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123rd Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 17th verse –
Sabdaartha pratyayanaam itareta adhyasaat shankara tat prabhivada samyavaat sarva roota ruta gnanam
Vivekananda: thru samyama on word, meaning and knowledge which are ordinary confusion comes know of all animal sounds
Prabhavananda: by taking samya of sound and word ones perception of its meaning…one obtains understanding o f all sounds uttered by living beings
Satchitananda: a word its meaning and the idea behind it are normally confused because of superimpositon of one another. By samyama on the word,…..is obtained
Osho: the sound and the purpose and idea behind it are together in the mind in a confused sate. By performing samyama on the sound separation happens and there arises a comprehension of the sound made by any living being. The technical terms in this sutra is sabda, artha, pratyayanaam – sound, what is meant by sound and consciousness which experiences the sound and what is meant by the sound – the buddhi. Understand, sound the purpose what is meant by the sound and the space – intelligence where both are happening. For example I use the word cow – that is sound. What is meant by the word the animal is artha – means the purpose. Where the word cow creates the meaning of the cow and the picture in your inner space, the space where that is happening is buddhi – pratyayaanaam.
Sound, the purpose or the meaning of the sound and space where the idea of the sound suddenly happens – buddhi – these 3 gets overlapped in life. Please understand this 3 gets overlapped in life. Because it gets overlapped whole life is confusion. Now start doing samyama on this 3. When you do samyama on this 3 the 1st thing that will happen is you will understand all this 3 are separate. You will experience the gap between this 3. Any sound – you will know the meaning of it. When all the 3 are separate – the sound, meaning, the space where both are happening the connection is happening when there is a gap between this 3, suddenly you will know the deeper happenings behind the sound. You will know meaning of sounds created by animals, birds, trees, stones. If you want to know the language of animals, birds, trees, want to know the language of nature, do samyama on the sound. You will have extraord p0wers. Also, this samyama will make you get the meaning of the cosmic ‘Om’ and you will be enlightened.
Patanjali is not a dry master. He leads you to ultimate enlightenment and along the path gives you way to attain extraordinary powers also. The science I am bringing also is going to awaken extra ordinary powers in you. The moment I started awakening the kundalini and they started levitating, the intensity of people has exploded. It is only one small power – levitation is not enlightenment. But it gives you the excitement to practice every day.  When a person takes a spiritual decision in his life, from that moment his life is sacred. It cannot be wasted. It is too costly. Siddhis themselves are not dirty. Money is not dirty.  Do not misuse them. The fear of misusing should not make you poor. I wanted all my swamis, brahmacharis, acharyas, satsangis who are part of my mystery school to radiate extraordinary powers. Understand have extraordinary spiritual powers. You are a rich man’s kid ☺ when suddenly you experience some powers like suddenly you know what opp person is going to talk, who is going to knock, what decision the conversation is going to lead to, don’t brush them aside. Dig out. Feel at that moment how your throat was, how your breathing was, how your skin was feeling. Bring yourself back to the same space again!  Samadhi can never come by being in the lowest states of awareness. It can come only for a leader. I told him first b e a leader in outer world.
Ramanuja – I want to experience paraa bhakti – great devotion for ranganatha. Ramanuja asked have you ever fallen in love with anyone? He said no – I am a naishtika brahmachari I cannot do all that. Ramanjuja said first go and fall in love with someone physically. Then you can have it. If now you cannot feel connected to someone with physical eyes, how can you connect with divine energy. So first become leader and learn the tricks and techniques of the world, techniques of talking to people, enrolling people not just for a program, enroll them for your ideas, talking to them, convincing them, you know the knack of living the extraordinary non-mechanical parts of the brain are awakened. Only then you can become a leader. Only when you become a leader the higher states of awareness start opening in you.
