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===Relax into Your Bliss || Part 1 || NSC || 7 Feb 2005===
===Relax into Your Bliss || Part 1 || NSC || 7 Feb 2005===
Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana <br>
Title :  Relax into Your Bliss Part 1
Title :  Relax into Your Bliss Part 1 <br>
Date : 07 February 2005
Date : 07 February 2005 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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===Link to Video Audio : ===  
===Link to Video Audio : ===  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7UgXpNpeis&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2005-02feb-07_relax-into-your-bliss-part-1-nsc"/>
Now it is time to enter into the Nirvanic layer-the seventh body... Actually if you travel upto these seven layers, there will be nothing, there will be no suffering, there is nothing which can hold you back from Enlightenment or relaxing into that existence... Only one thing will be there which is the remaining seeds of karmas. Seeds means just the old memory or little bit of emotional attachment to the old memory, that’s all, nothing else. If you have the courage to move from your emotional memory or your emotional attachment to the memory, this nirvanic layer also will be cleansed. There is nothing in this nirvanic layer which can hold you back. Actually this whole program, if you do it intensely, it’s straight away for Enlightenment but if you do it as much as possible, it will enrich your life, that’s all! It will enrich your life, maybe physical healing and mental healing, but the aim of this program is not just physical or mental healing. It is the aim of healing your whole being. I have designed this program for Bhava Roga, to get you out of the Bhava Roga.
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When you are intense, this single technique, this single technique which you are going to do now can completely liberate you from the whole past. The nirvanic body, all you need is the courage to take jump. All you need in this nirvanic layer is to breakfree from the past, to breakfree from the past. One important thing, just take few minutes and think. Now practically you have your complete biography in your hand. Am I right? You have your biography in your hand. If you have written properly from first day, now you have your biography in your hand. Decide the way in which you lived, is it perfectly alright or you feel there is need for some improvement!
Naturally you think we should improve or we should develop. If at all you think, if at all you feel there is a need for development, there is a need for transformation, you have to drop the whole mental set up. You can’t say, ‘No, no, no Swami. There are some good things I will take that, all the other bad things I will drop.’ Either you erase the whole program or you do the whole program, that’s all! There is no such a thing you can take little bit and you can take the remaining. No! Be very clear. If you think it is a garbage, you have to dump the whole thing or you have to carry the whole thing in your head. You can’t say, ‘Two-three garbage I will take it and arrange it nicely, put little scent and live with it.’ No, you can’t say, ‘I will take two-three garbage and arrange it properly and put little scent. I will be happy with it.’ No! Either you throw the whole thing out or you can keep the whole thing with you.
If you decide you need transformation, throw the whole thing. Immediately you ask next question, ‘If I throw away everything, will I forget where is my house? Will I forget who is my relatives?’ Be very clear. You will not forget where is your house or who is your wife but you will forget the loaded memories or the loaded emotions associated with the house or wife. When you forget, when you drop the emotional attachment to your memories, you are free from the past. These all words look like too big words but I tell you, your visualisation has enough power, enough of capacity, enough of energy to achieve this state. The big problem: we don’t believe we have something called innerspace. Just as you have outer space, you have something called inner space. Consciously you can clean them. Consciously you can clean that space. Consciously you can keep that space clean.
All we are going to do in this seventh layer is consciously keeping that inner space clean, consciously keeping that inner space clean. As on now, it is not that...to tell you honestly, it is not that you throw away all the negative engrams whether it is desire or guilt or suffering or whatever, joy, it is not that you have worked on all the engrams completely. There are little bit remaining in some corner. Now it is time to dig deep all the layers at one time and throw them out. Relive completely all the six layers and relieve them. In the nirvanic layer, all you are going to do is this one thing only-breaking free from the past. Always the seed is afraid to break. Seed says, ‘No, no, no. Let the tree happen, only then I will break.’ Tree says, ‘No, no. Let the seed break, only then I will happen!’
Only when you break free from the past mental set up, you can create new mental set up. You will be able to create new mental set up, new engrams. Unless you create a space for new mental set up, it can’t happen. Now consciously, little violently we are going to throw away our negative engrams. Not only consciously, little violently. Just you are going to push your unconsciousness away from you or just you are going to bring your unconsciousness to your consciousness.The moment you bring it to consciousness, it will be burnt away. You don’t need to do anything special. Just bring it to conscious level. It will be just burnt away.
If Shiva opens his third eye, that is enough. We can’t say it is not physically happened. It is metaphysical story. When you open the knowledge, when you open the Jnanagni or when you open the fire of intelligence in you, it just burns away all your negative engrams. All your negative engrams are burnt. That is the story represented in this way. Now it is time for you to open your jnanagni or throw all the engrams into jnanagni. Breaking free from the past is the ultimate liberation... Now you are going to open your conscious being to your engrams or you are going to open your engrams to conscious energy- Jnanagni. Of course, literally you are going to burn all your engrams.
In the books in which you have written about all your samskaras, you are going to put it in the fire and burn it, so that you are rid once for all from all these engrams. You may think, ‘No, no, no. Why should I put all my joyful moments?’ Whatever you know as joyful moments are not joyful. Please understand. They are very superficial joys. Drop them, you will see. You will see a new dimension of intense joy. Just have courage and drop all the joys, whatever you understood as joy. You will see, you will have a new dimension. A different kind of joy will rise in you. It is like a... for a small child, playing toys is the joy. Now, that very dimension of your joy is different, very dimension itself is different. Do you enjoy playing with dolls now? No! The whole dimension has changed. Do you feel that you are missing all your toys? No! The depth of joy itself will change.
Same way, drop playing with all this human dolls, human toys and human dolls. Yesterday they showed nicely the magic dolls. Magic thing, all the human dolls. That is true. You are playing with human dolls. You say one is mother, one is father, one is brother, one is sister, one is some aunt. One is aunt, another one is aunty. Aunt, aunty, baby. Who said baby? Anyhow, baby or something. You are playing with all these dolls. Relax. Just relax. Drop these dolls. You will understand your life is something far more valuable, something far more higher. The very meaning of human consciousness is Intense Bliss. That is the meaning. That is the very existence of human consciousness on the planet earth. You are not here as a citizen of some country, or belong to some caste, or belong to some creed, or related to some religion, or belong to some community. You are just liberated individual being, Pure Consciousness who is supposed to relax into your bliss, who is supposed to enjoy the intense bliss and peace. Somebody has given Me the letter. ‘Swamiji, show me the way for intense and eternal peace.’ This is the way.
It is time to drop all the layer-after-layer conditionings. You are continuously made to believe you are male, female or you belong to this religion, you belong to that community, you belong to this state, you belong to that country, you are this, you are that, you have this much of wealth or you are poor-all these ideas. Now it is time to relax from that idea and immediately you will think, ‘If I drop all these things, how will I do my business? Tomorrow I have to go back to my profession.’ I am not asking you to drop all your profession. Actually if you drop your conditioning, you will have something called innerspace where you can rest once in a while. When you are haunted or tortured by these conditionings, you can go inside and rest. If you have a resort or a innerspace to rest, you will be able to work much more beautifully. You will be able to play your drama much more beautifully.
The moment you understand this whole thing is just psychodrama, I always tell people, ‘You thinking yourself as disciple and you thinking Me as Guru also is psychodrama. Don’t think only your life is psychodrama. Even you thinking Me as a Guru is also psychodrama.’ Because you want, you think Me as a Guru, I look like a Guru, that’s all! Nothing else.’ As you want, I appear. Just a mirror. Master is a mirror. The whole thing is just a psychodrama! You are living in a psychodrama. Understanding the whole thing is psychodrama and ability to relax from it only can help you in the nirvanic layer.
