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==='''Nithyananda on Intuition (Part 1 of 2): Ultimate Trust in Yourself'''===
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles from [[Intuition]] during the everyday live public talk - [[Nithyananda Satsang]]. In this talk The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed that intuition is the most untapped resource available in every being and when intuition happens, it is realty. He explained that even with Astrology, Nadi, intuitive or psychic readings or Oracles, not to trust them more than your own intuition in order to become Enlightened, but to have the guts to trust your intuition. He shared that intuition awakens the moment when you take up responsibility, and not put blame on others or yourself, when your whole energy is centered on you and you alone. His Divine Holiness revealed that in the Vedic tradition, intuition is the base for many of the [[Shastras]] and in order to understand you need to play with the idea of intuition.
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=== Video and Audio ====
Nithyananda on Intuition (Part 1 of 2): Ultimate Trust in Yourself
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SzXo_cfbE4  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/nithyananda-on-intuition-part-1-of-2-ultimate-trust-in-yourself?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist"/>
(0:31 )
|| sadāshiva samārambhām  shankarācāryā madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
In this intuitive discourse on Intuition (Part 1), Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives deeper insights into our state of intuition and how to trust ourselves to be in intuition. He answers these common questions on intuition: Am I in intuition or in intelligence? Should I act now or is it just my mind? Why do people fear intuition? The follow up discourse - Part 2 is where a meditation technique is revealed from Shiva Sutra to raise our state of intuition.  
I welcome you all, with My love and respects. Intuition. The world's most untapped resource is intuition - available in every being, unused in almost every being. My teacher, Hatha Yoga teacher, Yogananda Puri, he used to tell Me, "Human beings, by their very nature, complete fulfilled the human body, by it's very nature, built for all possible things which can happen in flesh and blood." Please understand, if some body which has flesh and blood, if it can fly, that possibility is there in human body. If some body with flesh and blood can be under the water, that possibility is there in the human body. Human body is the most evolved mechanism, which has all possibilities, which has the energy efficiency to perform everything which is...which is possible with body-whether it is flying or living under the water or living without cooked food, living just with the energy from the Sun, Prana-all the possibilities are available with the human body.  
==Link to Video: ==
( 4:21  )
I can tell you, every possibility - possibility of flying, possibility of living under the water, possibility of living without solid food, even these possibilities have been awakened in many many more bodies than intuition. That is why I am saying, most untapped resource on the planet Earth, just like most endangered species on the planet Earth is Enlightened beings...most endangered species. Same way, most untapped resource is intuition.
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The funny part of the whole thing is, it's available very easily. All you need is just being simple. Please understand, I am not saying being simpleton or ignorant. No. Being simple. Ignorance always carries a fear - ‘I don't know’. When you don't carry that fear, it is simplicity-innocence. The only difference between an Enlightened Being and an ordinary person is, he does not carry the fear of unknown or unknowing. He does not carry the fear about something which he does not know.
==Audio Link==
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=== 16JUL2010Nithyananda on Intuition (Part 1 of 2): Ultimate Trust in Yourself  ===
<soundcloud url=https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/nithyananda-on-intuition-part-1-of-2-ultimate-trust-in-yourself?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist/>
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There is a beautiful story about the Sarvajna...Sarvajnatva in Shankara's life. Shankara was supposed to be Sarvajna. Sarvajna means all knower. There is a story, when Sarvajnapeetha was supposed to be decorated by Shankara's presence; one cobbler who stitches the shoes, he appears there and asks the Shankara, "Do you know, how to mend shoes? How to repair shoes? Only then I can accept you as Sarvajna." The whole Pandits, the whole team of Pandits have accepted, but this cobbler is challenging, "Only if you show me, how to mend shoes and satisfy me, I will accept you as Sarvajna." As per the rule, the whole population has to agree unanimously, only then he can decorate the Sarvajnapeetha, Sarvajna...throne reserved for Sarvajna. Then the story says, Shankara picked up the shoe, picked up the needle with which he is supposed to stitch and just scratched the edge of the needle on the nose and inserted the needle into the shoe, into the leather. Cobbler was shocked, because, why the scratching on the nose you know, lubricate...to lubricate the needle, always the cobblers will scratch the needle on the nose. The oil on the nose will be the lubrication for the stitching. Shankara did not miss even that small step. Means, the power of observation...power of observation. The story says, cobbler accepted Shankara as the Sarvajna. Shankara sat in the Sarvajnapeetha and blessed.
Nithyananda on Intuition (Part-2): Meditation Technique to Awaken It
Now we need to clarify an important doubt. Then it means, Enlightened being knows everything? No. I do not know the atomic science. Surely Shankara do not know how the train works, surely he doesn't know how the steam engine works. No. Surely he doesn't know. Then what is the meaning of the word, Sarvajnatva? A pure consciousness, which operates through the senses, which observes anything comes in front of it and can understand the secrets of everything which is presented in front of it. Please understand, if Shankara wanted, he could have developed a train, if he puts awareness on it. If Shankara wanted, he could have developed a aircraft, if he puts awareness on it. But by his very self he will not know.
In this discourse on Intuition (Part 2), Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives deeper insights into our state of intuition and how to trust ourselves to be in intuition. He introduces the 137 Shiva Sutra and gives a meditation technique to awaken our intuition.
The Sarvajnatva need to be understood very clearly, because misunderstanding of the word Sarvajnatva, will always keep you in the guilt, which will make you away from Sarvajnatva...which will keep you away from Sarvajnatva. Whenever a person has a wrong concept about Enlightenment, that very wrong concept keeps him away from Enlightenment. Same way, this Sarvajnatva, if you have a wrong concept about Sarvajnatva, just that concept will keep you away from Sarvajnatva. Sarvajna does not mean knowing everything. But whatever is presented in front of his senses, will be recorded, without any prejudice, without any disturbance, without any footnotes-your own personal comments.  
==Link to Video: ==
The attitude of writing footnotes starts prob...starts all the problems. That creates a problems. As long as you record all the files and keep it in the archives, you will have complete access to the archives. The moment you start putting footnotes and the ‘favorite’ star, when you put that ‘favorite’ star, when you start marking, that is where the problem starts.
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Sarvajna is a person who knows everything. There is no special attention. Please understand, when I say the word, who knows everything, you need to understand this word very clearly. When I say, who knows everything, does not mean he knows how the satellite works. No. Anything presented in front of his senses, he knows. Towards anything if he concentrates, he will know. He does not have the fear that he does not know something. Because of his clarity, anything which comes in front of him, he will know.
Please understand, when somebody experiences fearlessness for few seconds-usually human beings experience fearlessness when you come in...when they come in touch with huge money, for few seconds, till they take that money for granted, till mentally they plan how to use that money and finish it off. Please understand, if you get 100 crore, to finish that 100 crore, you may take five years or ten years or twenty years or you may not even exhaust it. But, within ten minutes, you will finish it mentally. Mentally you are back to that poverty within ten minutes. That ten minutes, you will not have fear.
Same way, relationship. When you really yearn for somebody to be part of your life and that person happens in your life, maybe for 10-15 days you will not take that for..person for granted. That 10-15 days you'll be fearless. Third, sex. When you don't create the perversion of cerebral layer-means when you are physically with somebody, your mind is with somebody else or some other fantasy-if you have less fantasy, more time you will be fearless during the act or the experience of sex and intimacy. If your cerebral layer is more thick, strong, even that sex or intimacy cannot give you the fearlessness.
It's almost like, the person who continuously drinks, will not feel anything even if he drinks, because of the habit of drinking. See, first time when he drinks very little quantity is enough to make him feel that kick. After few months, little more quantity is required. After few years, any amount he drinks he will not have any feeling, because his system loses the sensitivity to experience the altered state of consciousness through alcohol. Then he needs some other medicines, injection, some other drugs-strong.
I read some of the articles, people even use snake bite. They catch small snakes and let that snakes bite them to get into that kick. Because, the system becomes so insensitive to alcohol, drug or anything, they can't feel that kick unless the poison, straight poison is injected into their system. I tell you, people who live with pornography are almost like, trying to have a snake bite for the kick. Because the cerebral layer becomes so thick, they can't experience that fearlessness; few moments of fearlessness with any physical act or nearness. Act is what I call sex, the nearness is what I call intimacy.
So all these three - money, relationship, sex - all these three can give you the glimpse of fearlessness in the initial level. Unfortunately all three will not be able to give you the fearlessness forever. That few moments when you feel that fearlessness, when you experience fearless zone in you, the intuition will be awakened. Please understand, all of you have experienced intuition. If you look back, you will have 100's of incidences.
Let Me get into the depth of this intuition. How, fearlessness awakens intuition and the intuition itself awakens the fear. When an intuition happens in you, immediately you have the fear, "If this comes true, all my intuitions will come true, which I don't want." Look in, whenever you had intuition, one part of you says, "No, intuition is suffering, intuition is suffering." Intuition without having the intelligence to digest the suffering or without having the energy to change the things which you see in the intuition is suffering. All of us know, that is why one part of you suddenly awakens and says, "No, no, no. Relax."
Intuition is dangerous, because many time it'll inform you which can be dangerous, which can be dangerous. I tell you, the best way to have intuition, is not to be bothered about intuition. The more attention you give for intuition, either it brings greed or fear which takes away the intuition. It's almost like a, the water in the pond is very dirty, you try your best, putting your hands and suppressing all the dirts and make the water clean. What will happen? The more you move the hands in the water, it'll become more dirty.
Same way when the intuition happens, whether the fear or greed, if it is awakened because of that intuition, that very intuition will be killed. The best way to have intuition is - be simple. If it comes, comes; if it does not, does not. Suddenly that simplicity starts rolling your being in a different way. I'll give you the deeper techniques for intuition. Intuition is a very soft, simple feeling. It's like a perfume smell - perfume smell or the smell of a flower which is carried in the air. The moment you try to catch it, the moment you try to bottle it, it disappears. Catching it or bottling it is fear or greed.
It looks very paradoxical. If I should not have fear or greed, then what is the use of intuition? This question unanswered, un-understood is responsible for My statement, which I said - intuition is the most untapped resource, natural resource available in the earth. Most untapped natural resource on the Earth is intuition. Because we always think if I should not have fear or greed, then what is the use of intuition...what is the use of intuition? I tell you, fear or greed makes life juicy. It gives you something to do. Unless your life looks heavy in front of you, you do not want to move your body. But, fortunately life is not heavy as you feel. Unfortunately, constantly you want life to be heavy… life to be heavy.
Please understand, if you look inside, sometime a simple, casual sitting of looking into you and your desires and your fears, understanding it - you feel life is too simple. But, your mind does not let you stay in that space ‘life is too simple’. It wants heaviness. It just creates some idea, "No no, no, life is simple as long as I have this chair, this students, this everything. If somebody is missing, if this chair is not there-what to do? Life..now life is heavy.
Understand one thing, trust your capacity; trust your capacity to bear with suffering. Trust your ability to bear with suffering. Your maximum bearable limit or the bearing limit is much more than what you always think. Your MBL is at least few hundred times more than what you think. Before entering into anything, you consider your past MBL, then plan the future incidents. That is where you fail. That is where life fails.
