is last question. And I think we can do a small technique to bring down your TPS, just a 15 minute technique. Question: Namaste Swamiji. Maybe You get this question awkward. How do you know when you have reached Enlightenment? Swamiji: Sorry I am not able to hear. What did she say? Question: How did you know you are enlightened? Swamiji: No full question. Question: Maybe this is very common question. When did you know you reached enlightenment? How is that states like how do you know to come out of it? Swamiji: So one thing when you reach Enlightenment no question of coming out. No question of coming out. It is a non-return zone. That’s all. One way. You reach, you reach that’s the first thing. Next thing when you reach Enlightenment the very doubt will disappear whether I am enlightened or not. That’s all. As long as you have this doubt be very clear you are not enlightened. People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, am I enlightened or not”? I tell them as long as you have this doubt you are not enlightened. Be very sure, be very clear about it. The moment you are enlightened this very doubt will disappear. Such wonderful confidence will happen to you. Simply you will know. How do you know I am sitting in front of you. You are seeing, the same way I am seeing. That’s all. Simple truth, straightaway. So, you will have a such a clarity about everything you will not even have the doubt. Even the doubt will disappear whether I am enlightened or not. Then you can be sure you are enlightened…. Okay I think it is time we end the session with a simple technique. You see somebody, somebody is actually going to maybe five, five to ten minutes. If any of you are for some reason if you don't want to meditate or if you have to go urgently or if you can’t sit for next five, ten minutes you can leave the hall.


Otherwise you can continue it is a simple technique to bring your TPS down. It’s a very simple relaxation method through which you can bring your TPS down. The same thing which I told you the day before yesterday now I am trying to give as in the form of instruction. So, that you can try to relax. Nothing, just you are going to watch your inhaling and exhaling and you are going to be inside your boundary. And you are going to watch your thoughts that’s all. You see, don't repeat any mantra. Don’t think of any god. Don't do anything else, just for few minutes relax and be inside your boundary. Means inside your body you always go around. If you are in the house your mind will be in the office. If you are in the office your mind will be in the beach. If you are in the beach your mind will be in the again in the house. Instead of that for few minutes, few moments bring down, bring yourself to this boundary. Be where you are.


And the next thing just inhale and exhale as deeply as possible and be aware of it. Actually when you are aware when you become conscious of it you will automatically start doing deeply, inhale and exhale with full of awareness. And the third thing just be aware of your wandering mind. If your mind goes away somewhere then again just remember and be aware of it as much as possible. Just be aware of your thoughts. Just be aware of your inhaling and exhaling-breathing. Just be aware of your body for few minutes. Please close your eyes. Relax. Just close your eyes. Relax (Music plays.) Inhale and exhale as slowly as possible as deeply as possible. Just try to be aware of your thinking. Live inside your body don't go anywhere else just be here. Let your mind be here. Inhale as deeply as possible. If you are feeling drowsy just sit straight. Inhale and exhale as slowly as possible and as deeply as possible. Just be aware of your breathing, inhaling and exhaling. Inhale as slowly as possible as deeply as possible and exhale as slowly as possible and as deeply as possible. Just be aware of your thoughts, don't judge them, don’t create them, don’t maintain them, don’t destroy them. Just let them come and go. (Meditation is in process)


Om shanti, shanti, shanti, shantihi. Relax, you can open your eyes and relax. I pray to the ultimate divine energy, the Lord, let Him give the understanding to all of us and let you all experience this ultimate truth and experience be become one with Eternal Bliss-Nithya Ananda. Thank You.

(01:43: 36)


Swamiji started the day with visiting various places in Los Angeles. Later in the evening Swamiji can be seen giving a talk titled 'Cosmic Intelligence' at the CHEC Building San Gabriel, Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Tour

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