In the nirvanic layer, all you need to understand, this is the whole thing, whether it is your profession, or your relationships, or your spirituality - whole thing is just pure psychodrama. You have an idea about yourself. You have positioned yourself in some spot strongly. Based on that, you continuously think. You see, you have decided about yourself some clear, few rules. From that point, you are continuously working and measuring and doing things but you forgot the base itself is not there. Nibbana. Nibbana means in Pali -Nirvana. The very meaning of that word ‘nibbana’ means ‘nothing’. There is nothing.
===Relax into Your Bliss || Part 2 || NSC || 7 Feb 2005===
===Relax into Your Bliss || Part 2 || NSC || 7 Feb 2005===
Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana <br>
Title:  Relax into Your Bliss Part 2
Title:  Relax into Your Bliss Part 2 <br>
Date : 07 February 2005
Date : 07 February 2005 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
===Link to Video Audio: ===  
===Link to Video Audio:===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKIbCvPRcWQ&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2005-02feb-07_relax-into-your-bliss-part-2-nsc"/>
Please be very clear, all your activities are centered on you, what you think as you. For example if you think you are Raman, you think Raman, Raman’s husband, Raman’s wife, Raman’s daughter, Raman’s family, Raman’s property, Raman’s spiritual growth, Raman’s physical body, Raman’s mental health, Raman’s economical status. Whole thing is centered on you but you don’t realize the very Raman is not there. You are trying to continuously protect yourself physically, mentally or emotionally, economically, spiritually or socially but the very being whom you are trying to protect is not there. Understand this one beautiful scenery/simile. This actually happened to Me as a darshan, as a vision, experience. From this only I created our emblem. If you see our emblem, the Paramahamsa, Paramahamsa is our emblem. Paramahamsa pakshi is our emblem. Paramahamsa flying in the sky is our emblem. I had a beautiful vision or experience, from that only I created that emblem.
How the human life happened in the planet earth. The great swan which never comes down to the planet earth, it is just flying in the sky, floating, enjoying, expressing its freedom, expressing its own bliss. In the lake or a pond the reflection is there. The reflection of the swan is there in the pond. The fishes in the pond thought, “Oh the swan has come down to the pond”. They started playing with it. They are enjoying with that swan. The fishes are jumping on them, on the swan this side and that side… on the shadow of the swan.
There are some fishes they start fencing… this is the boundary, this is my swan, this is my swan. There are some swans [fishes] started purchasing the... the neighbor land, neighbor real estate, the swan may come here. Already the real estate has developed. There are some fishes, “No, no, no I am the brother of the fish, I am the brother of the swan, I am the son of the swan, I am the wife of the swan”. The whole drama is happening.
Suddenly the swan has just started flying on the land and then suddenly the swan just moved. The shadow or the reflection which was appearing has suddenly disappeared. Immediately all the fishes started crying, ”Arrey what happened? Our swan has disappeared. What happened to our swan?” But they never understand the swan has never landed on the planet earth. The whole thing is just drama.  
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Same way, you have started thinking you have a soul or what you think as soul. You have soul, that is different. That soul is totally different; whatever you understand as your soul is not your soul. Then you started protecting. There are so many fishes. You… the all the fishes are also you only.
You started creating fence for you. You start first thing, first assumption that you have soul. Next you wanted to protect that soul, create house, create relations, create social security means wealth, create all these things and then decide, “Oh I need spiritual growth also”. Then go to some guru; go through the Mysore road and which is… which board looks very bigger or nice or beautiful, enter into that ashram. Start searching for spiritually also. But you forgot the very swan has not happened, there is no swan. You are just playing with the shadow. Suddenly you realize the swan has disappeared. Swan will not even know what the drama the fishes are doing.
Sometimes the fishes start cursing the swan, “What is this? Believing this swan we built such a beautiful house and we raised all the real estate value around this buildings. Now each flat is going for five lakh and suddenly we realize the swan itself is not there. The swan will not even know all the drama which is done by the fishes.
Same thing is happening in your life. Your soul don’t even know all the dramas done by your body and mind. The soul doesn’t even know how much your body and mind is suffering unnecessarily because it never landed on the pond. Whatever you are seeing is only a pure reflection. If you can meditate on this one story I tell you, you will be liberated this moment. If you can keep yourself only this one understanding, only this one understanding… just like a zen cone, this is Ananda stories. This one story: You have never happened as you think. Whatever you think as you is not you. The root of you based on which your whole thing is moving, the very root is non existence - nibbāna. Nibbāna means nirvāṇa - which is non existence; but to protect something which is non existence, you are torturing yourself so much.
Do whatever possible way simply your body is undergoing this change. Your mind is undergoing this change. The stream is flowing, if the fishes are trying to push the stream or if the fishes are trying to stop the stream; stream doesn’t even know whether you try to become enlightened or you try to be against the enlightenment, God doesn’t even know. All the fishes thought, let us stop this stream. Let’s have a barricade, hold our hands each other stop this stream. If all the fishes stand in the stream, if they try to stop the stream, do you think they will be successful? Stream will not even know the fishes are trying to stop it.
Same way, you not becoming enlightened or you not realizing your atman doesn’t even know that. Even that much you are not connected to your being. So whatever you think as you is just non existent.
Swamiji: Yes, you have question?
Participant: inaudible
Swamiji: Whatever, all this for three days I was working, four days I was working, is superficial way; but unless that load is reduced, this you can’t understand.
Participant: inaudible
Swamiji: Whether you have cleaned it or not, they are not even related. First of all there is no impurity, where is the question of cleaning?
Participant: What is the way forward then Swami?
Swamiji: The moment you asked the way forward, you have spoiled the whole teaching. Over. Now whatever I have spoken is just waste, it has not happened in you. You have not heard it. If you hear properly. What is the need for way forward? Still if you are asking for the way forward…..
Participant: inaudible
Swamiji: Simply the realization will guide your life. Don’t ask the hypothetical question, ‘Once I realize this what will happen?’
Beautiful, one born blind man went to the doctor. Doctor said, “I’ll do an operation you will have your eyes back. Then you can walk without stick”. The stick which they use.... the blind people they use the stick to feel. The blind man said “Master I understand… doctor I understand you’ll do an operation, I’ll have my eyes back but how can I walk without stick?”
Unless you have your eyes, you cannot understand how you can walk without stick. Intellectually you cannot be convinced till you get your eyes, ‘you can walk without stick’. Understand this one thing. Look inside, whatever you thought as you is not there. And it will not be there; just it will not be there. Whatever points are the base for your suffering, where the points are rooted that very root is non-existent, the very root is non existent. That is why I tell you, your name itself is non-existent.
That is why in zen they say meditate on your face before your birth. Just visualize how your face was before your birth. Can you visualize? Then what? Just fifty years ago, you were not existent. Whatever you think as you, you are non-existent fifty years ago. Am I right? And fifty years after, you’ll be again non-existent. Why are you then suffering so much? Why are you torturing yourself? Just for this few years of drama. The whole thing is just nibbāna.
Whatever your ideas, ‘what society will think of me?’ That’s one of the important big trouble ‘what others will think about me?’ Meditate on this one sutra. Don’t bother what others are thinking about you, because they are bothering what you are thinking about them. Don’t bother what others are thinking about you, because they are bothering what you are thinking about them.
It is just a drama happening continuously because you don’t have time to stop and look, you don’t have time to open your eyes and see, you don’t have time to relax few minutes and watch. You are also involved because your TV was never switched off even for two second. You never thought the TV can be switched off or there can be few moments when scenes will not disappear… scene will not appear, screen will be empty.