I can tell you hundreds and hundreds of stories. A guy goes to a master, late night, in the  middle of the forest, asks, “Master, I have to cross this forest, please make this whole forest alive with your light, with your spiritual power, so that I can cross the forest. Master says, "Don't bother have this lantern. Walk. You will see light." This guy says, "No, this lantern gives light only to five feet. How can I cross this whole forest with this small lantern?" Master says, "Don't worry, it is a magic lantern, it will lit the whole forest. You walk." And it happens, that guy walks with the lantern, every five feet is lit and he crosses the forest. 
Everybody asks, "Solve all the problems of my life." Everybody asks the foolish idea about Enlightenment, "When you are enlightened all your life problems are solved." Enlightenment is lantern, not the floodlight. Understand, Enlightenment is lantern, not the floodlight. Floodlight happens on the planet Earth as an incarnation. As an incarnation, floodlight happens on the planet Earth or as a Sun or as a Moon, incarnation happens on the planet Earth. But, Enlightenment itself is a lantern.
So all of us need to understand, the wrong idea about the intuition is the major impediment for intuition. All you need, to awaken your intuition is, courage to fail in your intuition. Just have a simple courage to fail. Understand, always your mind frightens you, constantly it frightens you and makes you feel as if you are never going to fail. No. The man who does not carry the idea of failure, never fails. That's all. As long as you carry any idea about failure, mark my words - you will fail.
One preacher goes and tells a small boy, "Jesus never fails." That guy says, "No in my class he failed." Understand, even Jesus as long as he carries the idea of failure, he will be failing. Fortunately, he did not carry any idea of failure. That is why, even when he was crucified, he did not feel he failed. As long as you carry the idea of failure, you will be a failure.
So to awaken the intuition, the first thing is, decide, next ten days, do it like a homework - just go on listening to your Manipuraka, navel center, that is the intuition center. Whatever comes from it, whatever comes from inside, without the fear, go ahead, make the moves, take the steps. I am not saying you will not be doing anything wrong. But I can assure, you will be doing less number of wrong things than your previous time. See, if you start this exercise today, I am not saying next ten days you will not make any mistakes. But you will surely make less mistakes than the past ten days, that I can assure. When you start trusting you and start living with this intuition, means; you see, when the intuition starts, it starts with a lot of dirt-dirt of fear and greed-because your bio-memory is not sensitive enough to feel the intuition as it is.
First thing you need, clear idea of intuition. Second thing, courage to move your bio memory based on your intuition. Please understand, if you have an intuition, if you don't move your bio-memory as per that intuition... for example: You feel such and such a thing is going to happen, and if you don't move your body as per that intuition, the ability to be intuitive will disappear from you. In the initial level, you need courage to make mistake or right or wrong to go behind that intuition. In the initial level, you need to have that courage. You need to have the courage to make the mistakes; first few days. Then, the third important thing you may need for awakening the intuition is strong trust
==='''Nithyananda on Intuition (Part 2 of 2): Ultimate Trust in Yourself'''===
=== Video and Audio ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okWAxbw4dTA  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/nithyananda-on-intuition-part-2-meditation-technique-to-awaken-it?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist"/>
Now I wanted to introduce this sutra to expand this idea of trust. Shiva gives very beautiful technique on awakening the sutra, awakening the intuition. The sutra number 137. And this is the last technique. In his 112 techniques, this is the last technique; ekamika swabhavatvat jnanam neyam  vipavyathe. ‘Knowledge reveals all and the self of all is the Knower. Contemplate on the knowledge and the Knower as being the same.’
Paul Reps who translated, who created the book Zen Flesh and Zen Bones and who translated this sutras, he translates this verse as “The Consciousness is the spirit and guidance of each one. Be this One.”
Very beautiful sutra. Knowledge reveals all and the Self of all is the Knower. Contemplate on the knowledge and the Knower as being the same. This is the last sutra.
The Zen tradition, the master; all masters have a habit of giving the ultimate teaching just before their death. So before the masters leave their body. Usually Zen masters declare the time of their leaving the body. And all the disciples will gather around him just to get that last teaching. Because most updated teaching which can be expressed in that body; every moment that body gets updated. Please understand. Enlightenment is not final. It is ultimate happening continuously. So, the enlightened beings also, the experience maybe same but the expression constantly gets refined. So, the most refined expression which can come out of an enlightened being, is the last word before they leave the body. All the disciples. Even other masters will gather when an enlightened master leaves the body. Because last word is the most powerful word. And these Zen masters, they will make all crazy statements as the last word.
One master, was just keeping quiet at the last moment. They are asking, “Please make the last word. Please make the last word, last teaching.” He says, ‘Not now, after death I will make.” They are asking, “What do you mean after death you will make? How will you make?” He just kept quiet; did not answer. Anyhow he left the body.  When they put the body into the fire, he has tied all over his body firecrackers. It started bursting. Because the firecrackers started bursting, the whole group of disciples started laughing, started laughing. Even in the last moment, his death and his body is being burnt, he is able to make others laugh.
Means a beautiful statement he is giving. It is simple, beautiful, joyful celebration. He is giving statement just through his action. After death 😊 The last statements of the masters is the most refined expression of their enlightenment.
Buddha’s last statement - Appa deepo bhava! Let you be light unto yourself.
I can say this statement is almost like Shiva’s final statement. Of course, Shiva never left the body as we all understand. But this statement is so powerful; I can say this is the last statement from Shiva.
Jnana prakashakam sarvam, sarvenathma prakashataha
ekamika swabhavatvath jnanam neyam vibhavyathe
Knowledge reveals all and the self of all is the Knower. Contemplate on the knowledge and the Knower as being the same.
Just deeply trust, whatever comes as intuition is reality. See when an intuition happens, you try to criss-cross it with your logic. How is it going to happen? It may become reality, may not become reality. If it becomes reality, how am I going to react? If it does not become reality, how am I going to behave? Should it become reality or should it not become reality. Your wish or fear about intuition. So many things start happening, the intuition has lost its purity.
Its like somebody is trying to be in silence under the banyan tree to experience the silence of the tree. And so many people trying to keep the silence by shouting, ‘Silent, Silent, Silent!’ And just the people, volunteers shouting, “Silent, silent, silent” kills the silence of that place. When the intuition happens, so many people trying to assess that intuition, kills the intuition. Be very clear. When the intuition happens, that it is reality.
Next 10 days, just try. It will be really a powerful, powerful practice and worthy.
Any intuition happens, any statement comes from inside, don’t even judge whether it is a intuition or your mind talking. You will not know the difference in the beginning. In the beginning, your mind talking will be intuition. Your mind only will be talking. Whenever a mind talks to you… anything that comes from inside, decide it is intuition. I am going to live it. Then naturally you will see, all over the body, heaviness on your bio-memory; No no no! This is a suffering, this is a fear, this is not intuition. That will be the first thing.
When that suffering comes up. Sit with yourself and ask for more suffering. Please understand. See, when a intuition happens, one side you will have that fear – “So many times like this intuitions came but it never got fulfilled. Is there no scale that I can really find out my intuition is right or wrong? Is there is nobody in the cosmos to protect me?” See all the other faiths should be taken away. Your faith on all other things should be taken away. Only then you will be intensely bought to the present moment. Any faith, you have anything other than you is dangerous. Any faith you have on anything other than you is dangerous.  Please understand.
21st, coming 21st we are bringing a Devi deity from a particular temple in a village from Karnataka. The specialty, uniqueness of that Devi is, that priests, if they just hold that Devi, and they will start playing some music and doing pooja, that Devi deity will automatically start moving and start writing different letters on the rice which is in front of the Devi.
Any question you ask, that Devi will answer. 21st we are bringing that Devi to the ashram. Please understand… you may think, “No, no, that priests are very efficient, they hold nicely and write.” Those priests are villagers who does not know anything other than Kannada.” But the Devi writes without any spelling mistake Chinese scripts. If you ask question in Chinese, the Devi writes in Chinese language.
I was shocked; when I saw that happening first time I was shocked. Not just Indian languages, all international languages She writes without any mistake. So I said… I have had the darshan of that Devi many times. So we planned let us have that worship of the Devi in the ashram. Let’s bring. We fixed a date. Ayya said, “Swamiji that day you will be too busy. If you want to spend sometime with that Devi and ask any questions. You may not be able to do. Let us have it in some other day.”
I said, “No, I am not bringing that Devi to ask any questions. I am bringing just because I love her. That’s all. We are going to have pooja but no question, answer session. I am not calling her here to predict something. “When will all the cases be over? When will all these problems be solved?” 😊 No! I am getting that Devi because I love her. That’s all. With all My respect and love we bring that Devi to have the pooja. Over! Not for any prediction.
Please understand. That time, I was making an important statement to ayya, I want all of you to know that statement. Anything other than your ego if you love, you will grow in spiritual path. Anything other than yourself if you trust, you will be losing the spiritual part and spiritual path. Do not trust anything outside you, anything which is outside you more than you.
Please understand; whether it is astrology, or nadi or intuitive readers, psychic reading, or these oracles, ANYTHING! Do not trust more than your own intuition.
If you start trusting anything other than your own intuition, you will never able to become enlightened. Because the whole attention and love, awareness, respect will be sitting on that.
See if we are bringing that Devi out of our love. Great! You will see. Now I will not be asking any question. You will see the fun. When she comes, when we worship her, when we finish everything, she will write automatically, what she wants to tell  she will tell. We will not be asking any question. She will be just giving her blessings. She will tell very clearly; it is settled, settled, settled, settled. Relax. We will not be asking anything. You are going to see. Because the whole relationship is love. Not anything else.
But if you think, that Devi can give you better intuition answer than your Self, your attention, your trust has become perverted. Please understand. In the initial level, if you think that Devi can give much better answer than you when your bio-memory is filled with fear and greed, that is okay, acceptable. But the moment you become a seeker, the moment you want to grow spiritual path, the moment you want to awaken your own intuition, the attention should be shifted. You are expected to work, removing that fear and greed and awaken your own intuition.
If you constantly depend on outside intuition. You will not awaken your inside intuition. That is why I say, stop belief or faith on anything outside; whether is it astrology or tarot card reading, or psychics or anything. Stop! Bring yourself back. Be centred. Have the guts and courage to live your intuition.
Please understand. This is one of the important process. Putting the responsibility on others, abusing others when a crisis happens is violence. Putting the responsibility on yourself and abusing yourself is guilt. Both are wrong. Taking up the responsibility - neither abusing others, nor abusing yourself is FREEDOM! Then your whole energy is centred on you, on you alone. That is the moment when the intuition is awakened; not only awakened, it just automatically rolls into future.
If you are pregnant with present, you will be delivering the future. A person who is purely pregnant with present will be delivering the pure future. In your pregnancy if you carry the dead past also, your child will have physical, mental defects. Which is your future. In your pregnancy, if you carry the pure present, you will deliver beautiful future. If you are carrying the dirt past also, then your child, the future will have the trace, suffering of the past.
So neither put the responsibility on others and blame. Nor put the blame on yourself and blame yourself. Just take the responsibility and BE! And Be! You will see intuition is awakened. I tell you intuition will become basic necessity if you don’t put your responsibility and faith on somebody else and just live on YOU! And you alone. I saw many of My so-called disciples, have started using Me to dump their responsibilities on Me. By dumping their responsibilities on Me, they stopped growing. I have become almost like dustbin for them. Then I need to teach them a lesson! Suddenly, now this whole scandal, shook them. Shook them. I tell you, people who understood this whole happening, and neither blamed Me and put the responsibility on Me nor put the responsibility on them, blamed themselves, just took the responsibility and did not blame anybody -  they got the benefit out of this whole crisis.
I can say in this whole crisis, different people reacted in different way. Somebody put the responsibility on Me and blame on Me, abused Me. They LOST! Some people, put the responsibility on themself and blamed themself, they also lost.
