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'''Pure Devotion is Living Enlightenment: Nithyananda Morning Message 18 Aug 2010'''
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle of [[Seva]] during a live public talk - [[Nithyananda Satsang]]. In this talk entitled [[Pure Devotion is Living Enlightenment]], The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared about the deeper level truths of Seva]. He explained that the consciousness out of which the action happens decides the purity of Seva and explained the various levels of trust and faith. He shared that any action done out of blind faith only does harm to society and to that person , and action done from a practical faith or greed, neither does good or bad but is more like a business. He further revealed that it is action which is done out of extraordinary devotion [[raga bhakti]] brings good to society and to oneself.
Enlightenment 101 by Nithyananda
== Video and Audio ==
'''Pure Devotion is Living Enlightenment: Nithyananda Morning Message 18 Aug 2010'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MmjtyLVLrg  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/pure-devotion-is-living-enlightenment-nithyananda-morning-message-18-aug-2010?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist "/>
Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
In this enlightening discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives 101 definitions of Enlightenment.
Today we will understand the truth, the deeper level truths about seva. The consciousness out of which the action happens decides the purity of seva. There are three levels of trust or faith happens in human being. First having faith because no other go. Like you try so many medicine systems like siddha, Ayurveda, homeopathy but the disease is not cured. Then you take up allopathy and you have to believe only allopathy because no other way. You believe that doctor, you believe that method, you go through the whole method, you go through the chemotherapy, or radiation, whatever; because no other method, no other go, no other way.
I am giving you the example of one person having cancer. He tried all other methods, no other go, he has to believe allopathy. He goes through the allopathy system because of his faith but not higher level faith, very low level; no other, faith happens because of no other way. Nothing else can be done. That’s the first level, one kind of a faith.  
==Link to Video: ==
Then the next level, the faith happens because it works. For example, many people come to our healing, come to Me for healing with the first level, no other go. But they move to the second level because it starts working. The faith which gets developed into your system because it works. They come to try but when the healing starts working, heals them and they see their body and mind is becoming better, then the second level trust happens; because it works. The trust or faith which happens because it works is the second level - you can say practical trust. The first one was blind trust, no other go, no other option - blind trust, unconscious trust. The second one is practical trust because it works, trust, faith.
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The third one, just because it is there trust happens to you. What Gopikas had towards Krishna. Just because it is there, simply your heart flows. You admire, you just fall for it. You just flow with it. You just melt with it. Here this is called raga Bhakti3:56; melting just because it is there; nothing else. Here it is neither blind faith nor the practical faith; just pure flow of bhakti, love. Just because it is there, you are just flowing with it. What for Gopikas had that deep bhakti, devotion, trust on Krishna, nobody knows! No reason! Just because Krishna is there Gopika’s have to fall, no other way. By the very intense presence, by the very intense existence, Krishna commands devotion. No other way. No other go, no other reason. Because he is there, you have to fall. No way. Because Himalayas is there you have to look up. No other way. You cannot look the Himalayas down. You cannot put your head down and try to see Himalayas. No. If you want to see Himalayas you have to raise your head up. And your head has to be up only then you can see the Himalayas.
Same way because he is there, your consciousness has to look up to see his glory, to see his grandeur. And you have to fall for it, no other way. By very nature you are inbuilt to fall for something extraordinary. Krishna is an extraordinary phenomena happened in the body. So all Gopikas have to just relax. Have to just surrender, no other way. This, this is the highest form of devotion. Blind faith, practical faith and extraordinary devotion. When seva happens out of blind faith it is fear. Any work done out of blind faith - fear. Any work done out of practical devotion - greed. Any work done out of extraordinary raga bhakti is seva.