Here I am trying to tell you, just because the screen is continuously filled with scenes don’t think what you are seeing is truth. It can be switched off. It can switch off. You can relax. It is time, at least for next half an hour, relax, meditate on the face which you had before your birth.
Now when I say directly try to hear what you understand is enough; for My words, what your dictionary says that is enough. Just refer your oxford dictionary. That is enough. Whatever words I say, just refer oxford dictionary. What you understand, that much of understanding is enough. I am not speaking anything metaphysical. I am not speaking anything big spiritual. I am just using the word which you can directly refer with the oxford dictionary. And understand that is enough, will liberate you.
I have always seen. There is a beautiful story. When Ramakrishna was alive, people used to go and tell Him, “When Chaitanya was alive we didn't have a chance to see Him. Otherwise we would have become enlightened”. Ramakrishna says, “Fool when Chaitanya was alive, people go to Him and say, “When Krishan was alive we were not here, if we have seen Krishna we would have become enlightened.” Ramakrishana says, “The people who sat in front of Chaitanya and spoke about Krishna are saying “Because we have not met Krishna we have not become enlightened”. The same group only is sitting in front of Ramakrishana and speaking about Chaitanya. And the same group only will sit in front of Me and speak about Ramakrishna. It is here and now, if at all something can happen, here and now.
Just understand the very base which you think as you is Anatta - doesn’t exist, changes every moment. That is why your needs are different everyday. Today something is tasty, tomorrow something is… the same thing is not tasty. When you lose your maths, “No, no, no like this how can it happen?“ You will try to tell yourself, “No, no, no, that is tasty, that is tasty”. But mind is not ready to believe.
You are just changing. How much you try to make you feel comfortable, how much you try to tell yourself “No I exist, I am consistent, I am consistent. I am... There is something which is under all these things alive” Again and again truth comes up. You experience the vacuum - nothingness. But the nothingness creates a tremendous fear in you. It shakes you, “Wow where am I going? What am I doing? What is this Swami teaching me? He is taking away the basic root on which I am standing. He is just shaking me”. Of course if you are afraid that I am shaking you I will take my hands, Maya will shake you, that’s all.
You understand… if you understand, gracefully you will go beyond or maya will just snatch you, snatch you from you. That’s all. Whatever you think as you is just tumor on your system. It is not you. If it is you, the very being will be totally different. The very being will be totally different.
Of course, what I am speaking, I don’t know how much you’ll be able to receive but I am speaking at some point when your being is ready these seeds will start growing. I am just sowing the seed. When time is ...when you are ready these seeds will grow.
===Relax into Your Bliss || Part 3 || NSC || 07 Feb 2005===
===Relax into Your Bliss || Part 3 || NSC || 07 Feb 2005===
Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana <br>
Session on: Relax into Your Bliss
Session on: Relax into Your Bliss <br>
Date : 07 February 2005
Date : 07 February 2005 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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===Link to Video Audio: ===  
===Link to Video Audio:===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8aS5JnXr1Y&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2005-02feb-07_relax-into-your-bliss-part-3-nsc"/>
To understand the whole thing is Anatta, nirvāṇa, you don’t need much spiritual practice or you don’t need to be a great person. All you need is a simple knowledge of English to understand My words. Any one thing is consistent or solid? No. It is floating. It is liquid. Then how can you build buildings on liquid? Why do you bother so much to protect the liquid which is continuously flowing? You are not a numb you are web. You are not a numb. you are a web. You are a happening. You are not a being. Understanding you are not a being is what I called nirvāṇa.
The moment you understand, you are not a being, you are a happening, tremendous freedom, liberation happens to you. You don’t have to protect yourself. The moment… immediately mind will say, “No, no, no, I may have a physical pain, somebody may hurt me, if I don’t protect myself, I may fall sick”. Please be very clear I am not asking you to go and jump in the river. No. I am not asking you to go allow yourself to be hurt; you will not allow anybody to hurt you by your own basic intelligence.
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When I say, “Don’t protect yourself”, I don’t mean enter into the dangers. Your mind is always playing game. When I say, “Don’t protect yourself”, immediately, your mind says, “Oh! it means, He says I have to jump into the dangers”. No. The second statement is not made by Me, it is made by your mind. As I was telling you that logic, there is two door, one door is open, the third statement is not made by Me, made by whom? Your mind. When I say, “Now you are floating, you don’t have to protect yourself”, immediately the mind jumps to other extreme and says, “Then I may have all disease or I may be killed or I may be destroyed if I don’t protect myself”. The second statement, there is no need for second statement. When that situation comes, you have enough intelligence to protect yourself. Things will happen automatically. Understand.
Last 50 years you have lived. Have you lived without worries? No. You had enough troubles, enough worries. Have you not lived? You’ve lived. Next 50 years, you have the experience of last 50 years, then why are you bothering? Why do you then bother about the next 50 years? Last 50 years you’ve lived with all these things. You have enough, this itself is a solid proof, you have enough intelligence to face everything. You have innate intelligence to face your life. Then why should you bother about the next 50 years… and now you are experienced.
More the person is experienced, more he should feel confident. Then why do you continuously bother about protecting your being, protecting your ego? You have innate intelligence, inborn intelligence - ‘Swa Buddhi’. You have innate intelligence - ‘Swa jnana’, to take decision in every moment, to handle your personality every moment, to decide spontaneously. Because you don’t trust you have spontaneity, you try to keep all these records on your head, so that you can decide based on these records. But you miss one important thing, situations continuously change. Whenever you decide based on the decisions of the predecessors, you are outdated. You are outdated. If you decide based on the decisions of the predecessors, you are just outdated. In life also, if you decide based on your past decisions, you are outdated, you are, you can't be considered as living being. You are live-dead. You are live-dead.
Understand this one thing, there is no need to protect you, because you don’t exist as you think. Contemplate on this one story. Swan, flying on the pond. Great swan, Paramhamsa flying on the pond. The fishes were seeing the reflection, jumping, playing, protecting. Houses are built. The reflection also suddenly starts thinking… because so many fishes are around, the reflection thinks I am alive. Sometime reflections start thinking, I do exist. But only when the swan moves away from the stream reflection understands, it was...it never existed. It will never exist. Was, is, will - all the three doesn’t exist for it. In all three dimensions, it never existed. It is just a pure illusion. Whatever you think as you, doesn't exist. The moment you relax, a big load is taken away from you. That is what I call liberation. There is nothing to protect because you are just nirvāṇa. Nirvāṇa whatever you think as you, drop it and relax.
Just few minutes try to relax. I am not asking you to relax forever. When you go back tomorrow morning carry it, I don’t say, “No”. Tomorrow morning again take the whole thing on your head. I don’t say, “No”. Just today as an experiment relax. You will understand what is happening with your whole being. How you are creating, more and more and more struggles with yourself, trying to protect the reflection of swan.
You are just a reflection of swan. The moment you understand, you become swan. You are just reflection of Paramahamsa. The moment you understand that you become Paramahamsa. Whether you want to be a reflection of Paramahamsa or Paramahamsa is up to you. Even if you think you are a reflection of Paramahamsa as on now, you are Paramahamsa only. Even if you think you are reflection, you are not reflection. You may try your best, try hard to think you are reflection and try to protect as much as possible, struggle as deeply as possible, but the whole thing is just the efforts of the fishes, how much the fish is struggling.
Now we say, “No, no, no, all these things are good to listen. But let me think of my next routine, tomorrow, what I am supposed to do. Let me think of my life decision, what I am supposed to do”. Then it's perfectly up to you. Then it is perfectly up to you. Try to protect the shadow, nothing wrong. But one day suddenly you will realize, somebody inside you is waking up and understanding or experiencing, what you are protecting all these days is just shadow.