Intelligent people, took the responsibility and neither blamed Me nor blamed themself, they won the game. They learnt what need to be learnt from this crisis. They got what need to be achieved through this whole thing. They learnt the right lesson.
Understand, whenever you bring the responsibility on you, whole faith on you, intuition is awakened. Because, when you know nobody else is there to save you, saving you is a basic necessity for you. Intuition is the basic necessity. Now you have to make decision and there is nobody to guide you. Sometime, masters very clearly show that they are ordinary human beings, just to tell you – you have to save yourself.
Buddha’s statement ‘Atma deepo bhava.’ Let you be light unto yourself. I have to tell in body language. Saying, “Eh, I am not able to save Myself, how can I save you? Come on save yourself.” That is the ultimate compassion. The person who makes you constantly believe that he can save you, will keep you in bondage.
“I’ll take care” can be the initial inspiration, not the last teaching.  I’ll take care can be the word given in Kalpataru not in Inner Awakening. I saw lot of the people were stuck with Kalpataru. The Inner Awakening is not happening in them. So it is time to tell them, “Come on for Inner Awakening.” Neither they have time, nor they are ready. Now I‘ll have to give the Inner Awakening wherever they are. So this whole crisis awakened many people 😊
I just made a clear statement. I am an ordinary being who had some spiritual experience and trying to transmit that spiritual experience. Do not project anything else on Me. I retire from all the frames you are putting it on Me. The heaviness and the load of the frames has become too much on Me. I liberate them and they bind Me. 😊 I go on telling them, 'I am not judging you, liberate yourself. And they go on judging Me and binding Me.’  Suddenly they need to be awakened. Yes, the Guru bhakthi need to become Atma bhakthi.
People who put the blame on Me and put the responsibility on Me missed the game. People who took the responsibility on themself and blamed themself also missed the game. [Those who] took the responsibility and did not blame anybody, just looked into the reality with stark naked eyes, without criticizing or judging, they escaped the whole thing, whole problem. They got the real lesson. They only got the truth.
Whenever a crisis happens in your life. Just be totally insecured. Live in total insecurity. Allow the rage of fear happening in your system, rage of insecurity happening in your system. Whole bio-memory being shaken. And ask for more fear, more insecurity. Tell yourself, “I think it is little less, come one, lets have more. Let’s have more intensely, more longer, more deeper. Come on.’
Please understand. The unattended greed cannot survive and when you ask for more, fear cannot survive. When you just don’t attend, greed cannot survive, when you just ask for more, fear cannot survive.
With greed the only method of destroying it is unattending. Don’t attend. Neither suppress nor express. Just don’t attend. With fear, the only way to destroy is ask for more. Ask for more, it’ll not be there. Sit, what to do. “Yes, what can be done. Let me have more fear, let me have more rage. Let me have more suffering. Come on let it come more, more. Let me have more.”
You’ll suddenly see, you take the responsibility but you don’t blame others or you. The whole attention is centred. The moments of suffering in your life are the most intense moments of your life. You can use it to either awaken the intuition or to awaken your intellect, which is violence.
Please understand. Your brain is hard wired for God but it is soft ware for dog.  It is hard wired for God. It is hard wired for intuition but it is a softwared, being used as a dog. You can see in your life. Whenever a crisis comes whoever is responsible at least for moment you visualize that he should be killed. You imagine he should be killed then you think of IPC code number, “No, no if I kill I will have this punishment, that problem, that problem.” Then you will think of all these things, the fear of police, that, this and you stop planning.  Criminal conspiracy and murder. All these problem comes and you stop planning but for a moment the brain thinks of killing.
Software to work like a dog. That intensity of life can be used to awaken intuition instead of using intellect to take revenge. Another one important thing you need to know about intuition is when it hits your bio-memory, if your bio-memory is carrying the fear or greed engrams naturally the intuition will be twisted and tortured by the fear and greed.
So first thing you need to do, work with the intuition, play with the intuition without letting the fear and greed to play with it, to dent it, to create its effect on it for 10-15 days. That game will make you feel connected to the intuition. When the real intuition comes, there will not be any heaviness on your bio-memory or on the mind. If there is heaviness it is not pure intuition. So, I’ll give you the essence of awakening the intuition. Having the right understanding. Second thing: Freedom from the fear of failure - ready to be insecured - going behind your intuition. Third: the deep trust.
That is where this sutra comes – Trust the knower and knowing is one. Means, you and the world is one. You and whatever you know is one. When you feel you and whatever you know is one, you will not have fear about whatever you know. So naturally you will not have the fear about unknown. Healing the fear of whatever you know is healing the fear of unknown.
Please understand. If you carry deep insecurity, you are carrying the ideas of too many of your failures inside you. If you are constantly carrying your ideas about too many of your failures you will have deep insecurity. Too many ideas about failure means you always think - knower and known are different. Try. Try to trust strongly. You see, its like trust creates the experience and experience creates the trust. But somebody has to start the ball. Surely God is not going to start the ball. Because many time when He started you told Him – shut up! You told him keep quiet. So, He is afraid of starting the ball. Many time you put a red signal to Him. So, He feels He should not intrude in your privacy. So you roll the ball first - putting the green signal. “I trust! For next ten days whatever comes as intuition in me, even if it is intellect, I am going to move with it.” First few days... then suddenly He knows, when to intervene and awaken the intuition… hold you in his hands.
Important and extraordinary truth about intuition is, when it is awakened you don’t need to be bothered about whether it will become reality or not. It will just roll itself. If you feel there is a bad intuition, bad idea about your future; be very clear it is not intuition.
The real intuition when it happens, your bio-memory is in tune with that intuition. It flows very smoothly, very smoothly… and just you roll with it. You flow with it. There is no fear. There is no greed ‘it should happen very soon’. There is no fear ‘it should not happen’. So just cherish these three ideas;
Right idea about intuition.
Be free from the fear of failure.
Trust whatever you know and the knower is one and the same. Whatever you know is not your enemy.   
You know four things in the world. One; the world - jagath. Then Jeeva - self, the ideas about Self. Next, God - the ideas about the God and humanity - ideas about humanity. These are the four major things we know and the fears are created out of this four major things only. Be very clear; all these four are your very Self. The knowledge and the knower are one and the same. Heal all the fears between these four and you. Reconcile all the fears between this four and you. It can be done just with simple analyzing, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing. That’s what we call Vichara. Analyze how this known is knowledge, and the knower.
I tell you, any ignorance, any ignorance can become knowledge if you analyze seven times with logical reason. For example, I make a statement. You are Atman - Self.  If you go on answering seven doubts which comes about this statement, the eighth statement you will not have any doubt. If you have the eighth doubt, your logic is Rakshasa – demonic; dangerous, can’t be handled. Any ordinary man, eight straight statements are enough. Sorry, seven straight statements are enough to remove the ignorance.
Work with your ignorance. Analyze, reason seven times. You will see that you are able to understand the knower, knowledge and the known is one and the same. When you feel it is one and the same, the pain and fear, which is there between these three, will disappear. Deep healing will happen. That healing will naturally awaken the intuition. Intuition is the base of everything in Vedic tradition; whether it is politics or the science of  making wealth or the science of sex, or the science of knowledge or science of doing wars, anything from the Vedic tradition, intuition is base.
If you see the Kautilya’s Arthashastra - completely based on intuition. If you see Vatsyayana’s Kama Shastra - completely based on intuition. If you see the Dharma shastras - completely based on intuition. If you see Darshanas - completely based on intuition.
I first want all of you to work on intuition for this few days. Then I’ll speak on Arthashastra and Yogashastra and Dharmashastra - how the intuition is base for all these shastras. Shiva sutras is the pure science. This Arthashastra, Dharmashastra, all of them are applied science.
So before we enter into the applied science, you need to understand and play with the idea of intuition. So let all of you play with the idea of intuition so that you are ready to use the applied science.
Let you all use these techniques, and experience intuition. Let you all experience and radiate intuition. Let you all experience, live and radiate enlightenment. Let you all, achieve, live, radiate the eternal bliss - Nithyananda! Thank you.
==Audio Link==
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=== 16JUL2010Nithyananda on Intuition (Part-2): Meditation Technique to Awaken It  ===
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This is a simple formula from our Tantra shastra to awaken intuition.
You m ay feel like a process in the stomach when you do this. It will directly awaken the navel, not only psychologically, even physiologically.
Understand these 2-3 things. One – we have tremendous power of intuition by nature. Two – It is not just some power landing on your system about future. It is the very power which makes the info into reality. If you have some idea and you feel that is going to be bad in future it is only prediction. It is not intuition. Intuition is like breeze…it will land on u and flow
Third – the only disturbance to intuition is the fear and worry bio memory already existing on you. It is like a sandal wood tree smell which is thin and beautiful but the odour of fear and worry will destroy. You will need to prepare your bio memory to remove this fear and greed. This positive bio memory will help awaken intuition. Especially mothers who are pregnant (TIPS FOR PREGNANCY:  WHEN MOTHERS DO THIS CHILD WILL BE PURE)
Technique is almost like shakti dharana. When you are visualizing energy descending in shakti dharana, create some sounds – NOT WORDS.  It is removing possibility of bad odour of bio memory from your system. So that, continuously, the good smell of sandal wood remains in you and is retained in you. After Buddhism, only Osho has used this. Gurjeff used this differently. He makes people drink som 20 wine bottles and ask them to walk on the rope. It becomes an intense mechanism of surviving the alcoholism and walking on the rope. In this, Gurjeff finishes the process on them. Even Naagaas do this. They make you take 40-50 puffs of ganja. They then give you the belt sword, make you sit on horse and cut potatoes. This makes the survival instinct and bio memory fight.  Raising intense awareness.
Raghupati Yogi had a pet dog. He would give it Umatta leaf – a poisonous leaf. He will give little bit to dog. The dog will go crazy…the dog would jump 5-6 feet. He would then make the dog walk on the pillars. He used the same process of strong fight between the survival instinct and the bio memory!
Of course we will start withj the initial level. After this, we will start with 2nd level which is food. So first with empty stomach – now, then withj food – with little giddiness…then next levels. So that all possibility of negative bio memory of fear and worry is removed in your bio memory and the very thin and awareness of intuition is retained in your body. Actually you will feel a thin fragrant smell in your nose.
I have been around Yogi Ram swaroop kumar. He smokes whole day with cheap beedi…tobacco roled in gtutter water. He would smoke that…and funny thing is not even once any bad smell would come out of him…I have been with him 6 years…he never took bath or changed clothes in those 6 years. Ofcourse, after ashram started they would wipe him and change clothes. But before that, never took bath or changed clothes, smoking that dirty beedi and never smelt. Becos constantly he had that pleasant smell in him.
If you have knee pain…do not do. BECOS WHEN the bio memory gets cleaned, it will straight away land on your knees. Your knees are the only contact point between you and the earth. Spread and make enough space. All kids, do you guys understand the technique?
When your face is up and mouth is open, without moving the tongue what all sounds you can create, create. Only jaw can move, tongue should not move. It will take atleast 2-3 minutes to feel your head is reeling. It is a prana process actually. Actually you don’t receive any special energy. The energy goes from muladhara actually. Nothing lands from above, from below it goes up. It is almost like the pittah from the manipuraka hits the sahasrara.
Once if you receive an offer it is called one cycle. Atleast 14 cycles you should do.  Do it very slowly. It should take atleast full 1 hour. I will tell you the scale if the process has happened in you. Withou any moment, without any thinking, from the navel to the tongue you will feel like a hollow tube. There will not be any word, but you will have meaningful sounds being uttered in you. From navel to tongue words will not be created. Direclty just from the tongue meaningful sounds/words should happen. If any word comes from navel, it is dirt…it should be avoided. If it comes directly from the tongue - vaak – it is amrutha vachana. Not only are you doing now, even I am literally washing your bio memory. You may feel feverish too.  Sit up, please close your eyes.  Raise the hands…others you guys sit with closed eyes or leave.
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Nithyananda on Intuition (Part 1 of 2): Ultimate Trust in Yourself