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Understand I had too many idiots gathering around Me and trying to serve me out of blind faith. I just wanted to shake. I did not even shake. One greatness about the unconsciousness is it kills itself. It is so unconscious it commits suicide. Now I saw all the unconscious fellows, how much ever they tried to harm Me, they only hurt themselves! Nothing else has happened. The final result is they hurt or they continue to hurt themself or they are hurting themself that’s all! Nothing else.
Blind faith is such, any action happens out of it does harm to the person himself. Second, practical faith; any action done out of greed. Of course when it is done as long as it goes OK, but when it is broken it does not harm the person and the society. But the action done out of extraordinary devotion raga bhakti, para bhakti even if it is a small action is seva. That is seva. I tell you when a person does seva it does good to him and to the world.
18 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News
Any action done out of blind faith does bad to the society and to him.
Any action done out of practical faith - greed, neither does good nor does bad, just neutral and it is disconnected, disconnected, over; does not do bad to society or to him. It’s more like a business.
Action done out of extraordinary devotion, you just fell because he is there, nothing can be done. Helpless, neither you can help, nor he can help. Because he is there, you have to fall, as a rule, as a very nature. Action done out of that high raga bhakti, highest form of devotion does good to society and to you. Understand.
I have seen many people moving from blind faith to practical faith then to raga bhakti. I saw too many people who are not able to or don’t want to move from blind faith to practical faith and practical faith to raga bhakti. So what to do? Too much of crowd stuck in blind faith will create a wrong tradition. I wanted to retain the purity of the Nithyananda Sampradaya; whether it is in the form or level of devotees or in the level of organizers or in the level of acharyas or in the level of ashramites or in the level of brahmacharies or in the level of sanyasis. I wanted to retain the purity of Nithyananda Sampradaya. I wanted only the people of raga bhakti to create a base for Nithyananda Sampradaya. Any sampradaya stands and serves the society not because of the number of people they have but because of the number of people they have in raga bhakti - the highest devotion.
Nithyananda World Family News - August 18, 2010
==Link to Video: ==
All organization built on blind faith people, are political organization. The fellow who is sitting on the throne is constantly under threat because every fellow is pushing him. He is not surrounded by crowd, he is surrounded by people who are trying to catch his seat. He thinks he is surrounded by crowd, he doesn’t know why they are around him. They are just trying to kick him out to catch the seat. He is not surrounded by crowd, his seat is surrounded by crowd.
People who work out of the practical faith, they create social organizations; social service organizations. Again, he is also surrounded by the same kind of people who are waiting for his name and fame. They may not be just that cut throat level people but if he gets up they will catch it. Or they will create a situation where he may want to get up; very subtle way. He is also under threat. Social service organizations, the leaders of the social service organizations are always under threat. Because the people around him are greed based, practical faith. So any action they do will be naturally greed based. Any moment they will create situation where this guy can get out of the seat and they can occupy the seat.
I saw too many blind faith people and practical faith people have started gathering around Me. Only people who work out of pure devotion, raga bhakti they themself do not know why they fell for him, why they have so much devotion for him, why they are not able to forget him - just they do not know. All they know is they are His, He is Ours, that’s all. Gopis have no logic. Why they have such deep love for Krishna. If you ask rishis they will give you the logic. If you ask Vyasa he will give you logic. But if you ask Gopikas they do not have reason. They do not have logic. Just all they know is they are His, He is ours, raga bhakti. Action done out of raga bhakti only will be service, seva.
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Only people who act out of raga bhakti can create a base for spiritual tradition. I saw what is happening around Me and it is time to purify the sampradaya - create raga bhakti base for sampradaya, create the base of raga maya - the pure bhakti base. The moment that intention, or satya sankalpa happened, I saw the whole thing just happened. Now we have people, we have beings who are established in raga bhakti, who are in pure devotion who can really do seva. Neither Me nor the sangha or the world is curtained by their consciousness or their action. Only good will happen to the world and to them, any action done by them.