We worked these four days continuously on your mind, so that you can understand this single truth, this one single truth. If you are too much crowded, if your mind is too much crowded, you can’t understand. If too many fishes are jumping on the reflection of the swan, you can’t understand it’s a reflection. All I did in these four days is just asked the fishes to move little away to give little space. So that you can see and realize it is not swan, it is just reflection of swan. It is not Swan, it is just a reflection of swan. Whatever you are playing, you are thinking as you, is just reflection. The moment you understand it, you will play even the game of reflection beautifully.
The moment you understand this, realize this, if you are a doctor, you will become a much better doctor. Because you know it’s a game you are playing. You will not suffer with it. As long as you know this door can be opened at anytime, you are free. You will be comfortably sitting here. The moment you think it is locked, the key is not there, you cannot sit here comfortably, you will go and stand and knock the door. You will first try to escape. Understand. The whole thing is just mask. You are playing with mask, then you will be playinng beautifully with the same mask. You will be able to play with the same mask beautifully.
If you don’t understand, you will hurt yourself and you will hurt others, taking the whole game too seriously. Taking the whole game too seriously is the only mistake you do. The moment you understand, you are just nibbāṇa, simply the physical well being and mental well being happens.
There is a beautiful stotra done by Ramana Maharshi towards Arunachala: தெய்வம் என்று உன்னைச் சாரவே என்னைச் சேர ஒழித்தாய் அருணாசலா.
Deivam endru unnaich aravae ennai chera olizthai Arunachala.
Let Me translate: I thought you are My God and you will protect Me. I came to you but suddenly now I see, simply you have destroyed Me completely. Whatever I thought was Me, is not there now. I am missing.
தெய்வம் என்று உன்னைச் சாரவே என்னைச் சேர ஒழித்தாய் அருணாசலா.
Deivam endru unnaich aravae ennai chera olizthai Arunachala.
I thought you are God and you’ll protect Me, suddenly now I realize, you have completely destroyed Me. I am not there. What I thought as Me is not there.
That is what now I am telling you, many of you have come to Me for healing thinking that I’ll protect your body, I’ll protect your mind, I’ll protect your life.
Understand. The moment you understand there is nothing to be protected, simply everything is protected. The moment you brought the idea ‘I read this in a book, I understand’, the moment you raised all your... all these words in your mind, you already missed. Now relax, try to listen. You don’t. The moment you referred some other book which you read, done. You have dove holed My words.
Participant: I was just confirming Swamiji.
HDH: That is what, the moment you want the confirmation it’s lost, over, gone.
Participant: Is it thoughtlessness?
HDH: Relax, gone. One more.
Participant: Is it a mystery?
HDH: It is not mystery, reality. It is not even mystery, reality. See, was this same body, which was there yesterday? Was this same mind, which was there yesterday? Or then if your mind and body both are not the same which was yesterday, then who are you? How can you say? You say but you are the same person who is here yesterday. Am I right? How can you say that? If your body is not the same thing which was yesterday. If your mind is not the same thing, which was yesterday. How can you say you are the same person who is yesterday, who was here yesterday?
Participant: Inaudible.
HDH: No. What I am saying, what you think as you, is not the same yesterday. Yesterday it was different and today it is different. Then how can you think, there is some continuity in you? When you think there is some continuity in you, you start protecting it. You want it to be protected. You want it to be saved, preserved. The whole thing starts. The moment you understand, there is no need for any protection, there is no need for any suffering, there is no need for anything, just the whole thing is happening like a bubble. Small bubble happening in the ocean. Tomorrow the whole, the bubble will disappear. And you are nothing but a small bubble in a big ocean.
Participant: That’s what I meant actually I said floating like a bubble. That’s what I meant bubble and...
HDH: When you meant also you have missed it, relax.
Participant: Inaudible
HDH: If you’ve really meant, you will go in. The moment words come out, somewhere, something is missing. If you hear these words, it will only take you in. It’ll only take you in to some dimension which you have not tasted. There is nothing to protect, there is nothing to care, there is nothing to grow. Just understand you are a liquid. The very understanding ‘you are liquid’ is enough to liberate you. Just a simple understanding you are not solid as you think is more than enough. You are just flowing. You are just a life flow. There is no solid being as you think is more than enough. Contemplate on this one thing and relax from whatever you think as you, for next half an hour. You will come out as a new being. At least you will have a glimpse, one glimpse of who you are. The capital letter Y-O-U, not small letter y-o-u. Small letter y-o-u, you are living. Just who you are.
===Relax into Your Bliss || Part 4 || NSC || 07 Feb 2005===
===Relax into Your Bliss || Part 4 || NSC || 07 Feb 2005===
Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana <br>
Session on: Relax into Your Bliss
Session on: Relax into Your Bliss <br>
Date : 07 February 2005
Date : 07 February 2005 <br>
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Line 76: Line 253:
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
===Link to Video Audio: ===  
===Link to Video Audio:===  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWJV6_wbFLk&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2005-02feb-07_relax-into-your-bliss-part-4-nsc"/>
Please close your eyes and just sit. Allow these words to merge in you. Whatever understanding happens, let you understand... No need to tie the ribbon. Just sit. Whatever you understand by this word... whatever you understand by these words, let it sink in you. See clearly that you are just liquid. See very clearly what makes you stop realising this, where you are stuck. Whether it is in your social position, or it is about the fear of your health, or the fear of losing your relationship, or fear of losing your wealth! Just see where it goes and gets stuck which stops you experiencing that you are liquid, you are fluid. At least understand that which stops you realising that. If nothing stops you, then relax into you.
You are not the same person as you think you are. There is no need to protect you because you don’t exist. You are just greatest illusion created by you... supported by other illusions. You are the great illusion created by you and supported by other illusions... Forget about tomorrow. There is no need to bother about it. Now realise this truth. That’s enough. Don’t bother about the consequences of this realisation. Whether it is positive or negative, relax bothering about the consequences. Just see the truth... Don’t worry how many times you missed in the past. Even if you have missed in the past ten thousand times, now there is a possibility you can capture it. Now you can catch it. Relax! You can open your eyes.
Now we will enter into the meditation to drop the whole past. Now you know where you are stuck. Whatever thought came into your mind again and again in this gap is where you are stuck. That is what you need to drop. Let’s take few moments and work on ourself and drop everything. Now the meditation which we are going to do is called Vraja Homa means the meditation done by the people before taking sanyas. Don’t worry. I am not going to give you sanyas. This is the meditation done by people who are taking sanyas... Of course, when I brought this meditation to the public, some traditional Swamis have criticised Me. They said, “How can You give this to everyone? It is specially for us.” I said, “Just because of this secrecy only, we lost Ayurveda. We lost Siddha. We lost all these surgery methods. We lost so much of our knowledge.” So I believe when something can give result, it should be shared with the whole world and it is such a highly powerful meditation technique, it can transform the beings, why not give it to the whole world?
I brought it out with all the courage. Now I am giving in all our NSP. After all, whose property? Our rishis’ property. What for they created? For the whole world only. It is not monopoly of some small group of people. It belongs to the whole world. Knowledge belongs to whole world. We can’t say it is only for us. That’s the reason I brought it out. I want all of you to understand the importance of this meditation so that you will enter into it. So four level. First level: you will give your gratitude to all the people who gave you this mental set up. You see, before moving away from this mental set up, we will not curse the people who gave us this. After all, all these years we used this mind only. We will thank them for giving us this set up. We will thank them for giving us this body and mind. Who gave this body and mind to us, it is not that they wanted to deprive us or disturb us. Whatever they know as best, they have given that to us. Now we are going beyond it. There is no need to curse them. There is no need to blame them. Just give them your gratitude that they helped their best. Now we are going beyond it. Now we are going into a different depth of our being. Your different dimension of our being. Giving gratitude...
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Latest revision as of 01:00, 23 March 2022