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles from Intuition during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed that intuition is the most untapped resource available in every being and when intuition happens, it is realty. He explained that even with Astrology, Nadi, intuitive or psychic readings or Oracles, not to trust them more than your own intuition in order to become Enlightened, but to have the guts to trust your intuition. He shared that intuition awakens the moment when you take up responsibility, and not put blame on others or yourself, when your whole energy is centered on you and you alone. His Divine Holiness revealed that in the Vedic tradition, intuition is the base for many of the Shastras and in order to understand you need to play with the idea of intuition.

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(0:31 )

|| sadāshiva samārambhām shankarācāryā madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all, with My love and respects. Intuition. The world's most untapped resource is intuition - available in every being, unused in almost every being. My teacher, Hatha Yoga teacher, Yogananda Puri, he used to tell Me, "Human beings, by their very nature, complete fulfilled the human body, by it's very nature, built for all possible things which can happen in flesh and blood." Please understand, if some body which has flesh and blood, if it can fly, that possibility is there in human body. If some body with flesh and blood can be under the water, that possibility is there in the human body. Human body is the most evolved mechanism, which has all possibilities, which has the energy efficiency to perform everything which is...which is possible with body-whether it is flying or living under the water or living without cooked food, living just with the energy from the Sun, Prana-all the possibilities are available with the human body.