Start a temple from scratch and go on inspiring people, build the temple and bring it to life and then open it. That day you will attain Samadhi! By the time the temple is done, your laziness will be broken, all the sufferings you face, all abuse you will face, you will cross enlightenment by the time you finish it. Samdhai is not for lazy bums. It is for people whose all 21 logics can be activated and awakened at a time. It is internal passion. Leadership is an altered state of awareness. It is a tremendous life being aware. Learn multi tasking. Learn first to be a leader – Ishwaratva. I am translating Anandeshwara as bliss leader! Ishwaratva means leader.  First start expressing extraordinary powers of a leader. I have seen. I have studied history of all major organizations and spiritual organizations. As long as they were producing leaders the spiritual strength was alive. In those days Vivekananda would just call one of his brahmacharis, give him some travel expense and asks him to start the mission in a different country. That guy would simply get enlightened just by finishing the task.
People who can go out nto only that even while you are having some other work, only body is working. Engage all parts of your brain in multi tasking. First become a leader then the altered states os awareness wills tart and enlightenment can happen. Samyama is powerful path to enlightenment. You need some extra ord powers inspiring exciting things in your life for you to continue to practice! I am seeing very clearly even in our organization, whoever when I said go and start a mission in some place, when they go & sit and do intense work and do the work, I am seeing they are just radiating the energy. Raising them to Samadhi. Understand you are surrendering to your demon if you don’t work intensely. After middle age you will only have a big belly. Nothing more. Become a leader. Anybody who becomes a leader before 30, can get enlightened just like that! Because already all the nervious system is alive, open and ready to receive. This life negative ideas should be broken first. The ideas that siddhis should not be experienced. No. I will tell you experience siddhis.
I am now giving you a samyama if you practice it will directly heal ALL your disease related to eyes and ears. Pl und in medical science, ENT are connected,l but per science of naadi the ear, eye and power of speaking are directly related. Hearing, seeing, speaking all 3 powers are directly related to Ajna chakra – 3rd eye. That is why I am telling you when you learn speaking and enrolling ppl your eyesight will develop and your hearing also will be clear.
This samyama will directly help you with problems related to your hearing, seeing and talking! All 3 problems can be healded with this samyama
Sabdaartha pratyayanaam itareta adhyasaat shankara tat prabhivada samyavaat sarva roota ruta gnanam
The exact samyama  - sit and feel your inner space is the screen on which the sounds come & hit and make the meaning. Your inner space is a conscious ear drum. In your inner space not only the meaning is made, you can witness both the sound and the meaning. Don’t hear just in your ear drums, hear thru your ananda gandha. Now when a sound comes, when a sound hits you, it hits your ear drum and meaning is made and actions are taken. Don’t do that. Sit. Have restful awareness for the sound to hit thru your ananda gandha. Make all meanings coming from sounds around you in your anada gandha. When you sit like this, when you hear sounds you will have meanings from them. Not only that even if your spouse is sleeping next to you and breathing. Just with the breathing sound you will understand the mood of your spouse.
Just by the breathing sound, you know what mood the other person is in! it is an extraordinary siddhi. And by the sound of the river you willknow whether a flood will come or not. You can receive and send message to both sides of river. Understand sending and receiving messages thru nature was our telecommunications system. You will see it is possible. Just the technique and the practice.n othing else. You an send, receive infomations understand the meanings ot the words, animals, rocks. When you go deeper, you can just listen the eternal cosmic sound and the meaning of the sound and the space where it is happening if it is your inner space it measn you are enlgithement.
1st step – try to listen to sounds thru your ananda gandha. Make it consciously the place where sound is revieved.
The place where the sound, the m eaning is happening be aware of this that’s all. Take up this samyama. Please understand, everyday I will gon on talking on one samyama. If you have eye, ear problem, just do this and see how it will heal you. the power of sound, playing with sound.so 1st level this samyama will heal all your seeing, hearing, talking power. 2nd it will create extraord siddhis of understanding the language of animals and other men,  awareness in you of understanding the other person just by the person’s breath, 3rd it will create an extraor und(satsan) by exp the cosmic sound – naada brahma.
3.You can hear the sound of the extraord cosmic sound “Om’ and you are beyond these 2.
Sirasana, mahamantra and samhavai mudra can help this samyama.
1st do sirasasana and sarvanga asana, then do intense humming for 11 minutes, then …blessings!
[[Category: Patanjali Yoga Sutras]]
[[Category: Patanjali Yoga Sutras]]

Latest revision as of 02:29, 8 September 2020


Cosmic Sound Technique: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 123


Today Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda explained another amazing Patanjali Sutra, how every sound is a mantra. "Every sound can lead you to enlightenment, every moment the possibility to enlightenment is open." "Patanjali is a great master, he picks up the tasty roots, not only will his techniques give you enlightenment; it will give you extraordinary powers. The science which I bring to the world will be alive just because of the powers it will give to people. Any technique should give immediate result also and long term enlightenment, but at least few powers immediately. Understand, you should not get caught with the powers. Have deep devotion to your Guru or God, thank and go to the next level."

"I want all our swamis, acharyas, satsangis to radiate extraordinary powers, have extraordinary spiritual powers. You are a rich man's kid. First learn the technique of life. Actually, when you are under pressure, when the question of survival comes in your life, you need to become a leader. The technique of talking to people, enrolling them for your ideas, convincing them, only then the extraordinary leadership powers come, the knack of living, only then you can think of Samadhi. Only when you become a leader, the higher states of awareness open in you."

He explained the technique for this sutra as follows: "Sit and feel that your inner space is the screen on which the sounds come and hit and make the meaning. Your inner space is a conscious ear drum, sound comes and hits, not only is meaning made, you can witness both, sound and meaning. Don't hear just in your ear drum, hear through the Ananda Gandha. You can send and receive information, understand the meanings of the birds, animals, rocks, when you go deeper, you can listen to the eternal cosmic sound, meaning of the cosmos and the space where it's happening in your inner space."

"Take up this samyama, it will heal your eyes and ears. The power of sound, playing with sound will heal seeing, hearing and talking problems. You will know another person's mood, understand the languages of nature and ultimately enlightenment itself.

"When the eternal sound of the cosmos is experienced, you can only be enlightened. This sound will directly lead to physical healing of hearing, seeing, talking problems, give you extraordinary Siddhis, and ultimately eNlightenment itself by experiencing the cosmic sound, nadha brahma."



99 Cosmic Sound Technique- Patanjali Yoga Sutras 123


123rd Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 17th verse – Sabdaartha pratyayanaam itareta adhyasaat shankara tat prabhivada samyavaat sarva roota ruta gnanam Vivekananda: thru samyama on word, meaning and knowledge which are ordinary confusion comes know of all animal sounds Prabhavananda: by taking samya of sound and word ones perception of its meaning…one obtains understanding o f all sounds uttered by living beings Satchitananda: a word its meaning and the idea behind it are normally confused because of superimpositon of one another. By samyama on the word,…..is obtained Osho: the sound and the purpose and idea behind it are together in the mind in a confused sate. By performing samyama on the sound separation happens and there arises a comprehension of the sound made by any living being. The technical terms in this sutra is sabda, artha, pratyayanaam – sound, what is meant by sound and consciousness which experiences the sound and what is meant by the sound – the buddhi. Understand, sound the purpose what is meant by the sound and the space – intelligence where both are happening. For example I use the word cow – that is sound. What is meant by the word the animal is artha – means the purpose. Where the word cow creates the meaning of the cow and the picture in your inner space, the space where that is happening is buddhi – pratyayaanaam. Sound, the purpose or the meaning of the sound and space where the idea of the sound suddenly happens – buddhi – these 3 gets overlapped in life. Please understand this 3 gets overlapped in life. Because it gets overlapped whole life is confusion. Now start doing samyama on this 3. When you do samyama on this 3 the 1st thing that will happen is you will understand all this 3 are separate. You will experience the gap between this 3. Any sound – you will know the meaning of it. When all the 3 are separate – the sound, meaning, the space where both are happening the connection is happening when there is a gap between this 3, suddenly you will know the deeper happenings behind the sound. You will know meaning of sounds created by animals, birds, trees, stones. If you want to know the language of animals, birds, trees, want to know the language of nature, do samyama on the sound. You will have extraord p0wers. Also, this samyama will make you get the meaning of the cosmic ‘Om’ and you will be enlightened. Patanjali is not a dry master. He leads you to ultimate enlightenment and along the path gives you way to attain extraordinary powers also. The science I am bringing also is going to awaken extra ordinary powers in you. The moment I started awakening the kundalini and they started levitating, the intensity of people has exploded. It is only one small power – levitation is not enlightenment. But it gives you the excitement to practice every day. When a person takes a spiritual decision in his life, from that moment his life is sacred. It cannot be wasted. It is too costly. Siddhis themselves are not dirty. Money is not dirty. Do not misuse them. The fear of misusing should not make you poor. I wanted all my swamis, brahmacharis, acharyas, satsangis who are part of my mystery school to radiate extraordinary powers. Understand have extraordinary spiritual powers. You are a rich man’s kid ☺ when suddenly you experience some powers like suddenly you know what opp person is going to talk, who is going to knock, what decision the conversation is going to lead to, don’t brush them aside. Dig out. Feel at that moment how your throat was, how your breathing was, how your skin was feeling. Bring yourself back to the same space again! Samadhi can never come by being in the lowest states of awareness. It can come only for a leader. I told him first b e a leader in outer world. Ramanuja – I want to experience paraa bhakti – great devotion for ranganatha. Ramanuja asked have you ever fallen in love with anyone? He said no – I am a naishtika brahmachari I cannot do all that. Ramanjuja said first go and fall in love with someone physically. Then you can have it. If now you cannot feel connected to someone with physical eyes, how can you connect with divine energy. So first become leader and learn the tricks and techniques of the world, techniques of talking to people, enrolling people not just for a program, enroll them for your ideas, talking to them, convincing them, you know the knack of living the extraordinary non-mechanical parts of the brain are awakened. Only then you can become a leader. Only when you become a leader the higher states of awareness start opening in you. Start a temple from scratch and go on inspiring people, build the temple and bring it to life and then open it. That day you will attain Samadhi! By the time the temple is done, your laziness will be broken, all the sufferings you face, all abuse you will face, you will cross enlightenment by the time you finish it. Samdhai is not for lazy bums. It is for people whose all 21 logics can be activated and awakened at a time. It is internal passion. Leadership is an altered state of awareness. It is a tremendous life being aware. Learn multi tasking. Learn first to be a leader – Ishwaratva. I am translating Anandeshwara as bliss leader! Ishwaratva means leader. First start expressing extraordinary powers of a leader. I have seen. I have studied history of all major organizations and spiritual organizations. As long as they were producing leaders the spiritual strength was alive. In those days Vivekananda would just call one of his brahmacharis, give him some travel expense and asks him to start the mission in a different country. That guy would simply get enlightened just by finishing the task. People who can go out nto only that even while you are having some other work, only body is working. Engage all parts of your brain in multi tasking. First become a leader then the altered states os awareness wills tart and enlightenment can happen. Samyama is powerful path to enlightenment. You need some extra ord powers inspiring exciting things in your life for you to continue to practice! I am seeing very clearly even in our organization, whoever when I said go and start a mission in some place, when they go & sit and do intense work and do the work, I am seeing they are just radiating the energy. Raising them to Samadhi. Understand you are surrendering to your demon if you don’t work intensely. After middle age you will only have a big belly. Nothing more. Become a leader. Anybody who becomes a leader before 30, can get enlightened just like that! Because already all the nervious system is alive, open and ready to receive. This life negative ideas should be broken first. The ideas that siddhis should not be experienced. No. I will tell you experience siddhis. I am now giving you a samyama if you practice it will directly heal ALL your disease related to eyes and ears. Pl und in medical science, ENT are connected,l but per science of naadi the ear, eye and power of speaking are directly related. Hearing, seeing, speaking all 3 powers are directly related to Ajna chakra – 3rd eye. That is why I am telling you when you learn speaking and enrolling ppl your eyesight will develop and your hearing also will be clear. This samyama will directly help you with problems related to your hearing, seeing and talking! All 3 problems can be healded with this samyama Sabdaartha pratyayanaam itareta adhyasaat shankara tat prabhivada samyavaat sarva roota ruta gnanam The exact samyama - sit and feel your inner space is the screen on which the sounds come & hit and make the meaning. Your inner space is a conscious ear drum. In your inner space not only the meaning is made, you can witness both the sound and the meaning. Don’t hear just in your ear drums, hear thru your ananda gandha. Now when a sound comes, when a sound hits you, it hits your ear drum and meaning is made and actions are taken. Don’t do that. Sit. Have restful awareness for the sound to hit thru your ananda gandha. Make all meanings coming from sounds around you in your anada gandha. When you sit like this, when you hear sounds you will have meanings from them. Not only that even if your spouse is sleeping next to you and breathing. Just with the breathing sound you will understand the mood of your spouse. Just by the breathing sound, you know what mood the other person is in! it is an extraordinary siddhi. And by the sound of the river you willknow whether a flood will come or not. You can receive and send message to both sides of river. Understand sending and receiving messages thru nature was our telecommunications system. You will see it is possible. Just the technique and the practice.n othing else. You an send, receive infomations understand the meanings ot the words, animals, rocks. When you go deeper, you can just listen the eternal cosmic sound and the meaning of the sound and the space where it is happening if it is your inner space it measn you are enlgithement. 1st step – try to listen to sounds thru your ananda gandha. Make it consciously the place where sound is revieved. The place where the sound, the m eaning is happening be aware of this that’s all. Take up this samyama. Please understand, everyday I will gon on talking on one samyama. If you have eye, ear problem, just do this and see how it will heal you. the power of sound, playing with sound.so 1st level this samyama will heal all your seeing, hearing, talking power. 2nd it will create extraord siddhis of understanding the language of animals and other men, awareness in you of understanding the other person just by the person’s breath, 3rd it will create an extraor und(satsan) by exp the cosmic sound – naada brahma. 3.You can hear the sound of the extraord cosmic sound “Om’ and you are beyond these 2. Sirasana, mahamantra and samhavai mudra can help this samyama. 1st do sirasasana and sarvanga asana, then do intense humming for 11 minutes, then …blessings!