Relax into Your Bliss || Part 1 || NSC || 7 Feb 2005


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Title : Relax into Your Bliss Part 1
Date : 07 February 2005
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam speaks to delegates of the Nithyananda Spurana Convention about the 7^th^ body layer – the Nirvanic layer. We understand that by letting go of the old ‘seeds’ or memories of karma that we hold onto, we allow ourselves to relax into the existence. If we have the courage to move from the emotional attachment that we create with these memories, then we can heal our entire being.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video Audio :

Video Audio



Now it is time to enter into the Nirvanic layer-the seventh body... Actually if you travel upto these seven layers, there will be nothing, there will be no suffering, there is nothing which can hold you back from Enlightenment or relaxing into that existence... Only one thing will be there which is the remaining seeds of karmas. Seeds means just the old memory or little bit of emotional attachment to the old memory, that’s all, nothing else. If you have the courage to move from your emotional memory or your emotional attachment to the memory, this nirvanic layer also will be cleansed. There is nothing in this nirvanic layer which can hold you back. Actually this whole program, if you do it intensely, it’s straight away for Enlightenment but if you do it as much as possible, it will enrich your life, that’s all! It will enrich your life, maybe physical healing and mental healing, but the aim of this program is not just physical or mental healing. It is the aim of healing your whole being. I have designed this program for Bhava Roga, to get you out of the Bhava Roga.


When you are intense, this single technique, this single technique which you are going to do now can completely liberate you from the whole past. The nirvanic body, all you need is the courage to take jump. All you need in this nirvanic layer is to breakfree from the past, to breakfree from the past. One important thing, just take few minutes and think. Now practically you have your complete biography in your hand. Am I right? You have your biography in your hand. If you have written properly from first day, now you have your biography in your hand. Decide the way in which you lived, is it perfectly alright or you feel there is need for some improvement!


Naturally you think we should improve or we should develop. If at all you think, if at all you feel there is a need for development, there is a need for transformation, you have to drop the whole mental set up. You can’t say, ‘No, no, no Swami. There are some good things I will take that, all the other bad things I will drop.’ Either you erase the whole program or you do the whole program, that’s all! There is no such a thing you can take little bit and you can take the remaining. No! Be very clear. If you think it is a garbage, you have to dump the whole thing or you have to carry the whole thing in your head. You can’t say, ‘Two-three garbage I will take it and arrange it nicely, put little scent and live with it.’ No, you can’t say, ‘I will take two-three garbage and arrange it properly and put little scent. I will be happy with it.’ No! Either you throw the whole thing out or you can keep the whole thing with you.


If you decide you need transformation, throw the whole thing. Immediately you ask next question, ‘If I throw away everything, will I forget where is my house? Will I forget who is my relatives?’ Be very clear. You will not forget where is your house or who is your wife but you will forget the loaded memories or the loaded emotions associated with the house or wife. When you forget, when you drop the emotional attachment to your memories, you are free from the past. These all words look like too big words but I tell you, your visualisation has enough power, enough of capacity, enough of energy to achieve this state. The big problem: we don’t believe we have something called innerspace. Just as you have outer space, you have something called inner space. Consciously you can clean them. Consciously you can clean that space. Consciously you can keep that space clean.


All we are going to do in this seventh layer is consciously keeping that inner space clean, consciously keeping that inner space clean. As on now, it is not that...to tell you honestly, it is not that you throw away all the negative engrams whether it is desire or guilt or suffering or whatever, joy, it is not that you have worked on all the engrams completely. There are little bit remaining in some corner. Now it is time to dig deep all the layers at one time and throw them out. Relive completely all the six layers and relieve them. In the nirvanic layer, all you are going to do is this one thing only-breaking free from the past. Always the seed is afraid to break. Seed says, ‘No, no, no. Let the tree happen, only then I will break.’ Tree says, ‘No, no. Let the seed break, only then I will happen!’


Only when you break free from the past mental set up, you can create new mental set up. You will be able to create new mental set up, new engrams. Unless you create a space for new mental set up, it can’t happen. Now consciously, little violently we are going to throw away our negative engrams. Not only consciously, little violently. Just you are going to push your unconsciousness away from you or just you are going to bring your unconsciousness to your consciousness.The moment you bring it to consciousness, it will be burnt away. You don’t need to do anything special. Just bring it to conscious level. It will be just burnt away.


If Shiva opens his third eye, that is enough. We can’t say it is not physically happened. It is metaphysical story. When you open the knowledge, when you open the Jnanagni or when you open the fire of intelligence in you, it just burns away all your negative engrams. All your negative engrams are burnt. That is the story represented in this way. Now it is time for you to open your jnanagni or throw all the engrams into jnanagni. Breaking free from the past is the ultimate liberation... Now you are going to open your conscious being to your engrams or you are going to open your engrams to conscious energy- Jnanagni. Of course, literally you are going to burn all your engrams.


In the books in which you have written about all your samskaras, you are going to put it in the fire and burn it, so that you are rid once for all from all these engrams. You may think, ‘No, no, no. Why should I put all my joyful moments?’ Whatever you know as joyful moments are not joyful. Please understand. They are very superficial joys. Drop them, you will see. You will see a new dimension of intense joy. Just have courage and drop all the joys, whatever you understood as joy. You will see, you will have a new dimension. A different kind of joy will rise in you. It is like a... for a small child, playing toys is the joy. Now, that very dimension of your joy is different, very dimension itself is different. Do you enjoy playing with dolls now? No! The whole dimension has changed. Do you feel that you are missing all your toys? No! The depth of joy itself will change.


Same way, drop playing with all this human dolls, human toys and human dolls. Yesterday they showed nicely the magic dolls. Magic thing, all the human dolls. That is true. You are playing with human dolls. You say one is mother, one is father, one is brother, one is sister, one is some aunt. One is aunt, another one is aunty. Aunt, aunty, baby. Who said baby? Anyhow, baby or something. You are playing with all these dolls. Relax. Just relax. Drop these dolls. You will understand your life is something far more valuable, something far more higher. The very meaning of human consciousness is Intense Bliss. That is the meaning. That is the very existence of human consciousness on the planet earth. You are not here as a citizen of some country, or belong to some caste, or belong to some creed, or related to some religion, or belong to some community. You are just liberated individual being, Pure Consciousness who is supposed to relax into your bliss, who is supposed to enjoy the intense bliss and peace. Somebody has given Me the letter. ‘Swamiji, show me the way for intense and eternal peace.’ This is the way.


It is time to drop all the layer-after-layer conditionings. You are continuously made to believe you are male, female or you belong to this religion, you belong to that community, you belong to this state, you belong to that country, you are this, you are that, you have this much of wealth or you are poor-all these ideas. Now it is time to relax from that idea and immediately you will think, ‘If I drop all these things, how will I do my business? Tomorrow I have to go back to my profession.’ I am not asking you to drop all your profession. Actually if you drop your conditioning, you will have something called innerspace where you can rest once in a while. When you are haunted or tortured by these conditionings, you can go inside and rest. If you have a resort or a innerspace to rest, you will be able to work much more beautifully. You will be able to play your drama much more beautifully.