( 4:21 )

I can tell you, every possibility - possibility of flying, possibility of living under the water, possibility of living without solid food, even these possibilities have been awakened in many many more bodies than intuition. That is why I am saying, most untapped resource on the planet Earth, just like most endangered species on the planet Earth is Enlightened beings...most endangered species. Same way, most untapped resource is intuition.


The funny part of the whole thing is, it's available very easily. All you need is just being simple. Please understand, I am not saying being simpleton or ignorant. No. Being simple. Ignorance always carries a fear - ‘I don't know’. When you don't carry that fear, it is simplicity-innocence. The only difference between an Enlightened Being and an ordinary person is, he does not carry the fear of unknown or unknowing. He does not carry the fear about something which he does not know.


There is a beautiful story about the Sarvajna...Sarvajnatva in Shankara's life. Shankara was supposed to be Sarvajna. Sarvajna means all knower. There is a story, when Sarvajnapeetha was supposed to be decorated by Shankara's presence; one cobbler who stitches the shoes, he appears there and asks the Shankara, "Do you know, how to mend shoes? How to repair shoes? Only then I can accept you as Sarvajna." The whole Pandits, the whole team of Pandits have accepted, but this cobbler is challenging, "Only if you show me, how to mend shoes and satisfy me, I will accept you as Sarvajna." As per the rule, the whole population has to agree unanimously, only then he can decorate the Sarvajnapeetha, Sarvajna...throne reserved for Sarvajna. Then the story says, Shankara picked up the shoe, picked up the needle with which he is supposed to stitch and just scratched the edge of the needle on the nose and inserted the needle into the shoe, into the leather. Cobbler was shocked, because, why the scratching on the nose you know, lubricate...to lubricate the needle, always the cobblers will scratch the needle on the nose. The oil on the nose will be the lubrication for the stitching. Shankara did not miss even that small step. Means, the power of observation...power of observation. The story says, cobbler accepted Shankara as the Sarvajna. Shankara sat in the Sarvajnapeetha and blessed.


Now we need to clarify an important doubt. Then it means, Enlightened being knows everything? No. I do not know the atomic science. Surely Shankara do not know how the train works, surely he doesn't know how the steam engine works. No. Surely he doesn't know. Then what is the meaning of the word, Sarvajnatva? A pure consciousness, which operates through the senses, which observes anything comes in front of it and can understand the secrets of everything which is presented in front of it. Please understand, if Shankara wanted, he could have developed a train, if he puts awareness on it. If Shankara wanted, he could have developed a aircraft, if he puts awareness on it. But by his very self he will not know.


The Sarvajnatva need to be understood very clearly, because misunderstanding of the word Sarvajnatva, will always keep you in the guilt, which will make you away from Sarvajnatva...which will keep you away from Sarvajnatva. Whenever a person has a wrong concept about Enlightenment, that very wrong concept keeps him away from Enlightenment. Same way, this Sarvajnatva, if you have a wrong concept about Sarvajnatva, just that concept will keep you away from Sarvajnatva. Sarvajna does not mean knowing everything. But whatever is presented in front of his senses, will be recorded, without any prejudice, without any disturbance, without any footnotes-your own personal comments.


The attitude of writing footnotes starts prob...starts all the problems. That creates a problems. As long as you record all the files and keep it in the archives, you will have complete access to the archives. The moment you start putting footnotes and the ‘favorite’ star, when you put that ‘favorite’ star, when you start marking, that is where the problem starts.


Sarvajna is a person who knows everything. There is no special attention. Please understand, when I say the word, who knows everything, you need to understand this word very clearly. When I say, who knows everything, does not mean he knows how the satellite works. No. Anything presented in front of his senses, he knows. Towards anything if he concentrates, he will know. He does not have the fear that he does not know something. Because of his clarity, anything which comes in front of him, he will know.


Please understand, when somebody experiences fearlessness for few seconds-usually human beings experience fearlessness when you come in...when they come in touch with huge money, for few seconds, till they take that money for granted, till mentally they plan how to use that money and finish it off. Please understand, if you get 100 crore, to finish that 100 crore, you may take five years or ten years or twenty years or you may not even exhaust it. But, within ten minutes, you will finish it mentally. Mentally you are back to that poverty within ten minutes. That ten minutes, you will not have fear.


Same way, relationship. When you really yearn for somebody to be part of your life and that person happens in your life, maybe for 10-15 days you will not take that for..person for granted. That 10-15 days you'll be fearless. Third, sex. When you don't create the perversion of cerebral layer-means when you are physically with somebody, your mind is with somebody else or some other fantasy-if you have less fantasy, more time you will be fearless during the act or the experience of sex and intimacy. If your cerebral layer is more thick, strong, even that sex or intimacy cannot give you the fearlessness.


It's almost like, the person who continuously drinks, will not feel anything even if he drinks, because of the habit of drinking. See, first time when he drinks very little quantity is enough to make him feel that kick. After few months, little more quantity is required. After few years, any amount he drinks he will not have any feeling, because his system loses the sensitivity to experience the altered state of consciousness through alcohol. Then he needs some other medicines, injection, some other drugs-strong.


I read some of the articles, people even use snake bite. They catch small snakes and let that snakes bite them to get into that kick. Because, the system becomes so insensitive to alcohol, drug or anything, they can't feel that kick unless the poison, straight poison is injected into their system. I tell you, people who live with pornography are almost like, trying to have a snake bite for the kick. Because the cerebral layer becomes so thick, they can't experience that fearlessness; few moments of fearlessness with any physical act or nearness. Act is what I call sex, the nearness is what I call intimacy. So all these three - money, relationship, sex - all these three can give you the glimpse of fearlessness in the initial level. Unfortunately all three will not be able to give you the fearlessness forever. That few moments when you feel that fearlessness, when you experience fearless zone in you, the intuition will be awakened. Please understand, all of you have experienced intuition. If you look back, you will have 100's of incidences.


Let Me get into the depth of this intuition. How, fearlessness awakens intuition and the intuition itself awakens the fear. When an intuition happens in you, immediately you have the fear, "If this comes true, all my intuitions will come true, which I don't want." Look in, whenever you had intuition, one part of you says, "No, intuition is suffering, intuition is suffering." Intuition without having the intelligence to digest the suffering or without having the energy to change the things which you see in the intuition is suffering. All of us know, that is why one part of you suddenly awakens and says, "No, no, no. Relax."


Intuition is dangerous, because many time it'll inform you which can be dangerous, which can be dangerous. I tell you, the best way to have intuition, is not to be bothered about intuition. The more attention you give for intuition, either it brings greed or fear which takes away the intuition. It's almost like a, the water in the pond is very dirty, you try your best, putting your hands and suppressing all the dirts and make the water clean. What will happen? The more you move the hands in the water, it'll become more dirty.


Same way when the intuition happens, whether the fear or greed, if it is awakened because of that intuition, that very intuition will be killed. The best way to have intuition is - be simple. If it comes, comes; if it does not, does not. Suddenly that simplicity starts rolling your being in a different way. I'll give you the deeper techniques for intuition. Intuition is a very soft, simple feeling. It's like a perfume smell - perfume smell or the smell of a flower which is carried in the air. The moment you try to catch it, the moment you try to bottle it, it disappears. Catching it or bottling it is fear or greed.


It looks very paradoxical. If I should not have fear or greed, then what is the use of intuition? This question unanswered, un-understood is responsible for My statement, which I said - intuition is the most untapped resource, natural resource available in the earth. Most untapped natural resource on the Earth is intuition. Because we always think if I should not have fear or greed, then what is the use of intuition...what is the use of intuition? I tell you, fear or greed makes life juicy. It gives you something to do. Unless your life looks heavy in front of you, you do not want to move your body. But, fortunately life is not heavy as you feel. Unfortunately, constantly you want life to be heavy… life to be heavy.


Please understand, if you look inside, sometime a simple, casual sitting of looking into you and your desires and your fears, understanding it - you feel life is too simple. But, your mind does not let you stay in that space ‘life is too simple’. It wants heaviness. It just creates some idea, "No no, no, life is simple as long as I have this chair, this students, this everything. If somebody is missing, if this chair is not there-what to do? Life..now life is heavy.


Understand one thing, trust your capacity; trust your capacity to bear with suffering. Trust your ability to bear with suffering. Your maximum bearable limit or the bearing limit is much more than what you always think. Your MBL is at least few hundred times more than what you think. Before entering into anything, you consider your past MBL, then plan the future incidents. That is where you fail. That is where life fails.


I can tell you hundreds and hundreds of stories. A guy goes to a master, late night, in the middle of the forest, asks, “Master, I have to cross this forest, please make this whole forest alive with your light, with your spiritual power, so that I can cross the forest. Master says, "Don't bother have this lantern. Walk. You will see light." This guy says, "No, this lantern gives light only to five feet. How can I cross this whole forest with this small lantern?" Master says, "Don't worry, it is a magic lantern, it will lit the whole forest. You walk." And it happens, that guy walks with the lantern, every five feet is lit and he crosses the forest.


Everybody asks, "Solve all the problems of my life." Everybody asks the foolish idea about Enlightenment, "When you are enlightened all your life problems are solved." Enlightenment is lantern, not the floodlight. Understand, Enlightenment is lantern, not the floodlight. Floodlight happens on the planet Earth as an incarnation. As an incarnation, floodlight happens on the planet Earth or as a Sun or as a Moon, incarnation happens on the planet Earth. But, Enlightenment itself is a lantern.


So all of us need to understand, the wrong idea about the intuition is the major impediment for intuition. All you need, to awaken your intuition is, courage to fail in your intuition. Just have a simple courage to fail. Understand, always your mind frightens you, constantly it frightens you and makes you feel as if you are never going to fail. No. The man who does not carry the idea of failure, never fails. That's all. As long as you carry any idea about failure, mark my words - you will fail.


One preacher goes and tells a small boy, "Jesus never fails." That guy says, "No in my class he failed." Understand, even Jesus as long as he carries the idea of failure, he will be failing. Fortunately, he did not carry any idea of failure. That is why, even when he was crucified, he did not feel he failed. As long as you carry the idea of failure, you will be a failure.


So to awaken the intuition, the first thing is, decide, next ten days, do it like a homework - just go on listening to your Manipuraka, navel center, that is the intuition center. Whatever comes from it, whatever comes from inside, without the fear, go ahead, make the moves, take the steps. I am not saying you will not be doing anything wrong. But I can assure, you will be doing less number of wrong things than your previous time. See, if you start this exercise today, I am not saying next ten days you will not make any mistakes. But you will surely make less mistakes than the past ten days, that I can assure. When you start trusting you and start living with this intuition, means; you see, when the intuition starts, it starts with a lot of dirt-dirt of fear and greed-because your bio-memory is not sensitive enough to feel the intuition as it is.


First thing you need, clear idea of intuition. Second thing, courage to move your bio memory based on your intuition. Please understand, if you have an intuition, if you don't move your bio-memory as per that intuition... for example: You feel such and such a thing is going to happen, and if you don't move your body as per that intuition, the ability to be intuitive will disappear from you. In the initial level, you need courage to make mistake or right or wrong to go behind that intuition. In the initial level, you need to have that courage. You need to have the courage to make the mistakes; first few days. Then, the third important thing you may need for awakening the intuition is strong trust (28:34)


Nithyananda on Intuition (Part 2 of 2): Ultimate Trust in Yourself

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Now I wanted to introduce this sutra to expand this idea of trust. Shiva gives very beautiful technique on awakening the sutra, awakening the intuition. The sutra number 137. And this is the last technique. In his 112 techniques, this is the last technique; ekamika swabhavatvat jnanam neyam vipavyathe. ‘Knowledge reveals all and the self of all is the Knower. Contemplate on the knowledge and the Knower as being the same.’

Paul Reps who translated, who created the book Zen Flesh and Zen Bones and who translated this sutras, he translates this verse as “The Consciousness is the spirit and guidance of each one. Be this One.”