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So I tell you, if you are in any level - blind faith or practical faith - move the next level raga bhakti. Only then you can do seva which will do good to you and to the world. The consciousness out of which action is done has to be purified first. Then you’ll see seva becomes science of enlightenment. And I tell you, even if you do one action, just one action out of pure devotion, raga bhakti that will create such a joy and energy in you, it will penetrate your whole body. All your actions will have the smell of raga bhakti. That is what I call living enlightenment. Acting out of raga bhakti and imbibing that raga bhakti in your bio-memory is living enlightenment. That is ultimate service.
==Link to Audio==
So I bless you all. Let you all move to raga bhakti, ragamaya and live and radiate enlightenment. Let you all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss, nithyananda.
Thank You
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=== Nithyananda World Family News ===
<soundcloud url="      https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/18-aug-2010-nithyananda-world-family-news?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist    " />
'''Enlightenment 101 by Nithyananda'''
In this enlightening discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives 101 definitions of Enlightenment.
==Video: ==
'''Enlightenment 101 by Nithyananda'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRlTn4mgdoM |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2010-08aug-18_enlightenment-101-by-nithyananda"/>
'''Inner Awakening: Enlightenment Intensive Program with Nithyananda December 2010'''
Inner Awakening is a 21-day program aimed at giving all the components and dimensions of 'living enlightenment' -- living the ultimate life, realizing one's full potential in the inner and outer worlds.
This enlightenment intensive program is conducted directly by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, an enlightened Master of our millennium.
This time Paramahamsa Nithyananda shared the extraordinary revelations and techniques happened while He spent 53 days in prison
== Video and Audio ==
'''Inner Awakening: Enlightenment Intensive Program with Nithyananda December 2010'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1Utlc8HMpg  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/inner-awakening-enlightenment-intensive-program-with-nithyananda-december-2010?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist"/>
Pure Devotion is Living Enlightenment: Nithyananda Morning Message 18 Aug 2010
In this message, Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks about three kinds of faith and how having the right kind of faith leads to Enlightenment.
'''18 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News'''
==Link to Video: ==  
Nithyananda World Family News - August 18, 2010
== Video and Audio ==
'''18 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News'''
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9uqGhoYZ90  |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/18-aug-2010-nithyananda-world-family-news?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist"/>
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<!-- SCANNER_START_VIDEO POC(or anything) or Satsang -->
Inner Awakening: Enlightenment Intensive Program with Nithyananda December 2010
Inner Awakening is a 21-day program aimed at giving all the components and dimensions of 'living enlightenment' -- living the ultimate life, realizing one's full potential in the inner and outer worlds.
==Photos Of The Day:==
This enlightenment intensive program is conducted directly by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, an enlightened Master of our millennium.
This time Paramahamsa Nithyananda shared the extraordinary revelations and techniques happened while He spent 53 days in prison
==Link to Video: ==  
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==Photos Of The Day:==
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2010-Aug-18-AFP-12376/1-Panch-Tapas" width="1080" height="760"/>
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<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2010-Aug-18-AFP-12376/4-Sarva-Darshan" width="1080" height="760"/>
<iframe key="zen" path="https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/2010-Aug-18-AFP-12376/3-Morning-Satsang" width="1080" height="760"/>
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Latest revision as of 22:19, 24 June 2021