The moment you understand this whole thing is just psychodrama, I always tell people, ‘You thinking yourself as disciple and you thinking Me as Guru also is psychodrama. Don’t think only your life is psychodrama. Even you thinking Me as a Guru is also psychodrama.’ Because you want, you think Me as a Guru, I look like a Guru, that’s all! Nothing else.’ As you want, I appear. Just a mirror. Master is a mirror. The whole thing is just a psychodrama! You are living in a psychodrama. Understanding the whole thing is psychodrama and ability to relax from it only can help you in the nirvanic layer.


In the nirvanic layer, all you need to understand, this is the whole thing, whether it is your profession, or your relationships, or your spirituality - whole thing is just pure psychodrama. You have an idea about yourself. You have positioned yourself in some spot strongly. Based on that, you continuously think. You see, you have decided about yourself some clear, few rules. From that point, you are continuously working and measuring and doing things but you forgot the base itself is not there. Nibbana. Nibbana means in Pali -Nirvana. The very meaning of that word ‘nibbana’ means ‘nothing’. There is nothing.



Relax into Your Bliss || Part 2 || NSC || 7 Feb 2005


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Title: Relax into Your Bliss Part 2
Date : 07 February 2005
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam dives deeper into the meaning of Nirvana, or the 'non-existence'. His Divine Holiness shares stories and visions from his life, which have led Him to share these great techniques with us.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video Audio:

Video Audio



Please be very clear, all your activities are centered on you, what you think as you. For example if you think you are Raman, you think Raman, Raman’s husband, Raman’s wife, Raman’s daughter, Raman’s family, Raman’s property, Raman’s spiritual growth, Raman’s physical body, Raman’s mental health, Raman’s economical status. Whole thing is centered on you but you don’t realize the very Raman is not there. You are trying to continuously protect yourself physically, mentally or emotionally, economically, spiritually or socially but the very being whom you are trying to protect is not there. Understand this one beautiful scenery/simile. This actually happened to Me as a darshan, as a vision, experience. From this only I created our emblem. If you see our emblem, the Paramahamsa, Paramahamsa is our emblem. Paramahamsa pakshi is our emblem. Paramahamsa flying in the sky is our emblem. I had a beautiful vision or experience, from that only I created that emblem. How the human life happened in the planet earth. The great swan which never comes down to the planet earth, it is just flying in the sky, floating, enjoying, expressing its freedom, expressing its own bliss. In the lake or a pond the reflection is there. The reflection of the swan is there in the pond. The fishes in the pond thought, “Oh the swan has come down to the pond”. They started playing with it. They are enjoying with that swan. The fishes are jumping on them, on the swan this side and that side… on the shadow of the swan. There are some fishes they start fencing… this is the boundary, this is my swan, this is my swan. There are some swans [fishes] started purchasing the... the neighbor land, neighbor real estate, the swan may come here. Already the real estate has developed. There are some fishes, “No, no, no I am the brother of the fish, I am the brother of the swan, I am the son of the swan, I am the wife of the swan”. The whole drama is happening. Suddenly the swan has just started flying on the land and then suddenly the swan just moved. The shadow or the reflection which was appearing has suddenly disappeared. Immediately all the fishes started crying, ”Arrey what happened? Our swan has disappeared. What happened to our swan?” But they never understand the swan has never landed on the planet earth. The whole thing is just drama.


Same way, you have started thinking you have a soul or what you think as soul. You have soul, that is different. That soul is totally different; whatever you understand as your soul is not your soul. Then you started protecting. There are so many fishes. You… the all the fishes are also you only. You started creating fence for you. You start first thing, first assumption that you have soul. Next you wanted to protect that soul, create house, create relations, create social security means wealth, create all these things and then decide, “Oh I need spiritual growth also”. Then go to some guru; go through the Mysore road and which is… which board looks very bigger or nice or beautiful, enter into that ashram. Start searching for spiritually also. But you forgot the very swan has not happened, there is no swan. You are just playing with the shadow. Suddenly you realize the swan has disappeared. Swan will not even know what the drama the fishes are doing. Sometimes the fishes start cursing the swan, “What is this? Believing this swan we built such a beautiful house and we raised all the real estate value around this buildings. Now each flat is going for five lakh and suddenly we realize the swan itself is not there. The swan will not even know all the drama which is done by the fishes.


Same thing is happening in your life. Your soul don’t even know all the dramas done by your body and mind. The soul doesn’t even know how much your body and mind is suffering unnecessarily because it never landed on the pond. Whatever you are seeing is only a pure reflection. If you can meditate on this one story I tell you, you will be liberated this moment. If you can keep yourself only this one understanding, only this one understanding… just like a zen cone, this is Ananda stories. This one story: You have never happened as you think. Whatever you think as you is not you. The root of you based on which your whole thing is moving, the very root is non existence - nibbāna. Nibbāna means nirvāṇa - which is non existence; but to protect something which is non existence, you are torturing yourself so much. Do whatever possible way simply your body is undergoing this change. Your mind is undergoing this change. The stream is flowing, if the fishes are trying to push the stream or if the fishes are trying to stop the stream; stream doesn’t even know whether you try to become enlightened or you try to be against the enlightenment, God doesn’t even know. All the fishes thought, let us stop this stream. Let’s have a barricade, hold our hands each other stop this stream. If all the fishes stand in the stream, if they try to stop the stream, do you think they will be successful? Stream will not even know the fishes are trying to stop it. Same way, you not becoming enlightened or you not realizing your atman doesn’t even know that. Even that much you are not connected to your being. So whatever you think as you is just non existent.


Swamiji: Yes, you have question? Participant: inaudible Swamiji: Whatever, all this for three days I was working, four days I was working, is superficial way; but unless that load is reduced, this you can’t understand. Participant: inaudible Swamiji: Whether you have cleaned it or not, they are not even related. First of all there is no impurity, where is the question of cleaning? Participant: What is the way forward then Swami? Swamiji: The moment you asked the way forward, you have spoiled the whole teaching. Over. Now whatever I have spoken is just waste, it has not happened in you. You have not heard it. If you hear properly. What is the need for way forward? Still if you are asking for the way forward….. Participant: inaudible


Swamiji: Simply the realization will guide your life. Don’t ask the hypothetical question, ‘Once I realize this what will happen?’ Beautiful, one born blind man went to the doctor. Doctor said, “I’ll do an operation you will have your eyes back. Then you can walk without stick”. The stick which they use.... the blind people they use the stick to feel. The blind man said “Master I understand… doctor I understand you’ll do an operation, I’ll have my eyes back but how can I walk without stick?” Unless you have your eyes, you cannot understand how you can walk without stick. Intellectually you cannot be convinced till you get your eyes, ‘you can walk without stick’. Understand this one thing. Look inside, whatever you thought as you is not there. And it will not be there; just it will not be there. Whatever points are the base for your suffering, where the points are rooted that very root is non-existent, the very root is non existent. That is why I tell you, your name itself is non-existent.


That is why in zen they say meditate on your face before your birth. Just visualize how your face was before your birth. Can you visualize? Then what? Just fifty years ago, you were not existent. Whatever you think as you, you are non-existent fifty years ago. Am I right? And fifty years after, you’ll be again non-existent. Why are you then suffering so much? Why are you torturing yourself? Just for this few years of drama. The whole thing is just nibbāna. Whatever your ideas, ‘what society will think of me?’ That’s one of the important big trouble ‘what others will think about me?’ Meditate on this one sutra. Don’t bother what others are thinking about you, because they are bothering what you are thinking about them. Don’t bother what others are thinking about you, because they are bothering what you are thinking about them.


