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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is Meet the Masters! – an extraordinary samyama, technique! Patanjali directly gives cell phone numbers and video connection of all the masters who happened on planet earth! He is giving us a methodology
139th Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter verse
Moortha jyothishi siddha darshanaam
Vivekananda: on the light eminating the top of the head spite of the siddhas
Prabhavananda: by making the samyama on the radiance within the back of the head
Satchitananda: by samyama on the light of the crown of the head visions of the masters and adepts is obtained
Osho: by performing samyama on the light of the crown of the head comes the ability to contact all perfected beings.
Siddha – master is a person who does not have perishable identity and because of it has eternal identity. Understand his identity is made out of material which is imperishable. There is no perishable component in the identity he created for himself! When the breeze flows over the water, the shapes & drawings created on the water can be compared to the form you experience about the masters. Please understand, there is a huge water body, breeze flows over the water body, small waves are happening, or some drawings or figures appear on the water. In that figure there is no perishable component. The figure, the source, cause effect everything is just water. When the breeze flows again the same wave will happen. When the breeze stops the wave will settle down into the water. Same way whenever you have a strong devoted samyama it is the breeze, water is pure consciousness. Whenever a strong devoted samyama happens over a pure conscious water masters form appears, graces, blesses you and disappears. There is no perishable component in the system and because there is no perishable component it is eternal identity!  Siddha is a being whose all 7 sareeraas does not have any perishable component means any engram which can be counted as perishable component. When all the engrams have disappeared that body has become such a pure liquid it creates shades, shapes, visuals based on the breeze flowing on it. the lake has no interest to take some shape. The flow of the breeze decides the shape! Master is a being happening without any perishable component. He is just a beautiful rhythmic play. The pure non perishable experience happening in the source.  That is the reason any siddha happened in the planet earth is available forever for anybody to connect with or have the benefit of his presence or energy. Any siddha, any master happened in the planet earth is available eternally for anybody to relate or connect with or experience his presence, knowledge or initiation. Please understand, any action you do just based on the physical body will leave its wave and the archive in physical layer. All your physical actions get gathered and archived in the physical layer of the cosmos. Even a small act you do like simple eating gets recorded in the file in the physical cosmic archives. Same way any small though that crosses your mind gets recorded in your mental layer as a file & stored in the cosmic archives. Anything happened from the beginning in all 7 layers in all beings is available alive. Understand 3000 yrs before when you were in pig, buffalo, elephant or dinosaur body what you thought on a particular day or moment can be retrieved without any corruption or mis-management or alteration. Whole thing is available. If the action which you did is performed from the 1st layer, it will be available in 1st layer, 2nd layer – 2nd layer file, 3rd layer – 3rd layer file. But one imp thing is billions of 1st layer files are available, millions of 2nd layer are available, but only few thousands are available in 3rd layer. Because you operate from 1st layer first. If it is 1st layer more perishable component are there – trillions of files are there, if it is 2nd layer billions of files are there, if it is 3rd layer millions of files are there, if it is 4th layer lakhs of files are there, if it is 5th  layer 1000s of files are there, if it is 6th layer or 7th layer only few 100s of files are there because very rarely people function from 6th & 7th layer. People who function from 6th layer are siddhas, from 7th layer are masters incarnations!
When you function from 6th or 7th layer, you do not have perishable components in your identity, in your whole, in your personality, in what you call as you because it is purity created on purity by purity. It is called suddha satva sareera – the pure energy experience . when these sudha satva sareeras happen it is available eternally forever. I can say these masters who operated from 6th or 7th layers are continuously available on the 108 number. In the U.S. they have 911 number. In India we have 108 number ☺ they are available for your 911 call or 108 number call. Just you need to know the technology to connect with them. methodology to relate with them. You can talk to them, relate with them, see them, understand them, experience them and even achieve enlightenment through them. understand, if you don’t know the technology even with a living master you cannot connect. If you know the technology even with dead masters you can relate. Otherwise even with living master, I am seeing how people miss foolishly. Such a simple foolish arrogant ways people miss! Many time people come & ask me – Swamiji can you give me technique to Agastya, Mahavataar Babaji. I tell them I am telling you what they will tell, do this. they say, no want to talk to them only. Why? That looks more authentic. I think even Patanjali had a group of such fools around him and that is why he has given this sutra. The science of having Darshan and the science of connecting with the masters who are no more in the body is one & the same. I should not use the word dead masters but I will say masters who do not have physical body as on now. But it is like frequency – if they want, any moment they can reduce their frequency and appear in any body they wish to. If they increase their frequency they will move to the next layer and next layer.
I always tell living master is alive as you think. Dead master is not alive as you think. I am not alive as you think. Any idea you carry about me & any decision you make about the idea YOU carry about me will lead only to more & more confusion, suffering. When people judge the master it is like cotton trying to judge the fire, salt doll trying to judge the ocean, dust trying to judge the cyclone! Like Daksha when he tried to do yagna against Shiva Mahadeva how Veerabhadra landed & finished off, same way I allowed Veerabhadra & Kala Bhairava! Just like how Brahma’s own head was removed by Kaala Bhairava when he was caught in his own ego, same way I told Kaala Bhairava – he went and twisted logic of people who started judging me! since cutting Brahma’s ego, Kaala Bhairava was continuously resting and had no job. He told me what is this Swamiji, I am getting bored, I have no job! I said come on – he went around and twisted their logic. That is the best punishment to man – twisting a man’s logic! It is like giving a knife and telling a man that it is a flower bouquet. He beats himself with that knife thinking it is flower. He does not even know where the suffering is coming from because he believes he is hitting himself with flower! Sin of abusing the master with perverted logic does not allow you to relate with him even if he is alive. Maybe human beings are bound to misunderstand & abuse when masters are alive.
That is why Patanjali is giving technique at least meet masters who are no more in the body so that at least for short period you can connect with them.  missing an incarnation when he is in the body is like you almost got a huge treasure, just before you start taking it and enjoying it, somebody convinced you it is not diamonds but ordinary stones, leave it and go away and you leave it and go away! And after 1 year you see that it is indeed diamonds and people are enjoying it!
When you ask for healing, I say tataasthu, when you ask for boons I say tataasthu, when you ask for illusions and delusions, I say tataasthu! Now I am proving. There is a huge treasures, the fellows who are unworthy are enjoying that, what is the best way to stop them from enjoying  - convince them it is not treasure but just mud. Learn this technology to relate with a master. It will help you not only to relate with masters who are no more in the body but even to relate with masters who are in the body!
I will give you the exact technique.  Visualize in this circle in the crown area (shows around the head) it will be useful if you wear the rudraaksha band. Visualize in the whole area you have a strong current like a laser beam light coming out of your head over the sky to the eternal distance. Just visualize you have a strong laser beam towards the sky. Please understand samyama on the intense light on the crown. Visualize there is a intense light beam. It is a very powerful samyama. I can say you may not need more than 11 days to relate with any siddha through this samyama. In the initial level if you want to have an immd experience you can relate with masters who are very easily available. If you are my disciple, you can see me in your room, you can listen to me in your room. Or you can even connect with masters who are readily available masters such as Mahavataar Babaji, Shirdi sai baba, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Raghavendra, Sada Shiva Brahmendra. Wear Rudraaksha on the head when you do this samyama. In traditional monasteries the maala they wear around the head is the maala of the master. When he leaves the body he gives his maala to the disciple. Then you will exactly make decisions as your master wants. Then when this master passes away, it goes to his disciple. Like this it will go on for generations. And the person taking decisions will take decisions exactly as per his masters. That is the reason for the maala and the crown. It is not just an ornament wearing rudraaksha on the crown centre on your head. It is a powerful initiation. Strongly visualize the light beam like a laser beam. Remember the master with whom you want to connect. Just 21 minutes a day, 11 days is enough you will be able to connect with any master you want. You will be able to receive answers from them, have their Darshan and experience them. if you want to do samyama on me, do it I will be there. If you want to do on any other master also, do it. they will be there immediately.
Not only that when you connect with those masters you will have the right guidance & advice about your spiritual practices and understandings. I will guide you into this samyama now. Sit and visualize. If you want you can wear your maala on the top of your head. Tie it around the fore head. Visualize strong light beam through your head to the sky, to the cosmos. You can wear your maala on your head and tighten it – a rudraaksha band on your fore head. You have to wear tightly so that it helps for samyama. Visualize intense light. Close your eyes and visualize intense light. Through your crown to the cosmos visualize an intense light beam with closed eyes. And now remember whoever you want to connect with. If you want to connect with me, connect with me. if you want to connect with other masters who are no more in the body, connect with them. let the siddha darshana happen in all of you! experience intense light through your sahasrara to the cosmos and remember the master with whom you want to feel connected.
Not only with enlightened masters, even with scientists also you can connect. If you want to connect with Einsteen before you read his works, do this samyama and connect with him and then you can flow with this work.  Blessings!
[[Category: Patanjali Yoga Sutras]]
[[Category: Patanjali Yoga Sutras]]

Latest revision as of 01:34, 8 September 2020



117 Meet The Masters -Patanjali Yoga Sutras 138 -


Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is Meet the Masters! – an extraordinary samyama, technique! Patanjali directly gives cell phone numbers and video connection of all the masters who happened on planet earth! He is giving us a methodology 139th Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter verse Moortha jyothishi siddha darshanaam Vivekananda: on the light eminating the top of the head spite of the siddhas Prabhavananda: by making the samyama on the radiance within the back of the head Satchitananda: by samyama on the light of the crown of the head visions of the masters and adepts is obtained Osho: by performing samyama on the light of the crown of the head comes the ability to contact all perfected beings. Siddha – master is a person who does not have perishable identity and because of it has eternal identity. Understand his identity is made out of material which is imperishable. There is no perishable component in the identity he created for himself! When the breeze flows over the water, the shapes & drawings created on the water can be compared to the form you experience about the masters. Please understand, there is a huge water body, breeze flows over the water body, small waves are happening, or some drawings or figures appear on the water. In that figure there is no perishable component. The figure, the source, cause effect everything is just water. When the breeze flows again the same wave will happen. When the breeze stops the wave will settle down into the water. Same way whenever you have a strong devoted samyama it is the breeze, water is pure consciousness. Whenever a strong devoted samyama happens over a pure conscious water masters form appears, graces, blesses you and disappears. There is no perishable component in the system and because there is no perishable component it is eternal identity! Siddha is a being whose all 7 sareeraas does not have any perishable component means any engram which can be counted as perishable component. When all the engrams have disappeared that body has become such a pure liquid it creates shades, shapes, visuals based on the breeze flowing on it. the lake has no interest to take some shape. The flow of the breeze decides the shape! Master is a being happening without any perishable component. He is just a beautiful rhythmic play. The pure non perishable experience happening in the source. That is the reason any siddha happened in the planet earth is available forever for anybody to connect with or have the benefit of his presence or energy. Any siddha, any master happened in the planet earth is available eternally for anybody to relate or connect with or experience his presence, knowledge or initiation. Please understand, any action you do just based on the physical body will leave its wave and the archive in physical layer. All your physical actions get gathered and archived in the physical layer of the cosmos. Even a small act you do like simple eating gets recorded in the file in the physical cosmic archives. Same way any small though that crosses your mind gets recorded in your mental layer as a file & stored in the cosmic archives. Anything happened from the beginning in all 7 layers in all beings is available alive. Understand 3000 yrs before when you were in pig, buffalo, elephant or dinosaur body what you thought on a particular day or moment can be retrieved without any corruption or mis-management or alteration. Whole thing is available. If the action which you did is performed from the 1st layer, it will be available in 1st layer, 2nd layer – 2nd layer file, 3rd layer – 3rd layer file. But one imp thing is billions of 1st layer files are available, millions of 2nd layer are available, but only few thousands are available in 3rd layer. Because you operate from 1st layer first. If it is 1st layer more perishable component are there – trillions of files are there, if it is 2nd layer billions of files are there, if it is 3rd layer millions of files are there, if it is 4th layer lakhs of files are there, if it is 5th layer 1000s of files are there, if it is 6th layer or 7th layer only few 100s of files are there because very rarely people function from 6th & 7th layer. People who function from 6th layer are siddhas, from 7th layer are masters incarnations! When you function from 6th or 7th layer, you do not have perishable components in your identity, in your whole, in your personality, in what you call as you because it is purity created on purity by purity. It is called suddha satva sareera – the pure energy experience . when these sudha satva sareeras happen it is available eternally forever. I can say these masters who operated from 6th or 7th layers are continuously available on the 108 number. In the U.S. they have 911 number. In India we have 108 number ☺ they are available for your 911 call or 108 number call. Just you need to know the technology to connect with them. methodology to relate with them. You can talk to them, relate with them, see them, understand them, experience them and even achieve enlightenment through them. understand, if you don’t know the technology even with a living master you cannot connect. If you know the technology even with dead masters you can relate. Otherwise even with living master, I am seeing how people miss foolishly. Such a simple foolish arrogant ways people miss! Many time people come & ask me – Swamiji can you give me technique to Agastya, Mahavataar Babaji. I tell them I am telling you what they will tell, do this. they say, no want to talk to them only. Why? That looks more authentic. I think even Patanjali had a group of such fools around him and that is why he has given this sutra. The science of having Darshan and the science of connecting with the masters who are no more in the body is one & the same. I should not use the word dead masters but I will say masters who do not have physical body as on now. But it is like frequency – if they want, any moment they can reduce their frequency and appear in any body they wish to. If they increase their frequency they will move to the next layer and next layer. I always tell living master is alive as you think. Dead master is not alive as you think. I am not alive as you think. Any idea you carry about me & any decision you make about the idea YOU carry about me will lead only to more & more confusion, suffering. When people judge the master it is like cotton trying to judge the fire, salt doll trying to judge the ocean, dust trying to judge the cyclone! Like Daksha when he tried to do yagna against Shiva Mahadeva how Veerabhadra landed & finished off, same way I allowed Veerabhadra & Kala Bhairava! Just like how Brahma’s own head was removed by Kaala Bhairava when he was caught in his own ego, same way I told Kaala Bhairava – he went and twisted logic of people who started judging me! since cutting Brahma’s ego, Kaala Bhairava was continuously resting and had no job. He told me what is this Swamiji, I am getting bored, I have no job! I said come on – he went around and twisted their logic. That is the best punishment to man – twisting a man’s logic! It is like giving a knife and telling a man that it is a flower bouquet. He beats himself with that knife thinking it is flower. He does not even know where the suffering is coming from because he believes he is hitting himself with flower! Sin of abusing the master with perverted logic does not allow you to relate with him even if he is alive. Maybe human beings are bound to misunderstand & abuse when masters are alive. That is why Patanjali is giving technique at least meet masters who are no more in the body so that at least for short period you can connect with them. missing an incarnation when he is in the body is like you almost got a huge treasure, just before you start taking it and enjoying it, somebody convinced you it is not diamonds but ordinary stones, leave it and go away and you leave it and go away! And after 1 year you see that it is indeed diamonds and people are enjoying it! When you ask for healing, I say tataasthu, when you ask for boons I say tataasthu, when you ask for illusions and delusions, I say tataasthu! Now I am proving. There is a huge treasures, the fellows who are unworthy are enjoying that, what is the best way to stop them from enjoying - convince them it is not treasure but just mud. Learn this technology to relate with a master. It will help you not only to relate with masters who are no more in the body but even to relate with masters who are in the body! I will give you the exact technique. Visualize in this circle in the crown area (shows around the head) it will be useful if you wear the rudraaksha band. Visualize in the whole area you have a strong current like a laser beam light coming out of your head over the sky to the eternal distance. Just visualize you have a strong laser beam towards the sky. Please understand samyama on the intense light on the crown. Visualize there is a intense light beam. It is a very powerful samyama. I can say you may not need more than 11 days to relate with any siddha through this samyama. In the initial level if you want to have an immd experience you can relate with masters who are very easily available. If you are my disciple, you can see me in your room, you can listen to me in your room. Or you can even connect with masters who are readily available masters such as Mahavataar Babaji, Shirdi sai baba, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Raghavendra, Sada Shiva Brahmendra. Wear Rudraaksha on the head when you do this samyama. In traditional monasteries the maala they wear around the head is the maala of the master. When he leaves the body he gives his maala to the disciple. Then you will exactly make decisions as your master wants. Then when this master passes away, it goes to his disciple. Like this it will go on for generations. And the person taking decisions will take decisions exactly as per his masters. That is the reason for the maala and the crown. It is not just an ornament wearing rudraaksha on the crown centre on your head. It is a powerful initiation. Strongly visualize the light beam like a laser beam. Remember the master with whom you want to connect. Just 21 minutes a day, 11 days is enough you will be able to connect with any master you want. You will be able to receive answers from them, have their Darshan and experience them. if you want to do samyama on me, do it I will be there. If you want to do on any other master also, do it. they will be there immediately. Not only that when you connect with those masters you will have the right guidance & advice about your spiritual practices and understandings. I will guide you into this samyama now. Sit and visualize. If you want you can wear your maala on the top of your head. Tie it around the fore head. Visualize strong light beam through your head to the sky, to the cosmos. You can wear your maala on your head and tighten it – a rudraaksha band on your fore head. You have to wear tightly so that it helps for samyama. Visualize intense light. Close your eyes and visualize intense light. Through your crown to the cosmos visualize an intense light beam with closed eyes. And now remember whoever you want to connect with. If you want to connect with me, connect with me. if you want to connect with other masters who are no more in the body, connect with them. let the siddha darshana happen in all of you! experience intense light through your sahasrara to the cosmos and remember the master with whom you want to feel connected. Not only with enlightened masters, even with scientists also you can connect. If you want to connect with Einsteen before you read his works, do this samyama and connect with him and then you can flow with this work. Blessings!