Very beautiful sutra. Knowledge reveals all and the Self of all is the Knower. Contemplate on the knowledge and the Knower as being the same. This is the last sutra.

The Zen tradition, the master; all masters have a habit of giving the ultimate teaching just before their death. So before the masters leave their body. Usually Zen masters declare the time of their leaving the body. And all the disciples will gather around him just to get that last teaching. Because most updated teaching which can be expressed in that body; every moment that body gets updated. Please understand. Enlightenment is not final. It is ultimate happening continuously. So, the enlightened beings also, the experience maybe same but the expression constantly gets refined. So, the most refined expression which can come out of an enlightened being, is the last word before they leave the body. All the disciples. Even other masters will gather when an enlightened master leaves the body. Because last word is the most powerful word. And these Zen masters, they will make all crazy statements as the last word.


One master, was just keeping quiet at the last moment. They are asking, “Please make the last word. Please make the last word, last teaching.” He says, ‘Not now, after death I will make.” They are asking, “What do you mean after death you will make? How will you make?” He just kept quiet; did not answer. Anyhow he left the body. When they put the body into the fire, he has tied all over his body firecrackers. It started bursting. Because the firecrackers started bursting, the whole group of disciples started laughing, started laughing. Even in the last moment, his death and his body is being burnt, he is able to make others laugh.

Means a beautiful statement he is giving. It is simple, beautiful, joyful celebration. He is giving statement just through his action. After death 😊 The last statements of the masters is the most refined expression of their enlightenment.


Buddha’s last statement - Appa deepo bhava! Let you be light unto yourself.

I can say this statement is almost like Shiva’s final statement. Of course, Shiva never left the body as we all understand. But this statement is so powerful; I can say this is the last statement from Shiva.

Jnana prakashakam sarvam, sarvenathma prakashataha ekamika swabhavatvath jnanam neyam vibhavyathe

Knowledge reveals all and the self of all is the Knower. Contemplate on the knowledge and the Knower as being the same.


Just deeply trust, whatever comes as intuition is reality. See when an intuition happens, you try to criss-cross it with your logic. How is it going to happen? It may become reality, may not become reality. If it becomes reality, how am I going to react? If it does not become reality, how am I going to behave? Should it become reality or should it not become reality. Your wish or fear about intuition. So many things start happening, the intuition has lost its purity.

Its like somebody is trying to be in silence under the banyan tree to experience the silence of the tree. And so many people trying to keep the silence by shouting, ‘Silent, Silent, Silent!’ And just the people, volunteers shouting, “Silent, silent, silent” kills the silence of that place. When the intuition happens, so many people trying to assess that intuition, kills the intuition. Be very clear. When the intuition happens, that it is reality.


Next 10 days, just try. It will be really a powerful, powerful practice and worthy. Any intuition happens, any statement comes from inside, don’t even judge whether it is a intuition or your mind talking. You will not know the difference in the beginning. In the beginning, your mind talking will be intuition. Your mind only will be talking. Whenever a mind talks to you… anything that comes from inside, decide it is intuition. I am going to live it. Then naturally you will see, all over the body, heaviness on your bio-memory; No no no! This is a suffering, this is a fear, this is not intuition. That will be the first thing.

When that suffering comes up. Sit with yourself and ask for more suffering. Please understand. See, when a intuition happens, one side you will have that fear – “So many times like this intuitions came but it never got fulfilled. Is there no scale that I can really find out my intuition is right or wrong? Is there is nobody in the cosmos to protect me?” See all the other faiths should be taken away. Your faith on all other things should be taken away. Only then you will be intensely bought to the present moment. Any faith, you have anything other than you is dangerous. Any faith you have on anything other than you is dangerous. Please understand.


21st, coming 21st we are bringing a Devi deity from a particular temple in a village from Karnataka. The specialty, uniqueness of that Devi is, that priests, if they just hold that Devi, and they will start playing some music and doing pooja, that Devi deity will automatically start moving and start writing different letters on the rice which is in front of the Devi.

Any question you ask, that Devi will answer. 21st we are bringing that Devi to the ashram. Please understand… you may think, “No, no, that priests are very efficient, they hold nicely and write.” Those priests are villagers who does not know anything other than Kannada.” But the Devi writes without any spelling mistake Chinese scripts. If you ask question in Chinese, the Devi writes in Chinese language.

I was shocked; when I saw that happening first time I was shocked. Not just Indian languages, all international languages She writes without any mistake. So I said… I have had the darshan of that Devi many times. So we planned let us have that worship of the Devi in the ashram. Let’s bring. We fixed a date. Ayya said, “Swamiji that day you will be too busy. If you want to spend sometime with that Devi and ask any questions. You may not be able to do. Let us have it in some other day.”

I said, “No, I am not bringing that Devi to ask any questions. I am bringing just because I love her. That’s all. We are going to have pooja but no question, answer session. I am not calling her here to predict something. “When will all the cases be over? When will all these problems be solved?” 😊 No! I am getting that Devi because I love her. That’s all. With all My respect and love we bring that Devi to have the pooja. Over! Not for any prediction.


Please understand. That time, I was making an important statement to ayya, I want all of you to know that statement. Anything other than your ego if you love, you will grow in spiritual path. Anything other than yourself if you trust, you will be losing the spiritual part and spiritual path. Do not trust anything outside you, anything which is outside you more than you.

Please understand; whether it is astrology, or nadi or intuitive readers, psychic reading, or these oracles, ANYTHING! Do not trust more than your own intuition. If you start trusting anything other than your own intuition, you will never able to become enlightened. Because the whole attention and love, awareness, respect will be sitting on that.


See if we are bringing that Devi out of our love. Great! You will see. Now I will not be asking any question. You will see the fun. When she comes, when we worship her, when we finish everything, she will write automatically, what she wants to tell she will tell. We will not be asking any question. She will be just giving her blessings. She will tell very clearly; it is settled, settled, settled, settled. Relax. We will not be asking anything. You are going to see. Because the whole relationship is love. Not anything else.

But if you think, that Devi can give you better intuition answer than your Self, your attention, your trust has become perverted. Please understand. In the initial level, if you think that Devi can give much better answer than you when your bio-memory is filled with fear and greed, that is okay, acceptable. But the moment you become a seeker, the moment you want to grow spiritual path, the moment you want to awaken your own intuition, the attention should be shifted. You are expected to work, removing that fear and greed and awaken your own intuition. If you constantly depend on outside intuition. You will not awaken your inside intuition. That is why I say, stop belief or faith on anything outside; whether is it astrology or tarot card reading, or psychics or anything. Stop! Bring yourself back. Be centred. Have the guts and courage to live your intuition.


Please understand. This is one of the important process. Putting the responsibility on others, abusing others when a crisis happens is violence. Putting the responsibility on yourself and abusing yourself is guilt. Both are wrong. Taking up the responsibility - neither abusing others, nor abusing yourself is FREEDOM! Then your whole energy is centred on you, on you alone. That is the moment when the intuition is awakened; not only awakened, it just automatically rolls into future.

If you are pregnant with present, you will be delivering the future. A person who is purely pregnant with present will be delivering the pure future. In your pregnancy if you carry the dead past also, your child will have physical, mental defects. Which is your future. In your pregnancy, if you carry the pure present, you will deliver beautiful future. If you are carrying the dirt past also, then your child, the future will have the trace, suffering of the past.


So neither put the responsibility on others and blame. Nor put the blame on yourself and blame yourself. Just take the responsibility and BE! And Be! You will see intuition is awakened. I tell you intuition will become basic necessity if you don’t put your responsibility and faith on somebody else and just live on YOU! And you alone. I saw many of My so-called disciples, have started using Me to dump their responsibilities on Me. By dumping their responsibilities on Me, they stopped growing. I have become almost like dustbin for them. Then I need to teach them a lesson! Suddenly, now this whole scandal, shook them. Shook them. I tell you, people who understood this whole happening, and neither blamed Me and put the responsibility on Me nor put the responsibility on them, blamed themselves, just took the responsibility and did not blame anybody - they got the benefit out of this whole crisis.