It is just a drama happening continuously because you don’t have time to stop and look, you don’t have time to open your eyes and see, you don’t have time to relax few minutes and watch. You are also involved because your TV was never switched off even for two second. You never thought the TV can be switched off or there can be few moments when scenes will not disappear… scene will not appear, screen will be empty. Here I am trying to tell you, just because the screen is continuously filled with scenes don’t think what you are seeing is truth. It can be switched off. It can switch off. You can relax. It is time, at least for next half an hour, relax, meditate on the face which you had before your birth. Now when I say directly try to hear what you understand is enough; for My words, what your dictionary says that is enough. Just refer your oxford dictionary. That is enough. Whatever words I say, just refer oxford dictionary. What you understand, that much of understanding is enough. I am not speaking anything metaphysical. I am not speaking anything big spiritual. I am just using the word which you can directly refer with the oxford dictionary. And understand that is enough, will liberate you.


I have always seen. There is a beautiful story. When Ramakrishna was alive, people used to go and tell Him, “When Chaitanya was alive we didn't have a chance to see Him. Otherwise we would have become enlightened”. Ramakrishna says, “Fool when Chaitanya was alive, people go to Him and say, “When Krishan was alive we were not here, if we have seen Krishna we would have become enlightened.” Ramakrishana says, “The people who sat in front of Chaitanya and spoke about Krishna are saying “Because we have not met Krishna we have not become enlightened”. The same group only is sitting in front of Ramakrishana and speaking about Chaitanya. And the same group only will sit in front of Me and speak about Ramakrishna. It is here and now, if at all something can happen, here and now. Just understand the very base which you think as you is Anatta - doesn’t exist, changes every moment. That is why your needs are different everyday. Today something is tasty, tomorrow something is… the same thing is not tasty. When you lose your maths, “No, no, no like this how can it happen?“ You will try to tell yourself, “No, no, no, that is tasty, that is tasty”. But mind is not ready to believe.


You are just changing. How much you try to make you feel comfortable, how much you try to tell yourself “No I exist, I am consistent, I am consistent. I am... There is something which is under all these things alive” Again and again truth comes up. You experience the vacuum - nothingness. But the nothingness creates a tremendous fear in you. It shakes you, “Wow where am I going? What am I doing? What is this Swami teaching me? He is taking away the basic root on which I am standing. He is just shaking me”. Of course if you are afraid that I am shaking you I will take my hands, Maya will shake you, that’s all. You understand… if you understand, gracefully you will go beyond or maya will just snatch you, snatch you from you. That’s all. Whatever you think as you is just tumor on your system. It is not you. If it is you, the very being will be totally different. The very being will be totally different. Of course, what I am speaking, I don’t know how much you’ll be able to receive but I am speaking at some point when your being is ready these seeds will start growing. I am just sowing the seed. When time is ...when you are ready these seeds will grow.



Relax into Your Bliss || Part 3 || NSC || 07 Feb 2005


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Relax into Your Bliss
Date : 07 February 2005
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam shares with us the understanding that we are not beings, we are happenings. When we begin to understand this, it gives us freedom! His Divine Holiness also speaks about an innate intelligence that we are all given, which helps us to make the best decisions in our lives.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video Audio:

Video Audio



To understand the whole thing is Anatta, nirvāṇa, you don’t need much spiritual practice or you don’t need to be a great person. All you need is a simple knowledge of English to understand My words. Any one thing is consistent or solid? No. It is floating. It is liquid. Then how can you build buildings on liquid? Why do you bother so much to protect the liquid which is continuously flowing? You are not a numb you are web. You are not a numb. you are a web. You are a happening. You are not a being. Understanding you are not a being is what I called nirvāṇa. The moment you understand, you are not a being, you are a happening, tremendous freedom, liberation happens to you. You don’t have to protect yourself. The moment… immediately mind will say, “No, no, no, I may have a physical pain, somebody may hurt me, if I don’t protect myself, I may fall sick”. Please be very clear I am not asking you to go and jump in the river. No. I am not asking you to go allow yourself to be hurt; you will not allow anybody to hurt you by your own basic intelligence.


When I say, “Don’t protect yourself”, I don’t mean enter into the dangers. Your mind is always playing game. When I say, “Don’t protect yourself”, immediately, your mind says, “Oh! it means, He says I have to jump into the dangers”. No. The second statement is not made by Me, it is made by your mind. As I was telling you that logic, there is two door, one door is open, the third statement is not made by Me, made by whom? Your mind. When I say, “Now you are floating, you don’t have to protect yourself”, immediately the mind jumps to other extreme and says, “Then I may have all disease or I may be killed or I may be destroyed if I don’t protect myself”. The second statement, there is no need for second statement. When that situation comes, you have enough intelligence to protect yourself. Things will happen automatically. Understand. Last 50 years you have lived. Have you lived without worries? No. You had enough troubles, enough worries. Have you not lived? You’ve lived. Next 50 years, you have the experience of last 50 years, then why are you bothering? Why do you then bother about the next 50 years? Last 50 years you’ve lived with all these things. You have enough, this itself is a solid proof, you have enough intelligence to face everything. You have innate intelligence to face your life. Then why should you bother about the next 50 years… and now you are experienced.


More the person is experienced, more he should feel confident. Then why do you continuously bother about protecting your being, protecting your ego? You have innate intelligence, inborn intelligence - ‘Swa Buddhi’. You have innate intelligence - ‘Swa jnana’, to take decision in every moment, to handle your personality every moment, to decide spontaneously. Because you don’t trust you have spontaneity, you try to keep all these records on your head, so that you can decide based on these records. But you miss one important thing, situations continuously change. Whenever you decide based on the decisions of the predecessors, you are outdated. You are outdated. If you decide based on the decisions of the predecessors, you are just outdated. In life also, if you decide based on your past decisions, you are outdated, you are, you can't be considered as living being. You are live-dead. You are live-dead.


Understand this one thing, there is no need to protect you, because you don’t exist as you think. Contemplate on this one story. Swan, flying on the pond. Great swan, Paramhamsa flying on the pond. The fishes were seeing the reflection, jumping, playing, protecting. Houses are built. The reflection also suddenly starts thinking… because so many fishes are around, the reflection thinks I am alive. Sometime reflections start thinking, I do exist. But only when the swan moves away from the stream reflection understands, it was...it never existed. It will never exist. Was, is, will - all the three doesn’t exist for it. In all three dimensions, it never existed. It is just a pure illusion. Whatever you think as you, doesn't exist. The moment you relax, a big load is taken away from you. That is what I call liberation. There is nothing to protect because you are just nirvāṇa. Nirvāṇa whatever you think as you, drop it and relax.


Just few minutes try to relax. I am not asking you to relax forever. When you go back tomorrow morning carry it, I don’t say, “No”. Tomorrow morning again take the whole thing on your head. I don’t say, “No”. Just today as an experiment relax. You will understand what is happening with your whole being. How you are creating, more and more and more struggles with yourself, trying to protect the reflection of swan. You are just a reflection of swan. The moment you understand, you become swan. You are just reflection of Paramahamsa. The moment you understand that you become Paramahamsa. Whether you want to be a reflection of Paramahamsa or Paramahamsa is up to you. Even if you think you are a reflection of Paramahamsa as on now, you are Paramahamsa only. Even if you think you are reflection, you are not reflection. You may try your best, try hard to think you are reflection and try to protect as much as possible, struggle as deeply as possible, but the whole thing is just the efforts of the fishes, how much the fish is struggling. Now we say, “No, no, no, all these things are good to listen. But let me think of my next routine, tomorrow, what I am supposed to do. Let me think of my life decision, what I am supposed to do”. Then it's perfectly up to you. Then it is perfectly up to you. Try to protect the shadow, nothing wrong. But one day suddenly you will realize, somebody inside you is waking up and understanding or experiencing, what you are protecting all these days is just shadow.


We worked these four days continuously on your mind, so that you can understand this single truth, this one single truth. If you are too much crowded, if your mind is too much crowded, you can’t understand. If too many fishes are jumping on the reflection of the swan, you can’t understand it’s a reflection. All I did in these four days is just asked the fishes to move little away to give little space. So that you can see and realize it is not swan, it is just reflection of swan. It is not Swan, it is just a reflection of swan. Whatever you are playing, you are thinking as you, is just reflection. The moment you understand it, you will play even the game of reflection beautifully. The moment you understand this, realize this, if you are a doctor, you will become a much better doctor. Because you know it’s a game you are playing. You will not suffer with it. As long as you know this door can be opened at anytime, you are free. You will be comfortably sitting here. The moment you think it is locked, the key is not there, you cannot sit here comfortably, you will go and stand and knock the door. You will first try to escape. Understand. The whole thing is just mask. You are playing with mask, then you will be playinng beautifully with the same mask. You will be able to play with the same mask beautifully.


If you don’t understand, you will hurt yourself and you will hurt others, taking the whole game too seriously. Taking the whole game too seriously is the only mistake you do. The moment you understand, you are just nibbāṇa, simply the physical well being and mental well being happens. There is a beautiful stotra done by Ramana Maharshi towards Arunachala: தெய்வம் என்று உன்னைச் சாரவே என்னைச் சேர ஒழித்தாய் அருணாசலா. Deivam endru unnaich aravae ennai chera olizthai Arunachala. Let Me translate: I thought you are My God and you will protect Me. I came to you but suddenly now I see, simply you have destroyed Me completely. Whatever I thought was Me, is not there now. I am missing. தெய்வம் என்று உன்னைச் சாரவே என்னைச் சேர ஒழித்தாய் அருணாசலா. Deivam endru unnaich aravae ennai chera olizthai Arunachala. I thought you are God and you’ll protect Me, suddenly now I realize, you have completely destroyed Me. I am not there. What I thought as Me is not there.


That is what now I am telling you, many of you have come to Me for healing thinking that I’ll protect your body, I’ll protect your mind, I’ll protect your life. Understand. The moment you understand there is nothing to be protected, simply everything is protected. The moment you brought the idea ‘I read this in a book, I understand’, the moment you raised all your... all these words in your mind, you already missed. Now relax, try to listen. You don’t. The moment you referred some other book which you read, done. You have dove holed My words. Participant: I was just confirming Swamiji. HDH: That is what, the moment you want the confirmation it’s lost, over, gone. Participant: Is it thoughtlessness? HDH: Relax, gone. One more. Participant: Is it a mystery? HDH: It is not mystery, reality. It is not even mystery, reality. See, was this same body, which was there yesterday? Was this same mind, which was there yesterday? Or then if your mind and body both are not the same which was yesterday, then who are you? How can you say? You say but you are the same person who is here yesterday. Am I right? How can you say that? If your body is not the same thing which was yesterday. If your mind is not the same thing, which was yesterday. How can you say you are the same person who is yesterday, who was here yesterday? Participant: Inaudible. HDH: No. What I am saying, what you think as you, is not the same yesterday. Yesterday it was different and today it is different. Then how can you think, there is some continuity in you? When you think there is some continuity in you, you start protecting it. You want it to be protected. You want it to be saved, preserved. The whole thing starts. The moment you understand, there is no need for any protection, there is no need for any suffering, there is no need for anything, just the whole thing is happening like a bubble. Small bubble happening in the ocean. Tomorrow the whole, the bubble will disappear. And you are nothing but a small bubble in a big ocean.


Participant: That’s what I meant actually I said floating like a bubble. That’s what I meant bubble and... HDH: When you meant also you have missed it, relax. Participant: Inaudible HDH: If you’ve really meant, you will go in. The moment words come out, somewhere, something is missing. If you hear these words, it will only take you in. It’ll only take you in to some dimension which you have not tasted. There is nothing to protect, there is nothing to care, there is nothing to grow. Just understand you are a liquid. The very understanding ‘you are liquid’ is enough to liberate you. Just a simple understanding you are not solid as you think is more than enough. You are just flowing. You are just a life flow. There is no solid being as you think is more than enough. Contemplate on this one thing and relax from whatever you think as you, for next half an hour. You will come out as a new being. At least you will have a glimpse, one glimpse of who you are. The capital letter Y-O-U, not small letter y-o-u. Small letter y-o-u, you are living. Just who you are.



Relax into Your Bliss || Part 4 || NSC || 07 Feb 2005


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Session on: Relax into Your Bliss
Date : 07 February 2005
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam guides the delegates of the Nithyananda Spurana Convention through a guided meditation. His Divine Holiness talks the delegates through a short process which allows them to imbibe the teachings and principles given throughout this discourse.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video Audio:

Video Audio



Please close your eyes and just sit. Allow these words to merge in you. Whatever understanding happens, let you understand... No need to tie the ribbon. Just sit. Whatever you understand by this word... whatever you understand by these words, let it sink in you. See clearly that you are just liquid. See very clearly what makes you stop realising this, where you are stuck. Whether it is in your social position, or it is about the fear of your health, or the fear of losing your relationship, or fear of losing your wealth! Just see where it goes and gets stuck which stops you experiencing that you are liquid, you are fluid. At least understand that which stops you realising that. If nothing stops you, then relax into you.


You are not the same person as you think you are. There is no need to protect you because you don’t exist. You are just greatest illusion created by you... supported by other illusions. You are the great illusion created by you and supported by other illusions... Forget about tomorrow. There is no need to bother about it. Now realise this truth. That’s enough. Don’t bother about the consequences of this realisation. Whether it is positive or negative, relax bothering about the consequences. Just see the truth... Don’t worry how many times you missed in the past. Even if you have missed in the past ten thousand times, now there is a possibility you can capture it. Now you can catch it. Relax! You can open your eyes.


Now we will enter into the meditation to drop the whole past. Now you know where you are stuck. Whatever thought came into your mind again and again in this gap is where you are stuck. That is what you need to drop. Let’s take few moments and work on ourself and drop everything. Now the meditation which we are going to do is called Vraja Homa means the meditation done by the people before taking sanyas. Don’t worry. I am not going to give you sanyas. This is the meditation done by people who are taking sanyas... Of course, when I brought this meditation to the public, some traditional Swamis have criticised Me. They said, “How can You give this to everyone? It is specially for us.” I said, “Just because of this secrecy only, we lost Ayurveda. We lost Siddha. We lost all these surgery methods. We lost so much of our knowledge.” So I believe when something can give result, it should be shared with the whole world and it is such a highly powerful meditation technique, it can transform the beings, why not give it to the whole world?


I brought it out with all the courage. Now I am giving in all our NSP. After all, whose property? Our rishis’ property. What for they created? For the whole world only. It is not monopoly of some small group of people. It belongs to the whole world. Knowledge belongs to whole world. We can’t say it is only for us. That’s the reason I brought it out. I want all of you to understand the importance of this meditation so that you will enter into it. So four level. First level: you will give your gratitude to all the people who gave you this mental set up. You see, before moving away from this mental set up, we will not curse the people who gave us this. After all, all these years we used this mind only. We will thank them for giving us this set up. We will thank them for giving us this body and mind. Who gave this body and mind to us, it is not that they wanted to deprive us or disturb us. Whatever they know as best, they have given that to us. Now we are going beyond it. There is no need to curse them. There is no need to blame them. Just give them your gratitude that they helped their best. Now we are going beyond it. Now we are going into a different depth of our being. Your different dimension of our being. Giving gratitude...