Pure Devotion is Living Enlightenment: Nithyananda Morning Message 18 Aug 2010


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle of Seva during a live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Pure Devotion is Living Enlightenment, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared about the deeper level truths of Seva]. He explained that the consciousness out of which the action happens decides the purity of Seva and explained the various levels of trust and faith. He shared that any action done out of blind faith only does harm to society and to that person , and action done from a practical faith or greed, neither does good or bad but is more like a business. He further revealed that it is action which is done out of extraordinary devotion raga bhakti brings good to society and to oneself.

Video and Audio

Pure Devotion is Living Enlightenment: Nithyananda Morning Message 18 Aug 2010

Video Audio


Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarāchārya madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


Today we will understand the truth, the deeper level truths about seva. The consciousness out of which the action happens decides the purity of seva. There are three levels of trust or faith happens in human being. First having faith because no other go. Like you try so many medicine systems like siddha, Ayurveda, homeopathy but the disease is not cured. Then you take up allopathy and you have to believe only allopathy because no other way. You believe that doctor, you believe that method, you go through the whole method, you go through the chemotherapy, or radiation, whatever; because no other method, no other go, no other way. I am giving you the example of one person having cancer. He tried all other methods, no other go, he has to believe allopathy. He goes through the allopathy system because of his faith but not higher level faith, very low level; no other, faith happens because of no other way. Nothing else can be done. That’s the first level, one kind of a faith.


Then the next level, the faith happens because it works. For example, many people come to our healing, come to Me for healing with the first level, no other go. But they move to the second level because it starts working. The faith which gets developed into your system because it works. They come to try but when the healing starts working, heals them and they see their body and mind is becoming better, then the second level trust happens; because it works. The trust or faith which happens because it works is the second level - you can say practical trust. The first one was blind trust, no other go, no other option - blind trust, unconscious trust. The second one is practical trust because it works, trust, faith.


The third one, just because it is there trust happens to you. What Gopikas had towards Krishna. Just because it is there, simply your heart flows. You admire, you just fall for it. You just flow with it. You just melt with it. Here this is called raga Bhakti3:56; melting just because it is there; nothing else. Here it is neither blind faith nor the practical faith; just pure flow of bhakti, love. Just because it is there, you are just flowing with it. What for Gopikas had that deep bhakti, devotion, trust on Krishna, nobody knows! No reason! Just because Krishna is there Gopika’s have to fall, no other way. By the very intense presence, by the very intense existence, Krishna commands devotion. No other way. No other go, no other reason. Because he is there, you have to fall. No way. Because Himalayas is there you have to look up. No other way. You cannot look the Himalayas down. You cannot put your head down and try to see Himalayas. No. If you want to see Himalayas you have to raise your head up. And your head has to be up only then you can see the Himalayas.


Same way because he is there, your consciousness has to look up to see his glory, to see his grandeur. And you have to fall for it, no other way. By very nature you are inbuilt to fall for something extraordinary. Krishna is an extraordinary phenomena happened in the body. So all Gopikas have to just relax. Have to just surrender, no other way. This, this is the highest form of devotion. Blind faith, practical faith and extraordinary devotion. When seva happens out of blind faith it is fear. Any work done out of blind faith - fear. Any work done out of practical devotion - greed. Any work done out of extraordinary raga bhakti is seva.


Understand I had too many idiots gathering around Me and trying to serve me out of blind faith. I just wanted to shake. I did not even shake. One greatness about the unconsciousness is it kills itself. It is so unconscious it commits suicide. Now I saw all the unconscious fellows, how much ever they tried to harm Me, they only hurt themselves! Nothing else has happened. The final result is they hurt or they continue to hurt themself or they are hurting themself that’s all! Nothing else. Blind faith is such, any action happens out of it does harm to the person himself. Second, practical faith; any action done out of greed. Of course when it is done as long as it goes OK, but when it is broken it does not harm the person and the society. But the action done out of extraordinary devotion raga bhakti, para bhakti even if it is a small action is seva. That is seva. I tell you when a person does seva it does good to him and to the world.


Any action done out of blind faith does bad to the society and to him. Any action done out of practical faith - greed, neither does good nor does bad, just neutral and it is disconnected, disconnected, over; does not do bad to society or to him. It’s more like a business. Action done out of extraordinary devotion, you just fell because he is there, nothing can be done. Helpless, neither you can help, nor he can help. Because he is there, you have to fall, as a rule, as a very nature. Action done out of that high raga bhakti, highest form of devotion does good to society and to you. Understand. I have seen many people moving from blind faith to practical faith then to raga bhakti. I saw too many people who are not able to or don’t want to move from blind faith to practical faith and practical faith to raga bhakti. So what to do? Too much of crowd stuck in blind faith will create a wrong tradition. I wanted to retain the purity of the Nithyananda Sampradaya; whether it is in the form or level of devotees or in the level of organizers or in the level of acharyas or in the level of ashramites or in the level of brahmacharies or in the level of sanyasis. I wanted to retain the purity of Nithyananda Sampradaya. I wanted only the people of raga bhakti to create a base for Nithyananda Sampradaya. Any sampradaya stands and serves the society not because of the number of people they have but because of the number of people they have in raga bhakti - the highest devotion.