I can say in this whole crisis, different people reacted in different way. Somebody put the responsibility on Me and blame on Me, abused Me. They LOST! Some people, put the responsibility on themself and blamed themself, they also lost. Intelligent people, took the responsibility and neither blamed Me nor blamed themself, they won the game. They learnt what need to be learnt from this crisis. They got what need to be achieved through this whole thing. They learnt the right lesson.


Understand, whenever you bring the responsibility on you, whole faith on you, intuition is awakened. Because, when you know nobody else is there to save you, saving you is a basic necessity for you. Intuition is the basic necessity. Now you have to make decision and there is nobody to guide you. Sometime, masters very clearly show that they are ordinary human beings, just to tell you – you have to save yourself.

Buddha’s statement ‘Atma deepo bhava.’ Let you be light unto yourself. I have to tell in body language. Saying, “Eh, I am not able to save Myself, how can I save you? Come on save yourself.” That is the ultimate compassion. The person who makes you constantly believe that he can save you, will keep you in bondage. “I’ll take care” can be the initial inspiration, not the last teaching. I’ll take care can be the word given in Kalpataru not in Inner Awakening. I saw lot of the people were stuck with Kalpataru. The Inner Awakening is not happening in them. So it is time to tell them, “Come on for Inner Awakening.” Neither they have time, nor they are ready. Now I‘ll have to give the Inner Awakening wherever they are. So this whole crisis awakened many people 😊


I just made a clear statement. I am an ordinary being who had some spiritual experience and trying to transmit that spiritual experience. Do not project anything else on Me. I retire from all the frames you are putting it on Me. The heaviness and the load of the frames has become too much on Me. I liberate them and they bind Me. 😊 I go on telling them, 'I am not judging you, liberate yourself. And they go on judging Me and binding Me.’ Suddenly they need to be awakened. Yes, the Guru bhakthi need to become Atma bhakthi.

People who put the blame on Me and put the responsibility on Me missed the game. People who took the responsibility on themself and blamed themself also missed the game. [Those who] took the responsibility and did not blame anybody, just looked into the reality with stark naked eyes, without criticizing or judging, they escaped the whole thing, whole problem. They got the real lesson. They only got the truth.


Whenever a crisis happens in your life. Just be totally insecured. Live in total insecurity. Allow the rage of fear happening in your system, rage of insecurity happening in your system. Whole bio-memory being shaken. And ask for more fear, more insecurity. Tell yourself, “I think it is little less, come one, lets have more. Let’s have more intensely, more longer, more deeper. Come on.’

Please understand. The unattended greed cannot survive and when you ask for more, fear cannot survive. When you just don’t attend, greed cannot survive, when you just ask for more, fear cannot survive.

With greed the only method of destroying it is unattending. Don’t attend. Neither suppress nor express. Just don’t attend. With fear, the only way to destroy is ask for more. Ask for more, it’ll not be there. Sit, what to do. “Yes, what can be done. Let me have more fear, let me have more rage. Let me have more suffering. Come on let it come more, more. Let me have more.”

You’ll suddenly see, you take the responsibility but you don’t blame others or you. The whole attention is centred. The moments of suffering in your life are the most intense moments of your life. You can use it to either awaken the intuition or to awaken your intellect, which is violence.


Please understand. Your brain is hard wired for God but it is soft ware for dog. It is hard wired for God. It is hard wired for intuition but it is a softwared, being used as a dog. You can see in your life. Whenever a crisis comes whoever is responsible at least for moment you visualize that he should be killed. You imagine he should be killed then you think of IPC code number, “No, no if I kill I will have this punishment, that problem, that problem.” Then you will think of all these things, the fear of police, that, this and you stop planning. Criminal conspiracy and murder. All these problem comes and you stop planning but for a moment the brain thinks of killing.

Software to work like a dog. That intensity of life can be used to awaken intuition instead of using intellect to take revenge. Another one important thing you need to know about intuition is when it hits your bio-memory, if your bio-memory is carrying the fear or greed engrams naturally the intuition will be twisted and tortured by the fear and greed.


So first thing you need to do, work with the intuition, play with the intuition without letting the fear and greed to play with it, to dent it, to create its effect on it for 10-15 days. That game will make you feel connected to the intuition. When the real intuition comes, there will not be any heaviness on your bio-memory or on the mind. If there is heaviness it is not pure intuition. So, I’ll give you the essence of awakening the intuition. Having the right understanding. Second thing: Freedom from the fear of failure - ready to be insecured - going behind your intuition. Third: the deep trust.

That is where this sutra comes – Trust the knower and knowing is one. Means, you and the world is one. You and whatever you know is one. When you feel you and whatever you know is one, you will not have fear about whatever you know. So naturally you will not have the fear about unknown. Healing the fear of whatever you know is healing the fear of unknown.


Please understand. If you carry deep insecurity, you are carrying the ideas of too many of your failures inside you. If you are constantly carrying your ideas about too many of your failures you will have deep insecurity. Too many ideas about failure means you always think - knower and known are different. Try. Try to trust strongly. You see, its like trust creates the experience and experience creates the trust. But somebody has to start the ball. Surely God is not going to start the ball. Because many time when He started you told Him – shut up! You told him keep quiet. So, He is afraid of starting the ball. Many time you put a red signal to Him. So, He feels He should not intrude in your privacy. So you roll the ball first - putting the green signal. “I trust! For next ten days whatever comes as intuition in me, even if it is intellect, I am going to move with it.” First few days... then suddenly He knows, when to intervene and awaken the intuition… hold you in his hands.


Important and extraordinary truth about intuition is, when it is awakened you don’t need to be bothered about whether it will become reality or not. It will just roll itself. If you feel there is a bad intuition, bad idea about your future; be very clear it is not intuition.

The real intuition when it happens, your bio-memory is in tune with that intuition. It flows very smoothly, very smoothly… and just you roll with it. You flow with it. There is no fear. There is no greed ‘it should happen very soon’. There is no fear ‘it should not happen’. So just cherish these three ideas; Right idea about intuition. Be free from the fear of failure. Trust whatever you know and the knower is one and the same. Whatever you know is not your enemy.


You know four things in the world. One; the world - jagath. Then Jeeva - self, the ideas about Self. Next, God - the ideas about the God and humanity - ideas about humanity. These are the four major things we know and the fears are created out of this four major things only. Be very clear; all these four are your very Self. The knowledge and the knower are one and the same. Heal all the fears between these four and you. Reconcile all the fears between this four and you. It can be done just with simple analyzing, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing. That’s what we call Vichara. Analyze how this known is knowledge, and the knower.

I tell you, any ignorance, any ignorance can become knowledge if you analyze seven times with logical reason. For example, I make a statement. You are Atman - Self. If you go on answering seven doubts which comes about this statement, the eighth statement you will not have any doubt. If you have the eighth doubt, your logic is Rakshasa – demonic; dangerous, can’t be handled. Any ordinary man, eight straight statements are enough. Sorry, seven straight statements are enough to remove the ignorance. (35:42)

Work with your ignorance. Analyze, reason seven times. You will see that you are able to understand the knower, knowledge and the known is one and the same. When you feel it is one and the same, the pain and fear, which is there between these three, will disappear. Deep healing will happen. That healing will naturally awaken the intuition. Intuition is the base of everything in Vedic tradition; whether it is politics or the science of making wealth or the science of sex, or the science of knowledge or science of doing wars, anything from the Vedic tradition, intuition is base.

If you see the Kautilya’s Arthashastra - completely based on intuition. If you see Vatsyayana’s Kama Shastra - completely based on intuition. If you see the Dharma shastras - completely based on intuition. If you see Darshanas - completely based on intuition.


I first want all of you to work on intuition for this few days. Then I’ll speak on Arthashastra and Yogashastra and Dharmashastra - how the intuition is base for all these shastras. Shiva sutras is the pure science. This Arthashastra, Dharmashastra, all of them are applied science.

So before we enter into the applied science, you need to understand and play with the idea of intuition. So let all of you play with the idea of intuition so that you are ready to use the applied science.

Let you all use these techniques, and experience intuition. Let you all experience and radiate intuition. Let you all experience, live and radiate enlightenment. Let you all, achieve, live, radiate the eternal bliss - Nithyananda! Thank you.



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