All organization built on blind faith people, are political organization. The fellow who is sitting on the throne is constantly under threat because every fellow is pushing him. He is not surrounded by crowd, he is surrounded by people who are trying to catch his seat. He thinks he is surrounded by crowd, he doesn’t know why they are around him. They are just trying to kick him out to catch the seat. He is not surrounded by crowd, his seat is surrounded by crowd. People who work out of the practical faith, they create social organizations; social service organizations. Again, he is also surrounded by the same kind of people who are waiting for his name and fame. They may not be just that cut throat level people but if he gets up they will catch it. Or they will create a situation where he may want to get up; very subtle way. He is also under threat. Social service organizations, the leaders of the social service organizations are always under threat. Because the people around him are greed based, practical faith. So any action they do will be naturally greed based. Any moment they will create situation where this guy can get out of the seat and they can occupy the seat.


I saw too many blind faith people and practical faith people have started gathering around Me. Only people who work out of pure devotion, raga bhakti they themself do not know why they fell for him, why they have so much devotion for him, why they are not able to forget him - just they do not know. All they know is they are His, He is Ours, that’s all. Gopis have no logic. Why they have such deep love for Krishna. If you ask rishis they will give you the logic. If you ask Vyasa he will give you logic. But if you ask Gopikas they do not have reason. They do not have logic. Just all they know is they are His, He is ours, raga bhakti. Action done out of raga bhakti only will be service, seva.


Only people who act out of raga bhakti can create a base for spiritual tradition. I saw what is happening around Me and it is time to purify the sampradaya - create raga bhakti base for sampradaya, create the base of raga maya - the pure bhakti base. The moment that intention, or satya sankalpa happened, I saw the whole thing just happened. Now we have people, we have beings who are established in raga bhakti, who are in pure devotion who can really do seva. Neither Me nor the sangha or the world is curtained by their consciousness or their action. Only good will happen to the world and to them, any action done by them.


So I tell you, if you are in any level - blind faith or practical faith - move the next level raga bhakti. Only then you can do seva which will do good to you and to the world. The consciousness out of which action is done has to be purified first. Then you’ll see seva becomes science of enlightenment. And I tell you, even if you do one action, just one action out of pure devotion, raga bhakti that will create such a joy and energy in you, it will penetrate your whole body. All your actions will have the smell of raga bhakti. That is what I call living enlightenment. Acting out of raga bhakti and imbibing that raga bhakti in your bio-memory is living enlightenment. That is ultimate service.


So I bless you all. Let you all move to raga bhakti, ragamaya and live and radiate enlightenment. Let you all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss, nithyananda. Thank You (16:40)


Enlightenment 101 by Nithyananda


In this enlightening discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives 101 definitions of Enlightenment.


Enlightenment 101 by Nithyananda

Video Audio


Inner Awakening: Enlightenment Intensive Program with Nithyananda December 2010


Inner Awakening is a 21-day program aimed at giving all the components and dimensions of 'living enlightenment' -- living the ultimate life, realizing one's full potential in the inner and outer worlds.

This enlightenment intensive program is conducted directly by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, an enlightened Master of our millennium.

This time Paramahamsa Nithyananda shared the extraordinary revelations and techniques happened while He spent 53 days in prison

Video and Audio

Inner Awakening: Enlightenment Intensive Program with Nithyananda December 2010

Video Audio


18 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News


Nithyananda World Family News - August 18, 2010

Video and Audio

18 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News

Video Audio

Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day: